God Bless.. Hes served on multiple state senate legislative committees, including Business and Labor, Fish and Game, Energy and Telecommunications and Education. CASCADE COUNTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 3 Rae Grulkowski: 55% (15,727) Don Ryan: 45 . The Cascade County Elections Office is located at 325 2nd Ave North, Ste. Businesses and individuals are often overburdened with red-tape and different interpretations of government layers. We have long lacked the leadership and vision to find our niche as an amazing Montana city and use that and market it to bring opportunity. Democratic candidate Don Ryans website can be found at electdonryan.com. This needs to be brought out in the open for accountability and integrity purposes. Marceau runs Luzs Mexican Restaurant, named after her father and whose recipes inspired the menu. The 2022 election is unusual in that two Cascade County Commission positions will be on this years ballot, due to the early resignation of Commissioner Jane Weber. Tempel has served in the legislature since the 2017 legislative session. If you have questions and/or would like to provide input on this situation you can call Joe Briggs at 406-454-6815, Jim Larson at 454 6816 or Don Ryan at 454 6814. Incumbent Cascade County Commissioner Don Ryan was defeated by . The Elections Division is a highly engaged team that provides immaculate service when assisting both election administrators and the general public on voter registration and elections issues. Discover something new every day from News, Sports . If elected, Ill fight for a thriving downtown full of strong mom-and-pop businesses. Jurisdiction: All Judicial Legislative County Statewide City Park. The filing deadline was March 14, 2022. Scrutiny of funding should always be applied to ensure it raises the standard of living and reduces navigating through rules and interpretations by layers of government. It is noted that Commissioner Jim Larson stated the commissioners need to give Sandra Merchant, Cascade County Clerk and Recorder who won the general election, time in her new position and see how shed handle the situation before making any major changes. Candidates must report campaign expenditures to the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices. Michele Levine hopes to return to the bench as Cascade County district judge after the November election. There are a number of programs to encourage energy conservation for homes, C-PACE makes affordable loans available to business properties within the County. We married in 1985 and have two grown children whom we raised in Belt and two grandchildren. Readers will note that our 2022 primary election coverage only includes Republican races. Your opponent warns that minimizing federal monies keeps our local government operating within its means, restricting regulations and obligations impacting our citizens, and that local government should remain in check with the sovereignty of individual members. How do you respond to these concerns over federal program overreach? Republican candidates swept Cascade County elections in 2022, and on Friday they gathered at the Cascade County Courthouse to be sworn into office. The 2021 Legislature passed a law stating all new Heritage areas must now get legislature approval. The Central Committee is made up of candidates, elected officials, and precinct people. The Cascade County Commission race between Don Ryan (Democrat) and Rae Grulkowski (Republican) is the only contested commission race this cycle in our county. She lost her re-election campaign in 2020 to Republican Steven Galloway. GREAT FALLS- Cascade County has released the final results of Tuesday's election. Jessica, the eldest, works for a local nonprofit and is an aspiring writer and her brother James is a High School English Teacher in Conrad. There is no financial liability to the county. Names were forwarded to commissioners by the Cascade County Democratic Central Committee to replace Weber. He is a Past President of the Montana Association of County Officials and chaired their Community, Economic Development and Labor Committee for many years. Although Democrats say tight races show nothing's set in stone, they also cite . "No matter how many times we take the oath its extremely important. Nikolakakos served in the U.S. Air Force and Montana National Guard for 20 years and is running to pursue housing attainability that preserves existing affordable housing, promotes new development, and takes advantage of incentives and creative solutions, along with advocating for resources for public safety and other issues outlined on his website. Russell High School and went to the University of Montana, graduating in 1976. Rina Fontana Moore is running as a Democrat for Clerk and Recorder/Auditor/Surveyor. Desma Meissner is running as a Republican against McKamey in the primary race for SD-12 and filed on Feb. 16. An unfortunate example in our County are residents who lost their home nearly a year ago to fire. . (God bless this family.). Nine newly elected officials participated in the ceremony, including three non-partisan members of the judiciary. Commissioner Joe Briggs is running as an incumbent in Commission District 1. 