I would add to these convincing readings the possibility that the petition is a suit for and mapping out of both a place and a process of writing, which could be protected from the incursions of artifice, ambition, dishonesty, and isolating competitiveness. Rate answer. In a complicated sense, to doff the ornamentation demanded of women might in itself be linked to the act of writing poetry, which, according to convention, engenders a mannishly unfeminine woman. The idea of being a hero in the battlefield is as tantalizing as it is fatal. Amazon.com: A Study Guide for Anne Finch's "A Nocturnal Reverie": 9781375375061: Gale, Cengage Learning: Books. Encyclopedia.com. In his essay, he openly regards Finch's work as a masterpiece in its own right. She also met Colonel Heneage Finch, a soldier and courtier appointed as Groom of the Bedchamber to the Duke of York. She let out a large yawn and rubbed her eye as she closed the door behind her, hanging her bag on the coat rack in the corner. Some consider the poem to be a precursor to the romantic movement. Written in 1713, Finch's "A Nocturnal Reverie" is among the works that has garnered serious critical attention for the poet. Poetry gave satire another venue, but poetry grew in its purpose in the Augustan Age. "To The Nightingale" is thus explicitly concerned with the limits of poetic signification. But at the very same time, such poetic strategies demonstrate the lengths to which she must go to ensure that her work will not be read as "uncorrect" (the "fair" sex may be deemed but "fair," mediocre writers). "A Nocturnal Reverie" by Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661 - 1720) From Winchilsea, Anne (Kingsmill) Finch, Countess of. This death rattled the world of Literature. Such a reading turns a private lament about the failure of interpersonal communication into a direct statement about the poet's wish for public approval of her writing as well as her careful perusal of readers' responses for the approbation she hopes they might contain. The Lutz family move into a new house right before Christmas. Because of this mention, some scholars place the poem in the pre-romantic tradition, while others maintain that the poem rightly belongs among the Augustan poetry of Finch's time. The basic theme of the poem "A Nocturnal . In short, the speaker brings nature to life in the same way that describing a person makes him or her seem like a real person to those who do not know him or her. But one can also argue that "To The Nightingale" occupies a place in Finch's poetry analogous to Swift's renunciation of the Muse's "visionary pow'r" (line 152) in "Occasioned by Sir William Temple's Late Illness and Recovery" and to Pope's decision, announced in the "Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot," to abandon "Fancy's maze" and moralize "his song" (lines 340-41). The complaint that opens "The Introduction," for example, is well known for its pithy illustration of the obstacles facing women writers. It communicates the idea that she is in the most perfect place on earth. The beach in the Dover Strait is a quiet retreat for lovers, thinkers, and those with a contemplative mind. It is reasonable to conclude, then, that Finch was far more influenced and inspired by the Augustans than by any pre-romantic influences that may have been stirring in England in 1713. "The Introduction" 4. Advertisement Advertisement colemanburrows . Pope's essay and Addison and Steele's periodical are two major additions to England's literary history, and "A Nocturnal Reverie" comes on their heels, written by a woman who kept up with such things. She longs to stay in her reverie because it is an escape, real or imagined, from the life that makes her feel oppressed. Down and Ackerle demonstrate how women in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England used writing as a means of self-expression and how their social and familial position affected how and why they wrote. Personification is a literary device with which the author assigns human characteristics to non-human entities and is similar to anthropomorphism. In Finch's lifetime, she enjoyed a minimal amount of attention and respect for her work. It begins with the speaker describing the atmosphere and on a metaphorical note goes on to describe the " sunset" and " evening star". Out of this came a view of the individual as very important, along with a deep appreciation for art and nature. Abstract. If a writer can't trust words, how can she trust that an unfriendly audience will accept poetry from a woman? MAJOR WORKS: He writes that, as in other examples of her poetry, here "poetic consciousness is envisaged as an emptiness or lack which seeks to coincide with a peace or plenitude that it attributes to something outside of itself." Renewed interest in women writers, and especially overlooked women writers, led to Finch's rediscovery in the twentieth century and inclusion among major English poets. John Donne's witty, punny, passionate "The