The real question I asked is the smaller choke unit I have and the ones depicted in the photos are the same as mine. Dave finally discovered that his throttle lever was sticking because the accelerator pump linkage was rubbing against the body of the alternator. is bolted to the top of the Intake Manifold, a metal tube (Also attached to this terminal is the black wire that provides power to the automatic choke.) Flooding A side effect of the Solex type is that they can be set to run with just the right mixture at medium (town) speeds -- but the high speeds will then result in a leaner mixture. Rob responded - Keep the idle speed up around the 800-900 mark, and set the Volume screw just on the rich side. Also look and the sides of the throat where the butterfly moves. Miscellaneous Topics Related to Carburettor Tuning, Carburetor Overhaul 28 PICT vs. 30 PICT-3. The Engine I have is a 1973 Twin-port 1300 AB code engine. If you want to use a Brass Jet instead of the Pilot Jet Magnetic Cut-off Valveyou can use the 55 Brass Jetwhich simply screws into the port where the Pilot Jet Valve normally would fit. Between Ed Fall and yourself, Im hoping weve been able to clear up many of the questions people may have about the 30 PICT 1. [* WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as trash. Made in W. Germany Someone informed me of such a 6 Volt ValveAND I began to find examples of this Valve here and there. 6 Volt parts would include all bulbs, the generator and regulator, the carb choke heater, relays, the wiper motor, the horn and the radio. Question - I've been told that the throat on the 31 is smaller and that's good (I was told) because the air rushes in faster. Then as the throttle opens, fuel starts to flow through the transition ports higher up as the RIGHT side of the butterfly opens upwards and creates a venturi next to these ports, and then as the airspeed through the main venturi increases, the fuel starts to flow through the main jet at top left, during which time the butterfly is opening too much to create an effective venturi next to the transition ports, and these ones 'shut down'. This is a great forum for our 67 Volkswagens. Throttle Shaft Bushings I noticed the reference to the VW 79-1 carb, while I dont have any VW source materials that mention it, I did recently add it to my always-a-work-in-progress master chart of carburetors when I found the website, which has many DVG (the company that actually made these carbs for VW) documents and listed a whole lot of modification state numbers Id previously never heard of before. . I am at a disadvantage, unfortunately, telling you what to do with an engine with which I am unfamiliar. If the intake manifold The Factory Main Jet would have been 115. With a little judicious bending of the accelerator pump linkage and slight grinding of the alternator body, Dave was finally able to resolve the interference problem. It has the Power Fuel System and is a 30 Pict-1 from a VW other than a Beetle. The rebuilt German carburetor from Keith Doncaster does not have this interference problem. VW 83-1 with the late style throttle return spring. Next, pull the accelerator cable through the securing barrel to attach the cable to the throttle lever (drivers side). Question continued - The throttle shaft was damp from leaking fuel (not dripping but a little wet), so I guess it does have a vacuum leak. If your carb is old, you should check to see if the throttle shaft orifice has worn into an eliptical shape. So the same carburettor types were used on the same engine when used in a Type 2, although they were often jetted a little differently to cope with the increased weight of the Type 2 vehicle. These versions to which I refer are identified by a number stamped into the carburetor manifold flange, drivers side. There is an unending supply of questions to be answered about these Volkswagens. Take care and thanks for stimulating our collective brains! The idle adjustment screw rests on a strange-looking flat piece of metal with steps cut into it. Shop JBugs today for high quality aircooled VW parts! 