From a rifle, .22 WMR tend to produce muzzle velocities of between 2,000 to 2,300 feet per second with 30-grain projectiles, and somewhere between 300 to 330 foot-lbs of muzzle energy. However, in terms of value, it offers a lot for the money. This last fall, I purchased a 605b, which is a Taurus snubby that will shoot both the 357 and the 38 special. I realize that some examples of these guns work just fine, but they are budget pistols for a reason and its not because the people making them are trying to be altruistic. First, the 43C is extremely lightweight. The One To Avoid - Taurus 942. Getting off one well-placed round with the ability to follow up with equally on-target shots is far better than firing off five or six scattered shots. This combination makes them ideal for new gun owners. Lucky Gunnerused a snubnose revolver to test .22 Magnum handgun loads, and considered the same defense loads as Shooting Illustrated. An example here is rounds with lighter loads. Carry requires a sport coat or vest. Take a target and learn how to quickly draw and fire your revolver while on the move, in a crouching position, and while lying in the prone position. S&W side plate provides best access for trigger job. Lucky gunner has testing footage and it is nasty. Obviously, a snubnose revolver is a better choice of fighting pistol, but if a teeny, tiny gun is all you gotit's all you got. The consistent improvements in bullet design, powder technology, and the new cartridge variations being brought to market are changing that. $339 at Sportsman's Warehouse Jump to Details Best High End .22 LR Revolver I think the .22 Magnum is a viable choice for self defense. For an entry-level revolver, the trigger is acceptably smooth, with pull reckoned to be between 11.5-13 lbs. When looking at revolvers, make a decision on the maximum price you are prepared to pay. On paper, .22 Magnum ballistics don't look impressivebut they aren't everything. MSRP: $772; The sights are solid as well, with an adjustable rear and a ramp front. This works in conjunction with a Patridge front, more a target option, but its crisp sight picture is suitable for hunting. This splits into a wide variety of different carry methods. But its single-action is good, light and responsive. It might just be different from what you're used to. There is a wide variety of cartridges available for all modern self-defense handguns, and these come with various projectile types. Concealed carriers looking for a revolver that will perform in an emergency situation are in the right place. Both are suitable for taking game. Energy ft-lbs remains around the same. Norman is a US Marine Corps veteran as well as being an SSI Assistant Instructor. A classic example of this is its rimfire .22 Magnum Snub, a five-shot .22 Magnum revolver that measures a scant 4.6 inches in overall length and weighs only 5.9 ounces. This snubnose revolver series includes all-steel and aluminum-frame models chambered in .22 LR and .22 Mag. Ruger makes heavy use of polymer in the construction of their revolvers. Use our advanced product search tools to find exactly what you are looking for! It is also the case that bigger handguns can translate into far greater recoil each time the trigger is pulled. With that in mind, lets get started with the three major benefits a revolver can give. He resides in the great Inland Northwest, with his wife and child. 4. Back in the day, Winchester stated the magnum was better out of a handgun than any other .22 out of a rifle. As with all barrel lengths of this size in revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum, one thing should be noted. Ruger offers their GP100 revolvers in a variety of different flavors. That makes it easy to visually inspect and check exactly how many rounds have been fired/how many are left. Regular cleaning and maintenance will benefit you in two ways. Still, for someone who wants a few more rounds on tap and a bright set of fiber-optic sightsWilliams Adjustable in the rearthe gun is worth a look. One that leaves plenty for the dinner table, without surrendering nearly all the cartridge has to offer. The answer comes through a no-nonsense design that may be short on aesthetics but is long on performance. Charter Arms Undercover Lite Revolver - Best Lightweight CCW .38 Revolver. Popular as the souped-up rimfire cartridge has proven over the past 60 odd years it's never really conquered the pistol market. I am able to more consistently get a decent flash sight picture for that important first shot out of the holster. With the Taurus, it only takes the push of a button to switch calibers. Sig Sauer P365 Series. All rights reserved. Hornady Critical Defense 45-grain FTX penetrated to a depth of 12 inches, but didn't expand. Quality revolvers can fire bullets with as light or heavy a load as you choose. Carrying a concealed gun for personal protection is something many U.S. citizens quite rightly do. The reason for varying your practice sessions relates to gaining vital experience. Best .357 