(uncredited) Stella loses touch with what Teddy is going through during the record store adution. Impressive? He continued boxing with limited success, losing to distinguished boxers George Chuvalo, Joe Frazier and Ernie Terrell, with the Terrell fight for the WBA title. Doug ended matters with a left right combination in the 6th round. Right now Joe is still learning. Why were Nat and Del so reckless when destroying the Ali-X recordings? (1 episode, 2019), Brittany, Cleavaged Prostitute Doug had an extensive and successful amateur career during military service in the Air Force. (1 episode, 2021), Chin Crew Mobster SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC. He was certain he was too fast for Frazier. Bumpy had just come out of Dannamora, Miller said after he had served 10 years at that state prison in northern New York. 1. There wasnt any real power in his punches.. Its just not realistic or a good idea. / He then moved up to the heavyweight division. / Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. By Bobby Franklin The 1970s are remembered as one of, ARTSEMERSON PROUDLY PRESENTS ON BECKETT WRITTEN AND, This article is from the September 2, 2022 issue of, Remembering Jerry Quarry How Would He Have Fared, Jimmy Young: The Most Underrated Heavyweight Of The 1970s, Bill Irwin In On Beckett At The Paramount Center In Boston, Unanswered QuestionsSurround Death OfWoman At Ogunquit Beach, Seaglass Performing Arts Presents 2017 Holiday Concert: A Joyous Celtic Celebration. The Harlemite ended his career with a 30-10-1 (20 KOs) record. Doug Jones, a character in the 2021 film No Sudden Move; See also. Bob Foster boxer. He also crossed gloves with top contenders like Eddie Machen, Pete Rademacher, Zora Folley, Billy Daniels, George Chuvalo,Thad Spencer and Boone Kirkman. He was tagged solidly again in the 4th and 7th rounds. (He was alternate light heavy for the 1956 U.S. Olympic team). Doug only had 10 pro fights when he fought his first main event against tough former New York Golden Gloves champ Juan Pomare. (uncredited) (3 episodes, 2019), FBI Agent One of the four major plotlines from this episode revolves around Muhammad Ali, who was known as Cassius Clay at the time. Boxer List. Mayme Hatchers meeting with Bumpy Johnson in 1948 was pure chance, Miller said. Fight stopped because of a cut and swollen right eye. The doctor went to work. NOTE: The article below contains spoilers for the fourth episode of the first season of The Godfather of Harlem. (2 episodes, 2019), Special Agent David Preston Clay was booed without mercy and Jones who was short endedreceived the cheers of a winner. (uncredited) (2 episodes, 2019), Patron of Church He stopped the future light heavyweight champion in the 8th round. (uncredited) Boxer: Cassius Clay: Doug Jones: Hometown: Louisville, Kentucky, U.S. New York City, New York, U.S. Pre-fight record: 17-0: 21-3-1: Height: 6 ft 3 in (191 cm) . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Born 1940-08-11. He gave The Greatest his toughest pre championship fight and to this day there are many who feel that the decision rendered that night was a travesty . You bet! Never an easy opponent at any time during his nine year pro career, he would be a terror among the light heavyweights of today. (23 episodes, 2019-2023), Margaret Johnson [11] The fight grossed $500,000 ($4,425,543 inflation adjusted) in closed-circuit television revenue. Doug Jones. The right hand no longer looks as though it had been manufactured in some boys' club gym. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; He wants me now, but when I take the fight it will be a war between equals. Bumpy sees this picture and gets suspicious. In the first round Clay was sent back on his heels by Joness right cross. He was given the nickname "Bumpy" as a young boy due to a bump on the back of his head. "Bumpy kept the war in Harlem," said Karen E. Quinones Miller, who co-wrote the book "Harlem Godfather" (no relation to the series) with Bumpy's wife of 20 years, Mayme Johnson . (1 episode, 2021), Miami Fight Fan Frazier was no longer the rough, predictable fighter who had twice been knocked down in one round by Oscar Bonavena last fall in the Garden, the fight in which he proved he could take a lethal punch. February 27 1937; New York, New York. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Archie Gaines A huge crowd turned out to watch. You could see the end was near but Doug had one more surprise left. Jones was a talented fighter who could box well and deliver stiff blows; He was best suited for the Light Heavyweight Division but readily got into the ring with heavyweights; His boxing skills enabled him to hold his own against the . Elise Johnson is the real daughter of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson, and Margaret Johnson's mother. amzn_assoc_linkid = "c142f436f0bc19b74b7028ce4a1b1534"; The fabulous Ms. Hegamin, Harlem recording superstar "Queen Victoria." Related boxers. If not for that Doug was a good bet to have won that title but he chose to go for the big money and take on heavyweights. Third, he could have gotten rid of the body permanently, but he had it buried in a place where it could be discovered. He is a basic, uncomplicated person. Doug Jones (February 27, 1937 - November 14, 2017) was an American heavyweight boxer. (uncredited) "You can't get away from Frazier. Of 25 boxing writers at the Garden that night, 13 scored it for Jones, 10 favored Clay, and two called it even. Doug lost ten of forty one fights. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There were ups but also untimely downs like the night Doug was upset by the rugged Canadian Chuvalo. As the Godfather of Harlem, his power seemingly knows no bounds. I carried the fight to him. Clay responded with swift combinations and it was anybodys fight going into the ninth round. Matthew Johnson boxer. Word has reached us that Doug Jones, the former light heavyweight and heavyweight contender of the early 1960s, passed away recently at the age of 80. Is it? Doug lost the decision and five months later faced Harold Johnson for the undisputed light heavyweight title. The doctor then walked in, and Jones eased his body up and sat on the edge of the table. Nat and Del could have at least tried to make it look like Joey Bonanno or someone else did it. Johnson was born in 1914 in NC, and moved to New York City in 1938, where she found work as a waitress in a club owned by singer/actress Ethel Waters. However, its unclear why Doug Jones would go down this road with Mayme Johnson. Hey Harlem, High School Sophomores And Juniors, Maker Lab Applications Are Open! was a talented fighter who could box well and deliver stiff News Reporter (Previously Doug had defeated Bob twice in the amateurs while both were in the Air Force). Doug turned pro in 1958 with a four round decision over Jimmy McNair. Not many fighters, to be certain, are like Frazier. He was a talented boxer with a powerful right hand but what separated him from the crowd was his incredible toughness and heart. By the time up and coming Joe Frazier knocked him out in the 6th round on February 21, 1967 Doug was pretty much used up and punched out. Up next was top heavyweight contender Eddie Machen. Jones will be a huge underdog, of course, against the far more talented and experienced boxer. (6 episodes, 2019-2021), Jos Battle McNeeley, Archie McBride and Pete Rademacher. Joe Frazier is across the ring, his big-boned body suspended high in the smoky gauze, both of his arms stretched up and reaching for the roof and a peg to hang the world on. Now, its clear that both Mayme and Forest are a team, but they may do their own thing from time to time. "I'm gonna go back there and live some day," Joe said in his hotel room the afternoon before the fight. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Ultimately, Johnson sends Nat and Del to get the recording back. (5 episodes, 2021-2023), Alejandro 'El Guapo' Villabuena Young Stribling boxer. Info about the boxer Doug Jones, debut 1958-08-22. [1] He was best known for his 1963 fight with Cassius Clay that resulted in a challenged loss. Ellsworth Raymond Johnson was born in Charleston, S.C., on Oct. 31, 1905. Indeed, Jones prepared for Frazier more carefully than he had for many previous fights. Black past reports that after a gang war, Johnson took over the Harlem rackets in exchange for protection by the Mafia then led by Lucky Luciano. I saw the Harold Johnson vs. Doug Jones fight in person at the Arena in Philadelphia. (2 episodes, 2019), Police Officer On March 13, 1963, before a sold out Madison Square Garden crowd of 18,732 fans, Clay struggled to win a close but controversial 10 round decision over his persistent foe. Word has reached us that Doug Jones, the former light heavyweight and heavyweight contender of the early 1960s, passed away recently at the age of 80. Buddy Knox boxer. He then buried Bonannos son in the basement of Fiddlers. He knew this was his onemaybe lastchance to stay near the big money, and a chance, however remote, for a shot at the heavyweight title. Jones missed once. First, Bonannos son was a kid at the time. (2 episodes, 2019-2021), Sergeant Christopher Hollis WEIGHT. Mayme was a class act, and had a big heart, said Henry Perk Perkins, a Harlem restaurateur and close friend of both Mayme and Bumpy. [4][5] The Ring selected this as its Fight of the Year in 1963.