There are many unicorns like me, but, "I am the prettiest unicorn! "Beam me up, Scotty" is a catchphrase from Star Trek given by Captain Kirk to the operator of the Enterprise's transport system, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, when he needs to teleport back to the ship. Between his and Soldier's rocket jumps, Demoman's fling him a lot further at the cost of dealing more self-damage. Now eat the floor and give me twenty! "Freeeedooooom!" ", "It's lads like you that give war a bad name! Tuck them into bed and kiss their asses on the forehead. Voice Responses are contextually triggered lines that play after the player has achieved something, for instance killing a certain amount of enemies with a Primary or Melee Weapon, or the player has triggered something, like being set on fire. Supposedly, Shakespeare used real witchcraft spells as he was writing the play, and to utter the phrase "Macbeth" while in the theater incites bad luck upon all parties involved. "Get over here and help me defend, ya idiot! I told ya they were a bunch o' wee lasses! Soldier: Maggots! I'll shove every one of them up yer arse! The Demoman engages in an intense battle of Rock, Paper, Scissors. He's very well-mannered when Miss Pauling visits him in WAR!, and he's capable enough to simultaneously tackle being a globetrotting mercenary in addition to two other unknown jobs, all for his mum. ", "EVERYBODY! The Demoman is a Scottish explosives expert who uses his Grenade Launcher and Sticky Bombs to demolish his enemies. There's a new angel in heaven "Little too much caber-tossin' pie down yer own throat, eh, chubby? Ali Baba is a fictional character from the story "Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves", which is featured in the book One Thousand and One Nights, and whose name is the inspiration for the Demoman's One Thousand and One Demoknights item pack. It's on like--!" IN HELL!" "Little too much caber-tossin' pie down yer own throat, eh, chubby?" Dominating an Engineer "Don't hide behind yer toys, lad!" "You're weak. This is a reference to the Training new players are encouraged to go through when they first launch the game, which includes two portions for Soldier. "Blind fire" is when a person fires a weapon from behind an object and does not reveal themself. ", "Men, we are tied, and that is just another word for losing! ", "You better hide, wizard! "Merasmus! ", "Hup hup hup, everybody! This is a play on the phrase Killed in Action, or "KIA", which is used to describe a soldier who has died on the battlefield. [Sotto voce] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine", "I love the smell of a rank up in the morning! On occasion, the Demoman trips and spills some of the beer in the bottle. Demoman: What makes me a good Demoman? They said we shouldn't do it! ", "MY GREATEST ENEMY IS DEAD! He shared his class update with the Soldier, much like the Sniper and Spy. HE IS A SOULLESS MONSTER!" But only one gave nothing, the winner! "That's a right pretty bra-washer ya built, ya big ugly girl!" - Demoman to Engineer Demoman will never get tired of insulting the Texan toymaker each time he throws a wrench into his plans.. ", "I am going to kill you, Merasmus! ", "Yer arses ass and I'm the grass man, punk yeah ya havin' heathen. ", "Oh, d'ye like that, yeah? "I am not trapped in a facility full of robots. ", "Drop your bibs and make some gibs, maggots! This page was last edited on 11 July 2021, at 11:32. ", "Yer arses arse and I'm the grass man, punk yeah ya havin' heathen. You take away the Demoman's explosives and give him a sword, shield, and funny shoes to fight against a team of mercenaries wielding rocket launchers, high-powered sniper rifles, and miniguns. Some gave more! Like above, Demomen can shell slow-moving Heavies from a distance and can take advantage of Heavy's dependence on line-of-sight, Pyros can menace Demos at close range and reflect their explosives back at them, and Heavies shred down Pyros with higher health and damage at flamethrower range. [Sotto voce] "Call me later, we can talk about our day. The best thing is to win without fighting at all.' ", "I will eat your ribs, I will eat them up! Why it sucks: Shortstop, Mad Milk (some might say it doesn't blow, but IMO candy cane does better and you can keep your pistol or bonk), Holy Mackerel is vanilla bat reskin but IMO there are way better bats (ie sandman, candy cane) 3 Gas Jockey's Gear (pyro) Requires: Attendant, Degreaser, Powerjack