Revolvers For Concealed Carry Smith & Wesson Model 640 Smith & Wesson Model 640 Pro Series A staple in Smith & Wesson's J-Frame catalog, the snubbie .357 Magnum revolver is a gem of its class. This is another tried and trusted round. Smith and Wesson 642 Special .38 - Best Premium CCW .38 Revolver. None too appetizing, enough to relegate the magnum to target practice or pest control. It has made a name for itself due to its durability and reliability. It's not rocket science to build a revolver that handles both .22LR and .22 mag. You will know exactly where your holster is, and with practice, drawing your revolver will become acceptably fast. While you can carry them loose in your pocket or bag, this is not recommended. Its not rocket science to build a revolver that handles both .22LR and .22 mag. Should A Woods Gun Have A Longer Barrel? Revolvers can be highly effective, but they cannot perform to maximum capacity on their own! Therefore, the FBI standard of 12 to 18 inches of penetration means the bullet will, in all likelihood, be effective on a human target if accurately placed. Dang accurate out of a long gun, the cartridge tends to decimate squirrels and can even leave larger prey, such as cottontails and jackrabbits, with a good chunk of bloodshot meat. 1. By signing up you agree to's I dont want to go into a lot of detail, but Ill give you my two cents on some of these. North American Arms SW250 Sidewinder .22 Magnum Revolver, 2.5" Wood Stainless - SW250. Looking for a revolver for self-defense? The factory sights are decent and there are a couple of aftermarket options if you want to change them. Unlikely as it is most hunters will use the double-action pull, its still nice to have in the quiver for a follow-up where the hammer cant be cocked in time. Best .22 Magnum Revolver: Buyers Guide [2023]. Second, gun control is further enhanced thanks to the firm rubberized grips. I cant guarantee that all of these guns run as well as mine has, but I also havent heard many complaints from other M&P .22 Compact owners. The ELD-X bullet used in Hornady's Precision Hunter Load gives 7mm Remington Magnum absurdly long legs and is a perfect do-it-all modern hunting load. This single-action/double-action steel-framed revolver is chambered in .38 Special and has a 6-round capacity. It weighs in at 14.2 ounces and has a capacity of five rounds. CMG West, LLC It is super accurate and very visibly much harder hitting than the L.R.!! Target acquisition is enhanced through the red ramp adjustable white outline sight. Shooters looking for a perfectly tailored concealed carry revolver that delivers stopping power are in the right place. What testing is out there indicates that .22 Magnum definitely works. that comes out on top. But the real interesting thing is that on and off, Sig has also offered a 3-inch version of the .22 model with night sights. These two issues can occur with even the most reliable pistols. For example, FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) rounds can be used while training and practicing. The K-frame and .22 Magnum have a long history, dating almost back to the inception of the cartridge. 1715 with a 3-inch barrel. unloaded and compact design. There are two lightweight .22 LR snub nose models I can recommend: the Smith & Wesson 43 C and the Ruger LCR 22. The decision point on the Model 48 is barrel length, with 4- and 6-inch variants available. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Can't get excited about any of them. Both have a five-round capacity and a weight under seven ounces. While plenty of people DO conceal and carry a Commander frame every day, it isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Unless you cock the hammer or intentionally pull it all the way, the weight of the trigger prevents any accidental discharge. Ive always passed these ideas on to my students. It's a handsome little gun! The AL22M is proof. Well, thats what youll get if you order it from us at It doesn't matter what kind of pistol or caliber you shoot, because placement is everything. All of the revolvers I reviewed will do their job. I got to try one of those out for a few weeks and it was pretty cool. If a .22 appeals to you more because of the reduced recoil than because of the cheap ammo, there are probably better options for self-defense. All Rights Reserved. The .22 Magnum won't outright outperform these two cartridges but it comes pretty close when comparing raw numbers. Is it advisable as a primary arm for concealed carry? Caribou Media West, LLC Capacity is six rounds, and the 3-inch barrel is included in its overall 8.5-inch length. Buyers also have a choice of finishes (matt nickel or parkerized), the one I tested was parkerized. This Bulldog model comes in .44 Special chambering. Released in 2020, the Python builds on Colts Snake legacy. It is my opinion you have missed the best 22 magnum revolver. Smith & Wesson SW22 Victory 22lr Competition pistol 5. Like most J-frames, the trigger on the 43 C is less than amazing and like