She is also seemingly very intelligent, as she was able to use her magic to turn Camille's car on and off, saving her from immediate danger, all despite being a baby. Cleo screams for Hope and she wakes up from her dream, believing Landon is trying to reach out to her. All of this isn't real, it's just a stupid game. And today we'll be opening our doors to the next class of supernatural beings to teach them to be heroes, too.Hope in Just Don't Be a Stranger, Okay? She's the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) and his lycanthrope one-night stand, Hayley Marshall-Kenner (Phoebe Tonkin). For the first time in a long time, she believes she will. His death turns Lizzie back to their side and she attacks and kills Aurora in a rage. Hope is no longer hiding and demands to know where she can find the werewolf and vampire she's working with so she can have this conversation with them, too. Hope questions if it really is him, and he quips back if she said that to all the Landons. She wonders what he remembers. Alaric has never seen anything she can't handle and is willing to take the risk if she is. Until your daughter came to us. Landon acts as if he was the Necromancer as she and him rehearse the conversation. During the party, Hope stands in front of Alaric and the students, including MG, Lizzie, Finch, and Jed preparing a speech. He questions what she's going to do. If she and her family are so powerful, she asks why she shut off her humanity and kept it off this entire time. Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner and twin sister of Henry Mikaelson.She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, as well as the step . Unbeknownst to Hope, the death she witnessed was Malivore's, not Landon's. However, the blade changes into the Trident, the cloaking spell having worn off. Cleo is relieved, in a sense. Hope pushes the banshee for more answers, particularly with Cleo gone, will Landon be safe. She is first introduced on 'The Originals' and is a central character in its spin-off, 'Legacies.' It was unlike anything he's ever seen before and admits that he would have let it consume him, if he wasn't for Jed. Malivore brushes off her decision, citing that the next round of torture will be must worse. However, midway through the production, a letter magically appears in her room, addressed to Lizzie, though she stays long enough to watch a scene between Dr. Goodfellow as her father, and lower grade student as a young version of herself. Hope accidentally cuts her head so a band-aid is put on her head. The retreat is more like a cult and all the witches wear colored crystals, indicating specific statuses. Alaric continues to explain how Ben told them about a mixture the Spartans used to harm the gods. the Mikaelsons meet Hope's girlfriend, Josie Saltzman. Hope is able to successfully call out to her mom. However she shrugs him off, not wanting to reveal too much about herself to him in fears that her secret will be exposed. Hope doesn't plan to stay for dinner, believing that Vincent will lift the spell keeping her here. As Rebekah went to change Hope's diaper, she saw that Elijah had killed a dozen people because he thought Hope was in danger. When they arrive at school, Hope walks to the library, Alaric comes up behind her, asking what she's doing here, she gives a book that would help kill the gargoyle and Josie joins them. In No More Heartbreaks, She's still mentioned to be under Mary's protection. Ryan prepares to attack, though the Argus stops in its tracks, turns to look at Hope and walks off away from them. Hope recounts that they throw a lot of cool parties and play dodge ball. She watches as he knocks over a glass, causing the barrier spell to deactivate. After cursing the wolves and Hayley he finds Hope and tells her everything is going to be okay. Josie then wonders where are Rafael and Landon right now, so she talks to her about a spell that is like kind of a full-immersion video chat but Josie shouldn't say anything about the spell because they don't learn it in class. Hope is amazed and wonders how he's doing this, but all he tells her is that the screen is not a spoon. Hope tells her the truth. In The Only Way Out is Through, Hope dreams of her humanity returning. Now it's time for them to go to war. Hope questions how many they've lost, but surprisingly, they've lost none. She is also the niece of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik Mikaelson, and the grand-niece of Dahlia. Overcome with emotions, she nearly loses control of her magic, which would have exposed the school, but Lizzie steps in, again, and hugs her, covering her near outburst. They argue until the illusion breaks and the three of them are returned to the darkness. Unlike the hallucination, she has friends and they resolved to not let her face Malivore alone. After their confrontation with Jen, Lizzie and Hope talk. Hope isn't worried about his opinion, but Ryan believes otherwise. Hayley suddenly becomes serious and says "don't tell me I'm having a mini-Klaus" before Sabine drops the pendant and gasps, repeating the same sentence leaving Hayley confused at her words. Genevieve agrees with Elijah, if they deliver the baby Hayley will bleed to death. He didn't lie to her about anything. As such, her name could not be more appropriate, since her arrival brought upon two reconciliations; the first being between Klaus and Marcel, and the second between Klaus and Rebekah. Hope comments that they'll lose and Landon believes this too, unless she's there to fight with them. Wade tells her that she does damage to Ken, but he's still standing. He wants her to know thisshe will make mistakes in her life. Recent Posts. When Hope activated her tribrid nature, she turned off her humanity and fled Mystic Falls. It still does. Aurora already knows what to do with her, but Hope doesn't back down. Hope, however, is behind him and has fully recovered. However, Klaus is upset by the attack on his child and suspects that Genevieve is behind this. Seeing Rafael's reaction to Landon's wound, she sends out to find something to force him to calm down, once alone with Landon, she apologizes for what's happening to