Effect:+10% faster move speed on wearer Being one of the only classes that can compete with Demo both on the ground and in the air, a good Soldier can easily chase after sticky jumping Demos and blast them with a much more accurate Rocket Launcher that does just as much, if not more damage than Demo's own Pipe Grenades. You are not welcome in my world!" -after getting a few kills in a row. Men, Sun Tzu is an idiot! ", "DOMINATED! The Soldier reaches from off-screen and pulls a Shotgun off a rack of weapons. He is frequently referred to as the Scottish Robin Hood, and is the namesake of the Rob Roy cocktail. ", "Let's give 'em a sportin' chance! ", "DOMINATED!" although when the sword and its owner is not on the clock, a headless corpse flying off into the distance. This nickname refers to the fact that Date Masamune also wore an eyepatch, although the Demoman's eyepatch is on the other eye. In my apartment. Do you understand that? The closest Captain Kirk (William Shatner) ever came to speaking those words was "Beam me up, Mr. Scott" in the film Star Trek IV. When not drunk, he's also surprisingly polite and competent. Unlike the Demoman, he elected to be fitted with a glass eye. Tropes Media Browse Indexes Forums Videos. When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun, it targets the grenades once they're in range and ignores the Demoman. Doing so can leave you with barely enough health to survive the fall. The item description makes a reference to Date Masamune's nickname, The One-eyed Dragon. I forgot you were there. This is, At one point, he gets absolutely furious at the Medic for being able to perform medical miracles (or/and abominations against nature), yet seems to be unable to give him another eye. ", "This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia! ", "If I have to crack some skulls, I will. The Demoman closes his right hand into a fist and points at it before extending his arm forward and inviting others for a fist bump. ", "You will stand next to that cart or I will, "All gave some, some gave all! ", "There are many like it, but this one is mine! ", "I am going to enjoy killing each and every one of you sorry sacks of scum! The title card displays "COPYRIGHT LOLOLOL" on the bottom right corner, a recurring joke throughout the "Meet the Team" videos. The Ullapool Caber is a community-created melee weapon for the Demoman. We'll see about that! ", Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe,, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. [singing] God bless America, land of America And so forth and so onMove out! You are nothin' but a buncha' cowards! ", "Remember, lad, it wasn't the easy matches that got you here, it was the bloody, "Oh, what's your name, ya pretty lit'le thing? ", "You were good son, real good; maybe even the best. Ryu: Reckon yer fancy tatsumabalaba ding dong woulda saved ye? ", "I came here to kick arse and have two eyes! Added Conga, Square Dance, Skullcracker, Flippin' Awesome, Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spent Well Spirits, and Oblooterated taunts. The Demoman does not have a smiley face under his crotch plate in this video. ", "One time I killed a man in Germany! Potassium chlorate is a chemical compound commonly used in fireworks and explosives. A nine iron is a type of golf club. Because we have kicked them all over this map and they are devastated! On the other hand, his projectile-based weapons make him abysmal when fighting at close range. ", "I'm going to tell you ladies a secret: I hate losing! "Ecky thump" is a northern English phrase that is exclaimed during a moment of surprise. And now comes to my miscellaneous replies to some of your arguments. "Take your lumps like a man, Private Twinkletoes. Evidence of its existence is largely anecdotal, with minimal, and much disputed, photographic material and sonar readings, as there has not been any physical evidence uncovered as of 2012. These responses override the default responses for that category. Added 2 official taunts: Yeti Punch and Yeti Smash. Light griefs can speak: deep sorrows are dumb." - Seneca, Hippolytus, act ii. The Scotsmann's Stagger was added to the game. The line above, as said by the Demoman, is a reversal of Ron's line in the film. "Dominated! Demo shares a secondary triangle with Heavies and Pyros. In competitive play, Demomen have to learn all the potentially useful sticky jump locations on a map and be able to execute them perfectly (and thus be able to get to the central control point faster than the enemy Scouts), has no hit-scan weapon and so must rely on prediction, and has low mobility without the aid of sticky jumps. Good Snipers can easily ruin a Demo's attempts to set sticky traps or jump across the map just by quickscoping long before the Demo has time to prepare himself to counter the Sniper. The Demoman raises his right hand and points at it with his left hand while saying: The Demoman puts his right fist on his hip while bending his knees and kicking from side to side, swinging his left fist from side to side in front of him. The description is a reference to Bob Marley and the Wailers' song "Three Little Birds". If you got an enemy after taking a hit, surviving the Ullapool's explosion. [sotto voce] I do like you, it's just for show. ", "Buck up, lads! ", "Merasmus! (said differently than the above) - upon resurrection with a Reanimator."Freeeedooooom!" This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 15:13. hah.". Again! Put them in a tub with scented candles. ", "You are a spineless worm! Of course, the Demoman's ability to see is imperfect at the best of times. Where it belongs! ", "We give up, Merasmus! The Demoman lets out a wolf howl while holding out his arms and looking towards the sky. This may also be a reference to the cult rock-umentary This Is Spinal Tap. Since all of the Demoman's non Demoknight-centered weapons (shields and boots, that is) fire projectiles, a competent Pyro with use of the airblast can completely shut down a Demoman's offense by reflecting their fired pipes back into his face, or shut down. When the Demoman fires his grenades at the Sentry Gun, it targets the grenades once they're in range and ignores the Demoman. - starting a round with the Magical Mercenary equipped. Give me my eye back, you wizard! The Scottish Resistance can guard multiple entry points to make approaching always unsafe, set up and manage distinct sticky traps, disarm enemy Demomen's stickies, or even just for direct combat if they are very good with predicting their target's movements. And if I ever see him, I will punch him in his mouth! ", "Just bought two tickets to the gunshow, and I'm not givin' 'em to ya; I'm goin' with, "See? "Shorn" is the past participle of "shear", which is the act of cutting a sheep's wool off. Medic: Another successful procedure. I was just gettin' warmed up! ", "[Singing] I love to win, so I guess we should win! Tf2 Soldier Quotes Tf2 Medic Quotes Tf2 Announcer Quotes Tf2 Heavy Quotes Tf2 Sniper Quotes Team Fortress 2 Medic Quotes Tf2 Engineer Quotes Tf2 Pyro Quotes Abraham Lincoln Quotes Albert Einstein Quotes Bill Gates . Update. The Demoman turns around, crouches forward, and shakes his posterior while. After the enemy Medic and his principal buddy, Demo is likely one of the most important targets for a Spy to take out if they're even halfway decent. ", "We won the battle, now let's win the war! Upon finishing the taunt, the Demoman stands up with an unstable step. A targe is a small shield that was used by the Scottish Highlanders up to the 18th century. Reference to the Great Highland Bagpipe, a Scottish musical instrument. By lehomer22 2022-01-20 18:30 89% (601) Demoman The Loose Cannon Video TF2 Spy Movie Critical Hit DEMO CROC! ", "You can't hide from me forever, Merasmus! All voice lines associated with a player-initiated taunt are located in the Soldier taunts page along with a description of the animation. ", "You have grit, you have valor, and now you have proof! I know everything!". ", "I am a robot! ", "You got the stripe, son! "Merasmus! ", "'Course we won! And I am most proud of, "Let's kick this robot's ass back to the Bronze Age!". It's a wee head" [fades], "Yer wicked! On account of his lack of an eye, and blood heritage, he considers himself something of a Last of His Kind. Someone, take out me other eye! The Demoman's Fro, with its small size and headband, closely resembles the afro worn by rock legend Jimi Hendrix. Tweet @Portal2Sounds. ", "You can have this when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. stairway to heaven korean drama episode 1 eng sub. I am more proud of, "I have been awarded the Purple Heart, the Orange Star, the Green Clover, the Blue Diamond, and the Big Golden Army Ball of Bravery! A caber is a large wooden pole used in the caber toss, an event practiced at the Scottish Highland Games. ", "We only went a bloody did it, didn't we? Over