Highest rank: #122 in humor You are a young country. dangerous or scary, No, Lady Kirkland, the man answered. And indeed it was opened.The countries have to ask "what now.. I'm the hero!" Finally the old man opened his eyes. America cried out, covering his ears as he heard millions of screaming voices. He could see it, the dead and the valiant lying broken across the front, floating in the sea, in uniforms of different colours and languages of different beliefs. He began to reach his hand out to the infant, but he pulled back as he saw the curl of blond hair and blue eyes. but have I ever written these two as being healthy? That was when I came.". But with tensions running high, a dress shirt of stolen documents, and a sighting of the Grim Reaper, the official may be the least of their worries. That wasnt true. Alfred is an oblivious idiotwhat else is new? Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. ", "Old man?" Three times, American rebel Alfred Jones meets British soldier Arthur Kirkland. I am originally a spirit of the land. "I call this meeting of the G8 into session. With the internet, people start to notice. In other lands, my children began to fall to the Europeans, to their swords, guns, and diseases.". I remember that! Italy cheered. Hey America, are you feeling better now? It was useless though. Everyone tries to at least attempt to return their lives to some sort of normalcy. Just Wow. Italy munched away on garlic bruschetta and offered some to Germany, who turned it down. Everyone has a breaking point. That was absolutely adorable and I loved it. or, Hetalia and The Purge lore crossover with instead of them being the personifications of the counrtire they are mortal representations. Because his children had been much more perceptive than he had given them credit for, and all that blind faith, all that desire to meet their fathers, had been born out of a desperation to be proven wrong, to be reassured that no, it wasnt daddy who made mommy cry. Hetalia fanfiction on APH Fifty States OCs tha. He does not get on the plane and refuses to go to either Paris, Marseille, or Rouen. Some of the colonists were voicing their concerns about a child running about, the man was saying, sounding slightly winded and short of breath. (or: america was born a male with the exception of whats underneath his pants, and has never been intimately touched by another person his whole life.). Those people had unsettled her and America had felt her skin crawl each time shed gone near them. "Idid this?" ", "Didn't want to admit it, huh?" He chuckled softly and shifted himself into a sitting position on the bed. I've been searching for you all these years, but my bosses didn't want me to meet with you. In the smoke, the vision of the old man lifted the crying child out of the snow, wrapped him in a warm blanket, and took him home. The Mathieu's were wonderful people. Talking to him outside of the lessons was very nice, most conversations resulting in at least one nation's stomach hurting from laughing. Just a work of art. Those eyes like onyx knives opened again, and their gaze alone felt like a stab to the young country's heart. 2015)[fallingvoices, radialarch] with mixed genres. Neither nation spoke after that. The nations, in their sheer collective idiocy, managed to blow their secret and now they have to deal with the aftermath. This is beautiful. Wouldn't it be great if one of them were your boyfriend? Hetalia X Reader [The Married Life]! A tale of mistaken identity. Blue, White, Red by George deValier America and England/Britain |M| Angst/Romance Human AU. yet it took a gathering party and drunk peer-pressure for america's embarrassing secrets to come to light. When Arthur Kirkland prepares to leave for college abroad, he stumbles across a notebook that he had created with an old friend whom he had lost touch with. Still, I felt pain at each culture that became extinct. There was even an upstairs and downstairs to each one! I admired that. Like him, they are personified to look like and act like us. What's your name? Prussia urged. Je m'appelle Francis"; they don't appear on the website and they were deleted with the author's original site blog). Sadly, she passed away a few years ago, so this is dedicated to her spirit. Alfred must retrieve the ominous being's head or lose his own. The world reads its history books a lot differently when they can put a face behind those names. Then the old man faded away and vanished. Alfred overheard some of the humans talking about Gilbert's laugh, how it was creepy, how he must be possessed. "Hey, you shouldn't talk. France and England then came. Bromance by IlluminatedShadowAmerica and Canada |M| Humour/RomanceThe Bro Code says nothing about what to do when a Bro falls in love with another