Charan (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir), Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Katkari, Son Kathodi, Son Katkari, Naikda, Nayaka, Cholivala Nayaka, Kapadia Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka, Pardhi, Advichincher, Phanse Pardhi (excluding Amreli, Bhavanagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Kutch, Rajkot and Surendranagar districts), Rabari (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir), Siddi, Siddi- Badshan (in Amreli, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot and Surendranagar districts), Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Chamar, Chamar-Ravidas, Chambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, Mochi (in Dangs district and Umergaon Taluka of Valsad district only), Nalia, Telegu Mochi, Kamati Mochi, Ranigar, Rohidas, Rohit, Samgar, Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Balmiki, Korar, Zadmalli, Barwashia, Barwasia, Jamphoda, Zampada, Zampda, Rushi, Valmiki, Mahyavansi, Dhed, Dhedh, Vankar, Maru Vankar, Antyaj, Kotwal (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, Indore, Jhabua, Khargone, Mandsaur, Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and Vidisha districts), Barot Vahivancha Charan, Gadhvi, Gadhavi (where they are not Scheduled Tribe), Bawa, Atit Bawa Goswami Vairagi Bawa Gosai Ramanandi Puri Bharti Kapdi Nath Bawa Bharathari Margi Gangajalia Dashnami Bawa Giri Deshnam Goswami, Bharwad (except where they are STs) Motabhai Bharwad Nanabhai Bharwad Gadaria, Dhangar, Bhoi Bhoiraj Dhimar Zinga Bhoi Kevat Bhoj Bhanara Bhoi Machhindra Bhoi Palwar Bhoi Kirat Bhoi Kahar Bhoi Pardeshi Bhoi Shrimali Bhoi, Charan Gadhvi, Charan (where they are not STs), Ghanchi (Muslim), Teli, Modh Ghanchi, Teli-Sahu, Teli-Rathod, Teli-Rathore, Julaya Garana Tariya Tari & Ansari (All Muslims), Khatki or Kasai Chamadia Khatki Halari Khatki (all Muslim), Khristi Gujarati-Christian (Converts from Scheduled Castes only), Koli, Idaria-Koli, Kharwa-Koli, Rathwa-Koli, Baria-Koli, Bhebaria-Koli, Labana Mehravat Goti Hadkashi Zod Dhinga Pelya Shatbai Baman, Machhi (Hindu) Kharwa Khalas Dhimar Dhivar Bitna Tandel Mangela Khalasi Sarang Kahar, Majothi Kumbhar Darbar or Daban Majothi ( all Muslim), Matwa or Matwa-Kureshi (Muslim), Gavli (Hindu), Jansali, Sivania, Myangar, Jingar, Dasania, Chamadia, Bharatbhara, Chandlia, Sonari, Aaribharatbhara, Mochi (except in Dang district & Umargam Taluka of Valsad District, where they are in SC List), Nat, Nat-Bajania, Bajigar, Natada, Bajania, Pinjara Ganchi-Pinjara Mansuri-Pinjara (all Muslim), Rabari (where they are not Scheduled Tribes), Sorathia Rabari, Raval-Ravalia Jati or Raval Yogi Rawal Jati Jagaria, Siddi (where they are not Scheduled Tribes), Sipai, Patni Jamat or Turk Jamat (all Muslims), Talpada Koli (where they are not Scheduled Tribes), Thakarda Thakore Patanwadia Dharala Baria, Vahivancha Charan Gadhvi of Harijan Vankar and Chamar, Valand, Nayi (Hindu), Hajam (Muslim), Khalipha (Muslim), Babar (Hindu), Vanzara and Kangsiwala (Hindu) and Vanzara (Muslim) of Dangs district only, Waghari, Dataniya Waghari, Vedu Waghari, Talpada Waghari, Gamachi Waghari, Godadia Waghari, Chibhadia Waghari, Marada or Marwada Waghari, Wadwa Waghari, Vaghri- Gamicho, Vedu Churalia, Jhakudia (where they are not STs), Sathwara, Satawara, Sathwara-Kadiya, Satwara-Kadiya, Dalwadi and Kadiya, Mali, Fool Mali, Marathi Mali, Kach Mali, Jire Mali, Bagban, Rayeen, Kumbhar (Prajapati,Varia), Prajapati (Gujjar Prajapati, Varia Prajapati, Sorthia Prajapati), Sorathiya Prajapati, Mistri (Suthar/Sutar), Suthar, Mistri, Gurjar (Suthar/Sutar), Gujjar, Gujjar (Suthar/Sutar), Kachhia, Kachhi, Kachhi-Kushwaha, Maurya-Koiri. The error is further compounded whenalthough this is less commonthe partial, rural model of traditional caste is compared with the present urban situation, and conclusions are drawn about overall change. Because of these two major factors, one economic and the other political, Gujarat at the beginning of the 19th century had a large urban population, distributed over a large number of small towns. If the marriage took place within the Vania fold but outside the tad or ekda, as the case may be, the punishment varied according to the social distance between the tads or ekdas of the bride and the groom. The amount Khamar earn in different countries varies significantly. Such a description not only overlooks the diversity and complexity of caste divisions and the rural-urban Link- ages in them but also leads to placing them in the same category as Muslims, Christians, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists, and so on. Rawal/Raval originates from the Sanskrit word Raja, meaning king. The Vanias provide an example of such castes. The surname may have been associated with those who loved parrots or someone who took care of parrots or birds, in general. its not well known because of their population approx 9800 all over the world. Some last names such as Aacharya, Desai, Gupta, Joshi, Mehta, and Pandya are derived from Sanskrit words. Divorcees and the bereaved can marry again. As for the size of other castes, I shall make mainly relative statements. Over nine year more. List of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes declared by Gujarat State, SEBC castes which are found both Hindu And Muslim. Nor were ekdas and tads entirely an urban phenomenon. There were Brahman and Vania divisions of the same name, the myths about both of them were covered by a single text. All of this information supports the point emerging from the above analysis, that frequently there was relatively little concern for ritual status between the second-order divisions within a first- order division than there was between the first-order divisions. Frequently, a division among Vanias corresponded to a division among Brahmans. When Mr. H. Borradaile in A.D. 1827 collected information regarding the customs of Hindus, no less than 207 castes which did not intermarry, were found in the city of Surat alone. After the commercial revolution of the 16th and 17th centuries, Gujarat had a large number of tradition towns on its long sea-coast. Usually, the affairs of the caste were discussed in large congregations of some fifty to hundred or even more villages from time to time. The Suthar community is mostly involved in the field of carpentry. In each of these three divisions the top stratum was clear. While we can find historical information about the formation of ekdas and tads there are only myths about the formation of the numerous second-order divisions. endobj Created Date: It used to have a panch (council of leaders) and sometimes also a headman (patel). I have not yet come across an area where Kolis from three or more different areas live together, excepting modern, large towns and cities. Kutch, Saurashtra, Kathiawar, Halar, Panchal, Gohilwad, Jhalawar and Gujarat are its regional cultural parts. Clicking on selected countries will show mapping at a regional level, Rank: Name are ranked by incidence using the ordinal ranking method; the name that occurs the most is assigned a rank of 1; name that occur less frequently receive an incremented rank; if two or more name occur the same number of times they are assigned the same rank and successive rank is incremented by the total preceeding names, Ethnic group cannot necessarily be determined by geographic occurrence, Similar: Names listed in the "Similar" section are phonetically similar and may not have any relation to Khamar, To find out more about this surname's family history, lookup records on FamilySearch, MyHeritage, FindMyPast and Ancestry. While fission did occur, fusion could also occur. The Khadayatas were divided into about 30 ekdas. Prohibited Content 3. endobj Kotecha is likely an occupational surname referring to a business community whose ancestors were merchants. district in Gujarat. village Khamar. For example, Gandhi refers to one who deals in fragrances. The surname thus refers to a treasurer. Read further sc st obc caste list in gujarat pdf and general. As regards the rest of Gujarat, I have used various sources: my work on the caste of genealogists and mythographys and on the early 19th century village records; the available ethnographic, historical and other literature; and observations made while living m Gujarat. The Rajputs, in association with the Kolis, were probably the only horizontal unit which had continuous internal hierarchy, i.e., hypergamy unbroken by any endogamous subdivisions, and which did not have discernible boundaries at the lowest level. The Rajput hierarchy had many levels below the level of the royal families of the large and powerful kingdoms: lineages of owners of large and small fiefs variously called jagir, giras, thakarat,thikana, taluka, and wanted-, lineages of substantial landowners under various land tenures having special rights and privileges; and lineages of small landowners. From a title meaning "holder of four", from Sanskrit (chatur) meaning "four" and (dhuriya) meaning "bearing a burden". The method is to remove first the barriers of the divisions of the lowest order and then gradually those of one higher order after another. Besides the myths, the members of a second-order division, belonging to all ekdas, shared certain customs and institutions, including worship of a tutelary deity. That Rajputs were one of the divisions, if not the only division of the first-order, not having further divisions, has already been mentioned. The hierarchy, however, was very gradual and lacked sharpness. The total population of Scheduled Castes (SC) in Gujarat State in 2011 is 2110331 which is about 7% of the total population. Read the complete article carefully further. Frequently, each such unit had a patron deity, housed in a large shrine, with elaborate arrangements for its ownership. Names. 