8 min read. Crime in Great Falls has been a topic of conversation this past year with the Crime Task Force finalizing its recommendations for the commission in September. for Cascade County Commissioner. Age: 38. Under state law, the commissioners must replace Weber, a Democrat, with someone from the Democratic party. My husband and I make our home on rural acreage south and east of Stockett and attend church in Centerville. Preparing for this transition and looking forward to your participation in real solutions for our County. I believe I can use my private sector experience to make this office more efficient, accountable, secure, and customer friendly. You might also be able to find candidate listings on your local city or township clerk's website. Rosales works as a medical consultant for a New York based health marketing agency. He was elected to the Cascade County Commission, Jan. 1, 2015 and is finishing the end of his 6 th year as commissioner. Bessette told the Tribune in December she is most passionate about substance abuse issues and spoke about her experience as a Native woman in the legislature. Incumbent Randy Pinocci won election in the general election for Montana Public Service Commission District 1.. Ann Bukacek won election in the general election for Montana Public Service Commission . Clerk and Recorders are intimately involved in our election process, and they know that . . How would you as a city leader best communicate to the public best practices during a public health emergency and ensure public safety? Why should voters turn away from an incumbent with more than 16 years of public service? Its a great honor for me to be here with all of you to take our oaths together.". They are Randy Arnold, Don Detienne, John Holland, and Mahlon Lee. Cascade County Commissioner, District 1. Cascade County Dems Crushed Again. The Cascade County Elections Office provided the following unofficial results at 10:15 p.m., representing more than 90% of all votes (leading candidates in bold). The definition of wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. That is what I try to bring to the Commission. Ive worked every job up to and including the last day of employment, even incurring overtime on that last day. The section election is to fill the District 3 term of Weber, a Democrat who announced her resignation from the position in December 2020. Here are the latest results from the Cascade County Elections Office as of noon on Wednesday, November 9, 2022. Graham supports increasing Medicaid caps for substance abuse treatment and infrastructure projects made possible with federal dollars. Signup today! Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. . In 2018, Grulkowski began working with her husband full-time at their multi-generational business, Carp's Drain Cleaning, Inc., located in Great Falls. Ballots began arriving in mailboxes last week, but the Cascade County Elections Office has been receiving calls from county residents . There are many registration drives going on throughout the state, but there is only one Elections Office in each county, and all registration forms must be turned into the county elections office in a timely manner. He has received several awards for his work as a prosecutor, previous served on the veterans and adult treatment court, is a trained Internet Crimes against Children prosecutor, and currently serves on the board of the Montana County Attorneys Association. Prior to his election he had a varied professional management career that included positions such as Assistant Fleet Maintenance Supervisor for a multinational Trucking Company, Director of Information services for a company that operated a range of business including vehicle dealerships, alcohol and food distribution, travel agencies and trucking companies. Cascade County Commissioners have scheduled a special meeting for Feb. 4 at 4 p.m. to interview Vanessa Hayden for the commissioner vacancy. Home; Home; There Sherry served on the Middleton School Board and served as a Canyon County . I was born and raised in Great Falls, moving to Cascade for Jr. High and High School. Republican candidates swept Cascade County elections in 2022, and on Friday they gathered at the Cascade County Courthouse to be sworn into office. 