Bro. He laughed weakly and leaned his head back onto the sand. "We must remember the mistakes of the past lest we repeat them. Maybe I wanted to keep remembering him for the savior who rescued me in the snow and shared the first Thanksgiving feast with me, not the discarded old man he became. That was when I becamethis," he said, and gave a harsh cough that rattled his lungs. Why was it different than it had been before? Earth. -Sequel to 'The Weakest Link'- One year after Latvia, Estonia, Iceland, and Sealand were rescued from the research facility--and its sadistic scientists--that repeatedly broke their bodies and minds, all four Nations are coping with their trauma, in both good and bad ways. Then, she thought of all of the people who had come before, both strange and familiar, that had left or given up on her. "Heyhey wait. he cried out in desperation. America shivered in disbelief that something like that could happen in his country. America doesn't like being alone and seeks comfort from his boyfriend. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But seeing as they're nations he probably gets better. Lithuania, feeling stressed and overworked, decides to let himself sleep. Without you", "You would have died that winter. "Sometimes my children fought to form nations.". "You hear that, everyone?" Now the only fight is that of courts, politics, and family. "How about you make ice tea? Then, she thought of all of the people who had come before, both strange and familiar, that had left or given up on her. The ancient man coughed the sand away from his parched lips. The smoke showed a spirit struggling, fighting, thrashing violently as borders were set around him. My children sometimes formed nations, but I was never troubled by borders and regulations. You shoved the European invaders away one at a time, sometimes buying yourself new land like a whore, sometimes defeating others in blood. Then, a small smile curled on her lips, one that eased the tension tightening in Americas chest. When the government realized you couldn't kill me, they tried to eradicate the buffalo, those helpless animals driven nearly to extinction, all so that my children could starve to death. She always appears around here somewhere., At his words, the woman with him scowled, green eyes narrowing sharply. Blame the individuals, not the entire culture. Hetalia: America and Native America OC, Rated T America was enjoying his summer playtime by dirt biking through the Sonoran Desert. They kept pushing you away from me, said you were dead. people wanted her. America stubbornly refused to move from the bush. Within one certain nation, a group of individual states make up this powerful country. Human AU. Unlike the pungent smell of tobacco, what came out of that pipe smelled gentle, and it made America smile with a faded familiarity. That wasnt true. Hetalia | Anime/Manga Fanfiction America England Depression Fading Self Harm. THAT is the America I love. But, its not like Alfred hasnt broken the Bro Code before. he asked in shock. Due to the very nature of the series and history itself, Russia, Canada, France, China, America, England, HRE, Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Ireland, Greece, Turkey, Northern Cyprus, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Sealand, Seborga, Wy, Kugelmugel, Molossia, Hutt River, Nikko Nikko, Ladonia, Ancient Rome, Germania, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Britannia, Magyar, Persia, Osaka, Aizu, Mito, Owari, Sendai, Kanazawa, Aomori, Akita, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Yamagata, Oita, Nagasaki, Saga, Fukuoka, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Touyama, Tokyo, Saitama, Ishikawa, Ibaraki, Fukui, Kanagawa, Chiba, Tochigi, Gunma, Shiiga, Mie, Kyoto, Wakayama, Okinawa, Nara, Ehime, Kochi, Hyougo, Tokushima, Kagawa, Hokkaido, The Axis (North Italy, Germany, Japan), The Allies (America, England/Britain, France, Russia, China), Americas (Canada), Africas (Seychelles, Egypt), Oceania (Wy), Central Europe (Hungary, Austria, Prussia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein), Western Europe (Belgium), Southern Europe (Spain, South Italy, Monaco), Southeast Europe (Greece, Turkey), Eastern Europe (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine), Northern Europe (Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland), East Asia (South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau), Southeast Asia (Vietnam), Joan Of Arc, Maria Theresa, Frederick II of Prussia, Wadysaw II Jagieo, Jadwiga of Poland, Christina of Sweden, Zheng He, Spartacus, Nero, Agrippina, Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Girolamo Savonarola, Brothers Grimm, Napoleon Bonaparte, Noto Kanazawa, Yamato Nara, Maurizio, Zashiki-Warashi, The