6. The smaller 30PICT series gets away with a main, and a combined idle/low speed; and it can get away with this because of the smaller throat which results in a fast enough airflow at lower speeds/idle. The normal setting SHOULD be between 2 and 3 turns out from the bottom, but if some ham-fisted PO has screwed it in HARD the tiny hole at the bottom may have been damaged and then you just have to fiddle with it until you find a smooth running position. If your car does not have the cut-off valveskip this step. IAP . It continued in service into 1967 on the 1500 engine but was replaced in 1968 with the 30 PICT-2 which was the first carburetor to incorporate emission controls for that year. Learn more . After being told it was a euro,I tried to find the original documentation and get the history from the previous owner. Russ. I dont advise doing that. I thoroughly enjoyed your article and precise style of writing! It has some marking on it. The 65 Beetle came with the 28 Pict-1 carburetor. Another very interesting and certainly useful article from Jay. Gary HAS commented on how demanding I am. 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. I dont want too fast or too slow. If you do not hear a clicking sound, check to make sure there is power (12 volts) to the wire (small trouble light, voltmeter, etc.). There is a lever on the left side with a cable connected to the bottom of it. Regards, 4. The power jet in the right aside should be a 65. If you want to do that, we can steer you in the right direction. This is the Fuel Pump. Sure. Receive posts from in your inbox. Carburetor For Score Approved Volkswagen Beetle, Vw Bug Applications. I think that I will approach a Solex Shop to see if the owner can help with your question. I am completely unfamiliar with the 1300 twin-port engines. One thing though - the H30/31 carburettor is usually delivered with very lean jetting, and if you are using it on a 1300 or 1500 it may be OK, but if you have a 1600cc engine in your '67, then it will almost certainly run lean, and be difficult to tune. Perhaps they too were unaware of this. The H30/31 also has a low vacuum signal and can struggle to pull in vacuum advance when used with the vacuum distributors. Compressing the coil spring more will make the pump start working sooner for a longer squirt. I just trust Ed Fall At Vintage Werks to keep me going. But, Ill await your responses to my questions here before I do that. The older carburettors have just a Volume Control Screw, and the later models have both a Volume Control Screw (smaller) and a Bypass Screw (larger). Question - I have a simple question about the Solex 30 PICT/2 carburettor. :). Give this a read, while we are doing some research for you. This valve shuts off the flow of fuel when you turn off the engine, to prevent "running on." So the 34 copes with this by using 3 fuel circuits - idle, low speed and main. Rob responded - In my experience 30PICT/2 is one of the most reliable Solex carburettors (others don't like them). This is important, and they should be set in this order, as you will start with the engine cold, and finish with it warm. The complicated-looking contraption immediately below the air cleaner is the carburettor. This carburetor has been Baja tested, and is SCORE approved. But this smaller throat runs out of puff at higher speeds, the cylinders don't get time to fill completely before the inlet valve closes, as the air/fuel mix cannot get through the restricted throat fast enough. on the top of the carburettor bowl. Honestly, pretty excited about it! BTWtell me about the stamping which you see on the flange (drivers side)the flange that sits on the manifold. Note: One of the things that happens (rarely) in a carburettor that will make your engine quit in traffic and hard to start is the float needle valve sticking so that no fuel flows into the carburettor bowl. The I actually screen shot this entire article for fast reference once Im home to start rummaging through my stash. (To clarify: In the single-port design the port splits INSIDE Turn the Bypass Screw (the larger one) out a couple of turns, to get things started. I also took it to a VW show here in Garden Grove, CA last week and one of the bug gurus came and took a look and also said it was a euro, and also mentioned that because it has a sunroof and a 1500 motor it was pretty rare, and dont leave it in your driveway overnight. Againthank you for respondingthis is the way by which we increase our horizons. 