him and asks if he believes safe in this school. She asks about his feelings for her, specifically, but he doesn't answer. The others look at her, questioning the outburst. He appears suddenly, startling her due to his quietness. She comes bearing an offer. Landon attempts to intervene, but they both disagree, though Cleo points out that they won't need to summon anything because the next monster has already arrived. I'm a Mikaelson witch.Hope in High Water and a Devil's Daughter. Alaric and Hope defeat the creature, which turns out to be a cyclops, with Landon turning just in time to meet Hope's eyes, perhaps recognizing her from his visions despite this, neither of them interact and Hope leaves. Rebekah is already aware, having been in contact with Dr. Saltzman. So is Malivore, but he reveals something has happened. He doesn't understand what's wrong with the lyrics. No matter what he founded it for, the Salvatore School is a place for second chances, to not be perfect. Malivore whips the transfusion braid, knocking over the black candle and Ryan begins to lose control of his faculties. Hope wonders if she should speak to Alaric for her, but Lizzie wants to break the news. The book, however, recommends to use lion's hair. Landon appears to her, apologizing for interrupting. He admits that the story was about learning how to say goodbye. After waking up to get ready for the day, she hears something at her window and it's Roman. Someone is in the shower. Rebekah and Freya have prepared a meal, having hoped that she's return. In Alive and Kicking, Hope's parents spoke about her during their trip in The Bayou. Hope is still mad at Cleo for volunteering her to make art. As they argue, Landon forces the Ferryman's grip to release him. Hayley's placenta has ruptured so she has to give birth to the baby there. Kaleb, however, demands her to get out while they talk in private. She quips that if she had talked first, she would have told her that the candle is nullifying their magic. Josie wants to help her and prepares the spell. Hope explains that her father will never be able to rest until he knows that she's okay. She tries to explain who she is, but Landon tells her that he remembers her, but is not too sure if the rest of Mystic Falls does. Finch also tells Hope that Josie told her not to wait for her, she doesn't really know her role at the school without her. She is his Salvatore idol. Cleo questions how she knows that the leprechaun will lead her back to the portal. Lizzie, Josie, Alaric and others are there with her. A woman barges in and demands to purchase the bust, but Hope refuses to part with it. She doesn't believe Hope would kill her. Hope sends in Kaleb though Ben states that Ken would strike with lightning. In Mombie Dearest, she talks about Landon to Emma but Emma tells her that she doesn't need a counselor but friends. Wade wants to know what the offer is, but Hope will only talk to Alaric, believing he'll be easier to manipulate. With the bust complete, she inscribed 'luctus' on Landon's chest and cast an incendia spell to bake the bust. He knows that he loves her and that's about the only thing he's sure of. Hope reprimands him, telling him this is not his choice. Adyelya is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Katherine Pierce, the step-daughter of Markos, Leader of The Travelers who marries her motherand the twin sister of her younger brother by several minutes, Hkon Mikaelson, who was murdered in From a Cradle to a Grave by the witches. He takes the knife and pulls it out, though Hope takes it, twists his arm and places the knife to his neck. There's only a few of them left and, though they prefer "Creatures of the Night." Though she's not really over being forced to kill Landon. In a motel room, Hope and Lizzie imprison Aurora in enchanted chains. Hope doesn't believe him, and he counters her point with that vampires don't exist, at least as far as most people are concerned. Alaric explains that this was an emergency session about how they're going to deal with Malivore and how she would fit into that plan. Hope asks how Lizzie would proceed with their hostile witness. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Hope is with Mary and Hayley in the apartment. When Freya tries to get her out of harm's way when Emmett and his vampires show up, she pushes her back and sets one of the truck's on fire, killing the vampires inside. Speeding around to the next part, she wants her to picture her fear transforming into something beautiful and they repeat the spell together. He's also figured out the lesson they're supposed to learn. Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Genesis Lawrence and the older twin sister of Amatis Mikaelson and the older half sister of Juliette Mikaelson and Henry Mikaelson. Hope severs the connection from Jed and leaves Alaric to deal with the banshee so she can go after Cleo. It can be overwhelming, but reassures her that she can handle it. Professor Vardemus summons a battlefield for their practice session while Hope's humanity continues to appear to her. Lizzie knows, but now all she is, is hungry. That is true, which explains why it took so long for them to retrieve the ashes. With his relationship in ruins, he's forced to go with her, though he doesn't stop trying to call Trudy back. He holds out his hand and she assumes he wants money, which she doesn't have. The three of them embrace in a hug as Alaric approaches. The Last Tycoon only ran for nine episodes, but Russell's Darla Miner appeared on six of them. At a bar, a knock rings out and a man approaches the door's peephole. Hope, however, doesn't like being vamp-splained. Hope stands in Aurora's body, confused, asking what she did to her. Opening it, he finds Agatha, though she's covered in burns and assumes that she's had a run-in with the tribrid. Hope comes clean and tells him that she needs to see her father and Landon quips that it's a "big" ask. The school is in jeopardy and they have to conduct the tour and it has to work out. She grows bored when Cleo reads Landon's final letter, even lashing out at her and Finch. In There's a Mummy on Main Street, she accompanies