100, Great Falls, MT 59401. On Election Day in November of 2020 Cascade County Republican candidates for the state legislature defeated every one of their Democrat opponents on the ballot, including several incumbent legislators. Josh has tried nearly every type of criminal case from speeding tickets to deliberate homicides. What is your stance on these proposals, and do you think they pose a significant threat to private property rights in Cascade County? Former Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, who served in the U.S. House, is running for election as a Republican, as is Al Doc Olszewki, a longtime state lawmaker from the Flathead area. Phone: 406-454-6814. Government does not work quickly. I will use my experience and dedication to help this office stay on pace with the ever increasing caseload and I will continue to work together as a team with all those whom have a hand in the successful operation of the Eighth Judicial District Court. Diane Heikkila is running for re-election as a Republican for Treasurer and Superintendent of Schools. In addition to Baily and Fagenstrom, the current class of Cascade County officials includes two other freshman office holders, Cascade County Commissioner Rae Grulkowski and County Clerk and Recorder Sandra Merchant. Cascade School District 5 Cascade School District 5, Director, Position 1 Ruth Stevens 7796 NATHAN ST SE SALEM, OR 97317 . I began my career in the Eighth Judicial District as a Deputy Clerk of Court in February 2014, was promoted to Chief Deputy Clerk of Court in July 2017, and was appointed to complete the term of retired Clerk of Court, Faye McWilliams, in January 2020. He said that the Sheriff has been a Democrat in Cascade County for . This question makes the assumption that there is a bad working relationship between the commissions and I am not aware that is the case. On the Democrats side, Cora Neumann of Bozeman, Monica Tranel of Missoula and Tom Winter of Missoula are running for the top slot. Grulkowski: As Abraham Lincoln stated at Gettysburg, "government of the people, by the people, for the people." Commission Office. You can email her at ngirten@greatfallstribune.com. Video . Slaughter said at a public debate in April that although he ran as a Democrat in 2018, he was abandoned by the party in 2020. Rae Grulkowski is a Cascade County businesswoman whose resume includes nearly two decades as a business owner of two entities. All five members, including Brown, are Republican. Cascade County Commissioners appointed Dave Phillips as a justice of the peace in August 2021. In 2019, she clashed with the powerful teachers' union, leading to an 11-day strike , the longest in decades. Cascade County - Shall Justice of the Peace STEVEN T. FAGENSTROM of the Justice Court of the County of CASCADE of the state of Montana be retained in office for another term? A digital project by | Support this work . The candidates for mayor include incumbent Bob Kelly and former city commissioner Fred Burow. Jim is married to wife, Darae, and they were blessed with 2 sons that live in Great Falls. The complaint was filed by Antoinette Wells, another applicant for the position. The western part of the state will become House District 1 and will include Missoula, Kalispell and Bozeman. County Commissioner Joe Briggs is a native of Cascade County and has served as a County Commissioner since January of 2005. Philip M. Faccenda-October 25 . With my experience being outside of government office, I can bring a fresh perspective and new . During the 2017 session, Schreiner sponsored legislation on providing tax credits for businesses who employ apprentices with an extra incentive for veteran apprentices. Graham served in the Military Intelligence Corps before going into political consulting for 14 years, per her website biography. Once the guidelines were set in place, the board of County Commissioners, along with our current County Grants Coordinator, organized a grading system by which the money would be allocated. The Cascade County Democratic Central Committee's mission is to support and promote Democratic Candidates, Office Holders, Ballot Initiatives and the Montana Democratic Platform. Former state commerce director Gary Buchanan of Billings has filed to run against Rosendale as an independent. Tribune: Your campaign emphasizes the importance of limited government; that smaller is best and that strong communities stand on their own. How does your concept of limited government apply to the struggle of communities in Cascade County, both large and small, to make the lives of their citizens better? In July of 2019 Briggs was elected to the position of NACo West Region Representative to the Executive Committee. Incumbent Josh Kassmier is as of now running unopposed as a Republican in HD-27. Cascade County, Montana 325 2nd Ave North Great Falls, MT 59401 Contact Us; Quick Links. I have introduced myself to many staff and elected officials within our County government and I have been shadowing the office of Cascade County Commissioner for nearly a year. Where facts are no match for fear! In the end, our affected citizens demonstrated they do not support a National Heritage Area. One of three laws Tempel sponsored that became law in 2021 involved waiving certain costs associated with opencut mining operations. Briggs said he wanted to bring it before commissioners as soon as possible after the canvass, which is scheduled on Friday, November 18, 2022. Read On; View All Events /Calendar.aspx. Current Montana lawmaker Mark Sweeney of Philipsburg has filed on the Democrats side as has Skylar Williams of Billings and former Billings City Councilwoman Penny Ronning. She . More Information. He spent all his schoolyears in Belt and is a graduate of Belt Valley High School. Montanas population grew enough to warrant the addition of another seat in the United States House of Representatives. Two Candidates, Rae Grulkowski and Sandra Merchant, were duly elected by the voters in Cascade County to perform the known duties of those positions. 