the years, the comics have spawned ancillary characters, then assistants to the ancillary characters. Some men gave more than some. Such as: "If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!" -domination line. While waiting, he looks to his left, loses balance, falls to his right and grunts. We'll get 'em next time. The Highlanders were famous for their charges. I'm already ablaze with passion, "Get a haircut, hippie! ", "Son, whatever third-world stink pile you actually live in, today you are an American! Lucina: Tough luck, missy! ], [A level 2 Sentry Gun upgrades to level 3. - after killing a Soldier. You are all bleeders. Demoman 2 yr. ago It get sad when I hear it now 2 Yourboy_thatguy 2 yr. ago I'm more of a digital love guy myself but yeah robot rock's pretty good too. The Highlanders were famous for their charges. "Watch out, lads! You do not, "Damn you, Merasmuuuuus! However the original taunt on the Steam Workshop had Demoman playing them extremely well. ", "Your white flag does not stop American bullets. As a class-based shooter, every character in Team Fortress 2 has a fixed set of equipment and abilities, and a role to play in propelling the team to victory. "One crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch and kablooie!". "Three Times a Lady" is a 1978 single by the funk and soul band The Commodores. The update revealed the Demoman's lifestyle; along with working three jobs, he lives in a mansion in New Mexico with his blind mother. scene 3.] In "Blood in the Water", the Demoman shows a rather contemptuous attitude towards the Sniper and his parents' lodgings. So! I am going to pull a rabbit out of your ass! The entire idea of the Demoknight. Moreover, he's an obvious baseball fan, given his baseball cap, bat, and sports . Ever since the first showing of Macbeth, it has been alleged that speaking the play's name aloud is unlucky. A targe is a small shield that was used by the Scottish Highlanders up to the 18th century. engineered inventions of tomorrow such as an, knocking out Demoman via sedation, and then intending to bury him alive until Miss Pauling talks him out of it, the intended way to play the class, if the Defense designation is any indication, Though if you actually look at his stats, he isn't moving, Unless you have the Sticky Jumper, then self-damage isn't a factor, at the cost of not being able to hurt. ", "I will open up your chassis and use you all as a latrine! Duck Hunt: Maybe next time I miss me shot, you'll shut yer trap! Yeah, I'm hungry too. ", "I am going to claw my way down your throat and tear out your very soul! The description is a reference to The Bible, Exodus 22:18, which is often translated as "Suffer not a witch to live", referring to the Puritans and their practice of executing those accused of witchcraft. "Dominated! There you are! The Demoman's Bottle is branded "XXX"; this typically means strong Moonshine, an illegaly-brewed beverage. ", "DOMINATED! ", (unintelligible muttering) "I love you man", "Any of you that think ye're better 'n me you're gon' have another thing c-", "Everyone thinks I'mGod damn it" (weeping), "Any one of you--!" It feels-, "You're all maggots, you scum sucking fruit baskets!" In film and television, Sherlock Holmes is often depicted as wearing a similar deer-stalking hat, though he never did in any of the original novels. ", "Thankfully I already don't remember this. "Freeeedooooom!" Presto, you're dead! By the official bird of Livi, Montana! And even then, good luck! ", "I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!". Macbeth is a play by William Shakespeare, which gives a fictional portrayal of a historical Scottish thane by the name of Macbeth. Someone, take out me other eye! ", "Get out here so I can kick you right in your frilly wizard dress! Hair get in your eyes? Contents 1 Achievements 2 Weapons 3 Cosmetic items 4 Taunts 4.1 Grenade Launcher 4.2 Scottish Resistance 5 Responses 5.1 Dominating a Soldier 5.2 Dominating a Pyro 5.3 Dominating a Demoman 5.4 Dominating a Heavy ", "You worthless lady-bots get back here and fight! ", "And then I'll grow yer arse's arse and I'm the grass man, punk yeah heaven's heathen", "Any of you that think ye're better 'n me you're gon' have another thing c-", "Everyone thinks I'm just a one-eyed bloody monster, god damnit (sobbing)", "Everyone thinks I'm God damn it (weeping)", "Any one of you (belches) Everyone, damn it (sobs)", "Gonna take down to the pain train station in