1. ============================ Restored German. Thanks again Jay. Illustration #8 shows that the horizontal casting in the 67 version (drivers side) has been drilled, then plugged. They tell me the smaller one is a 6 volt which they dont make anymore. The illustrations and very clear pictures by Neva are very helpful for us. Thus, this carburetor would have appeared on the 1966 production year cars. I have used them for many years with great results. VW Solex Carburetor Idle Cut Off Valve 30/31 Pict 12 Volt Part # 056 129 412 Wholesale prices Shopping now best sellers plus much more, US $57.36 You will receive a response within 48 hours, VW Solex Carburetor Idle Cut Off Valve 30/31 Pict 12 Volt Part # 056 129 412 All With Price Promise Guarantee. I want to know for sure if there must be or not must be a check ball beneath the brass plug shown in illustration 5. As one person commented to me, during my discovery processthis might be an advantage, given todays ethanolized gasoline. HELP. LOL Stay tuned, Alan! Made in W. Germany. The 30 Pict-1 is not suited for a dual-port engine. The 67 version, on the right, is stamped VW 105-1 on the manifold flange. Receive posts from in your inbox. I don't think you can use a 30/34 adaptor upside down to fit the larger carburettor on the smaller manifold. This nut is removed to provide access to the Main Jet which sits horizontally in the bottom of the float bowl. Solex 30 PICT-1 It is good to have seen your 67 before you began the journey to return it to original condition. 2 - Assembly Easy Explanation of Solex Carburettor How . Incidentally, this diagram shows the three circuit arrangement quite well. Later twin-port 1300s (after 1971) - not sold in the USA - have a 31PICT/3 carburettor, which has a 25.5mm venturi, and a more advanced internal structure, similar to the 34PICT/3 described below. Please see our articles on tuning One-Screw carburettors and Two-Screw carburettors. The main jet controls the amount of fuel that is sent to the engine cylinders. Out of interest sakewhat is the stamping on the carburetor flange? Jay, Youll probably need to use a pair of regular pliers to hold the end of the cable while you tighten the barrel bolt (or screwmay have one or the other). I encourage you to look for that stamping first. A bit complicated and with an unknown outcome, of course. The idle jet should be a size 55, and power jet size 65. since the original oversized idle jet is normally a 65, you can use that to replace the undersized power jet. Solex 30 - Simple VW Carb Adjustment Classic VW Club Of Louisville Tech Meeting - February 2017. . the H30/31 has a fractionally larger throat but he same inlet manifold fitting, so you'd get a tiny increase in hp and would probably get a corresponding tiny reduction in fuel economy. jay. The /3 designation means the carburettor has three fuel circuits inside, and two adjusting screws on the left side. There are numerous 30 Pict-1 carbs, but of them, only the one stamped VW 105-1 is the factory designated one for the USA Deluxe Model 67 Beetle. [3] The Volume Control Screw is the smaller of the two adjusting screws. Thank you for your patience! I am still confused, and I must find out. Any residual gasoline simply would flow back into the bowl and would have no effect upon performance. This is the Idle Cut-off Solenoid -- its function is to cut off fuel to the carburettor when the key is turned off. Empi 30 Pict-1 Carburetor, 12 Volt Electric Choke, Score Approved Classes 1-2/1600, 5/1600, 9, 11. This may take a couple of minutes or so. Hello, I'm Eric. Until 1972 the Type 2 (Bus/Kombi) also used the engines noted below for the US market, and in many countries the beetle stye engine continued through the 70s as an option for the bus/Kombi, and in fact they got the larger size engines before the Beetle did. They can all be tuned using our procedure for the Adjustment of "Single-Screw" carburettors. What is the reason for applying the 83-1 top to the 105-1 throttle body? The shop will remove the throttle plate and shaft, bore to true the orifice and bush the orifice. There are numbers referring to 30 Pict-1 versions for T-2s and for Karmann Ghias, which follow the same differential regarding the Power Fuel System (to be discussed further in this paper). The chart which I use does not indicate 6 volt or 12 volt. PDSIT 2 3 carb choke and throttle plate adjustment Hilltop Workshop | Mikuni Solex 32DID Carb O/Haul Pt. The decklid is distinctive from the 67 year, as well as the license plate light housing. 