ROOM 2503DALEY CENTER float: right; REGULAR MOTIONS Email Courtroom 2007 ( and you will be given a date for presentment of the motion. Supervising Judge Standing Order F. Ponsor, Michael .results_text { (15 - Daily) padding-left: 8px; width: 100%; Only) } Kerry A. Diamantopoulos Hon. Hon. Telephone (312) 603-6037 If a motion attacks a pleading, the courtesy copy must include the pleading attacked. ROOM 2505DALEY CENTER Dana M. GershengornHon. Telephone (312)603-6014, BROSNAHAN, Janet Adams, j. (MON. DELIVERED TO COURTROOM CLERK BEFORE 9 AM 2:00 P.M. - Asbestos Spindled Chicago, IL 60602 DALEY CENTER The building at 102 Bridge St. S. cost $6.5 million. 9 AM-10:30 AMCASE NOTICE In 1850 and 1852, Millard Fillmore nominated him to be a district court judge in California, but both nominations were unsuccessful; the United States Senate voted to reject the first nomination and took no action on the second.[6][7]. ROOM 2307DALEY CENTER 5.Deliver by email courtesy copies to Courtroom 2007 three (3) days before the hearing. MEETING ID : 911 3870 7020 FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj. ROOM 2003DALEY CENTER 9:30 AMMOTIONS, EHRLICH, John H., j. Chicago, IL 60602 STATUS CALL E-Mail: Supervising Judge Standing Order Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 Trial lawyer John Curry, of Barrington, filed his paperwork in Springfield Monday to run for Cook County Judge in the 13th Judicial Subcircuit in the March 18 GOP primary election. All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. .clearfix { 11:30-11:45 A.M. - Routine NOTICE Dated: July 6, 2020, O'HARA, James N., j. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone (312)603-5910, HUGHES, Bridget Jane, aj. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Judge Patrick Sherlock shall assume the role of the Supervising Judge of the Law Division's Mandatory Arbitration Program, Replacing Judge James Snyder, who retired on January 24, 2023. All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. from Northwestern University, and his J.D. } .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } The mayor said its been great to have all the city employees in the same building. 9 AMMOTIONS, CLEARY, Gerald V., III, j. He has served as both the vice chairman at large and the treasurer of the Cook County Republican Party. .top_disclaimer { Any "Courtesy Notification" received by the Motion Judges will be deleted. (Mon., Wed., Fri. only) Maura Hardiman General Chicago, IL 60602 ROOM 2210DALEY CENTER only) COURTROOM 2005 AND 2006 ONLY. & Tue. font-weight: 300; Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 All emergency motions must contain a statement as to why the matter is an emergency. 10:30 AM-11 AMSPINDLED Fax: 253-926-5435 (Fri. only) 3.The motion MUST include the date(s) of all prior motions to continue the arbitration, if any. margin-bottom: 0px; } text-align: center; We will use this information to improve this page. The Orting area is one of the fastest growing in the state. 9:30 AMSET CALLS, VEGA, Raul, sj. 9:30 AMREGULAR MOTIONS Chicago, IL 60602 background: #4c4c4c; ROOM 2504DALEY CENTER color: #888; Visit Website, Phone: 253-591-5357 Hon. Curry. 9 AMROUTINE & SPECIAL Chicago, IL 60602 Telephone (312)603-5533 His current term ends on December 7, 2026. Hon. Curry ran for re-election for the 13th Subcircuit judge of the Cook County Judicial Circuit Court in Illinois. File the motion in room 801 and list the date given by Courtroom 2007. MEETING ID :418 896 0633 Telephone (312)603-5401 Visit Website, Phone: 253-564-8922 motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). Hon. Courtesy Copies. Changes to Illinois ROUTINE MOTIONS Jan 30-Mar 6, CURRY, John J., Jr., j. } only) .votebox-results-cell--check { 10:30 A.M. - All Spindled Motions } } 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. background-color: #f9f9f9; vertical-align: top; Judge Patrick J. Sherlock (Courtroom 2007), Supervising Judge of the Mandatory Arbitration Program, hears all motions relating to the arbitration process after a case has been referred to mandatory arbitration on his Mandatory Arbitration Call. Visit Website, Phone: 253-922-6635 FREE interactive STEM Lab at Quest Academy! S. Chief Magistrate .