No question. If I, just kill her, Zachary will be safe. ', Mr. SHEARS: Things happen in America that don't seem to happen up here as. While battling the extremely long court system in Canada, they did all they could to keep things civil between themselves and the accused murderer of their son. Help contribute to IMDb. Even though I knew the outcome, the day the main incident occurs, I was still shocked when the pages finally reveal the events that lead up to that day. You were done. They sometimes visited with Zachary and Turner as if nothing had happened. The days Andrew and his buddies would goof-off, watch movies and sleep over right there in the family room. Newfoundlanders tend to trust each other, perhaps it's because, generally, With a skilled lawyer on hand to do Shirley Turner's bidding, the. And that's when it all hit the fan, I guess. MORRISON: Coming up, a knock at the door, and then the news. I read on Netflix it's best you know nothing about the story, and that is so true. Why didn't the many people who witnessed Shirley Turner's disturbing behavior and intense wrath make an issue in the courts more of it? The. In November 2001, the body of a young doctor named Andrew Bagby was discovered in Keystone State Park outside Latrobe, Pennsylvania, five bullet wounds in his face, chest, buttocks, and the back of the head. Mr. BAGBY: I have a lot of trouble with those things too, and I suspect what really goes on, what's called intuition, is really a very, very complex calculation of lots of little indicators, little things that Andrew said on the phone maybe. But their efforts to safeguard him weren't enough and they saythat both the justice system and the child welfare system failed them. Shirley Turner had walked out to the end, of a pier with tiny Zachary strapped to her body with a sweater, then jumped, into the ocean. he was fussy at all. (Kate and Zachary; judge in court; Shirley being escorted from court), Mr. KUENNE: I don't know. She was born to the late th MORRISON: And now that she was freed, Shirley would once again, Mr. BAGBY: We had to take him down the stairs and give him to, Shirley's friend, who happened to have a car seat. Now, she sucked us in here, too. They have a network of supporters. MORRISON: But she was allowed to go back to Newfoundland? "He was beautiful," Kate . Mr. SIMPSON: Things people should know about Andrew, he was never late. I just finishes the book, and for a first-time writer I thought the writing was excellent. quiet. 314 [deleted] 5 mo. It was a tiring day for the toddler and he fell asleep in the back seat of the Bagbys car on the way to Turners apartment. Then, in August 2003, Shirley Turner killed herself and the one-year-old Zachary by jumping into the Atlantic Ocean. MORRISON: But as Kurt made his way around the globe, his tribute materialized into something far bigger, and much darker, than anyone could have imagined. ', Because I know you would be worried if we disappeared for a couple of days or, MORRISON: Was she planning something? Are you having a good day with grandmom and. She was placed on suicide watch after intake screening. In the wake of the shocking turn of events, Andrew's father, David Bagby, wrote a true crime memoir that is described as "a eulogy for a dead son, an elegy for lives cut tragically short, and a castigation of a broken system.". (Newspaper rack; photo of Shirley and Zachary), Mr. BAGBY: (Press conference) I am going to continue to scream long and loud, MORRISON: The Bagbys have continued a campaign for the overhaul, of the bail system. One of the first to meet Zachary was, (Photo of Zachary Turner; wedding dance; photo of Shirley and Zachary; photo. It is a cry for change in the Canadian justice system that allowed his sons killer to roam free. She landed a residency at a hospital in Iowa, several states away but still close enough to allow occasional weekends with Andrew in Pennsylvania. We were in the way, I guess, of her trying to go to school. "This is it recognition by the legal community, which includes Parliament, that bail had something to do with Zachary's death. Christopher Snow, of St. Michael and All Angels Church, which the Bagbys attended in Newfoundland. You never know whats going to make you sit and cry for the day.. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Are you sure? I don't think I could have done what they did. The project took a tragic turn and became a catalyst for legal change when Zachary didn't live to see it. But of course I didn't. Sold and delivered by Audible, an Amazon company, By completing your purchase, you agree to Audibles. Mr. SHEARS: I thought they were great with him. I was at work and the receptionist said you have a call from the Sunnyvale police, says Kate, then a nurse practitioner in obstetrics and gynecology at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. This is a heartbreaking book written about Andrew Bagby and also about his son Zachary by Andrew's dad David Bagby. David has written a book about the case, Dance with the Devil: A Memoir of Murder and Loss. While fending off extradition efforts by U.S. law enforcement, she announced she was pregnant with Andrew's son, Zachary. I would have to dream up some reason to go over, there in the middle of the night, to--for me to just appear on her doorstep, Mr. BAGBY: Turned out I wasn't. With that powerful, evidence, Shirley Turner was formally charged with Andrew's murder and, arrested by Newfoundland police. Mr. BAGBY: The police didn't give us very much information, but they started. Suspicion immediately fell on an ex-lover, Shirley . Couldn't be her. The couple had met in medical school at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Some of her earliest memories are watching Survivor with her family and having everyone show off their best Jeff Probst impersonation. Much of this DATELINE report incorporates material from Kurt's documentary, as well as something else: the childhood films he made as he taught himself his craft. Change is slow. Kate said Shirley insisted on keeping Zachary in, the deep pool, which frustrated him because he couldn't move on his own. The other, their grandson, Zachary Turner. Slain tot's grandparents welcome new bail law. In Canada, extradition involves a number of complex steps. A couple whose son and grandson were murdered are celebrating a new law that empowers Canadian courts to refuse bail when a suspect's child may be in danger. news about his mother and baby brother, and was slammed with instant blowback. Ive never seen people react more passionately, intensely. Thought that maybe he had found somebody that he could really be happy with. Why? Neither speaks for the other. the eventual turning of a bill they drafted actually becoming law. ago I only live a block away.' Mr. BAGBY: She just kept coming back, and coming back and coming back. Save 50% on 1 when you buy 2 Shop items. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about His Father is a 2008 documentary detailing the life and death of one Dr. Andrew Bagby, a resident at a family practice in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. the water. Cpl. He and his wife also participated in a. Unidentified Man #22: We will develop policy specific to children. I agree whole heartedly, that things need to change. The Bagbys were 4,500 miles from home. It would take two weeks. The Bagbys, whod already been traveling back and forth to Canada for the extradition hearings, knew what they had to do. And one, of the first to see her there was T.J. Shears, the eldest of Shirley's three. I'm tired of this. Mr. BAGBY: We were out shopping or something. When search suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. kind of the only way that this little boy is going to get to know his dad. ago [removed] duraraross 5 mo. I think it was supposed to be just a brief college romance, says Kurt Kuenne, Andrews close friend since first grade at St. Andrews School in Saratoga. He would always be sitting on that chair, there, Kate says, pointing to a stool at the kitchen breakfast bar, on the phone.. What terrible conditions he came into this world under, Kate says. While watching the few minutes of the show, I could not believe that what the woman in the 'story' had done (at the end of the show/book) (and don't want to give away the ending here). Why would she say that if he wasn't? The Bagbys were confident Turner would be returned to Pennsylvania for trial in a matter of weeks. With Shirley Turner out of jail it was time for the Bagbys to clench their teeth again. The couple are still coping with the murders of their son and grandson. Not too long ago? Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. I had a job I loved. It pains me to award only two stars to a book written by David Bagby, but I want to use the Goodreads' ranking system more accurately. But he was accepted here, St. John's, Newfoundland, the easternmost point in North America. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? Nor do the memories, starting with the Nov. 6, 2001, phone call. But the interview never happened and the social workers brief report was one of the last notes to ever go into Turners file. Andrew Bagby broke up with Shirley but she lured him to an isolated location where she shot him 5 times. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot concedes defeat, Southern California home sales fall to all-time low, Denver just got a direct flight to this Caribbean island known for music history and vegetarian cooking, NYC Mayor Adams dismisses need to separate church and state, declares himself a servant of God, Zero-calorie sweetener linked to heart attack and stroke, study finds, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. GARDNER: (Audio recording) I have to tell you that Andrew is dead. His medical studies in Newfoundland were complete. In the fall of 2002, Turner and her lawyer agreed that the Bagbys should gain temporary custody of Zachary if Turner were sent to jail. (Photo of Shirley; Zachary; photo of Shears and Zachary), Mr. SHEARS: There was a conversation one time she had with me and Erica, in, regards to if something ever happened to her and she had to go to jail or. It looked like an open-and-shut case but, before the police could arrest her, Turner fled over the Canadian border, back home to St John's, in Newfoundland. Tragedy, doubled Andrew Bagby, a gregarious family-practice resident at Latrobe, was found shot to death on Nov. 5, 2001, in Keystone State Park. Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) (Unintelligible) Hi, sweetheart. She spent the day in his house across from the hospital, reading e-mail and checking eBay bids for a Barbie doll she wanted. Zachary Andrew Turner was born July 18, 2002. MORRISON: Police got Shirley Turner on the phone back in Iowa. Having watched the documentary about this case, I really needed to read this book. The Bagbys offered each other a balance. to the house and found a card from a police officer that we knew. Would dismantling Interstate 980 repair damage to Black neighborhoods? Shortly after Andrew's death, his friend Kurt Kuenne had started to a make a documentary about the murder, asking friends and family to share their memories of Andrew. MORRISON: I never know what to think about these feelings that people get. He said, `What do you mean?' was tragically killed by his mother, and thusjust like his fatherthe rest of the film focuses on the impact of his death. No one in my entire library system owns it either (30+ libraries), so I wound up having to get an interlibrary loan and have this book shipped to me from another state. And I don't know, I just lay on top of her and we, MORRISON: T.J. opened the door to police, too, and heard the. would now have to be something else, a visual letter to Andrew's baby. Time for all of them to get together at McDonalds for Zacharys first birthday party. I would really like for you and Kate. What shocked fans the most was that Kate actually took David back, and the pair dated for a while after the show aired. Part of my peace comes from doing everything to change Canadian law. May give you a new appreciation for being an American. Andrew and Zachary's murders. IE 11 is not supported. Kurt Kuenne embarked on the documentary following the murder of his best friend, Andrew. I said, `This woman was in town. Unidentified Man #21: (Talking in group) I know. Eventually, David and Kate broke up for good. David Bagby. There is only so much that Kurt could fit in an hour and a half and I learned so much more by reading things from David's own words. The ending was so shocking, I was screaming with David Bagby That bitch! Sitting with Kate and David in the sunny house where they raised their son, its almost as if they can see those days right in front of their eyes. Mr. BAGBY: That's one of the options, and that's the one we hoped for. DNA testing proved he was Andrew Bagbys son. "This was our goal," said Bagby. KATE: You get a different kind of relationship with God after this kind of. dropping Shirley and their grandboy off at her son T.J.'s home (Photo of Zachary sleeping in car seat; streets passing), KATE: She said, `Wake up, Zachary and say goodbye to your grandparents.'. MORRISON: But was that what you assumed had happened? A few weeks after, Zachary's birthday party, the Bagbys and Shirley took the toddler swimming, an, activity he usually enjoyed. Mommy misses you. The 13-month-old boy died when his mother, Dr. Shirley Turner, held him and jumped into the frigid North Atlantic near Conception Bay South, N.L. Mr. SIMPSON: He said, `You'll never guess who showed up on my doorstep at 5:30.' Unidentified Man #24: Two I have ever known. David Benavidez and Kate Griffith were one of the four couples from season two of Temptation Island. Shirley's message of "Mommy loves you" to Zachary is replayed following, Shirley Turner not only never sees justice for Andrew's murder, but by. There won't be any question about, whether she can hurt him. MORRISON: How'd you feel about having a much younger brother come, Mr. SHEARS: I thought it was great. Tragically, this is proven exactly right when she kills Zachary. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. Lifes ability to hand us the unbearable is matched only by the ability of the human spirit to somehow handle it. It was part of a pattern summarized in the Canadian governments investigative report: Dr. This attracted the needy and insecure Turner to him. I lay in--laid there in bed a couple of times and thought, If I just kill her, Zachary will be safe. My heart goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Bagby. HEATHER: I was so excited that he was dating somebody. a--with a hand grenade in the kitchen with the pin already pulled. Though the 1,100-page Turner report says Turner maintained a fairly active social life while she was fighting extradition, the investigations narrative includes a number of signs that some of her personal relations were strained. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. Very, very serious. I suggest you keep any heavy items out of reach because you will want to throw them at the television screen & a box of tissues because you will need them. David and Kate Bagby must have been saints to have had to tolerate personal dealings with their only child's murderess,and basically have to groval to her to even see their precious only-ever grandchild.Yet,they did whatever they could for the sake of Zachary.Most people (myself included) would have made away with Shirley Turner the first chance they got.Why should they have even been put in that insane situation in the first place? Mr. BAGBY: Shirley killed Andrew. MORRISON: The Bagbys said that Shirley would later apologize for, her reaction. I said, `Find her, and I think you'll find who did this.'. (Photo of Kate, Zachary and Shirley; photo of David, Zachary and Shirley; photo of Shirley and Zachary; photos of Zachary with Shirley and Kate), Mr. BAGBY: Our usual policy was just to let her go. On Aug. 16, Turner and the Bagbys took Zachary swimming at Bowring Park in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Or was this her, way of demanding that they suspend their critical faculties and declare their, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) I don't know what to give Zachary. Mr. BAGBY: Yes. We finally got a baby.. He was like Andrew. You can, just--there's nothing. MORRISON: Life for Andrew Bagby was good. not only is Shirley Turner never held accountable for murdering Andrew, but she's allowed to keep primary custody of Zachary, ultimately resulting in his death. David Bagby speculates that this was Shirley's idea of victory: when Andrew and Zachary both rejected her, she punished them. to let out hints that Shirley Turner was the prime suspect. "It was an overpowering feeling. Mr. BAGBY: He's now engaged to this lovely girl, and he's going to go to med school. American authorities asked Canadian, authorities to send her back to the US, which would require an extradition, hearing. Kate has also moved on,according to her Instagram. It was like they had gone back to what it might have been like when they first got married.. You know what, when Andrew didn't show up at 7:30, I knew something was very wrong. Apparently it takes years to extradite criminals from Canada back to the USA, and despite being wanted for a vicious murder Dr. Turner was granted bail (unlike in the USA nobody had to put any actual money up to guarantee Turner's release, all she needed to gain her freedom was talk a few friends into signing paperwork, despite being wanted for a brutal murder!) But instead of folding, Kate became a volunteer advocate for foster children and started helping the parents of other murdered children. However awkward Shirley Turner made it, they were sweet, cooperative. Woman #11: Doesn't matter what happened. Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2020. Telegram file photo. While the offense with which she is charged is a violent and serious one, the court ruled, it was not directed at the public at large., On Jan. 10, David says, we had to give Zachary back to her.. They would go to Pennsylvania to . As far as Andrew was concerned, the relationship was a fling nothing serious. He and Kate say they know now that they have more than anger to sustain them. KATE: It was shocking, but not a surprise. He eventually moved on to a residency in Latrobe, Pa., and she went to work as a family practice doctor in Council Bluffs, Iowa. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. You Have Been Warned). Cpl. He had returned to the US and had discovered a passion for family practice, where his love for people--and theirs for him--seemed as natural, as comfortable as the quiet town in Pennsylvania in which he'd chosen to live. He just lit up when he saw Kate, David says. When I read true crime, I like to see more back story of the people involved. Trigger warnings for murder, stalking, abuse, and child murder.The Bagbys are saints and seeing the story as it played out for them was better than any true crime book I have read. Mackenzie spent a semester studying abroad in Dublin, and has had the travel bug ever since. More than a month passed before Turner was finally arrested in Canada on December 21 but, within hours she was out on bail until she could be extradited to the US. Newfoundland to meet the now 11-month-old little boy. Since this was written by the first victim's father, little to no backstory was provided for the accused murderer. Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2017, This is a book written by David Bagby about the murder of his son by his mentally ill obsessed stalker Dr. Shirley Turner. us around. Play trailer 2:39. would be the difference if one person weren't alive? A tragedy that could have been prevented. Slain tot's grandparents welcome new bail law | CBC News Loaded. Once, she called him 30 times while he was at a pal's wedding. Tragically, Shirley kills Zachary in a murder-suicide. a month after 30 days. (Driving through rainy street; correctional facility sign; Andrew; Kurt, Unidentified Woman #8: They would drive two hours to the jail. As the couple continued to date, Andrew complained to friends that Turner would not leave him alone. murderer in check. Mackenzie is particularly fond of Survivor, which she has been watching ever since she was born. For one thing, Shirley, required the Bagbys to bring Zachary to visit her once a week in jail. At the time, Turner was wanted in the U.S. to face trial for the murder of Andrew Bagby. (Photo of Shirley, Kate and Zachary; photo of Shirley, David and Zachary; Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Well, I just want your word that I'm going to, know where he's at, like any babysitter, you know, if you're going to take him, anywhere, just say, `Shirley, we're going to run out and do this. After Andrew Bagby's death, Turner left Pennsylvania for Newfoundland, her home province, and gave birth to their son. Then, even if the court orders extradition, Canadas federal justice minister must decide whether to hand over the fugitive to U.S. authorities. 1 Nov, 2021 what character are you from encanto royal caribbean app features kelly ann cicalese . How could a woman be in jail on a suicide watch one day and be taking care of his grandson the next? Just before 6 a.m. the next day, a park visitor found Andrew Bagbys frost-covered body lying face down in the parking lot. KATE: (Audio recording) Right. "We had to do something to channel our rage and sorrow," he says. Shirley asked them to take custody of Zachary while she was gone. (Supreme Court building; Shirley being escorted from court; photos of Kate and. Zachary held his hands out, reaching for Kate.. The provincial court has tightened bail regulations, but has not eliminated bail for murder suspects. you have anywhere to put that, or that Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Not yet. Book details an absolute tragedy in the Canadian justice system. The bond between, Zachary and his grandparents grew and grew, and Shirley noticed, even from, KATE: (Audio recording) I think it was one time we were on the phone or, KATE: (Audio recording) Yeah, the baby cried, and I said, `Oh, there's my, Ms. TURNER: (Audio recording) Yeah, `Oh, my baby. I cried with rage, almost like the Bagby's and I normally do not get emotional when it comes to true crime novels. In fact, Turner would travel frequently from Iowa to visit Andrew in Latrobe, something shed done the week before he was killed. ', KATE: (Audio recording) Yeah. We're churning. In November 2002, a year after Andrew's murder, the judge in Turner's extradition case finally threw out the queries raised by her lawyer and put Turner in jail, ruling there was enough evidence to warrant a trial. I had two sisters already, so a brother, because now I'd have somebody that I can teach about hockey and, (Shears and Zachary; photo of Shears and Zachary). And a desire to write about a Canadian justice system that is fatally flawed. He says his mother was so often, unavailable, especially from the time she started medical school. They might as well have sent a taxi to her to help take him out and drown him. And we, would have agreed to anything. The workers notes say Turner spent most of the time talking about a planned interview with CBSs 48 Hours. The TV news magazine would give her a chance to tell her side of the story. A much younger brother come, mr. SHEARS: Things happen in America do. 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