73 Bold And Mighty Baby Names That Mean Leader Or Ruler, 103 Powerful And Unique Baby Names That Mean Warrior, 25 Fun And Amazing Facts About Elephants For Kids, 50 Popular Gujarati Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings, 107 Festive Themed Christmas Baby Names For Boys And Girls, 100 Amazing Short Baby Girl Names With Meanings, 100 Sweet AndShort Names For BoysWith Meanings, 150 Traditional And Popular Dutch Last names Or surnames, 55 Most Popular Chilean Baby Names for Girls and Boys, 148 Funny Last Names Or Surnames From Across The World, 133 Most Fascinating Sudanese Names For Baby Boys And Girls, 250 Traditional And Classy French Last Names Or Surnames, 100 Scandinavian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 100 Baby Names Inspired By African Gods And Goddesses, 100 Common Australian Last Names Or Surnames, With Meanings, 100 Latest Somali Names For Girls And Boys With Meanings, 200 Ecstatic And Divine Saint Names For Girls and Boys, 50 Unique And Cute Twin Boy And Girl Names, October Baby Names - 21 Wonderful Baby Names For October Borns, 200 Most Attractive And Hot Guy Names That Women Love, 21 Graceful And Classy Royal Boy Names For Your Baby. Any one small caste may look insignificant in itself but all small castes put together become a large social block and a significant social phenomenon. Content Guidelines 2. The latter continued to be the provincial capital during Mughal rule. Means . If you are looking for the Gujarat Caste List 2023, then you should read this article because in this article you will get information about the caste list under ST, SC and OBC category in Gujarat for the central government, which you can download in PDF. For example, a good number of villages in central Gujarat used to have both Talapada and Pardeshi Kolis and Brahmans belonging to two or three of their many second-order divisions. Currently the reservation percentage for Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Weaker Sections in central government jobs and educational institutions are 15%, 7.5%, 27% and 10% respectively . Surnames such as Patel and Sheth denote heads or chiefs, while Amin and Chowdhury are supposedly titles of honor. The change from emphasis on hierarchy to emphasis on division is becoming increasingly significant in view of the growth of urban population both in absolute number and in relation to the total population. If you belong to the Other Backward Classes (OBC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Scheduled Castes (SC) communities in the state of Gujarat, you are eligible to take advantage of reservation in central government jobs, educational institutions, promotions, educational scholarships, and seats or posts in elected bodies. This was dramatized in many towns at the mahajan (guild) feasts when all the members of the guild of traders would eat together. The chiefly families constituted a tiny proportion of the total population of any second-order division among the Kolis. In particular, the implications of the co-existence of lower-order divisions within a higher- order division in the same town or city should be worked out. These divisions have, however, been kept out of the present analysis for reasons which have become well known to students of Hindu society since the 1950s. In all there were about eighty such divisions. There was an emphasis on being different and separate rather than on being higher and lower. A large number of priestly, artisan and service castes also lived in both villages and towns: Bramhans, barbers, carpenters, blacksmiths, shoemakers, leather-workers, scavenges, water-carriers, palanquin-bearers, and so on. An important idea behind the activities of caste associations is: service to ones caste is service to the nation. there are a total of 117 families residing in the Modi has an occupational origin, and refers to those who came from the community of Bania, which originally consisted of merchants, traders, money-lenders, and shopkeepers. Another major factor in the growth of urban centres in Gujarat was political. In the city, on the other hand, the population was divided into a large number of castes and each of most of them had a large population, frequently subdivided up to the third or the fourth order. What I am trying to point out, however, is that greater emphasis on division (Pococks difference, Dumonts separation. This last name is the 72,411th most commonly used last name in the world. The surname is derived from the Sanskrit word gandha, meaning fragrance. Leva Sheri and Kadva Sheri, named after the two major second-order divisions among the Kanbis. The main point is that we do not completely lose sight of the lowest boundary among these three hypergamous divisions as we do among the Rajputs. Surnames are taken . In this article, you can read the central list of ST (Scheduled Tributes), SC (Scheduled Caste) and OBC (Other Backward Class) castes that come under the state of Gujarat. List Of Gujarati Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings, Infographic: Popular Gujarati Surnames Or Last Names. Daftary is another Gujarati surname derived from the Persian word. In the state of Gujarat, there is 7% reservation for Scheduled Tribes (ST), 15% for Scheduled Castes (SC), 27% for Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC) and 10% for Economically Weaker Sections. These linkages played an important role in the traditional social structure as well as in the processes of change in modern India. It is a coalescence of Kolis and Rajputs on the modern political plane based on the foundation of the traditional social and cultural symbiosis under the rubric of Kshatriya. Gujarat (: )(/drt/) is a state of India. The degree of contravention is highest if the couple belong to two different first-order divisions. Falls under General Category not in a reservation. Khamar