A fucking dry ice "bomb" will net you a felony conviction. Since we do not have many close by neighbors we were quickly able to determine the direction of the blast. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. It's a fun product, says inventor Dan Tanner, owner of Oregon-based Tannerite . They are two separate components that have to be put together. From MichiganWho is TANNARITE is a dangerous explosive and should not be approved for recreational use. This is a specific brand of explosive that uses a combination of aluminum powder and oxidizers. http://www.riversidesheriff.org/press/seb13-0818.asp, banning unpermitted explosives throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. Because the components are not explosive on their own, Tannerite is not considered an "explosive" as sold and, therefore, it's not regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Tannerite is nothing more than an explosive. Don't under estimate the power of live ammo. The Expert above is not your attorney, and the response above is not legal advice. You cant fix stupid and it doesnt matter what it is. It allows shooters to get instant feedback when they hit their mark from long-range. Our HOA has very permissive covenants, and we still have general catch-all rules about not creating a disturbance to each other. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit wordfence.com to learn more about Wordfence. The components by themselves are relatively harmless unless they are ingested, and even when you mix them together, there is no guarantee that they are going to explode immediately. I think it should be banned, as it is in many states. buy Tannerite now, wait until dust settles before using. This is going to come down to a judge's interpretation of the law. Enjuris is a platform dedicated to helping people who are dealing with life-altering accidents and injuries. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a19d848e8229159 I know it used to be and you could get it at Bass Pro.. Whats the word?. I had never heard of this stuff before and could only get information through a Google search. Your access to this service has been limited. Does any one have the real deal on this stuff. Since we don`t have many neighbors nearby, we were able to quickly determine the direction of the explosion. Why does this law exist? California laws strictly control possession and use of explosive compounds. Generated by Wordfence at Thu, 2 Mar 2023 13:04:16 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. Safe and Legal: Tannerite Brand targets are specifically designed to be safe and only initiated by a centerfire rifle. However despite my strong believe in the 2nd Amendment I have to say that I cannot understand why Tannerite would be any more legal than other explosives: All of the items you guys are referring to have their own useful purpose. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Because the compounds are sold as separate components, they are not regulated by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Here's the problem with tannerite and possessing it in CA. Tannerite is legal and does not require a federal explosives . The explosion, given the quantity of H2 and the enclosed, unvented metal space in which it occurred, blew shrapnel across the yard. I was under the impression that buying and using tannerite in California was illegal without an explosives license. Maybe it should be more of a zoning thing. The real cause of the harm was a misuse of the product (for example, the plaintiff used Tannerite to blow up a refrigerator). Finding the best attorney to represent you, Personal injury vs. workers compensation, Gender reveal parties (Tannerite sells a Boom Box product for this specific purpose), Is under indictment or has been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for more than 1 year, Is an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any controlled substance, Has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution, Is a non-citizen, or alien (with some exceptions), Has been discharged from the armed forces under dishonorable conditions, Has renounced their United States citizenship. I hear people commenting on the use of Tannerite. Instead, it is regulated at the state level. Additional troubleshooting information here. From a legal standpoint, it is NOT illegal to possess the binary parts. In other words, they are referring to it in a pre-mixed state. Required fields are marked with an *. I've seen it in gun stores just sitting there. Thus far, Maryland and California are the only states to have successfully passed laws prohibiting Tannerite (and other explosive materials) from being purchased, used, or carried without an explosives license. On Sunday, Fathers Day at around 2pm and while relaxing and enjoying the holiday, our home was hit by a sound wave blast that caused the floors to heave and walls sway. What confused me was that he was using it in a legal, but not necessarily smart, manner. Upon investigation by local law enforcement it was determined the neighbor had used this substance and had caused the blast. Technically legal, available for sale at outdoors retailers and popular among shooting enthusiasts, the explosive Tannerite has ignited concerns among law enforcement officials, who . So far, the only states that have regulated this connection are Maryland and California. The legality of tannerite has always been dubious in CA due to our laws on explosive devices. The Sheriff's Office says it is legal to possess tannerite and safe when used properly. Tannerite