Try to get rid of the Nekkers before tackling the Troll, as the two are only really dangerous in the presence of the other. Voleth Meir. Ewald Borsodi | Eldain | John Verdun | Spcialis dans le doublage, il est connu pour tre la voix franaise du personnage Bob l'ponge dans la franchise du mme nom ainsi que celle de Knuckles dans la franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. (Map 1) If you release him, he moves a camp north of the Pontar river. Schirr | If you rescued him, John Verdun has been up to mischief in the meantime (left) defeat the Mucknixers near the Coast of Wrecks to claim the treasures along these islands (right). You can insta-kill the Basilisk by shooting it down over your crossbow while its flying over water. Here is the full list of all the new quests, where to start them and all possible choices you can make (click to expand): Poet Under Pressure Walkthrough: Best Choice and Let Priscilla Stay? Remove ads and unlock special features, Ultimate Guide To Gwent And Cards In Witcher 3, Devil of the Well Walkthrough and General Witcher 3 Tips, Precious Cargo Witcher 3 Walkthrough & Best Choices Explained, Imperial Audience - Tips And Best Answers. Use your Witcher Senses and investigate the bodies and some discarded bottles, as well as a crispy old pool of blood south-west of the bodies, if youre a glutton for information. Gaunter O'Dimm | But he would never kill someone after the fact unless it was related to Yen, Ciri, a brother Witcher or maybe Triss. Venture west into the water to find a chest containing quality loot, then turn south-west and dive to find another chest. With anexpansion so large however, the player is likely to be sweating bullets by the end, hoping not to unravel all their hard work until this point. Fringilla Vigo | On a more positive note, theres plenty of things the loot in and around the houses of Ursten, just follow the road through the town to the south until you reach some swamps where fortifications were erected to the south and east. 7 Worst: Iris Von Everic And The Rose. Head west and slightly south from Johns camp to reach the coast. The Blacklist dizisinin tm sezon ve blmlerini Trke altyazl izleyebileceiniz kategori. Hubert Rejk | Movies. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The Basilisk fights much like a Wyvern, save the Basilisk can poison you, and itll spit poison at your from a distance, as you experienced while playing as Ciri. If you rescued John Verdun the deserter that was going to be fed to Drowners back in Velen. Sorel Degerlund | Maps showing the locations of John Verdun in Velen in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . The Portside Gate is to the west, while the Glory Gate is to the east. Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Limited-Time Introductory Pricing. It appears that the man was a former Temerian soldier but his army was destroyed by the Nilfgaardians after which he deserted. Once the Rock Troll is isolated, its business as usual; Quen and strong attacks (dont get greedy!) It is up to Geralt whether he frees Verdun. Notes. Isengrim Faoiltiarna | Following contains quest spoilers. Serrit & Auckes | Geralt can listen to John Verdun's story and release him (for which the witcher receives 50 ), or leave him. Geralt sets off on a quest to find Yennefer that will span continents and reunite him with his lost protege Ciri. Vilgefortz | Daughter of Geralt's friend Crach an Craite, helping Cerys to reach the throne is one of those decisions that's a no-brainer inThe Witcher 3. You can choose to fight him or take his coin. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. At the end of the nightmare Geralt must endure, he must choose whether to take Iris' precious rose, thus freeing her from her tormented dream. Geralt can find John Verdun on his path somewhere alongside the road surrounded by drowners, handcuffed and left to die.The man is desperate and calls out for help. Swim around the southern end of the boat, then swim north between the shore and the boat to reach a strip of shore north of the boat. I still have a considerable ways to go to the city, but as soon as I get there I will dispatch this letter and set about writing another. I am an admin of this site. While Junior is one of the fourmajor crime bosses in Novigrad, he also abuses and even mutilates women under his care. Thats exactly what its about.. Youve unlocked the seedy secret message of the Witcher saga. Brown (beard) All content, including text, images and other media, provided on this site are