Whats the number one characteristic that couples experience when they are in love? For your testosterone level to stay that high, you have to feel confident that you are loved. I really appreciate you trying to listen. Add Reena@HealCircle.org to address book to get gifts. They have three grown daughters and John Gray/company John and Bonnie Gray are no ordinary couple. Their love story unfolded in a series of popular self-help books that have sold millions of copies and have been translated into 5o languages. They are the original Mars and Venus - yes, that "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus." When my wife would take responsibility for her happiness, and then ask me to do something [for her], then she would become happier, and I would take credit for the whole thing. John tells her he was going to buy a new computer. (She persisted). Social and economic shifts have caused the sexes to no longer be dependent on each other. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice. PR.com: Yes, that is true. We are naturally drawn to situations that help us cope with stress. Then our most special support is our intimate relationship. Through videos, blog posts, online courses, books, and groundbreaking live events, youll learn down-to-earth practical insight and wisdom that will change your life forever. I hear all these stories of women in their sixties who get awakened and they go, Gee, I want something, and I just dont have it with my partner. When couples are getting divorced they find reasons why theyre getting divorced, but the bottom line is theyre not having sex. Just dont share based on the expectation of change. His point in this book is that we dont know what we need to know because our parents didnt tell us and they didnt tell us because we are living a life that would have mystified them entirely. Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. WebAuthor John Gray & his wife Bonnie lying on a hammock in their backyard. I dont know if you have seen this pattern in the therapy that you do, but having a child accentuates the differences between men and women, tenfold. Das Getty Images Design ist eine eingetragene Marke von Getty Images. The woman I was married to at the timeprobably Marilynwas still engaged in the late part. I think his historical grounding for those roles is preposterous. No fine art print sales or wall decor without prior photographer approval. And how can you say it is written for women when, in fact, it tells men how to get the kinds of outcomes they want? We charge a nominal fee for our Bootcamps in order to cover our costs of running the bootcamps and the doctors time. 2023 Getty Images. Then Gray married his second wife, Bonnie, in 1986 and she died of cancer in 2018. You did it again! I helped him see her point of view, and I helped him see how he created the mess. They experience sexual attraction. John Gray on Beyond Mars and Venus. It reinforces all of the testosterone values. It has tried to feminize men. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus: new relationship skills for our complex modern world. What I have to say doesnt matter at all.. Its starting to sound like youre saying Im this selfish person. Asa bystander, I ask the kinds of questions I am going to look at in the next post in this series. John and Bonnie Gray, Just Doin TheirJobs. John Gray: Back in the early eighties is when I first started developing the ideas of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. Heart disease in men is owing to low testosterone. Thats why Ive written this book and put a big emphasis on the sex part of it. But even though the fundamental teachings still hold up, relationships between men and women have changed dramatically in recent years so the approaches have, too. When men talk about negative feelings their estrogen will go up! John Gray Speech. SELECT OPTIONS SAVE TO CART People kept saying, You have to write this in a book. Finally, I put it down in a book after about eight years of teaching and called it, Men, Women and Relationships. We are no longer limited by the traditional roles of hunter/gatherer or breadwinner/homemaker. I got the news, on my honeymoon, that my father had died. Just a note here to clarify my position on the Mars & Venus books. I really want to understand your feelings and it really is hard for me. For men their hearts open when they are successful in helping others. Dr. Gray lives in Northern California where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. Learn to minimize and speak emotions. I think its a very very young Bonnie Gray. If she was looking for me to do everything to make her happy, then she would always be unhappy. Im adding his comments here, although they tend to excuse his choices, because he is trying to illustrate what doing it right looks like and he is being the example for us all. Women need to share their frustrations or disappointments to increase their estrogen. That is all a good thing in terms of equal opportunity. There are so many things we need to spend money on in the house and you are buying a computer. Women come naturally to this role because while the caveman husband was off fighting enemiesthats where the ducking and dodging came from, rememberthe cavewoman is home preparing. John Gray: The receptivity is equal. Join HealCirclesto get free trusted support for greater health! For more on #BookOfJohnGray, visit http://bit.ly/23tPWQBFind OWN on TV at http://www.oprah.com/FindOWN#OWNTV #BookOfJohnGray #JohnGraySUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1vqD1PNDownload the Watch OWN App: http://bit.ly/2hr1nX2About The Book Of John Gray:The Book Of John Gray is a dramedy docu-follow hybrid about the life of John Gray and his uniquely humorous way of helping people. In the movies it happens because there is some sort of life and death situation; some intense situation and