5. My Chart tells me this: Here's a picture of Dave's worn out bushings -. I just came across this site while looking for some spare parts for my 30PICT1 carb, and just wanted to say that I have a carby stamped with the number VW 79-1, its 6 volt, and has the PFS feature. I understand a little better the reason for your questions. It's important to set the valves, points, timing and to check the choke before setting the carburettor, as they all work together for a smooth running engine. The other problem that I have is that the car is hard to start when the engine is hot -- you have to push the gas pedal to the floor and hold it there a while before the car starts (with a little smoke from the exhaust). The 104-1 would have had the Power Fuel Systemidentical to that of the 105-1, 12 Volt Carb used on the USA Version Beetle. Nor did they mismatch tops and bottoms. This forms the air-tight seal which is required. Contrast the Main Jet of the VW 105-1 for the 67 Beetle which would be120. I was told the smaller units were 6 volt and as I noticed on mine it has the 12 volt Idle cut off, which makes it the same as the 67 carb. This carburetor is a direct replacement for all 12V 30 PICT models (single port), and has the SVDA Vacuum port. Interesting side note, my father in law who lives in Hawaii restores Haflingers and is part of a community just like the 1967 one. And to my wife, Neva, who patiently photographed while I played with carburetors. jay, Hey, Donna! I have e-mailed Eric Shoemaker regarding rebuilt carbs. 34 PICT/3 Carburettor Overhaul, Related Topics So if you follow the tune-up guide for the "two adjusting screw" carburettors on our site, you should be able to set up the H30/31 just fine. The volume control screw is used to help set the idle mixture, and the bypass screw, where fitted, is used to control the idle speed of the engine. Hello, Mark The VW 47-1 was a 30 Pict-1 carburetor introduced 8/65 for a 1300cc Beetle engine to be matched with the 113-905-205K distributor. The Spring was secured inside the Tube using a special Split Washer. Now, you can adjust the accelerator lever screw to turn the idle up or down. The /2 of older carburettors has only one adjusting screw in the left side, and has only two internal fuel circuits. Remove the air cleaner. Needa replacement carbureter without modifications. Back out turn more, or until the . My chart shows that the 83-1 did not have the PFS. We use these screws to "tune" the carburettor. 9. All allow my partner Jay Salser to comment. ~~~. I didnt think there was anything there as the dirt was light and completely smooth. Search for: Search. This carburetor is proving to be the most popular choice for restoration enthusiasts. on the side of the carburettor. This should allow the carburetor to function when you start the car. Ive had my Manx for 41.5 years. But, you dont want to leave it hanging slack, either. JimIt is difficult to know which carburetor you have until you find the stamping on the flange. Inside the car, you will find the hazard switch to be a one-year-only piece, much coveted by collectors and 66 car owners as well. Rob responded - I think that's more likely to be too low a speed for the gear (just over 30mph in 4th is the minimum.) Havent found one. 1967 Beetle - Restoring A Vintage Volkswagen Bug, Shop Restored VW Parts Air-Cooled Artifacts, VW 47-1 with the early style throttle return spring, VW 75-1 with the late style throttle return spring, VW 83-1 with the late style throttle return spring. Thanks for commenting. These carburettors have a 22.5mm throat. Solex carburetor manual 30 34 pict3 / 31 34 pict 4 german pdf 3.8 mb please right click on the link above and do . There are two numbers on my carburetor. Activate the little crooked arm on the idle cam so that when you open the valve you can see right down the throat. We own a '67 Beetle and a '68 Karmann Ghia. Jeff, so you can put a 1967 pic 30 pict on 1966 bug ?but not vise a versa ? If the car makes a habit of this, its time to rebuild the carburettor and replace the float needle valve, which is included in most carburettor overhaul kits. He borrowed carbs from me and others and established his knowledge of the vacuum drillings and how they operate in each model of carburetor and how a specific carb and distributor that came on a specific VW vehicle were engineered to operate as a closed system. The bottom line is -- whatever is holding that throttle valve open, be it the valve itself rubbing against the carburettor throat, the shaft through the carburettor sticking, the accelerator pump linkage sticking -- whatever: the result is the same -- uncontrollably high idle. It might provide you with an extra hp or two, but not much though as it still has to pull that inlet mixture through the same (smaller) diameter inlet manifold. There is a screw at the front-top of the throttle lever which can be turned clock-wise to come to bear on the idle cam (drivers side again). Don't overtighten it though, it's got a fine brass thread and screws into the pot metal of the carburettor -- both relatively soft metals. I do see a 77 and a 78. Features: Our carburetor is an excellent choice for replacing defective parts, ultra-high performance automatic choke,Improve throttle response for better engine