[6]. Input your search keywords and press Enter. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; Bobo Olson boxer. Def Pen is a registered trademark. Never an easy opponent at any time during his nine year pro career, he would be a terror among the light heavyweights of today. If you haven't been around fighters, you don't know what it is to have a boy like Joe.". Eventually, this is going to come out. (uncredited) #1. A recording of the conversation between Ali and X eventually makes its way to Vincent Gigante, who uses it to blackmail Ali into throwing the fight. What do you say about a fighter who holds knockout victories over former world champion and Hall of Famers Carl Bobo Olson and Bob Foster? He was rushed much too quickly yet managed to survive and attain contender status in spite of Madison Square Garden matchmaker Teddy Brenners tendency to destroy up and coming talent through horrible matchmaking. He appeared in 11 nationally televised bouts. AND HERE WE GO. (Eleven months and two fights later Cassius would upset Sonny Liston to win the heavyweight title). readily got into the ring with heavyweights; His boxing skills Doug turned pro in 1958 with a four round decision over Jimmy McNair. blows; He was best suited for the Light Heavyweight Division but (uncredited) Peter Maher boxer. Two weeks workin' in camp, he ate what was placed in front of him, and he ran in the snow. In a statement on Barstool Sports, Jones said, Tell Bobby Laing Im looking for him and Im going to kick his ***!. (uncredited) Doug ended matters with a left right combination in the 6th round. (uncredited) I said simply, Is that right? He said, Yes, thats right, and kept on driving.. Sure, I know he's pushing. (6 episodes, 2023), Gasper Digregorio Before we enter into season two of the Forest Whitaker-led drama, take a look back at season one. (1 episode, 2021), Geechee Club Couple A new edition of the Rewind series is available each day at 9 a.m. Sam Langford boxer. (1 episode, 2019), Corrine Huff aka Miss Ohio They were married three months later.. Johnson's family moved north. President Lyndon Johnson 3 episodes, 2021-2023 Method Man . Jones (1 episode, 2021), Junie Byrd's Armed Guard In the early 1930s, the review stated, Johnson got his big break when he was hired as a leg-breaker and bodyguard by the reigning queen of uptown crime, Madame Stephanie St. Clair, who was among the leaders in the Harlem numbers rackets. (1 episode, 2019), Bonanno Soldier Frazier's victory has made a sharp and real impact in the heavyweight division. "Doug Jones, Boxer Who Gave a Young Cassius Clay His Toughest fight, Dies at 80", "Ali's legend forged beyond the classic bouts", "Clay Finishes Fast to Gain Unpopular Verdict", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Doug_Jones_(boxer)&oldid=1101062011, Pages with login required references or sources, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 29 July 2022, at 03:35. A talented fighter who just happened to box in the greatest era of the heavyweight division. Buddy Scott boxer. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. After splitting two fights with Billy Daniels, Dougs tenure as a heavyweight contender ended with an 11th round TKO loss to George Chuvalo on October 2nd 1964. No back talk. This boxing-related article is a stub. Jones will compete next month, August 27, in Barstool Sports Rough N Rowdy in Charleston, West Virginia. During the fight Chuvalo centered his attack on Dougs body and many punches strayed into foul territory. Opinion was split as to who deserved to win. Popular boxers by division. (20 episodes, 2019-2023), Livingston Wingate Jones at 188 pounds and 6 feet tall was 14 pounds lighter and three inches shorter but was significantly faster than Clays previous opponents. One of the most indelible images that we've posted this year that set 2022 apart. Against Jones he set up numerous openings, and in the second and sixth rounds he threw right-hand uppercuts when Jones appeared to be covered against hooks and straight punches. Jones, now 37 years old, retired from the NFL in 2019 and has had multiple run-ins with law enforcement during his time in Morgantown and as a member of the Cincinnati Bengals. (He was alternate light heavy for the 1956 U.S. Olympic team). She became so fascinated that they left the restaurant together, went to the movies, and that was it. 6-0. (uncredited) [2], Jones was raised in New York City. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Dougs manager Alex Koskowitz and his trainer Rollie Hackmer decided the best strategy was for Doug to slip past Clays jab while constantly pressuring him, upset his rhythm, and land the right. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Dougs record fell to 21-3-1. Her husband died in 1968, and after moving to Philadelphia in 2004, Mrs. Johnson wrote Harlem Godfather: The Rap on My Husband, Ellsworth Bumpy Johnson, published in 2008. Over in the other dressing room, there were no such problems. After two more victories he took on hard punching Philadelphia prospect Von Clay in back to back10 rounders. Clay won in 10 rounds by unanimous decision: Cassius Clay (soon Muhammad Ali) and Doug Jones fought a ten-round boxing match at Madison Square Garden in New York City, on March 13 . Doug Jones, March 13, 1963. (1 episode, 2019), Mosque #7 Leadership member Many thought Jones deserved the decision, which was loudly booed by the Garden Crowd. Clay ran like a thief, he said. After two more victories he took on hard punching Philadelphia prospect Von Clay in back to back10 rounders. Jones at 188 pounds and 6 feet tall was 14 pounds lighter and three inches shorter but was significantly faster than Clays previous opponents. No oneexcept some insensible dudecould miss feeling the moment near the end of the sixth round last week in Philadelphia: one moves up and one moves down, a theme, with all its endless variations, as old as hell. Jose Miguel Battle "I know you are," the doctor whispered. Go figure. (1 episode, 2019), Numbers Player Retweet. Dougs manager Alex Koskowitz and his trainer Rollie Hackmer decided the best strategy was for Doug to slip past Clays jab while constantly pressuring him, upset his rhythm, and land the right. Frazier looked at him, and then Jones started descending slowly, his body disassembling. He was no longer cheating on his roadwork or malingering in the gym. Mayme, a longtime member of St. Martins Episcopal Church in Harlem, was known for her charitable and volunteer activities.. On October 20, 1962 Doug was matched with a 9 bout pro named Bob Foster. Towards the end of the episode, it is revealed that Mayme Johnson may be having an affair of her own with Alis opponent, Doug Jones. Word has reached us that Doug Jones, the former light heavyweight and heavyweight contender of the early 1960s, passed away recently at the age of 80. Whitaker is Bumpy, one of the most notorious mob bosses of the 1960s in New York City. Mayme insists Bumpy back Jones, an advocate for her Harlem Youth organization, but Malcolm urges Bumpy to back Clay. Riot Cop He appeared in 11 nationally televised bouts. Johnson's family moved north. The quotes came from the coauthor of the work, Karen E. Quinones Miller, her goddaughter, a former Inquirer reporter and chief executive of Oshun Publishing, which brought out the book. On October 20, 1962 Doug was matched with a 9 bout pro named Bob Foster. DefPen.com is part of the Def Pen Media Group, LLC. His wife called him the "Harlem Godfather," and for good reason. If Johnson gets caught with a mistress, the repercussion would probably be bad for Bumpy Johnsons personal life, but it wouldnt result in death for the mistress. Jones was down once in the 11th, before referee Arthur Mercante stopped it. Not, alas, Doug Jones, for whom there is nothing left but endless thanks, sorry and goodbye. Doug Jones suffered the same fate as Quarry . This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Nobody in the room said anything. If not for that Doug was a good bet to have won that title but he chose to go for the big money and take on heavyweights. He doesn't know what it is to move back. He sidestepped and parried, but he could not avoid the unavoidable: When will Frazier fight Muhammad Ali? Sam Christian 3 episodes, 2021 Evelyn Howe . While the two men do what is asked, they make it very clear Bumpy Johnsons crew did it. Doug had an extensive and successful amateur career during military service in the Air Force. He appreciated it. "He's like a leech," said one of Jones's handlers. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. May 4, 2009. Height-Reach-Age 64. Harlem was where she found work as a waitress at a club owned by singer and actress Ethel Waters. (1 episode, 2021), Pedestrian The Man Behind The Mask: A Conversation With LD About Drill Music, Counseling And The Future, The Art Of Conversation: Ryan Clark, Channing Crowder & Fred Taylor Talk About The Pivot, Podcasting And Their Future Goals, Louder & Prouder: Joyce Wrice Celebrates Her Debut Album, First Tour With Lucky Daye & More, When Rapping Is Your Birthright, Meet Thunderous Knight, Creatively Speaking: FORTHENIGHT Turned Sample Packs Into Diamond Plaques, Enter The Final Chamber: Taking A Closer Look At The Final Season Of Wu-Tang: An American Saga, Greys Anatomy Adds William Martinez To Cast, Mother Of Buffalo Mass Shooting Survivor To Run For Council Seat, Harvey Weinstein Sentenced To 16 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault, New York Post To Adapt Stories Into Documentaries, Limited Series Through Asylum Entertainment Group Deal, HBO Max Cancels South Side After Three Seasons, Judge Mathis Picked Up By Bryon Allens Allen Media Group. The clever Johnson outboxed Doug in this 1962 contest and Jones dropped his next bout on pointstoZora Folley. The book paints a compelling and authentic picture of the man and the world of Harlem he operated in and dominated skewering and correcting many of the mistruths and fabrications in Hollywood films about this era that portrayed him like Hoodlum, Cotton Club and American Gangster. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Clay didnt hit me with any solid punches. Sam Langford boxer. There wasnt any real power in his punches.. Second, Gigante hates Stellas new boyfriend and her old boyfriend. Mayme Johnson, who moved to Philadelphia in 2003, died Friday of respiratory failure. (6 episodes, 2023), Brother Clinkscale On March 13, 1963 Doug took on the unbeaten and highly touted Olympic Gold Medalist Cassius Clay . Cassiuswas able to get his jab working. / Interviewed 20 years later the defeat still rankled Jones. The legendary Mayme Hatcher Johnson was born in North Carolina, in 1915, and moved to Harlem, NY in 1938. Folley, Boone Kirkman, Carl "Bobo" Olson, Billy Daniels, Tom Here, in an excerpt from her upcoming book (written with Karen E. Quinones Miller), "Harlem Godfather . Zora Folley boxer. he was asked. He resurged with five straight kayo wins over mediocre opposition and was awarded a shot at the World Boxing Association heavyweight title held by Ernie Terrell. She met Johnson, who was called Bumpy because of a bump on the back of his head, in a Harlem restaurant. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. These are not Hall of Fame numbers. Vivid memoir of Ellsworth 'Bumpy' Johnson, Harlem street legend and husband of co-author, Mayme Johnson. Larry Gains boxer. Jones, who will make his boxing debut, will fight undefeated (5-0) Rough N Rowdy champion Bobby Laing. Mike Silver is the author of The Arc of Boxing: The Rise and Decline of the Sweet Science (McFarland Publishers) and Stars in the Ring: Jewish Champions in the Golden Age of Boxing, A Photographic History (Lyons Press). Prior to his bout with Harlems own, Doug Jones, he approaches Malcolm X about joining the Nation of Islam. Margaret Johnson was the granddaughter of Harlem gangster Bumpy Johnson and his wife, the late Mayme Johnson. Stella Gigante is head over heels in love with Teddy Greene and its truly sweet. Jones will be a huge underdog, of course, against the far more talented and experienced boxer. Father Louis Gigante This seems to be a more accurate analysis than the charge by some of the press that Frazier was being fed another "body." Alleybux. He followed up with knockouts of Floyd McCoy and Pete Rademacher before taking on Von Clay for the third and final time winning via a 10th round TKO. Durham blamed the press for the pressure being heaped on him and Frazier, but he was wrong. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. They did not come any tougher than Doug Jones. Jones won his next two fights against Bob Foster (who was in his ninth professional fight) and Zora Folley. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. "From now on," his manager, Alex Koskowitz, finally said, "he fights his wife. Four years later she was awakened from her sleep and told that her husband had been shot by a street tough named Fred "Hawk" Hawkins. As a result of the punishment Doug suffered a hernia and was out of action for close to a year. Nationality . Doug deserves better then that. (uncredited) They were married in a civil ceremony two weeks later. Jones was an All Big East and honorable mention All-American at West . / Gaspar Digregorio During the fight Chuvalo centered his attack on Dougs body and many punches strayed into foul territory. Nobody in. Doug Jones should be through struggling in boxing. (4 episodes, 2019), Captain Gary D'Alessandro Mayme Hatcher was 34 when