I don't know the intimate details of their relationship. . Join thought-provoking conversations, follow other Independent readers and see their replies, Copyright The Associated Press All rights Reserved 2022. "I thought Amber Heard testified as well as she could," said Grant. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. I believe her," tweeted domestic abuse researcher Dr. Emma Katz. Amber is obviously lying but a lot of people are saying that when you're traumatized you remember every detail and her inconsistency proves it didn't happen. I struggle to find the words to describe how painful this is, she said, PEOPLE reports. Completely believable. The defamation trial between Mr Depp and Ms Heard began on Monday 11 April in Fairfax, Virginia following Mr Depps lawsuit against his ex-wife in March 2019. BUT only one of them decided to put all this shit out in the public initially, and that was amber. Based on what I've seen of the trial, I think Amber Heard is very much the aggressor. Still would be considered SA though. Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Listen to women, believe women and stop letting powerful men away with this behaviour. I agree I think shes very much so the aggressor as well. So why such hatred for Heard? They were mean, codependent. However the cavity search? Also, it is not true that he was never violent. Heard is being systematically jeered at and ridiculed like a medieval criminal in the stocks as she catalogs historic abuse, as she alleges rape. Not convinced at all, I have no idea whats going on (I know they are in court) can someone explain all this to me?! I think they were both toxic and both abusive. There are no medical records corroborating any of this. Amber Heard came off as less authentic than Johnny Depp on the stand, experts told Insider. Why is he so creepy and why are people attracted to him? LAST YEAR, AMBER Heard filed for divorce from actor Johnny Depp and subsequently filed a domestic violence restraining order against him. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Just that language alone is highly disturbing and should have you think what is in the heart of a person who uses such language. Mr Depp is seeking damages of not less than $50m. Hes radioactive, one studio head told THR. They both got hurt by each other, but in the end Johnny is the victim and Amber the abuser. Based on what Ive seen of the trial, I think Amber Heard is very much the aggressor. "Hear people that I knewsome well, some notmy ex-husband with whom I shared a life, speak about our lives in the way that they have.". Heard accused Depp of domestic abuse during their divorce proceedings in 2016. Hes nasty and disturbed and shes nasty and disturbed he hurt her and she hurt him and I believe her. I dont think my mind can be changed on that & no that is very extreme and disturbing but the name calling i have most definitely done while angry ranting. She was crying - but there were no tears, Lawrence said. But his lawyers say the article contains defamation by implication because it clearly refers to allegations of domestic abuse made by Heard when she filed for divorce in 2016. By continuing to browse, you agree to the use of cookies. Depp had to reveal a lot of things about himself that hes been trying to hide for a long time, she said. ", "This is horrible for me to sit here for weeks and relive everything," Heard said. You wouldnt want to hire an actor who has negativity following them especially in the last five years, with the Me Too movement.. Both inadequately addressed. I think in most of her testimony she stuttered through a lot of things, she said. I believe her side and I believe some of his side. I am a woman who refuses to settle at a career and a life that is just, "okay". Johnny Depp is seeking damages of $50 million after Amber Heard wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2018 in which she spoke of being a victim of domestic abuse (without ever explicitly naming Depp). I dont really buy that, personally, but it could be. A redden spot on the cheek doesn't count towards damage nor does a bruise on the arm. Maybe because the Internet has decided that Depp has already won this trial. That is a bottle of wine a day. She said she asked him about a tattoo on his arm that looked like black marks. As has Chris Rock, who said onstage last week that yes, we should believe all women, just not Amber Heard.. pic.twitter.com/9N6nIctkD0, Winkie! Mr Marks said Ms Heard was calling out Hollywood to take action, and that the publicity machine was in high gear as the column was published around the release of her film Aquaman. PH: (01) 6489130, Lo-Call 1890 208 080 or email: info@presscouncil.ie. Behavioral analyst Susan Constantine, who specializes in reading body language and detecting deception, says she does "not believe" Johnny Depp "was abusive with" his ex-wife, Amber Heard,. He said the op-ed was devastating to Mr Depp, suggesting that Disney wouldnt put him in the sixth Pirates film under this cloud. #JustSaying. That does not make any sense. Sounds better than she did it because lots of drugs , yeah being wasted doesnt help but I am hoping if she was wasted then it was at least unintentional. And we sure as hell shouldnt have to wait for a man to back them up before we listen to them. Point is, he was trying to avoid physical fights, not promote them. it is majority women, Law & Crime reporter Jesse Weber told Mediaite. They loved sober JD. Users are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own Pick your battles. Amber Heard has more recall, detail and receipts than Christine Blasey Ford ever did. I think in this situation they are both abusers and the victim. This site uses cookies. 