Learn More. The American Academy of Pediatrics agrees: When we talk about infants, we dont recommend anything that would be analogous to a pillow, or a bumper, or a soft surface, says Feldman-Winter. Have there been any DockATot deaths? "It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+; immediately discontinue its use," CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka said in a separate statement this week. This might be nice while the baby is awake and playing, as a cushion, but [the] observation is the key here., For moms who are desperate for a few more minutes of sleep, she says a sidecar co-sleepera three-sided bassinet that attaches to the side of the parents bedis a safer choice, but not the safest choice. This position also allows for play and observation. There are publicly available reports of infant deaths associated with the product. Trumpka cited publicly-available reports of infant deaths associated with the DockATot product. CR also found five additional deaths, linked to unidentified in-bed sleepers, in separate data released by a . The rule states that in addition to not having an inclined surface greater than 10 degrees, flat products such as the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock, must have a stand, meet stability requirements, and have a side height of 7.5 inches. Were There Infant Deaths Involved In The DockATot Safety Warning? (1), According to the CPSC, the DockATot Deluxe+ loungers are unsafe for your babies to sleep in, and you should discontinue using them immediately. Under the new Infant Sleep Product Rule, the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock was determined to be unsafe for infant sleep because it is a flat product that doesnt have a stand, doesnt meet certain stability requirements, and doesnt have a side height of at least 7.5 inches, according to the CPSC. Consumer Reports investigation finds infant deaths linked to in-bed sleep products, Woman accused of driving into home, killing former pro basketball player Galen Young granted diversion, Tabitha Brown will host Memphis Vegan Brunch, DA Steve Mulroy addresses concerns around violent crime, new bail hearing, Breakdown: Why you need to have to a severe weather safety plan for you and your family, Womens History Month: Local and state lawmakers on issues impacting Tennessee, recall of millions of popular infant inclined sleep products, study out this week in the journal Pediatrics". None of . Heres what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends. My babies favorite nap spot is her snuggle me and I am checking on her constantly but I dont think Ill stop using it ..is this any safer than the doc a tot do you know ? . We have no corporate interests to serve. Ohio senators to propose rail safety bill after fiery train derailment, Teen shot, killed near Lake Highlands High School, On this day in history, March 1, 1872, majestic Yellowstone becomes America's first national park, 2 arrested in Lake Worth for organized scented candle theft ring, Mesquite man arrested for setting fatal fire, threatening girlfriend: 'I told you I was coming back for you', Jerry Jones sexual assault lawsuit revived by Texas appeals court. Fails to meet stability requirements. Like we repeatedly noted in our DockATot review, you should never use the DockATot for naps or overnight sleep. $310.00 Current Price $310.00. Even celebrities like Kim Kardashian have advocated for the product. The, When we talk about infants, we dont recommend anything that would be analogous to a pillow, or a bumper, or a soft surface, says, This might be nice while the baby is awake and playing, as a cushion, but. How are babies dying in inclined sleepers? If you have DockATots at home, check what model it is. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. The study also found that most mothers said they put their baby to bed with blankets, crib bumpers, soft toys or pillows, which are frequently found in sleep-related infant death cases. Overview Searching for a milk formula for your little one, but unsure which one to pick? The CPSC (US Consumer Product Safety Commission) issued a safety warning against the DockATot Deluxe+ Dock baby loungers for safety violations. About 1 in 1,000 babies die from SIDS every year. 3. What are 3 ways to lower the risk of SIDS? Sort By. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. Handy multifunctional Swedish design offers a comfy and safe spot for supervised activities like diaper changes, tummy time, playing, and lounging. (6)(7). A study conducted in 2019 revealed that 250 babies lost their lives due to unsafe sleep practices. (7), The CPSC and the pediatricians of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) recommend the following methods to help reduce SIDS risk: (7), No. Feldman-Winter says that products claiming to be breathable havent been proven to reduce the risk of SIDS. DockATot. Dock a tots are just expensive death traps. (1), The company isnt recalling the DockATots, but the CPSC prohibits their sale, distribution, or importation. It hasn't had a recall (yet) but this is what we know . We subscribe to Health Canada's guidelines for the promotion of our products to Canadians. (3), On June 19, 2021, a baby was found dead in a DockATot. Our safe and trusted multi-purpose solution has benefited over a million families worldwide since 2006. "It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+; immediately discontinue its use," CPSC Commissioner Richard Trumka said this week, citing multiple reports of infant deaths. To access them, visit. Safe Sleep Experts agree that there is no "safe co-sleeping." Placing the DockATot in a crib, bassinet or other sleep surface is against the manufacturer's warnings and is not safe. Its awful that these babies have died but parents could have prevented these deaths. (7). Both the Owlet Smart Sock 2 and Baby Vida have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), nor have they cleared or approved any baby product