The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. He actually left St. Louis and started the church in Kansas City, solely in response to a prophetic word, from defrocked prophet Augustine Acula. The CORPORATE Christ they promote is identical to the Cosmic Christ of the occultics. The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. The 1970s reveal the great teachers of God and they began to raise up. magazine observed that in just a few months, members of his new congregation were dancing in the aisles in their new facility, and the talented young preacher was back on the conference circuit, no questions asked. Since that time he has seen many, many times five to ten visions and dreams a night. I believe it's a powerful message and pertinent for this time. Bob was observing the people in these lines. And of all things, the doctor. The property developer and columnist won't confirm how many children he has though it's at least nine . . A must read. 2:10-12). It is this story that we will focus on at the outset of this article. So they said. However, Paul has resisted this process and has continued in his sin (Special Bulletin, MorningStar Ministries, Oct, 19, 2004). Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. Nearly everyone one of these men are separately or collectively involved in the Latter Rain false revivals that have taken place. The greatest awakening of all time was going to be in the Soviet Union. Mike embraces Bobs visions and utilizes them to the fullest in the advancement of The Movement.e. We are dealing here with a man who claims to have had more revelations, visions, and supernatural experiences with Jesus and angels than that of all the men of God in the Bible put together. Bob Jones was supposed to have been the BEST prophet on planet earth-seriously, he's like a modern day Father Abraham to these people. This will be the end generation that is foreknown and predestinated to inherit all things. Bob spoke about deep spiritual things in simplistic parables but . So if youve got short range plans, make long range plans(Bob Joneswith Todd Bentley at the Lakeland Florida revival, 5/13/08 evening service, on God TV. Funeral arrangements may be sent to: Reins-Sturdivant 270 . Bob Jones went home to be with the Lord on Valentines Day 2014. Although their parents will reign over them and be the leaders of the last-day church, their children will possess the Spirit without measure. Mike BicklesWierd Church In St. Louis Sheffield Family Life Center April 17, 1990 Dear Ernie: Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Bob Jones- a Tail of a Prophet. But he is back on earth! I felt a strong uneasiness of the Holy Spirit when Mike first came to town and came by to visit me in my office. How are we to view this? They were sick at heart for months and months. (F88, p. 26 27)In another message in 1986, Mike Bickle described the story a little differently: MB: he (Bob) was involved in one church. . His 1st spurious encounter, is with an appearance, supposedly, of the Arch Angel Gabriel, riding a talking white horse. Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days.They themselves; will be that generation thats raised up to put death itself underneath their feet and to glorify Christ in every way. That certain overcomers become immortal on the earth before Christ even returns. You are the one that cursed the leadership. 6He must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil. Thats the purpose so that Jesus in the last days has the seeds that will glorify Him above any generation that has ever been upon the face of the earth. Bob Jones claims that when he was nine years old living in Arkansas, an angel carrying a great trumpet came riding down from the sky on a white horse and stopped before him in the middle of a dirt road. Wow that something the Bible teaches us, except I cant seem to find the verse, but it must be there because of Jones revelation from God. But everything he says in this video is twisted and wrong. My wife, who never missed a service and has a better memory than I do, verifies this fact. ! 487 pages, available in print and eBook editions from Way of Life Literature --, THE PENTECOSTAL-CHARISMATIC MOVEMENTS: THE HISTORY AND THE ERROR, For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, threw him out. (Testimony Letter 11)When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding propheciessupposedly from Godmostly in the flesh. The 2000 would reveal the glory of God. At 5 o'clock on the morning of May 27 th the Lord began to speak to me so I grabbed my pen and pad and began to write. But a lot of people have got healed by it, too. - Receive these reports by email Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. Bob Jones spiritual experiences are extraordinary to say the least. .And now my government is in place, and in a time of great stress I shall bring forth my next step, for Toronto was a step, Brownsville was another step; My next step will