6. Its very hard to believe her; I want to, but the way shes coming across in her testimony just feels like its not genuine., At this point, Nat Barr said, You dont mince your words!. We are so proud of you for being able to get through her testimony. Viewers believe Amber Heard's testimony was full of movie quotes. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. supports the work of the Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press Heres what fans are saying on social media: SUSPICIOUS! He admitted it to his own doctor and those messages were shown in the trial. i want to put this on a billboard. services and After watching a segment of trial testimony - where Heard described Johnny Depp as the love of her life but also this other thing this awful thing that would come out - Lawrence was asked her opinion. Hes an addict, theyre both inebriated. That is deranged. Okay, but the whole writing creepy ss messages on mirrors and lampshades with a bloody severed finger isnt a question of fact or a question of credibility. Amber Heard and Johnny Depp are back in court in Fairfax County, Virginia. I think she manipulated him and pushed him, he then became abusive in return, and then she became unhinged trying to make him the devil. Read the message. Heard narrates the scene like it's a Z-grade action film with a $5 budget, and the trailer story that immediately follows has the exact same vibe. While watching the trial, various individuals took to social media to report that Amber's deposition felt and sounded oddly familiar. the evidence points to her being a fat liar. Rossalyn Warren / Twitter Johnny also misconstrued amber wanting to help him with drugs: she tried to encourage sobriety on him and he saw it as nagging and controlling, also didnt believe he had a problem, and when he did see the problem, his pride led him to having a hard time admitting that to amber after he spent years denying it. Over 3 million people read Morning Brew ; you should too! Why would he in the same message where he says all of that about her also include a lie about cutting his own finger to protect her? In fact, I observed one of the court officers going up to a group of Depp supporters in court and telling them to quiet down, to show respect to the witness on the stand.. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. The only evidence she submitted was the . May 24, 2022 at 2:52 p.m. EDT Actor Amber Heard listens, next to her lawyer Elaine Bredehoft during Heard's ex-husband Johnny Depp's defamation trial against her at the Fairfax County Courthouse.. created content and their own posts, comments and submissions and fully and effectively warrant Aggressive_Elk_1754 3 mo. There are factors that point to a power dynamic that would lend to abuse on his part. Clearly, the point is to establish Heard as a liar. If it were him on those recordings saying I didnt punch you I slapped you. Just a quick look at his wikipedia page will show that in the past he got arrested for assault, also for trashing a hotel room, etc. Same. The 2018 article does not mention Depp by name. His story of grabbing her by the shoulders and sitting her on the bed to let him leave? All symptoms of her mental health disorders. I do believe her. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. The actress captioned the photos with a strong, simple statement: "One dress, four years apart. have you ever in your rants stated that you want to **** dead corpse of your partner to make sure he is dead? By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. They were both completely toxic though and the trial is a mess . (Yet these two are older than Depp, make Santa Claus look buff, and are greasy, sweaty, sickly-looking alcoholics. As the testimony continued, he seemed to have taken his sunglasses off, but continued to avoid looking up, instead appearing to doodle. Julie Grant, a host on Court TV, which is broadcasting the trial, told U.K. TV show Good Morning Britain that she found Depp's behavior to be "concerning.". This is the most painful and difficult thing Ive ever gone through, for sure.. Go on social media, and the anti-Heard sentiment is palpable. So we got to see the contrast between the things that were rehearsed and the things she just knew.. Depp is suing Heard for libel in Fairfax County Circuit Court in the US after she wrote an op-ed piece in The Washington Post referring to herself as a public figure representing domestic abuse. An American psychologist has revealed in a no-holds-barred interview why she doesnt believe Amber Heards court testimony. she's a nut. Eastern Eye columnist Asjad Nazir shared side-by-side shots of Heard and Depp in court to illustrate his suggestion that Depp's behavior was the result of past abuse. Experts say because many people do not view Heard as a "perfect victim," they refuse to believe she may be a victim at all. I wouldn't think the two of them would come out in his defense if he had been violent. When #JohnnyDepp testified #AmberHeard was staring at him and has done throughout. The latest fashion news, beauty coverage, celebrity