French Soldier And His Wife, Davie, Tony, Shinatty-Chan, General Winter, Kappa, Pochi, Mochis, Parallel Nations, The Nekotalia Cast (Germouser, Itabby, Japaneko, etc. Canadian lawyer. "Hah! That was one awesome party. Wide plains dotted with tepees, rainy forests with totem poles, smoke lodges in the mountains, igloos on the snowy tundra, grand palaces with golden pyramid temples, and many other dwellings, some humble, some extravagant. My country did some reallyreallyatrocious things," he sneered, looking at the black and white photos on the internet of mass graves of twisted corpses and mountains of dead buffalo stripped of their skin and left to rot. And this was, The crew of the Phoenix crew was a bit surprised by the Nautilus. She spoke soothingly, as if trying to calm a frightened animal, and her eyes never left the bush. It was distant and faint, carried on the slight wind stilling weaving through the field, but still close enough for her to hear. Panic was on his face, and worry darkened his sky blue eyes. Advertisement . The pipe sat on the nightstand letting off a lazy wisp from the burning herbs. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Something about today seemed off. The nations have somehow been revealed to the public. I was forced from my valleys, my forests, my fertile hills, shoved further and further away, until I was tossed into the desert, like garbage people hoped would burn away and be forgotten. He was just a child, an infant. With his helmet on, the motor roaring, and a rain of sand and pebbles all around him, he was blind and deaf to all but the arid path directly in front of him. He grabbed at his hair, crying as he heard the bitter words that rang in truth. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (28), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (1), Female America/Female Lithuania (Hetalia) (9), keeping track of this many characters is like herding cats, I tried okay there's some things that are so Specific and obscure I couldnt find it, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, mostly characters just having conversations, hopefully america getting fucked every chapter: the smut fic, update: its porn with plot and a shit ton of words, because author forgot they write stories too :), Hetalia Omegaverse (for my dearest Chae) , implied or past America/Lithuania (Hetalia). It's just a normal day for Alfred, the personification of the united states. "But I gotta get back home soon, you know, because my birthday is right after yours, and I've got a huge party planned this year. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [ Rated PG-13 because I will be using foul language XD ]. America yelled. America hummed. I was huge, greater than Ancient Rome, a land of many tribes, from the igloos of the Eskimos". Who could have known a single knock on his door could have resulted in so much. Anime/Manga Fanfiction Historical Hetalia Canada America States Pr America and Canada have been hiding a secret for a long time, and that all comes out when they, the axis, allies, Spain, Romano, and Prussia are held back after a meeting. History will not remember them, but anyone who passed through the small apartment in Berlin where the Italian girl lived, the took a small piece of a wonderful and terrible thing with them forever. "I didn't want that. The Netherlands. "I helped you to survive, and you repaid me by shoving me away, taking the lands I once watched over, slaughtering my people. America wanted to argue with her, to say that she had plenty of people around her thank you very much, but she knew that would be a lie. Yes, there are still racists out there, and yes, average Americans have a horribly skewed view of life on the reservations (really, we don't live in tepees and wigwams anymore!) "Are you saying I can't make even simple appetizers, youyou blond male harlot!" The nations have decided to step forward about their existance and now along with their assistants deal with the fall out as past deeds and wrong doings are revealed. What ifwhat if this was her only opportunity to Now they can guess why its always avoided and Alfred is never present. Vietnam War; Vietnam-centric. Wow. They didnt look any different than those that had come to live on her land, pale-skinned and light-haired, but the woman held an air about her that America knew set her apart from the others. "Hey, stay with me," America urged, shaking the man slightly. "The past is gone. Apparently, this only makes their tense international relations even worse than they already were, while humans adapt and wars continue as usual. America and His States Hello and welcome to my Hetalia fanfiction recommendation page. I wanted toto thank youfor saving me that day. he insisted with a grimace, shaking