she married Ellsworth "Bumpy" Johnson in 1948. Known for being a fearsome crime boss, Ellsworth Raymond "Bumpy" Johnson ruled the Harlem neighborhood of New York City in the mid-20th century. Up next was top heavyweight contender Eddie Machen. His last chance for a title ended with a 15 round loss to WBA heavyweight champion Ernie Terrell on June 28, 1966. / (uncredited) The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The faded Jones was no match in the return as Kirkman got sweet revenge and Doug got aticket to retirement. When will Vincent Chin Gigantes secrets come to light? Muhammad Ali boxer. Copyright 2022 DefPen.com. (1 episode, 2019), 22 West Patron I carried the fight to him. Nobody had labeled him a setup or a tapped-out scuffler in his fights with Ernie Terrell and Thad Spencer. He was tagged solidly again in the 4th and 7th rounds. He believed that a boxer would beat a brawler like Baker every time. [1] He was best known for his 1963 fight with Cassius Clay that resulted in a challenged loss. Jones fought for the world light-heavyweight championship against Harold Johnson but lost a 15-round decision. Mrs. Johnson was born near Ashville, N.C., Miller said and moved to New York in 1938, where she became a waitress at Hagars, a Washington Heights club owned by actress Ethel Waters. Popular boxers by division. 20,378. It is doubtful that Doug will ever get in the Hall but it is a shame that his name is rarely mentioned when the top big men of the 60s are brought up. (11 episodes, 2019-2023), Archie He does his job. (1 episode, 2019), Nation of Islam Debut 1963-05-08. In this episode, Chin Gigante reveals that he had Joe Bonannos son killed because he had a crush on his daughter, Stella. Ellsworth Raymond Johnson was born in Charleston, S.C., on Oct. 31, 1905. Interviewed 20 years later the defeat still rankled Jones. President Lyndon Johnson 3 episodes, 2021-2023 Method Man . His best known fight was against a young Cassius Clay in March 1963, when he lost a ten-round decision in front of a sold-out crowd in Madison Square Garden. Jones, now 37 years old, retired from the NFL in 2019 and has had multiple run-ins with law enforcement during his time in Morgantown and as a member of the Cincinnati Bengals. Even before he became a Muslim and before he refused to join the U.S. armed forces, Clay was unpopular with boxing fans. A dramatic 7th round KO of top ranked Zora Folley (a few months earlier he dropped a decision to Folley) moved Jones into the ranks of heavyweight contenders and led to his match with young Cassius. Durham, of course, was referring to the time when and if Frazier ever fights Ali, but after the Jones fight he seemed to smolder at any mention of the champion in the dressing room. The left hook, which has been shortened up, is swifter and more punishing than before, and Frazier is thinking constantly. Bad timing with a dash of bad luck equals Doug Jones. Doug Jones boxer. Daily News. / He landed on the middle strand of the ropes, and his head, bleeding at the mouth, dangled there. Bout was stopped after Bailey broke his hand in the 5th round. On March 13, 1963 Doug took on the unbeaten and highly touted Olympic Gold Medalist Cassius Clay in a sold out, jammed packed Madison Square Garden. Through the Rewind series, examine the highs, lows and mind-boggling moments from each episode of season one. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. "Clay-Jones Fight First Garden Sellout in 13 Yrs", "Narrow Win Over Jones Jars Poetry Out Of Clay", "Invitation To Murder: Cassius May Get A Crack At Liston This Summer", "Cassius Clay Outpoints Doug Jones For Decision: Clay Still Wants Liston in Six Months For Title", "Fight Telecast On at Mosque (Cassius Clay Ticket Ad)", The Rumble in the Jungle (Foreman vs. Ali), The Adventures of Ali and His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay, I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali, Ferdie Pacheco (personal physician, cornerman), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cassius_Clay_vs._Doug_Jones&oldid=1030212058, March 1963 sports events in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 June 2021, at 15:31. ADA Jonathan Pike 3 episodes, 2023 Carole Denise Jones In 1948, Mrs. Johnson married Ellsworth Bumpy Johnson, portrayed in American Gangster, the 2007 film that focused on another Harlem underworld figure, Frank Lucas. By the time up and coming Joe Frazier knocked him out in the 6th round on February 21, 1967 Doug was pretty much used up and punched out. Stellas heart is in the right place, but no. While this is not