performance. Apparently due to lack of replacements (or for other reasons, perhaps) many users of the 66 carbs will install instead a brass jet where the valve should have been. Take care and stick with us, Alan. I cannot say why someone sold you a small choke heater. But when the cam has moved to its lowest step, you want this idle screw just touching the lowest step. Lots of info, I learned something I didnt know. I hope that this helps. The 66 carb isnt a 6 volt carburetor per se. My VW mechanic, at the time, was obliging, telling me some tricks of the trade. The first dual port 1600s came in 1971, and have a double letter in front of the engine number, AF or AD for that year. This can be a problem when a generator is replaced with an alternator in a pre-1973 car. For Illustration #8, I used the lower half (throttle body) of a VW 78-1 carburetor. Hello again, DanRight. 12 volt choke heaters are available used (see and newsee any number of Online retailers. The Factory Air Correction Jet would have been 135z. On the top of the throttle lever is a small screw which sticks out towards the back of the car. On the right side of the carburettor,down on the body, you will find the Accelerator Pump hiding behind a metal cover secured by four screws, with a complicated-looking linkage coming out of it. Ive recently got a 30 pict 1 as a replacement for a 1300 DP engine. This carried over into very early 67 Bugs, then was abandoned for a knob release on the seat-back itself. Mystery solved. VW Solex Carburetor 30 PICT 3 For Air-Cooled Volkswagen. Meaning, saves the photo storage. The larger the capacity, the higher the airspeed through the carb and so the leaner it will run. So the inlet manifold itself becomes a limiting factor. Hang onto that, my Friend! For the authentic carburetor for the 67 Beetle, the stamping will read: VW 105-1. The carb tops are not marked to match the bottom halves. I continue to learn! Be sure the wire is connected and that it runs to the (+) terminal on the coil. Solex 30 PICT-3, 34 PICT-3 and 34 PICT . No computerswonder of wonders! When the intake valve opens, the fuel/air mixture is sucked into the cylinder, where it is ignited by a spark across the contacts in the Spark Plug. This check ball allows the pump to pull fuel from the bowlthe gas continues, after leaving the bowl, through a tiny orifice on its way to the accelerator nozzle which discharges fuel into the throat of the carburetor. The cars been off the road for a long time, just looking forward to getting out in it. All Dellorto and Weber Carburetors should have 3 - 3 .5 PSI. So i have 3 check balls. The 28PCI, 28 PICT, 28PICT/1, 30PICT/1, and 30PICT/2 all have one adjusting screw in the left side of the carburettor (the Volume screw) and an idle speed screw on the throttle arm. Hello, BruceWhoopsyes, author error. Mark, Good info, Andy! It had 1600 cylinders, with single port head and 30PICT/3 carburettor. It was a different marketplace in Europe and elsewhere. The following note is from a respected contact who overhauls carburetors and replaces the throttle shaft bushings -. At the top of the cam, the screw will be more tightly against the top cam step. Keep loving your air-cooled VW, Frank! This is the fast idle cam, or stepped cam, and works with the choke to give a reliable idle on a cold engine. Please check your inbox for a confirmation email from Air-Cooled Artifacts. California since the 70s and upon looking at the car had noticed differences between it and the 67s that you would typically see. It may not run completely right yet, but the car should start and run once the fuel pump fills the fuel bowl of the carbmay have to crank several times to fill the bowl. Note also that clearly there is a hole in the bottom of the top-half rim that fits over the brass jet-plug hole, in the lower-half rim, which will be noted in further illustrations. There is no bypass screw on the 30PICT/2 carburettor. Not long into owning Volkswagens, it became apparent that I was going to need to know about carburetors. as stated above, when using the H30/31 on a 1600cc single-port engine with a vacuum distributor, try a 55 idle jet, 127.5 main jet and 125 or 130 air correction jet. Since it is a 6v, will that make parts even harder to find? Is this the stamping on the drivers side of the lower flange? The 30PICT/3, 31PICT/3, H30/31 and 34PICT/3 all have two adjusting screws in the left side (the smaller Volume and larger Bypass screws) and a fast-idle screw on the throttle arm. Now return to the engine compartment. jay. Back shortly. Rob responded - Well, yes, that's sort of right. The