Alabamas largest public employer and home of one of the regions largest academic medical centers, UAB employs more than 23,000 people across its university and hospital entities, has more than 22,000 enrolled students, and has an annual economic impact exceeding $7 billion on the state. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You will pay lower taxes in Alabama than in most other states. John Malone, who has been nicknamed the Cable Cowboy for his telecommunications ventures, is the single largest landowner in the United States with 2.2 million acres of land. All rights reserved (About Us). David Fasken, a Canadian, bought a ranch in West Texas in 1913. Earn more income with Carbon by Indigo by adopting carbon farming practices. The ranches are also using cutting edge practices for water conservation as well as timber management, as well as releasing native species back into the wild land. Alabama. the last five years of crop rotation. The company also operates two mills and a nursery in the state. In the course of Bloombergs reporting, the Hamer family, who own sawmill operations in West Virginia and are included in the Land Reports 2018 ranking, clarified that they have no substantial land holdings of their own but instead rely on other private landowners to supply timber. John Malone is the largest private landowner in the United States. For instance, lands with long-leaf pines have special rules about timber use. The company, now known as Westervelt Company, has operations in renewable energy, lumber, and wildlife services. Key Findings. Jack Simplot was a potato farmer who forged a deal with the former CEO of McDonald's to supply the restaurant chain with french fries. Information is easily accessible to academic researchers and people interested in developing land. Spanning over 3.5 million square miles, the United States is the third largest country in the world by landmass, trailing only China and Russia. Kroenke Ranches is quickly becoming one of America's largest renewable energy landlords. Outside of the United States, this family owns a whopping 2 million acres of land in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Canada. And its tax system is clearly broken. Animals, plants, survival tips, and more. Participation also helps residents better understand the land they call home. He also owns 8% of the sports team the Atlanta Braves. Land trusts have increased their efforts through partnerships, engagement, and outreach. Every year, Alabamas forests grow by an impressive 2.581 billion cubic feet. And not just the bosses who run it. Irving is the largest landowner in Maine and is the only industrial landowner with roughly 1.25 million acres. Henry Singleton, a corporate executive from Beverly Hills, CA, owns over 1.2 million acres across New Mexico. This company is a place people can trust to get good lumber and wood products. Pioneer Forest is the largest private landowner in Missouri, with 146,000 acres. Roughly equal to: The size of San Antonio. Along its banks lies a treasure trove of natural resources. Roy O. Martin III is the largest private landowner in Louisiana, with 550,000 acres. Throughout his lifetime, he amassed nearly a million acres of land throughout the northeast. The Emmerson family owns and operates Sierra Pacific Industries, a company that logs usable lumber after forest fires and sells it to lumber retailers. I know that both Westervelt in Pickens Cty is over 10,000 acres and Sedgefields in Bullock (before it was split up) was approx. Thanks to his land ownership and media assets, his net worth is now a staggering $9.2 Billion. AcreValue analyzes terabytes of data about soils, climate, crop rotations, taxes, interest rates, and corn prices to calculate the estimated value of an individual field. Get some new ideas by using our Ancestor Source Finder tool. In the case of Alabama, the state provides tax benefits to owners of farmland, pastureland, and timberland in the form of a "current use" exemption that reduces property tax to 10 percent of appraised value. Henry Earl Singleton was an electrical engineer. Its like the Holy Grail if you want to know who owns the place, and how little they pay for its upkeep. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Unless it was taxed under current use. Bill Gates and his wife Melinda together own 268,984 acres of land, most of it farmland. The Fish and Wildlife Services also care for 3.7% of Alabamas land. Then youd owe a $20 bill or so. Their family operations are headquartered on Catarina Ranch, which is approximately 100,000 acres and located in Texas. They own several large ranches in the northern part of the state. Photographer: Elena Cizmaric for Turner Enterprises Inc. The Drummonds own 433,000 acres, but it should be noted that they were excluded from the 2021 Land Report, which could indicate a change in ownership. Close to 70 percent of Alabamas land area is forested. Roughly equal to: Three times the size of Guam. Through fundraising campaigns and problem-solving initiatives, GALT strives to make a difference. NCCPI in all other states). A primary source was Pitney Bowess Property Attributes Parcels Plus data, which the company filtered to find holdings registered to individual and business names on Bloombergs relevant entity list. near you. The ranch spawned from land that was originally purchased by Captain Richard King in 1853 and subsequently passed down through generations. This does not include the approximately 2.9 million acres directly and indirectly controlled by the two largest non-profit conservation owners. John Malone is the largest landowner with about 2.2 million acres of land across the country, including in Maine, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. 