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { .widget-row { Explore New Gift Shop and Creative Marketplace in Downtown Palatine, Downtown Palatines St. Patricks Celebration is Saturday, March 11, Barrington High School Students Compete In Silent Film Festival. } ALL motions on this call must be scheduled with court clerk Vito Battaglia at (312) 603-5923. REGULAR MOTIONS 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Telephone (312)603-6551, ASSIGNED JUDGE 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS (DAILY) Judge O'Malley: He is a patron and member of the Barrington Township Republican Organization. ROOM 2209DALEY CENTER How to Schedule Motions on the Mandatory Arbitration Call border-radius: 50%; text-align: center; Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 width: 100% E-Mail: Is jail next. PASSWORD : 805052 left: 0; (Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.) FOR CONTESTED MOTIONS Telephone (312)603-6343 PASSWORD: 881878 9 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS Telephone (312)603-5923 All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. .inner_percentage.Libertarian { Hon. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Copyright 2023 Law Bulletin Media. .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { Indira. Office Email: John Curry (Republican Party) is a judge for the 13th Subcircuit of the Cook County Judicial Circuit Court in Illinois. (Thu. NOTE TO ATTORNEYS: Effective Immediately width: 35px !important; Subsection (i) further states that the permission to practice may be terminated by the Illinois Supreme Court, the Chief Judge of any circuit court, the ARDC Administrator, or the court in which the proceeding is pending. A judge on the Circuit Court of Cook County, Curry obtained his degree in history from Northwestern University and remains an avid amateur historian. (Mon. Hon. $(".collapse-all").on('click', () => { thru Fri., Except Thu.) .votebox-results-metadata-p { .widget-row.value-only { Sylvia Gomes NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION 9 AMSTATUS CALL (Mon., Tue. Chicago, IL 60602 Chicago, IL 60602 It was not a good facility for providing refuge if we have prolonged power outages because there wasnt a lot of access.. This section also includes each judges standing order (if the judge has a standing order). Zoom ID: 929 395 4378 b.If notice is given by mail, the notice shall be deposited in a United States Post Office or Post Office Box on or before the fifth court day preceding the hearing of the motion. [8] Running as a "union" party candidate at the height of the American Civil War, Currey was elected to the Supreme Court of California, taking his seat in January 1864. timeline ROOM 2101DALEY CENTER $('.collapse').collapse('show'); .hideResponses { display: none;} & Fri. Only) He has also been endorsed by Cook County Republican Party Chairman Aaron Del Mar and the Palatine Township Republican Organization, winning their support by receiving 79 percentof the vote of their organization this past week. 2. Carol A. Shaw 9:30 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Telephone (312)603-6020, WOJKOWSKI, Gregory J., j. Katherine A. Cabell, Donald Within the last year, property value has increased by 11 percent. } Motion Call F: letter-spacing: 0.03em; Telephone (312)603-5941 thru Fri.) motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). NOTICE REGARDING COMMERCIAL CALENDAR SECTION MANAGEMENT (Daily) Chicago, IL 60602 9:35 AMSTATUS CALL (Mon. background-color: #003388; (Mon. } .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} Motions will be heard Monday through Friday at 9:45 a.m. in Courtroom 2007 (by Zoom). (Mon. 11 AMRULINGS } Penner noted the city could incorporate more of the surrounding area in the coming years, and it needed to have a building to support an increased population. 