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Every plan of study requires prior written approval by the contact faculty of the program Required courses: 18 units 2 advisor-approved electives in the areas of finance, business, and economics: 6-8 units 2 advisor-approved electives in the areas of optimization, simulations, and stochastic systems: 6-8 units Proposal, field research, analyses and oral and written presentations. ^J~ywpR >F 4` * New product concept testing and life cycle forecasting, pricing and advertising response forecasting, consumer purchase intentions, judgmental marketing decision models, time series and regression analysis, computer methods. (1NGl\Bg'2uz#km_}39l..|pV^$EOA\}[SB^Y:bs|a1#zOAHok;@J`Rq 3(,IoBk.(Q,0,2Kc, w>>$T=UD\hn#yc]%fB$.8$lsbEk|x]fls7Kk^)e~pmXQjoznM(!j];e6m@59m:j&up(dM^XnYk%w!mzd+JVsBzq7gy|x"mwO Graded CR/NC. Graduate Certificate in the Business of Entertainment. The next event in line is a networking event with MBAs and USC alumni, which will provide direct access to representatives in the companies of the students interests. Business disciplines include finance, data sciences & operations, marketing, management, and business communication, as well as a school of accounting and a dedicated entrepreneurship center. An exploration of skills and practices (e.g., getting out of one's comfort zone, discovering one's inner-critic) necessary to develop and cultivate one's personal creativity. Specialize in Analytics (STEM) or Consumer Behavior. Week 7 Pricing Analytics: New Product Pricing Individual assignment #2 Week 8 Group project consultation PPT Research Proposal for Group Project Due Week 9 Guest Speaker Digital Analytics I: Online Advertising Analytics Week 10 Machine Learning, Big Data, and Marketing Analytics Week 11 Zach's Garage Case Big Data Visualization (Tableau) hbbd``b`f BH0 @g;0j@"),a`bdRH+@ C , etc. Graded CR/NC. hWmO8N'4$B;!m6iR738UeglxyB cb pN{@"~%%*i&e22d `ME1uePHqvv>IULs'{pn8c{of@;N$F2FrAN@C:N!Tx,ELkZ,0(&O) !yZOJ(Iey?GPpPerS$+x3\i;] >8c8.n$y1D#ee$0!`|P@ 3 The client analytics team produces innovative thought leadership and quantitative research for PIMCO's clients. Students may pursue an internship while pursuing the MS in Marketing degree. Current USC students and USC alumni are not required to submit an application fee, new test scores (if previously submitted) or transcripts to verify degrees earned prior to their attendance at USC. Let us know by taking a short survey. Hn@~9H&ubG&Py nqHQ{vg DW6C!%e==/ky_mxfKlnG(f Marketing analytics enables marketers to measure, manage and analyze marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). You'll learn to ask the right questions and determine the most relevant data for improving sales, market share, and margins. ! GZ7T"%+ToBn' c hmo8?nb% This certificate program teaches you the essential methods of marketing research using data, as well as the analytical tools to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of your digital advertising campaigns. Marketing Analytics Spring 2016 Professor: Lan Luo, Ph.D. in Business (Major: Marketing) Office: Hoffman Hall 615 Telephone: 213-740-2497 E-mail: lluo@marshall.usc.edu Mailbox: Accounting 306 Office Hours: M W, 3:00 - 3:50pm, and by email for an appointment Required Course Materials: 1. Finance & Accounts. The USC Marshall Master of Science in Marketing runs one year, or three semesters, for full-time students, beginning and ending in May. The program starts during the spring semester so that students are prepared to graduate with clear career goals and strategies. The Master of Science in Marketing Program begins in late May each year. {Sx3p)y:sM>% ut;K;q-~Fy,F\IFXeXOiF`CnT%&2(hO!h\_sCeLh9![5?HgQf>oJwwyz)`}d3#)%p72>5D?r{+ 0O1M@NV5FpWz (`fw.Q "*e.aI1+)FH.@dLW96[(IEEm|>moq>u&`zY>y`E3kab>yUqiMZn ;>OI %f[{@4>ZhGtq0&(@mcjt|O?10f=]L6{7oJ$I0" GbkW ] paD;h g*9p";~0CU>6Jg! {N)e)$A;o$D&If$C?, GsT}e#H!qgm"DF:u=oV5PU;g!F qQ}A>h9.) Provides experience in a student managed product team. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. x[YF~wC?J)}rR;8qv#3K,Rv_ $A9Fn8>[W:OjWuYYmi?g.B*qs>+EhXGx? This program is designed for students interested in working in the film and television industries. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please watch this short virtual information session with our Academic and Program Director, Dr. Diane Badame, for an in-depth look at the Master of Science in Marketing Program. These electives are offered by the Marketing Department (MKT) or Data Sciences and Operations (DSO) Department. If you're curious about how data informs . Media, Mass Communication and Journalism. %PDF-1.5 2 0 obj About this course. After taking Marketing Analytics, this is the question you'll ask yourself when trying to measure the impact of an advertising campaign, pricing decision, or other action taken by your firm. <>>> ) Duplicates credit in the former DSO 566. This class examines how new product ideas are developed, test marketed, and, ultimately, brought to the marketplace. Graded CR/NC. 112 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5B51D8489913FBB8A68FF03841D33C62><21B3693564660E48A699BDE214232826>]/Index[102 24]/Info 101 0 R/Length 67/Prev 252787/Root 103 0 R/Size 126/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream BUSINESS (GRADUATE) - Business students may register using USC Web Registration. hbbd``b` Open only to juniors and seniors. Marshall cultivates innovative leaders by developing critical thinking, analytical and problem solving skills, oral and written communication and ethical foundations integral to lifelong learning and excelling in diverse global communities. ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI that can do anything from simple calculations to complex tasks . The MS in Marketing Program offers two academic tracks: Analytics and Consumer Behavior. Our Master of Science in Marketing Analytics (MSMA) students use their statistical and programming knowledge to analyze consumer data. <br><br> Graduating from . cyberchase hacker ship glenbrook south map; pop song with trumpet intro letrs unit 3 session 2 quizlet; stanley travel mug michigan road closures this weekend; momentum and collisions worksheet pdf Students gain a working knowledge of conjoint analysis, logit analysis, RFM analysis, tools for consumer segmentation and positioning, pricing analysis, and an introduction to machine learning, recommendations systems, and digital marketing analytics. Requires market research, creative design, implementation planning, and client presentation. Open to Marshall Ph.D. students only. ?=~B,7~?B_ Work with a client organization on the design of an advertising/promotions campaign. Marketing analytics is the process of tracking and analyzing data from marketing efforts, often to reach a quantitative goal. Develop an advanced understanding of fundamental marketing functions, including product, branding, channel, integrated marketing communication, and pricing Digital Marketing & Analytics Course Syllabus | OnDigitalMarketing.com College Course Syllabus for Digital and Social Media Marketing & Analytics Montana State University - Jake Jabs College of Business BMKT: 420 - Integrated Online Marketing Fall Semesters Instructor: Jacob Cook Office Hours: By appointment Email: cook.jacobm@gmail.com Rotaract Club Of Nsit Regency. Graded CR/NC. <> Students who are interested in quantitative, data-driven and marketing analytics job opportunities are encouraged to choose our STEM certified Analytics Track. !5Bx>NX-~D\I[kzK!R^N|d>8 1JgG9Q"(3;bEk:|q@e mE%'nh'=q/O?r18>ycZpzAq=kdpvC$ eF$6ZUu98"gv -[PGGN"a|Pc_fdz2".}9+?yhOp 'WFP7B_Fx Hpz6or: xy/q yY#Y-j %%EOF endstream endobj startxref XcOYU"&g5,i,qgq-u:d%UVXXIF]_zXQoE#:A*yN*JVs>ajPT*r2UD/v J6nXSsPZpx9ld6&r4/C[P'2U*.v(l!F?$X6pYyc;L-@=oG6J| Individual or team project solving real business problems for an existing business entity, domestic and/or international. learning, and the use of big data in marketing analytics. For additional information, visit marshall.usc.edu/MSMkt. Prerequisite: BUAD 307 or MKT 385x. Advertising, Marketing, and PR; Architecture, Construction, and Design; Business Management and Administration; Computer Science and Information Technology; We will study various USC Marshall houses seven academic departments that span the breadth and depth of a comprehensive business education. d_"Y"WjJg VxI^Vi $'=5. a9ED \@T hX?\ fiU0KqD}?r /6gh~L@a0sAbB+qu@s,GefjKG1. 102 0 obj <> endobj stream This version: August 22, 2021. MS in Marketing Seminars: We invite executives from the worlds leading companies to participate in round-table discussions. Students will develop skills to position themselves as leaders in quantitative marketing methods, gaining exposure to in-demand programming languages such as R and Python for marketers, as well as strategies and techniques for predictive modeling, consumer analysis, customer segmentation and micro-targeting. Independent research beyond normal course offerings. %%EOF Topics such as flow analysis, process automation, inventory control, capacity planning, and distribution network design are covered in this course. Students will be able to assess the risk-expected return tradeoffs when constructing a portfolio and apply metrics to assess portfolio performance. endstream endobj startxref Brilliant marketing is at the core of turning potential customers into loyal brand advocates. hbbd```b`` q?duoL>`v1 f TK`4"}$@%]+D?nHe?S' dU pZ^IM$[I*v The adoption of AI technology is rapidly increasing, and it is crucial to use it in daily activities to remain competitive. Issues about why new products fail and how brand images are managed in the marketplace are discussed. ` pPh=\kv)YL Vf`Ar \4 (Curricular Practical Training.) Ready to register for classes? Syllabus Info; 16546R: 033: Lecture: 2:00-3:20pm: Mon, Wed: 55 of 56 (4 on waitlist) Lan Luo: JKP104: PDF (211208 KB) x[YsF~w8Jlyl#R)1 h $cF:nkun+_o,NwOH? * The Master of Science in Marketing with a concentration in Marketing Analytics provides the foundation to build the expertise and skills necessary for the future of marketing. Techniques for building and analyzing advanced quantitative analytical models. The Master of Analytics program teaches students the latest methods for data-driven decision making using tools such as: Data Analysis Optimization Risk Modeling Simulation The Industry These skills are used to solve complex business and industry problems in areas such as: Pricing and Finance Scheduling Risk Management Logistics & Supply Chain i"c rtwtwXpLQ_d - Passion for marketing and desire to exceed and excel. Proposal, research and written report/paper required. tV..^J'{?3I!0C p*I 2 EH(Th)4pAAn&%p-#BQA"NDE`Y>7;^PrI0+F1t:AC Your session has ended. endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>stream D class assignments for undergraduates available in HOH; Phone: (213) 740-5033. BUSINESS (UNDERGRADUATE) - Non-Marshall students may enroll in up to three (3) courses prior to be ing admitted to a Marshall major or minor. Examination of strategic decision making in marketing channels. View MKTG 612_Marketing Analytics_Syllabus_Spring2021.pdf from MKTG 312 at California State University, East Bay. Seminar. I am a purpose-driven, data-assisted research storyteller who prioritizes delivering actionable insights but meaningful relationships leading with empathy. %PDF-1.5 % USC Sol Price School of Public Policy [email protected] Select Lectures and Class Exercises by: Yann Duzert, Ph.D. Director Guerreiro Ramos Joint Chair. The USC Career Center is open - in person and online - as always, all of our services and resources are available to you, . As a top-ranked four-year business school housed at a leading private research institution, a USC Marshall business degree allows extraordinary students to cement their own legendary futures. In order to meet the standards of STEM certification, students on the Analytics Track must complete 21 units of required courses, leaving 9 units (or three classes) of electives. Contact: We would love to tell you more about all things that SAC does. One-on-one sessions are scheduled with the MS in Marketing Associate Director to discuss students career goals so that the curriculum can be customized to develop and enhance the skills required to successfully pursue their areas of interest. You are also welcome to email us on ms.marketing@marshall.usc.edu if you have any questions. Examines happiness and wellbeing in consumer culture. endstream endobj startxref MKT/DSO 566: Marketing Analytics Spring 2020 Tue and Thu 11-12:20pm in JKP 204 Tue and Thu 2-3:20pm in JKP 104 Professor: Kalinda Ukanwa, Ph.D. in Marketing (Quantitative) Office: Hoffman Hall (HOH) 321 Office Hours: Tue and Thu 3:30 - 4:30pm and by appointment Phone: (213) 740-1421 Email: Kalinda.Ukanwa@marshall.usc.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION The Master of Science in Marketing Program prepares you to unleash the next generation of great ideas into the world. Your learning experiences will be interactive and relevant, helping you stand out when pursuing opportunities. They can take an additional two full-term courses at no extra charge. 1 0 obj Marketing (MKT) D class assignments for undergraduates available in HOH 331; phone (213) 740-5033. BUSINESS (UNDERGRADUATE) - Non-Marshall students may enroll in up to three (3) courses prior to be ing admitted to a Marshall major or minor. At least two years of full-time work experience is preferred. Develop and estimate various state-of-the-art models of consumer choice and firm decisions. 4 0 obj Exposure and Mentorship From Experts in the Marketing Field. The course employs a combination of lectures, articles, and "hands-on" exercises. Provides real-life marketing experience as a member of a student managed marketing/advertising/promotions agency. #S84u>I^j:&EnC#q!. . Please visit all the sections of our website to learn more about the program and return frequently to see the new offerings and program updates that we promise to make on an ongoing basis. Systematic approach to product development and management; processes, techniques, and concepts firms use to develop, test, and introduce products and to manage products over their lifecycle. Graded CR/NC. Insights gleaned from marketing analytics can enable organizations to improve their customer experiences, increase the return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts, and craft future marketing strategies. stream 6 ^30YB|*HBXOB [a It may no longer be on our site, or we may have moved it to a new location. F-1 students in this position may be able to recruit for unpaid internships if the company does not require CPT authorization, but paid internships will not be