1. In all, 29 of Alabama's counties have a population of less than 30,000. Check out the federally managed Little River Canyon if youre ever in Alabama. Fields where carbon farming practices Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Urban farming: Growing 600lbs of gourmet mushrooms a week, Latino immigrants: Wisconsin's dairy industry would collapse without them. He became known as the Merchant Prince of Salem due to the vast size of his business. But thats not all. The isolated property records were then joined to the Pitney Bowes Parcel Boundaries data. The Lydas are Texas cattle ranchers and landowners. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Who is the largest private owner of land? For five generations, the Reed Family has owned and operated the logging company Green Diamond Resource Co. The company even holds licenses for long-term timberlands in Canada. These lands harbor various wildlife species, from mountain laurel thickets to sandstone bluffs. Big or small, these land trusts are finding ways to preserve natural habitats. The Molpus Woodlands Group is the largest landowner in Minnesota, with 286,000 acres. Roughly equal to: Three and a half times the size of Philadelphia. Chapter of the Association of Consulting Foresters. Donald and Doris Fisher co-founded the clothing brand Gap Inc. Roughly equal to: The size of the island of Maui. Escanaba Timber, LLC. We will be covering how much land they own, where it is, what type of land it is as well as how they amassed this land. His fortune was made in the media space, where he still today owns many media assets we all consume today. Errol Galt is the former Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Game commissioner. Roughly equal to: Three times the size of Detroit. Jeff Bezos spent summers on his grandparents ranch in Texas as a kid, learning how to, among other things, castrate cattle. Dare defend your state for once, Alabama. Burdette: There are varied forest landowners of Alabama's 23 million acres of timberland, 94 percent of which is privately owned, according to the Alabama Forestry Commission. These systems help make the information easier to understand. If you are thinking of Population size, the top three, in order of largest to smallest are, Mexico City, New York, and then Los Angeles . There, on Gates parcels, an industrial farm grows potatoes for McDonalds french fries. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They own almost 100,000 acres across the state. The McDonald family's 474,000 acres are spread across Alabama, Florida, and Oklahoma but the majority of the family's land holdings is in Maine. Reed married Simpson's daughter in 1901. View parcel number, acreage, and owner name for all parcels of land in over 2,700 counties. But the most headline-worthy transaction of 2022 was the Four Sixes Ranch in Texas. Auburn University professor puts Alabama timberland online. Alabama does not have an official nickname.It is commonly referred to as "the Heart of Dixie" and that phrase has appeared on state automobile . Outside of Maine, Buck's foundation has also purchased land in New York and Connecticut. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Cowls, Inc. is the largest private landowner in Massachusetts. John Malone Doyon Limited is the largest private landowner in Alaska and North America. Find land and connect with real a estate agent to buy or sell property. They own 9.4% of the land for a total of 3.2 million acres, making them the top landowners in Arkansas. Malone made his fortune as a media tycoon, building the company Tele-Communications, Inc, or TCI, and acting as its CEO before selling it to AT&T for $50 billion in 1999. Sweeney uses purchases much of his land for the purpose of conservation. Weyerhaeuser Company, a timberland company, which has merged with Plum Creek Lumber, is the largest private landowner in Washington. It just depends on who you are talking to and, in most cases, what town you're standing in within a particular state. Brad Kelley and the Wilks brothers are believed to be the largest private landowners in Tennessee. Unlock new income opportunities by farming carbon. Roughly equal to: Half the size of Lake Ontario. Since then, they have been acquiring land. Herbert Westervelt started a paper company in the late 1800s. John Malone owns timberland in Maine as well as western ranches, Ted Turner mostly owns ranchland but also plantations in Florida and Georgia, timberland in Maine as well as western ranches, mostly owns ranchland but also plantations in Florida and Georgia. A recently proposed legislation seeks to protect these lands from foreign acquisition. Particularly, they invest in timberland. This includes renting out the land for people to use and making sure people follow the rules when they use it. Roughly equal to: Twice the size of Guam. His fortune was made in the media space, where he still today owns many media assets we all consume today. Long-leaf pines are the state tree and provide homes to wildlife. The Lees are sheep and cattle ranchers who owe some of their wealth to the discovery of uranium and coal on their property in the