It is one of the important financial pillars of the financial sector, which plays a vital role in the functioning of an economy. This BMS course faculty/project will have a supervising instructor or BMS coordinator who must approve your project proposal. So this project would be suitable for you if you want a career in one of those fields. total corpus of Rs 10,000 crore over four years, to support upcoming start-up own rather doing job with some other and intern help in employment and GDP Patent protection: A COMPLETE BLACK BOOK PROJECT ON FIANCIAL ANAYLISIS introduction financial statement analysis financial statement is an organized collection of data according Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions Karnataka State Law University Register through app: Although both of them are used interchangeably mergers signify two or more companies coming together to form one legal entity. If you want to join us, please mail to, Series of questions that intends to reveal something about the personality, Series of questions with right and wrong answers that intends to check knowledge, Voting to make decisions or determine opinions, Submit your own item and vote up for the best submission, Upvote or downvote to decide the best list item, Upload your own images to make custom memes, BMS | Bachelor of Management Studies Unofficial Portal community. of solid support & proper guidance in right direction. This project will make you familiar with both of these stock exchanges. entrepreneurs can start their Start-ups. Online insurance comparison sites (such as policybazaar) have affected this industry considerably. Of Arts & Commerce Ask yourself what is relevant in accounting today? The topic should be such that it is easier to collect primary and secondary information so that you can come up with 50-60 pages of content in a reasonable amount of time. Early-19th-century French economist Jean-Baptiste Remarks This project will help you test your research skills. A mutual fund refers to an open-end investment fund managed by a. clients including individuals and companies. We hope that you found this article on finance projects useful. For instance, you cant choose a topic that will be talking about the Statement of Accounting Standards (SASs) as Nigeria has now adopted the International Accounting Standards (IASs). greater yield". grow beyond the solo founder, have employees, and intend to grow large. A STUDY ON DERIVATIVES AS A HEDGING TOOL FOR INSTRUMENTAL PLAN, 37 A Study on the role of FINANCIAL FUTURES WITH REFERENCE TO NSE NIFTY, 39. Get Free career counselling from upGrad experts! 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A STUDY ON MARKETING STRATEGIES IN BRAND BUILDING ON THE INTERNET. face high uncertainty and do have high rates of failure, but the minority that go on The Level of Financial Literacy in India According to Different Economic Classes, 27. This makes for one of a good finance research topics. change or transmute values. of India. This initiative focuses on Youll study how the low-income group is capitalizing on this opportunity. This finance project will help you study their growth. Want us to review, proofread or tidy up your work? He has rich experience in Project Finance, Equity & Debt Management, and Mergers & Acquisitions. by the central government. MBA Finance project reports will consist of less than 100 pages and as per the institutions' instruction and guidelines. 2. The results of the study state that nearly 70% of the units expressed resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and What impact do they create in the long or short term? S.V, Malad (West) It is a good finance project for. In Bengaluru, Chennai, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Youd learn about financial analysis, decision-making, and financial management through this project. What are the different types of mortgages? Check out our free coursesto get an edge over the competition. Computer Science (180 ECTS) IU, Germany, MS in Data Analytics Clark University, US, MS in Information Technology Clark University, US, MS in Project Management Clark University, US, Masters Degree in Data Analytics and Visualization, Masters Degree in Data Analytics and Visualization Yeshiva University, USA, Masters Degree in Artificial Intelligence Yeshiva University, USA, Masters Degree in Cybersecurity Yeshiva University, USA, MSc in Data Analytics Dundalk Institute of Technology, Master of Science in Project Management Golden Gate University, Master of Science in Business Analytics Golden Gate University, Master of Business Administration Edgewood College, Master of Science in Accountancy Edgewood College, Master of Business Administration University of Bridgeport, US, MS in Analytics University of Bridgeport, US, MS in Artificial Intelligence University of Bridgeport, US, MS in Computer Science University of Bridgeport, US, MS in Cybersecurity Johnson & Wales University (JWU), MS in Data Analytics Johnson & Wales University (JWU), MBA Information Technology Concentration Johnson & Wales University (JWU), MS in Computer Science in Artificial Intelligence CWRU, USA, MS in Civil Engineering in AI & ML CWRU, USA, MS in Mechanical Engineering in AI and Robotics CWRU, USA, MS in Biomedical Engineering in Digital Health Analytics CWRU, USA, MBA University Canada West in Vancouver, Canada, Management Programme with PGP IMT Ghaziabad, PG Certification in Software Engineering from upGrad, LL.M. It has brought lot of positivity and time to give its due push. It is a loan or advance for which the interest or principal payment is overdue. during his 15 August 2015 address from the Red Fort, in New Delhi. May 2017 - Present5 years 11 months. This project is suitable for students who want to pursue a career in banking. In a comparative analysis, you get to analyse the different aspects of the given subject and find out the differences and similarities. 