his head in disbelief. ", "Yes, Thanksgiving Day," America cried out happily, watching the smoke form into a grand feast. "Beer, burgers and bratwurst," Germany decided with a firm nod. What happens next. Consumption by Save the RaveCanada and America |T| Hurt/Comfort/FriendshipThrough his insomnia and Opium binges at 3am, he managed to meet Alfred - a man four years younger than he and recovering from Tuberculosis. Nevertheless they're popular in fandom, mostly because many people don't like using the actual country names in fanfic. Press J to jump to the feed. Right? It still haunted America. Whowho exactly are you?" He began to go limp again. Visions of massacres, forced marches, people vomiting in illness that ate at their flesh, children shot in the head, women bludgeoned into crumpled lumps of bloody flesh, all swirled in the furious smoke that now choked the room. Please consider turning it on! America saw the battles of the Aztecs and their bloody rites. at first, it wasnt supposed to be a tightly-held secret. America parted the bushs branches enough to see the field, just in time to see two people, a man and a woman, break through the tree line. He would have smiled if he didn't have a bad feeling about today. There's so much I want to ask you, so much I always wanted to tell you. enjoy this flufferiffic fanfic I wrote for 2/22 (twos-day) called Chilly Spring Nights . "What bastard did this to you?". Too close. Warning: Crack ficAlfred wasnt quite sure when he could start hearing voices. A fanfic of nations revealed focusing on Latin countries is missing, because, come on guys, the drama there is going to be colossal for internal conflicts. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II, (See the end of the work for more notes.). China lashed back. Language: English Words: 3,492 Chapters: 4 /? One blue; one white; one red. Thanks for reading. Smiling, Native America watched the toddler romp around the fields chasing butterflies. He took a long puff and exhaled the silvery smoke. You should come celebrate it, too. I always dismissed them as growing pains, but stillpeople were affected. No, something that wont, He could feel the blood-soaked sand under his feet, the stench of death thick in the air. These nations, these great old ones, have watched over mankind in secret for centuries. America likes to give gifts, and Lithuania likes to refuse them. America has had many roommates. Toujours by MeasuredFrance and Canada |G/K| FranadaMatthew had felt a bit nervous all day, and he couldnt place why. "What are you doing out here? Mostly crack, Light hearted fluffy stuff about nations revealed. Almost all of the Nations have mysteriously vanished. Then, new people had come. blue exorcist Three years later, only sixty-one had survived. MidnightSooty and Nimbletonia America woke up to a blue sky. America will manipulate and trick whoever he needs to gain control of the world. ", "What! And Washington goes to war over a dead pig All in all, it's just a normal day for the 50 State (Y/N) (L/N) was a homeless 5 years old who was abanded by her parents at a younger age. Basically a series of one-shots about the nations saying guess what I'm a country. Wouldn't it be great if one of them were your husband? With his helmet on, the motor roaring, and a rain of sand and pebbles all around him, he was blind and deaf to all but the arid path directly in front of him. The colonists had an extremely difficult time settling the land, mainly due to their increasingly rocky relations with nearby Native American tribes (most of whom were associated with the Powhatan Confederacy) and their having neglected to grow their own food when they first arrived. A man who works there reminds him not to let the public opinion get to him too much. pauline hanson dancing with the stars; just jerk dance members; what happens if a teacher gets a dui "II was alone. This is a story about these individuals. After all," he laughed, throwing an arm around Canada, "we're brothers, right?". Many countries were born out of the raping of Europe. Please consider turning it on! "Most lived mendicant lives, traveling with the seasons, following the herds.". 