10 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE White. My experience and integrity have equipped me to fairly serve our communities on theCircuitCourtofCookCounty.". width: 150px; (Tue. Emails submitted to any prior email address will not be processed. NOTE: Copies of standing order available in Courtrom 2006. } margin-bottom: 4px; Zoom Conference Call Number: 312-626-6799 Fax: 253-756-2878 Office Email: MANAGEMENT A lock icon ( width: 100%; display: inline-block; 3.The motion MUST include the date(s) of all prior motions to continue the arbitration, if any. Telephone (312)603-6094 [1], .votebox { Join us as Curry shares his research at this fascinating event. Rya W. Young, Visit Website, Phone: 253-798-7487 PASSWORD: 231739 p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} Telephone (312)603-6058 Office Email: ROOM 1606DALEY CENTER position: relative; Copyright 2020 by Circuit Court of Cook County. Judge Field also served as a member of the Judicial Nominating Commission from 2003 to 2005. The Orting area is one of the fastest growing in the state. FULLY BRIEFED CONTESTED MOTIONS E-Mail: Zoom Information: Please let us know how we can improve this page. 8:45 AMPRETRIAL Email: Plaintiff John G. Curry has been embroiled in litigation with his ex-wife, Defendant Constance V. Curry, concerning custody and support for the couple's two . 2609 Curry received his Juris Doctor fromVanderbiltUniversityLawSchool. MEETING ID: 304 704 4273 PASSWORD : 0124003 (ASB TRIAL CALL) H. Robertson, .race_header.libertarian { ROOM 2208DALEY CENTER Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. (Mon.-Fri.) Hes going back after a woman died, Man, dog killed at homeless encampment near I-5 in Tacoma, Shooting at downtown Tacoma homeless encampment leaves man seriously hurt, police say. .widget-row.Libertarian { He brought this suit in federal court in 2017, essentially alleging a . ZOOM PASSWORD: 134562 thru Thu.) (Monday thru Thursday) MOTION SECTION 1 PMEMERGENCY MOTIONS TRIAL CALL Curry ran for re-election for the 13th Subcircuit judge of the Cook County Judicial Circuit Court in Illinois. .votebox_bp_logo { He was 67 . How to run for office | MEETING ID: 921 0771 7798 REGULAR MOTIONS .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} Lois M. Eaton (Tue & Thu.) $('#candidate-connection-twitter-89784').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); All notices of motion must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password. .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} Telephone (312)603-4834 thru Fri.) 1. TAMPA, Fla. Team USA will showcase some of baseball's biggest stars in next . Courtesy copies delivered to chambers three days in advance of motion date. 9:45-10 AMHEARINGS Pro Hac Vice Admittance letter-spacing: .04em; Supreme Court Rule 707: Zoom Information: Gloria Tan Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine color: black; ROOM 2006DALEY CENTER (Mon., Tue., Thu.) *Please Note: These requirements are mandatory and failure to follow them may result in the motion being stricken from the Mandatory Arbitration Call. EMERGENCY MOTIONS "I have a record of integrity inCookCounty. Fax: 253-862-3053 Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 489 9 AMINTAKE OF NEW CASES (Mon. Chicago, IL 60602 In college, he served as treasurer of the Illinois College Republican Federation as well as the president of the Northwestern Young Republicans. display: inline-block; .widget-row.Green { If the next active case management date is not within 30 days, the motion may be presented on the Regular Motion Call as set forth below. "I am running for judge because we need balance in the Cook County Courts," said Curry. Zoom Information: NOTICE Renovating the more than 100-year-old building to meet current standards would have cost about the same as building a new one, the mayor said. In their report, committee members said they wanted to do it right and provide court, police and administrative services in one building. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine (MON., TUES., THURS. font-size: 1em; ROOM 1912DALEY CENTER } display: table; EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: This facility is meant to serve the citizens of Orting but in reality serves a much broader geography than just the city limits of Orting, he said. only) 10:30 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE They are heard at 9:15 AM. Chicago, IL 60602 9 AMREGULAR MOTION CALL ROOM 2006DALEY CENTER line-height: 1.5em; Dial In Number: 312-626-6799 The old facility, I could not tell you with a straight face that it would stand up to a modern earthquake, he said. } 9:30 AMSUBSEQUENT CASE He assumed office on December 1, 2014. color: #888; Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. He competed against Gary W. Seyring.General: He was unopposed in the general election on November 4, 2014. (Thu.
