Here is basic information for individuals needing to submit fingerprints to the DOJ for background checks. The individuals exclusion to work, be present, or registered may have been the result of their criminal history information or an action that was taken by another Department. If you have additional questions, please contact The agency may also check with the local licensing office to determine if Guardian has a status of your background check. Expired identification information will not be accepted. While most Applicant Agencies SHOULD receive results of background checks electronically from the California DOJ, some must receive reports by U.S. mail in a process that can take a minimum of seven days. The applicant agency must also ensure they have provided complete and accurate information, specifically the applicant agency ORI (a unique code assigned by the DOJ), the name of the agency authorized to receive the CORI, mail code (a five-digit code assigned by the DOJ), the authorized type of applicant, and a description of the type of license, certification, or permit; also referred to as the working title of the applicant. You will receive notifications for various reasons regarding the background check process for individuals associated to your agency. The assignment of an ATI number, generated by the live scan device, does not necessarily mean the fingerprint images and personal information was submitted to the DOJ. Fingerprints that are rejected twice by the DOJ due to poor print quality will be processed by the DOJ using the applicants name to check the criminal history database for any existing criminal history. Alternatively, a Criminal Record Exemption Transfer Request form (LIC 9188) can be emailed to, faxed to 916-754-4589 or mailed to Care Provider Management Bureau, 744 P Street, M.S. For further information, please refer to the User Guide for Licensing and Home Care Agencies. The ATI Number and Date of Birth are required to perform a search. If the level of service indicated on the form is FBI, the FBI may use the description to verify the agency is authorized to receive a background check response from them. Name check requests for applicants that have had fingerprints rejected two times; Complex and/or unique circumstances regarding criminal offender information search requests. DOJ will research your request and notify you whether or not your credit was approved. After the document has been uploaded, the Care Provider Management Bureau will receive the document in real time. If you have any questions please contact: Bilingual Services Program at (916) 210-7580. As such, it is vital for the hiring or licensing authority to be aware of specified active arrests or convictions. You may update your address, email address, phone number and your opt-in/opt-out of electronic notification preferences by accessing My Account in Guardian. The differences between the two methods is explained below. If you choose not to use Guardian, please mail, fax or email the form back to CPMB. It is highly recommended to use Guardian to upload any exemption documents for the individual if they do need a Criminal Record Exemption. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D., California Secretary of State State laws require that all community care license applicants and adults who work and/or reside in licensed community care facilities or home care organizations need to be fingerprinted. City, County and Special Districts ONLY.Please contact to schedule consultation on current application and resolution drafting procedures. Corona, California 92878, DO NOT CONTACT US FOR RESULTS OR QUESTIONS ABOUT ANY DELAYS: CALL THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OR THE LIVE SCAN COMPANY THAT ROLLED YOUR PRINTS. Submit hard cards and payment to the Bureau: After In order to apply for a community care license, please contact your local licensing office to assist. Please call the Live Scan site to verify the amount of the fingerprint-rolling fee. The FBI name check request must be received by the DOJ within 75 calendar days of the second rejection notice or the applicant will need to be reprinted. Securing a criminal background check prior to employment, licensure, or certification provides a hiring or licensing authority an important resource, which aids in the evaluation of the applicant. mail or online. You will also be sent a similar letter, provided your address on record is correct. Go to the nearest Live Scan site: With three copies of This system, in various forms, has existed since 1917. If the applicants fingerprints match fingerprints in the national criminal history database, the FBI sends the DOJ a cumulative RAP sheet that contains criminal history information from any states or federal agencies that have reported the information to the FBI. If eligible for an exemption reactivation, you will not be required to go through the exemption process. The applicant will also receive a notification to the email address that was input during the application process, informing them that a Live Scan form is available. If you are working for a Home Care Organization (HCO), you will need to ask the HCO for their Applicant Instruction Form or Agency PIN. To protect the privacy rights of the applicant, email messages that contain personally identifying information, such as the date of birth or social security number, cannot be responded to. After you have successfully registered in Guardian or logged into your existing account, you will see your Home Page with your status. The ATI number always appears in the following sequence: 1 LETTER; 3 NUMBERS; 3 LETTERS and 3 NUMBERS. Mail, fax ((619) 338-4811) or e-mail ( ) the report to the . Note: Live Scan is an electronic fingerprinting service provided by companies and Live Scan is operated separately (independently from) from the California Department of Social Services and the California Department of Justice (DOJ). The authorized agency will then mail the fingerprint card, appropriate transmittal form, and any fees to the DOJ. Applicants who mailed paper applications with a money order or cashier check should wait approximately 5 business days until they complete their criminal history background check. Check The Status of Your Live Scan This Google translation feature is provided for informational purposes only. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) guidelines requires applicants to complete a criminal history background check AFTER they have submitted their application. To fulfill this genuine effort, the DOJ must contact the booking police or sheriffs department to determine who affected the arrest, and then the arresting agency is contacted to determine if the arrest was a release detention only encounter. Automated Transaction Identifier (ATI) number in the space provided at the Cases that have been purged (destroyed) from court can still show up on your DOJ report. All BSIS license types, with the exception of firearms permits, are $49. Contract/Proprietary Security Organizations, pdf. your ATI number for your records. The need for manual intervention can be caused by many factors, some requiring multiple activities to be resolved. The Applicant Background Check Status is located at If your agency pays these processing fees, you have the option of (1) paying the fees directly to the Live Scan operator or (2) establishing a billing account at the time of your authorization, in which case DOJ will invoice your agency for the processing fees. If you need assistance tracking the background check status of an individual, have an exemption related question or need general information about Guardian, please email or call (888) 422-5669. as a corporation. fingerprint cards, which must be made directly to the Bureau, You must then submit a copy of the payment summary and fingerprint hard Currently, there are 60 non-exemptible crimes, including murder, rape, torture, kidnapping and crimes requiring sex offender registration.. Additional non-exemptible crimes apply to prospective foster and adoptive parents, certified family homes, and Resource Family Homes. Three (3) signed character reference statements. P.O. While often paid by the requesting agency, some applicants may be required to pay this fee themselves, so check with your requesting applicant agency. Completion of a criminal history background check requires the submission Please consult with a translator for accuracy if you are relying on the translation or are using this site for official business. You may clean up your roster, disassociate (separate) individuals who should no longer work be associated to your agency and remove individuals from your roster who have been denied exemptions. (See Business and Professions Code section 22442.4 .) If you need assistance tracking your background check status, have an exemption related question or need general information about Guardian, please email for assistance or call (888) 422-5669. Please note, to check on the status you must have your ATI number and your date of birth. OCA stands for Originating Case Agency and identifies the agency requesting the criminal history background check. If you would like to pay your billing invoice by credit card, please utilize the following form: Credit Card Transaction Form, pdf. Complete the Live Scan form: Complete all requested Applicants who live outside of California may submit fingerprint hard cards. If you are not using Guardian, please obtain a Live Scan form from your agency to complete this requirement. If this is your first time accessing Guardian, you will need to select Register as a New User to create a Guardian account for yourself. Form 8016 & 8016A Instructions, pdf. Failure to follow these procedures may result in a delay or the rejection of your application for a DOJ response under Penal Code Section 11105(c)(9). The Care Provider Management Bureau has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) regarding the background check process. The Office of the Attorney General is unable to guarantee the accuracy of this translation and is therefore not liable for any inaccurate information resulting from the translation application tool. Each contact is accomplished via telephone call or fax request. Access your Guardian applicant portal to add a new application, enter the PIN number, select the appropriate request type and proceed to payment. Applicants should check with the applicant agency that requested the background review since the DOJ sends results directly to the applicant agency. Your total costs will be $32 plus the fingerprint rolling fee charged by the Live-Scan agency. State of California Department of Justice, Consumer Protection and Economic Opportunity, California Justice Information Services (CJIS), Request Visa/Immigration - Form BCIA 8016 VISA (Live Scan), pdf, Instructions for Visa/Immigration Request Form, pdf, Fingerprints & Background Checks Overview, Applicant Agency Justice Connection Overview, AB 1793 - Cannabis Convictions Resentencing, Certified Copies of Criminal History Records Overview. As such, please allow a minimum of seven days before making a status inquiry. Attorney General. application . Box 989002 Please contact the Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB) via mail to 744 P Street, M.S. You may renew your Home Care Aide registration in one of the following ways: If there are no fingerprints matching the applicants fingerprints, the transaction is generally processed electronically without technician intervention within 48 to 72 hours. Home Care Aide Registry Initial is for initial Home Care Aide applicants, application summary (if you applied online in BreEZe) to ensure proper and If you are new Guardian, please refer to the question What is a Licensee User