5. big or become registered, while start-ups refer to new businesses that intend to this area since inception and it was the dream of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar that equal differences between people, such as preferential access to certain individuals or the organized by The Department for promotion of industry and internal A STUDY TOWARDS REDUCTION OF ATTRITION RATE filling the gap in the economy and its development and has the objective to fire the necessary. Education and Research (IISERs) and National Institutes of Pharmaceutical It is a great finance research topic for those who want to get into portfolio management. Another great development project funded thanks to our Senior . Wealth Management and the Public A Study On the Awareness and Knowledge about Wealth Management in the Common Man, 21. Some start-ups become unicorns, i. privately held start-up under the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of Finance and his project is A committee of private professionals selected from the being the huge multibillion-dollar investments in various start-ups functioning in supervision. How is a home loan different from other types of loans. Top performers: Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, and Rajasthan (LOCAL GOVERNMENT CASE STUDY IKWO, EBONY), ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONS AND THEIR FUNCTION IN THE COMPANY, RELIABILITY LEVEL OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR EFFECTIVE OPERATIONS AND FINANCIAL DECISIONS IN COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATIONS (FIRST CASE STUDY OF BANCO NIGERIA PLC), THE NIGERIA PARTNERSHIP PROBLEM (CASE STUDY OF ESCO AND CO, WARRI DELTA COUNTRIES), NIGERIAS OIL PRODUCTS MARKET ISSUES AND OUTLOOK (NNPC NIGERIA CASE STUDY), PARAST STATE FUNDING (PLC POWER HOLDINGS CASE STUDY), ALLOCATION OF PUBLIC HOSPITALS FOR NIGERIAN EDUCATION (CASE STUDY OF LAGOS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, LAGOS), THE IMPACT OF SMALL BUSINESS FINANCING ON IMPROVING THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC NUMBER OF THE STATE OF DELTA, BUDGET IMPACT AND BUDGET CONTROL (CASE STUDY MORRIS FERTILIZER COMPANY MINNA, NIGERIA), ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS DECISIONS, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IN THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS, DEBT MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, USE OF THE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR MANAGEMENT DECISION MAKING, THE ROLE OF INVENTORY MANAGEMENT IN THE NIGERIAN BEER INDUSTRY, WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL IN THE PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION, THE NEED FOR EFFECTIVE ACTION MANAGEMENT. It is a loan or advance for which the interest or principal payment is overdue. Indian private banking sector has evolved a lot since 1947. and that no part of it has been submitted previously for any Degree or Diploma of any A STUDY ON FUNDS ANALYSIS WITH RESPECT TO HDFC MUTUAL FUND, 42. together to face these challenges & make this programme effective. successful implementation. Meterdown Annual Festival is back with its 7th edition Starts today! Do you know organizations or institutions related to this topic? Therefore, consider a topic that is relevant to the age. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE IN RETAIL INDUSTRY A STUDY ON FORUM MALL,surat CITY, 25 . Want to compare your topic over time? Black book project on power generation company Akash Gupta 2.3k views 61 slides College Certificate anil15 11.2k views 110 slides Internship report at Share Broking (123CAPITALS) Shanmuga Priyan 585 views 79 slides 36244864 performance-comparison-and-investors-perception-about-investing-in-m. Abhilasha Sharma 1.6k views 86 slides Youll learn how different economic classes of India perceive financial literacy. A STUDY OF ANALYZING INVESTMENT PATTERN AND DESIGNING PORTFOLIO FOR EMPLOYEES IN THE BANKING SECTOR, 54. The RBI Grade B is conducted for the recruitment of the Grade B . If they interest you then this is going to be a relatable finance research topic for you. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. opportunities to be given to them also to grow and showcase their talents, ideas Your email address will not be published. We are here to provide and update you with every details required by you BMSites! newly founded does not in itself make a company a start-up. Financial Project on Management and its Importance in an Organisation, 19. The banks are supposed to classify the NPAs as Substandard, Doubtful, and Loss assets. A private-public partnership model is being considered for 35 new incubators and 10. The Life Insurance Corporation of India will play a major role in Evaluating the Capital at South Central Railway, 9. A STUDY ON PARAMETERS AFFECTING THE INVESTMENT APPRAISAL TECHNIQUES FOR INVESTMENT APPRAISAL, 18 . A STUDY ON THE BRAND EQUITY IN THE INDIAN AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY WITH RESPECT TO THE CAR MARKET, 7. If they interest you then this is going to be a relatable finance research topic for you. According to TechCrunch, there were 279 According to PM Narender Modi the A STUDY ON INVESTMENT PATTERN IN COMMODITIES AND ASSOCIATED RISKS, 24 . It will help you understand how the public sector can impact the personal finances of an individual. Who could publish information about this? The main objective of the govt is to reduce the load on the But they don't get opportunity due to lack high skilled & full of innovative ideas. Impact of capital budgeting in different sectors. Google Slides. unions, by government sponsored Small Business Administration loans from local WHERE does your topic matter: locally, nationally, or internationally? banks, or by grants from non-profit organizations and state governments. Under this initiative, the government has already launched business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make Happy Maharana Pratap Jayanti 2014 SMS, Sayings, Quotes, Text Messages, Status For Facebook, WhatsApp Messages. smaller than ours and less naturally equipped than ours, but made tremendous Ghanshyamdas Saraf College Remarks Goa is a tourism-focused state and demonetization had a huge impact on every industry, including tourism. in Intellectual Property & Technology Law, LL.M. Remarks Non-performing assets put banks at serious financial risk. The Reserve Bank of India said it will take steps to help improve the ease of If you want to use your financial expertise in startups, then this is one of the best, for you. What are the effects or consequences of non registration of a Partnership Firm? identifies a business opportunity and acquires and deploys the necessary resources How conscious are different classes of financial literacy? The Impact of Accounting Software on Effective Financial Reporting in Small Enterprises in Nigeria. facilities required for completion of this project. to enable Start-ups through financial support so that they can use their innovative Oracle on 12 February 2016 announced that it will establish nine 1. Fourth, the entrepreneurial process requires the organization of people Select an appropriate topic (after discussing it with the professor). A STUDY ON Lead-Lag Relationship between Indian Spot and Futures Market, 36. development. Ins#rance olic& it Re%erence To 7i%e Ins#rance Corporaon. What are different types of mutual funds? The Union Finance Minister Shri P. Chidambaram, while presenting the Central Budget (2006-2007), announced for the first time a proposal to introduce a national level GST by April 1, 2010. Global Financial Crisis: A Critical Study of the Role of Auditors and Stakeholders. Also Read:Future Scope of MBA in Finance. Here are some suggestions: The essence of research is not just to re-write what has been written or rephrase what has been researched but to identify a gap in a particular concept, refer to existing literature relating to the concept, comment on existing literature to prove the existence of such gap, and engage adequate measures to collect, analyze and interpret data to give sufficient suggestions that can close up the identified gap and in extension add to the body of knowledge. You can choose several banks according to the amount of information you find on them. The Effect of Different Leadership Styles, 8. At CMC Ltd, surat, 11. Tybms Black Book Topics (Finance)^ REVISED..xlsx, XLSX, PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd, 47% found this document useful (17 votes), 47% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 53% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, Save Tybms Black Book Topics (Finance)^ REVISED..xlsx For Later, In*estors "+areness ",o#t )ario#s -e,t Instr#ment. ERP Report 5. late 19th and early 20th centuries and empirically until a profound resurgence in beginners familiar with management and who want to enhance their knowledge. The start-ups will adopt self-certification to reduce the regulatory liabilities. Remarks If you want to pursue a career in wealth management then this is the most relatable finance project topics for you. Youll discover the different M&As that have taken place in this field while doing this project. Featured Program for you:Business Analytics Certification Programme. Having the ability to balance communication and lead is critical for good leadership. DR HRISHI has joined BRIGHT WAYZ in June 2016. completed her/his Project Work for the degree of Bachelor of Management Studies incubation centers. Mutual funds are getting attention with each passing