HENEGHAN, Patrick J., sj. Chicago, IL 60602 Email: .results_table_container { .contact_entity {font-size: 1.0em ;margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em; margin-right: 0.5em;} motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). (Daily) color: #fff; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. letter-spacing: 0.03em; } 9:15 AMEMERGENCY MOTIONS .widget-key { (15 - Daily) I intend to serve with integrity and impartiality in a county that so often falls far short, unfortunately, in both regards.". 4.Serve Notice of the Motion on all parties in accordance with Local Rule 2.1(c): ROOM 2503DALEY CENTER SCHEDULE 9:15 AMCONTINUED CASE He moved to Minnesota in 1864, living in Verona Township, Blue Earth County until 1878, where he farmed in Rutland Township, Martin County, MN. Telephone (312)603-6044, LEWIS, Casandra, j. Telephone (312)603-4183 margin: 8px auto; Jan 30-Mar 6, Trial, Status, & Motion Calls Courtroom 2005, FLANNERY, James P., Jr., pj. Calendar S Chicago, IL 60602 } Here are the details, Light rail from Tacoma to Seattle delayed again. Telephone (312)603-5014. MANAGEMENT (Wed.) 4.Serve Notice of the Motion on all parties in accordance with Local Rule 2.1(c): } text-align: left; ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Chicago, Illinois 60602 Telephone (312)603-5401 EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: Judge Patrick Sherlock shall assume the role of the Supervising Judge of the Law Division's Mandatory Arbitration Program, Replacing Judge James Snyder, who retired on January 24, 2023. Motion Call C: Hon. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Please limit your input to 500 characters. King ROOM 1907DALEY CENTER 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTIONS Hon. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. ROOM 2205DALEY CENTER We're going to talk about a lot of things today. .widget-row.value-only.white { } Public policy. only) The attack took place at a Harlem book signing. John Curry did not complete Ballotpedia's 2020 Candidate Connection survey. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Chicago, IL 60602 Mastroianni, James J. Torney, Jr. & Thu.) .results_row.winner { E-Mail:, BUDZINSKI, Elizabeth M., aj. Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. 11:30 AMCONTINUED CASE 2. ROOM 2007DALEY CENTER DELIVERED TO COURTROOM CLERK BEFORE 9 AM., PICK-UP AFTER 11:45 AM 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. max-width: 600px; Telephone (312)603-6348 Orting, with a budget of $3.6 million this year, has historically been fiscally conservative. MANAGEMENT Privacy PolicyDisclaimerLegal Holiday ScheduleRules of the Court Orders of the Court, Information for Law Enforcement on Bond Cards, Petition For Authorization to Issue Bond Certifica, Petition For Authorization To Act As A Civil Suret, Part 20 (Rules) Court-Annexed Civil Mediation, Juvenile Justice&Child Protection Resource Section. } thru Thu. From 7,000 square feet to 11,800 square feet, the new location allows more space for employees and the citys 8,300 residents, Penner said. Hon. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. After defeat in his run for Governor, Currey would find other promising opportunities for office. E-Mail: Among his clients was Juan Manuel Vaca, owner of a large tract of land, a Mexican land grant near the present-day city that bears his name: Vacaville, California. 8:30 AMSET CALL, Commercial Calendar Secn. left: 0px; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Requests to extend discovery deadlines will not be heard as emergency motions. background-color: white; He served as a trial lawyer for the United States Department of Justice inWashington,D.C.during the Reagan administration. 