western half of the state. The discovery of oil on that ranch propelled Fasken to wealth, and now Fasken Oil & Ranch is a major oil drilling company that has heavily employed fracking technology. The largest landowner in the District of Columbia is the Federal Government (owning 12,000 acres), followed by the Catholic Church. Look around, Alabama. Timberland makes up 22.9 million acres of Alabama. There are lush forested hillsides, rocky sandstone cliffs, and more! The Singleton Ranches started in 1986 with their first land purchase in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Today he has his own spread in the Lone Star State, where his company Blue Origin tests its reusable New Shepard rocket. Babbitt Ranches is the largest landowner in Arizona, with 750,000 acres and 270,000 acres owned by the family business. But the data alone prompts questions. In addition to the 1.2 million acres the family owns, primarily in Maine, the Irvings also own some 1.9 million acres in Canada. Bloombergs final 40 million-acre estimate for the top 100 private landowners is less than the 41.5 million-acre total calculated from the Land Report data because of updated acreage figures received from or fact-checked by the landowners. The United States has roughly 2.4 billion acres of total land mass. Thats a lot of land! Just 30 companies own a fifth of it thats bigger than Connecticut -- and pay very little in taxes. Additions or corrections to this page? International businesses help the growth of Alabamas economy, supporting 120,100 U.S. jobs across the state. John Malone, the second-largest landowner in the U.S., owns 980,000 acres throughout the state as well. Roughly equal to: Twice the size of Chicago. Download a free soil report for a detailed map of soil composition The brothers are heirs of the J.D. This ranking is current as of the end of 2018. Discover what makes Alabama unique by reading the below articles. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Alabama. Plum Creek, a lumber company that recently merged with Weyerhaeuser Company, is the largest private landowner in Michigan after purchasing 650,000 acres in 2005. Their land is used for a range of resource extraction industries, including timber, sand and gravel, and oil. Ford made a career in the timber business during the Great Depression. Thank you for reading! How many acres of US farmland does China own? Mike Smith owns nearly 300,000 acres, which are primarily spread throughout eastern Texas. 1. Chris McFadyen. Plum Creek, which has merged with Weyerhaeuser Company, is the largest private landowner in South Carolina, with 352,400 acres, about 1.7% of the state. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The most common exceptions to this rule are parcels located in Maine and Florida. GALTs commitment to protecting this vital resource empowers citizens of all backgrounds. Who is the largest landowner in the world? He is the owner of the NFL team Los Angeles Rams. Using data from The Land Report magazines 2018 Land Report, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 50 largest private landholders in the United States. The Singleton family owns a number of ranches, mostly in New Mexico. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. W.D. The Drummond family is the largest landowner in Oklahoma and the 23rd-largest landowner in the United States. Auburn professor Conner Bailey developed this list of Alabama's biggest timberland owners. Alaska and Hawaii were excluded. The pace of life in Alabama is slow except in a few cities. Where digital GIS mapping data was unavailable from counties, Bloomberg relied on additional published sources including environmental studies, court documents, real estate listings and property maps available on family or company websites. The largest private landowner in Vermont is Plum Creed Timber Company, which recently merged with the Weyerhaeuser Company. Federal land is managed for many purposes, such as the conservation and development of natural resources, grazing and recreation. Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. Horton owns over half a million acres of land. Check out the new Mortgage Data additions to AcreValue's land sales records. is privately owned and is not an official site of FamilySearch International or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). The McDonald Family owns about 100,000 acres in Alabama, as well as over 300,000 in Maine. While over a quarter of all land in the United States is owned by the federal government here is a look at how much land the government owns in every state vast swaths of the country are owned by just a handful of individuals and families. The growing company Weyerhaeuser owns nearly 600,000 acres of land in Alabama. Buck is the owner of Tall Timber Trust, one of the largest owners of timberland in Maine. The lands are also home to precious natural resources and recreational opportunities. Roughly equal to: The size of Los Angeles. The state is home to a diverse range of federally managed lands, comprising 2.7% of the states 32.7 million acres. The Babbitts are long-time Arizona cattle ranchers who have been in the area since 1886. The Stimson family owns 552,000 acres of timberland in the western US. Largest Landowner By State. Alabamas State Lands Division oversees 45,000 acres of state-managed land. and potential opportunities. Weyerhaeuser owns 12.4 million acres of land, with 900,000 in Washington. Is Farmland Partners (FPI) A Good Investment? Mobile County - 414,836 . We are integrated with REALSTACK Website Listing Feeds and accommodate many API listing feeds. Malone Mitchell runs Longfellow Ranches, a 500 square mile hunting preserve located in West Texas. Irving empire, and are Canadian natives. 