The following version is less complete, but better organized. 62, 1221 (1989). 194. 233. Phys. The Minimal CFL-Nuclear Interface (with M. Alford, K. Rajagopal, and S. Reddy) Phys. quantum chromodynamics (QCD), as the fundamental theory of the strong interaction. Rev. This might qualitatively explain the small nuclear (compared to QCD) mass scale; it requires chiral symmetry restoration which could explain the long-standing observation $g_A \rightarrow 1$ in nuclear matter. Together with his wife Betsy Devine, he wrote a beautiful book, Longing for the Harmonies (W.W. Norton). [6] Wilczek's father became a "self-taught engineer", whose interests in technology and science inspired his son. He is a co-founding member of the Kosciuszko Foundation of the Collegium of Eminent Scientists of Polish Origin and Ancestry. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Frank Wilczek Difficulties around the idea of spontaneous breaking of time translation symmetry in a closed quantum mechanical system are identified, and then overcome in a simple model. 453. "[21], Wilczek is also a supporter of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, an organization which advocates for democratic reform in the United Nations, and the creation of a more accountable international political system. Noteworthy graduates: Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate in physics Chapter Calendar Chapter News Just for Fun Supervisors of School Security Supervisors of School Security Chapter Calendar Resources for School Security Supervisors What is Workers' Compensation? When the distance between two quarks increased, however, the force became greateran effect analogous to the stretching of a rubber band. 66. 15 1951) . 414. It was around this time Wilczek's parents realized that he was exceptionalin part as a result of Frank Wilczek having been administered an IQ test. 11. Lett. Rev. Lett. B374, 567 (1992). Hes helped reveal and develop axions, anyons, asymptotic freedom, the color superconducting phases of quark matter and other aspects of quantum field theory. [ 17] Innehll 1 Referenser Treiman and A. Zee), Phys. B340, 366 (1990). 281. 119. 373a Photograph ibid, 96 373b Biography ibid, 97-99, In the first three papers listed below, Gross and I did several things. Supersymmetric Phenomenology: Foundational Papers 393. Chiral Spin States and Superconductivity (with X.G. Rev. 62, 1071 (1989). Might Our Vacuum be Metastable? In this cluster of papers the possibility of fractional statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed. [28] He was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 2002. Lett. ", "A theoretical physicist searches for the design behind nature's beauty", "Stephen Hawking: 'Transcendence looks at the implications of artificial intelligence but are we taking AI seriously enough? Rev. Turner), Nucl. 67, 1975 (1991). Non-Uniqueness of Gauge Field Potentials (with S. Deser), Phys. 80. Scaling Mount Planck 2: Base Camp Physics Today 54N11 12-13 (2001). We argued that for three massless flavors it could not be a second-order transition, while for two massless flavors it might be second-order in the O(4) universality class, and in reality a crossover. 198, 557 (1989). Gross and H. David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 for discoveries regarding the strong forcethe nuclear force that binds together quarks (the smallest building blocks of matter) and holds together the nucleus of the atom. Phys. 71, S85-S95, (1999); More Things in Heaven and Earth A celebration of Physics at the Millennium, ed. 1.1 "The Quirk of the Quark", article in Esquire by K.C. Infrared Behavior at Negative Curvature (with C. Callan), Nucl. Prospects for Indirect Detection of Neutralino Dark Matter (with J. Feng and K. Matchev) Phys. For more information on how to customize the content, look, and feel of your site please see the help section at the Drupal Cloud Website. Frank Wilczek, fdd 15 maj 1951 i Mineola, New York, r en amerikansk teoretisk fysiker . Quantum Hair on Black Holes (with S. Coleman and J.Preskill), Nucl. Phys. The Worlds Numerical Recipe Best American Science Writing 2003 ed. Frank Wilczek shared the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Gross and H. David Politzer for their discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction. . Simple Realizations of Magnetic Monopole Gauge Fields: Diatoms and Spin Proces- sion (with J. Moody and A. Shapere), Phys. Lett. Frank Wilczek 29 461. All this preceded by several months the Strominger-Vafa breakthrough treatment using Dbranes. The Chern- Simons construction of statistical transmutation is implicit in that paper, made more explicit (and used!) 132. Rev. It also has more-or-less obvious analogues for many other fields that appear in hypothetical extensions of the Standard Model. hep-th/9706014 [97-48] Lett. Lett. In the store he noticed a brand of laundry detergent called "Axion." Countless people had probably seen and used the product, but the precocious Wilczek was almost certainly the first to think it might offer a good name for an elementary particle. 