Why is Ender's feet-first attached position so effective in battle? Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Because she is an outcast. 8i9hzJ |}}(h@v=l)#xHT. ]pKwx_>tkcYV1`yNkmVX)Qpv7Hz~]dmjVBZ|3F-qSe:@UBU(e~hyJhuZ{m#a=H6buXk" S{}"]@Y3l a. 20% 3. Why does he choose being for this task? Why is Ender's feet-first attach position so effective in battle? 65. What valuable skill does she eventually teach Ender? 10. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 he singles him out from the other boys because of his intelligence, how does enders discussion with bean shows what he has learned from graff, graff taught him to be a better soldier by isolating him to make him tough but it also made him miserable, what lessons does ender learn from his battle with rabbit army, how does ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers of his army, gives them responsibility and gives toon leaders a sense of power and ownership, why does ender begin to watch the propaganda videos from the first and second invasions, learn bugger strategies and how they operate to use in training, salamander waited by the door while dragon came out in pairs to shoot, how does ender insult bonzo madrid's spanish honor, help train new soldiers so the army would be powerful, bean is a good soldier but is the fastest and best thinker, what rules are changed and why do you think the teachers changed them, they added another battle to two a day to challenge ender as a commander, why won't the adults save ender from bonzo, the adults are always watching ender for his reactions to see if he is ready to lead the battle against the buggers, does ender think the teachers will save him from real danger, ender still believes the teachers will save him from anything deadly but his is alone to solve conflicts, how many boys come to beat ender up in the shower, how does ender control the situation so he only has to fight one boy, ender told bonzo it wouldn't be honorable unless it was one on one, how does his intervention ensure enders death, he says ender is important to the survival of humanity and can't be killed which makes bonzo more jealous, how is the fight with bonzo similar to the earlier fight with stilson, what happens to all of the soldiers in dragon army, the soldiers become commanders of different armies, what happens to ender after dragon army is split, he gets sent to command school for sixteen and up, why has ender been on earth for two months instead of the originally planned three days, ender is burnt out and not invested in his training, he doesn't like who he's become he sees himself as a killer like peter, summarize the information graff shares with ender about the buggers, they speak with their minds, no verbal language and they will always be outnumbered, the things done to ender were cruel to try and tear him down enough to have turned him into someone he hates, what does everyone else think the third invasion is, communication device that can instantly communicate with any ship no matter the distance, videogame that uses enders tactics against him and becomes more complex like in the battle room he is a commander, why was mazer rackham chosen to be enders teacher, to teach ender how to command the fleet to attack the buggers, kept alive with a relativity maneuver aging eight years as the earth passed 50, why does mazer rackham say that there is no teacher but the enemy, the enemy shows a solider their weak points are, why does mazer rackham physically beat ender what is he trying to show him, to show that he is the enemy and how to defeat an enemy stronger and smarter than you. becasue she reminds him of Valentine Write three passages describing Ender's intelligence. (These answers may very - a good discussion point) Ender's world has just been turned upside down. Ender realizes two things when he meets Bean. Ender says Bean is the only one who knows what he is doing. 3. ender know the other boys hate him because he is graff's favorite and needs to own up to what graff said he is. Dont have an account? Second, he realizes more fully that the other armies, the other children, are not the enemies. Ender confides in bean because its necessary. One soldier, a small boy named Bean is very quick and good, and Ender picks on him, asking him for answers that the other soldiers do not have. What surprising opinion does . Latest answer posted November 15, 2017 at 3:47:13 PM. After finishing the book, respond to these . The space suits are where the equipment is. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. Ender's Game Study Guide - Paraclete High School As an authority figure, Ender is empathetic (we know Graff is not). 3. His conversations with the adults show that he is competing with the teachers more than with the other soldiers. Are his actions appropriate to his age? Who becomes Ender's first friend? It shows that he learned from Graff. Discount, Discount Code Describe where Ender is in the computer game. Before Ender could change the rules, he had to first learn the rules. Continue to start your free trial. What valuable skill does she eventually teach Ender? mazor rackham is enders teacher he is teaching him everything he knows so ender can command the fleet mazor would've died if he foght in the 3rd attack. Why was this name retired in the past? Why is Petra Arkanian exactly the wrong kind of friend to have? officially known as Philotic Parallax Instantoneous Communicator is a device created by earth scientists to enable immediate communication throughout the stars, with distance not being an issue. He is now forced to give orders, to be a disciplinarian. The boy, whose name is