Canonization" was first published in his posthumous 1633 collection, Poems. Pope's classic An Essay on Criticism was published in 1711. For example, a classical poem could be recast in a seventeenth-century setting or could merely be retold in a way that thinly veiled criticism of current events. LINE BY LINE ANALYSIS OF THE POEM Stanza One. although we may read a document wordby-word or line- -by-line, we need to adjust our focus when processing the text for purposes of conducting qualitative data analysis so we concentrate on meaningful, undivided entities or wholes as our units of analysis. Moreover, it is written in heroic coupletstwo lines of rhyming verse in iambic pentameter, usually self-contained so that the meaning of the two lines is complete without relying on lines before or after them. Prentice Hall - 1977. There is only one figure in the poem, which places emphasis on an individual and the value of that individual's experience and imagination. I don't believe my neighbour will suffer because I want it to happen and I've read too many books about Aleister Crowley. Modern readers of Anne Finch's work take a particular interest in "A Nocturnal Reverie" with regard to its categorization. Because the poem's title refers to a reverie, the reader is left wondering if the entire experience was a dream, or if her musings on the river bank were the dreamy state to which it refers. Poetry was not only political and social, and an increasing body of work showed how personal poetry could be, and how well it suited the poet's need to reflect on his or her world. Download Citation | Contrasting Nature, Gender, and Genre in Anne Finch's "A Nocturnal Reverie" | Anne Finch came to be considered one of the most influential female figures of the Augustan era . Fables became a sizeable part of her writing, comprising nearly one-third of her total work. Many of Finch's poems may, as Brower insisted, be characterized as attenuated metaphysical verse, the work of a "minor poetess" in a period of transition. Finch's husband, Colonel Heneage Finch, built a career in government affairs and was active in James II's court. A convention parliament met to arrange for the lawful transfer of the crown to William and his wife, Mary. Because Colonel Finch refused to compromise his beliefs and give his support to William and Mary, he had difficulty finding a new job. It is crucial, I think, to Finch's ideological and literary purposes that though the poem amply analogizes the quality of experience possible in the "Retreat," it also rests in a subjective mood, called for and imagined but never realized within the frame of the poem itself. HISTORICAL CONTEXT The speaker repeatedly longs to relieve herself of the trappings of a stylized femininity, and to realign "inside" with "outside" in a new form of poetic, philosophical, psychical wholeness: she asks for "plain, and wholesome Fare" (33); for clothes "light, and fresh as May" (65), and "Habit cheap and new" (67); for "No Perfumes [to] have there a Part, / Borrow'd from the Chymists Art" (72-73); and when she "must be fine," she will "In natural Coulours shine" (96-97). All of the characteristics that make the muse femininebeauty, grace, pity, harmony with nature, and so ondisappear. Women, once situated in the symbolic realm of the "Retreat," will be able to enjoy a wider set of options for how to be and behave, both individually and in consort with each other, than the earlier description of wedded happiness had seemed to offer. The speaker states in the first line, "To draw no envy, Shakespeare, on thy name," where name represents Shakespeare's poetry and dramas, above which appear his name as author. The serenity and seriousness of her spirit embraces the charm and joy of nature in such a way that her very soul is engaged. She describes groves that, with little light, are softened with the near absence of shadow. Read at least five romantic poems and write an essay examining how Finch's poem is like or unlike the other romantic poems you have selected. The dominant "I" gives an. To most, the idea of a woman writing serious poetry was still a bit far-fetched. The poem contains many out-of-this-world . Finding romantic elements in "A Nocturnal Reverie" is not difficult. The poem's opening phrase is repeated three times over the course of the poem, and originates in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. Despite Finch's obvious importance, however, the standard edition remains Myra Reynolds's The Poems of Anne Countess of Winchilsea (Chicago, 1903), although this has long been recognized as incomplete: it omits, among other things, the large body of manuscript poems held at Wellesley College, Massachusetts and recently edited by J. M. Ellis D'Allesandro (Florence, 1988). In the distance, she hears a waterfall. The implications of her loss of confidence in that discourse are not confined to "To The Nightingale" but can be seen, in different ways, in such poems as "A Nocturnal Reverie" and "The Bird." The night has always held strange and wonderful things, and living in a reverie is often part of the fairytale world. Oxford English Dictionary (OED) Links Off. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. 95, Eighteenth-Century British Poets, First Series, Gale Research, 1990, pp. 22 Feb. 2023 . The poem features many of the qualities that typified poetry of this period. The first four opening lines of the poem sets. In a field, there are haystacks and a horse grazing. It brings a glint of laughter on faces and tears in our eyes. Style Love, this poem suggests, is timeless in more than one way: it can strike at any age . The grass invites the speaker to rest in it on the banks of the river. "The Tree," by contrast, avoids this ambivalence because it presupposes an absolute separation between human spectator and natural object and thus achieves the serene classical beauty that Ivor Winters detected in the poem. When Finch wrote "A Nocturnal Reverie," the romantic period in England was still eighty-five years away. Elliott, Lang, A Guide to Night Sounds: The Nighttime Sounds of Sixty Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, and Insects, Stackpole Books, 2004. Her. Alternatively of course, it could be both, happening by night and about night. 1: Red Hood und das Zombie-Kommando Rosenberg Matthew 2022-07-31 DIE SUICIDE Instead, Finch initially at least wants to universalize the opposition radically, by stripping it of the customary attributes of gender, by elevating the poet, muse, and nightingale to ideal categories. It appears in 2003's Anne Finch: Countess of Winchilsea: Selected Poems, edited by Denys Thompson. What were their backgrounds and what subjects did they choose for their work? Using personification, Finch breathes life into the natural elements in "A Nocturnal Reverie" so thoroughly that the scene seems populated with friends, old and new, rather than with trees, animals, and breezes. At the same time, though, the poem's depiction of this pastoral Retreat is undeniably laced with references to the very human world it purports to eschew, as when the "Willows, on the Banks" are shown to be "Gather'd into social Ranks" (134-35). Further, the giants of the Augustan Age were in full force at the time Finch wrote "A Nocturnal Reverie." Barbara McGovern argues that Finch's most sustained effort at satire, Ardelia's Answer to Ephelia, bears many thematic and technical similarities to Rochester's Letter from Artemesia in the Town to Chloe in the Country, and points out that both poets were Royalists who moved for a time in the same circles. An analysis of the A Nocturnal Reverie poem by Anne Kingsmill Finch including schema, poetic form, metre, stanzas and plenty more comprehensive statistics. Sleep inertia is the brief period of impaired alertness and performance experienced immediately after waking. On February 13, 1689, the two officially assumed the throne. By the time the reader gets to line 39, in which the speaker describes her relaxed spirit surrendering to high-level spiritual thoughts, the reader is already accustomed to an almost stream-of-consciousness feel. Finch's works often express a desire for respect as a female poet, lamenting her difficult position as a woman in the literary establishment and the court, while writing of "political ideology, religious orientation, and aesthetic sensibility". 1713. As Brower said, though in another context, "there are in Lady Anne's poetry traces" of a "union of lyricism with the diction and movement of speech." 1, January 1945, pp. By a kind of downward transformation, its shifting octosyllabic couplets, the medium of the "middle" style, only succeed in drawing attention to the close relation between poetic language and discursive prose. Given the overall character of Augustan literature, why is "A Nocturnal Reverie" considered one of its titles? After enduring failing health for a number of years, Finch died on August 5, 1720. Line after line my gushing eyes o'erflow, Led through a sad variety of woe: Now warnm in love, now withering in my bloom, Lost in a convent's solitary gloom! A Nocturnal Reverie By Anne Finch Summary. An edifice is both venerable and resting, and hills have expressions hidden by the night. DIED: 1973, Vienna, Austria She has been equally badly served by biographers and critics: no full-length biography or comprehensive critical assessment has hitherto been attempted. Encyclopedia.com. As you read, pick out which words express his pleasure and which ones express his pain and which words express his intense feeling and which his numbed feeling. Anne Finch uses night and day to create a metaphor comparing the busy world and peaceful solitude. Description, a poetic strategy that fuses the eye and its object, seems to overlook the skepticism inherent in "Upon the Death of Sir William Twisden" as well as in "To The Nightingale," both of which presuppose a disjunction between subject and object. "To the Nightingale" is also important in the history of poetry for another reason. Or pleasures, seldom reached, again pursued. 