then there are all of these romantic feelings. Do you want to be seen as insecure or as a child? He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice. I think his characterizations of male and female roles are stereotyped and rigid. For men, your estrogen levels are going up and your testosterone levels are going down. When women are under stress their brains tend to speed up, and mens tend to slow down. Thats a reality that has happened to all of us. One. Vergrern Sie die Reichweite Ihrer Marke authentisch und teilen Sie Markeninhalte mit Kreativen im Internet. Pinnwnde sind ideal zum Speichern von Bildern und Videoclips. The next four exchanges are presented as a block. It just feels like you dont care about me. Learning to deal with our emotions and stress is the key to heart health. Oh, please! How a man's estrogen levels will go up when they share their, Moments when negative emotions and anger can be, Why reading or watching the news (same with sports) can help a man when he is stressed because it allows him to detach and. (Photo by Acey Harper/Getty Images). Connection. They have three grown daughters and four I chose someone who can talk about her feelings and rarely acts out without knowing or conveying why. Your email address will not be published. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Crazy. Always get your needs met, without feeling, 2023 Mars Venus, LLC All Rights Reserved. I hadnt ever seen that and its perfect. We dont have to change our partners much. You wont feel an attraction to him if youre a woman, if a guy is too much like a girl. John Gray lives in Northern California where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. Sometimes its a choice. PR.com: How did you come to these conclusions, regarding hormonal differences, in the way men and women express and diffuse their stress? Its a nasty job, but somebodys got to do it. If your stress level increases it can create a tear leading to heart attack. Collect, curate and comment on your files. Maybe Im missing the brilliant revelations that have helped him build this empire. dr john gray wife, bonnie 27 Feb. dr john gray wife, bonnie Share USA Today listed his book as one of the top 10 most influential books of the last quarter century. John: I really want to understand your feelings and it really is hard for me. And more and more women are making as much, or more, than men. Asking for his patience (her job) and listening receptively to whatever feelings she has (his job) are both collegial acts. PR.com: You hold all of this knowledge, but in your own marriage do you and your wife ever slip into some of the bad patterns that most others do? 046 Dr. John Gray: ADHD, Brain Health, & Sex Addiction, Solocast | A Victim of Intellectualization & The Wisdom of The Heart, Solocast | The Sedation of Society: How To Reconnect & Strengthen Your Souls Connection, How to Get Everything You Want in Relationships, Paleovalley Save 15% on your ACV Complex with the code JOSH', Seeking Health Save 10% with the code JOSH', Organifi Special 20% off to our listeners with the code WELLNESSFORCE', Drink LMNT Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, you only cover the cost of shipping, Botanic Tonics Save 40% when you use the code WELLNESS40, Essential Oil Wizardry: Save 10% with the code WELLNESSFORCE', Cured Nutrition Get 15% off of your order when you visit wellnessforce.com/cured + use the code WELLNESSFORCE'. During graduate school, John served as the Assistant Dean of Men at Bob Jones University for five years. Gray was in his fifth year as president of the school board. PR.com: This may be an offensive question for some people, but do you think that the womens movement over the past few decades has actually hindered male/female relationships and caused the divorce rate to rise? I continued to follow the miles of research, which has been done showing the differences between men and women. Why porn will raise a man's testosterone but then lower it dramatically as their estrogen levels increase which isn't healthy for them. If a woman is stressed, holding space for her means hearing what she has to say and providing a particular kind of loving support. I didnt bother him, and he came out an hour later in a good mood. John Gray: There is a wide spectrum of couples counseling, and some of it in my experience has told me again and again that it is not very effective. In his newest book, Venus On Fire, Mars On Ice, author John Gray explains how our hormones, stress levels, and recent social and gender customs have collided to create the conflicts and health ills we see in present-day western relationships and marriages. John helps men and women better understand and respect their differences in both personal and professional relationships. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. So the greater the stress in our lives, the more the differences [between men and women] will tend to show up. Ducking and dodging really is rope-a-dope. We dont want to do it all. Why do you need to buy a new computer (she demanded)? What if the source of the problem is not treatable? John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. The more the complaints the worse life becomes. I feel like you get what you want and I get seconds. Thats what she should have done in the buying the computer scenario. Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and his latest, Beyond Mars and Venus, Dr. John Gray, returns to share what has changed for him since his first interview on Wellness Force, how we can hold space in relationships, the four kinds of love, and how porn is hurting relationships. Till next time, wishing you health, love, and joy! Many die of heart attack with no plaque and 50% who die of a heart attack have normal cholesterol. They have three grown daughters and three grandchildren. Since Johns responsibility is to duck and dodge, you will not be surprised to learn that Bonnies are to pause and prepare. Women come naturally to this role because while the caveman husband was off fighting enemiesthats where the ducking and dodging came from, rememberthe cavewoman is home preparing. Here at MarsVenus.com, Ive teamed up with. Most guys would take charge and say, This is what we need to do. But there has to be some time for her to vent. (He says he didnt like being questioned, but by saying as little as this, he was able to prevent clashing with her). I would be thinking, Is she going to call, or is she not going to call?. Our lives are marred by fast-paced schedules and a barrage of technology, and gender roles are no longer clearly defined, but there are simple adjustments that can be made to re-balance male and female hormonal harmony. That has value for the same reason I like reading womens magazines at the doctors office: I like to know what women really think about. John Gray: In my personal life, I had been married to Bonnie (Grays wife of twenty-five years) for seven years, we had a family and we lived very happily together. Maybe I am mad that you want so much more than me. It was ugly and I am glad I dont do it anymore. Im here to help men and women create strong, passionate bonds that last a lifetime. I think thats a great human trait, dont you? John Gray lives in Northern California where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. Therapy is quite often biased in that way, in reinforcing the womans dissatisfaction in attempting to change a man and his nature, rather than using his nature to be most supportive of her. John Gray: Yes and no. Im still amazed at the relevance that Men Are from Mars still has, 25 years after it was published! Very few women have that insight, so hell end up feeling guilty. WishingWell, Inc is a non-profit 501 (C) 3 parent of HealCircle, HealthierPodcast, HealCircle, HealerPedia and HealthBootcamps brands. Dont I do anything nice? If a guy feels guilty for taking time away, or if he just doesnt take time away, then gradually his testosterone levels get lower and lower and his interest in the relationship becomes less and less. wussy. Brain scans were developed and every department had brain scans and you could start seeing how mens and womens brains reacted differently in situations. Learn how your comment data is processed. 111+ botanically unique Wizard Alchemy Blends formulated by Founder & holistic pharmacist Dr. Nick Berry, PharmD. It all comes back down to the hormones of passion. Please read: We are thrilled you are here but the Programs by HealCircle, content and any products are intended for informational purposes only and not for diagnosis or treatment. I dont know why you have to get another computer. He would protect them and he would help fix things when they break, and he was kind of the emergency man (a term Gray refers to in his book). Very little more was expected of him. PR.com: We have a fourteen month old. How Dr. John would comfort his wife when she would have, What creates passion in a relationship: our differences and being. When I want something, it doesnt seem so important. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. That wasnt the right part. Dr. Tom O'Bryan's Video Series on Reversing Auto-immune, Dr. Zach Bush's Video on Healing your Gut. Goodbye, bickering. Exploring a woman's different love needs and how their partners can fulfill them. She had Not very much time, as I recall. But daily life doesnt let us access those kinds of intense feelings. If a man said, Women are just desserts, that would be very offensive to a woman. He is an avid follower of his own health and relationship advice. Learn how your comment data is processed. (Photo by Acey Harper/Getty Images) PURCHASE A LICENSE Get personalized pricing by telling us when, where, and how you want to use this asset. These are. My wife has two womens groups as well as a host of female friends. They need to forget about their problems to get their testosterone up. Poor lifestyle habits, poor eating habits, high stress levels, not coping well with stress. We respect your privacy and do not share or sell your information if you do subscribe. John Gray lives in Northern California, where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. Read More On The Sun You write like a man who has had experience getting to the source of the problem and also a man who tried rope-a-dope. (He observes this, after a pause. She learned to create a life where she has friends, and she has rhythm and she has routine, so she is basically very happy. Any time a man has difficult challenge something hes good at and enjoys doing hes testosterone goes up. John Gray is the author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. This website is not intended to create a physician-patient relationship between you and HealCircle or its practitioners. Women need caring, understanding, respect, and reassurance. Its a nasty job, but somebodys got to do it. Your email address will not be published. Women before menopause require 10 times more estrogen than men. This approach asks his patience as a favor to her and promises that the barrage will be as brief as can be, still allowing time for the feelings to be expressed. Please read our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully, by using our Website, you agree that you have read and consented to our Terms of Use. Thats what a man can do, but a woman needs to have some nurturing support which allows her brain to relax. Dr. Grays books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller. Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. She didnt hear what I said about the accident on the road or how close I was to being involved in it very directly and had she heard, she wouldnt have cared. still has, 25 years after it was published! When I do what John Gray says to do, everything works out really well. I was the bystander I had in mind and I really would not like to see that transaction, much less to be on the receiving end of Bonnies anger. Liked what you heard? As a woman, if you are feeling unsupported, you have more adrenalin and cortisol and lesser estrogen and progesterone. We help humans discover physical & emotional intelligence to live life well, We help humans discover physical& emotional intelligence to live life well, Copyright 2022 Wellness Force Media All Rights Reserved. There is a middle ground where one isnt interested and the other one is, and there is anger that there is no reciprocation. But Id be willing to bet that a VAST majority of these books are purchased by women, thinking that theyre bridging a gender gap. (She persisted, not answering my question.). John Gray lives in Northern California, where for 34 years he happily shared his life with his beautiful wife, Bonnie, until her passing in 2018. John Gray was taken to hospital after suffering a Saddle pulmonary embolism - a blockage of the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. I was just counseling a woman today and she is a very unhappy woman because her husband is emotionally unavailable, and not affectionate. When they do something they are good at their hormones go up, which is great! But if you feel like its thirty steps and you still dont know if you are ever going to get there, you just get tired. On the other hand a womans heart opens when she is successful in getting the love support she needs. I created BREATHE after my own dark nights of the soul and years of research traveling the world in search of the truth about self-healing. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. He is a recipient of the coveted the Smart Marriages Impact Award. Dr. Gray, 58, lives in Northern California with his wife of 23 years, Bonnie, They have three grown daughters and three grand children. He is an avid follower of his own health, fitness, and relationship advice. Sometimes Im away for a week and when I come back its really fantastic. Grays books are translated into approximately 45 languages in more than 100 countries and continues to be a bestseller. Dr. Gray has written over 20 books. His most recent book is Beyond Mars and Venus: Relationship Skills for Our Complex Modern World. His Mars/Venus book series has forever changed the way men and women view their relationships. Streamline your workflow with our best-in-class digital asset management system. PR.com: What are your thoughts on traditional couples counseling, considering that it doesnt seem to touch on their being a physiological reason why men have certain behavioral tendencies, and women have other behavioral tendencies? If that fails, pull out the rope-a-dope, which is what he does. Im a feminist in terms of supporting women. dr john gray wife, bonnie dr john gray wife, bonnie. On the other hand, it is not a small service he provides if, as has been my experience, doing what he says to do makes everything better. Everybody kept saying, Why? WebHe has served on the Faculty of the Masters College & Seminary. Easily a week could slip by and you kind of went, What happened there? What happens is it is so easy to get out of the routine, and out of the habit of it. If John does what he is supposed to do, nearly anything Bonnie does will work out. Well, for lots of reasons. PR.com: What creates that disinterest as time goes on? Here they are in much earlier days, before all the ducking and dodging and pausing and preparing. Here at MarsVenus.com, Ive teamed up with my amazing daughter Laurenso that you can have both the male and female points of view when applying MarsVenus relationship skills. Bonnie: Of course you do. We want to be the add-on. Author John Gray & his wife Bonnie lying on a hammock in their backyard. : http://bit.ly/1wJ0ugIOur Fantastic Lineup: http://bit.ly/1qMi2jEConnect with OWN Online:Visit the OWN WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/1qMi2jELike OWN on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1AXYujpFollow OWN on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1sJin8YFollow OWN on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/LnqzMzFollow OWN on PINTEREST: http://bit.ly/2dvfPeNBonnie: \"There Is Life After Breast Cancer\" | Book of John Gray | Oprah Winfrey Networkhttp://www.youtube.com/user/OWN Im sure they cared enough about each other to say, Just go off and be happy. Or it could have been the other way around. They will thank you for it . By understanding our differences in a new light and developing new communication skills, couples can awaken the romantic passion and create a true soul mate relationship! The importance of doing a lot of little things for your female partner to help build their estrogen back up. Our couch needs to be recovered. John Gray: A lot of these ideas I put forth are very counter-therapy. Wussy, eh? Millions of high-quality images, video, and music options are waiting for you. My approach focuses first on developing self-love, which increases self-esteem and trust. Bei kommerzieller Verwendung sowie fr verkaufsfrdernde Zwecke kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihr. Do you find that it is women or men who are most receptive to what you teach? Stress in our lives, the more the differences [ between men and women view their relationships happens it... Reality that has happened to all of us you dont care about.. Thats what a man has difficult challenge something hes good at and enjoys doing hes testosterone goes.... You need to spend money on in the house and you are loved couples experience when are. Has served on the expectation of change men who are most receptive to what teach! What if the source of the routine, and I am going to call, or more than... 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dr john gray wife, bonnie