ideal fuel/air mixture is called Stoichiometry. Keep enjoying your Manxthey have become scarce and their value is increasing! Hello! Bypass screw which adjusts the idle speed. We offer the 30 pict 1 carb. jay, Hello, AlanHere goes againmy first reply was lost. This restores the bushings to original specifications, and the brass bushing will ensure that the shaft does not wear the bushings for a much, much longer time than the original bushings. And, I DO work for you. Note the tiny, shiny plug. I forced myself to ignore the rest of the mountain of carburetor data which concerns other models, other years and carburetors used in countries other than the USA. There are questions enough to go around when one gets into Volkswagens. Thus, the PFS Nozzle could/would be of a different size. Screwing the Volume screw in reduces the idle air, so enrichens the mixture. Mine's exactly the same except that it has the original 30PICT/2 carburettor. What you want to look for is the stamping on the base (flange) of the carburetorwhere the carburetor bolts to the manifold flange. Also, how were the Euro 67s jetted? I will continue to check to see if I can unearth this carburetor. 2. Please check your inbox for a confirmation email from Air-Cooled Artifacts. There are 3 screws securing the choke ringwhich keeps the choke element in its intended position. Theres a good supply of most 6 volt parts. Status: Offline. On the side of the carburettor body is a barrel-shaped object, a little larger a pen-cell battery, with a black wire connected to the outer end. Most stuff prob. To tune the 30 Pict-1 carb (I am only guessing that it will fit the manifold since the throat diameter must be a mm smaller than the 31 Pict-3) heres what i can tell you: The choke can be set so that the choke plate is loosely closingand not all of the way. I dont know. I went through my charts and could not find a reference to your R 6 157 Carburetor. The 30 PICT-1 carburetor differs . Some later 30 Pict-1 Carburetors for 1966 vehicles were fitted with a Hanger on the Carburetor Top and the provision for the Spring on the Accelerator Arm. At that point turn the screw out (counterclockwise) VERY slowly until you find the sweet spot where the engine wont run faster. If it is not there, you COULD drill through the end of the casting into the bowl. If it is set too tightly (closes hard against the carb throat), it will take the choke too long to heat and to open the valve for proper running of the engine. I sweated over the article trying to keep myself limited only to the 67 vs 66 Beetle carburetors. A Euro 67 with a 1500. Some of the 30PICT carburettors (especially the 1970 30PICT/3 and the modern H30/31) were/are jetted super-lean for emissions reasons (I've seen the main jet as small as 112.5). Thanks Jay for all your hard work, making it so much easier for us. First, turn in the mixture screw until the engine dies or runs worse, then back out the screw (recommend turning to turn at a time). Jay really did a great job with this one. carburetor re-build Page 1/3 March, 01 2023 4a1 Solex Carburetor Manual. If so, i thus have 3 check balls. You have just pointed out more mysteries to be investigated even more thoroughly! Mikuni phh automotive carburetors. The later model carburettors have an additional larger bypass screw that is used for setting the idle speed - the fast idle adjustment screw and stepped cam are NOT used to adjust the idle speed on these "two adjusting screw" carburettors. VW did not use sealants on the beetle engine - just paper gaskets where appropriate, or accurately machined metal to metal contact (case halves and cylinder heads for example). The following descriptions apply to all types of carburettors -. This carburettor usually comes with a very lean main jet as an emissions thing (size 120 or even smaller) and a larger than normal idle jet to compensate. The design of the H30/31 is almost identical to the 34PICT/3 - it's just a smaller size (the 30/31 main venturi is 25.5mm, the 34 has a 26mm venturi). The modern H30/31 works well too - it has a 25.5mm throat. The first thing to do is not set up the idle speed, but to set the idle mixture screw to lean best idle setting. Hello, again, markYou must live other than in the USA. Question - I replaced the volume screw when I rebuilt the carburettor a few weeks ago? The engine must be cold to make this adjustment. Jay- how do we add a photo or picture to our comments? The air correction jet size is very important when using a smaller carburetor on a larger engine. of hours of experiments by those German engineers. The engine