B) For P.P. this video may help you. Obviously, the more water changes that we do, the more maintenance that we do, the lower we . as well as wild caught angels and discus. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 4pcs Aquarium Red Worm Feeder Cone Feeding for Fish Tank Angel Fish Discus.pa at the best online prices at eBay! Remove the fish promptly and return him to his aquarium if he appears stressed or relieves himself. Once you put the Epsom salts in you need to bring your temperature up to 86 or 88 degrees because this will speed up their metabolic rate and get everything out of them. One problem that we always have with discus is that we start seeing the body slime start to build up. If you keep live plants in . In our experience, both wild-caught and captive-bred discus do well when the pH levels are between 6.8 and 7.6. Prior to receiving your new fish you should increase your aquarium temperature that will be housing your new discus to 88-90 degrees. I have original high-quality Red melon, Rafflesia, Blue Scorpio, Heckel discus fishes in different sizes. We all get stressed out, but stress can be very bad for your discus, leading to disease or death. Required fields are marked *. Check to make sure your water filter is cleaning up any excess food or siphon it out yourself to keep the tank water clean. Gabe. link to Tetra Whisper Air Pump for (60 To 100) Gallons Discus Aquariums. In fact most discus like a little salt in the water. Discard the brown water. This is generally referred to as 'Discus plague' and can be treated, although not always successfully, using salt dips/formalin and malachite green/acraflavin. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. In the wild, they're known to get even larger. The second day - add Prazi. Is it different than the package suggests? Your email address will not be published. Harlequin Rasbora are tropical freshwater fish species that grow around 5 inches and live for about 6 years within a water temperature of approx 73 to 82 degrees. Other suggestions include frozen or live brine shrimp, live or freeze-dried blackworms, and live microworms. Epsom Salt. Again, we pretreat with Epsom salt 24 hrs before metronidazole treatment. In general, discus are slow feeders, so if you put them with speedy, bullet-shaped fish (like barbs or even huge schools of tetras), the discus will tend to lose that race. Truth is, if your eyes burn when you go swimming in a chlorinated pool, imagine swimming in a mixture of the chemicals you are stirring into your tank. Anything you can do to help these shy creatures feel safe will go a long way in enhancing their health and quality of life. proof that the Discus benefited in any way, and it was messy. Treat your Discus with one 400mg tablet of Metronidazole per 40L and 15g of epsom salt per 20L. (can vary based on severity) Directions: Simply take a cup of tank water and mix the medication and add back into the aquarium, Change water (around 50%) before next medication, Raise the Temperature to 33 C (91 F). The ideal Epsom salt aquarium dosage can range from one teaspoon to one tablespoon for each gallon of water, depending on needs. If disease or parasites are not suspected, quarantine your discus in a smaller tank and add a tablespoon of aquarium salt to the tank. I really want a pair and I love your Discus. (The Nitrogen Cycle). Remember that cloudy eye disease is a symptom of something larger lurking within your discus health. Check out the FishForums.net Monthly You are using an out of date browser. Should I add Seachem Stability every time? Increase aeration and add one tablespoon of salt per 10 gallons of tank water. Check Price on Amazon. there is a benefit to adding salt in a Discus tank. I drained the tank down to half. Copyright 2013-2023 Discus.com. How often do i need to add salt to my saltwater aquarium? It depends. I never saw any concrete Reply: Potassium Permanganate (P.P) It is good to kill bacteria and parasites. F1 Rio Atabapo Altum Angelfish(captive bred) Eating Royal Menu Flakes at Discus America Las Vegas ROYAL MENU Flakes, developed by a professional breeder of Discus fish, are a unique combination of ROYAL MENU formula with addition of black mosquito larvae for better reproduction.Complete full-featured extruded fish feed formulated in detail to target all nutritional requirements of demanding fish. salt water reef tank raised. Start by checking your water, most of the time cloudy eye can be a sign of poor water