most .22 revolvers, its heavier than its centerfire counterparts. If you are ever faced with an emergency defense situation, it is unlikely that you will have time to find that perfect stance. Ammunition manufacturers are cognizant of this issue. The bottom line here is that the more comfortable you feel with a calibers felt recoil, the more comfortable and accurately you will shoot. To this end, the hefty 8-round revolver has an exceptional trigger youd swear rolled out of Smith & Wessons Performance Center. Kimber has taken this .357 Magnum chambered revolver to the next level. He is a gun owner and avid reloader from Colorado. This platform retains all of the benefits of the companys original 6-shot K6s capacity. Smith & Wesson's Centennial Airweight line is that gun when it comes to CCW and backup revolvers. And we think that S&W perfected this gun's size, making it ideal for concealed carry. Theyre the type typically favored by varmint hunters who arent worried about pelts or meat. Another thing to consider is that if you're going to carry hollow point ammunition, you want to take care to select a load that's made for use in pistols. It was first introduced in 1973 but has proved itself time and again as a top-notch concealed carry revolver. The revolver is available with a 6.5 or a 4-inch barrel with adjustable sights and a durable black oxide or matte stainless steel finish. Walther PPK/S .22 LR: The current production models are a newer design than the P22 and so far, they do not seem to have developed as bad a reputation. TheAmerican Shooting Journallikewise got some decent results using short-barrel pistols, including 1-inch and 1.8-inch (meaning a snubby revolver) barrel handguns. His varied interests and hobbies include camping, fishing, hunting, and spending time at the gun range as often as possible. This lets you load the chamber without racking the slide. Additionally, rubberized grips keep the revolver well in hand. A few decades ago I wisely bought a RUGER 96/22 magnum lever action rifle, now, sadly, out of production. Today, the company lists nearly twenty models in .22 WMR with both single and double-action options. Created specifically for personal protection, this double-action revolver comes with a solid steel frame. The purpose of the revolver all just depends on what cylinder I run.22 Long Rifle or .22 Magnum. For the old person who is no longer able to manipulate a semi-automatic, a .22 Magnum revolver would work well. As can be seen from my reviews of the best concealed carry revolvers, the choice is wide. Ruger LCR Its fed every kind of ammo Ive put through it. Constructed of all stainless steel, the rugged double-action only (DAO) likely has the chops to be handed down to a son or daughter one day. Even the most basic pistols have a set of procedures to learn. Greater gun control also comes through the firm rubberized grips. Lucky gunner tested Gold Dot it expanded to .42", velocity was averaged 1312fps and that is 153ft-lbs. Most hunters wont find this necessary, with a 2-pound single-action break and a double-action pull around 7 pounds. Here, I allude to the Pathfinder. The last on our list is the Taurus 942 with chambers in 22 long rifles. It stands to reason, therefore, that .22 Magnum - or more accurately, .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire - would too. If you can learn to consistently press a 12-pound trigger straight to the rear on a 12-ounce gun without disturbing the sights and steering the muzzle off target, youll be able to pick up any .38 or .357 and run the trigger with no problem. Im going to offer a couple of recommendations based on my experience and since this is part of our pocket pistol series, Ill start with the smallest handguns and then Ill talk about a few slightly larger .22s at the end. Ill be talking about those and the .22 magnum cartridge in general in the next installment of our pocket pistol series. Lucky Gunner remarked that it was close to the same penetration as some .38 Special loads. Follow Lucky Gunner Lounge from your Inbox! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The only autoloader known to us here at AGH in .22 Magnum is the KelTec PMR 30, which is roughly the same size as a 1911 Commander model. This single action/double action revolver holds five rounds of .357 Magnum or .38 Special if you prefer. Chambered in .357 Magnum, it is capable of firing 38 Special rounds. Your email address will not be published. Save my name & email in this browser for the next time I comment. The final thing to mention is that it is very hard to accidentally fire a DA revolver. And while the fast-expanding pest-control style loads dominate the market, they have thrown a bone to meat hunters. Sufficed to say, its quick to cock. Or, if youre thinking of something more substantial, take a look at our reviews of the Best 357 Magnum Revolvers, the Best 44 Magnum Revolver, or the Best Beginners Revolvers. RUGER LCRx LCRx $649.99 Shop All The Ruger LCR has long been a sought-after concealed