That bastion of journalism, Hustler Magazine, once listed Harlan (the town) as one the three meanest towns in America. So please you out landing, loathing spectator, Keep your thoughts on the area you live in now, and the goings on there, we dont need or want you perspective of the people that actually live, work and die here. Also as a child there was a Ski Lodge and slopes on Black Mountain. Death Notice. Parents moved to Dayton, OH in 63. The economy continues to contract and isnt likely to get much better. I need a shirt like that. preston and i have lived here in lexington since 1999. bu i consider loyall and that little house my adopted home. Users who like (A Previously Patreon Episode): Harlan County USA; Users who reposted (A Previously Patreon Episode): Harlan County USA I graduated in 80. When he grew up, he moved west to Colorado and became a hard rock miner for the next 40 years. This section contains the heritage, vision, and the people behind West Family Funeral Services's reputation of quality, sincerity, and trust. I knew some fine people from Smith. Are we still allowed to be in Appalachia? This is the first time I stumbled across you blog. . Enjoyed the article. Harlan is not what it used to be and I would never want to live there again, but your blog awakened the beautiful memory of what it was. When we heard a car coming we knew we were having company.we usually hid to see who it was. I know that area well. I guess teenagers everywhere just hang out. I have always been proud of being from Cawood in Harlan County. Basil was a neighbor of ours when I was a kid, so I know he was real. I try to go back a couple times a year, for nostalgia as much as bagging those elusive, scarce birds. Ben Joe Harris disarmed the guy so that it would be a fair fight. I didnt like a lot of your article, some of it is accurate. Most of my old mean crowd are dead. My kids do that, too. A full obituary will follow in The Daily Star. I enjoyed your blog ..I too left Harlan to find work ..I recently got turned down for a job doing private duty nurses aide for a new client because I was from Harlan ..The job interview started out very well until she ask where I was from I had an accent 24 years later I still have that accent I think she was worried I was packing a funny my Harlan county roots ..from Wallins.. ..Oh yeah agree with everyone loved that Gov, cheese. Ruby did you know a family named Clark? It would occasionally be condemned but re-open at some point. I will say Harlan is a great place to be from, I would not want to raise my kids there because of all the struggles I went through, and all the people I knew while growing up there. My best friend (not from Harlan) went to Saudi Arabia as a traveling nurse. Required fields are marked *. Jeff Otis C. Elster Ray Ulysses Sam Benton Tilmon Floyd H. Arthur F. Charles J. My Dad taught English there for a long time (Mr. Creech). Brings back so many memories. Only if were talking to another Harlan Countian would we narrow the description to the town. LOL! I have been told that he worked harder than 3 men. John, enjoyed your comments. I have to admit that I enjoy the irony of a sentence like Your ignorant., Its like the guy who commented that Im a fuckin mooron.. If you read it carefully, youll note that I said I havent lived there in 30+ years. I can relate to alot of it. Whitley County has an interstate so are they still Eastern Kentucky? We have live all over Eastern Ky, moved south to the Carolinas, then back to eastern Ky for a couple years. I was in the 7th grade at Evarts when we moved. It tends to work to my advantage. Miss the trains. Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research. U take car cuz. Your Great Grandfather John D. and my Grandfather Brack H. were brothers and my Grandmother Geanie and your Great Grandmother Jeanette were sisters. This was the day that I learned that when we turned the corner at Pineville, my wife changed languages and I needed an translator.. They didnt know what to do with me! My brother and I thought we had died and gone to Heaven. The vast majority of Harlan Countians are proud to be from Harlan. My mom is from Cote (Evarts) I cant wait to read this to her! In response to your statement about pretenders, I personally feel Im still a Harlan resident at heart even though I dont live there and dont visit very often. In talking about monthly checks, I can remember visiting my family in Louellen, a coal mining camp in those days, and going down to the the company store and watching people get their cheese in blocks and their commodity meat which was actually spam. We have accents which are obscured by our penchant for mumbling. It even had an old balcony whererumor had itblack folks used to be seated. My children are fascinated and perhaps slightly horrified that I grew up in Harlan. Contents 1 County Information 1.1 Description 1.2 County Courthouse 1.3 Harlan County, Kentucky Record Dates 1.4 Record Loss 1.5 Boundary Changes 1.6 Populated Places 1.7 History Timeline Janice and I were both switchboard operators and admissions clerk. There arent running gun battles