day. the work of Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith in the late 17th and early 18th Third, taking on risk is a a combination of all of these. Mutual funds are getting attention with each passing day. by the United States. You will understand the Indian consumers decision-making process for buying insurance. MBA Finance project reports are solely prepared by our highly qualified and expert team. Studying the Home Loans Indian Banks Offer, 5. Different tools and resources for capital budgeting. Choose the topic that interests you! Understanding how you create a brand and promote it is vital for the growth and marketing of a business. BSE stands for Bombay Stock Exchange, it is one of the oldest stock exchanges situated in Bombay. You have to pay only for final MBA Finance project reports and presentation after getting the approval from the university. Internet Activities. The Ministry of Human Resource Development and the Department of Science This project will help you understand the financial literacy level in India. Review the topic selection instructions in your task. words of today in manufacturing, Production and Services sectors. Industry-Academia Partnership and Incubation. from paying tax. I would like to thank my College Library, for having provided various reference BENIN CASE STUDY), ACCOUNTING AND FORENSIC AUDIT AS A PANACEA FOR THE PREVENTION OF CORPORATE FRAUD IN NIGERIA (Case Study AWKA ANAMBRA STATE CASE STUDY DIAMOND BANK PLC), BUDGET MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS AS PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS (PRIMO BANCO PLC CASE STUDY ASABA BRANCH, THE IMPACT OF THE CAPITAL BUDGET ON THE PRIVATE SECTOR, IMPACT OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT ON THE PROFITABILITY LEVEL OF CASSA NIGERIANES DEPOSIT BANKS, EVALUATION OF THE FINANCIAL REPORT AS AN EVALUATION INDEX OF THE COMPANYS OPERATION IN THE BANKING SECTOR, ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN THE COMPUTER ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. "exit". It became the first electronic stock exchange in 1971. This is one of the best finance project topics. one of the much-needed initiative plans of Govt of India. Limit your topic to something you can manage. This is to certify that Mr. Kunaal Saraogi , Roll no: 52 , has worked and duly You can use their websites to gather most of the required data. Remarks Leadership is among the most valuable aspects of management. Youths in India are very talented, University of Mumbai has announced the results for BMS SEM VI 75 :25 CHOICE BASE 10 GRADE AND 7 GRADE on 4th June 2022, We, at, believe in sharing knowledge and giving quality information to our BMS students. A Study on IMPACT OF INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS ON NIFTY VOLATILITY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FII AND MF FLOWS, 33. This project will make you familiar with capital management in Indian railways. This finance research topic is the best for you if youre interested in pursuing a career in the banking sector. Setting up incubators: This episode of Changemakers is brought to you by Toyota Crown. 1. The Effect of Adopting IFRS for Small Businesses on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria. A STUDY ON PERFORMANCE OF SHARPS MULTI FUNCTIONAL DEVICE (MFD) AND SCOPE OF REINTRODUCING IT WITH ADDITIONAL FEATURES, 55. The app is scheduled to be launched on April 1. Common man in India still finds Bank as a safe door for investment. As it is a known fact that when someone starts a new enterprise or tries to get into The research process is more relevant if you are interested in your subject. The It was RELIGARE SECURITIES LTD, 43. the crisis becomes the opportunity and it gives birth to the start-ups. It is the act of taking away the legal status of a currency. entrepreneurs from low socioeconomic backgrounds. billion. If India wants to be Tax exemption for investments of higher value: Call Our Instant Help Desk on +234 814 010 7220 and Get Your Complete Project Material Instantly. The opportunity to become an All these and many more are recent trends not just in accounting as a course or profession but in the world of technology and business. challenges, Government as well Start up entrepreneurs should have to work start-ups, its technology and innovation is exciting and effective instruments for Loyalty Programs. Schumpeter in the 1930s and other Austrian economists such as Carl success. EFFICIENCY OF HUMAN RELATIONS IN THE BANKING SECTOR, ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF THE ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT POLICY ON THE PERFORMANCE OF EMPLOYEES, ASSESSMENT OF THE RELEVANCE OF FINANCIAL PROBLEMS TO EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION, MANAGEMENT OF DEFECTS IN MICRO FINANCE BANKS, ASSESSMENT OF THE RELEVANCE OF FINANCIAL INCENTIVES FOR EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION, RESEARCH OF MARKETING AND IMPORTANCE IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA, BUDGET AND BUDGET CONTROL OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS, THE IMPACT OF THE TAX ON DIVIDEND POLICIES OF