3, Summer 1991, pp. 499-513. Twelve Years A Slave (Illustrated) - Solomon Northup 2014-08-22 Twelve Years a Slave (1853) is a memoir and slave narrative by Solomon Northup, as told to and edited by David Wilson. There is a river with large trees hanging their leaves over it, and as it flows, its surface reflects the leaves and the moon. The leaves shake partly because of the flow of the river, but also because the leaves themselves are moving with the wind. In "A Nocturnal Reverie," this ambivalence is not only manifested in the hypothetical mode in which the poem's argument is cast but also in the restraint which confines "the free Soul" to the claim that it "thinks" the "inferiour World" is like its own (lines 43, 46). At her funeral, her husband honored her memory by expressing to those in attendance how much he admired her faith, her loyalty, her friendship and support, and her writing. The liberation the poet finds . Because James did not seem likely to produce an heir, whereas his Protestant brother already had children, most of James's opponents were willing to tolerate a temporary Catholic rule on the hope that another Protestant reign was in the offing. It is a time for renewed toil and activity. If you can find nature sounds that are consistent with the poem, add those for a multimedia experience. Examples in "A Nocturnal Reverie" include the owl directing the visitor where to go, the grass intentionally standing up straight, the glowworms enjoying showing off their light, the aromas that choose when they will float through the air, the night sky and the hills having faces, and the portrayal of the entire scene as one in which all of nature celebrates together. Annie Finch (born October 31, 1956) is an American poet, critic, editor, translator, playwright, and performer and the editor of the first major anthology of literature about abortion.Her poetry is known for its often incantatory use of rhythm, meter, and poetic form and for its themes of feminism, witchcraft, goddesses, and earth-based spirituality. As the poem draws to a close, the speaker longs to stay in the nighttime world of nature until morning comes and forces her back into her world of confusion. //]]>. Summary and analysis of John Brown by Bob Dylan. "A Nocturnal Reverie" is a fifty-line poem describing an inviting nighttime scene and the speaker's disappointment when dawn brings it to an end, forcing her back to the real world. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Like the speaker, the reader experiences the flow and relaxation of the nighttime setting. William was chosen because he was Protestant and also in the Stuart bloodline. Posted on February 19, 2021 by JL Admin. On the one hand, Finch could be outspoken in her critique of male resistance to women's poetry, but on the other, Finch herself clearly worries about how her poetry will be received, and thus seems at times to uphold the very standards against which her own writing might be doomed to fall short. The implication is that when man is awake and moving through the world, nature's full glory is suppressed. The speaker is completely enthralled by her experience outdoors, and she appreciates every aspect of it, making sure to include every animal, plant, flower, cloud, river, and glowwormin her telling. Instead, Finch suggests a wholly different method of breaking down patriarchal schema via poetic meanderingkind of post-lapsarian revision of the scene of errored wandering that constitutes lapsarian lossthat might conduct women to paradisal space. The writing of "The Task", a six book blank verse poem, is considered one of the greatest achievements of William Cowper 's life. Part 2 "A Nocturnal Reverie" "A Nocturnal Reverie" does convey a message. Finch was a well-educated woman who took care with her poetry to ensure that it was technically sound. There is no room in this version of the nightingale for an explicit allusion to the mute Philomelathe classical archetype of woman as victim, nor for Sidney's nightingale whose "throat in tunes expresseth / What grief her breast oppresseth, / For Tereus' force on her chaste will prevailing" (lines 6-8). C.cacophony. Here, Mendelson and Crawford provide a thorough reference on what life was like for women in all walks of life and in every part of the social strata in early modern England. Finch was a well-educated woman who took care with her poetry to ensure that it was technically sound.. The authors explore topics such as marriage, roles of women in religion and politics, working women, and the separate society shared only by women. Author Biography B.assonance. By way of unfolding this set of questions, I would like to argue for Finch's "The Petition for an Absolute Retreat" as an ars poetica that takes the mobius strip of writing and specularity as its thematic and structural principle. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Barbara McGovern devotes two chapters to Finch's use of the pastoral, a genre to which she returned constantly throughout her life and which she adapted to a wide range of styles and themes. In "The Bird" the speaker's ambivalence is manifested in a doubt which represents the bird as alternatively guardian of the heart and male surrogate, the "false accomplice" of love (line 30). As soon as the sun The sea water gushes past these rough stone pieces making a roaring sound. "A Nocturnal Reverie" contains qualities of both Augustan and romantic literature, therefore a look at the literary-historical context of the poem's composition helps determine where it properly belongs. ." [MK73] "Penury," in line 51 of Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard," means extreme poverty; destitution. In this sense the poem proliferates and reiterates a set of interlocking worries that pervades much of Finch's work. What is the relationship between place and literature in "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" by Thomas Gray and "A Nocturnal Reverie" by Anne Finch? In terms of form, "A Nocturnal Reverie" is rooted in two venerated, classically inspired traditions of poetry that both the Augustans and the Romantics admiredthe first of which being, as its title suggests, the nocturne. invest little era to entrance this on-line message Tyson Hesse S Diesel Ignition as capably as review them wherever you are now. The poem has its origins in a rather peculiar story. The poet falls into a reverie while listening to an actual nightingale sing. At the same time, her work reflects knowledge of and respect for seventeenth-century poetry and the conventions that characterize it. But Augustan literature was not merely biting wit and lengthy verse and prose. The fact that Wordsworth praised her in terms which suggest that she was primarily a nature poet has led to the inclusion in standard anthologies of her Nocturnal Reverie and Petition for an Absolute Retreat despite the fact that, as Barbara McGovern points out, of the more than 230 poems she wrote only about half a dozen are devoted primarily to descriptions of external nature, and these, with the exception of the two just named, are not among her better poems (p. 78). Most notably, Augustan poets used classical forms to make modern statements. What is a Nocturnal Reverie about? Summary: Captain Kathryn Janeway takes her most trusted crewmember, Seven of Nine, on an away mission. She was, from an early age, drawn to poetry as a means of self-expression, even knowing that her pursuit would likely be only personal. The speaker is saddened that dawn is coming and she must return to the harsh reality of the world and the day. Create a display that features the artwork and the poem. In Great Britain, the dominant writers of what is considered the Augustan Age were Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, Sir Richard Steele, and Joseph Addison. Pope is not at all associated with the romantic period, and his views on criticism, like his writing, are consistent with the Augustan perspective. The speaker's senses next pick up certain aromas that are not present during the day but only waft through the night air. As most fables go, it anthropomorphizes characters to convey moral lessons. Omen Clouds pass gently overhead, at times allowing the sky to shine through to the speaker. In the following essay, Jump addresses the misrepresentation of Finch as a nature poet and the resultant popularity of such poems as "A Nocturnal Reverie.". In fact, according to the speaker, it is impossible in such a setting for a person to hold onto anger. "Nocturnal Reverie" 6. More birds will enter the sense imagery of the poem, but not until near the end. Reaching the spot between the operations and tactical stations, she stopped. In short, how can, and should, a woman write? It tries to enumerate the emotions of a dolphin which was once free, swimming around at its own will, but is now confined to an aquarium or a water-park a place where it does what its owner or trainer tells it . We can see in this essay, primarily, a supreme expression of the increasing loneliness of his life. Anne Kingsmill was born in April, 1661 Some Other poems From of Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea Include. Barbara McGovern argues that, as a poet, Anne Finch has been continually misrepresented. The poem's speaker, a middle-aged man who has fallen deeply in love, tells a mocking friend to leave him alone and "let him love" already. The kids are disappointed by their presents, the stepdad feels chilly, the dog pukes, the mom has some sex dreams about a man who isn't her husband, there's a reek of human . Finch's purpose is certainly not to show the archetypal permanence of the distinction, nor is it (as in "The Introduction") to show the ill effects of the distinction upon the female poet. In the supplement to the preface of his and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's second edition of Lyrical Ballads in 1815, the renowned romantic poet William Wordsworth praised "A Nocturnal Reverie" for its imagery in describing nature. Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Through the contrast between music and speech, Finch acknowledges a collapse of faith in the power of the poet as singer rather than as persuader. A similar sense of absence also haunts Finch's powerful elegy, "Upon the Death of Sir William Twisden," where the weeping clouds and rivers of the pastoral elegist are exposed as illusory, fictive transmutations of reality. That is, the connection with nature, described in the lines of "a nocturnal reverie", brings to the speaker good, happy and calm feelings (composedness). Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. The first line of the poem employs A.an apostrophe. 183, August 1995, pp. Suppressing the customary attributes of gender helps to make room for a different kind of concern, one that is poetic rather than cultural. Themes Fortunately, William made arrangements for all of his children's educations before his death. Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea (1661-1720) wrote A Nocturnal Reverie during an extended period of rural exile in Kent, following the deposition of King James II. He feels joy and pain, an ambivalent response. , "Romantic Period in English Literature," in A Handbook to Literature, 9th ed., Prentice Hall, 2003, pp. By all accounts, the marriage was happy for both of them. In "A Nocturnal Reverie" by Anne Finch, the speaker's attitude toward the morning is the following: it is a time for renewed toil and activity. But others see in the poem glimpses of one of the most influential literary movements to comeromanticism. She was a major female poet during her lifetime, whose work spanned genres and addressed a variety of subjects. Hello, sign in. She is an independent writer specializing in literature. of the mansion, whose nocturnal ambiance seems so amenable for very strange dreams Muse is a lyrical and titillating ride through reverie and nostalgia, drawn by comics superstar Terry Dodson (Marvel's "Uncanny X-Men," DC's "Harley Quinn"). In a sense the poem argues that the mind must resist this seduction into illusion and hence must confront the unpleasant fact that "Nature (unconcern'd for our relief) / Persues her settl'd path, her fixt, and steaddy course" (lines 27-28). Everything from the sights, sounds, and smells of the night creates an almost perfect world that comforts her and allows her the luxury of going deeply into her own thoughts and feelings. Cart All. The entire scene is a jubilee, a group celebration shared by the elements of nature and witnessed by the speaker. A modern edition of her work was published in 1903, and various poems appear in major anthologies and studies of women's writing. Critical Overvi, c. 1789 Miscellany Poems, on Several Occasions, London: printed for J [ohn] B [arber] and sold by Benj. While he considers the weight of Wordsworth's endorsement in a romantic context, Miller finds plenty to like in "A Nocturnal Reverie" apart from that. The Orator, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: Dream Master, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge, A New Vision: Saint-Denis and French Church Architecture in the Twelfth Century, A New View of the Universe: Photography and Spectroscopy in Nineteenth-Century Astronomy, A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin, 1897, A Passion in the Desert (Une Passion Dans le Dsert) by Honor de Balzac, 1837, A Perfect Day for Bananafish by J. D. Salinger, 1953, https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/nocturnal-reverie. Task Force Z - Bd. Finch portrays nature in "A Nocturnal Reverie" as a lively and animated community of animals, trees, flowers, plants, clouds, aromas, grass, wind, and water. Nature is humanized through extensive use of anthropomorphism and personification, and the effect is that nature is characterized as being friendly, welcoming, and nurturing. Her critical biography of Finch covers new ground in a number of ways. (February 22, 2023). Is to its distant cavern safe confined; And only gentle Zephyr fans his wings, And lonely Philomel, still waking, sings; Or from some tree, famed for the owl's delight, She, hollowing clear, directs the wand'rer right: In such a night, when passing clouds give place, And about night Returns & amp ; Orders Colonel Finch refused to compromise his beliefs and his! Her poetry to ensure that it was technically sound whose work spanned genres and a! At times allowing the sky to shine through to the Duke of York and also in the Stuart bloodline most. Harsh reality of the river, but not until near the end grace,,! Lengthy verse and prose Gale Research, 1990, pp an essay on Criticism was published in 1711 and. This on-line message Tyson Hesse S Diesel Ignition as capably as review them wherever are... Return to the speaker, it could be both, happening by night and day to create a metaphor the... 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a nocturnal reverie analysis line by line