is a village situated in Nandod taluka of Narmada Many second-order divisions were further divided into two or three status categories. For describing the divisions of the remaining two orders, it would be necessary to go on adding the prefix sub but this would make the description extremely clumsy, if not meaningless. Thus, while each second-order Koli division maintained its boundaries vis-a-vis other such divisions, each was linked with the Rajputs. All castes and sub-caste names given on this page were taken from the official website of Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Department of Social Justice and Empowerment and National Commission for Backward Classes, Government of India. literacy rate is 73.36% in Khamar village. Valand Nayi and Barbar (Hindu) Hajam (Hindu and Muslim) Khalipha (Muslim). So far we have considered first-order divisions with large and widely spread populations. 82.2%. Generally they used to known as Vaishnav Khamar. The urban centres in both the areas, it is hardly necessary to mention, are nucleated settlements populated by numerous caste and religious groups. In all there were thirty to forty such divisions. caste list in gujarat 2022 | ews caste list in gujarat pdf / general caste list in gujarat / general category caste list in gujarat 2022, st caste surname list, sc caste surname list, obc caste surname list gujarat. I hope to show in this paper how the principle of division is also a primary principle competing with the principle of hierarchy and having important implications for Indian society and culture. 9% It was also an extreme example of a division having a highly differentiated internal hierarchy and practising hypergamy as an accepted norm. As per the Census 2011, the literacy rate of I have discussed above caste divisions in Gujarat mainly in the past, roughly in the middle of the 19th century. The lowest stratum in all the three divisions had to face the problem of scarcity of brides. The prohibition of inter-division marriage was much more important than the rules of purity and pollution in the maintenance of boundaries between the lower-order divisions. Many of them became the norm-setting elite for Gujaratis in the homeland. The same problems would arise in the reverse direction if, as many scholars have done, the term caste cluster, caste complex or caste category is used for divisions of a higher order and the term caste or jati is used for divisions of a lower order. is given below which you can read. Individuals from the Barot community would usually work as genealogists (one who studies and makes a pedigree) and as bards. Amin (originally the Patidar caste in Gujarat) probably had an occupational origin referring to individuals who worked as tax collectors for the Mughal Empire. Although the number of inter-ekda marriages has been increasing, even now the majority of marriages take place within an ekda. Until recently, sociologists and anthropologists described Indian society as though it had no urban component in the past. There was considerable elaboration in urban areas of what Ghurye long ago called the community aspect of caste (1932: 179) and frequently, this led to juxtaposition rather than hierarchy between caste divisions of the same order. The degree of contravention is less if the couple belong, let us say, to two different fourth-order divisions within a third-order division than if they belong to two different third-order divisions within a second-order division, and so on. Lagna Seva Sanstha | Member Detail. Most associations continue to retain their non-political character. It is located 6 KM towards South from District head quarters Rajpipla. Together they provide a slice of Gujarati society from the sea- coast to the bordering highlands. The migrants, many of whom came from heterogeneous urban centres of Gujarat, became part of an even more heterogeneous environment in Bombay. The primarily urban castes linked one town with another; the primarily rural linked one village with another; and the rural-cum-urban linked towns with villages in addition to linking both among themselves. [1] They were dependent on cash-crop agriculture and occupied a lower status than the wealthy Leva Patidars. Khatris have councils who judge on marriage, divorce and property issues. The two areas merge gradually, and my field work covered most of the spectrum. The significant point, however, is that there were small endogamous units which were not, like ekdas and tads, part of any higher-order division. , Central List of ST, SC, OBCs Castes In Maharashtra 2023 , , , Central List Of ST SC OBC For the State Of Tamilnadu, Central List Of OBC ST SC For the State Of Karnataka, Bharwad (in the Nesses of the forests of Alech, Barada and Gir). Although the people of one tad would talk about their superiority over those of another tad in an ekda, and the people of one ekda over those of another in a higher-order division, particularly in large towns where two or more tads and ekdas would be found living together, there was no articulate ranking and hypergamy among them. Hence as we go down the hierarchy we encounter more and more debates regarding the claims of particular lineages to being Rajput so much so that we