owned by GNUB D.O.O. Fortnite Cipher Quests are back! Later on, he gathered some men and hunted down and killed the refugees that left him on the river bank. Oh well. Go west from Mulbrydale, towards the river. Radovid V the Stern | Geralt can find John Verdun on his path somewhere alongside the road surrounded by drowners, handcuffed and left to die. Savolla, The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings 4. Typical Noonwraith rules apply; use Yrden to force the wraith to manifest so you can harm her with your Silver Sword, then attack-and-dodge until shes dead, smiting her life-draining clones when she summons them. El libro NO OBRIS ELS ULLS de JOHN VERDON en Casa del Libro: los mejores precios! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Appearance(s) Recover a possession dear to The White Lady (left), which you can use to summon, and subsequently slay, the Noonwraith (right). Follow the north-western road a bit and youll find a camp south of the road. Further south-east, on a stone resting against the corner of the castle youll find a Witcher sign on some rock, which should hint at the quality of loot that lies ahead. If Geralt came across John attacking the refugees he would definitely defend them tho. Soldier (formerly) Well, I mean, he had to hire some thugs or else he would have not be able to take revenge. Seems he wasnt brave enough to stand and fight the Nilfgaardians, but hes proved more than capable of banditry. Professor | Sometimes articles on our website are a team effort. RLS now offering Online Homeschool and Afterschool for Kids. Press J to jump to the feed. Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen | **spoliler end*. The Caretaker | Witcher 3 Deadly Delights Walkthrough: Kill or Spare? Exploring Skellige - From Farylund to Blandare, Exploring Skellige - From Blandare to Fyresdal, Exploring Skellige - From Rannvaig to Arinbjorn, The Phantom of Eldberg: Walkthrough & Best Choice, Cave of Dreams Walkthrough, Loot, Rewards & Choice Explained, Exploring Skellige - Sailing to the Whale Graveyard (Part 1), Practicum in Advanced Alchemy - Skellige Spirit, Practicum in Advanced Alchemy - Pimpernel, Practicum in Advanced Alchemy - Rain Ritual, Witcher 3: Taken as a Lass & Nameless Walkthrough, Strange Beast & For Flame and Glory Walkthrough, Witcher 3 Last Wish Walkthrough: Djinn Guide & Best Choice Explained, Witcher 3 Morkvarg Quests Walkthrough: What to Feed Morkvarg, Exploring Skellige - Spikerogg Locations & Here Comes the Groom, Exploring Skellige - from Spikerogg to Undvik, The Lord of Unvik Walkthrough: Exploring the Cave & Finding the Man, Witcher 3: Kings Gambit Walkthrough and the Ruler of Skellige, An Skellig - Tower Outta Nowheres and The Path of Warriors, Exploring Skellige - From An Skellig to Spikerogg, Exploring Skellige - From Ard Skellig to Faroe, Iron Maiden Walkthrough: Sword, Place of Power & More, Witcher 3: Following the Thread Statue Puzzle, Velen - Master Armorer and the Acid Gland, Witcher 3: Where the Cat and Wolf Play Walkthrough, Velen - The Mystery of the Byways Murders, Nilfgaardian Army Camp & House of Respite Walkthrough, Velen - Earth Guardian, Guarded Treasure, & Rewards, Witcher 3: The Oxenfurt Drunk Walkthrough, Witcher 3: Following the Thread Walkthrough & Choice Explained, Witcher 3: Fists of Fury Novigrad Walkthrough, The Witcher 3: Of Swords and Dumplings Walkthrough in Novigrad, Skellige - Witcher Diagrams in Kaer Gelen & Beyond, Skellige - Fists of Fury: Champions of Champions, Witcher 3 The Final Trial Walkthrough: Treasurers, Place of Power & More, To Bait a Forktail Walkthrough: Cave Location & Eskel Horse Race Tips, How to Complete the Ugly Baby: Walkthrough, Witcher 3 Brothers in Arms Quests and Full Crew Trophy Walkthrough, The Isle of Mists Walkthrough: Helping Allies and Finding Ciri, The Battle of Kaer Morhen Walkthrough: Choices, Gates & More, Unfinished Business - The Final Contracts, Witcher 3: Blindingly Obvious Walkthrough: Best Choices, Witcher 3 Payback: The Great Escape, Horse Race & more. Hrt Geralt jemanden in einer Seitengasse um Hilfe rufen, lohnt es sich also, diesem nachzugehen. If you save him, he will become a bandit and reward you with money taken from refugees he killed. I dont give a shit about anyone in this witcher so ill take the coin. Nithral | At this point the road will fork three ways: north, northwest and northeast. Profession These boots have, If you cant Focus your saved Trials Engrams in Destiny 2 Lightfall, you should know that youre far from being the only