train town", "And that's what ya' get for touching that! Feet up, feet up, feet up! [falls asleep, then wakes up] "wha--? twitchquotes: Bruh wharf if, if the spy fromb tf2 disguised himself as demoman to get an N-word word pass. Share the best GIFs now >>> ], [The Demoman slams the now empty Bottle down on the table, breathing heavily. His height is 6' 2" (1,88 m). The Demoman raises a bottle of beer with his left hand while holding a crate of bottles under his right arm, yelling. ], [The Demoman walks up to (presumably) a decapitated head, laughing merrily as body parts and blood rain down around him. Come and get me I say! I just thought we were just testing our weapons! Local people, and later many around the world, have affectionately referred to the animal by the diminutive "Nessie" since the 1950s. Sammy Davis, Jr was a well-known singer and dancer who became internationally famous for his Broadway performances. Hasta gazpacho! The item's name is a reference to the film Apt Pupil. lampshades how strange it is to call him otherwise. This weapon's name is a reference to the period of extended Scottish insurrection against English rule after being invaded in 1296, culminating in two major wars fought from 1296-1328 and 1332-1357 (not to be confused with the Jacobite rebellions). I got a good feeling about this. Killing someone with a critical strike from a sword results in the target being decapitated by a vertical swing. ", "You are scum! ", "Merasmus! All that ye awakened was me WRATH! During the censored portion, the Demoman actually says: The music that plays during the battle sequence ", The teams' roles are reversed from what they are in the game's, Several crates of beer can be seen behind the Demoman. The Heavy sometimes shouts "Cry some more!". The first line of the chorus is: It is purported to tell the story of a dead soldier who will arrive home by the "low road" before his living comrade arrives home by the "high road". Also, the Caber is a one-time-deal. ], Demoman: "If I were a bad Demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here, discussin' it with you now would I? "Pickled" is a slang term for drunkenness. In the film, when one immortal decapitates another, he acquires the sum total of their power, knowledge, experiences, and skill, similarly to how the Eyelander works in the game. ", "Do not look at this man's head! View Page. There wasn't room for one. ", "Stand on the bloody point, ya half-wit! ", "I had me good eye on you the whole time! They gave a lot! ", "If there is one thing I hate more than losing, it is tying! Me head! The following dictates the Demoman voice commands. The name of this hat is a reference to English rock band The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Shutting down. A carouser is a participant in a noisy, lively drinking party or one who consumes plentiful amounts of alcohol - this is obviously a reference to the Demoman's drinking habits. ", [The Demoman runs out to the final capture point in Gravelpit and is shocked to see a group of BLU team members charging towards him with smug expressions on their faces. This is a sentence repeated throughout the film Highlander, suggesting only one immortal will survive the age-old "game" of decapitation that they play. The fast pace of the game makes it almost unusable for direct confrontation, but players who are able to micromanage their sticky placements, find clever trap locations, know to fight only when it's advantageous, and are able to land direct grenade launcher hits when caught off-guard can become the most fearsome defensive powerhouses in the game, rivaling even the Engineer's fully-upgraded Sentry Gun. Woh, hup sti'that! Please make sure you own these games if you are going to listen to their content! In earlier centuries, the entire west coast of the country was sometimes referred to as Argyll. Taunts are character-specific animations that can be manually triggered in-game. Engineer: I'll be waitin' on ya with a whiff o' the old brimstone! Give me back me eye! from dankmemes. I am programmed to give you a sensible haircut! "This is my world. ", "Let me give you some advice, son: Do not be a ghost! I'm a black Scottish cyclops. A shaman is an individual who is believed to have a mental connection to a spiritual world. ", [Cut back to the Demoman's room, music pauses. I have favorite lines from other classes, too: The Demoman primarily uses a grenade launcher which fires its projectiles in an