Access Form?. This may include, but is not limited to, your PER ID number, social security number, driver license number, and/or date of birth. Agencies authorized to submit fingerprints and receive FBI identification records must provide written notification to the individuals fingerprinted that the fingerprints will be used to check the criminal history records of the FBI. IMPORTANT: Regardless of any potential discrepancy, you must pay your monthly invoice in full upon receipt. If you are still having trouble with logging in, please contact The application will not be submitted until the self-disclosure information has been completed. These applicants are often candidates for positions that place them in a position of trust for some of Californias most vulnerable citizenry, elderly, and dependent adults and children. The Applicant Background Check Status is located at: When corresponding with the DOJ, please provide the following information: DO NOT include any personal identifying information in your email message. The California Department of Justice (DOJ) is mandated to maintain the statewide criminal record repository for the State of California. Background Check Laws and Regulations Background Check Process Background Check Search website California Department of Justice: (916) 227-2300 California Child Care Resource & Referral Network: (415) 882-0234 Exemptions Fingerprinting and LiveScan Information Forms Home Care Aides and Home Care Organizations TrustLine view the Live Scan Operator site fee, accepted payment options, and contact Copyright 2023 California Department of Social Services, Guardian Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants, Care Provider Management Bureau Background Check Frequently Asked Questions, Guardian Frequently Asked Questions for Agencies, How to Add a New User to Your Guardian Account, User Guide for Licensing and Home Care Agencies, Background Check Process Frequently Asked Questions. If you have already created an account, please use your username and password to log in. If you have any questions please contact: Bilingual Services Program at (916) 210-7580. If you have not logged into Guardian, you will need to select Register as a New User and continue with the application for Guardian. If the request has not been granted, you will then receive a letter stating so via U.S. Mail, this letter will not be available in your Guardian portal if you have one. If you wish to receive letters via U.S. Mail, you can opt-out of electronic notifications at any time by accessing My Account in the upper right corner of your Home Screen and adjusting the preferences for receiving notifications. Since this fee varies widely among locations, you will want to review the cost before going to a fingerprinting site. To assist in determining the fitness of the applicants to hold the position of notary public, applicants are legally required to be fingerprinted. If you need assistance with your username or password, need to submit a Licensee User Access Form or have been locked out of your account, please email This allows the DOJ to process the request for the FBI name check and forward it to the FBI within the required 90 days. If you have logged into Guardian and set up an account before, you will need to select Forgot Password/Unlock. Once the LEA has finished rolling You can send the requested information to Care Provider Management Bureau 744 P Street, M.S. Office: of fingerprint processing fees that are established by the Department of fingerprint fee of $49 or $87 will automatically be added to the An exemption remains valid provided you have no new criminal history and you follow all licensing laws and regulations. Our California-based Live Scan Fingerprinting Services. Applicants who mailed paper applications with payments made by personal check should wait until the checks have been cashed by the Department of Consumer Affairs. If the information does not match, the processing of your application will A copy of this disclaimer can also be found on our Disclaimer page. If you choose to no longer utilize Guardian, please update your notification preferences in My Account.. Since the fingerprint-rolling fee varies widely among locations, you will want to review the cost along with the accepted methods of payment before going to the fingerprinting site. If you do not use Guardian, you may send your renewal fee and the Application for Home Care Aide Registration or Renewal Form (HCS 100), to Home Care Services Bureau, 744 P Street, M.S. 9-14-90, Sacramento, CA 95814. This clearance letter will cover the Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the Child Abuse Central Index (CACI), if applicable. The If you obtain any records from the court or police, submit them to CPMB as soon as possible. Toggle navigation. You must contact your "Requesting Agency," the information for which can be found on the Request for Live Scan form that you used when submitting your live scan transaction. An email address is required as it will be used as the Guardian account username and used for electronic communication. Once the genuine effort is fulfilled, a DOJ technician must review the updated Rap sheet and prepare the background check response according to the statutory dissemination criterion. It is highly recommended for the agency to use Guardian to process transfers and manage their roster. If the individual does have criminal history or information which requires further research by the Care Provider Management Bureau, background checks can take up to 75 days. It lists the amounts charged for the California and FBI background searches. The authorized agency will ensure that the card is filled out completely and accurately in areas such as the billing number, agency information, and fees. that are also suffering from this. (Government Code section 8201.1.) Guardian will replace the report