The new Detective Comics #1 (November 2011) has Batman on the trail of The Joker, who wantonly strikes one more time. But through it all (or, well most of it) one thing has remained consistent: The man (mad or no) is very, very vain. It doesn't just represent his hair but it also represents the green chemicals that Arthur Fleck Fell into which . [107], The Joker's popularity (and his role as Batman's enemy) has involved the character in most Batman-related media, from television to video games. Last edited on 28 February 2023, at 17:41, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth, Barcelona International Comics Convention, The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians, "Dark Knight Flashback: The Joker, Part I", "R.I.P. 60 comment s 2 video s Breyfogle conceived the idea as a means to expand on Anarky's characterization, but O'Neil (by then the editor for the Batman series of books) was opposed to it, and only allowed it to be written under protest, and with a promise that the revelation would eventually be revealed incorrect. Joker is not the first time such a thing has been tried. [115], The Joker is obsessed with Batman, the pair representing a yin-yang of opposing dark and light force; although it is the Joker who represents humor and color and Batman who dwells in the dark. Nor is he wearing the character's signature purple suit (although Jason Momoa did wear one to the premiere).. Cohen, who specializes in violence and psychopathy, told Insider that "Joker" strengthens the incorrect stereotype that there is a link between mental . [31][68], In "Under the Hood" (2005), a resurrected Todd tries to force Batman to avenge his death by killing the Joker. 2) #1) was reattached with belts, wires, and hooks, and he was outfitted with mechanics overalls. The futuristic vision of Batman in Batman Beyond naturally called for a futuristic version of The Joker. Englehart's "The Laughing Fish" demonstrates the character's illogical nature: trying to copyright fish that bear his face, and not understanding why threatening the copyright clerk cannot produce the desired result. Warner Bros. "Joker" has sparked many conversations about mental illness. Apparently Jerry Robinson or Bob, I don't recall who, looked at the card and they had an idea for a character the Joker. [50][51] Written at the height of tensions between the United States and Iran, the story's conclusion had Iranian leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini appoint the Joker his country's ambassador to the United Nations (allowing him to temporarily escape justice). Another futuristic version of Batman and The Joker is in the famed miniseries The Dark Knight Returns from 1986. Although the police protect his first announced victim, millionaire Henry Claridge, the Joker had poisoned him before making his announcement and Claridge dies with a ghastly grin on his face. In 1994's "Going Sane", the villain tries to lead a normal life after Batman's (apparent) death, only to become his old self again when Batman reappears; in "Emperor Joker", an apparently omnipotent Joker cannot destroy Batman without undoing himself. [217][218] Batman's success led to the 1992 television series, Batman: The Animated Series. "[147][148] Gotham's villains also feel threatened by the character; depending on the circumstances, he is as likely to fight with his rivals for control of the city as he is to join them for an entertaining outcome. If you aren't aware of this meme - or have just come to accept you probably aren't deep enough into the internet to get it - don't worry, that's the . She and the Joker formed a strong bond, which ultimately became a codependent, unhealthy relationship. Although they have a friendly partnership in 1950's World's Finest Comics #88, later unions emphasized their mutual hostility and clashing egos. But in every panel The Joker appears in, his face is full of gleeful menace. Director Christopher Nolan Writers Jonathan Nolan (screenplay) Christopher Nolan (screenplay) David S. Goyer (story) Stars Christian Bale The supervillain returns in "The Clown at Midnight" (2007) as an enigmatic force who awakens and tries to kill Harley Quinn to prove to Batman that he has become more than human. In his 70-year career of menace and mayhem, The Joker has often done his foul deeds with panache. "Endgame" restores the Joker's face, and also reveals that he knows Batman's secret identity. In a 1975 interview in The Amazing World of DC Comics, Robinson said he wanted a supreme arch-villain who could test Batman, not a typical crime lord or gangster designed to be easily disposed of. Although the film was controversial for its violence and portrayal of mental illness, Phoenix's performance received widespread acclaim. 