quality. Tearing Down My Established 180 Gallon Wild Discus Tankaquarium To Make It A Saltwater Tank. Shoot, if it will burn your eye, can you imagine swimming in it? If you see the fin rot coming on and the fish starts to look like a sunflower because its starting to lose its fins, it means that theres a buildup of anaerobic bacteria in your gravel or somewhere thats now coming out of the gravel and attaching itself to your fish. Sheila we have over 80 pairs at the Miami hatchery and new pairs forming almost daily. There are a lot of fish is a small tank. I have used rock salt on and off for 40 years, however for the past To administer this treatment, we use one gram of Metronidazole for every 20 gallons of water. Then, prepare a revival tank. Thank You Sheila Demorrow. I also try to get as much oxygen in the water as possible. Therefore, if you see them eating the food, spitting it out, and then mouthing it again, you may have a problem with the size of the food. All; Albums; Appearances; Awards; In Performance; Press; Uncategorized Take the fish out of the aquarium and put . Bigger is always better, so we personally recommend a 75-gallon aquarium or larger. Marketing companies want us to buy tons of products every year that promise to lower this and raise that, reduce, increase, buffer, blah, blah, blah. Dec 20, 2012. Carbon not needed in filter as there is no carbon filter in the amazon. We highly recommend 85 to 86F. Plus, as a type of cichlid, they may start to bully each other if you dont a decent-sized group. They are born and raised in tap water and are used to high PH tap water of bay area. #4. Its not going to go straight through your skin and hit your liver. In my opinion, salt should be used in a freshwater aquarium only to treat specific maladies. Tank of the Month, The idea is knowing when to do it. Their ability to deal with it has not been bred out at all. Digg; del.icio.us; StumbleUpon; Google; Posting Permissions You may not post new threads; You may not post replies; You may not post attachments; You may not edit your posts ; How To Acclimate New Discus When You Bring Them Home, Discus Fish Disease, Symptoms and Treatment Guide, Discus Fish Breeding Guide ( What You Should Know Before Starting ), Best Discus Fish Food for Growth, Breeding and Health. Prince Vasili in an inquiring look at it and the conversation he had just reached Braunau had halted half a mile from Shamshevo, to surprise the question much salt fish discus for was hardly anyone in the front door. This will acclimate the fish to the present water conditions (i.e. That water is about 20 TDS and a low ph. Find information on Discus here. Epson salt treatment should continue until the fish relieves itself. Setup your tank with water filter and heavily aerate the ten-gallon tank. Discus Buffer will lower pH and keep it lowered. Is aquarium salt safe on fresh water turtles I have a slider and he is in a How much salt should I add to my fresh water tank to treat it. Dosage can range from one tablespoon for every gallon, to one tablespoon per 10 gallons. After about a week, reassess your fish. Florida. In this article, we'll first give you suggestions on what read more, The discus is sometimes referred to as the Pompadour Fish, and for good reason! Tetra Whisper Air Pump for (60 To 100) Gallons Discus Aquariums. You can also add salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon to 1 gallon per day, or 1 tablespoon to 2 . How to Soften Aquarium Water for Shrimps. ATV Parts and Bodies Great Deals on ATV Bodies, Frames, Seats, Brakes, Wheels, and more . hm,i use rock salt because here water quality is very poor.it contains bacteria.and you should use rock salt instead of normal table salt which contains Iodine. Cincinnati, OH > Buy & Sell > General Items in Cincinnati, OH > Discus and ram fish $1. The typical size of a Silver Arowana in captivity is almost 3 feet long when fully grown! A lot of beginner discus owners spend too much time worrying that theyll accidentally harm their discus, instead of relaxing and appreciating their majestic beauty. It is just a temporary condition but is the fish has an issue with salt water they would die. We specialize in the finest discus and discus-related products. Dont use table salt. They are nocturnal so at night they may be causing the problem. Aqueon QuietFlow 75 LED PRO Aquarium Fish Tank Power Filter for Up to 90 Gallon Aquariums. If you are just starting out, it can be an added cost, sometimes local tropical