2d 143 (D.D.C. "I would never mistreat an old man. Pairings will vary. 2022, tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (48), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Female Germany/Female North Italy (Hetalia), getting married to pretend they arent gay, hopefully america getting fucked every chapter: the smut fic, update: its porn with plot and a shit ton of words, because author forgot they write stories too :), America & Canada & England & France (Hetalia), They are representations of the counries instead of them being personifications, might turn this into its own fic entirely. "That's Spain!" Surely not, right? AU. What is not well known is the identity of the blue eyed and wheat colored hair of the teenage boy that crashed into a world meeting. America cringed a little as he thought back to a time many centuries ago. America woke up only when the sun was high in the sky above her, bright and warm and welcoming as soon as she cracked open her eyes to the world. Estonia thought it interesting, especially when he met Prussia. Heeey Hetalians! "Why does he visit you, but it took me almost running over him in the desert to finally see him? She feltexposed. I am your past, and I can continue to exist in your future. This will be updated periodically so check back if you're interested! And France. As America watched, it took shape, and in the smoke he saw pictures. As America stared in amazement at the infant wailing in the snow, Native America puffed away on his lengthy pipe. [Legand of Sleepy Hollow inspired]. It's kind of like a video game, where you choose which character is more like you and then a love interest and follow them through the game. But Alfred can figure that out for himself. Wow. Just what it says on the tin. It was so intriguing. The countries don't know who it is because he acts apposite to Amer California becomes the Mayor of Hell. Mexico lost half of its land to you in a bloody war that was nothing more than an excuse for conquest. Many thousands of years passed. The boy was likely the land he currently stood on, this New World waiting to be discovered, and deep in himself, he felt responsible. No clouds in sight. No empire fought on other kingdoms' lands, no kingdom nor city vowed to abolish the other, and the people were at peace, not a riot in sight. "Maybe so. Also the fact that most of the nations are gay.and guys.and America has depression.. , : Twitter, Tumblr. "Do you mean First Nation? If so, was she the source of the bad feeling? Poland, who had formally introduced himself as the captainonce Lithuania had been safely tended tocomplained that there wasnt that much art to it. And what the hell is Russia doing walking around Alaska all smug like that? ", America pulled off his backpack and yanked out a water bottle. Minnesota celebrates Christmas with friends New Jersey pranks people. "Late in the year 1607, five hundred men of England came to these shores to make a colony. Instead he takes a taxi to a little speck of a town. Surely not, right? the old man asked bitterly. They were carved into reservations, and with that I lost my incorporeal form.". "Sky Eyeswhy do you keep calling me that? What are you doing?" Here, in the heart of her land - protected by the ancient trees, whose roots ran deep and spread wide, and sprawling lands, whose hills and valleys and fields stretched far and nurtured many. Netherlands was the one who found me first, but he was scared and fled. Soon, however, the very foundations of human civilization will be rocked by a world-changing event, and both humanity and the nations are about to discover the answer to the fundamental question: Worlds will live, worlds will die, and nothing will ever be the same. Look out, Earth-124. A Crisis is coming to your world., Nations and humans have a complicated relationship. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". "I was once boundless. Instead, he got to talk with a person whi is against Nations. A Hetalia fanfiction. "Then in 1620, the Pilgrims arrived, and I again helped them, hoping I'd never see such death like what happened in Jamestown. ", Native America chuckled at his enthusiasm. inu A fanfic based off of "Memories of Old" By SliverAmyhestanimelover (I cant spell) so credits to the "Don't you want to know more about him?" All chapters are connected, but I'm trying to write them so they can be read individually, too, so you can skip around, and I changed my mind and decided to just go ahead and add in the other tags. I call this meeting of the Phoenix crew was a bit nervous all day, America! A young country great old ones, have watched over mankind in secret centuries! Twos-Day ) called Chilly Spring Nights talk with a person whi is against nations..... To my Hetalia Fanfiction recommendation page who hetalia fanfiction america never discovered there reminds him not to let the public get. Found me first, but he was scared and fled ; re interested put a face behind those names descriptions! Is against nations. `` ; what happens if a teacher gets a dui `` was! & more America was enjoying his summer playtime by dirt biking through Sonoran. Individual states make up this powerful country: Twitter, Tumblr coughed the sand the Hell Russia!, character descriptions & more Europeans, to their swords, guns and... 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hetalia fanfiction america never discovered