parabolic arc, and whose grenades can bounce against obstacles before exploding; thus, he's the only class capable of indirect fire, dealing explosive damage without even seeing the enemy. sticky-jump towards a Sniper's perch to try and deal with them personally. The archaic spelling "cyder" is sometimes used, but as a marketing ploy rather than authentic usage. The Grimm fables, or Grimm's Fairy Tales, were a collection of fairy tales of various origins, published by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, the Brothers Grimm, in 1812. ", "You just got your Frenchie ass dominated. The Glengarry bonnet is actually a traditional boat-shaped hat without a peak. The quote, "Something wicked this way comes," is spoken in Act IV, Scene 1 by the Second Witch as Macbeth approaches. There have been several memes on Reddit showing Demoman both literally and figuratively dropping bombs. In the film Highlander, the Quickening is the phenomenon which occurs when an immortal decapitates another, acquiring the sum total of their power, knowledge, experiences, and skill. The label on the bottle indicates that it was made in 1680, the same year that the notorious pirate known as Blackbeard was born. The second Highlander film is also subtitled "The Quickening". The entire idea of the Demoman. This hat more closely resembles a Balmoral bonnet, which was worn by several Scottish military regiments until they all switched to the Glengarry in 2006. In Team Fortress 2, the Demoman character class wields a grenade launcher and sticky bomb launcher. Fixes the Demoman's sticky note not drawing. If timed correctly, the resulting explosion will catapult the Demoman up and forward. With 175HP and 93% base speed, the Demoman's true worth lies with his projectile-based weaponry. I told ye they were a buncha' wee lasses! ", "Ah, who needs this depth perception when you can bloody move like this! The Scots Guards are a regiment of the British Army. ", "Remember, men, there is no 'I' in 'team'! ", "Any man comes at me airborne, I am turning into a meat cloud! ", "Bloody hell, those ones were me favorites! You're starving? I'll chew the eyeballs right out of your skull! Fixed the Soldier/Demoman taunts not working correctly when the. [Quietly] "It's just a metaphor, brain maggot. The Demoman Real name: Tavish Finnegan DeGroot Voiced by: Gary Schwartz (English), Francesc Rocamora (Spanish), Dmitry Polonsky (Russian) "Come an' get me, I say! The Demoman bites off the tip of a pipe grenade and dumps its contents into his mouth together with some of his scrumpy, then pulls out a lighter and spews the mix into its flame, causing a small mushroom cloud. ", "DOMINATED! Tonight, we pony prance in HELL!" Ullapool is a small town in the Scottish Highlands. That's right, whoo! These quotes are references to the film Highlander. ", [Slurred] "Just bought two tickets to the gun show, and I'm not givin' 'em to ya; I'm goin' with your tickets (laughs, falls asleep, then wakes up) Wha-?" ", "Drop your socks and grab your socks, boys! ", "All gave some! The Ullapool Caber's taunt was added during the. A single-handed claymore would be held in the right hand and used to stab the enemy, the targe would be strapped to the left arm and used to parry sword or bayonet blows, and a small dagger held reversed in the left hand and overlapping the targe would be used to slash. . Yours will do just fine. That's it! 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Connection to a spiritual world once they 're in range tf2 demoman quotes ignores the Demoman 's to! Override the default responses for that category this depth perception when you pry it from my cold, hands! And forward Great Highland Bagpipe, a headless corpse flying off into the distance for one American., although the Demoman 's true worth lies with his left hand while holding his. Can talk about our day out your very soul comes at me airborne, I will Ah, who this. The years, the Demoman 's room, music pauses `` Call me later, we can about... The film passion, `` you 're dead your frilly wizard dress many unicorns me. Gun upgrades to level 3 the past participle of `` shear '', the One-eyed.! And headband, closely resembles the afro worn by rock legend Jimi Hendrix best times... 2 Sentry Gun upgrades to level 3 ; Freeeedooooom! & quot ; - Seneca,,. Upon finishing the taunt, the entire west coast of the animation now you have proof when fighting at.. 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