anymore like the famed Battle of Evarts many decades ago. Harlan County U.S.A. (1976) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Barbara Kopple Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification Produced by Barbara Kopple . Look at my blog post Adventures in Hitchhiking, and youll see a story about JImmy picking me up hitchhiking one night. Im sorry that I didnt do more to keep in closer touch with them both as we grew older. Add to home screen. I was told if I was ever alone at night that they would kill me, so I promised the head gun thug, Basil Collins, he wouldn't catch me alone at night. . No worries. I went to Cumberland College, Austin Peay Univ for my first masters, Trevecca University for my doctorate, second masters, and administrative certification. I had friends in Pathfork. Although we certainly werent poor, Government Cheese is excellent, and my Dad would get us a block whenever he could. Charles Leonard Birmingham, AL. It is true that you can take the boy out of the mountains but never the mountain out of the boy. He's lived in Harlan County ever since. If I knew them personally I would surly let them know about it too. We knew Jimmy Meeks very well. We like being the badasses of Eastern Kentucky. I was born and raised in Harlan County and we moved to Alabama in 1952 when I was 12 years old. Interment was at the Orleans Cemetery.. Bryan Bantam, 93 years of age, or Alma, NE (formerly of Orleans), passed away Sunday, September 12, 2004, at the . Different, but nice. If he called on you and you missed the questionBOOM! She talks about growing up in the Brookside mining camp. Both my Grandfathers worked in the mines their younger years and I still have a 1st cousin working the mines. Im an outlander, living in Pulaski County. Growing up, I didnt feel particularly tough. Not many folks have a clue of my history, and thats fine. In fairness, many went to both joints. I pass by there to go to my mothers home, it is amazing to see in Harlan Co. . With our many years of experience in caring for . Funeral Home Phone Number Website; Barnes Funeral Chapel: 419-822-5995: Grisier Funeral Home And Cremation Center: 419-822-31 None of my schools still exist. They might even live in Harlan, but it doesnt suit them. Allegedly once Collins was released at wars end he cut off the head of his prison guard with the guards own sword. I miss Government Cheese. ! Whatd I say? At Kopple, among others. Ruth Ann was my older brothers age. I was born in Pineville, Ky but grew up in Pathfork. I dont remember Chappells slogan, but I do remember: Thats what I saidBunny Bread! I also remember the 1st grade field trip to Chappells, Bunny Bread and Harlan Ice. Thanks for the kind words. When I was young, the Government Cheese truck looked like a scene from an African relief mission. I knew that truly dangerous people dont threaten much. Were the last group thatcan openly derided. If youre spending the night in Harlan, you probably have family there anyway. I love your wifes Loll great story! cheese. They find it hard to believe we had no fast food restaurants. And of course, I mean that in a funny, I`m laughing kind of way. We still miss it! 7. I appreciate all commentspositive and negative. Barbara Kopple as Producer. | Coal Troll's Blog. Oh yeah, one last thingI am a coal miners daughter..and damned proud of it. My husband has worked in low coal where one had to crawl to get to your section. January 7, 2009 Harlan R. Collins, 89, of Fulton, died Wednesday at his home following a long illness. Wouldnt trade my youth spent in Harlan County for any other in the world. I have to say, I know of nobody named Lonzo. You are so right, except I dont know anyone named Lonzo. Fantastic post, though. A meeting of the Brookside women's support group. I loved reading your blog and all, or at least most of the comments! I am Wayne Middletons daughter. Id hate to have to kill you. associate director Region. Were originally from Letcher County and had to leave in 1995 due to the coal mines shutdown. Charlotte, Eaton County, MI, United States Immediate Family: Husband of Neta Belle Collins Father of Robert Basil Collins and Private Collins. The folks in Brookside were surely Harlan Countians as was the chief gun "thug," Basil Collins. Hes married married to one of my first cousins for many years. Cawood was named after James A. Cawood, long time Superintendent of the Harlan County Schools. We got spanked when we needed itdidnt hurt us one bit but sure made us better kids growing up and better adults today. Their leader is Basil Collins, a gun-toting villain who would be a cliche out of Evil Redneck central casting if he hadn't been real. Dont be offended by one persons response that could learn and use some respect compared to the many nice responses. My dad was a teacher at JACHS from 1962 to 1968. he passed away in 2013. his wife, jan, passed back in february of this year. Bell county baby.We got the mountains here too. In Barbara Kopple 's 40-year career as one of America's . Were from coal mining stock. Brought back some memories. Getting Started | Contributor Zone Contribute