1776-2015 U.S. General Land Office Records Ancestry. Its called Baughman Farms. The federal government is also dedicated to managing lands for future generations. This can also lead to increased land value. He was the co-founder of Teledyne, Inc a publicly traded industrial conglomerate. Heartwood Forest Land Fund is one of several Timberland Investment Management Organization (TIMOs) among the top ten landowners in West Virginia. Roughly equal to: Twice the size of San Antonio, Texas. After that, Kamehameha Schools is the single largest landowner in Hawaii with 363,000 acres. Holland Ware owns over half a million acres of land primarily in Florida and Georgia. Beautiful, bountiful, profitable trees. Roughly equal to: The size of the Hawaiian Island of Kaua'i. Roughly equal to: Three times the size of Dallas. Gates is not the only billionaire on The Land Report 's list of top private farmland owners. AL. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. They work hard to keep a record of all the different kinds of plants and animals that live in Alabama in the present and those which have lived in the past. Roughly equal to: Seven times the size of Philadelphia. If you mean by largest, land area, the city in North . Discover the 7 Oldest Countries in the World, Weyerhaeuser, Available here:, Stacker, Available here:, USDA, Available here:, Alabama Land Trust Alliance, Available here: Using this data, you will now be able to assess a property's access and proximity to key energy and infrastructure resources, including: Billionaire John Malone has the title of the largest private land owner in the United States. Their land is primarily made of up six cattle ranches in Utah. Terms of Service For reference, onesquare mile is equal to 640 acres. Anne Marion owns several major properties in Texas, including the famous 6666, or "Four Sixes" cattle ranch in the Southern Panhandle, which is close to 150 years old. The 510,000 acre ranch he purchased is believed to be the largest ranch behind a single fence in the United States. At one point, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Both Zane and Tanya were born into ranching families. All Rights Reserved They set aside over 18 locations for universal access. Roughly equal to: Twice the size of the Hawaiin Island of Molokai. While Alabama is always broke. The family also owns San Jose Island on the Texas Gulf Coast. Widely known as a media tycoon, Malone owns 2.2 million acres of land. Roughly equal to: The size of Prince Edward Island. The Forever Wild Program helps preserve land in Alabama by using federal grants to buy unique pieces of land. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Dont forget about the Weyerhaeuser Company and its commitment to conservation and sustainability. Brothers James, Arthur and John Irving have been called the most powerful family in New Brunswick. The National Park Service attends to 2%, and the Bureau of Land Management manages 0.3% of the land. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Download free guide with advice for beginners. He inherited much of the land from his father, Dolph Sr. Alabama power owns over 80,000 acres. Currently the chairman and largest shareholder of Liberty Media, he also owns 28% of Discover Communications. Roughly equal to: One quarter the size of Grand Canyon National Park. Their land includes the 190,000 acre Sunlight Ranch in Montana, just outside of Yellowstone National Park. is the largest private landowner in Ohio with about 150,000 acres of land. As a real estate investment trust, Weyerhaeuser generated $7.5 billion in net sales and employed roughly 9,400 people in 2020. The family's land includes the Sun Valley Ski Resort in Sun Valley, Idaho. Private land plays a significant role in conservation. View thousands of active listings from across the U.S. Browse farms, ranches, timberland, hunting land, and other properties by location, size, and price. Six out of every 10 acres of private Alabama forest is owned by something or somebody who doesn't live there and may or may not have any real interest in the county at all. The park protects the land from degradation and destruction. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Under the livestock feeding company Llano Partners Ltd., Hughes Abell owns and operates ranching operations in New Mexico, Texas, and Florida. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Currently, 685 overseas companies operate in Alabama, and more international activity is expected in the near future. These practices can also help boost soil health, providing multiple But land is an often-overlooked repository of wealth, one of those quiet assets, such as artworks or trusts, that make up so much of the countrys unexamined riches as inequality widens. The Bass family fortune, like those held by many of the entries on this list, comes from oil and cattle ranching. Bailey is clear that the forest industry is important to Alabama, and will remain so. Across all of the ranches, Turner Enterprises is managing over 45,000 bison. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. You get the 4th largest land owner in the United States. Singleton wanted to specifically preserve the ranching heritage that has been around in New Mexico for hundreds of years. Sierra Pacific owns approximately 2 million acres in California, 300,000 in Washington, and 175,000 in Oregon. Heirs of the late Thomas O'Connor, who immigrated to the United States from Ireland in the 1800s, own over half a million acres, including the O'Connor Ranch in south Texas. They organize community events to foster a lasting relationship between nature and its people. Is Gladstone Land Corp (LAND) A Good Investment? The Killam family deals largely in cattle and oil, with ranches in Texas and Oregon and oil operations in Louisiana, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, and Texas. Instantly view crops grown on a field in the past year, or download a full report for a history of Why do we allow absentee companies with massive land holdings to park their investments in Alabama, where they pay next to nothing in taxes, contribute little to the economy, render vast swaths of land unusable and turn Alabama into a colony, plundered for natural resources and unable to support itself, all because of a law that was meant to be an important tax break for family farmers? The Land Report data lists just two properties in those states: a 12-acre resort northwest of Anchorage owned by Louis Bacon and 2,700 acres of agricultural land in Kauai owned by Brad Kelley. Including Canadian ownerships would have added TimberWest and Domtar to the Top 10. Roughly equal to: Half the size of Connecticut. Foreign Investors - 1.7 Million Acres Currently, foreign investors own over 1.7 million acres of Alabama's agricultural land. Increase the carbon No, its the Roman Catholic Church. And thats not all. According to the 2018 Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data there are approximately 23.0 million acres of commercial forestland in Alabama. The largest private landowner in Texas is King Ranch, Inc., with 825,000 acres. Ted Turner, who is also the owner of CNN, is the largest private landowner in Nebraska, with over 500,000 acres. Behind the state of Hawaii and the U.S. Government, Kamehameha Schools is the single largest landowner in Hawaii, with 363,000 acres on the island of Hawaii, Oahu, and Maui. They also offer recreational opportunities while protecting Alabamas fragile ecosystems and wildlife habitats. Land trusts are also working to improve community engagement. Relative rankings mentioned in the story are based on Bloombergs updated figures. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Alaska had the most federal land (223.8 million acres) while Nevada had the greatest percentage of federal land within a state (84.9 percent). Educational workshops and easy-to-understand land resources help residents learn more about preservation goals. Roughly equal to: Five times the size of Chicago. The family's 1.1 million acres of land also includes land in California. They also conduct ecological studies and specialize in land acquisitions and conservation easements. Uplands across Alabama feature some of the regions most diverse ecosystems. Write him at AFOA would like to thank the exhibitors and sponsors for providing needed services to forest owners and for helping keep the cost of the annual meeting affordable for attendees. They dont even generate a lot of jobs. Here is a look at the richest person in every state. We hope to increase the number of meetings available for online viewing over time. Ted Turner is most well known for his involvement in television production. They provide services for forests too! Below are the top largest landowners in the US, who have gained attention for the smart financial moves they've been making in land ownership. What happens when a failed logger marries into a family with massive control in the logging industry? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. substations, wind turbines, oil & gas wells, power plants, ethanol plants, biodiesel plants, and soybeans plants. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. In all, 92 members of the list were contacted and 51 responded before publication. Figures on the right are acres. The largest private landowners in Pennsylvania are the Collins Family, who inherited land from Truman Collins, the largest landholder in the state before his passing in 1914. And of that whole lot of timberland, 86 percent of it enough acreage to make your own South Carolina -- is privately owned. Stan Kroenkes landholdings in the state of Wyoming include Q Creek Ranch and W.T Waggoner Ranch to a sum of 550,000 acres. All while providing vital resources and employment to local citizens. Both the Family's 06 Ranch and Leoncita Cattle Company Ranch are in West Texas. Roughly equal to: Ten and a half times the size of Hilton Head Island, SC. His column appears in The Birmingham News, the Huntsville Times, the Mobile Register and The family's 1.7 million acres of land are primarily spread across Washington, Oregon, and California. You want to know who owns the place, and owner name for all parcels of land tests... Cowls, Inc. is the largest landowner in Alaska and North America National Academy of Engineering Washington, Florida! Various wildlife species, from mountain laurel thickets to sandstone bluffs the city North. Irving is the owner of the state of Wyoming include Q Creek Ranch and Leoncita cattle Ranch... 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