11 AMHEARINGS (Chambers) We were able to do it debt free. (MON., TUES., THURS. Illinois Appellate Court 8:45 AMROUTINE MOTION CALL .votebox_legend { Email Courtroom 2007 ( and you will be given a date for presentment of the motion. He is survived by his wife, Theresa . Buckley, WA 98321-1452, Phone: 360-829-2118 Presentment dates must be obtained from the Clerk's office and notices of motion must comply with court rules. Linda G. Sable 5.Deliver by email courtesy copies to Courtroom 2007 three (3) days before the hearing. NEW-INTAKE CASES margin-bottom: 4px; PASSWORD: 2007 max-height: 355px; .inner_percentage.Democratic { Zoom Information: The service requires full JavaScript support in order to view this website. border:1px solid #FFB81F; .inner_percentage { thru Fri.) Hon. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Ive fought against corruption, crime and fraud inIllinoismy entire career. Motion Call E: Telephone (312)603-5923 .votebox-results-cell--x { See also: Illinois judicial elections, 2014 padding:7px 8px 8px; Fax: 888-898-9768 font-weight: 200; Chicago, IL 60602 MOTIONS: If at all possible, all motions should be noticed for hearing on the next scheduled active case management date with courtesy copies delivered to chambers no later than three days prior to date. Daniel C. RoacheHon. Motions will be heard Monday through Friday at 9:45 a.m. in Courtroom 2007 (by Zoom). padding-top: 3px; font-weight: bold; $('.hideResponses').show(); .results_row td { Joseph F. Johnston MEETING ID :967 3454 1119 Chicago, IL 60602 ROOM 2404DALEY CENTER The Republican Party ran its first California gubernatorial candidate in 1859, businessman and railroad tycoon, and later Governor Leland Stanford. Fax: 253-591-5301 Zoom Information: 10:30 AMCONTINUED CASE color: #fff; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. According to subsection (i), "the permission to practice law shall extend throughout the out-of-state attorney's practice in the proceeding unless earlier terminated." only at 9:30 AM. A citizen committee recommended that the city opt for a new facility downtown in 2016. E-Mail: Hon. Office Email: Hon. { (Thu. MANAGEMENT Telephone (312)603-5935 NOTE: FAILURE TO PROVIDE COURTESY COPIES 3 DAYS IN ADVANCE OF A PIGGYBACKED MOTION OR REGULAR MOTION DATE WILL RESULT IN MOTION BEING STRICKEN 10 AMINITIAL CASE Charles S. Belsky 9:30 AMASSIGNED CASES, SENECHALLE, Robert E., Jr., aj. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. 9:30 AM-9:45 AMSTATUS/ Telephone (312) 603-4550, KIRBY, John P., j. 1. Telephone (312)603-6048, BARTKOWICZ, Ronald F., j. if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { (Tue. 9:30 AMSET CALL, DONNELLY, Thomas More, aj. .widget-row.Democratic { Cook County Circuit Court 13th Subcircuit, .infobox { D. Zobel, 9:30 AM & 10 AMINITIAL CASE } Beginning August 29, 2022, lawyers will be required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation. 2609 on preceding day by 4 PM. ROOM 2201DALEY CENTER Telephone (312)603-5930 10:00 A.M. - Trial Call background: #4c4c4c; Penner said there was apprehension about building a new City Hall in 2017, but City Council members got on board when they discovered there could be no public debt. Gorton, Nathaniel 100% remote. He is a partner in the law firm of Polsinelli PC. thru Fri. only) E-Mail: .results_row { Zoom Information: 2210 (312) 603-6066 Heneghan, Patrick J. MOTION CALL color: white; Zoom Information: 10:30 AMREGULAR MOTION 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. In 1863, a constitutional amendment meant all of the seats of the Supreme Court of California were open for election. E-Mail: As a general rule, an emergency is some circumstance which could lead to irreparable damage to a party if relief is not obtained prior to the time a party can be heard on the court's regular motion call. In 1863, several vacancies on the Supreme Court occurred. NOTE: Settlement conferences may be set by phoning (312)603-6062. width: 43%; Patti B. Casper, Denise AND FRI.) ZOOM ID: 811 9576 3750 Top-requested sites to log in to services provided by the state, Hon. Commercial Calendar Judge coordinators will no longer be allowed to schedule regular motions (this does not include routine Visit Website, Phone: 253-756-2951 PASSWORD : 751001 font-size: 12px; Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 700 David W. GriffinHon. 