07/18/2022 Maryalene LaPonsie Elections 0. Rae Grulkowski Commissioner, District 3. Nov 08, 2022. County Attorney Josh Racki is running for re-election as a Democrat. A complaint filed with the Montana Human Rights Bureau alleges that they made the appointment despite the fact that Phillips had multiple DUI arrests and state and federal tax liens filed against him while we was a Cascade County sheriff's deputy. The remaining commissioners can choose one to appoint to her seat, but that person will have to run again in 2022 at the next general election and then again in 2024 to reinstate the district three seat cycle. As anticipated, Derek Skees, a Kalispell Republican state lawmaker who is termed out of the Legislature, is running for District 5, and will be challenged by Republicans Ann Bukacek of Kalispell, Dean Crabb of Marion, and Joe Dooling of Helena. Gist is advocating for the expansion of rural access to medical care through solutions like tele-medicine, responsible mining and access to quality education, per his campaign website. Kerns sponsored legislation regarding military leaves of absence and allocating state funds for counties to cover funeral costs for indigent persons. McKamey is running against Democrat Jacob Bachmeier, who represented HD-28 for two consecutive sessions and left in 2021. She's retiring Aug. 31 and was last elected to the seat in 2018. Success! Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. Hamlett served in the legislature from 2009-2019 and served as Vice Chair to the House Ethics Committee in the 2019 session. The Tribune spoke with Nikolakakos in 2018 after cyberbullying and threats were made on a forum he co-founded called Great Falls Concerned Citizens when opposition against the proposed slaughterhouse was boiling over in the community. The Cascade County Commissioners Office is comprised of three commissioners. You can email our chair, Ron Szabo at chair@cascadecountydemocrats.org for more information. Commissioner Don Ryan was appointed in 2021 to serve out the rest of former Commissioner Jane Webers term and now seeks election to the District 3 position as a Democrat. John Plecnik (Submitted) Office sought: Lake County Commissioner. The two biggest challenges are stagnated growth and crime. Im honored to uphold and protect the Constitution and serve the people of Cascade County. There are six candidates for the two open commission seats: Joshua Copeland, Vanessa Hayden, Eric Hinebauch, Joe McKenney, Paige Turoski and Susan Wolff. I am a daughter with 4 sisters, a blessed mother of 2 daughters and a son and a very happy grandmother of 4 soon to be 5. Commissioner Joe Briggs is running as an incumbent in Commission District 1. Previous employers include public school districts in Wisconsin and Montana and the Montana Wheat and Barley Committee. Friday's ceremony took place before a courtroom packed with supporters and family members. Ryan served four terms on the Board of Trustees for Great Falls Public Schools and served in the legislature for two sessions in the Montana Senate where Ryan was the Chair of the Education Committee. 2022 Primary Election Contest/Candidate List. I so appreciate the opportunity to make this underhanded attempt at restructuring our government made known publicly! In order to make this available to our businesses and banks, we had to pass a resolution agreeing to the process. All Democratic candidates in Lowell-area . Even though the election is past us, WE THE PEOPLE need to remain engaged. Helena Lovick and Casey Schreiner had been on the list of three recommended for interviews by the committee, but both recently dropped out of consideration after being offered full time employment. Cascade County Elections Office 325 2nd Ave N Ste 113, Great Falls MT . Isnt this just another program that places business interests ahead of those of working-class citizens? She and her husband make their home on rural acreage south and east of Stockett, in the southeast portion of Cascade County. The Board of Trustees for School District No. Very truthfully, I wouldnt trade anything I have learned over the years to be one day younger. I can encourage community involvement offering guidance through local government processes. Lovick drops from consideration for County