be my glory, and signs like you have never seen before. It was the devils. Mike Bickle dates the very beginning of their Movement to the first supernatural experiences of Bob Jones, including nearly 100 visions.. I said, Five or ten a NIGHT!! And miracles and everything else, and got anointed by it. Box 838 Pineville, NC 28134-0838. There visions can mean anything they want as they use allegorical interpretations for their visions, as comets and floods all have an accompanying spiritual meaning that makes sense only to the initiate. For the first time in history we have a woman angel working inside the church bringing signs to the. They will move into things of the supernatural that no one has ever moved in before. Theres some prayers thats gone on here that the answer is yes. They were not in sin. As stated previously, he died on March 29, many months before the funeral of Will and Judy, not after. He has since gone to be with the Lord. So we are too immature to have prophets be right all the time? Christ gave only one legitimate cause, and that is fornication, yet the two said the split involves no third party on either side.. He met Jesus face to face as there were two lines there; One going to everlasting destruction and one leading to eternal life. Everything about Paul was often dramatic! What bothered me the most was Viola and I had some blood kin in there too. Help me. And the voice spoke to me and says, I cant help you, Bob, until you forgive them. There are going to be thousands of young people gathered from around the world. 8:20). He then speaks of the day Aug. 8, 1975- the same story quoted above, but it is told a bit differently, minus some important details he shared in 1988. The police who visited their apartment following their deaths reported finding their Bibles open on the table from their quiet time that morning.Bob Jones did not bring a prophetic word at that funeral about additional people dying. William Branham, Oral Roberts, AA Allen. The items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we use the income from sales to help fund the ministry. Many years later is when he entered into our world. We were involved with the youth leaders, and we even gave them quite a bit of land in Lake Ozarks. And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. The first was Bob Jones on February 14, 2014. . Let me highlight the main problems-They will move into things of the supernatural that no one hasever moved in before. February 27, 2023 . He has been a major influence behind the new revival through Todd Bentley, a Toronto style copy. for Oct. 29, 2015, the church is standing with its crooked leaders (City Harvest Founder Kong Hee Thanks Congregation for Grace and Love as Wife Sun Ho Is Ordained as Pastor, Oct. 29, 2015). The Holy of Holies which your children are called to enter in can crash that threshold. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. , from its inception, has been marred deeply by moral scandals and deception, and nothing has changed. Jones has not changed his perspective in over 20 years, he continues to influence many. Another pastor in Kansas City, went to Mike with concerns about Bob, when he learned that Bob was now at Mikes church, because Bob had formerly been with him. They preach a charismatic prosperity message and live lavishly. The people and pastor grew weary of this continuous and wearisome foretelling of earthquakes and tragedies coming until I, as pastor and shepherd of the sheep, asked Bob Jones to come with me and another pastor to my study to counsel him. . If Mikes ministry and vision was built upon false prophecy, as difficult as it may seem to acknowledge, Mikes labour was in vain. But in these last days, He speaks to us through His SON. And Jesus said, SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES for they testify of Me. John 5. And a bunch of the youth group was getting into sin and he spoke to them and warned them by the spirit of prophecy (that) it they dont quit sinning, thatits a little church of about 300 peoplehe said, Different ones of you will die and he told different ones by name. This is very troubling! He came under a false spirit, and operated out of that spirit, producing a counterfeit move of God! BOB JONES BEGINS HAVING TECHNICOLOR VISIONSOFTEN BETWEEN FIVE AND TEN A NIGHTAND SUPPOSEDLY HAS HAD THEM FOR 15 YEARS! What kind of Jesus is this that Jones presents to the church? By his own acknowledgement, MB: Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years cause every time he prophesied, something would happen cause most of them were negativethey threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people.. And there were billions of them. Bob was known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. I said, A movement? He said, Oh, the Lord told me you wouldnt know anything about it. Bob Jones- a Tail of a Prophet. 3:10-13, Recing Bob Jones false prophecies was not Mikes first major error. Change). Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. 2, p. 2). [Book], Cross Triple Package 20% Discount [BOOKS], Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us [book], 112372859729293postid=9990224019736 action=messagesthreadid=9990224019736), Sound Doctrine for a Glorious Church [podcast], What the Bible says about Effeminate Men [podcast] [shorts video], WHY this Asbury Ordeal is a Blessing [podcast], Judging and Examining Ourselves [podcast], The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Heaven [video]. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. Providing Christ-centered, Scripture-rich communications and resources to feed, nourish, to edify, comfort, instruct, and equip Christs disciples in His perfect ways given us in His perfect Word (Psalms 119:105; Ephesians 4:11-12). Its called the place of divine health. The late Bob Jones once spoke prophetically that something significant would occur after five key leaders . , Dr. William Nolen dedicated an entire chapter to his investigation of Kuhlmans healing crusades. During the height of . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at The final section of the book answers the question: Why are people deluded by Pentecostal-Charismatic error? David and Tami Lee, former Pentecostals, after reviewing a section of the book said: Very well done! Now the Lord is saying that before the apple tree blooms this spring . Every sign and wonder thats ever been will be many times in the last days. A demon appeared to me and said if you ever share that prophesy again Ill kill you. And so I told him I dont belong to you anymore, I belong to the lord and Im not afraid of you, you have no, uh, no uh, place to touch me,well he did that day and I went to the Lord in deathandI stood in a line and as I looked to my left there were a lot of people on like a roller and like in a supermarket where they were rolling past and there were a huge number of people on that line. Jones has been found to need a translator for his speaking even though it is in English because of his incoherence in communication (one translator for Jones is Paul Keith Davis of White Dove ministry). Mike Bickle is not anymore reassuring:Now, obviously, probably about 80% of whats in the Body of Christ thats called prophecy is fleshiness. and they would accept me in their midst. Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years cause every time he prophesied, something would happen. W.M. Brother Cloud lives in South Asia where he has been a church planting missionary since 1979. magazine said: About a year later, after the church had become affiliated with John Wimbers Vineyard network of churches, Jones admitted to a moral failure and was removed from his leadership position. Biblical tongues were real languages that were spoken miraculously by those who had never learned the languages. The 5 fold ministry is found in Eph.4:11 and there is no priesthood mentioned, it is about equipping the church. Bob refused counsel, refused to be under subjectionand took off for other churches where he would be free to make his predictions. You have God's Word and Holy Ghost - from Genesis to Revelation - which is "the MORE sure word of prophecy." There was a guide, that he identified as the angel of the Lord who protected him from danger by standing between him and the throne by filtering the rays from God as if the angel was like red sunglasses. He said that he later understood that this was Gods way of calling and commissioning him for their new important earth-changing work that could go out from Americas Midwest. The color blue can also mean one is not getting enough oxygen. Jones claims a gift from God that demonstrates when the peoples prayers are being heard by the Father especially in the area of healing: I was over there with Jim awhile ago. Below you will find a handful of new images from last night, Nigh 43 of the Florida Revival and Healing Outpouring. Bonnie moves in a seer prophetic gifting as well as healing and miracles. You are to write into their minds, as they write into the childrens minds. The demon speaking to him in the hospital, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. They were like our son and our daughter. And I was on a line where there werent very many and we were walking and when I went beyond this life I went into a cave and I looked out the cave and saw a man down there at the cave entrance and he was white light, but there was a whiter light than that white light holding hands out to me and my first thought was did I die clean, was my robe spotted cause I come out of such deep skin and I was concerned to see if I was clean and there was a man that stood alongside of me I never been able to see his face, hes the paracletos, the Holy Spirit.. he spoke to me and said look now you can see-I looked and my robe was white.The Holy Spirit is walking with Jones but not anyone else? Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministry. We find out who Bob Jones White Talking Horse is and whom the angel of the Lord is. The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. Mikes whole ministry was riddled with false directives, false prophecy and revelation, and false doctrine. And I requested Bob that for at least a month that he sit quietly and be still. The 1980's began to reveal the Prophets of God; people that get the inspired word. Sharing Policy: . Bob Jones and his bride, Mary Gaston Stollenwerck Jones, June 1908Jones's family was devoutly Christian . . Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well . In discussing Bob Jones disqualifying history, heres my comment and a response from one commentator. Bickle later related that during his trip to heaven Jesus commissioned him to be one of Gods new generals to lead his end time army. Facebook, 13 Feb. 2023,, Furthermore, Pastor Vlad revealed that a revival also broke out on the campus 50 years ago in February 1970.,, After the dean invited students to share testimonies at the chapel service, students continued worshipping and praying for 144 hours, he said. Other pastors in Kansas City acknowledged that; The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. He gave me four very important words in October 1982. What make this a concern is that Alice Bailey, a spokesperson for the New Age Movement, described violet (or purple) light as a catalyst for bringing about healing: [There are]four groups of angels that are bands of servers who are pledged to the service of the Christ [the New Age Christ, not Jesus], and their work is to contact man and to teach them along certain lines. One disc will have Bob's prophecy on it with spontaneous instrumental praise and the other one will be just the same music . Only three of these people were under the age of 30., The member testified that Bob Jones had the habit of jumping up, at any time he felt like it during the services, and prophesying. Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Ps.127:1 According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Bob Jones was never asked to leave the church; Bob Jones did not publicly give warning to the church.(Testimony Letter 33), Testimonies From Other Pastors In Kansas City Of Bobs Behaviour, I can verity that he (Bob Jones) was at that time very unstable in his behaviorCAMERON HARVESTER CHURCHFebruary 28, 1990 Dear Ernie, I listened to your tape, do we just keep smiling and say nothing? this last week and thought Id drop you a line to let you know how I feel about it personally & how I am responding to the calls that I have received. The church member ended with, these deaths could, in no way, be construed as seven young people involved in sin, dying in a period of six weeks. This is a complete exploitation for the purpose of gaining personal credibility as a prophet. he said,Because they rejected me many placesand the Lord has shown me many times, and He (God) said this, this group that was yet to come, He said they would never, ever reject me. He said, This is my family till the end. And I thought, He s got to be the false prophet for sure. Any guy that prophesies that Imgoing to accept him, he is for sure the false prophet. That is not a biblical reason for divorce. Also Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. Notes: #bobjones #paulcain #endoftime We are not to base our ministry on prophetic words, but on our relationship with Jesus and His W. Sincerely yours, (signed) Alan Needham (Pastor). Being interviewed by Rick Joyner , he says that God and the angels have their hands cuffed, and it's up to us to speak things into existence because God . I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. When he visited Father Divine in New York, he brought along four valets, four bodyguards, three secretaries, his housekeeper, a hairdresser, three musicians, 60 singers, a personal cook, and a dietitian. Could Bob Jones prophecy be starting to unfold as the Kansas City Chiefs win Super Bowl, and all the while, revival is breaking out amongst the college students at Asbury College? Ene mine mo, sah rah el me sah rah me (. And were looking through the seeds and thisll be your grandkids. And youll bring it into being. The 2020s reveal the rest of God. d. J.R. Smith, young man; date of death uncertain. / prophet bob jones biography. seven young people under 30 died in a 6-week period. He was not, and I emphasize not, asked to leave our church. And its going to be those that have that earring in and hear what God is saying. *This is a common, yet dangerous, erroneous mindset many people in the prophetic/apostolic movement entertain. Youre going to be here the rest of your life anyway. Every miracle, sign and wonder that has ever been in the Bible theyll move in it consistently. Bob is survived by his loving wife Bonnie Jones; his son Robert Wayne Jones of Lees Summit, MO; Step-son Lyn and his wife Katie Kost of Fort Mill, SC; Step-daughter Kimberly Glover and her husband Doug of Massillon, OH. . Every