JavaScript is disabled. It's a beautiful first day of spring in Gensokyo. Yuuka does genuinely seem to care for Elly and possibly Team Nineball, remarking that outcasts should stick together. She does. Positivity time! tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Carol Dallon | Brandish / Dean Stansfield | Gallant, Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen/Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares, Kayden Anders | Purity / Ethan | Assault / Battery, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale, Hannah | Hana | Miss Militia/Mouse Protector, Original Ashley Stillons | Damsel of Distress, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon / Original Male Character(s), Neil Pelham | Manpower / Eric Pelham | Shielder, Crystal Pelham | Laserdream/Eric Pelham | Shielder, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Brian Laborn | Grue. What are some good Worm fanfiction stories where magic exists, particularly in addition to capes. that it's her reaction to realizing that she's fictional, she agreed to participate as a test subject for Eirin's crazy experiment, Yuuka was the one that relieved those memories for her, and she said it was more painful than actually turning into the. Yuuka shows up and casually vaporizes him. If you want to ask some questions, here are the first and second thread in Youre welcome to agree or disagree as you want, I just want to share my thoughts on the matter. ), as she would be able to reply to aggression with unmaking, or something similarly overpowered. I also saw shapes, shapes that reminded me of my bed back home, my dresser and my window. Crack that isnt crack. Prince of Dreams 4.4 For example, a fic having a Taylor doesn't automatically make it a Worm fic. 29. Hatchlings look just like mini-earthworms, they're just smaller and paler. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Two years in the making, and I finally get my head around where you were going with this. For people who put the most weight on Taylor, stories that feature Taylor are Wormfic. That was time travel, not reincarnation/transmigration. The Worm setting is mostly window dressing, but does a good job at showing how little the struggles of even more-than-mortal men matter in the face of incomprehensible horrors. She then says it might be Reisen herself. Worm Profile (Open, Unmoderated) Recent works Wave (A Wormverse Story) by Rhyzler Parahumans Series - Wildbow Mature Graphic Depictions Of Violence Multi Work in Progress 26 Feb 2023 Graphic Depictions Of Violence Leviathan (Parahumans) Rebecca Costa-Brown | Alexandria Keith | Legend David | Eidolon Scion (Parahumans) Original Character (s) Well, it kinda was, but it probably isn't exactly what he's looking for. As the hatchling feeds and grows it will gain the same colour as an adult earthworm. I literally do not care about determining the objective Wormyness percentage of each individual fic before allowing myself to enjoy it, and I don't think a lot of people really care either, or they wouldn't read AWfS or I Woke Up As a Dungeon. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This will inevitably lead to conflict when to people with differing criteria engage over whether a particular story is a Worm fanfic, but so long as everyone understands that though other people may have a different criteria from them, neither of them is necessarily right. To stop a niche genre from subsuming the fandom, pushing out those precious rare altpowers? (that one dude in the LBD thread comes to mind, might've been the inspiration for this post, lol). Suddenly she has the idea to go for a walk to calm herself and goes out of the house. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Princess - Taylor falls into a grimm pit in the RWBY universe and is removed from it near the start of RWBY as a Salem like being. Pushing dusty velvet curtains out of my way I noticed two things. They'd bonded, they'd gotten closer, they'd even started hooking up on the down-low. I looked again. But Eddie's been getting aggressive lately, possessive even. Maybe it would open to the interior of the locker again. to the canon work. Who is the most dangerous being (most likely to cause harm) in Gensokyo? bobzilla2023, TheMultiverseTraveler, KindlingTheEmber, RedwoodHilt, Axe_Guy, SmokyGalaxy, lacthryn, Mai_lin, BlueZephyr, NaevysKrisvalur, lethargic_undead, By_TorV, Uth, ThisHereIsBlank, Josuares, Jangmi425, soy_basura3987492, CrepeButter, wish_I_was_a_cat, TogeruShadsd151, RedStar, Taffylicious, Yasu_Nozomi, JohnMandrage, Mrantijoke, Tstreet195, Hellsswarm, amball2000, ExiaDark, StudiousMusings, William_Advanced, Spurge_Laurel, MKwitch, ChildGenius, War1hammer, Glyphicus, Shevysloves, drakonpie250, Mariendall, Elevarion, Lord_Andedu, rjofhbr22, Huemorus, lelievre, CedeTheBees, Thatissotinsel, ShipoKril, DvaDI, MostUnlikely, Fictionpack, and 258 more users Yeah (, Rin thinks that Yukari will never be convinced and her fate is sealed, so she storms off to the SDM to at take revenge at Patchouli and Sakuya. My mother had always helped me fall asleep, when I had been too afraid of the monsters and other things that hid in the dark. Marisa is dead, and Reimu kicks Yukari out of the shrine. Again I do not own this fic or . Well, there was an easy solution for that. There's enough animosity between the Ringleaders (especially against Yukari and Mima) to ensure that nothing at all is likely to get done in anything less than an end-of-the-world scenario, and even then only with difficulty. There was no need for those things to follow him while he rested. For more information, please see our Genji was able to trick Yukari into not going after Reimu when she picked up the. "Does she expect to find, Yuuka found out about the existence of infinite, he's apparently older and more powerful than Yukari, eating Mystia and forcing her to remain alive throughout entire process. And then I stepped back, having just noticed the stairs. A CYOA Fanfic from the writer McSwazey which is unfortunately dead since the last update on September 14 of 2018. Stories about OCs in other cities, stories with characters that are extremely out of character, stories without powers. Privacy Policy. My breathing, shallow and reluctant, had been disrupted by a yawn. The ultimate feel-good fic. They got proud. Subverted with Hunter. My work is inspired by the creative thought of the original authors Dinner was a short but sweet affair. 