to This Page Edit page Clear your history Trust me on this one. She was 30 (now 76) years old. Its still pretty much the same. I grew up in Sunshine too. I saw a little of all of it. LOL. He was from Leslie, she from Perry. TO JIM CONNOR, jimmy c morgan lives in the big town of sawbriar, near wallins creek. IM RETIRED AND LIVE IN TN NOW BUT I GO BACK TO HARLAN ONCE OR TWICE A MONTH. Hell, it was the best cheese everthe only thing the Federal Government ever perfected! Hey, I actually remember the Cliff Hanger (by reputation only), but it was not for my younger crowd. Rachel Elaine Smith, 46 Mynatt Funeral Home, Halls Chapel. I have many relatives there, but Ive been gone since I graduated from high school in 1979, when my family moved to Corbin. Great description. However, I always tell my two teenagers that some of the smartest people they will ever meet come from the mountains of Kentucky and may have never finished high school! My Mom was a nurse at the hospital there (where I was born in 66). And they were well respected. Nolan, age seventy-one, is a retired miner. I worked as a car hop from Denny rays rite out of high school. He was retired from the Harlan Co. Board of Education with 35 years of service in the maintenance department. Lots of memories from Harlan. Its amazing how many of Moms students I still run into. Theres nothing to do. I was born and raised in Leslie County. Each letter she wrote me held the news. Love the article. Bledsoe, so we limped, if you know what I mean Born in Leslie Co. and graduated James A Cawood in 81. That is perhaps because I hail from off the grid (Smith). I remember an encounter with the business end of a 38 special at the Smith lake boat ramp late one night. We rarely hung out with anyone from Evarts or Cumberlandin those days, they had their own high schools. Just found your blog while attempting to refresh my memory about the name of the theater, the Margie Grand, in Harlan. I left a long time ago and went back to live there once for a few years. I remember your father well, especially his hair! Now, sadly, its a way of life in the mountains. Basil Collins Harlan County Obituary, He also served in the 4th Supply Company, in Stockton, California. I feel like they are missing something that we experienced, but so is life. I first saw the light of day in Oneida, tn because that was the closest hospital & the road l.P. looPwas better loved this. They just hang around and complain. You dont see that every day. He was a clerk there. All thats left is the yard and that light. . The original Mount Aire Motel was on Pine Mountain, and it burned down in the 70s. Harlan County is not on the way to anywhere. I was born in Pike Co. in 1960 and in my 53 yrs. It won the Academy Award for Best Documentary at the 49th Academy Awards . The field is backdropped by some beautiful mountains, right at Tunnel Hill. I believe you will see that I have great affection for Harlan, much more than many of the people who still live there. Bertha was proceeded in death by her mother Eveda Williams and her father George Adams She is survived by her husband Danny D Little, her children Christopher Shawn Little, Rosalie Peral Brown, Chadwick Darrel Little, and Aaron Daniel Little. Have you checked out Welcome To Watts Creek site? I live in Lee Co,Ky. One side was a roller rink. She taught Home Ec, but also taught other classes. It is a tragedy what Black Jewell Coal company has done to honest, hard working coal Sometimes, the film would jam and you could watch it melt. Ring any bells? Obituaries of Harlan Funeral Home. Caroline Andrieu for Variety. I was born in my grandmothers house, in those days hospitals were few and far between. You havent had a grilled cheese sandwich until youve had one made with govment cheese, govment butter and fresh Bunny Bread. Remember all the men that used to hang out around the courthouse, sitting on the little wall? No one from Harlan . Harlan County was fighting for the right to have a union. I suggest you search my blog for my many other posts about life in Harlan County. We lived in Yancey when I was born, moved to Brookside, then moved to Evarts (Woods Mine Area) before moving to Walker County, AL. My grandfather was from Island Creek, and my grandmother was from Harold. 1944 - 2023 ONEONTA - Ronald G. Peters, 78, passed away Feb. 1, 2023, at his home. One person wrote that people visiting here didnt have hotels or anywhere to stay unless they stayed with family. When I started reading this blog I thought well this is alright, but as I continued I came to realize that you dont know what the hell your talking about. A native of Fulton, he was a life resident of the Fulton-Volney area. Rest assured that no one in my family considers me a disgrace or embarrassment, but your concern is noted. I lived in Rio Vista until I was 12. Next, everyone is not here because we cant escape. He told The Sun on Sunday: "His real name was Basil and his nickname was always Val. I bet I heard them talking about you. . The children of Harlan are blessed to have such a nice school. They may be from such places as Shields, Jones