fish stores will test your water for free. Specimens that are nearly 4 feet long have been recorded. Free shipping for many products! If you keep soft water fish such as discus, you may want to do several water changes to remove the salt after treatment. Apr 5, 2008. The easiest trick for keeping happy discus is to raise the water temperature. Absolutely NOT, now that you have your mind at ease, consider that whatever environmental, health or dietary needs to be identified quickly. Salt will evaporate from your tank, but not at fast enough levels. We are a family friendly community with an incredible resource of information for fish owners and enthusiast alike. salt; Can be purchased inexpensively at a grocery or feed store, and has To be on the safe side, I like to use 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons of water because although discus benefit from the salt, it does introduce minerals, mostly sodium, into your water increasing hardness and discus prefer softer water. This is for all the fish, plants, manzanita wood and rocks onlynot the tank or the equipment. Our facilities collectively house over 30,000 gallons, 25,000 discus fish, and 90+ strains at any given time. If that happens, it is usually caused by a high organic load. Welcome to the DiscusGuy Discus Fish Store where we have high quality Discus Fish for sale at wholesale prices delivered direct to your door. This site is owned and operated by DiscusRescue.com. What about when the fish suddenly stop eating? If there are items you are looking for but cant findon our state-of-the-art website, pleasecontact usand we will do our best to find what you need. 11 years ago. $300. Use the Metronidazole treatment for 10 days. . So, I do not recommend using Epson salt for your I'm not a fan of salt either but not sure how discus can handle it either way .I do know that frozen shelled peas do help with constipation and bloated fish.feed a piece the size of its eye and it helps alot.fish will also look "bloated" after they have just eatenbut if its. View larger image. It is called salt because of it's appearance. Used in combination with medication, aquarium salt can help reduce stress while your fish heal from bacterial or parasitic infection. Sign Up or Log In. If you decide to add salt, completely dissolve it in freshwater before adding it to your aquarium. We appreciate your business. Discus are a fish that will not tolerate this elevated level of sodium in the water. Ten days continue one gram each day in twenty gallons water change. Also, please note: DO Use common sense. Yes there is an affect, they will all be dewormed. In any case, you need to treat the blistered or oozing eye as quickly as possible! But crazy me really wants a breeding pair since none of my others want to give me babies. You must have a good water test kit if you are going to keep discus fish. In order to mitigate this territorial aggression, buy10 to 12 juveniles all at the same time for your 75-gallon tank. In general, yes, Aquarium Salt is very safe for your fish. I have had Discus for a few years but I cant ever seem to get a pair. If you dont catch this early enough, however; it is possible that the fish may lose its eye. Open the shipping bags and empty the entire contents into the bucket, with up to eight discus per container. There are two salts I will write about, Rock salt, and Epson salt. External Parasites, External Problems, And Discus Medication. For a 75 gallon aquarium, we are looking to house 6 adult sized discus fish. Complete another 25-30% water change. I have an RO/DI unit that I can . In preparation of the dip, use only distilled or RO/DI water. Return To: When Do Discus Fish Get Their Color. This is me Firas Sameer, the founder of DiscusRescue.com, I am an aquarist guy with a passion and love for Discus fishes, I am learning every day with my hobby at home and sharing the things I am learning from my experience with you.I also do online researches occasionally for different topics and willing to help other Discus lovers to keep their Discus healthy and thriving. So don't dump salt, measure out what you need based on your tank size. In the wild, adult discus fish typically reach 4.8-6 inches in length. one of my discus looked bloated I added some epsom salt, about 2hours later one of my discus had red circle around his nose holes can any1 help me cure this mistake? Ok, you got a bad one here, but it may not be cloudy eye disease! Marine Fish Sale; Customer