person with this. No point in backtracking there, however, so instead turn west at the fork near the collapsed trees, head past the abandoned camp, and keep going west until you hit the water. Male Actually, I think after what happened to him, he should be able to do something like this. save him get 50 coin later or kill him for the loot. Games Geralt then must decide what to do with Keira, convince her to drop her self-absorbed pursuits and head to Kaer Morhen or kill her -- and other decisions in-between. Examine it and Geralt will decide he needs to find something that belonged to our prey, so he can lure it out. Cyprian Wiley | And its a shitty way of punishment except for the vilest monsters, which he is not even necessarily (deliberately vague and open to interpretation) because of being 1. NEXT:5 Video Game Characters That Would Make Great Witchers (& 5 That Belong In The Wild Hunt). Wicked Witch, Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales Xavier Lemmens, Netflix TV series You wonder if you should let John Verdun live or die, or if you should trust a group of witch hunters to deliver that crystal to Radovid. Before you follow the trail, however, lets explore the castle, as theres some pretty nifty loot inside. Quinto | He has nothing to reward you with, except his eternal gratitude. Geralt doesn't really do revenge. If you read the letter you find at his camp, you will be very guilty you saved him. Happening to run into him later is luck and not a part of any initial deal. To kill or not to kill Whoreson Junior, that is the question. The third chest can be found on the northern end of the island to the south, while the fourth is just to the south-west of the last one, past a bush. Continue east along a road until you reach the outskirts of Novigrad. MASSIVE UPDATE: 7th September 2016 ongoing, Why not join us today? One of those decisions comes via a dream sequence that Geralt is thrown in to where he must interact with Iris Von Everic -- the wife of the DLC's antagonist Olgried Von Everic. Bernard Tulle | Glenna / Molly / Peasant (voice) Alastair Parker . Be sure to loot everything. First loot a barrel south-west of the stairs down, where youll have a chance to score quality loot. Overall there are 34 such encounters in the game and all included in the mod. Hi. Loot her remains for the Silver Sword Deithwen and another Noonwraith Trophy . Besides the signpost, theres not much of interest here just a Merchant who doesnt even play Gwent. I mean, didn't he take revenge on the ones the left him to die? Every second of this massive quest to find the Baron's wife and child is riveting and sensational. Human Ebook versions of the guides can be purchased on itunes: Hake | Junior even gets mixed-up with Ciri, injuries her and her friend Duduand delays her quest quite a bit. If he does, Verdun can be encountered again later in the game. After searching the three bodies follow a trail to the south (after examining it) and itll lead you to Drahim Castle. Biography. Morkvarg | Maps showing the locations of John Verdun in Velen in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Hell be a bit more interesting later, however. Check out the full guide at: By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Witcher 3: Reason of State Walkthrough & Best Choices? Ciri battled one earlier, now its your turn. Jun 21, 2015. atticmike said: Wow, so apparently, I gain more experience by sharing coins with hungry children that haven't had anything to eat for a week rather than food, way to go CDP Red oO. Dear Mother, Everything has gone very well so far. Lets say if was a group of bandits that did the same thing and john kill the bandits would you kill him for that? Return to the outskirts and talk to Helma, who, when Geralt reveals the nature of the White Lady, will instantly identify who the victim was in life. Infinity Wards next iteration of Call of Duty boasts a, If Destiny 2 Lightfalls From Zero quest is not progressing for you, you should know that you are not alone with this issue. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Case in point, your first destination. Dethmold | Regardless of choice, the quest will then end. A blow from this weapon can slice an oaken shield in two along with the arm . Kill them, then search some note under a shelter to the south to find a Letter From Toben . Swim back to shore then continue following the coast north-west until you find the Lighthouse signpost. Gosu Noob Copyright 2012-2022 All Rights Reserved. He fell in with a group of fleeing refugees but, when they learned he had deserted, the refugees tied him up and left him for drowners on the river bank west of Mulbrydale. Atop the tower are the remains of a whirlwind near a chest that can be investigated, for what thats worth, while at the bottom of the tower youll find a chest containing Prince Adriens Journal and the Diagram: Feline Steel Sword . down around an abandoned campsite. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 3 -1. Geralt wouldn't kill either of them. Lucius Maravel | Link Utili Twitter: Twitch: . Earl | If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. A bandit 2. Leave the cavern and head north-west through the forest until you find a pair of Monster Nests a short distance apart. Return to Ursten and leave the village by taking a road to the north until it forms a triangle splitting in three directions. Gdy oddzia Jana zosta rozbity przez Nilfgaardczykw, ten uciek ratujc ycie.Nastpnie doczy do wdrujcej przez dawn Temeri grupy uchodcw, ci jednak gdy dowiedzieli si e Jan porzuci ojczyzn w potrzebie . Henselt | John Verdun is a minor antagonist in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3, Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 4, Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2, Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1, Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 2, Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1, Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 5, Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby, Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 1, Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams - Part 3. Of course, then you cant loot it. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (Video Game 2015) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. If you come back after some time, youll find his corpse. Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. She's charming and friendly yet betrays Geralt the first chance she gets for a selfish endeavor. How to start quest []. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Head south-east from the outskirts to find a search area, pop on your Witcher Senses, then search to find Micko and his gang just east of the center of the search area, unburied in the fields as Helma said. Race I let him go on my playthough, only found out that he turned bandits later. We see this in the quest "In the Heart of the Woods" after Sven murders all the elders in the village, geralt takes the coin and walks away as there is no one left to defend. Isaiah McCall is a junior at Ramapo College of New Jersey and is a Communication Arts major with a concentration in Journalism. At the Mercy of Strangers is a Quest in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This time I spotted him, and apparently he killed a lot of innocence, too late for me to regret so I got no choice but to take matters into my hands and kill him and his bandit friends=======================Desktop Specifications:- Chasis: Corsair Graphite Series 380T ITX- CPU: Intel Core I7 6700K- Cooler: Corsair Hydro H100i V2- MOBO: ASUS Maximus VIII Impact- RAM: GSKill TridentZ Black 2x16GB DDR4 3200mhz- GPU: ASUS GTX1080 StriX Advanced 8GB DDR5- PSU: FSP Hydro G 750W 80+ Gold PSU- SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD- OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64Bit- HDD: Seagate 2TB Baracuda HDD 7200RPM=======================Guys guys! Untie John Verdun. Orianna | It's one of those, you better save before you get to the showdown kind of moments. Leave the Scoiatael camp and head east to find a trail (or you can follow the road north-east from the Bandits Camp). Speaking of the next ruler of Skellige, let's talk more about our girl Cerys an Craite. The 2023, Are War Thunder servers down right now? Geralt can listen to John Verdun's story and release him (for which the witcher receives 50 ), or leave him.He'll tell Geralt that he belonged to the 10th Maribor Division which was attacked by the Nilfgaardian Army, and he . If he came across John Verdun ACTIVELY hurting someone, he would step in. Also killing Sven would mean having to butcher the town, and Geralt learned from the first time he did that, so he just walks away. Syanna | 3. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted. Added Death March difficulty tips and commentary throughout the guide. Or leave her with her last good memory of her husband, but leave her in that state of purgatory. Accept to help (after haggling for more money, first, if you wish) then head off to find this White Lady. At that point, veer off the road to the south to a cave, which is guarded by Nekkers (level eighteen).. Once the vanguard is dead, head inside the cave, where more Nekkers await. If handled improperly these split-second decisions will leave lingering effects that can haunt the player for the rest of their experience. You still got paid. It has nothing to do with Obama or the US administration. Verdun can be encountered in Velen, tied up near a river. From the Border Post head north, cross a bridge, and follow a road north. Aber auch ein Gesprch mit einem Nebencharakter kann zu einer solchen kleinen, namenlosen Quest fhren. If Geralt should point out he doesn't believe refugees would tie him up to die simply for being a deserter, John insinuates there may be a bit more to the story but doesn't say anything else. In it, you get a chance to save a Temerian deserter from certain death. Overshadowing these petty politics is the mysterious return of Ciri - Geralts adopted daughter, who is now being pursued by the Wild Hunt. sich mit Ronvid vom Smpfle befassen Hans Verdun vor Ertrunkenen retten . Voici les informations de dtail sur The Witcher, Tome 2 : De chair et de flamme comme votre rfrence. Yum! As always thanks for your support \u0026 I appreciate that! In between them, further inland (to the south) you can find a notice board, where you can pick up the notices Contract: Devil in the Woods and Contract: The White Lady, which start the quests Contract: Lord of the Wood and Contract: The White Lady . Leave John Verdun to the drowners. Rookie. This applies to pretty any big flying critter you may come across. Ardal aep Dahy | If the player advances too far in the main quests, this will no longer show up as he'll be dead by then. I miss you and Father horribly. Continue following the trail south, then south-east to find a farmland dominated by a large windmill, marked on your map with the Lucians Windmill signpost. Cahir Mawr Dyffryn Aep Caellach | Sbastien Desjours est un acteur franais, n le 21 juillet 1969 Boulogne-Billancourt . 4K resolution, 60 fps, ultra graphics settings, "Death March!" difficulty. Sezon 3. To me there is only one morally right path, to untie him. I don't think Geralt would want to get his hands dirty over a revenge killing that already took place. Once the looting is done, return to Helma and collect your reward. Its a thought study that in Witcher 3 becomes a real thing. Witcher 3 is one of those games, you can play with out playing others, you just have to pay more attention. It's fun to screw up however and watch the bloodbath that ensues. Long ago from video I saved a tied up soldier named John Verdun2. but because they are refugees they can do the same thing a bandit would do and everything is well? Once its dead, climb a ledge to the east and blast some stalagmites youll uncover a chamber with a chest in it, which in turn contains the Diagram: Feline Silver Sword - Superior . When the refugees he was fleeing with found out that he was a deserter they tied him up and left him. Press J to jump to the feed. Here is a walkthrough of Witcher 3's Novigrad southern forest, featuring undiscovered locations and the White Lady quest walkthrough. The content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of (Map 2). Switching gears to The Witcher 3's first DLC expansion, Hearts of Stone, players will constantly find themselves fighting what the ideal choice is to bring the tragic story to an end. I'm planning on starting my 4th playthrough once my vacation starts and for some reason I keep obsessing on the choice of whether to kill john verdun or just take the coin and leave. Verdun serves as an early reminder that seemingly small choices can have dire consequences, a recurring factor throughout the game. The entire DLC is spent with Geralt being screwed over by Oligerd and O'Dimm saying "See, told you that guy's a scumbag." - Main locations on the map. All that said, you don't have to play it this way. Quest Type: Main Story Quests Secondary Quests Witcher Contracts Treasure Hunt. 1,2,3. Bloody Baron | Now follow the northern coast to the east to find the Loggers Hut signpost, which again, isnt very interesting, but its worth getting the signpost. After recovering, he would set off in search of Ciri, accompanied by Dandelion, Milva, Regis, Cahir and Angouleme, most of whom eventually made their way onto Gwent cards. If you do not untie him geralt says that he doubts that they tied him up just for being a deserter. Instead of enjoying the spoils of romanticizing these gals, both ladies will collude and scheme to give Geralt what he rightly deserves for being a "player.". Notifications . Is it justice to kill someone BEFORE they commit a crime? Talk to him. If you save him, hell show north of the Pontar river with some friends, and reward you when he next sees you. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. In what is one of the most bizarre, hilarious and slightly tragic cut-scene in the entire game, Yen and Triss teach Geralt a brutal lesson about cheating. The popular free-to-play, cross-platform, MMO military game still boasts hundreds of thousands of daily active players after 10, Now that Lightfall is out, Destiny 2 players are delighted that they can explore all the new content thats been added to the game. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You may have to kill a small group of Bandits (level seven) along the way, but thats hardly a challenge anymore. General strategies on how to take down foes large and small, monstrous and humanoid, boss or mundane. He receives a mysterious letter from his former lover, the sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg. What do you guys think Geralt would do? John won't attack, but warn the Witcher to stay out of this. they are so cruel they dint even kill give John and the dwarf a quick painless death instead they left they defenseless to be eating alive by drowners. Youll be given the significant belonging you need to lure the fiend, as well as some back-story about the cause of this event. The Heroes' Pursuits: For the Goddess' Glory! From trying to score both Yennefer & Triss to saving Ciri's life, here are the worst & best things Geralt can choose in Witcher 3. At the Mercy of Strangers. Haren Brogg | Find and talk to John Verdun near the riverbank, between Inn at the Crossroads and Mulbrydale.. You may have to clear the Drowners in the immediate area before you are able to speak to him.. Walkthrough []. In doing so the player will have to make a rash decision to throw that guys baby in a roaring oven and trust that Cerys knows what she's doing -- thankfully she does. Enroll today. Because after a good research on the internet, everyone seems to kill him and lable him as an extremely evil person. Not trustful of this, Geralt left him there and John was summarily killed by drowners a short time later. He tricks the witcher into killing an Ofieri Prince, thus imprisoning Geralt and igniting the events for him to strike up a one-sided deal with Gaunter O'Dimm. Strong enemies. Imlerith | It's up to the player to finish John and his gang or to walk away. Yavinn Buck, veteran of the Mahakaman Volunteer Regiment. John Verdun is part of the quest "At the Mercy of Strangers". Jan Verdun - byy temerski onierz sucy w 10 Dywizji Moriborskiej, dezerter oraz bandyta wystpujcy w Wiedmin 3: Dziki Gon.. Przed akcj gry. This mod is for the Classic version of the game. Or fight him and his 4 men for 50 XP. Stennis, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt RELATED:The Witcher 3: 10 Useful Locations In Velen You Need To Keep In Mind. Youve fully regained your memories since your miraculous revival and escape from the Wild Hunt, and have cleared your name of the false accusations of regicide. The world is saved, but if Geralt doesn't save Ciri, he's alone, resentful and quite bitter. Brainless idealism just gets innocent people killed.. At the Mercy of Strangers is a Secondary quest in The Witcher 3. Stefan Skellen | Click here to download the Next-Gen version. A Dangerous Game Walkthrough for Witcher 3, Cat School Gear: Exploring the Passages under Temple Isle, Cat School Gear - Armor and Aeramas Abandoned Manor, A Deadly Plot Walkthrough for the Witcher 3, Novigrad Exploration - From Alness to Yantra, Witcher 3 Kaer Trold Guide: Location, Armorer & Blacksmith, Exploring Skellige - From Kaer Trolde to Rannvain. Back-Story about the cause of this massive quest to find the Baron 's and... On our website are a team effort the fourmajor crime bosses in Novigrad he... And Afterschool for Kids is the question effects that can haunt the player for the next time comment... A Communication Arts major with a concentration in Journalism the left him At his camp, you have... Defend them tho, that is the mysterious return of Ciri - Geralts adopted daughter, who is being! Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike unless otherwise noted, ultra graphics settings, & ;! 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