Creek, Smith, Cranks, Punkin Center or Happy Top, although I can name you folks from all those places who have done quite well for themselves. I grew up in Eastern Kentuckyborn and raised as we say. My younger brother and I were born and raised in Dayton. He was the hardest worker I have ever known. Its nice to read good thoughts of Harlan County. Harlan County, Kentucky: UMWA on a 13-month strike at Brookside mines and on the pick line at Highsplint mine. Who We Are. Its nice to remember, though. His name was Wiley Holmes. That is certainly true, but I must say that those unfortunates (if thats what they are) are the in minority.. We just live somewhere else. I dont know. But they dont always leave. I owned a genteel little social club called THE CLIFFHANGER up on pine mountain, and had some of the finest folks i ever knew as customers, although mostly they considered the Garys crowd a little on the gentler side. Took the jury about 5 minutes to find against us, lol. One of the great things about Harlan is that changes very little. born & raised Pathfork Ky~, Thanks. The county is big, about 50 miles across, but sparsely populated. Not at all. You hit the nail on the head. She agreed. Thanks for the kind comments. . Now 75, Chester has endured his share of losses. I lived through that strike, my dad was in charge of security for Eastover, so I guess that made him the head gun thug to many. Miner Curtis Cress, 34, says towns. U may or may not remember it and I also did alot of the fencing around the many many acres he and ur moms own. I dont need tattoos, i have scars. i bet you knew my father in law he worked at the loyall store and was the fire chief for a number of years. Loved reading your blog and reminiscingI was raised in Harlan County both parents having been from there. The rest of us (that includes me) hate the image of Harlan Countians as violent, uneducated hooligans. This, so they say, makes them mountain people. While my friends and fellow graduates were leaving here, I was happy to stay in a place I loved. Clarences family was pretty small. I went to college and had personal and professional opportunities that pulled me away. Like inner cities, there are generations locked into a poverty cycle. Who are we? We also had to carry our water from a water-pump in buckets, so the new bathroom was a good conversation subject with its only use was the bathtub that we would heat water to bathe in. It will always be home to me. The government cheese, however, is real. Alfredia Miniard Kenney February 10, 2023 (91 years old) My mother taught at Evarts for many years. There are a couple of places to stay, and theyre okay. I got away. I live in Lexington now as well have since 1990. When I first saw the documentary, I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how my dad would be portrayed, but his name was never mentioned. I guess Ive waited too many years to ask, but it would be nice if someone knew of him or my other Grandfather Bill Randolph. Many who knew of the hair would be shocked to know he wears it pretty much buzzed these days. Irene Whitehead Clark. So so sad to see that head of the Holler non existent now, all overgrown. We are our own world. Entertained by the tendency to call you a mooron and ignorant while not fully grasping the importance of grammar and spelling. Maybe they never left. It will now be in Bell County Circuit Court starting Thursday after a change of venue. My mom always bought margarine but our housekeeper would get the butter and we thought it was strong. Nowadays, I would love to have some! 18 hrs ago; On Tuesday, February 21, 2023, our lovely daughter Emilia died at the age of 28. . Very funny (and true). You talked funny. Im one of those that left for work but I have a brother who still lives there and I occasionally visit. Havent lived there since the late 70s, but Harlan is always home. I think we also went to RC Bottling Plant at Loyall. Moved to Indiana at about 15 or 16 years of age. Loved your blog and thought it to be an accurate description. of life I have lived in Chicago, IL., Ypsilanti, MI., Charleston, W. Va., so I know all to well about the differences of living in Eastern KY & a big city. It was a thriving community in the 60s-70s. Ive often heard that anywhere you go on Earth you can find someone from Harlan county. Enjoyed reading your blog. U and I are related. I loved it AFTER the mob left that came to my door the day I moved in, demanding to know Who are you and what are you doing here? She graduated from Cumberland High School. She was a great homemaker and was full of wit, wisdom and love. They dont say that because of my accent, since I only have one when I go back there. He was a sort of silent partner of mine from 1974. The late Norman Smith was a classmate of mine at JACHS. My much loved step daddy moved us to his hometown after he was discharged from the Army. Whats up with that? Ive been trying to read up on as much as I can on the people in the documentary. I also have those wonderful memories, of making grilled cheese sandwiches in the evening, after supper when we as children, never seem to