that your Licensing Program Analyst provides to you yearly now that you will be able to view and manage your roster in real time. School Contractor Employers, pdf, In-Home Supportive Care Providers ONLY authorization request packet. cards to the Bureau, Applicant Fingerprint Processing Fee, pdf, State of California Department of Justice, Consumer Protection and Economic Opportunity, California Justice Information Services (CJIS), Fingerprints & Background Checks Overview, Applicant Agency Justice Connection Overview, AB 1793 - Cannabis Convictions Resentencing, Certified Copies of Criminal History Records Overview, Applicant Fingerprint Processing Fee, pdf. After Live Scan Fingerprints have been completed in Guardian, some background check results can be processed in real time. Your conditional exemption cannot be transferred without review from the Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB). history background check may complete a Live Scan by following the steps The DOJ cannot respond to these email messages as the DOJ is not the determining agency. To avoid longer wait times, only contact the Bureau if the DOJ's website states "California/FBI responses were sent to the agency," but you have not yet received . You can get it from the Agency or look at the Agency documents for it. This packet is utilized ONLY by employers providing school site services to a school and the school is requesting the agency conduct background checks of employees prior to starting services. A police report and/or court judgement of conviction may need to be requested to help explain your history. Your fingerprints are electronically forwarded to the DOJ and to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to determine if you have any reportable arrests or convictions. Copies of any records you have may help expedite the CPMBs decision on your exemption request. Using Guardian does not replace the Live Scan process or the fingerprint fees. Instructions for Visa/Immigration Request Form, pdf National Live Scan Fingerprinting Association. A $51.00 fingerprint processing fee ($32.00 for DOJ and $19.00 for FBI) and an additional fingerprint-rolling fee. During the 2014 calendar year, the DOJ processed more than 2.1 million applicant fingerprint transactions. You may also track the status of an exemption by communicating with CPMB via phone at 888-422-5669 or email to There is also a $32 DOJ criminal record check fee that is collected at the live scan fingerprint site. If you choose, you may designate your legal counsel to receive a copy of your criminal history record (pursuant to Penal Code section 11124.). T9-15-62, Sacramento CA, 95814, fax to 916-754-4589 or email your documents to Please access Guardian, locate the Applications tab and select Application Administration from the drop down list. electronically submit your fingerprints to the DOJ and FBI then write an If your transfer cannot be processed due to the condition that has been placed on your exemption, you will also be notified via letter. The probation department may also be contacted to gather any missing information. If the exemption reactivation is approved, CPMB will notify you and the agency of its decision in writing. Please note: The applicant must present valid photo identification when being fingerprinted. Due to the on-going fiscal crisis and hiring restrictions within State Government, effective Monday, November 08, 2010, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) no longer has the resources to take phone calls or process follow-up inquiries from regulatory agencies who have submitted a criminal offender record information search request through the DOJ or the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). * For example, if the individual has no criminal history and all requirements have been met, a clearance can be processed within a day. A copy of this disclaimer can also be found on our Disclaimer page. manually reviewed by FBI and DOJ staff, the minimum processing time is 8-12 When you submit your fingerprints and you have a criminal history, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) will send your record, commonly called a "RAP sheet," to the California Department of Social Services. The appeal process is lengthy and may take up to one year for a final decision. The research is labor intensive on the part of these agencies contacted, and as such, sometimes they limit the number of information requests the DOJ may make to them each day., DISCREPANCIES: If you believe there is a discrepancy in your criminal history record, you can obtain a copy of your California criminal history record by completing the form BCIA 8016RR, REQUEST FOR LIVE SCAN SERVICE. There will be two different statuses provided on this page, it will either say "In Progress" or "Complete - Date". To avoid longer wait times, only contact the Bureau if the DOJ's website states "California/FBI responses were sent to the You will receive the Billing Detail electronically through the Secure Mail Server System (SMSS). California law allows you to request a record clearance from the DOJ for Visa/Immigration purposes. You may upload documents by accessing Guardian, where the Upload Document button will be available on your home screen. If you are an independent Home Care Aide and use Guardian, you will need to locate the Applicant Instruction Form on the Home Care Services Bureau webpage, that will be available starting in mid-January 2021. Subsequent Arrest Service Contract, pdf. You may mail your exemption documents back to the Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB) at 744 P Street, M.S. CPMB will examine your record and history to determine if you are eligible for an exemption to work, reside, or volunteer in a facility or provide services. If your agency has a billing number, please complete and submit the Transmittal Form (Billed) (JUS 204), pdf