lose sight of any boundary and the Rajput division merges imperceptibly into some other division. Forebears knows about 508,031 unique surnames in Gujarat and there are 119 people per name. Some ekdas did come into existence in almost the same way as did the tads, that is to say, by a process of fission of one ekda into two or more ekdas. Almost all the myths about the latter are enshrined in the puranas (for an analysis of a few of them, see Das 1968 and 1977). [CDATA[ How Many Percentage Reservation For OBC, SEBC, ST, SC and EWS in Gujarat? Dholakia has an occupational origin and refers to an individual who deals in Dhodka, an unprocessed grey cloth. Limitations of the holistic view of caste, based as it is mainly on the study of the village, should be realized in the light of urban experience. To whichever of the four orders a caste division belonged, its horizontal spread rarely, if ever, coincided with that of another. The tad thus represented the fourth and last order of caste divisions. Mehta comes from the Sanskrit word mahita that means great or praised.. For which there is a provision of 7% reservation. Gujarati migrations to the nearby metropolis of Bombay the first new centre of administration, industry, commerce, education, and western culture, followed the same links. Gujarat did not have anything like the non-Brahmin movement of South India and Maharashtra before 1947. No they don't. The bulk of the population was spread all over the villages as small landholders, tenants and labourers. If the Varna divisions are taken into account, then this would add one more order to the four orders of caste divisions considered above. If you are a resident of Gujarat in ST / SC / SEBC / OBC (Central) / EWS category and want to take advantage of reservation in government jobs / other government facilities, then gujarat caste list / st category list in gujarat / gujarat sc caste list / gujarat sc caste list / sebc caste list gujarat / obc caste list in gujarat / ews general category caste list in gujarat. The surname is a toponymic one and refers to those who originally belonged to the Amroli region of Surat in Gujarat. It is quite a common Gujarati surname, and indicates that the person is a believer of Jainism. Most inter-divisional marriages take place between boys and girls belonging to the lowest order in the structure of divisions. Not including India it is found in 36 countries. The Brahmans were divided into such divisions as Audich, Bhargav, Disawal, Khadayata, Khedawal, Mewada, Modh, Nagar, Shrigaud, Shrimali, Valam, Vayada, and Zarola. AHMEDABAD: A 23-year-old woman from Mehsana has filed an FIR of criminal breach of trust against her husband stating that he had hidden his caste and got married with her, claiming to a Brahmin. To give just one example, one large street in Baroda, of immigrant Kanbis from the Ahmedabad area, named Ahmedabadi Pol, was divided into two small parallel streets. That the role of the two principles could vary at different levels within a first-order division has also been seen. The Khedawals, numbering 15,000 to 20,000 in 1931 were basically priests but many of them were also landowners, government officials, and traders. Almost every village in this area included at least some Leva population, and in many villages they formed a large, if not the largest, proportion of the population. The earliest caste associations were formed in Bombay in the middle of the 19th century among migrants belonging to the primarily urban and upper castes from Gujarat, such as Vanias, Bhatias and Lohanas (see Dobbin 1972: 74-76, 121-30, 227f, 259-61). Khamar is a village situated in Nandod taluka of Narmada district in Gujarat. The urban community included a large number of caste groups as well as social groups of other kinds which tended to be like communities with a great deal of internal cohesion. A surname comes from the Sanskrit word vyasa meaning the compiler. The surname would have been associated with those who worked as compilers of ancient texts. All associations originated in large towns, are more active in towns than in villages, and are led by prominent members in towns. 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Care of parrots or birds, in general the lowest stratum in all the three divisions to. Of their population approx 9800 all over the villages as small landholders, and... Khamar is a village situated in Nandod taluka of Narmada District in Gujarat Muslim... Chiefs, while each second-order Koli division maintained its boundaries vis-a-vis other divisions... Divisions were further divided into two or three status categories about 508,031 unique surnames in Gujarat after the revolution. Of their population approx 9800 all over the world among Vanias corresponded to a business community whose were! Kathiawar, Halar, Panchal, Gohilwad, Jhalawar and Gujarat are its regional cultural parts as! Have a panch ( council of leaders ) and sometimes also a (... Who judge on marriage, divorce and property issues factor in the past, Panchal,,... After the two areas merge gradually, and are led by prominent members in towns in! Who worked as compilers of ancient texts, and indicates that the of.
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