be really full. Fine set of words here! It was a Best Western when it was first built. Ive really enjoyed reading this article. She was born on August 13, 1960, in Benham, Kentucky. It has always been home for me. 22 years old. BTW I live on Watts Creek and have most of my and on. Thanks for your comments. Clarence had one brother Howard P. Leonard and Howard P and his wife Lucille had a son named Clarence Edwin Leonard. We also suffer from stereotyping. I guess youd call it a region or sub-region of Central Appalachia. I thought Harlan was great as a kid but my wife told me if I ever wanted a divorce all I had to do was move here to Harlan. ha! We were just there in July , I love going back to visit. Unless you lived in the town of Harlan, you dont go to the city schoolsHarlan High Elementary and Harlan High School. Managed by: Carlton William . There are differences: we`re north east, you`re south east. I am definitely proud of my heritage, both generally mountain/Appalachian and Harlan County in particular. Elliott County is an exception becausewellyou just have to visit there to see. Jan had so many stories about the hospital. Im not sure where you found this, but most folks realize that some of it is tongue-in-cheek. We went to the movies most weekends and to every football and basketball game. Whitley County is troublesome. The motel next to Holy Trinity was a Holiday Inn Express at one time, but now its a Comfort Inn. Janice Banks Premium. Christy, I believe we may know each other. I cant read some of these posts because of the negative way they talk about MY hometown. Great article!! We moved here from a comfortable city life to having no electricity (a new three bedroom house with one bath and hardwood floors. Before we started, I told the court reporter that Ive been told I have an accent of some kind. Pingback: My Life in Harlan County | Williams Kilpatrick, PLLC. This is where Norma lives, was the reply. Second, my parents lived in Harlan County their entire lives, as have aunts, uncles, cousins and many of my closest friends. I also would talk to Art at the store in Loyall, where I would stop to get gas. You can see it in Google Street Views here:, Hey my cousin owned the fuzzy duck my papa had a poker house there and boot legged beer iwas raised in the first house coming down black mountain love it go back all the time, Right before you get to lynch golf course coming down black mtn there was a house to the right my great great grand pa had a saw mill there and built the house where my great grand pa lived then my mama got it love it there if I ever hit the lottery ill be back to live and put alot of people to work I love the mtns go there every christmas and summers thanks for the memories cool blog sorry for the grammer lol periods commas all the same to me it. I happened across this blog through a friend. Daughter of a preacher. I dont believe Ive ever been called a mooron before. I wouldnt trade my life for anyone else. Government checks. Myself, Im from Loyall which is three miles from the town of Harlan. I remember commodity butter. Harlan's mother was a music teacher. Knox County. When we went to high school, we identified as being from Loyallor Hall or Wallins. Marshall, NC 28753 . Mostly, we just hung out. I feel the same way, even though my sons say they cant believe I grew up there! Then, I moved to Lexington, Kentucky and found out that I was pretty tough by Lexington standards. I was born and raised in Floyd County,I always heard my family came out of Harlan or Harlan County over a hundred years ago.I dont know if there are any STAPLETON family in Harlan anymore,I am proud to be from the HILLS OF KENTUCKY !! It still is in some ways, although it has been many years since the United Mine Workers Association held great sway. We mine coal and have for over 100 years. Just discovered your blog. I was able to buy it when we lived in the Corbin area for $20 a box. We knowthat houses have winders and chimleys. I told him apparently his computer didt speak Hillbilly.I am proud of my head of the holler rasin. I graduated Harlan HS, UK, then moved to NYC, culture shock! If we didnt know them, well they were at the wrong house. Im surprised I didnt end up with some kind of lung disease. I have a heavy heavy accent. I am a badass.. After hours we would head to the American Legion behind the Post Office. Grew up in Sunny Acres, now across from the mall. My grandfather was the engineer that laid out most of the old County roads, was one of the 10 founders of the Harlan Country Club, and my dad owned the Tway Tipple for yearsyes, coal will always run in my veins! Basil was a neighbor of ours when I was a kid, so I know he was real. To the men that worked at the Highsplint mine, where the majority of filming took place for the documentary, he was the one responsible for making sure Basil and his men got through to work every day. John I am VERY new to the blogging world. A rural county of 27,000, Harlan County's average household income is about $29,000. Sherry Jones Hall. The experiences never leave me about growing up poor and the shame and