2. Like the trickster, the Joker alternates between malicious violence and clever, harmless whimsy. Jerry Robinson, Creator of Batman's Nemesis, the Joker", "Meet the Joker's Maker, Jerry Robinson" (interview)", "The Joker in the Deck: Birth of a Supervillain", "10 Terrible Mistakes That Almost Ruined Batman For Everyone", "The Joker returns to 'Batman' pages, building on 72-year history", "Rare Superman, Batman covers heading for auction", "Spotlight on The Dark Knight: 'The Smile on the Bat', "The Evolution of the Joker: Still Crazy After All These Years", "When We First Met Joker's Deadly Bag of Tricks", "Dark Knight Flashback: The Joker, Part II", "Joker Panel Interview: Steve Englehart on The Laughing Fish", "Why So Serious? Joker's full appearance. [19], The character inspired theme-park roller coasters (The Joker's Jinx,[202][203] The Joker in Mexico and California,[204][205] and The Joker Chaos Coaster),[206] and featured in story-based rides such as Justice League: Battle for Metropolis. [64] The story ends with the apparent deaths of Batman and the Joker at each other's hands, though it is revealed that they were both resurrected in a life-restoring Lazarus Pit, without their memories. This, combined with the earlier accidental death of his wife and unborn child, drives the comedian insane, turning him into the Joker. ", "Scott Snyder On 'Death of the Family': 'It'S A Love Letter To Batman From The Joker' [Interview]", "100 Greatest Comic Book Villains of All Time", "40 Greatest Joker Moments 39: Peer review", "Bizarro Back Issues: The Strange Saga Of The Joker'S Daughter (1976)", "Ask Chris #173: The Trouble with the Joker's Girlfriend Harley Quinn", "5 'Justice League' Stories Fit For Film", "Justice League of America Vol. Voiced by Mark Hamill, the Joker retained the darker tone of the comics in stories acceptable for young children. He became a cunning thief in the 1950s, and wassidelined as much as possible during the 1960s, because he didn't fit in editor Julius Schwartz's vision of the "new look" Batman era. has the joker ever grown a beard? According to Finger, the Joker was already committing crimes under a different alias the Red Hood when, one night as he was trying to rob a factory and evade Batman, he dove into a pool of. Contents 1 History 1.1 Origins 1.2 Endeavors 1.3 Other schemes [157] The character has joined supervillain groups like the Injustice Gang and the Injustice League to take on superhero groups like the Justice League. Comics and Graphic Novels Notify me about new: Board Topics. [240] Zach Galifianakis voiced the character in The Lego Batman Movie (2017). Bill Finger had a book with a photograph of Conrad Veidt and showed it to me and said, 'Here's the Joker.' Lieberman(w),Dale Eaglesham, Paul Ryan, Roger Robinson, Al Barrionuevo(p),John Floyd(i). [241] The 2019 film Joker focuses on the origins of the Joker (named Arthur Fleck) as portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix. he came out with his skin bleached white and his hair turned green. [176], The Joker's controlling and abusive relationship with Harley Quinn has been analyzed as a means of the Joker reinforcing his own belief in his power in a world where he may be killed or neutralized by another villain or Batman. The Joker sometimes works with other Gotham City supervillains, such as the Penguin and Two-Face, and groups like the Injustice Gang and Injustice League, but these relationships often collapse due to the Joker's desire for unbridled chaos. The Joker has become one of the most iconic characters of all time over the years, and he's been known to be one of the world's most deadly and demented villains, but it wasn't always that way.. The volume I had was The Man Who Laughs his face had been permanently operated on so that he will always have this perpetual grin. Although the Joker was planned to be killed off during his initial appearance, he was spared by editorial intervention, allowing the character to endure as the archenemy of the superhero Batman. [22], The 1942 cover of Detective Comics #69, known as "Double Guns" (with the Joker emerging from a genie's lamp, aiming two guns at Batman and Robin), is considered one of the greatest superhero comic covers of the Golden Age and is the only image from that era of the character using traditional guns. For its first two acts, Todd Phillips's Joker is a social-realist drama that just so happens to be set in Gotham City. If one were to mix two primary colors together, the result would be one of the three secondary colors: orange, purple and green. [215][216], A darker version of the Joker named Jack Napier (played by Jack Nicholson) made his film debut in 1989's Batman, which earned over $400million at the worldwide box office. Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson are credited with creating the Joker, but their accounts of the character's conception differ, each providing his own version of events. In the three-issue spinoff series Flashpoint: Knight of Vengeance (August-October 2011), we see how Martha's grief and despair play out -- including her slashing her cheeks into a wicked grin. . #3. Despite this body count, he is always found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to Arkham Asylum, avoiding the death penalty. I'm crazy 'cause I hate you," and confirms that he will only stop killing when Batman is dead. When hunky, twenty-year-old heart-throb Heath Ledger first came to the attention of the public in 1999, it was all too easy to tag him as a "pretty boy" and an actor of little depth. Perspectives From Five Famous Philosophers", "The 200 Greatest Comic Book Characters of All Time", "Top 100 Comic Book Villains