"Chances are, you'll have heavy armor, so Dexterity won't be as important for you, though having just a +1 modifier will be nice for the occasional strayfireball. That said, my goal with this build is to soak up a lot of damage and make multiple attacks using the Echo and the traits of the Ravenite. In the theme of dunamancy; the ability to draw upon shades that represent "alternate timelines" of yourself is very thematic. This will apply the Crusher debuff to the target and let us swing again. That brings us to teleportation. Its a very fun departure, however, and its that very distinct flavor that has helped it capture the imaginations of players since its release. When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, the creature's speed becomes 0 for the rest of the turn. You have a ton of amazing possibilities. Youre a one-fighter show at that point, one that barely needs a party to back them up. above under the subclass features. The Fizbans Dragonborn might have an interesting interaction where you could breathe out of your Echo since youre replacing one of the attacks in an attack action with it, but thats a little more open to interpretation than the multiclass shenanigans I get into below. The wording on Echo Knight is that you can make attacks originating from its location. The advice offered below is based on the current State of the Character Optimization Meta as of when the article was last updated. The Echo Knight is a wild departure. RPGBOTis unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Also, a lance requires two hands to. Any fighter is looking for strength (or dexterity) and constitution at the top two scores, and the echo knight is no exception. Dungeons and Dragons is a Trademark of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. It doesnt gain any of the benefits of being a creature, like its own turn or the ability to take actions such as the Help or Hide actions. Join the Scoundrel Game Labs Mailing List. With those in mind, nothing different than any other Fighter. It will have some genuinely unique power if you have fun and be creative with it. The Echo is quite stunning at its most basic capability level. This harms the viability of a two-weapon build. With that said, the wording on the ability to swap places with the Echo should still work when youre inhabiting it so this could be a way to walk your Echo hundreds of feet up a mountain and then trade places with it, overcoming most of the need for flight in non-tactical situations. Fight with Clones: Echo Knight 5E Guide. None of the advantages that come with being a creature, such as having a turn of its own or having the option to use abilities like help or hide available to it. Because it needs some level of planning and imagination to use them to their best capacity. 9 Tank Dragonknight. movement for the turn). Whack, Whack, Whack. You can attach your mage hand to your echo and have something that is fully functional for attacking and interacting with objects. DM to see how they would like to handle things. Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center Detailed answers. It's a solid pick, just not a favorite of minefor this subclass. However, unless you can do a lvl 20 character with 3 Echo Knight and 17 Astral Monk, this build will always be behind damage wise outside of the one time you get to double your extra attack using echo knight. You might use it to get yourself out of difficult terrain or even to stop yourself from being prone in an interesting way (it will probably use almost the same amount of movement, but youll be in a new spot). Where to go with this character is up to you. Sons of the Forest: What to do at the Grave? communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. If one gets through, you swap with you echo, use your echo, and crusher to slap them back, then you can grapple the enemy. RAW, the breath weapon can't be used through your echo, but if your Dungeon Masterpermits it, then this is a stellar racial option. The explanation that follows lists everything capable of, but in terms of what it actually is, it is fairly straightforward. With this skill, you can line up adversaries in front of you so they cant strike you. longer 0, so it makes sense that you could pay the 5-foot cost to escape a Throw your Echo under the bus. Theres definitely some incredible synergy here. This adds a ton of flexibility to the character. While Ravenites have long lived in bondage in the Dreemoth Ravine, they are not branching out into the world. It is undoubtedly the most distinctive of the Fighter subclasses. The culmination of all of our arts. Below, well outline the choices we made in building our character. Web - An exclamation mark for this build's excellent output of forced movement. It cant even be affected by difficult terrain because it doesnt actually walk; it just moves in much the same way that Mordenkainens Sword or Spiritual Weapon moves. Strengths: Great for taking damage, and equally decent at PvP and PvE content. Look to feats that help you make the most of your echo. Got a round with nothing to do with your bonus action? Legion of One: Doubling your echo is a fine capstone ability for the Echo Knight, and always having a use of Unleash Incarnation is certainly useful. Sentinel is an incredible feat and a staple in Defender builds. Ever wanted tobe in two places at once? 2023 Wizards. Not a super effective build, but very fun. LANCE: Melee weapon 1d12 damage Reach Special: You have disadvantage when you use a lance to Attack a target within 5 feet of you. It is not a spell, hence cannot be blocked. Right from level 3, you gain a huge amount of tactical flexibility, movement, and extra chances to make both attacks . The following recommendations assume you won't be using that optional rule: The Echo Knight fighter isn't great at dealing with mobs. It can be effectively simply a watered-down version of oneself, which is the most class-defining skill, to begin with. Paladins can quickly move to a new spot so their auras affect more creatures. you nothing except a Bonus Action to recreate, so in many cases it may be There are a number of races that work well for the Eldritch Knight build, but none more powerful than the Mountain Dwarf. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Web is an extremely potent crowd-control spell. This makes me want to make a Damphire all in on con. That naturally leads us back to the Echos regular powers, particularly the fact that you can launch any of your assaults from where it is. than to try to move it along with you. Prioritize Constitution second. You cant use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. The echo gives you another 1515 foot square to control, and Polearm Master increases your own effective radius to a 2525 foot square. Visit Stack Exchange Tour Start here for quick overview the site Help Center Detailed answers. A fantastic class That has a feature to Shield you from harm and also depends on a strong constitution modifier. If you like the feat, by all means take it! According to the language of the echo, this leads me to believe that any chance attacks you make. In addition to the shield, I also opted for Chain Mail armor. Check out our Rune Knight Fighter 5e Guide for build optimization tips. Wizards of the Coast LLC. You can zip in and out of combat with the BBEG and never even let them put a finger on you. Both echos can exist at the same time, but if you attempt to create a third, both are destroyed. This means that you start your turn with the echo 30 feet away from you; you can then move it its full distance and teleport. Apparently, fate decided that the next class I was going to write a subclass for was Fighter. Surprisingly, there is no limit to how often you can create an echo, so youre always going to benefit from at least some of the abilities you gain from this subclass. However, after that, most of its descriptions make it very similar to a spell. ring of haste 5e 27 Feb. ring of haste 5e For this build, were going to combine the best of the Echo Knight with some of the strong parts of the Ravenite Dragonborn. Your echo is the same size as you, occupies its space, and uses your saving throw bonus for any saving throw it is forced to make. An echo is a magical, translucent, gray image of you this what we need to hone in on. The possibility that your echo will also profit from Sentinel is what interests me though. You can do this for up to 10 minutes, during which time you are blinded and deafened. As such, many rules, features, and traits that apply to creatures do not apply to an Echo (more below). You can perform this action as many times as a constitution modifier, recovering used uses after a lengthy rest. You can make an echo. Five levels of Gloom Stalker means you miss out on Legion of One at Level 18 of Echo Knight, however. Found a monster thats vulnerable to an energy type? The end result is that you can wade into a fight, using these traits to unleash several attacks in a round. Probably avoid taking the penalty until you hit on any given turn so that you make sure youre applying the Ancestral Protectors. One of the great things about the Critical Role inspired Wildemont book is that a lot of races are reprinted. Blindsight may be necessary, but the majority of the task should be handled by the echo. Edit: Figured it out. If you come to a crossroads in a dungeon, you don't need to split the party. Its only true limitation is the person behind the character sheet. The subclass can dish out a lot of damage and ensures you're always positioned where you're needed on the battlefield. It is possible for your echo to be up to 1000 feet distance from you and still function while it is being utilized in this manner. The following is a 10th-level Echo Knight build that uses a two-handed weapon. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Already, the echo knight is a fantastic subtype for defending your comrades. For discussions, reconnaissance, and perhaps even combat, the echo avatar is extremely helpful. Resource Focus: Stamina. pay the cost. In addition to your standard breath weapon, at 5th level you get Metallic Breath Weapon. You make this choice for each attack. Thought the Echo attack was a BA for some reason. Which will allow it to continue playing. Thats up to a bit of debate, but theres nothing in the features text that says you cant fight while youre in your Avatar state. To list all the possibilities is a little challenging because of this. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Move the echo up to 30 feet in any direction. Nevertheless, the subclass shakes up how you approach combat and can make for good roleplayif your echo suddenly develops its own personality! I use shillelagh to attack, and use my echo to move and teleport me around, since my character is super slow without the str required to wear heavy armor.Thematically both the echo and the swarm are the same thing - a swarm of rats. My favorite class to use when putting together a multi-class build is the echo knight. Although honestly I already used that trick with a damphire blade song wizard with green flame blade (glowing green fangs are dope). Ok, so heres the pedantic wording starting to come into play. I also felt having higher Wisdom was important going into higher tiers of play, though this does mean the build only sports 14 Constitution. Its a mysterious and feared frontline warrior of the Kryn dynasty. Worry not, there will be even more Echo Knight builds to come! At level 18 it can even create two echos. (Or I just missed it). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. rules. Since you can always just attack from the echos space, teleportation only serves you if you really need to get a better position on the battlefield. The capacity to strike more targets increases for barbarians. If your wizard is ready to hurl a fireball. Listed below are a couple of tricks up their sleeves. Samurai 3rd level ; Bonus Proficiency: History . reasonable DM will rule that the echo qualifies as a valid target for such Surrounded by echoes of their own might, they charge into the fray as a cycling swarm of shadows and strikes. Even with all of those other abilities theres still room for an impressive out-of-combat ability. Echo, teleportation, extra attack, battlefield control, and other class-defining abilities. Also, this powers a class feature. Naturally, you also gain a substantial amount of Temporary health points when your echo is destroyed. The echo could be used by a skirmisher to get sneak attacks without getting into melee. Need help killing a troll? Hate when you've just killed an enemy and the next one is clear across the battlefield? Echo Knight has a lot of great roleplaying potential, too. powerful. Your email address will not be published. Dont even get me started on how impressive this will be once you have a second echo. For this build, we're going to combine the best of the Echo Knight with some of the strong parts of the Ravenite Dragonborn. The echo knight is a class that receives my highest praise. I have an Echo Knight/Swarmkeeper that has 8 str, 8 dex. You attack, you move to a more tactical location, and sometimes you might trigger a special ability. The answer to the intriguing question of which classes should I multiclass with an echo knight? is therefore YES. Also, on any turn where you dont have to resummon the Echo, you have a 1/5th chance of critting and getting to attack again as a bonus action (or if you kill something). The metallic dragonborn variant introduced inFizban's Treasury of Dragonshelps patch that weakness. If you are new to Nerds and Scoundrels, you might notice were pretty into The Explorers Guide to Wildemount. Because they can quickly seize control of a fresh location on the battlefield for which to cast spells, even casters benefit from this. It does not even walk. Send your echo down one way while you and your friends go down the other way. None of the advantages that come with being a creature, such as having a turn of its own or having the option to use abilities like help or hide available to it. Today we create an Echo Knight 5E Fighter. This bonus is the best for any echo knight. Additionally, It implies that the 15ft of movement required to teleport is hardly a hindrance. more effective to intentionally walk away from your Echo and recreate it For this scenario, the build will be a Minotaur Zealot Barbarian 5 / Echo Knight Fighter 3 with the Great Weapon Fighting fighting style and Great Weapon Master feat. Its a great feature that makes you very powerful and gives you a lot of battlefield control. "The Echo is not considered a Creature, it's a Magical Object. Even in combat, most builds just end up doing the same things over again. it costs 2 ki points to bring the arms out as a bonus action, then 10 points to bring the entire astral self which . Its a very exciting combination of abilities that will make you feel even more like you have a whole copy of yourself walking around. Nope, only creatures are mentioned in the spell. 13 Replies to "DnD 5E Quick Build Series: Melee Fighters" Tempist says: October 29, 2022 . I opted for two hand axes as well, given that I can throw with one hand without putting down the shield. You can carefully put them between your allies and your opponents before any attack has even been launched. If it tries to attack anything at range, it will either have disadvantage and do half damage, or just do half damage if it targets you with a physical damage type. You can also use a combination of Shadow Martyr and Reclaim Potential to deflect devestating attacks against your party towards your echo. Any fighter is looking for Strength (or Dexterity) and Constitution as their top two scores, and the Echo Knight is no exception. Thats a lot of numbers, but what Im getting at is that the Echo Knight already doubles the portion of the battlefield youre in control of at any given moment. Managing this character can have a bit of a learning curve, as . Just hit level 7 gaining Avatar. Any feature that supports you is just going to be a bonus. But other concepts work, tooI enjoy very "gothic" characters; and an Echo Knights who makes their duplicates into shadowy wraiths or their own living shadow has a ton of creepy fun that could be had when creating a character. Even if your adversaries are unaware of its right away. At its basic ability set, the echo is pretty impressive. You have a lot of options here. The 10 Best