Commission vacancy. This is not an appropriate time to do this. Three people have filed as Libertarians including Sam Rankin of Billings, Roger Roots of Livingston and Samuel Thomas. "This will change nothing that I do on a day-to-day basis, it's just standing up for professional law enforcement and saying I'm not going to align myself with radical party leadership that doesn't respect the ideals that the people of Cascade County respect," Slaughter said at the time of his party switch announcement. Buttrey represented SD-11 from 2011 to 2019 before winning in HD-23 and serving two terms. Pursuant to a September 30, 2022, District Court Order, registrations . This is how we run our businesses, and how we can succeed in Government.. Filing Window. Forms to register to vote or request an absentee ballot are available on the Cascade County Elections website. Trebas served in the House in the 2017 and 2021 legislative sessions. Winds WSW at 10 to 20 mph.. 0. While a small businessman he served as Chairman of the Board of the Great Falls Chamber, a member of the Military Affairs Committee, local Republican Party Chairman, District Chairman of the Boy Scouts of America and President of several local organizations as well as being the President of the National Federation of Pachyderm Clubs. Were here today to take our oaths of office, all of us. His military career consisted of 4 years in the U.S. Navy, as a. He is currently the Chief Strategic Officer for Alluvion Health. Rae Grulkowski is a Cascade County businesswoman, with commercial property within the city of Great Falls, and residential properties within Great Falls and outside of city boundaries. Speaking with people, instead of to them and being open and willing to accept critique. Ryan taught and coached basketball across the state before returning to Great Falls to raise his family. Are there issues you feel have not been addressed by the city commission in the past? Its a moment that carries a lot of weight for all of us. It was my focus to create awareness of the potential National Heritage Area designation, realizing less than 1.7% of the impacted population knew of the proposal. Export. Oldest son, Lee, his wife, Kelly and 3 children, Ava, Mia and son Smith. Commissioner Briggs said he wanted to put an ordinance change proposal before the Cascade County commissioners as soon as possible to move elections under the commission office. . I graduated from Cascade High School along with my husband Paul in 1983. Tribune: Your campaign website places a high emphasis upon your success in securing $13.3 million in federal appropriations through the American Rescue Plan Act. Victim Assistance Program is a government program that provides information and aid to persons who have suffered direct physical, emotional, or pecuniary harm as a result of the commission of a crime. The people who are engineering this development, are non-transparent and very defensive. The primary was scheduled for June 7, 2022. The Federal, State and County primary elections will be held June 7. After reading local reviews of the election, I believe you are trying to restructure local government. These are some of the 65 projects selected and funded by the Commission to improve services and infrastructure with the one-time money from ARPA. Last week, Lewis and Clark District Court Judge Michael McMahon announced that he was going to run against current sitting Supreme Court Justice Ingrid Gustafson. A State-funded, matching component was incorporated. Submit application to: Cascade County, Box 2305, Great Falls, MT, 59403, US. Small business is the heart of this community, and we must work together to help small business thrive, Bachmeier said in the release. The answers below appear as the candidates submitted them in writing to the Tribune. That changed the statewide map as PSC District 1 and 5 were up for grabs in 2022. While in office she sponsored a bill that became law on requirements for background checks for assisted living facility employees. I represent a diversity of interests throughout our County. The county has two justices of the peace, who oversee Justice Court, which handles traffic offenses and misdemeanor criminal offenses issued by the Cascade Learn more about Randy Pinocci, including background, campaign developments and issue stances in Montana's 2022 elections. During the 2021 session Trebas was the primary sponsor of two bills which became law surrounding Child Protective Services, like having the Department of Public Health and Human Services report some information upon request to select people involved in a case and amending what reasonable efforts means in terms of the good faith effort from DPHHS to make plans with families to help them remain together. Mayor Lori Lightfoot faces a wide field of challengers on Tuesday, including one front-runner who has portrayed Chicago as a city . This has encompassed growing businesses and gracefully guiding their downsizing. 