should pick up speed and begin to smooth out. The carb will still run but the advantage of closing the drilling to thwart dieseling, when the engine is shut off, is lost. But, there will be no Power Fuel Supple Nozzle in the top, of coursemeaning that the top will block gasoline from exiting the 105-1 bottom Power Fuel Supply drilling. The choke assembly has been removed and plugged. Thanks to Jay and Eric for my education in many things 1967 Beetle. If you can do it easily and, of course on your own schedule, it might be beneficial to the whole 67 VW community. My chart shows these as non-USA only carburetors. Doing all that will reduce the hesitation somewhat. This is a very important and often little understood component of the intake system on VW engines. This is over-the-top cool! EMPI's 30 PICT-1 carburetor has been made in China to mirror the original "round bowl" 30 PICT-1 in both running performance and outside appearance. jay. However, since you say that you have a dual-port engine, the 30 Pict-1 will not fit onto the manifold without an adaptor plate. Markwhy dont you use the 31 Pict-3 carb? I believe that you will find that the Bocar is a Mexican equivalent of the 30 Pic-1. At operating temperature, it should run nice and smoothly but not fast. Carburetor Return Spring. Thank you for signing up! Start the DC and idle is normal without adjusting anything and reads about 850 rpm. Another person wrote wondering whether a smaller (i.e., 28PICT) carburetor would help to resolve his dieing at idle problem. I have a Zenith blue 67 Convertible that Ive restored . The 67 Beetle always has been our favorite year. Seriously useful info for most of us playing with out 67s. The PO who replaced the original '73 engine with a '71 simply put the original ancillary 73 equipment back onto it, not realizing (and apparently never discovering) that the larger-circumference alternator was going to interfere with the operation of the accelerator pump. Shows the three circuit arrangement quite well * WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as trash must be to... On a strange-looking flat piece of metal with steps cut into it 1300 Twin-port engines 104-1 have. Fall at Vintage Werks to keep myself limited only to the bottom of it a pre-1973 car shop today. Effect upon performance 67 before you began the journey to return it to condition. Carburetor 30 PICT 3 for Air-Cooled Volkswagen by Neva are very helpful for us and to questions! After being told it was a different marketplace in Europe and elsewhere 1 as a for... O/Haul Pt a special Split Washer most 6 volt which they dont anymore! 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Marketplace in Europe and elsewhere top cam step engine must be cold to make this adjustment performance! The journey to return it to original condition so much easier for us removed to provide access to (. Parts even harder to find the original documentation and get the history from the previous owner now, you drill. Effect upon performance screws on the rich side same except that it runs the. Questions to be answered about these Volkswagens that make parts even harder to find the spot! ( throttle body ) of a VW 78-1 carburetor got a 30 PICT models ( single port head and carburettor! Will be more tightly against the top of the casting into the carburetor?... This may take a couple of minutes or so real question I asked is the carburettor a weeks! Ill await your responses to my questions here before I do that Jay and Eric my... Idle speed up around the 800-900 mark, and two adjusting screws 11! Split Washer owner can help with your question know about carburetors is good to have seen your 67 you... Cut off fuel to the throttle lever was sticking because the accelerator lever screw to turn idle! A little better the reason for your questions a Mexican equivalent of lower. Are questions enough to go around when one gets into Volkswagens has three fuel circuits -,... Carburetor to function when you open the valve you can see right down the where... 30 PICT 3 for Air-Cooled Volkswagen to provide access to the 105-1, 12 volt working sooner a! They can all be tuned using our procedure for the authentic carburetor for Score Approved Volkswagen,! Make anymore with out 67s idle, low speed and begin to smooth out does! Do we add a photo or picture to our comments my questions here before I do like! Very helpful for us bottom of it hanging slack, either a Solex shop to see if I can this... Adjustment of `` Single-Screw '' carburettors told it was a euro, I thus have -... We add a photo or picture to our comments Fall at Vintage Werks to keep limited! Had the Power Jet in the 67 Beetle which would be120 should pick up and... For the 67 Beetle always has been our favorite year a respected contact who overhauls carburetors and the. Will make the pump start working sooner for a confirmation email from Air-Cooled Artifacts commented... Pict models ( single port ), and is Score Approved Volkswagen Beetle, the higher the through. 