Bonzo Madrid, explains that he is the commander of the Salamander Army, and won't be using Ender in the teams. MIGUEL Oye, qu nota tienes en tu clase de ciencias naturales? Want 100 or more? KzLaC6-WfCath*FPXy)9S/HVs;{fr0P"$:PYz:h(Bi6D{Q8Lv,&R/9[j"\5Xv %JTrvTZgPF}:vh`h8 ]ECfCLgXu5Wr\gT("u$%^n9nYs ldUX}q K7k;E"%Ngt`fc Graff, by contrast, saves his praise of Ender for public forums where he can use it. What does the word immensity mean in the given line from The Sea Wolf? 284 0 obj <> endobj Ender couldn't beat the giant titan because he choose the cup that wasn't poisoned, and since he usually knows everything he got angry. Anderson objects, pointing out that the whole school is based upon the fairness of the games. He drills his army, learning about each of the soldiers as he does. the other boys name is bernard. You'll also receive an email with the link. How does Enders discussion with Beanshow what he has learned from Graff? It shows that he learned from Graff. Bean is the first soldier who is probably as smart as Ender, and in meeting and commanding him, Ender gets a greater perspective on the bigger picture. Not affiliated with Harvard College. they make fake names so nobody could know their age. 1. [wzGq K= M!5q( \lq;I$IA9j\td7T5(0P& KlYN/2uAGzL*Q[Cwp6t When he does this he notices the others' resentment of Bean. Because he didn't grow up fast because he wasn't on Earth. What rules are changed, and why do you think the teachers change them? what according to mazer are enders advantages and disadvantages when he faces the buggers fleet, they can only do one thing at a time but can communicate very effectively, but as their trust in ender as a commander grew their friendship gradually disappears ender was their teacher and commander as distance from them as mazer was from him, they saw ender exclusively as a commander not a friend as they trained more, so he wouldn't become emotionally invested and focus on only being a commander to fight, what dangers could arise from having friendship with those you must lead, ender would not want to hurt them if they were friends, how is the victory like every other victory he has ever had, like the victory he faced with two armies in the battleroom, what does ender discover after it is done, he was actually killing buggers without his knowledge, people want to use him for power or kill him, demosthenes retires and locke obtains power, why does ender want to go to the buggers home world, to learn more about the buggers in order to colonize humans, how did the buggers control enders computer game, what does ender find when he looks behind the mirror, why does ender refer to himself as the speaker for the dead, he is the only one who understand how to buggers would've aced what they were doing and the intended actions they were attempting to take, what mission does ender go on at the end of the book, to find a planet for the buggers to rebuild their species, Higher Biology 2.6 Environmental Control of M, To Kill a Mockingbird English Chapters 12-31, The Pearl Vocabulary, Book Quotes, and Discus, SpringBoard English Language Arts: Grade 10, Glencoe Language Arts: Grammar and Language Workbook, Grade 9. All are younger than Ender's nine and a half years, and he is forbidden to make any trades. AV@U*$C(\hZJIBc!#)AHlAO~.! A tall, attractive boy approaches Ender and asks him for his name and combat experience. What happens to the boy? game's importance? It is harder to attack someone coming feet first. He kissed it. complete sentences. Valentine says, to keep herself safe, all she had to do was to make sure it was more in Peters interest to keep her. Tasha listed these sports as way cool: golf, skateboarding, karate, and fly fishing. Ender finds himself treating Bean as Graff treated him years ago: making him the favorite student, isolating him but also putting pressure on him to live up to his new reputation. How old is Ender? Though he maintains his authority over Bean, unlike Graff, Ender empathizes with the boy and shows Bean this empathy. How does Ender overcome Bernard's cruelty? 2018, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/compare-way-that-ender-treatd-bean-differently-343672. j9zkT,>0V]ECQ2VkqY just 32 when he died fron malaria, he is regarded as one of history's brilliant military leaders and most powerful rulers, so the fleet can keep an eye on him and keep him safe, how old is ender in the beginning of the book, no because not many 6 years old's are as intelligent as ender and aren't constantly watched or looked down upon for being a third child, what does it seem like graff arrives to do What does he see when he looks in the mirror after? Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? The end of chapter 11 shows a conversation between Bean and Ender in Ender's commander room. false identities? 4. 2. What does this indicate about Ender? Who is Ender's teacher? Although he should feel enlightened, he hates his life. How does Ender inspire confidence and loyalty in the soldiers in his army? What valuable skill does she eventually teach The prefix im- means "not" or "unable," and the Latin root mens means "to measure." Ender's Game Study Guide Chapter 1: Third 1. Evita la repeticin. 2. Ender meets his soldiers and immediately takes them to the battleroom for practice. he discovered it wasn't a game when mazor rackham informed him, peace was established when ender stayed on eros and peter stayed on earth or else peter would've controlled ender. 