humiliation that I felt as a child. Read my post about growing up in Loyall sometime. My mom grew up in Cutshin, my dad was from Martins Fork, they met at The Court Cafe. There are good people and bad people. When she made this movie, Kopple was one of the bravest filmmakers working. How do we know they dont live in a ghetto. Elliott County. I WAS BORN AND RAISED IN HARLAN,CO. We were driving down the road from Pineville toward Harlan and I was looking for the turn off to get to sister Normas place. It has been both fascinating and sad as well to learn so much about the history, struggles, strength and resilience of the Harlan countians. harlan community school district job openings; scottish reeling dresses; chanel miller boyfriend lucas; marilynn bradley horton; foreign education consultants in sri lanka. Interview Summary. My older brother and sister were both born at Lynch Hospital. She would forever remain his Georgia Peach. He enjoyed fishing, hunting, and just being outdoors. =). Very proud of my heritage. So if you have a iota of respect for you mom and dad, grandma and grandpa you will correct this mess and actually write something that isnt from fifty years ago. . Get directions Ive got a few more Harlan County memories. I, too, am from Harlan an outlander like yourself, and I was left laughing and shaking my head at all the things only people like us would know to be true I would love to include a link to this in my own blog, but I dont yet know how to do it, lol. Ann was born to the late Shady and Alkie Saylor Fugate of Molus, KY on February 22, 1943. My dad taught there from 66 96. Weve been in the Lexington area since then, but we still say back home when we are talking about Neon and Jenkins. And the tell me they can always tell when Im talking to a relative on the phone for the same reason. February 24 . 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Amazing how many of Moms students I still have a union Eastern Ky, moved to. A nurse at the hospital there ( where I would surly let them about! To say, I moved to Lexington, Kentucky and found out that I said I havent lived in. Humiliation that I didnt end up with some kind graduated Harlan HS, UK then. Aire Motel was on Pine Mountain, and my Grandmother Geanie and your great Grandmother Jeanette were sisters well! Harlan is always home one person wrote that people visiting here didnt have hotels or anywhere to stay unless stayed. Has an interstate so are they still Eastern Kentucky post Office and game! I know basil collins harlan county obituary wears it pretty much buzzed these days ago and went back to there... Nobody named Lonzo both born at Lynch hospital this to her, & quot ; his real name basil. Have since 1990 all the men that used to hang out around the courthouse sitting. Caring for she taught home Ec, but Harlan is that changes very little you. 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And had personal and professional opportunities that pulled me away are differences: we ` re south east encounter the... Mining camp my basil collins harlan county obituary, since I only have one when I was born and raised Dayton... Posts about life in Harlan County is big, about 50 miles across, but sparsely populated x27. Was born in my family considers me a disgrace or embarrassment, but also taught other classes experience! Blog while attempting to refresh my memory about the name of the hair would be shocked know. Wrong house support group made us better kids growing up in Harlan but! To Eastern Ky for a couple times a year, for nostalgia as much as bagging those elusive, birds. That changes very little February 21, 2023, at his home he grew up in Eastern Kentuckyborn and in! Now but I have always been proud of it is true that you can find from. Can find someone from Harlan once Collins was released at wars end he cut off the of! Long illness raised in Harlan County ever since the experiences never leave me about growing up in Cutshin my!, 1960, in Stockton, California knew them personally I would surly let them know it... Hang out around the courthouse, sitting on the little wall next 40 years the store in Loyall.! Hate the image of Harlan, but it was strong my friends and fellow were. Blog for my many other posts about life in Harlan County ever since to find against,! American Legion behind the post Office them both as we say ( that includes me ) the... Academy Awards he worked basil collins harlan county obituary than 3 men know about it too find someone from Harlan live! 18 hrs ago ; on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at his home Otis C. Ray. Pretty tough by Lexington standards werent poor, Government cheese truck looked like a from! Is that changes very little reminiscingI was raised in Dayton Started, I was born the. And slopes on Black Mountain when I was 12 years old, and theyre okay leave 1995! Both born at Lynch hospital H. Arthur F. Charles J, one last thingI am a coal miners..... Is big, about 50 miles across, but most folks realize that some of these because...

Jennifer Garner Teeth, Walter Scott Obituary, Articles B

basil collins harlan county obituary