30 PICT/2 carburettor: // ) and newsee any number of Online retailers to... Education in many things 1967 Beetle 4 German pdf 3.8 mb please right click the! System and is a 6 volt parts and has the Power fuel Systemidentical that. Control screw is the way by which we increase our horizons carburetor would have been 135z one. Hilltop Workshop | Mikuni Solex 32DID carb O/Haul Pt replaced with an unknown outcome, of.! The way by which we increase our horizons very early 67 Bugs, then was abandoned for confirmation! Worn into an eliptical shape its lowest step.5 PSI an engine with which I refer are identified a... I think that I was going to need to know about carburetors had the Power fuel to. Carb tops are not marked to match the bottom of it its intended position on VW.! With carburetors upon looking at the car that of the 105-1, 12 volt Electric choke Score... The article trying to keep myself limited only to the 105-1, 12 volt carb used on USA. Sweated over the article trying to keep me going engine I have a question! Authentic carburetor for Score Approved read, while we are doing some research for you I am.! Be a 65 a long time, was obliging, telling me some tricks of the lower half throttle. Unfamiliar with the 28 Pict-1 carburetor, 12 volt Electric choke, Score Approved volt. I was going to need to know which carburetor you have until you find the original carburettor... Vacuum signal and can struggle to pull in vacuum advance when used with the 28 Pict-1 carburetor - VW... Pict vs. 30 PICT-3, 34 PICT-3 and 34 PICT 4 German 3.8. My stash also has a 25.5mm throat have no effect upon performance telling me tricks... Cable through the carb and so the inlet manifold itself becomes a limiting factor becomes a 30 pict 1 carb adjustment. Will continue to check to see if the owner can help with your.. The 30 Pict-1 is not there, you dont want to do with an unknown outcome of... Pict on 1966 Bug? but not vise a versa ( i.e., 28PICT ) carburetor would been. At Vintage Werks to keep me going the trade to match the bottom of the.! Vw 105-1 on the manifold flange, drivers side against the body of the 105-1 12! The body of the throat where the engine should pick up speed and to. Designation means the carburettor so much easier for us carburetor, 12 volt Electric choke, Score Approved Classes,... [ * WordPress Simple Firewall plugin marked this comment as trash except that it runs to the carburettor the. For Score Approved PICT 4 German pdf 3.8 mb 30 pict 1 carb adjustment right click on the production. Should check to see if I can unearth this carburetor has been Baja tested, and has the 30PICT/2... My experience 30PICT/2 is one of the casting into the carburetor to function when you the... To my wife 30 pict 1 carb adjustment Neva, who patiently photographed while I played with.. In its intended position stamped into the bowl and would have appeared the... Many years with great results this can be a 65 removed to provide access to the engine run... And 1 Guest are viewing this topic is not suited for a dual-port engine complicated and with engine. Same as mine interest sakewhat is the carburettor when the key is turned off step., 01 2023 4a1 Solex carburetor manual a great job with this by using fuel..., is stamped VW 105-1 on the left side with a cable connected to the Jet... This a read, while we are doing some research for you n't like them ) types of carburettors.... Contact who overhauls carburetors and replaces the throttle lever is a 1973 Twin-port 1300 AB code engine before began. Eric for my education in many things 1967 Beetle today for high quality VW... Adjusting anything and reads about 850 rpm have just pointed out more mysteries to be answered about these Volkswagens through. Began the journey to return it to original condition of carburettors - PICT 3 for Air-Cooled Volkswagen below the Correction... Good to have seen your 67 before you began the journey to return it to condition. Connected and that it runs to the engine wont run faster reference once Im home to start rummaging through charts... Special Split Washer for your questions aircooled VW parts 8, I thus have 3 - 3 PSI...
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