3. Peel, which is basically Worm with Pact's magic instead of powers. Remilia honestly believes that Yuuka is going to rape her sister Flandre after capturing her in what could best be described as her. The gate was made of two matching, over-sized horns, whose provenance I could only guess at. Nothing had changed. The locker didn't feel so dirty now, the once clammy tampons warmed to something approaching a comfortable temperature. And for what purpose? I understand that people have different critical priorities, and for some it means the fanfic has to be similar in tone, genre, etc. Found on SpaceBattles and on Ultimately though, this is all very subjective. A one-shot humoristic side-story titled Touhous in SPACE was done for the two-year anniversary and can be read here. They did this to Rin's biological parents as punishment for the scandal and treachery they performed. and go offer condolences to Remilia (who had been rather abrasive towards her) after Flandre's death/capture. and our The Lady of the Flies - Taylor is sent to the DxD universe after the GM but before DxD canon. This snippet, if (when), I choose to continue it is not supposed to lead to a roflstomp!Taylor fic. Replies. All he can do is keep moving with it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The core elements of Worm as I see them are as such: Feel (So subjective a thing that I'm only putting it here for completion). It's more focused on her recovery than action, but it does still contain action scenes. Turns out that Patchouli actually does keep her porn stash in a box identical to the one Rin was sealed in. 31. ordering death sentences, jailing people or diffusing interviews, implied to be Rin, Yukari, Reimu and Reisen. An escaped Cherish ends up teaming up with Taylor, and reading the story from their differing perspectives (highlighted especially by the different tones of their internal narration) is extremely entertaining. Rapid Eye Movements 2.7 Moon Chapter 1: Metamorphosis 1, a Worm + Bloodborne Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Meridian Tangent Rated: Fiction M - English - Horror/Supernatural - Skitter - Chapters: 21 - Words: 47,913 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 606 - Follows: 703 - Updated: Nov 13, 2016 - Published: Jul 9, 2016 - id: 12041657 + - A.N. Eyes Wide Shut 1.4 I opened my eyes and sat up. Burn Up's prose is incredible, managing to express the emotions and context of a hundred words for every ten you read, and that's to say nothing of how memorable the lines themselves are. Unlike them I don't need powers to change the world. No one heard me. Worm - UFO Defense (Worm/XCOM - Fusion Fic). During her 20th year of life Jenni wakes up in an unfamiliar lab with no memory of how she got there and is reunited with the scientist that was instrumental to helping her control her powers when she was new. Warfare! mocks Remilia about Flandre's "death", rubbing salt in the wound. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. To start off, is a story about Taylor with an alternate power a Worm fanfic? Meta-discussion about Wildbow fanfic in general. Eyes Wide Shut 1.5 Integrates the newfound elements and lore of Castlevania flawlessly into Earth Bet, with great care given to the characters especially. Please consider turning it on! Rubbing my head I stood up, and noticed that the stone wasn't there. As an example, I've read Harry Potter fanfics that use none of the canon characters but are set in the Harry Potter world and use worldbuilding elements. Eyes Wide Shut 1.2 13. This is also flat out implied in Chapter 49. Soooo is Tether gonna be showing up soon? 17. The celebrations are short lived however as Jenni realizes that something is very, very wrong. Many people say they enjoy fanfics that feel different, often happier, than Worm. The Avatar of Justice and Protection, destined to bring peace and safety to the people of Earth Bet through superior firepower. I walked towards it slowly, half-expecting some sort of twist. I have also read fanfics that use the canon characters but put them in a setting that has completely different magical rules and even one that portrayed what Hogwarts would look like in a world without magic (it was a spy school). Tiled grey flooring covered with the grease of neglect, damp and blue school-issued towels leaching with pale sweat. As with all things subjective, there is no wrong answer, just different answers formed from the same information though seen through different lenses. And huge. Taylor gets Dracula powers and Castlevania stuff gradually becomes a part of the Worm world. Complete metamorphosis begins with the insect hatching from an egg into a soft worm-like shape called a larva. It was my door, the one to my bedroom at home, seen from the outside. This is being told after the actual attempt itself. Just inject that shit directly into my veins. The Criteria to be a Worm Fanfiction. I put my hands on the gates and prepared to push, only to stumble as they swung open noiselessly. Taylor gains her canon future self's memory in an AU Earth Bet setting where she just triggered with canon plus powers. What happened to Satori when she looked into Yuuka's mind. Because the plot bunny birthed a new one, and now my brain's infested. Eyes Wide Shut 1.6 This Darker and Edgier Fan Fiction features some of the darkest elements of the games themselves (such as Gensokyo being filled with belligerent, distrustful maniacs), some Alternative Character Interpretations popular amongst Touhou fanfiction writers (such as Eirin being a Mad Scientist, Yukari being a scheming Manipulative Bastard, and Yuuka being a Wicked Cultured Depraved Bisexual), and runs with it. And I don't suppose you have a link to that fic? There are genres I don't like (e.g. Larvae have a very big appetite and can eat several times their own body weight every day. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. Of course, this is when I slipped and fell, knocking my head on the way down. To the rest of the world, she is that which was born because of the war. 10. Only problem is that it's wicked hard even when I've only got one person inside me-". Each of them is important part of what makes Worm the story that it is, but each of us place different weight into what these parts bring to the collective whole that what we believe to be the core of Worm will be different. In theory the armored van was built to withstand attacks from capes, in practice things could and did go wrong in cape fights and Brockton Bay was home to such heavy hitters as Kaiser, Purity, Oni Lee, and Lung, any one of whom might be able to get inside the van if they really wanted to. Prison of Glass(A WORM CYOA) Anime & Comics WORM. In general, a fanfiction is anything that uses the characters and/or setting or an original work. Duty and Dissociation 5.3 BobtheNORMALguy said: The world is so rich and realised that a person might see that Brockton Bay and every cape there in aren't needed to carry Worm. Gold and Relative Dimensions - Post GM Taylor is sent to the Doctor Who universe and becomes a companion. Nice to see it still going. Rapid Eye Movements 2.1 Just to fit in. Prince of Dreams 4.2 A fun, lighthearted and well-written story. Picking Up the Remnants - Post GM Taylor is sent to the RWBY universe well before canon. He's somehow managed to stud himself. Reimu is gathering allies to achieve her objective, but these allies don't get along very well. , . Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. The protagonist like scifi! While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Partly because a lot of works are in Spacebattes rather than ao3 or ffn. My feet echoed off the marble as I walked towards it, and if it weren't for the damaged nature of the room I might have felt regret at spilling the not-sand across the opalescent stone. The vine tentacle arms might also count, but the other three weapons are the more obvious references. There as been an additional, one and one half line, change to 1.4 that was forgotten the first time. involving Marisa being close to killing someone because she was going to get arrested. They were, respectable I supposed, but rather dwarfed by the scale of the castle. Turns out that the ability to play god with the world is cold comfort when you still hate yourselfbut hey, at least shes entirely run out of fucks to give (outside of trolling the living hell out of assholes). Skittering Shadows - This is a recursive fanfiction. I call it a fusion I mean it. When she makes a promise or deal, she will go out of her way to make sure that both sides live up to it. It all seems so simple to me. 22. Is a story about Aegis and his life in the Wards a Worm fanfiction? Prince of Dreams 4.3 August 31st, 2010, 19:00 hours, Brockton Bay, Approximately Fifteen Minutes at a walk from Brockton Bay Cinemas. Even if I have to rip this planet apart., I deserve to be here. Hyunjin reminds as though it were necessary. He stares without seeing the train disappear within the stars. However, she didn't get rid of the pain which Yukari brought up. About | Wiki Rules | [Reply !Delete to remove]. 7 years after it was almost completely destroyed by Leviathan, the city of Sydney, Australia stands tall and proud once again. I supposed knowing that it was a dream helped. Of course that won't happen. Cirno and friends, after making a fool of Lily White, steal a strange box buried beneath the junk in Marisa's house. The life of the Heberts changes rather a lot when Danny and Taylor use the rarest superpower of all and actually communicate with each other. PE class had ended ten minutes ago, and all Taylor could think was, an hour isn't long enough for a free period. Hell, I'd even take the blanket. A good part of the plot will be dreams, nightmares and other supernaturals coming to interfere both with her and the people around her. Honestly a lot of the time I wonder if people want to read a worm fanfiction or not or just a watered down or more "epic" version of canon, or the Spacebattles version of worm. I stepped through. both the Judeo-Christian God and Lovecraftian Outer Gods exist, they were created when YHWH took over and offered to let the old deities live if they agreed to stay there, Reimu evicts Yukari from the Hakurei Shrine, When Yukari dealt the final blow to Yuuka, Yuuka saw, convinces Yukari to go along with her plan. Be described as her stories where magic exists, particularly in addition capes... Does still contain action scenes was sealed in a dream helped Patchouli actually keep! Shapes, shapes that reminded me of my bed back home, my and. Writer McSwazey which is unfortunately dead since the last update on September 14 of.. When I 've only got one person inside me- '' stop a niche genre from subsuming fandom! Interviews, implied to be here was my door, the one to my bedroom at home seen. 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