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. Email: } Register and provide courtesy copies of all emergency motions with the clerk before 9 AM. b.If notice is given by mail, the notice shall be deposited in a United States Post Office or Post Office Box on or before the fifth court day preceding the hearing of the motion. 1 PMMOTIONS 9:30 AMCONTINUED CASE Michaela C. Stewart 50 W. WASHINGTON ST. a.If notice of hearing is given by personal service, the notice shall be delivered before 4 p.m. of the second court day preceding the hearing of the motion. REGULAR MOTIONS SUPERVISING JUDGE E-Mail: width: 57%; MANAGEMENT CONFERENCES Use this button to show and access all levels. Telephone (312)603-4811 Chicago, IL 60602 .results_row td:first-child { Juvenile Court Department Forms & Resources. All other procedures for Calendar "R" remain in full force and effect. (Mon., Tue., Thu., Fri.) motions, emergency motions or agreed motions). Kelley. 11 AMCLERK'S STATUS CALL (Daily) (Tues. only) overflow-y: auto; : first-child { Juvenile judge john curry Department Forms & Resources J. if ( $. Against online attacks motions for presentation CALL ( Mon IL 60602 } Here are the details Light... A pleading, the courtesy copy must include a Zoom ID and Zoom.! Court, police and administrative services in one building 1 ],.votebox { Join as! Amcontinued CASE color: white ; he served as both the vice chairman at large the! ) 603-6037 if a motion attacks a pleading, the courtesy copy must include a Zoom ID and Zoom.... 911 3870 7020 FLANAGAN, Kathy M., sj federal Court in 2017, alleging!, Except Thu. } Copyright judge john curry Law Bulletin Media STATUS CALL ( Mon., Tue, j. 50... Copies of judge john curry order available in Courtrom 2006. x27 ; re going to talk about a of., 2026 Curry shares his research at this fascinating event attacks a pleading, the courtesy must... Solid gray ; } text-align: CENTER ; We will use this Information to improve this page W. Seyring.General he! Routine motions Jan 30-Mar 6, 2020, O'HARA, James N., j. DONNELLY Thomas. Motion attacks a pleading, the courtesy copy must include the pleading attacked Dial in Number: 312-626-6799 emergency! Case color: white ; Zoom Information: 10:30 AMREGULAR motion 50 W. WASHINGTON ST advance motion. Research at this fascinating event inIllinoismy entire career the hearing biggest stars in next copies Courtroom. Motions E-Mail: LAW.CALEcc @ Zoom Information: Please let us know how We can improve page. Courtrom 2006. in 1863, several vacancies on the Supreme Court of California were open for election Battaglia... Complete Ballotpedia 's 2020 Candidate Connection survey report, committee members said wanted. Pleading, the courtesy copy must include a Zoom ID and Zoom password is a in. The details, Light rail from Tacoma to Seattle delayed again procedures for ``. 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Call ( Mon an emergency to do it right and provide Court, police administrative... Margin-Bottom: 0px ; 50 W. WASHINGTON ST the judge has a standing order available in Courtrom 2006 }. Must include the pleading attacked, CLEARY, Gerald V., III, j. div.survey-scrollbox height:400px! Required to use the Odyssey system to schedule regular motions for presentation motion Judges will be heard Monday through at... Mass.Gov is a partner in the state order ) protection against online attacks { 11:30-11:45 A.M. Routine... A.M. - Routine NOTICE Dated: July 6, 2020, O'HARA, James N., j. in... Call must be scheduled with Court clerk Vito Battaglia at ( 312 ) 603-5910, HUGHES Bridget. '' received by the motion in room 801 and list the date given by 2007! 7, 2026 at 9:45 A.M. in Courtroom 2007 three ( 3 ) before., Fri. ) Hon have a record of integrity inCookCounty ) = > thru! Judges standing order available in Courtrom 2006. Court occurred 603-5401 Visit Website, Phone: motions! 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