to prevent or reduce the risk of SIDSthe agency states on their website. Consumer Reports has found major safety issues with in-bed infant sleeper products like the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, DockATot and SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. In fact, the investigation found in-bed infant sleepers like these were linked to at least 12 infant deaths between 2012 and 2018. WASHINGTON - U.S. consumer safety officials this week called special attention to DockATot, the maker of a popular baby lounger, for violating a new federal infant sleep product rule and urging parents to stop using its product. Two deaths that involved the DockATot, which is pillowlike and has a soft side bumper. Immediately stop using the lounger if its a DockATot Deluxe Plus Dock, the CPSC reminds. Shop Target for a wide assortment of DockATot. A safe, comfortable place for your baby to lounge and play. Reports states it identified two deaths that involved the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper, two deaths involving the DockATot as well as three deaths that involved the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper. DockATot This happened in late 2017 and is noted on DockATots current Canada web page. Direct Supervision is required when baby is in DockATot. CPSC has notified DockATot that it cannot import, distribute, or sell any DockATot Deluxe+ made after June 23, 2022. According to DockATots website, Deluxe+ and Grand docks pass the test for air permeability. Designed with love in Sweden, trusted by parents the world over. In the UK, around 200 babies die suddenly and unexpectedly every year. FREE delivery Wed, Mar 8 . Its so easy to throw in the car and go. I love that its easy to move from room to room and the cover is so easy to wash, adds Sara Tortello. However, someone had placed it in the babys play yard. A new study was just released in the May 2019 issue of Pediatrics entitled, "Infant Suffocation Deaths in the Sleep Environment Attributable to Soft Bedding, Overlay, and Wedging." They reviewed the cases of 250 infants who died from an external airway obstruction in an unsafe sleep environment between 2011 through 2014. Yesterday, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a statement about the dangers of the Dockatot Deluxe+, urging consumers to discontinue the use of the product immediately. Just complaints as a parent of two under two. The incident report notes that the lounger wasnt used based on the manufacturers recommendations. Ready for Pickup when store opens at 10 AM Clybourn Place. There have been incidents where babies have suffocated after becoming entrapped between a soft product and the side of a crib, bassinet, wall, or other surface, and also incidents where babies . There are publicly available reports of infant deaths associated with the product. The biggest con about the DockATot is probably the price: They start at $165 which seems pretty pricey for something you only use a few months. All products are still handmade in Europe today. They might be good for supervised awake tummy time, but dont let your baby sleep in these products, even for a short nap. My heart bleeds for those parents and accidents happen but it is so rarely due to the actual product itself. we recommend against anything being used the in the crib. So, they arent likely to recommend DockATots for your baby. First is the developmental window of vulnerability. Inclined sleepers have been tied to at least 94 deaths. Our iconic Baby Nest reinvents the womb to soothe and settle your baby. More than two decades ago, the death of a toddler in a recalled portable crib prompted Congress to pass a new consumer protection law. However, pediatricians are saying that this product, in particular, should be taken off the shelves because of its high risk for sudden infant death syndrome. 130.00. If your baby was injured, suffocated or died in a DockATot, you should contact our lawyers immediately for a free case consultation. DockATots are the perfect spot for reading time. On February 17, 2023, Rockler Companies, Inc. filed a notice of data breach with the Attorney General Offices in Maine and Massachusetts following a data security incident resulting in the . Many parents believe these in-bed-sleeper devices are safe, because it carves out a space for the baby when you put it in the bed with you. The DockATot is designed as an in-bed co-sleeper. The Deluxe+ is suitable from 0 to 8 months and the Grand Dock from 9 to 36 months. I encourage you to read the reports of infants deaths associated with DockATot products, as reported by members of the public. But according to Consumer Reports, the brand may be linked to the death of two infants based on CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) data. Our experience is that parents seem to think their baby has outgrown the Deluxe size before baby is uncomfortable. (Safe sleep rulessuch as keeping pillows and blankets out of the cribare much more lax for babies and toddlers over 12 months of age.) Those reports include a 6-month old girl who died while using a DockA-Tot on a hard surface while swaddled, a 2-month-old infant who died while it was being used inside a Pack n Play, and a 1-month old infant boy who suffocated. Your email address will not be published. Sale. This time in-bed sleepers are at issue. Still, DockATot and most retailers or stores have a return policy. Babies have suffocated to death in the DockATot Deluxe+ and it is unsafe for sleep, according to a new warning from safety officials. The DockATot's website is clear that the Deluxe version, which is made for babies up to nine months old, isn't for unsupervised sleep or nighttime sleep. Co-sleeping is one of the biggest risk factors for infant sleep death. (1), Due to the new CPSC requirements, this baby lounger is now considered dangerous. CR urges parents to stop using inclined sleepers or any sleep products, including in-bed sleepers, that do not meet federal safety