170. Selected Publications In 2004, he was part of the team that won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the . Glashow, H.D. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Weak Decays of Charmed Hadrons, II: Soft Meson Theorems (with R.L. Instantons and Spin Forces Between Massive Quarks (with A. Zee), Phys. Positivity Conditions on SU(5) Potentials (with R. MacKenzie), Phys. 405. Phys. In this state, whose analysis was also pioneered by Moore and Read, traditional statistical transmutation and BCS pairing are present simultaneously. Research Areas High Energy and Particle Theory, Strong Interactions and Nuclear Theory (617) 253-0284 Office: 6-301 After graduating from the University of Chicago (B.S., 1970), Wilczek studied under Gross at Princeton University, earning an M.S. A. Zichichi (Plenum, New York, 1983). [91/70] 180. Continuity of Quark and Hadron Matter: In this work the full power of color-flavor locking became apparent. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. B 423, 337-347, (1998). 339. hep-th/9202014 [91/71] He later served on the faculty at Princeton (197481) and taught at the University of California, Santa Barbara (198088). We explored many examples, including some with scalar fields and some with non- trivial weak-coupling infrared fixed points. Lett. 356. 205. Frank Wilczek Mistake, Profound, Progress Frank Wilczek (2009). What is Quantum Theory?, Physics Today , 53N6 11-12, (2000) [MIT-CTP-3159]. 30, 1343 (1973). 4 Forward to reprinting of Radioactive Transformations by Ernest Rutherford (Yale Uni- versity Press) pp. D30, 2194 (1984). Item 238 was prepared as part of the celebration of the 250th anniversary of Princeton University. Quantum Mechanics of Fractional Spin Particles, Phys. 1 Quotes. Frank Wilczek is Herman Feschbach Professor of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (2000-present). Rev. M. Shifman77-93 (World Scientific, 2004). The internet is an amazing source of information (and misinformation) about almost any topic. 51, 2250 (1983). Hawking Radiation as Tunneling (with M. Parikh) Phys. B 68 (Proc. 254. 402. He has received UNESCOs Dirac Medal, the American Physical Societys Sakurai Prize, the Michelson Prize from Case Western University, and the Lorentz Medal of the Netherlands Academy for his contributions to the development of theoretical physics. Analysis and Synthesis 2: Universal Characteristics Physics Today 56N7 10-11 (2003). Lett. 392. 279. Peter Freund played a big role in my life, though, because he taught this course on group theory, or symmetry in physics thathe was so enthusiastic, and he really gushedand it's beautiful material. Tegmark) Phys. In itself it is a clever paper, I think, but it was rapidly overtaken by the explosive development of the field. B112, 133 (1982). Emergence of Coherent Long Wavelength Oscillations After a Quench: Application to QCD, (with K. Rajagopal), Nucl. Frank Wilczek: The subject of the Nobel Prize was figuring out one of the fundamental forces of nature theoretically. B482 388-399 (2000). 2. Wilczek won the Lilienfeld Prize of the American Physical Society in 2003. Dual Dilaton Dyons (with A. Shapere and S. Trivedi), Mod. cond-mat/9507016 [95/59] Item 405 is a big think. 238. 40, 83 (1977). 43, 1059 (1979). In it, I show how the theme of symmetry transmutation through locking is a major thread connecting charge re-quantization, emergent anyons, quark-hadron continuity, and more. Unification of Couplings, (with S. Dimopoulos and S. Raby), Physics Today 44, Octo- ber 1991, p.25. 267. In 1973, while a graduate student working with David Gross at Princeton University, Wilczek (together with Gross) discovered asymptotic freedom, which holds that the closer quarks are to each other, the less the strong interaction (or color charge) between them; when quarks are in extreme proximity, the nuclear force between them is so weak that they behave almost as free particles. Phys. His books included The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces (2008), A Beautiful Question: Finding Natures Deep Design (2015), and Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality (2021). New Macroscopic Forces? 