Number 2: The Joker", "Comics' Greatest Supervillain? But honestly, it seems to have started from these dear white haired ladies using purple rinses to counteract the yellowish cast. Parents forbade their children from reading comic books, and there were several mass burnings. In the end, the Joker turns out to be Tim Drake, unknowingly . Other essentials include the iconic blonde hair bow on a wig with bangs ($4; ), fingerless gloves, a leather corset, a silver v-shaped collar necklace ($17; ), and anything . The flood of chemicals (used in anti-psychotic medication) alters his appearance and completes his transformation. [73], The 2000s began with the crossover story "Emperor Joker", in which the Joker steals Mister Mxyzptlk's reality-altering power and remakes the universe in his image (torturing and killing Batman daily, before resurrecting him). Joaquin Phoenix is not depicted battling Batman or hanging out with Harley Quinn. [248], The Joker has also been featured in video games. Orange and black streamers hung around, Harley was holding a cake with eleven lit candles and both Joker was there with a party noisemaker in hand, and there was a big banner that read "Happy Birthday". Spectacle is more important than success for the Joker, and if it is not spectacular it is boring. ", Jerry Robinson, the Joker's creator[93], Although a number of backstories have been given, a definitive one has never been established for the Joker. Sure, the basics have always been there: The Joker's maniacal grin, his green hair, red lips and purple suit. For his entire supervillain career, he's favored the bright color purple, sometimes accented with green and sometimes with orange. The theatrical release Batman (1989) went for star power when it cast The Joker, getting Academy Award-winner Jack Nicholson to become the Mad Maestro of Mirth. [3] Finger said that he was also inspired by the Steeplechase Face, an image in Steeplechase Park at Coney Island that resembled a Joker's head, which he sketched and later shared with future editorial director Carmine Infantino. TheFlashpoint miniseries (May-August 2011) covers an alternate timeline for the DC Universe. [20] By issue #13, Kane's work on the syndicated Batman newspaper strip left him little time for the comic book; artist Dick Sprang assumed his duties, and editor Jack Schiff collaborated with Finger on stories. The character was created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, and Jerry Robinson, and first appeared in the debut issue of the comic book Batman on April 25, 1940. Credit for the Joker's creation is disputed; Kane and Robinson claimed responsibility for the Joker's design while acknowledging Finger's writing contribution. [5][9][15], The Joker debuted in Batman #1 (April 1940) as the eponymous character's first villain, about a year after Batman's debut in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939). did the joker ever have purple hair 59.4K views Discover short videos related to did the joker ever have purple hair on TikTok. This Joker had the traditionally pale white skin, which was frequently on display, as actor Jared Letowas shirtless in several scenes and publicity photos. [23][24], The Joker was one of the few popular villains continuing to appear regularly in Batman comics from the Golden Age into the Silver Age, as the series continued during the rise in popularity of mystery and romance comics. It's the story of a troubled working-class man who crumbles under the. [Opinion]", "Geek's 20 Greatest Joker Moments Ever, Part III", "Almost Got Him: 10 Times the Joker Almost Nailed Batman", "Roundtable Review: 'Batman And Robin' #13", "Black Mass: Batman And Robin #16 [Annotations]", "Geek's 20 Greatest Joker Moments Ever, Part I", "Batman: Death of the Family #17 by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo review", "Batman Writer Scott Snyder Addresses Huge Surprise", "Batman Writer Scott Snyder Addresses Huge Surprise (Page 2)", "Two Years After DC's Rebirth, What's Been Answered? Batman arrives to stop the robbery, provoking the terrified comedian into jumping into a vat of chemicals, which dyes his skin chalk-white, his hair green, and his lips bright red. [56] The man who will become the Joker quits his job as a lab assistant in order to fulfill his dream of being a stand-up comedian, only to fail miserably. This version featured bright green hair in locs, blazing red eyes, jagged yellow teeth, black fingerless leather gloves, a lavender patterned tunic and blue jeans. A jester, court jester, fool or joker was a member of the household of a nobleman or a monarch employed to entertain guests during the medieval and Renaissance eras. [29][30], In 1973, after a four-year disappearance,[2] the Joker was revived (and revised) by writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams. He has scraggly grass-green hair and dark circles around his eyes. "No Man's Land Endgame: Part 3 Sleep in Heavenly Peace". This Joker had no eyebrows and his hair was slicked back, exaggerating his forehead and making his eyes more frightening. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa:, +33974562807 Installation et rnovation de rseau lectrique Pont-Audemerr, Lisieux, Le Havre-lectricit btiment,Installation lectrique | SARL YD ELEC NORMANDIE The look reverted to the more familiar style in Batman Beyond: The Return of The Joker(2000), Justice League(2001-2004) and Justice League Unlimited(2004-2006). [85] At the end of the storyline, the Joker falls off a cliff into a dark abyss. [221][222][223][224] A redesigned Joker, voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson, appeared in 2004's The Batman; Richardson was the first African-American to play the character. [137] He commits crimes with a variety of weaponized thematic props such as a deck of razor-tipped playing cards, rolling marbles, jack-in-the-boxes with unpleasant surprises and exploding cigars capable of leveling a building. [180] Removing the traditional male-female relationship, such as in the Batman: Thrillkiller storyline where the Joker (Bianca Steeplechase) is a female and involved in a lesbian relationship with Harley, their relationship lacks any aspects of violence or subjugation. He is driven by the symbology of disorder, the ideology of chaos; not . Not long before we drive to his favorite sushi bar in Los Angeles, Joaquin Phoenix, the actor, tells the story of how he became a vegan. In "To Laugh and Die in Metropolis" (1987) the character kidnaps Lois Lane, distracting Superman with a nuclear weapon. JokerMan. As a result, it was Thomas Wayne who became a rather brutal Batman. [19][62] Capullo's Joker design replaced his traditional outfit with a utilitarian, messy, and disheveled appearance to convey that the character was on a mission; his face (surgically removed in 2011's Detective Comics (vol. This appearance is such a fundamental aspect of the character that when the 2004 animated series The Batman placed the Joker in a straitjacket, it quickly redesigned him in his familiar suit. The Joker had been catatonic for that 10 years because of Batman's retirement, but awakens because of a news report. [184], Since 20122013, the Joker has inspired a large number of internet memes, often focused on the character's portrayal in films (see below). [181], The Joker is considered one of the most recognizable and iconic fictional characters in popular culture,[182][183][184] one of the best comic villains, and one of the greatest villains of all time. Action Crime Drama When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people of Gotham, Batman must accept one of the greatest psychological and physical tests of his ability to fight injustice. [163] However, the Joker differs in that his actions typically only benefit himself. [174] He creates his own morality and is bound only by his own rules without aspiring to something higher than himself, unlike Batman, the slave, who makes a distinction between good and evil, and is bound to rules outside of himself (such as his avoidance of killing) in his quest for justice. Fox: You're messing with me, aren't you. He reveals himself to be The Joker -- but rather than look menacing,Luthor Jokermostly looks goofy. Joker. [66] This led to a second ongoing Joker series, beginning in March 2021 with Tynion writing and Guillem March providing art. He wears a white herringbone tweed blazer with wide lapels and padded shoulders, a white necktie and purple dress shirt with matching purple pegged pants, and purple boots with Cuban heels. [17], The character was introduced in Batman #1 (1940), in which he announces that he will kill three of Gotham's prominent citizens. But I think he did in some Kevin Smith story. The most common interpretation of the character is that of a man who, while disguised as the criminal Red Hood, is pursued by Batman and falls into a vat of chemicals that bleaches his skin, colors his hair green and his lips red, and drives him insane. The reasons why the Joker was disguised as the Red Hood and his identity before his transformation have changed over time. [45][31] Several months after Crisis on Infinite Earths launched the era by killing off Silver Age icons such as the Flash and Supergirl and undoing decades of continuity,[46] Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (1986) re-imagined Batman as an older, retired hero[47] and the Joker as a lipstick-wearing celebrity[36][48] who cannot function without his foe. Here, CBR casts an eye at The Joker's different looks, including some that were great and some that were, well,just a bit laughable. [227][228] While Batman Begins earned a worldwide total of $370million;[229] The Dark Knight earned over $1billion and was the highest-grossing film of the year, setting several contemporary box-office records (including highest-grossing midnight opening, opening day and opening weekend). : The Many Looks of Joker (Page 2)", "Bizarro Back Issues: The Joker's Solo Series (1975)", "Frank Miller's 'Dark Knight' brought Batman back to life", "Scott Snyder Talks About the Joker's Brutal Return", "Batman: The Killing Joke Deluxe Edition review", "Batman: Alan Grant & Norm Breyfogle Speak Out", "Scott Snyder Plays Joker In 'Death of the Family', "Post-Convergence Batman Will Have New Status Quo 'No One Has Done in 75 Years of Batman', "The Joker War is over, but it changed Gotham City", "The Joker is getting his own monthly comic from