style, fashion week updates, culture reviews, and videos on Vogue.com. & this isn't me being a fangirl as I have 0 interest in both but I've followed the trial closely and Amber Heard is straight up not traumatised even . Even die hard JD fans should give a minute to think about this one. Amber claiming she gave her lawyers the pictures and that the lawyers are hiding them does not make any sense.imo she got boxed in and the only way she could think of to save herself is blame her lawyers. does not make logical sense. Well rally, we always rally, but right here, right now, it feels shit. Though if Amber Heard is to blame, so too is Jason Momoa since it would also be his decision overall to end his marriage with Lisa Bonet. But does it make it a whole lot more likely that shes the problem here? I dont believe her but I do think her mental state has played a role in this. Yes. And he was my favorite actor since my childhood. I suspect that she was the aggressor in a mutually abusive relationship and her version is greatly over exaggerated. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you'll know that the ex-spouses are back in court. But shouldnt we have just believed her in the first place. Even if its aggressive or violent. Does that give him the right? I know a couple people who are on ambers side because they think Johnny Depp is getting better treatment and that people believe him simply because hes Jonny Depp. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? US actor Johnny Depp on the stand in his defamation lawsuit against Amber Heard. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. But I really dont. Ive ranted about people before to my friends but Im not abusive. Consider that a majority male jury convicted Harvey Weinstein. It makes sense that she was going at him and he stopped her arms and out of spite head butted fucking hard to stop her fighting. "Listening Amber Heard's testimony. He shot himself in the face.. The details of both Depp and Heards testimonies are harrowing all by themselvesgruesome, violent, and containing deeply intimate anecdotes about their relationship. Sometimes it can be effective to look like you're not paying attention to a jury. yes she sounds like an actress! I believe her.I believe her because of my careful assessment of this case, and my very extensive understanding of what DA is like, what it involves, & how perpetrators & survivors think, behave and react.https://t.co/RP4apBrpAU via @BBCNews. Like jazzy said, we want to believe the mysterious and handsome master actor. As a young woman alleging domestic violence against one of the world's most famous actors, Johnny Depp, she had no choice. Of course, all of this is just speculation. She sounded rehearsed but she had talking points, she made sure to keep saying eggshells, walking on eggshells, or pattern, pattern of behaviour.. this. She was stuttering through the things she was told to say. She misconstrued their relationship and denied her part in it. Its not a case of shooting himself in the foot. So he wrote a message saying such vile and disgusting things about her, just so he can in the same message protect her by saying he cut his own finger. They first met on the set of the film. Why it's enraging that people only believe Amber Heard's domestic violence allegations now that a man has backed her up. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Still would be considered SA though. Talking about her crapping on his bed as if it was the first time hed ever said the word feces. "I believe her because of my careful assessment of this case, and my very extensive understanding of what DA is like, what it involves, & how perpetrators & survivors think, behave and react. If either one of them feels justified in any of the things theyve done in this relationship, they need professional intervention on an ongoing (probably permanent) basis. Dont ask Amber Heard to be a perfect victim. And Ive been angry before but thats not angry thats insanity. Yeah for sure. I'm mindful that these two are actors. She seems extremely manipulative. Hes an addict, theyre both inebriated. We want to believe the highest paid actor of all time. This is horrible for me to sit here for weeks and relive everything. Amber struggles with mental health issues and Johnny with substance abuse. Does it mean shes lying about Depps abuse? We shouldnt expect them to behave like perfect victims nor should we demonise them for staying in a relationship or not fighting back. "I have been told abusers stare at victims in court," Nazir wrote. On the other hand, he is larger than life. Really thats it. I tend to think if he never got violent in 20 years, it seems unlikely to all of a sudden become violent. When Heard . This is a morally grey case, and Amber Heard is a millionaire, she'll be fine. He added that right now, the pinnacle of negativity in the filmmaking business is being accused of domestic abuse, sexual abuse, violence and what weve seen is almost immediately terminations and cancellations. I think the whole relationship was toxic, on both sides, but I dont believe most of what she says. I cant think of any actresses who have prevailed, whove been cancelled, Mr Marks said. Which was horrible and disgusting and deeply disturbed. , you agree to the feed her up her side and i believe her and. 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does anyone believe amber