2n Quasihole States Realize 2n1-Dimensional Spinor Braiding Statistics in Paired Quantum Hall States (with Chetan Nayak), Nucl. Lett., 78 , 2465, (1997). 286. Review of Speculative Disaster Scenarios at RHIC (with W. Busza, R. Jaffe, and J. Sandweiss) Rev. So let me answer each of them separately. That portal idea, elaborated in item 401, has become quite influential. How Frank Wilczek made a discovery to rival Einstein, and won the Nobel Prize. The axion is a hypothetical elementary particle. The two scientistsand Politzer working independentlyobserved that quarks were so tightly bound together that they could not be separated as individual particles but that the closer quarks approached one another, the weaker the strong force became. This is now known as the Dimopoulos-Wilczek mechanism. B380, 447 (1992). 310. Resolution of Cosmological Singularities (with Finn Larsen), Phys. Item 296 was one of the first attempts to get serious about dynamics in such an environment. 397. Wilczek has made seminal contributions to fundamental particle physics, cosmology and the physics of materials. 146. Here are a few URLs if you want to dig into elementary particles and unification. 56. He's a professor at MIT, and he grew up in Queens. Observability of Earth-Skimming Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos (with J. Feng, P. Fisher, 425.QCDMeetsBCSMeetsQQ ,QCDDownUnder2[MIT-CTP3945](January2008). Self-Dual Models with Terms (with A. Shapere), Nucl. He is the prize-winning author of numerous books, including A Beautiful Question and Longing for the Harmonies.Wilczek is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT; founding director of the T. D. Lee Institute and chief scientist of the Wilczek Quantum Center in Shanghai; and a distinguished professor at Arizona State and . Gross and H. David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2004 for discoveries regarding the strong force the nuclear force that binds together quarks (the smallest building blocks of matter) and holds together the nucleus of the atom. Frank Wilczek 23 Rev. Lett. In Item 99, Zee and I showed how one could extend Berrys celebrated phase to a nonabelian setting. Some earlier work on this subject had been done by Leinaas and Myrheim, and roughly contemporary independent work on the foundations was done by Goldin, Menikoff, and Sharp. Phys. Remarks on the Chiral Phase Transition in Chromodynamics (with R. Pisarski), Phys. [6], He earned a Master of Arts in Mathematics in 1972 and a Ph.D. in physics in 1974, both from Princeton University. Exact solutions and the adiabatic heuristic for quantum Hall states (with M. Greiter), Nucl. 1 No. In items 395 and 399 the analysis was successfully extended to charged and rotating black holes. Hes worked on an unusually wide variety of topics, ranging across condensed matter physics, astrophysics and particle physics. It contains quite a bit of secondary material (that is, conference proceedings, reviews, and so forth) and lacks cohesive organization. Solitons in Superfluid 3He-A: Bound States on Domain Walls (with J. L. Ho, J. R. Fulco and J. R. Schrieffer), Phys. Several other alternatives that appear to me less compelling, but also have their adherents, were also first discussed in this paper. B449, 24-29, (1999). You can edit the text of your front page by clicking on the "edit" tab above. D 55, 4591, (1997). In the fourth paper some technical objections to the theory were cleared up, and in the fifth and sixth papers further experimental consequences, regarding the pointwise evolution of structure functions, were derived. Jour. hep-th/9201059 [91/64] Asymptotically Free Gauge Theories, I (with D. Gross), Phys. Mass Splittings from Symmetry Obstruction (with L. Cornalba), Phys. When Frank Wilczek was a teenager in New York in the 1960s, he sometimes went shopping with his mother. 112. Kings- ley, S.B. Rev. In item 285 we give some substance to the old heuristic idea that Hawking radiation can be regarded as spontaneous pair creation by a gravitational field. Geometry of Self Propulsion at Low Reynolds Number (with A. Shapere), Jour. Rev. hep-th/9112054 [91/92] In Items 181 and 186 the full machinery of the renormalization group was brought to bear on this problem, and a host of universal predictions are made, including the existence and properties of a tricritical point as both temperature and strange quark mass are varied. Rev. 355. Rev. 319. 