along with your hard cards and DOJ will invoice your agency for the processing fees. If you or your potential employees have been fingerprinted as part of a required background check, To begin the exemption process, you must submit the following materials to CPMB within the specified timeframe. An agency can initiate a background check application on behalf of an applicant in Guardian. On a Live Scan form the OCA number goes under section 6 Facility/Organization number. A complete exemption package must be sent to the Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB) within 45 days from the date of the exemption needed notification letter. Evidence of activities you have done since your exclusion which demonstrate rehabilitation and good character, Employment history, progress reports, and/or performance evaluations, Verification of completion (certificates) of any training, classes, courses, treatment, and/or counseling, Evidence of whether or not the underlying reasons for your exclusion have been corrected or are no longer in existence. This section pertains to the applicants who choose to use Guardian to assist in their background check. What shows up on a live scan background check? and be available for viewing. While the law requires applicant fingerprints to be captured and submitted electronically via Live Scan, DOJ does have limited statutory authority to issue an exemption to this mandate if an electronic transmission site is regionally unavailable or internal processing procedures dictate a need. Please also list all applicable agencies the user needs access to. Entrusting applicants with the responsibility of the position prior to a criminal background check potentially jeopardizes the safety and integrity of the workplace and may leave some individuals exposed to unnecessary harm. The review of an applicants criminal history is only one piece of an agencys process in making a suitable determination. This DOJ notice does not allow you to begin working, you must wait until you receive the CPMB clearance letter. (See Business and Professions Code section 22442.4.). How the Background Check is Conducted. The ATI Number and Date of Birth are required to perform a search. To avoid longer wait times, only contact the Bureau if one for the DOJ. The Care Provider Management Bureau (CPMB) is prohibited by law from granting exemptions to individuals convicted of certain crimes (non-exemptible crimes). Americorps, pdf, Authorization request packet utilized by all applicant agencies unless designated above. Another set of fingerprints is not needed if you are transferring your exemption or clearance to an agency that requires the same set of fingerprints that you previously submitted. If a criminal record exemption is required, an Exemption Needed letter will generate. Once this step is completed successfully, you will receive an email from which will provide a temporary password to reset your password. Once you have obtained the necessary forms from the applicant agency, go to a local Live Scan site to be fingerprinted. If an individual is convicted of a non-exemptible crime, that individual cannot work, reside, or be present in any licensed facility or for a home care organization. BEFORE any of your potential applicants can be fingerprinted for a background check, you must apply with the DOJ to become an authorized applicant agency unless already designated by law. The applicant has to be fingerprinted again, which starts the FBI fingerprint background check process over. After the application is complete, a pre-populated Live Scan form will generate for the applicant to submit fingerprints. For Live Scan locations and business hours, please refer to the Department of Justice's (DOJ) website or contact the Secretary of State's Special Filings staff. Please note, to check on the status you must have your ATI number and Next, you must submit your fingerprints to the California Department of Justice via a Live Scan site. In California, fingerprinting must be performed by a certified fingerprint roller or qualified law enforcement personnel. If you reside outside of California, you will need to submit a manual fingerprint card or hard card.. An "Apostille" or a "Certification" is frequently required by foreign governments before the background check will be accepted. An applicant may otherwise request a status of their fingerprint background check only with the agency that requested their background check. Your DOJ report should show all your cases in California and what happened to them. The term "agencies" is inclusive of all Community Care licensed facilities, Foster Family Agencies, Home Care Organizations and TrustLine agencies. When the ambiguity is identified, the potential match or matches must be manually (visually) compared and verified before the transaction can be processed. West Sacramento, CA 95798. Youth Organizations/ Human Resources Agencies, pdf, Contract/Proprietary Security Organizations ONLY authorization request packet. the DOJ's website states "California/FBI responses were sent to the After the fingerprint hard card has been completed, it must be returned to the authorized agency for review. A copy of this disclaimer can also be found on our Disclaimer page. If you are still having trouble with logging in, please contact When an individual submits fingerprints, the California Department of Justice (DOJ) conducts a criminal history check. for processing until the full fee payment has been received by the Bureau. Agency of its decision in writing account in Guardian or logged into your existing account, please Guardian. Contact GuardianLoginSupport @ the authorized agency will then mail the fingerprint card, appropriate transmittal form,,! A pre-populated Live Scan background check status is located at https:.! 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ca doj background check status