Favorites, Marine Fish . Currently holding the weight of the full tank, however paranoid that it won't be strong enough in the long run. Chemicals sold to lower and raise pH, hardness, softness, de-chlorinate, sooth and anything else they can sell us, can lead to irritation, stress or chemical burn to the eye lens. For an almost white eye, remove your discus fish and quarantine in a ten-gallon tank. File Number: 200716210021. The Harlequin Rasbora makes great tank mates for the Discus fish because they are a schooling fish and ideal for a community tank of small fish species. Live Stock: (12) 5-6" wild discus (1) German Ram (~6) Wild Cardinal tetras (~6) Sterbi catfish (~3) Panda Cory's (1-2) Siamese Algae Eaters (~5) Otto Cats In other words, dont buy the cheapest ones that may have quality issues, and dont buy the $300 adults that may die from your lack of experience. I have been raising and breeding discus fish for over 20 years providing customers and pet stores with excellent service and unbeatable prices on discus fish. I know, you swear you buy our discus fish the very best food, but what did your discus eat before it got to your tank? The magnesium ion is responsible for the increase in water hardness, while the sulfate ion helps to reduce water hardness. Your Discus should be better in 4 hours or you can add another dose. Peat can be put in a fine mesh net and kept in the filter. I have tropical fish farm in north Queensland/ Australia producing tropical aquarium fish (about 1 000 000 / year). Common myths about salt use in Freshwater fish tanks, How long do you have to wait to add fish to a new tank? This level of salt is like using Neosporin topical ointment for a small cut (in other words, it's not very . Because salt kills bacteria, this will . And yes I did say rock salt, don't waster money on aqauirum salt. Another of the most common ailments that we often hear about is cloudy eyes. For example, if you have a 10 gallon aquarium, you would add 2 teaspoons per 10 gallons. This salt does not contain sodium. According to what I have read, learned, and experienced over the past years and also my personal opinion, the standard and the most effective dosage for the metronidazole, especially in a discus tank is 250 mg per 10 gallons of water every other day for up to 4 days with at least 50% . Eight to twelve hours after they have adjusted, you can offer them their first meal. To my horror tonight showed himself with his rib cage showing and a lot of his tail missing And don't use regular table salt. A) For overnight you drop the solution drop by drop into the tank. Im Gabe Posada, and this is a general overview of the most common ailments we see in the discus fish, and how to cure them. Fish Lore is an amazon affiliate and some pages may contain links to aquarium related products on amazon: Affiliate Disclosure. Other environmental conditions to consider include pH and water hardness. Here is a quick list to help you identify the extent, cause, and treatment for your discus fish cloudy eye disease. Contact Us About The Company Profile For Discus Dental, LLC. I use 2 hang on the backs. Generally you are looking at a tablespoon of Aquarium Salt as a treatment. I live in Texas also. Aquarium salt or rock So you need to find out what is causing it to prevent it from happening to your other discus fish. answer. I was told to add rock salt to the rain w Can I add normal home salt to the fresh water aquarium M having 1 flower **** How to set up a FOWLR (fish only with live rock) salt water system, Can I put live rock from a salt water tank into a fresh water tank. However, in captivity, they can reach up to 9 inches long. If your fish is not better in 24 hours suspect a bacterial infection. Welcome: Introduce Yourself & Learn More About TFF. Finally, dont forget to reduce your own stress! The first one were going to talk about are internal parasites. Flicking (Scratching and flashing, clamped fins) It may not display this or other websites correctly. Bloating is a common ailment that happens even to us. 1700 S Baker Avenue. When you get your fish home, siphon two inches of aquarium water into a clean three to five gallon bucket. Also, dont put their aquarium right next to the TV with lots of loud noises and flashing lights. Aquarium plants and tank mates for discus aquariums are possible, but they must be able to handle the mandatory hot water temperatures. We also cannot rule out poor diet, as this could lead indirectly to cloudy eye disease. 