carry revolver.. As for the 3-Dot white sights, these couple with the 4-inch barrel to give shooters a wider sight radius for greater precision. The .357 round can deliver lots of energy against the bullet size. I found it likes CCI's Maxi-Mag 40-gr. In terms of trigger factory settings, these are approx 9.5-11.5 lbs for double action and 3.25-4.25 lbs for single action. But, a suitable .22 Magnum hunting revolver thats a different story. I think its a better compromise than a rimfire pistol in a lot of cases. A question many ask is: How does Rock Island manage to produce a good quality revolver at such a low price? [Part 2], The Best .22 LR Handguns for Concealed Carry, Sig Sauer P365-380 Review: Its Fun to Go Fast. Fast Track; Gift Cards Auctions Manufacturers Subscribe & Save uses cookies to ensure you get the best . Or is it? And its almost Christmas so youll probably need to get that ammo with lightning fast shipping. It has overall dimensions of 8.62 x 1.39 x 5.00 inches and weighs in at 29 ounces. If you are ever faced with defending yourself in an emergency situation, you want your revolver to be your best friend! In that case, you just press the trigger again and keep shooting. I have never been impressed with Taurus but could be convinced otherwise. The problem, you see, the .22 Magnum has been known to pop eatn critters too dang hard, especially out of a firearm that maximizes the cartridges velocity. If you aren't a fan of Kimber, it might be time to reconsider that for this revolver's sake. Both lengths use a stylish vent rib and bead front sight. $365-$409 In this article Brad Fitzpatrick, revolvers, rimfires, plinking, handguns for beginning shooters 10 Great Rimfire Revolvers Smith & Wesson Victory .22LR Semi-Auto Review: Charter Arms Target Pathfinder .22 Revolver But for a backup piece, the S&W is right on target. Exceptionally reliable. Browse our 22 Long Rifle Caliber Concealed Carry Browning Pistols on Charter Arms offers a healthy line of different caliber revolvers. Their 605 family of revolvers is a point in case. To conceal carry, there are two distinct choices that then split into a variety of different options. As it turns out, a lot. Very slender at top and featuring an undercut trigger guard, it facilitates a solid high grip, thus more control over the gun. The Best .22 LR Handguns for Concealed Carry Lucky Gunner Ammo 518K subscribers Subscribe 1.4M views 4 years ago Is a .22 LR pistol a good choice for concealed carry? Made from modern stainless steel alloys, it comes with a redesigned rear sight and bright stainless finish. Get the latest news and reviews from There are a few other compact .22s people have asked me about. For the most part, this ammo is loaded with controlled-expansion bullets similar to those use for large game, designed to retain mass upon impact. The likes of Speer TNT or Hornady V-Maxknown for their rapid and volatile expansionare best left for pest control. Top 10 Best 22 Pistols For Concealed Carry Survival Gear 600K subscribers Subscribe 366K views 1 year ago #22lr #concealedcarry #tactical Top 10 Best 22 Pistols For Concealed Carry Are you. There is sure to be one that will suit your needs and bank balance. When doing so, always have a holster inside of the bag. North American Arms Sidewinder .22 Magnum - The Best .22 Magnum Revolver 5. All Rights Reserved. From there, it will be on to in-depth reviews of 10 quality revolvers and a buying guide. The overall design certainly lends itself to solid handling. As good as the sights are, they get a performance upgrade with the long sight radius provided by the Single-Nine's barrel. This means that the reliability of your chosen revolver should not be such a concern. However, the company has expanded its horizons in recent years, producing more versatile models and at least one fairly well suited to taking small game. Here are the best concealed carry handguns for women, recommended by women. As a bonus, full underlug and your choice of blued or stainless steel finish. This offers less recoil and less noise when fired. Evolving over the years, S&Ws latest iterationthe rebooted Model 648might be among the companys best cracks at a .22 Magnum revolver. For more info, check out our in-depth Ruger GP100 Revolver 357 Magnum Review. Here's the quick list of some of the best .22 caliber pocket pistols that shoots the LR and WMR. Ive carried revolver and semi-autos on and off duty since 1961 on a daily basis. An Airweight variant of the J-frame Centennial Model, the Model 351 C is suitable for concealed carry due to its lightweight construction a mere 11.5 oz. The Smith & Wesson Model 63 is a scaled down version of their classic J-Frame revolver. Especially nice, the guns walnut square-butt grips. The quality control and materials used during production are of a very high standard. Users can be assured of rugged reliability that comes in at a very reasonable cost. .22 Magnum revolvers have been around for nearly as long as the cartridge theyre chambered for and now, over 60 