Alaric, Emma, Dorian, Kaleb, Josie and Lizzie on a trip to Maple Hallows to retrieve the urn. The next move is hers. However, all she had to do was let herself be with him. Lizzie was right about her and what she said about her dark side. He had to fight for himself to free himself of Malivore, only to escape to the prison world full of monsters. As a young child, Hope was a kind and gentle girl. Landon gets between them, explaining there's no beating the Ferryman. Hope tells Alaric that he will return at sun down to help him dispose of the creature. While they think to have killed her, the woman takes on the appearance of a real dragon. In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Hope is seen wondering cluelessly around Malivore having been consumed previously. Ken commands her to be silent, that her opportunity was wasted with mercy. How her parents can't wait and she promises to her three things: a safe home, people to say how they love her every day and people to fight for her, no matter what. Eventually, when Malachai Parker visits the school under the guise of an old friend of Alaric's, he tells her that she can help, and she reluctantly agrees. Hope and Lizzie spend the rest of the day talking about Hope and why she didn't reveal herself to everyone when she returned from Malivore. He later tells Cami O'Connell that he dreams of Mikael because he's afraid of becoming a father, he doesn't need a psychologist to figure that out. Monique takes matters into her own hands. Both of their mothers gave birth to them in difficult situations. Despite this shortcoming, warriors are the ones that win battles, not the weapons. Hope begins to cast her spell. Adelya Mikaelson is a character from the TV series, The Originals. Hope Jane Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, and she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. , . Hope sits on the cell floor, drawing a sigil. She believes that is still a way for her to reach Landon and she's not going to stop until she's exhausted every possibility. Angry, Hope sets off to find Alaric the proof he needs. Landon finds Rafael and with Hope's help they are able to return him to human form. Having yet recovered, Alaric watches over her in a cell. Extending a pinky finger, she asks Lizzie to stick with her until the bitter end. Alaric takes the necklace as Hope leaves his office. Her mother, Cassidy Blair, was a siphon witch, who got slaughtered for giving birth to. Then she turned up in Limbo, meaning she was dead and he'd be stuck there. Magic doesn't work on a god. This is MG's big ploy, Salvatore Idol. Hope reiterates to Alaric that it's time for him to man up and make the squad accept her proposal otherwise Jed will only get worse. Hope confirms that the locator spells haven't worked and Malivore must be cloaking himself. He asks if the Necromancer ever revived, but he didn't. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. She wants to know more about his curse. Octavia Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Hope is overwhelmed with her aunts and walks out of Rousseau's. Following the advice, she goes to see Rafael, who is asking for help on Lizzie's birthday party. She blatantly puts the life of the now-human Ryan Clarke in danger for her amusement. Rebekah has other plans and uncovers an urn. Cleo suggests it sell it for what they need to save the school and the woman accepts. It becomes clear that Landon is gone and is not coming back but Hope refuses to accept this and say the escape word despite it appearing numerous times. Hope is surprised, as Lizzie's supposed to be dead. Ken easily stops it, unaffected by Kaleb's assault. Not only does she SUCK at acting, but she's plain old annoying in every way. As they make their way back to the school, Landon tells her that he doesn't know where the scythe sent him. However, Hope explains that drugs numb people and she's experiencing the opposite problem and may actually be starting to feel things, like gratitude and betrayal. She uses the sire bond to force Lizzie to be her partner in crime. However, Jackson follows her and brings her back. With a booming voice, he demands for them to hand over his traitorous daughter. They both know she has to end it. In her wolf form, Hope possesses white fur and has the typical glowing yellow eyes that come with Lycanthropy. He also said that he wanted help Klaus to protect her, but fearing that Esther will use Ansel to get to his "little girl" he explained to his father that he cannot fail his daughter and must protect her to all the cost. She wonders if they've come to their senses and MG tells her they want to work with her because Alaric has found out a lot about it, including that fire attracts it. Her actions set off a chain of events, including Hayley's body being stolen by vampire purists. MG leaves the blood bag and leaves. It's also revealed that to have children, Esther deals with her older sister Dahlia (as at this time she has stopped using magic). Kaleb shoots it with an arrow, but remains unaffected. Hope should pick on someone her own size. Her going to extremes got Landon back, but she doesn't have Josie here for her. Hope is next seen with Hayley as she helps Freya look for the cure for the poison. She immediately cuts him off, explaining that she doesn't sing in public, but Landon had an important question for her. His former self never got to watch her grow up or who she would have become. The students begin preparation and set Hope up on a pedestal with a mic and the Truth Sphere, similar to a game show. The time has come, however. Rebekah's words clearly affecting her, Hayley heads to Jardin Gris, inquiring wolfsbane in an attempt to abort the baby. Alaric questions his instinct to throw the arrow to Hope and comes to the conclusion that it is muscle memory and the two must have worked together previously. Cassidy Blair, was a kind and gentle Girl believes adelya mikaelson and hope mikaelson will must be himself. Humanity and kept it off this entire time n't like being vamp-splained on cell! Nature, she has to give birth to the next round of torture will be must worse about. 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