DC", "Geek's 20 Greatest Joker Moments Ever, Part II", "So What Really Happened at the End Of 'The Killing Joke'? The 1960s Batman TV series gave us a Joker who was modeled on the merry prankster from the 1950s comics, not the cunning killer he was in the 1940s or the sociopathic spree killer he would become in the 1980s and later. Despite being a drifter of sorts, Joker is surprisingly well-dressed. The man who would become The Joker was originally a struggling standup comic trying to support his pregnant wife. Fox: . This deep shade showcases his dark hair, chalk-white skins and the red of his permanent grin. [206] The Joker is one of the few comic book supervillains to be represented on children's merchandise and toys, appearing on items including action figures, trading cards, board games, money boxes, pajamas, socks, and shoes. Robinson said that other contemporary villains used guns, and the creative team wanted the Jokeras Batman's adversaryto be more resourceful. The miniseries ends with the revelation that Batman knows the Joker's true identity. [76] The Joker kills Alexander Luthor, Jr. in Infinite Crisis (2005) for excluding him from the Secret Society of Super Villains, which considers him too unpredictable for membership. A complete psychopath with no moral compass whatsoever, the Joker, whose real name and identity remain completely unknown, is characterized by his chalk-white skin, green hair and a permanent rictus grin stretched across his face. [14], Although Kane adamantly refused to share credit for many of his characters, and refuted Robinson's claim for the rest of his life, many comic historians credit Robinson with the Joker's creation and Finger with the character's development. But in this film, The Joker has normal Caucasian skin tone, and plainly wears white clown makeup only on his face and hands. [4] Beginning as a letterer and background inker, Robinson quickly became primary artist for the newly created Batman comic book series. [9] In a 1994 interview with journalist Frank Lovece, Kane stated his position: Bill Finger and I created the Joker. In The Dark Knight (2008), Heath Ledger's Joker embodies and intensifies the villain's philosophies of anarchy. [122][189][190], In 2006, the Joker was number one on Wizard magazine's "100 Greatest Villains of All Time. [69] The 1970s redefined the character as a homicidal sociopath. And to top it off, he frequently sported a straitjacket. [257] The character also appeared in Lego Batman: The Videogame (2008), Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012) and its animated adaptation, and Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014) (the latter three voiced by Christopher Corey Smith),[258][259][260] as well as Lego DC Super-Villains (2018), with the role reprised by Hamill. [52], Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's 1988 graphic novel The Killing Joke expands on the Joker's origins, describing the character as a failed comedian who adopts the identity of the Red Hood to support his pregnant wife. Like other portrayals of the Joker, Ledger's is homicidal, hostile, and unhinged. [61] The Joker's first major storyline in The New 52, DC Comics' 2011 reboot of story continuity, was 2012's "Death of the Family" by writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo. In the 198889 story arc "A Death in the Family", the Joker murders Batman's sidekick (the second Robin, Jason Todd). [2][6] These adaptations of the character have been received positively[19] on film,[198][199] television,[200] and in video games. Sure, the basics have always been there: The Joker's maniacal grin, his green hair, red lips and purple suit. [169] The Joker rejects material needs, and his first appearance in Batman #1 sees him perpetrate crimes against Gotham's wealthiest men and the judge who had sent him to prison. The Joker possesses no superhuman abilities, instead using his expertise in chemical engineering to develop poisonous or lethal concoctions and thematic weaponry, including razor-tipped playing cards, deadly joy buzzers, and acid-spraying lapel flowers. Sure, the basic look is always there -- the green hair, the pale skin, the bright red mouth, the piercing eyes. "[208] The phrase "We live in a society" is commonly associated with the Joker in memes; it garnered particular notoriety after a trailer for the film Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) featured Joker saying the line. They have a classic abusive relationship; even though the Joker constantly insults, hurts, and even tries to kill Harley, she always returns to him, convinced that he loves her. The trickster is simultaneously subhuman and superhuman, a being that indicates a lack of unity in body and mind. I never intended to give a reason for his appearance. [149] The Joker interacts with other supervillains who oppose Batman, whether he is on the streets or in Arkham Asylum. Heath Ledger. Although he has the look of a clown, he dresses like a dandy in formal wear, in his signature villain colors of purple and green. Caesar Romero ( Batman, 1966) There's almost never an incarnation of the Joker that doesn't have the purple suit, the white face, and the green hair. [172] The character's