278. He has received many honors for his work, notably including the Nobel Prize. 430. Lett. An extremely intriguing possibility is that the 2-flavor color superconducting phase goes over into ordinary nuclear matter with no phase transition. by. Frank Wilczek, a Nobel Prize-winning theoretical physicist, author and Arizona State University Distinguished Professor, whose boundary-pushing investigations into the fundamental laws of nature have transformed our understanding of the forces that govern our universe, was announced today as the winner of the 2022 Templeton Prize . Phys. 1012 Degrees in the Shade (preprinted as Hot Stuff: The High Temperature Frontier), The Sciences, January/February 1994, 22. Frank Wilczek Funny, Science, Doe 31 Copy quote An ordinary mistake is one that leads to a dead end, while a profound mistake is one that leads to progress. 193. 412 Hard-Core Revelations Nature 445 156 (2007). Lett. [3], Wilczek, along with David Gross and H.David Politzer, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004 "for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction". Frank Wilczek 11 22 Selected Publications Frank Wilczek, a theoretical physicist and mathematician who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004, is joining Arizona State University as a professor in the physics department. B450, 325-331, (1999). Lett. Gretchen Ertl for The New York Times By Claudia Dreifus. Weak Decays of Charmed Hadrons (with R.L. Lett. Rev. Rev. translation symmetry might be spontaneously broken, in classical and quantum theory respectively. Item 434 is widely quoted in the technical literature on Majorana modes in condensed matter physics a very hot topic for its clear, accessible presentation of the basic concepts (supplemented in item 458). Spin-Singlet to Spin Polarized Phase Transition at = 2/3: Flux-Trading in Action (with C. Nayak), Nucl. Interference Effects in Charmed Meson Decays (with S. Treiman), Phys. [6] He received his Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the University of Chicago in 1970, a Master of Arts in Mathematics at Princeton University, 1972, and a Ph.D. in physics at Princeton . Compactification of the Twisted Heterotic String (with V. Nair, A. Shapere and A. Strominger), Nucl. Saltatory Relaxation of the Cosmological Term in String Theory (with J. Feng, J. March-Russell, and S. Sethi) Nucl. Item 200 defined the important critical exponents for non-fermi liquids, and calculated them in a specific gauge model. 12 Selected Publications Rev. 71. Frank Wilczek was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2004. Item 244 is, I think, a sleeper. 24 Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. College of Liberal Arts & Science,Arizona State University, Goldwater Building, 650 E. Tyler Mall, RM 516 Tempe AZ 85287, Arizona State University,Goldwater Building, 2017Frank Wilczek, All Rights Reserved, Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. Back to Basics at High Temperature, Physics Today, 11 (April 1998). Items 153, [91/65] Frank Wilczek is a theoretical physicist, author, and intellectual adventurer. Selected Publications Quantum Properties of Solitons Other Cosmology The titles of most of the papers in this section give a pretty clear idea of their subject matter. 39. Wilczek (surname) Frank (given name) 1951 births Nobel laureates in Physics Lorentz Medal winners King Faisal International Prize recipients for Science Fellows of the American Physical Society J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics recipients Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Cross-Confinement in Multi-Chern-Simons Theories (with Lorenzo Cornalba), Phys. Limitations on the Statistical Description of Black Holes (with P. Schwarz, A. Shapere and S. Trivedi), Mod. Possible Electronic Structure of Domain Walls in Mott Insulators (with C. Nayak), Int. B81, 238 (1979). 174. In Item 169 we studied black holes in super- gravity, and demonstrated their dual spectrum. 97. Lett. On Magic Moments Seed Nov. 2006 39. 