years since the round's introduction, their utility and popularity endure. Im not going to say it has no practical value, but based on what Ive seen so far, I think Id rather be armed with a can of pepper spray and a sharp stick. A 6.5-inch barrel, the all stainless-steel gun has taken its fair share of squirrelsboth ground and tree. How Hard Was it to Reload the M1 Garand in Combat? Okay, lets talk about semi-automatic .22s for concealed carry. Smith & Wesson M&P22 Compact .22 LR 3. For the first shot, the trigger is not any better. Norman is very proud of his service, and the time he spent in the Marine Corps and does not dwell on his injuries or anything negative in his life. Smith & Wesson (S&W) has been manufacturing revolvers since the mid-1800s. Here I refer to the .22 Magnum Revolver. They will also do this with the same reliability. So yes, you could carry a .22 Magnum for self-defense, and it's actually more viable than you might be tempted to think. Ruger, for $900 out the door one would think they could at least throw in a .22LR cylinder. There is a wide selection of models in the Taurus 605 family. On top of that, its got a nice single-action style trigger and a really well-designed manual safety. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Since the late 1950s, the .22 Winchester Magnum (more simply .22 Magnum) has fascinated rimfire shooters. Thanks to that and the low recoil, even if I mag dump one of these things as fast as my finger can run the trigger, I can usually still keep it reasonably on target. Now my primary carry is a S&W 686Plus with bobbed hammer, moon clips, XS Big Dot sights, Hogue grips, trigger job and Mag-na-Ported. From there, the S&W designers concentrated on ease of use. 1. Stop the wailing and gnashing of teeth. This is thanks to the triple-locking cylinder that is locked into the frame at the front, rear, and bottom for a more positive alignment. If that is the case with the revolver you choose, only the trigger pull and the latch for cylinder release need mastering. MSRP: 4-inch model $976; 6-inch model $1,017; Ruger LCR Double-Action Revolver .38 Special. The all-new Taurus 942 is an 8-shot revolver available in both 22LR and 22WMR that's ideal for concealed carry, recreational shooting and skills training. Regardless of the model you choose, these guns are affordable and fun to shoot. Typical projectiles are 30-, 40-, and 50-grain bullets. Other quality features include a stainless steel frame and a four-point cylinder lock-up full hammer block safety system. Shooting a lightweight .22 like this is a great way to learn how to manage a stiff double action trigger. First, it helps to tame the snappy magnum recoil when fired. Top 10 Concealed Carry Revolvers You Can Still Buy. Revolvers are some of the easiest guns to operate and among the most reliable guns on the market. 2023 Alien Gear Holsters. He, unfortunately, received injuries to his body while serving, that included cracked vertebrae and injuries to both his knees and his shoulder, resulting in several surgeries. Patents Pending. If I was limited to carrying a compact 22, but it didnt have to be as small as a pocket gun, I would go with the Smith & Wesson M&P 22 Compact. The one drawback, the Smith & Wesson will hit you right in the pocketbook. Sig Sauer P365. Then decide whether you are looking to EDC (Every Day Carry) or only carry on an occasional basis. In the meantime, you should probably do your Christmas shopping if you havent already. But just because your buddy can handle harsh recoil time and again does not mean you can. Loaded, its about an ounce heavier than the 43 C. The capacity is the same. This is the second colt revolver reviewed. Many revolver models are small in size. If the revolver you choose is not easy to conceal or is uncomfortable to wear, one thing is clear. First, it ensures your revolver is in the best possible condition to fire reliably each time the trigger is pulled. 5 Best Snub Nose Revolvers. Though, it does take some study to ensure this, namely when it comes to ammo. Fits my hand like a glove and being a small person and 76 years old, I can handle about any load I put in it. It is super accurate and very visibly much harder hitting than the L.R.!! This pistol has the tip-up barrel like the Beretta 950 I talked about a few weeks ago. Due to the wide range of revolvers available, there is a huge choice and wide price differential. Such a low price the gun varmint hunters who arent worried about pelts meat. Features include a stainless steel finish indicates that.22 Magnum ) has fascinated rimfire shooters it... That delivers stopping power are in the great Inland Northwest, with pull reckoned to be your best!... Tip-Up barrel like the Beretta 950 I talked about a few weeks and it pretty! And 1.8-inch ( meaning a snubby revolver ) barrel handguns what cylinder I long... This double-action revolver comes with a solid steel frame variations being brought to market are changing that,! 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