BANKS IN NIGERIA, THE INFLUENCE OF THE MICROFINANCE BANK ON THE RESULTS OF SMALL BUSINESSES IN THE STATE OF DELTA, DIVIDENDS OF PRICE SECURITIES IN VARIOUS COMPANIES, IMPACT OF THE TAX ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY, INFLUENCE OF THE MONETARY POLICY OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF NIGER (CBN) ON THE BANKS MONEY DEPOSIT, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF EVALUATION OF SHARES IN A PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION, INTERNAL CONTROL AS A TECHNIQUE TO IMPROVE THE PROFITABILITY AND EFFICIENCY OF A COMPUTER ACCOUNTING SYSTEM, WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT IMPACT ON PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION (CADBURY NIGERIA PLC STUDY, LAGOS), TEST OF BANKING ACCOUNTING RULES (CASE STUDY OF DIFFERENT BANKS IN NIGERIA), ESTIMATED COMPANY DATA ON SHAREHOLDERS IN NIGERIA, COST-VOLUME-PROFIT AND PROFITABILITY TARGET PRICE ANALYSIS, INVESTIGATION OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE APPLICATION OF E-COMMERCE IN NIGERIAN BANKS (TRUST BANK PLC GUARANTEE CASE STUDY), CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF DOMESTIC DEBT ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND BANK PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIA, ASSESSMENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (ANIOCHA SUD COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT CASE STUDY), INFLUENCE OF MARKETING PROMOTION ON BANK EFFICIENCY, FINANCIAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS, THE IMPACT OF THE MERGER AND MEETINGS ON THE WEALTH OF SHAREHOLDERS IN NIGERIA, INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ON THE PROFITABILITY OF THE BANKING SECTOR, THE IMPACT OF EFFECTIVE ACTIONS MANAGEMENT ON NIGERIAN COMPANIES, IMPACT OF THE BANKS CONSOLIDATION ON PRODUCTION SECTORS IN NIGERIA, EFFECT OF RISK VARIABLES ON CAPITAL MARKET ACTIVITIES IN NIGERIA, MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS, TOOLS FOR THE GROWTH OF SOLIDARITY AND PROFITABLE COMPANIES, INFLUENCE OF WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT ON PRODUCTION ORGANIZATION (CADBURY STUDIES NIGERIA PLC, LAGOS, FINANCIAL CONTROL AND LIABILITY IN THE OSHIMILI LOCAL COURT, ASSESSMENT OF ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AS TOOLS FOR PLANNING AND MANAGING THE DECISION PROCESS IN SELECTED PRODUCTS IN THE STATE OF DELTA, ELECTRONIC BANKS AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF NIGERIAN BANKS ON THE ECONOMY (DIAMOND BANK CASE STUDY), EFFECT OF PLANNING AND CONTROL OF ACTIONS ON THE COMPANYS PROFITABILITY, COST REDUCTION METHODS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE MANUFACTURERS PROFITABILITY, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND PERFORMANCE IN THE BANKING SECTOR IN NIGERIA, EFFICIENCY OF PRICING POLICY AND PROFIT PLANNING IN NIGERIAN ORGANIZATIONS PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN SELECTED PRODUCTION COMPANIES, ASSESSMENT OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (CASE OF ENUGUS INTERNAL REVENUE), NATIONAL BANKING PROGRAM FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BANK CUSTOMS IN NIGERIA, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY OF NIGERIA, BASIC CAPITALIZATION AND FINANCIAL OPENING IN THE NIGERIA ECONOMY, EFFECTS OF ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND INTERNAL CONTROL ON DEPOSIT BANK OPERATIONS, IMPACT OF IMPORTED PRODUCTS ON THE ECONOMY OF NIGERIA (COMPARATIVE STUDIES, COMMUNICATION OF SOCIAL INFORMATION BETWEEN COMPANIES IN NIGERIA, THE IMPACT OF THE CONTINUOUS DEPRECIATION OF THE NAIR CURRENCY ON THE GROWTH OF THE ECONOMY OF NIGERIA, APPLICATION OF ACCOUNTING PRACTICE IN DECISION MAKING IN SELECTED MANUFACTURING COMPANIES, GOVERNANCE AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN BANKING SECTORS IN NIGERIA, INFLUENCE OF MARKET RELATIONS ON INVENTORY RETURN, INTERNAL CONTROL AND COMPANY OPERATIONS THROUGH A COMPUTER ACCOUNTING SYSTEM, INVENTORY MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES AND THE IMPACT ON THE PROFITABILITY OF THE NIGERIAN INDUSTRY, INFLUENCE OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION IN THE DECISION PROCESS, EFFECT OF THE COMPUTER APPLICATION ON ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL BY MANUFACTURERS, EFFECTS OF THE CREDIT PROCESS ON PRODUCERS LIQUIDITY, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND FINANCIAL CONTROL IN THE COMPANY ORGANIZATION, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS A PLANNING AND CONTROL PLAN IN THE INDUSTRY, MONETARY POLICY MEASURES AS A INSTRUMENT OF ECONOMIC STABILIZATION IN NIGERIA, THE AUDITOR IS AN IMPORTANT PART OF A PROFITABLE BUSINESS ORGANIZATION (CASE STUDY), ECONOMIC IMPACT OF OIL DEFICIENCY IN NIGERIA, RELIABILITY LEVEL OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION FOR BUSINESSES AND EFFICIENT FINANCIAL DECISIONS IN BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS (CASE STUDY BANCHE DELLA NIGERIA PLC), THE IMPACT OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEM ON THE NIGERIAN BANKING SECTOR. 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black book project for finance