is not a toy, and, like other binary targets, should only be used by responsible adults in small quantities, following established safety rules. Read more about Enjuris. It is very annoying. Comedian and Student of Life | Ep 029 JP Sears, [ARCHIVED THREAD] - TANNERITE use in CA. In recent years, there have been several high-profile instances that could have- and should have- been avoided through basic safety protocols, that made the news. I for one will not be using Tannerite until this is over. 612 views Oct 22, 2020 Tannerite is a Binary Explosive. (a) Except as provided by this chapter, any person, firm, or corporation who, within this state, possesses any destructive device, other than fixed ammunition of a caliber greater than .60 caliber, is guilty of a public offense. A legal advisory from Oregon-based Tannerite Sports contends that, when prepared correctly, the target will not ignite a fire. It's become iffy enough that out-of-state sellers are backing away from the California market. There is no difference, except that it is handled and transported more safely in its unmixed state, but just as dangerous when mixed. From MichiganWho is TANNARITE is a dangerous explosive and should not be approved for recreational use. Should we stop selling cars? and dangerous for people with health problems. I think the confusion in California is that it is not illegal to sell the precursor compounds (ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder). It is also not illegal to combine them for your targets. I think it should be banned, as it is in many states. I`m a member of the NRA and I think they should do something about it. I would like to specifically hear from someone in ATF or members of other enforcing agency's that could give us the low down of Tannerite use in CA. Because the compounds are sold as separate components, they are not regulated by the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Lets take a closer look at what Tannerite is and why its increasingly the source of litigation. So is Tannerite still legal in California?? I for one will not be using Tannerite until this is over. Here's the relevant Penal Code stuff - look at bolded areas: So CA Penal code sec. Tannerite is a binary explosive consisting of two components, a fuel and an oxidizer. Are Tannerite targets legal in California? Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. The result was a massive explosion that cracked the foundations of surrounding homes. While the Tannerite company has faced lawsuits, I feel that not enough has been done to stop the sale of it altogether. Even though the regulation of this potentially explosive compound has been discussed at the federal level, nothing has happened yet. Hopefully this info helps some of you guys stay out of trouble. Even though there has been some discussion about regulating this potentially explosive compound at the federal level, nothing has happened yet. There are many people who are interested in explosives for a number of reasons, and one of the most common examples is called Tannerite. Instead, it is regulated at the state level. Someone stupid will always do stupid stuff. I'll most likely take it to Steel Peaks in Perris CA. We always recommend that you consult a lawyer or other legal entity if you need legal advice. I've shot at those targets. . My nerves were broken, I had to leave my home, and I became increasingly annoyed by the logic of passing laws allowing the sale of such dangerous substances. CA 12303PC sets up general prohibitions for possession of destructive devices: We have some 'escalator' penalties for transportation - could include driving your Tannerite around in certain situations: 12303PC. It seems now is exactly when we should be supporting companies that are willing to use their own money to protect our rights. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. No Wildthing, Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 3690 West Gandy Blvd., Suite 444Tampa, FL 33611 Contactustoday. Tannerite is sold as a mixing kit, requiring the purchaser to mix the components of Tannerite together. Click to reveal From FloridaI weigh 9 pounds of tannerite like a bomb Hello everyone, I had hoped you could clarify something that my Google attempts failed. Answer: it is about prevention. Perhaps if it were an open container that might help - but if you were popped after the explosion, it gets hairy. Please contact your hosting provider to confirm your origin IP and then make sure the correct IP is listed for your A record in your Cloudflare DNS Settings page. I note no legal material quoted by Tannerite deals with California legal issues. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Today I heard a much smaller explosion. However, my best guess is that Tannerite in it's pre-mixed form is legal, but once mixed, it is not. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. Most users ever online was 158,966 at 05:57 AM on 01-16-2021. There are 3 types of defects that can be cause for a product liability case: The most common defenses raised by Tannerite and other companies that sell similar products are: Filed Under: Resources You'll Love Tagged With: product liability. Probably the equivalent of two or three blocks. People could be drinking or doing drugs while operating a vehicle too. And in 2020, a pyrotechnic device used at a gender-reveal party caused a major wildfire in California. My nerves were shattered, I had to vacate my home and I became increasingly irritated at the logic in passing laws allowing such dangerous substances to be sold. I believe that is stupid, but it is what it is. I'm not saying it's a Supreme Court ruling here but that'll hopefully cool the DA off so we stop seeing as many BS arrests. However, one case study found it can also cause severe . Tannerite is the brand name of an explosive made from ammonium nitrate, ammonium perchlorate, and powdered aluminum (ingredients that arent explosive on their own, but are explosive when combined). I didnt realize we as a nation have a new problem concerning explosions. Now why does that law exist? This normally happens . Tannerite is providing legal counsel for Mr. Ingram. Under the terms of the settlement, Tannerite is required to clearly state that its targets require a permit to possess in California because theyre considered explosive and destructive devices. The settlement also stipulated that the 2 San Diego residents who started the wildfire receive $50,000 reimbursement for the funds they paid to the BLM. Its still ultimately an explosive in the hands of an unlicensed, untrained private person with no need for it and no safe environment in which to use it. 4. Guess we will find out how grey that area is now. Jennifer filed a lawsuit in the U.S District Court for the Northern District of Ohio alleging that H2 Targets' products were defective in design and that both the manufacturer and distributor failed to provide adequate instructions and warnings. Tannerite is legal in most states, with a few It is a crime in California to possess an explosive or destructive device without a valid permit. Because the components are not explosive on their own, Tannerite is not considered an explosive as sold and, therefore, its not regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). That alone would make me stay away from tannerite. My question is: Why on earth is this legal for use in anyone`s residential environment? Tannerite is a legal, safe and fun product that is being safely and lawfully used by people throughout the state of Pennsylvania, and elsewhere as intended by design," said Robert Stryk of . Also note that any information you provide in your comment may be published on our website, so avoid sharing confidential, private or personal information that you do not wish to post. We do not ship to C&R dealers in California. At best, you could ask for a CADOJ opinion, but unless something has changed there in the las two years since I've left, it's a-ok in California. But - it is illegal to possess the precursors without a permit, if they are intended to be used as a binary explosive. Then the law will be changed catering to Tannerite, so that all future use will be explicitly illegal. The apathy toward public safety and potential for death or injury is unconscionable. The real cause of the harm was a substantial modification (for example, the plaintiff added additional explosive materials). I will also bet that this the hidden language behind Tannerite's claim you mentioned. So it should be considered an explosive, just like 2 part epoxy is considered an adhesive. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. There was a recent thread about this that didn't really clarify the legalities of using Tannerite in CA. Directions to Steel PeaksYou need a truck to really experience it but there's a small area in the front where you dont need one. We will require a copy of the customer's drivers license to keep on file for anyone ordering firearms. Is Tannerite legal in Texas? All times are GMT-6. Asking the ATF to interpret California law isn't such a good idea (besides, they won't do it). "The fact that someone was not fatally injured in this explosion is a miracle, really.". Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The explosive TANNARITE is a Dangerous Explosive and should not be allowed for recreational purposive. You should not read this response to propose specific action or address specific circumstances, but only to give you a sense of general principles of law that might affect the situation you describe. Lets worry about something that is not a problem and ignore the crap that is out there. My 4th of July 2021 was totally ruined by neighbors exploding tannerite nearly a dozen times. As a result, the federal government has largely left the matter to the states to sort it out themselves. I have always heard that it was a grey area at best, and to err on the side of not having it around, so I never messed with it. The regulation does not prevent the company from continuing to do business in California, but it does prevent it from making multiple claims about its products throughout California, such as that its product is legal or that it is not explosive or will not start a fire. It is a felony in California. Must mix and use on site. During investigations by local law enforcement, it was determined that the neighbor had used this substance and caused the explosion. Just like Skeet except its a stationary target, if you hit it its like a sheet plate falling apart. Come on America, step up your game before innocent lives and property is lost. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. A 523 error means that Cloudflare could not reach your host web server. So is their lawyer from Muncie Indiana an expert on California law? Other say it is completly Illegal. I believe it should be outlawed as it is in many states. To whom it may be concerned Getting shot hurts! Tannerite has been illegal in my home state of Kommiefornia for quite a while now. Prohibited persons include anyone who: No, this connection is not illegal in the United States. Now see it helps you to get on target and shoot, see what Im talking about? Legal, but cannot be stored or transported in its mixed format. Tannerite is made up of two components: ammonium nitrate and aluminum powder. I will also bet that this the hidden language behind Tannerite's claim you mentioned. Tannerite is legal and largely unregulated. For more information, please see our By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It is trigger by a high velocity bullet and will explode during impact shown in th .more Dislike. We examined all our windows to see if there was cracked glass, but luckily none were found. Very happy to hear that Tannerite is providing him legal support! (HTTP response code 503). It is commonly used for enhanced target practice, and can be very dangerous if improperly used. However, when large amounts of the chemicals are combined, the result is a powerful explosion. The compounds can be sold separately, but they are also very easy to mix. CAL. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. If you buy too much of either compound at once, you may come out of a red flag, and someone from the government might come to you. I was within earshot of the handling DDA on a previous Tannerite case when he / she was dealing with the defendant's attorney and I was perplexed at his / her attitude about using it for targets. This product must be used as instructed. Due to its binary nature, tannerite is perfectly safe to store and transport. Copyright 1996-2021, Officer Media Group, Endeavor Business Media - Public Safety Interactive. Just stop patronizing this fucking nazi state. People can be drinking or be on drugs while detonating tannerite, so it could never be safely monitored or controlled. It seems to follow that the same law should apply to tannerite type substances, where the ingredients of a bomb are supplied for the express purpose of being mixed and exploded. Sounds like just owning dry ice, water, and a bottle is a felony too. Easy fix. and our He said the product can be safely used if the manufacturer's instructions are followed. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Apathy to public safety and the risk of death or injury are unscrupulous. It should therefore be considered explosive, just as 2-piece epoxy resin is considered an adhesive. Tannerite is an explosive compound, the I'm not sure how it could be deemed anything but. Your IP: . Like flamethrowers, tannerite actually has quite a few legal uses, including avalanche control. However, my best guess is that Tannerite in it's pre-mixed form is legal, but once mixed, it is not. Press J to jump to the feed. The most common cause is that your DNS settings are incorrect. If you`re in one of these states, you`ll probably need to purchase a separate permit if you want to use this connection. The most common cause is that your DNS settings are incorrect. People have also been arested for just having the separate components, with it being called constructive possession of a DD. or not ?? The basic rules governing Tannerite are as follows: "Persons manufacturing explosives for their own personal, non-business use only (. CA law bans tannerite and similar substances unless you have a permit which the state only issues to rich Hollywood productions. federal government shall present his credentials. Tannerite is an explosive compound, the I'm not sure how it could be deemed anything but. I agree that all of the CA laws point to it being illegal, however; on the Tanerite website they claim that it is exempted because of something called the "small arms exemption clause" because tannerite is a "shot indicator". It seems to me that this case will set a precedent on the use of Tannerite in Kalifornistan. Maybe it should be more about zoning. Let it be a free country if you own 30,000 acres in Colorado and want to blow some of it into the sky, it could be fine. However, there are a few states that have banned the use of Tannerite, due to its potential to cause damage. A 523 error means that Cloudflare could not reach your host web server. I belong to the NRA and think they should also do something about it. This information should not be used as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a professional. Even though certain types of exploding targets are legal under Federal law, even those aren't safe to possess in California. The agreement also restricts Oregon-based Tannerite Sports LLC from making any statements directed to California consumers that the exploding targets are legal. Follow the directions! That's pretty improbable. State of California ACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT officers and peace officers with proper credentials on file MAY purchase off-roster handguns. Assuming the prosecution has no legal merit, the most likely course of events is that the charges will just end up getting dropped, or there will be a slap on the wrist style plea. In addition, states strictly regulate the individual ingredients needed to manufacture this compound. Heres a look at a couple of representative lawsuits: The District Attorneys office for San Diego County and Riverside County sued Tannerite and the sides eventually reached a settlement. An explosives license was under the impression that buying and using Tannerite until this is going is tannerite legal in california come down a! Customer & # x27 ; s instructions are followed get information through a Google search left matter... We do not have many close by neighbors we were able to determine the direction the. 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is tannerite legal in california