requirements related to infant sleep. Wood1018DH. The DockATot's website offers some comfort; their safety page claims that the cover's material is 100% breathable. Recalled Toys: A Comprehensive List From 2020 To 2023, Kids Preferred Recalls Disney Character Figurines Over Choking Risks, P.J. The DockATot is used by many for supervised lounging, chilling and play time, she says. 2. So, products manufactured before this date can still be legally sold. Quintessentially Morris Tassel Pillow. There isnt any information yet on whether you can get a refund and how to process it because the brand hasnt issued a recall alert. Here are the statistics on SIDS and SUID based on information gathered from the CDC's Division of Reproductive Health's monitoring programs: About 3,400 babies in the United States die suddenly and unexpectedly each year. Three unsupervised children have died in or near DockATots, based on caregiver reports. Consumer Reports reached out to all three brands about the incidents. (1) "And with any in-bed sleeper, there are variables we just cant control -- the adults could inadvertently roll over onto the product and the baby or even make the product unstable so that the baby rolls and turn into the soft bedding of the sleeper.. The company states, in part: "The Summer Infant By Your Side Sleeper is not responsible for any deaths. That includes any kind of pillows, loose blankets, sleep positioners or foam padding. DockATot. The DockATot is the most popular baby nest on the market, offering a comfortable place for your baby or . (1), All products manufactured on or after June 23, 2022, that dont meet these ISP product rules shouldnt be sold or distributed. At least a dozen infant deaths have been linked to them. Its no wonder this stylish, relatively new baby gear product is lusted after by many, warning parents that letting babies sleep in baby nests, or "baby pods," puts them at risk of suffocating. But the manufacturer continued to import the product despite being manufactured after that date, the CPSC added. How many babies have died in a DockATot? DockATot declined to comment, while the makers of SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper and the Snuggle Next say their products are not responsible for any infant deaths, which they say were caused by other factors. Consumer Reports states it identified two deaths that involved the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper, two deaths involving the DockATot as well as three deaths that involved the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper. To prevent smothering or suffocation, always lay your baby down to sleep on either a firm mattress or surface in a crib or bassinet. Consumer Reports has found major safety issues with in-bed infant sleeper products like the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, DockATot and SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. Price: Finn & Emma Oval Lounger is $149. Does your baby need a sleep coach? The Lulyboo Bassinet-to-Go Metro is comparable to the Dockatot in general design, but it does even more for you and your little one. It is unsafe for your baby to sleep in a DockATot Deluxe+; immediately discontinue its use. The Irving rapper signed to Kodak Black's label Sniper Gang Records is charged with murder in a Dallas shooting. However, the product has not been recalled. However, they advise against putting babies on their backs in these loungers until age one. Placing the DockATot in a crib, bassinet, or other sleep surface is against the manufacturer's warning and is not safe. In fact, the AAP recommends room-sharing with your baby until shes at least 6 months old, and possibly until her first birthday. These baby products are designed for supervised lounging and tummy time. This is not anything that I would be comfortable recommending to parents.. All of these in-bed sleepers have potentially dangerous design elements -- but most notably, the padding and the soft surfaces pose a suffocation risk if the babies roll into the soft fabric," said Rachel Rabkin Peachman, Consumer Reports investigative journalist. So, all infants in this age range are at risk for dysfunction of neurological control of breathing. The CPSC didn't detail the infant deaths linked to DockATot products. CPSC does not control this external site or its privacy policy and cannot attest to the accuracy of the information it contains. The muscles of babies younger than one year old are still weak and developing, so they might be unable to move their heads if they turn toward the bumper walls of these docks. Theres a warning at the bottom of the lounger against putting this in a bassinet or crib. How many babies have died in a DockATot? (3), The parents also added that theyd used this particular lounger with all their kids since 2017, but this is the first time something bad has happened. Never put a Dockatot in your babys sleep space. This regulation seeks to reduce the number of infant deaths by tackling the dangers associated with sleeping conditions for babies. Its an ideal spot to let your little one spend time on their tummies because the rounded sides help to prop up your baby when placed under his or her arms. Products like the DockATot have become wildly popular lately, but doctors and experts say parents should not be letting their babies sleep in them unsupervised. Infant Lounger (4) Swaddle Blanket (4) And while bed-sharing is associated with an increased risk of SIDS, the DockATots website claims that the products are safe for bed-sharing arrangements, when used correctly. (Safe sleep rulessuch as keeping pillows and, my newborn baby loves it and sleeps 5-6 hrs straight in it! and ridiculously expensive but worth it its the safest way to co-sleep., Theres no question that the DockATot isnt a safe sleep device, says Denis Leduc, a community based paediatrician and clinical director of the newborn nursery at Montreals Royal Victoria Hospital. Why Are DockATots Still Available In Stores & Retail Outlets? So at nighttime, we like to have him in this bassinet -- near us but not with us, said Axelbaum. Its online reviews contain comments like my newborn baby loves it and sleeps 5-6 hrs straight in it! and ridiculously expensive but worth it its the safest way to co-sleep., Unfortunately, thats not true. So, did the brand recall the loungers? On the contrary, a baby can easily obstruct its airway by turning towards one of those elevated sides. After our rule took effect this year, we issued DockATot a notice of violation, informing the company that its product, when manufactured on, or after, June 23, 2022, violates the Infant Sleep Products Rule and may not be imported, distributed, or sold in the United States. Apply Now. Sizing: Finn & Emma Oval Lounger is made for babies from 0 to 9 months. (1). Consumer Reports has found major safety issues with in-bed infant sleeper products like the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, DockATot and SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. Be sure to keep up to date with the latest safety developers on the American Academy of Pediatrics site, in particular for guidance on sudden infant death syndrome risk (SIDs). Ombr Cotton Voile Hanging Canopy. Its online reviews contain comments like " my . These are the risks most commonly associated with the use of the product. Is there a safe way to co sleep with newborn? Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) can occur, even if the material of the baby lounger is breathable. CR has also tied in-bed sleepers such as the DockATot and the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest to at least 12 fatalities . Things like DockATots, in-bed . (While co-sleeper sidecar bassinets are available to buy in the US, three-sided styles are, by Health Canada, and some sidecar bassinet products have been discontinued in Canada.). The DockATot is designed as an in-bed co-sleeper. Yes. SIDS has no symptoms or warning signs. The search results showed incident reports from caregivers of babies found unresponsive after being left sleeping in these loungers. Supervision might not eliminate the suffocation risks. The DockATot came out a few years ago and is blowing up around the world. You can find the product name below the DockATot logo. Fast, Free Shipping. Formerly Sleepyhead of Sweden, shop DockATot baby docks direct from the makers. Recently, Health Canada released an advisory warning parents that letting babies sleep in baby nests, or "baby pods," puts them at risk of suffocating. Newborns cant control their heads and bodies, so they arent likely to roll over yet. Safety officials are warning parents to stop using the DockATot Deluxe+ and they have notified the manufacturer that it is in violation of a new federal standard for infant sleep products. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. DockATots have figured in at least three infant deaths reported on the Safer Products website, so the CPSC considers them dangerous. No. DockATot() by Yumeko's shop Dockatot()Grand 1 (1). They arent made for unsupervised sleep and I dont see why someone would carry the baby around on it either. Its been linked two infant deaths and one serious skull injury this year alone. Copyright 2023 St. Joseph Communications. Both, however, suggest parents stop using the product. Toll-Free Consumer Hotline | Time: 8 a.m. - 5.30. p.m. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. The Grand size is an essential go-to spot for tots lounging around the house or when traveling. ET. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. The CPSC reminds the company that their products dont comply with the updated rules and they shouldnt be allowed to continue manufacturing and selling them. Babies don't have a lot of head control and can easily get stuck in a position. Most parents don't do this one thing that will prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Consumer Reports has found major safety issues with in-bed infant sleeper products like the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper, DockATot and SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. Putting a baby nest product on soft surfaces like mattresses or couches increases the risk of suffocation. Consumer Reports examined data from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and names three in-bed sleeping products in its investigation: The popular DockATot, the Baby Delight Snuggle Nest Infant Sleeper and the SwaddleMe By Your Side Sleeper. Yet unlike cribs, bassinets, play yard and bedside sleepers, in-bed sleepers are not required to meet any federal safety standards related to infant sleep. Multifunctional and multitasking, the Dockatot Deluxe offers a comfy spot that lets baby rest, lounge, play . Also a dockatot has straighter walls on the sides so baby is more likely to have its face in it i think. What should you do with your DockATots at home, and what safe alternatives can you use for your baby? (1). The first thing we recommend is baby sleeping in his own crib or bassinet next to the parents bed, but if that seems to be something that the parents cant handle, Most parents don't do this one thing that will prevent sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The padded walls at the sides of the flat sleep surface are considered dangerous under the law. Multifunctional and multitasking, the Dockatot Deluxe offers a comfy spot that lets baby rest, lounge, play, cuddle, do tummy time and get diaper changes. Dockatot that it can not attest to the actual product itself are at risk dysfunction. A safe way to co-sleep., Unfortunately, thats not true dockatot deaths time, playing, possibly., DockATot and the cover is so rarely due to the actual product itself stores. Have DockATots at home, check what model it is unsafe for your baby study conducted 2019. Actual product itself why someone would carry the baby around on it either our review... 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