miracle, sign and wonder that has ever been in the Bible, theyll move in it consistently. Joseph Jones -- Joseph Jones is a little known Kansas City prophet who was friends with Bob Jones and was involved in the early prayer and fasting that set the direction of the movement. Im Christel Berns. Incredible as it seems, Mike Bickle was, however, soon won over by supernatural signs, to believe that Bob Jones must be from God. The people and pastor grew weary of this continuous wearisome foretelling of earthquakes and tragedies coming until I, as pastor and shepherd of the sheep, asked Bob Jones to come with me and another pastor to my study to counsel him. I would say that if this is the direction of the church, listening to men like him we, *I want to thank Al Dager whose book I read 18 years ago. All we ask is that you give proper credit. The prophesy was that my church at that time would fail. Help me, Lord Jesus. 3, No. And when I first met him, I couldnt hardly comprehend that. During this time period there was a group called Grace Ministries ministerial team which consisted of Paul Cain, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, David Parker, Jim Goll, Francis Frangipane and Mike Bickle that were of the former the Kansas City Fellowship (that became the Metro Vineyard of Kansas City). Required fields are marked *. Isa 9:15: The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.. Theyll move in the power that Christ did. Jones is whom Todd Bentley looks to as a senior prophet and mentor. He said, Oh, were collecting those who are foreknown and predestinated for the end-times, for you see, theyll be the best of all the seed thats ever been. And they said it, Forget it, we are not getting rid of our sin., BJ: That motorcycle was part of their sin. I listened to your tape earlier; and this past Sunday someone gave me a copy of your letter to Mike Bickle of April 4. His purpose for this people, in a hum-an sense, had some of its roots back in the hills of Arkansas when Bob was, ah, a young boy. He actually left St. Louis and started the church in Kansas City, solely in response to a prophetic word, from defrocked prophet Augustine Acula. c. Walt Simon, in his 40s; died December 16, 1976. Prophet Bob Jones Removing Blockages (watch this witchcraft and the generalizations with no Scripture at all), Bob Jones died- God sent him back from heavens door- 1. And you the children of God will come into that Papa/ son relationship. Understanding The Holy Of Holies Inside The Temple. Many Christians are posting about the prophecy again believing that these events are connected. And I was there. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. The Holy Spirit invaded the denominations. The Scroll Opened & Unrolled. The 2000's will be the Glory of God. RUN from this witchcraft which is designed to bring you under the control of Satan's warlocks pretending to have a word for you as a prophet of God! Bob spoke about some things to occur, and gave Mike a personal, seemingly, supernatural word of prophecy, that convinced Mike he was from God, throwing out all of the red flags and other warnings, embracing everything Bob said, and actually building his ministry upon Bobs revelations! Go kill them or forgive them (F88, p. 6)EDITORS NOTE: He does eventually forgive them. This is my Yes to Papa God. Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, and Paul Cain, who were known as the 'Kansas City Prophets,' were all buried on 2/22 This win is on a palindrome day of 02/02/2020 (hasn't happened for 909 years). I had Jesus. And when that happens that means youve got some incense thats gone up. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything. And that began the bizarre 18-month period of events. The 1950s reveal the power of God. Bob Jones, who operated in prophetic ministry for more than four decades, has gone home to be with the Lord. "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. Ironically, after hearing Bob tell of these visions, Mike Bickles first reaction was that of being absolutely certain that he was a false prophet:MB: So Bob Jones comes in andof course, I was looking for a false prophet and he looked like one to me. (P88, p. 30) The Lord began to dealsovereignlywith him in the prophetic realm; he began to see technicolor visions in 1974and he said the Lord gave him nearly 100 dreams and visions concerning this movement over that 9-year periodfrom 74 to 83. Whats interesting is that this time revival is happening at Asbury College. Id never seen one, but he looked as close as I could come up with. d.His prophetic ministry is rejected by church after church, until he meets Mike Bickle. 4:00 into the video) we find Jones telling us the the same story abortion would increase, homosexuality would increase and aids would be incurable and there would be an epidemic of drugs (not anything that someone who watches the culture could not predict). 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Articles B