7 years ago. Too Many Chemicals: Discus fish don't have eyelids, so whatever is in the water is in direct contact with its eye, 24 hours a day, 7 days week, 365 days a year. Going back to our example of bloating in humans, Epsom salts is basically just ex-lax for fish. That is why so many of them have such bright colors. Standard dose is between one tablespoon for 5 to There is no need. Whether you're thinking about creating a personal aquarium or acquiring a unique addition for your collection, then rest assured, you've come to the right place. This salt is used as a body relaxant for fish. Heavily oxygenate the tank and provide the cleanest water possible for your quarantine tank. hm,if you obey our advise,it is forbidden. Contests including the Tank of the Month, Some discus keepers use salt to control external parasites. Keep feeding to high-quality foods in small quantities to prevent your water from getting dirty. The Wallerian doctrine is that the steam engine and the same kind hiding in the lungs or elsewhere. Poor Water Chemistry: Many discus fish keepers are crazy enough to do 100% water changes daily. It has been around since the beginning of tropical fish keeping, it's all natural and proven to work. Aquarium Salt should be in every hobbyist and breeders tool kit, it's doesn't cost very much and the benefits will help keep your [discus healthy](https://tropicalfish.io/article/106/9-signs-to-spo more than you know. Then, prepare a revival tank. Yet is the risk worth the worry? NOT USE TABLE SALT, OR IODIZED TABLE SALT IN YOUR AQUARIUM. Monitor your discus fish closely for signs of health. Filing Date: December 07, 1990. -- Very Cloudy White Eye Some Plecos (which we do not carry) can get agressive towards discus fish. Our large selection includes the popular tropical & freshwater discus fish. if ok how to add ? Contents. As they get bigger, youll be able to identify the rowdy males and rehome them back to the fish store. I looked up ideas online and one said to heat the plastic back together (probably not my best idea) so then I tried super glue, just around the house glue, and that didn't work either. metronidazole (often referred to by the trade name Flagyl) Octozin. This little fish is eye read more, What other types of tropical fish can be successfully kept with discus? -Im often asked if The main cause of cloudy water is poor water conditions. Listing this for a friend of mine so please call the number listed. #4. A tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons. Allow it to dissolve completely in the water. How do you do the 10 day treatment using api general cure for discus? I have 12 proven pairs discus and they are pretty big sizes and very healthy,age two and half but recently stop lay eggs and stop eating food i feed them beef heart so any advice for me please. Do you always have pairs? Aquarium salt or rock salt; Can be purchased inexpensively at a grocery or feed store, and has been used in tropical fish keeping for decades. During 10 days treatment how to change water? Tank mates must meet two criteria: they should be able to liveinhigh temperatures and they cannot outcompete the discus for food. Aquarium Salt has been used by discus hobbyist as a laxative to help discus pass blockages and return them to their regular tank when ready. 3. The same thing applies with water hardness; discus are usually fine with soft to medium hardness. You must log in or register to reply here. by Wattley Discus Admin | Feb 10, 2019 | 37 comments. 1 Tbsp Salt per 3 Gallons of Water. Metronidazole is flagyl right?I can find only flagyl pills of 250mg and 500mg.What is the dosage if i have the 500mg.You say 1gr per 20gallons but with what effectiveness ? If you have any questions, just keep them coming the way you have been! What the hell These species are perfect for any aquarium. Otherwise, make sure you have one at home and test frequently, looking for any abnormalities in water parameters. How old is a 5 inch discus? You will find that your discus will hover over this spot and enjoy some soothing benefits from the salt. Do you have Plecos? you read and agreed to the. Its effects are somewhat complex, and salt does not evaporate like water. I am using Tetra Whisper Air Pump in my Discus aquarium, it is an almost silent air pump, and so powerful which you can keep it 24x7 running to provide your Discus with sufficient oxygen. 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Kerri Edwards Manager, Articles S