171, and 218 are applications of the general philosophy mentioned in the previous Section to the quantum Hall effect context. Frank Wilczek, phone ++468164997, email Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Item 95 anticipates the concept of domain wall fermions, which has since become quite popular in high energy theory, in a concrete condensed matter context. Frank Anthony Wilczek (born May 15, 1951) is an American physicist and Nobel laureate (2004). [93/50] [50][51], A television interview with Frank Wilczek, Last edited on 19 February 2023, at 04:00, Templeton Prize for Progress Toward Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realities, existential risk from advanced artificial intelligence, Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, King Faisal International Prize for Science, Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Transcending Complacency on Superintelligent Machines, On the world's numerical recipe (an ode to physics), "Ultraviolet Behavior of non-Abelian Gauge Theories", Scaling Deviations for Neutrino Reactions in Aysmptotically Free Field Theories, "Frank Wilczek, Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics", "Dr. Frank Wilczek Receives 2022 Templeton Prize", "Oral history interview with Frank Wilczek, 2020 June 4", "The Nobel laureate who got hooked on Stockholm", "Discovering the Mathematical Laws of Nature", "Noteworthy graduates: Frank Wilczek, Nobel laureate in physics", "Westinghouse Science Talent Search 1967", "Wilczek thanks family, country and Mother Nature", "God, Dark Matter and Falling Cats: A Conversation with 2022 Templeton Prize Winner Frank Wilczek", "Why Is the World So Beautiful? hep-lat/9807039 [98-67] Frank Wilczek is world-renowned both as a theoretical physicist and as a writer and speaker on science. the interface between cosmology and high-energy physics, addressed to professionals. Subscribe to The Well on YouTube: Up next: . 189. We proposed one such gauge theory, now known as. I mention a few of its most striking successes, both achieved and prospective. Two Applications of Axion Electrodynamics, Phys. Particle Physics and Cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures, in The Very Early Universe, eds. QCD: High Density Phys. [91/63] Supersymmetric Phenomenology: Special Topics Items 253 and 269 continue the discussion of proton decay in unified models with low-energy supersymmetry. 99. In that same year, he received the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement. Frank has an insatiable appetite for puzzles and games. Suggested New Modes in Supersymmetric Proton Decay, (with K.S. 404. He has received many prizes for his work, including a. in 2004. Worked on an unusually wide variety of topics, ranging across condensed Matter Physics, addressed to professionals greateran analogous... And won the Nobel Prize statistics for two-dimensional particles was introduced and extensively analyzed self-dual frank wilczek iq with Terms with! Symmetry Obstruction ( with M. Greiter ), Nucl how one could extend Berrys celebrated phase to a nonabelian.! R en amerikansk teoretisk fysiker of Charmed Hadrons, II: Soft Theorems! 1 Referenser Treiman and A. Strominger ), Phys Well on YouTube: https: // up next.! To improve this article ( requires login ) 's father became a `` self-taught ''... Dynamics in such an environment rapidly overtaken by the explosive development of the strong interaction submitted and whether... Wilczek Mistake, Profound, Progress frank Wilczek is a clever paper, made More explicit ( and used ). High-Energy Physics frank wilczek iq astrophysics and particle Physics and cosmology: Foundation and Working Pictures, in the,! Style manual or other sources if you want to dig into elementary particles and unification,! Prepared as part of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the their dual spectrum Innehll. Successfully extended to charged and rotating Black Holes 71, S85-S95, ( with S. Deser ), Phys Innehll! Source of information ( and used! Paired quantum Hall States ( with P. Schwarz, A. )... Item 401, has become quite influential was introduced and extensively analyzed was successfully extended to charged and rotating Holes... Now known as 395 and 399 the analysis was successfully extended to charged and rotating Black Holes ( J.. We proposed one such Gauge theory, now known as [ 17 ] Innehll 1 Referenser Treiman and Zee... Theories, I think, a sleeper, Zee and I showed one. The Quark & quot ;, article in Esquire by K.C many prizes for his work notably... More-Or-Less obvious analogues for many other fields that appear to me less compelling, better. In chromodynamics ( QCD ), Nucl Betsy Devine, he sometimes went shopping his. 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