4. Ender's soldiers are mainly young and inexperienced soldiers. Describe Ender's fight with Bonzo. Summarize Dink's discussion with Ender as they float in the battleroom's anti-gravity. They make Ender the commander of Dragon Army, an army that has been defunct for several years, and give him an army of mostly untrained Launchies with several veterans. Please wait while we process your payment. there is this giant and he has 2 glasses full of liqiud 1 is pioson 1 isn't and he has to dip his head in the one that isn't but he keeps dying so he finds the only way to pass is to kill the giant and learns he is just like peter. What affect does Graff's claim that Ender will be commander while the boys are still learning have? What importance do the battle room, lasers, and space suits have there? Anderson tells Ender that he can no longer hold his informal practices, and Ender realizes that things are to be different now that he is a commander. He asks him to think of strategies, and train 5 soldiers. Internal: External: 4. Use context clues and your knowledge of prefixes to answer the following question. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. What is the opposite of the word terminar? a place with no gravity where the kids at at battle school play the most important game in the school. ANA MARIA (7) Y t? List the internal and external conflicts Ender has encountered in this chapter. More books than SparkNotes. hb```^ !uAZ&``X DP!.x:Xjjd'2Nt c Qp What does it first seem Graff has arrived to do? How does Enders discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? For itself. Graff gives Anderson the order to make Ender a commander, and Anderson agrees, apologizing for doubting his superior's tactics. Ender is now a platoon leader in the army lead by Commander Petra. Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. %%EOF Bonzo doesn't like it. Summary. Why is Ender promoted? Far from baiting him, Ender was actually confiding in him" (197). What is surprising about his promotion? MIGUEL Por qu no hablamos de otra cosa? Why do most kids think the game is important? P. 167 - Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. How is the fight with Bonzo similar to the earlier fight with Stilson? children with these implants are "protected" from harm since the fleet is keeping a constant eye on them. When Ender first sees the the brilliant, undersized youngster Bean included in his army, he treats him very much like Graff treats Ender. 297 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<65938BC17829AE4094D2526FA9559C54><3FED92A2370E7341B5A7F58B74644262>]/Index[284 24]/Info 283 0 R/Length 71/Prev 26515/Root 285 0 R/Size 308/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream creating and saving your own notes as you read. You have a character and you play games within the game. (6). Why was this name retired in the past? 3. 3. Starting with this chapter, pay attention to how the teachers change the rules. Why does Ender refer to himself as Speaker for the Dead? Why can't Ender beat the giant at first? What importance do gravity, lasers, and spacesuits have there? 4. How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? SEOR: __________ una semana que ________ l en la calle y _________ para encontrarnos hoy. How does Ender defeat the computers security system? 1. How is this victory like every other on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? they think he changed for the good and believe his lies, teachers say he's a model student that studies works hard never bullies and turns in work, she knows his change isn't real it's just the same peter but better at flattery, use his fathers citizen access to use fake names to try and form a par americana so if the beggars arrive the earth will be at peace with itself and will be impossible to defeat, how does peter manipulate valentin into helping him. Ender knows from his own isolation that it has made him more independent, a better commander, and a better problem . 65. Discuss the problems Ender faces as a "third." 4. she teaches him hoe to aim and shoot. Petra Arkanian is exactly the wrong kind of friend to have because she reminds Ender of his sister Valentine. How old is Ender in the beginning of the book? This happens with Ender when Colonel Graff makes the other kids in his launch group hate him by pointing out that Ender was smarter than them. How does Ender defeat the snake? How does Ender's discussion with Bean show what he has learned from Graff? However, he is determined to be Bean's friend, even if his soldier does not know it. Nobody is going to protect him and putting him by himself makes him stronger because he has to fight for himself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Are his actions appropriate for his age? Nobody is going to protect him and he knows his standards & makes him stronger because he has to fight for himself . (161). Qu crees que debes hacer para sacar mejores notas? Why does Ender begin to watch the propaganda videos from the First and Second Invasions? endstream endobj startxref Wed love to have you back! Battle School? . comes to visit him? Ender says Bean is the only one who knows what he is doing. The way he treats his army is a miniature model of the way the adults have been manipulating him. And combat experience describing Ender & # x27 ; s soldiers are mainly young and soldiers. And why do you think the teachers change them seor: __________ una semana que ________ l en calle! Agrees, apologizing for doubting his superior 's tactics at first a place with no gravity where kids! Changed, and why do you think the game is important him to of. Way cool: golf, skateboarding, karate, and why do you think teachers! 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how does ender's discussion with bean show what he has learned from graff