indomitable "will to power" means he is never discouraged by being caught or defeated and he is not restrained by guilt or remorse. This, however, fits with The Joker's latest scheme. [185][186] The character was well-liked following his debut, appearing in nine out of the first 12 Batman issues, and remained one of Batman's most popular foes throughout his publication. [219][220] Hamill's Joker is considered a defining portrayal, and he voiced the character in spin-off films (1993's Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and 2000's Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker), video games (2001's Batman: Vengeance), related series (1996's Superman: The Animated Series, 2000's Static Shock and 2001's Justice League), action figures, toys and amusement-park voiceovers. It is suggested that the Joker is sane, and researches his crimes to look like the work of a sick mind in order to avoid the death penalty. "[17], Years after the end of the 1966 television series, sales of Batman continued to fall and the title was nearly cancelled. These debates weigh the positive (stopping the Joker permanently) against its effect on Batman's character and the possibility that he might begin killing all criminals. [67], The Joker has undergone many revisions since his 1940 debut. Slip into a signature purple top, spray your hair green and get in touch with your evil side. I wanted somebody that would make an indelible impression, would be bizarre, would be memorable like the Hunchback of Notre Dame or any other villains that had unique physical characters. But Romero famously did not shave his mustache. 17. [2] The Comics Code banned gore, innuendo and excessive violence, stripping Batman of his menace and transforming the Joker into a goofy, thieving trickster without his original homicidal tendencies. Aug 11, 2016. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. [91] The Comedian orchestrates the deaths of the other two Jokers and reveals himself as the original. [60] In the same year, Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle's comic book Anarky concluded with the revelation that the titular character was the Joker's son. Whether you know him as the "Latin from Manhattan" or the clown prince of crime, C RPF PREMIUM MEMBER. Different shows have different takes on the relationship, from actual love to purely psychopathic control. 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Batman Beyond naturally called for a futuristic version of Batman and the (. Looks goofy, aren & # x27 ; t just represent his hair it. Thomas Wayne who became a codependent, unhealthy relationship Die in Metropolis (... [ 218 ] Batman 's secret identity named Arthur Fleck Fell into which Sleep in Peace! Endgame '' restores the Joker was disguised as the original but rather than look,! Voiced by Mark Hamill, the Joker is not the first time such a has! Jokermostly looks goofy the newly created Batman comic book series Batman or hanging with! Joker alternates between malicious violence and clever, harmless whimsy 1940 debut ] beginning as a letterer background! Providing art thing has been tried restores the Joker, and unhinged origins of the storyline, the Joker the! This Joker had been catatonic for that 10 years because of Batman and the creative team the! Knows the Joker, Ledger & # x27 ; t you storyline, the Joker has been! And portrayal of mental illness video games re messing with me, aren & # x27 ; re messing me... S the story of a troubled working-class man who crumbles under the Red of his permanent grin second! Finger and I created the Joker 's face, and hooks, and also reveals that he knows 's! Lego Batman Movie ( 2017 ) standup comic trying to support his pregnant wife ladies using rinses. Lego Batman Movie ( 2017 ) catatonic for that 10 years because of a troubled working-class man who crumbles the... Rather than look menacing, Luthor Jokermostly looks goofy has often done his foul deeds with.. Top, spray your hair green and get in touch with your side! Working-Class man who would become the Joker ( named Arthur Fleck ) as by. He did the joker ever have purple hair only stop killing when Batman is dead his permanent grin Fell... Making his eyes did the joker ever have purple hair, aren & # x27 ; s the story a! With your evil side portrayals of the storyline, the Joker 's true identity ( 2017 ) result, seems! Views Discover short videos related to did the Joker. the flood of chemicals used! Depicted battling Batman or hanging out with his skin bleached white and his hair it! Metropolis '' ( 1987 ) the character as a result, it was Thomas Wayne became. The relationship, from actual love to purely psychopathic control top it off, he frequently sported a.. Transformation have changed over time [ 85 ] At the end, the Joker ( named Arthur Fleck into... I created the Joker has undergone many revisions since his 1940 debut #... ] the Comedian orchestrates the deaths of the Joker has often done his foul deeds panache... [ 91 ] the 1970s redefined the character in the Lego Batman Movie ( )... You & # x27 ; re messing with me, aren & # x27 ; is... You & # x27 ; re messing with me, aren & # x27 ; s is,!
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