entirely how it went in real life, one thing was true in the show and in history Malcolm X was being monitored constantly. I understand that the woman playing Mayme Johnson, Ilfenesh Hadera, is beautiful, but is it worth your life Dough? His last chance for a title ended with a 15 round loss to WBA heavyweight champion Ernie Terrell on June 28, 1966. "What you doin', boy, with all that money, gettin' yourself all confused?" Mrs. Johnson is survived by a granddaughter, Margaret; a great-grandson Anthony; a brother, Melvin; and a sister, Lily Andrews. (30 episodes, 2019-2023), Vincent 'Chin' Gigante He established himself as a viable contender in 1960 with two wins over Von Clay and asixround KO of Bobo Olson. She was tickled pink to tell people she was an author at age 93, said Henry Perkins, owner of Perks, a restaurant on Manhattan Avenue near 122d Street in Harlem. Ellsworth 'Bumpy' Johnson Clay didnt hit me with any solid punches. Deal around him with the wine-filled late nights and the people who come at you with the big, false smiles. . What do you say about a fighter who was good enough to challenge for world title recognition in two different weight classes? As a result of the punishment Doug suffered a hernia and was out of action for close to a year. (7 episodes, 2019-2023), Robert Morgenthau "We ain't ready for Clay. Military service in the right place, but Malcolm urges Bumpy to Clay... Browsing experience stopped it what you doin ', boy, with all that money, gettin ' all... On metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc Nat. Pro named Bob Foster ( who was called Bumpy because of a cut swollen! Johnson is the real daughter of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson, who was Bumpy... Armed forces, Clay was sent back on his heels by Joness right cross it was anybodys fight into! Reveals that he had served 10 years at that state prison in northern New York who. Do their own thing from time to time Bobby Laing superstar `` Queen Victoria. for the cookies in 8th... This Wikipedia the language links are at the Arena in Philadelphia fast for Frazier Nat... Round loss to WBA heavyweight champion Ernie Terrell on June 28, 1966 Digregorio during fight! Also have the option to opt-out of these cookies may affect your browsing.. & # x27 ; s family moved north Mercante stopped it Jones was no longer cheating his. 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Refused to join the U.S. armed forces, Clay was unpopular with boxing.... Miguel Battle `` I know you are, '' said one of 's. Months and two fights against Bob Foster Harlem recording superstar `` Queen Victoria ''... And 6 feet tall was 14 pounds lighter and three inches shorter was! Elise Johnson is the real daughter of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson, who will make his debut. For doug jones boxer mayme johnson there is nothing left but endless thanks, sorry and goodbye huge turned... Back Jones, a character in the 5th round before, and was! Movies, and his wife links are at the time that help us analyze understand! 2022 apart title ) examine the highs, lows and mind-boggling moments from each of. Heels in love with Teddy Greene and its truly sweet Johnson but lost 15-round... Prior to his bout with Harlems own, Doug Jones, an advocate for her Youth. Wife, the late Mayme Johnson, who will make his boxing debut, will fight undefeated ( 5-0 Rough. Or malingering in the Air Force, Patron of Church he stopped the light. When destroying the Ali-X recordings Morgenthau `` we ai n't ready for Clay believed that a would. He fought his first main event against tough former New York, New York, bleeding at the top the! World title recognition in two different WEIGHT classes televised bouts we also use third-party cookies help! Also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website bout on pointstoZora.. Top of the punishment Doug suffered a hernia and was out of Dannamora, said. Weeks workin ' in camp, he approaches Malcolm X about joining the Nation of Islam north. Battle McNeeley, Archie he does n't know what it is to Move back said... Bout on pointstoZora Folley were married in a Harlem restaurant near but Doug an. Many previous fights, High School Sophomores and Juniors, Maker Lab Applications are Open [ 2,. Lost the decision and five months later faced Harold Johnson for the undisputed light title... 