possible. The Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) degree requires 33 units, taken in 3 semesters (with the flexibility of extending to 4 semesters): Fall, Spring, and Fall. dNdn. }+"xw:bozwxw|?GB7s!FWoUrAd^'~,+.a+q;J2J.SFONNh; f wzB{ International applicants are advised to see the instructions for international students published in the USC Graduate Admissions Website. We hope that you will become a part of our MS in Marketing Program and a member of the world-renowned Trojan family. Prerequisite: BUAD-307 or MKT-385x. <> Hear about the resources we offer students, what were looking for in applicants, and why you should apply. registration begins 3/1 . Insights: We think you may be curious about the types of events that our SAC is organizing. International applicants who did not spend four years completing a bachelors degree at an American, British, Canadian or Australian college or university must submit TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores. Computer Application and IT MKT 440: Marketing Analysis and Strategy (4.0 units) MKT 445: New Product Development and Branding (4.0 units) MKT 446L: Practicum in New Product Development (4.0 units) MKT 450: Consumer Behavior and Marketing (4.0 units) MKT 465: Global Marketing Management (4.0 units) MKT 525: Consumer Behavior (3.0 units) Presentations by faculty, visiting researchers, and advanced students. As well as, all of the members will be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you may have regarding the program. Marketing Analytics (3.0 units) Applications and models of marketing-related data analyses to the development of data-driven marketing strategies and making data-driven marketing decisions. 3 months at . )b"4F\> =b'/a(h{S~| B)t International students may obtain a paid or unpaid internship in the spring under CPT (Curricular Practical Training) authorization. %PDF-1.5 % stream Complete enough units from the following list to total 30 units (required to complete the program). ,xT@ Meet the Student Advisory Council of the MS in Marketing program. View student handbook The student handbook provides access to information about services and resources for students as well as policies and procedures. hb`````b`a`keb@ !+sl``280rextAJ(u'C9+ Zt{J}qnfnW.A7;7}fzpc;nzS|Cfo The Business Analytics MBA major is designed to build deep competency in the skills needed to implement and oversee data-driven business decisions, including (i) collecting, managing and describing datasets, (ii) forming inferences and predictions from data, and (iii) making optimal and robust decisions. Homework submission guidelines and final project details can be found at the end of this syllabus. For more information about this program please fill out THIS FORM. Smeal Chair Professor of Marketing Office: 482 Business Bldg., Phone: 863-3559, E-mail: HansBaumgartner@psu.edu Office hours: T/TH 9:00-10:30 or by appointment Course objectives: This course will provide you with an introduction to marketing analytics. The GMAT is preferred. We are top 5 in the UK for Marketing (Complete University Guide, 2023). The Consumer Behavior Track offers a wide range of electives. The program provides tools, concepts, frameworks, critical thinking skills and practical hands-on projects in areas of interest that include entertainment, sports entertainment, luxury and lifestyle, technology, healthcare and marketing start-ups. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. Prerequisite: MKT 445. The USC Marshall Master of Science in Marketing Program (ranked 3rd in the nation QS World University Rankings) is designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of relevant and innovative marketing skills and techniques for prospective students interested in pursuing or enhancing their existing marketing careers. We will discuss causal analysis, survey analysis using regression, textual analysis (sentiment analysis), and network analysis. University Catalog MKT 402 - Introduction to Marketing Analytics - Fall 2021 Note: this syllabus is tentative; it will be updated throughout the semester. This provides a cross-learning opportunity that also helps students network with students from other USC schools and deepen the knowledge in their areas of interest. From consumer insights and new product development to the creation of successful marketing strategies and methods for long-term customer retention, the academic material prepares students for success in their chosen field(s). 0+H y2IP{cF_Re*7R;(;2f zCVV:cxZ. <> Log in to web registration. - Careful time management to ensure keeping up with classwork and projects. %%EOF USC Schedule of Classes Marketing 566: Marketing Analytics (3.0 units) Applications and models of marketing-related data analyses to the development of data-driven marketing strategies and making data-driven marketing decisions. 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