0:57. Communications Technician, spending time in Spain, South Korea and countries along the west coast of Africa. David Phillips is running as a non-partisan Justice of the Peace. Jay is the younger son and is married to wife, Lesley and they have 2daughters, Violet and Liberty. 10 months later, they still endure a painstaking process to rebuild the same home, in accommodating government regulations. She is a special education teacher for Great Falls Public Schools according to her LinkedIn. Candidates must report campaign expenditures to the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices. 100, Great Falls, MT 59401. Briggs has served three terms, each six years long, on the commission and said in a press release if elected this would be his final term serving. Races for Montana Supreme Court are nonpartisan, as are judicial elections at the district court level. Attending numerous city and county council meetings, we were continually met with disinterest for the voice of the governed. She has served in the legislature since the 2017 session and is currently the Vice Chair of the Montana GOP. Cascade County Democrats Facebook Page. Josh practiced in Kalispell as a private attorney for 2 years before joining the Cascade County Attorneys Office in 2005. Montana Gov. Long term, we must manage the rapid growth that will see our population approach 250,000 by 2035. Export. Montana held an election for two of five seats on the Montana Public Service Commission on November 8, 2022. Chicago Votes for Mayor in a Race Dominated by Crime and Policing. Jim is married to wife, Darae, and they were blessed with 2 sons that live in Great Falls. What are the biggest challenges facing Great Falls right now and how would you work to fix them? Error! Im proud of the work we did on behalf of the community. Great Falls, Montana 59404 Email: commission@cascadecountymt.gov. Motor Vehicle. Jim Larson, age 72, was raised in the Belt Area and still lives and ranches southwest of Belt. As a candidate nearing his 70s, dont you think a younger voice on the Cascade County Commission is more relevant to the concerns of a new generation of voters? Cascade Countys Current Budget Officer gave her notice of resignation in February 2022 that would be activated in November 2022, yet there was no discussion or transparent communication made available to make this known to the public or the new candidates six weeks before the new candidates took office. Galloways website biography detailed that they were awarded NeighborWorks Great Falls' most improved rental award for 2009-2010. A total of 287 candidates filed for legislative office, including 21 candidates running for the Legislature unopposed. The biggest unaddressed issue is as I mentioned above. Two candidates are vying for the seat in the 5th District. I am a daughter with 4 sisters, a blessed mother of 2 daughters and a son and a very happy grandmother of 4 soon to be 5. The recount began at 8 a.m. Nov. 28 after the current clerk and recorder, Rina Fontana Moore, requested the process. I would communicate using the latest factual data and consider ALL data presented before making statements, policy or implementing best practice. Briggs serves on the National Association of Counties (NACo) Executive Committee and lobbies congress to better serve the interests of counties across the country. Wendy McKamey represented HD-19 since winning against the-incumbent Randy Pinocci in 2016, but is now running to serve in the State Senate to represent SD-12. View Full Map. PHOTOS: Hay fire slowing traffic in New Site, Universities Spend $521K on Speeches by 1619 Project Author, Pentagon Used $358M Jet to Shoot Down Balloon, Bidens Failed Diplomacy: China and Russia Are As Close As Ever, Bullying, tax breaks and alien ballots: bills pass House hurdle as transmittal closes in, La Brea: How Will Season 3 Begin After That Wild Season 2 Finale? Thus far, there appears to be no obligations for accepting ARPA monies (strings attached), a fair process of distribution was applied, and long-term commitments of the appropriations were considered and eliminated. Jan 13, 2022 - Jan 13, 2022. . Ive held positions in the private and public sectors. County election recount underway. Compensation of county commissioners. They interviewed Amy Rapp on Jan. 28. Melissa Smith is also running as a Democrat in HD-23. Sheriff Jesse Slaughter is a Montana Native. Among these are a local effort to create a Big Sky Country National Heritage Area, and the possibility that the American Prairie Reserve might seek to obtain control of lands within Cascade County. Elections at the Cascade County has released the final results of Tuesday & # ;... Up to and including the last day the complaint was filed by Antoinette Wells, another applicant the! Attempt at restructuring our government made known publicly an incumbent with more than 16 years public... 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