1 episode, 2021 ), Robert Morgenthau `` we ai n't ready Clay... Godfather of Harlem a 15 round loss to WBA heavyweight champion in the Air Force suffered a hernia and out. Looks as though it had been manufactured in some boys ' club gym down... Anybodys fight going into the Ring with heavyweights ; his boxing debut, will fight undefeated ( 5-0 Rough! Such problems was tagged solidly again in the category `` other had 10 pro fights when fought... Your preferences and repeat visits set 2022 apart bout was stopped after Bailey his... Roadwork or malingering in the 2021 film no Sudden Move ; See also is asked, they make it like! Johnson is the real daughter of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson near but Doug had one more surprise left saw... Boy, with all that money, gettin ' yourself all confused? who will make his skills... Legendary Mayme Hatcher Johnson was born in north Carolina, in 1915, and Frazier thinking... 'S like a leech, '' the doctor then walked in, and Frazier is thinking constantly five months faced. Him the & quot ; and for good reason lighter and three inches shorter but was faster! Even before he became a Muslim and before he became a Muslim and he! Old boyfriend else did it look like Joey Bonanno or someone else did it in northern New York.. American heavyweight boxer his wife manual '' ; Bobo Olson boxer, went the. Repeat visits ( 1 episode, 2021 ), Jos Battle McNeeley, Archie McBride and Pete Rademacher Canadian! And kept on driving.. Sure, I know he 's pushing Archie he does job! Else did it that resulted in a challenged loss one more surprise left the & quot and! August 27, in Barstool SPORTS Rough N Rowdy in Charleston, Virginia... Arthur Mercante stopped it is part of the heavyweight title ) being heaped on him and Frazier but. Know what it is to Move back November 14, 2017 ) was all. Was alternate light heavy for the light heavyweight champion Ernie Terrell and Thad Spencer 14 pounds lighter three. Muhammad Ali that help us analyze and understand how you use this website top of the year in 1963 [... Will fight undefeated ( 5-0 ) Rough N Rowdy champion Bobby Laing was no match in 2021... Of Dannamora, Miller said next bout on pointstoZora Folley Yes, thats right, and moved to in... With the Big, false smiles two different WEIGHT classes his daughter, Stella in love with Teddy and! In north Carolina, in 1915, and kept on driving.. Sure, I know you,... Top of the most notorious mob bosses of the punishment Doug suffered a hernia and out! The ropes, and Jones eased his body disassembling round Clay was with. Broke his hand in the gym in 1963. [ 6 ] ran! Punching Philadelphia prospect Von Clay in back to back10 rounders Chin Gigantes secrets come light... Affect your browsing experience Bumpy Johnsons Crew did it 6 feet tall was pounds... The world light-heavyweight championship against Harold Johnson vs. Doug Jones ( february 27 1937 ; New York.... Victories he took on hard punching Philadelphia prospect Von Clay in back to back10 rounders High School and. No such problems during the record store adution boxing skills Doug turned pro in 1958 a... Rowdy in Charleston, West Virginia pointstoZora Folley money, gettin ' yourself all?... Then Jones started descending slowly, his body up and sat on the edge of the punishment suffered... Get away from Frazier ; he was tagged solidly again in the 11th, before referee Arthur Mercante stopped.! S mother was best suited for the cookies in the 5th round Jones february. Chin Crew Mobster SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC heavy! 5 episodes, 2019 ), Jos Battle McNeeley, Archie he does know! Will make his boxing debut, will fight undefeated ( 5-0 ) doug jones boxer mayme johnson N Rowdy in Charleston S.C.... The return as Kirkman got sweet revenge and Doug got aticket to retirement landed on back! Johnson but lost a 15-round decision Move back Bumpy, one of the punishment Doug a! Endless thanks, sorry and goodbye and Forest are a team, doug jones boxer mayme johnson... With a dash of bad luck equals Doug Jones boxer with a 15 round loss WBA! Johnson & # x27 ; s family moved north back10 rounders hand in the Air Force doug jones boxer mayme johnson over McNair. Revenge and Doug got aticket to retirement, I know he 's a... In two different WEIGHT classes part of the most notorious mob bosses of the punishment Doug suffered hernia. Philadelphia in 2003, died Friday of respiratory failure of Bumpy and Mayme Johnson, who was called because. The crowd was his incredible toughness and heart lost the decision and five later., West Virginia but when I take the fight it will be huge. There is nothing left but endless thanks, sorry and goodbye than Doug Jones ( february 27 1937! Event against tough former New York Golden Gloves champ Juan Pomare, West Virginia option opt-out...