Artificer Cantrips in 5E | Artificer Cantrips 5E Guide, Ranking the 10 Best Artificers Spells in 5E | Artificer Spells 5E Guide. communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. However, the difficulty comes from managing your character's Echo, which is almost an entire second character. Although the build uses heavy armor, I invested some points in Dexterity for those pesky Dex saves. Almost any Martial class can use battlefield control effectively. Every time you use the attack action you have the option to launch an additional attack from the location of your echo. Remember that attacks made against your echo are essentially wasted attacks, even if your opponents dont immediately realize that. The echo knight is already an incredible subclass for protecting your allies. Any features that support you are just going to be a bonus. The text above covered a lot, but its worth remembering a few things: Alright, step one online. There is still room for a strong out-of-combat talent even with all of those other skills. It can be targeted by things like attacks and spells, but weirdly RAW With a couple of features based on your constitution score (Unleashing Incarnation and reclaiming potential), you wont want to miss out on any constitution bonuses you can pick up. Why Mountain Dwarf Is the Best DnD Race for an Eldritch Knight. With the addition of a Polearm master, Your command over the battlefield will increase to the point where you could be able to attack anybody, anywhere. It takes some level of strategy and creativity to use this to its fullest potential, but even when those are in short supply, it still performs on an S-tier level. You dismiss it as a bonus action to make another one, you become unconscious, or it is destroyed. Immunity to all conditions means that it cant be restrained, poisoned, blinded, etc. teleportation only helps you if you need to get a better position on the battlefield because you can always just attack from the echos space. Personally, I wouldnt allow this at my table because you can use the Echo as the location to attack from, and dragonborn breath can be used in place of an attack when you take the Attack action but is not, itself, an attack. While useful, it does not play directly into the build as you cannot use it as a part of Vengeful Assault. Aiming for the full 20 levels of Echo Knight is strong. This is really a matter of taste or roleplaying choices. Instead of simply one echo, you can make to with the bonus action. If enemies have a habit of attacking your echo, your bonus action will be locked down as you summon and resummon it. The shield is a powerful boost to your AC, and it stacks nicely with the additional bonus from the Defense fighting style. until you have completed a short or long rest, you cant utilize this feature again. While your Echos are flimsy, you can create new ones during the fight. There is unquestionably a fantastic synergy at work here. Make any attack you make as part of an Attack action originate from either you or your echo. Echo knights harness fading shades of unrealized timelines, pulling a shadowy duplicate of themself called an "echo" to fight by their side. Whether from your space or your echos space benefit from the Sentinel. For all of its versatility, the echo is fragile. As mentioned, we walk out with Sentinel, then take Crusher at 4 before doing the full ASI to Strength at 6 so we dont fall behind as we multiclass. The echoes are somewhat fragile, but the echo knight can summon another at any time. Polearm master to a 2525-feet square while the echo offers you a second 1515-ft square to manage. I have this idea of a dhampir echo knight were I reflavor the echos as being shadow spirits, or as him animating his own shadow.Add the Dark Gift "Living Shadow" from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft for extra flavor. Most other subclasses are some kind of paragon of martial and physical excellence (Eldritch and Rune Knights aside, but they have very tangible, intuitive sources of their power). The Echo Knight can seem like a very simple D&D class on the surface. of Movement does. As straightforward as that is, its incredibly impressive because when most creatures on the field run the risk of being at a detriment, this echo isnt. Its a subclass that already has everything it needs to perform extremely well. Youll have a character that is strong. Echo Knights can work with an array of weapon options. It is only what it is described as being in the features sections up top. When you reach the 17th level, its AC will peak at 20 after starting rather well at 16. We plan on being a frontline fighter that combines the inherent tank of the Dragonborn to support using the multiple attacks that come with the Echo effect. Is n't great at dealing with mobs possibility that your echo under the bus Dwarf is the of., but if you attempt to create a third, both are destroyed can use battlefield control, it... A monster thats vulnerable to an energy type character can have a whole copy of is... Best capacity echo ( more below ) I earn from qualifying purchases submitted will only used! Sections up top Optimization tips echo attack was a BA for some.. Their knowledge, and sometimes you might trigger a special ability increases barbarians. Creature with an array of weapon options quick build Series: melee 5e echo knight build quot..., they are not branching out into the Explorers Guide to Wildemount and you! 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