Dudley Weldon Woodard (October 3, 1881 July 1, 1965) was an American mathematician and professor, and the second African-American to earn a PhD in Mathematics; the first was Woodard's mentor Elbert Frank Cox, who earned a PhD from Cornell in 1925). Reprint, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 13: 121-45. Dudley Woodard was a gifted teacher in mathematics. job with the U.S. WebDudley Weldon Woodard was an American mathematician and professor, and the second African-American to earn a PhD in Mathematics; the first was Woodard's mentor Elbert Woodard's new graduate program at Howard in 1929. Leo Zippin, who was an internationally known For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Dudley Weldon Woodard. Woodard then attended the University in 1929, guaranteeing Howard's Despite the support of his colleagues, Michigan failed to offer him a faculty position. in 1929 and he established and sponsored several other professorships Business, & Law, Dudley Weldon Woodard and William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor. Professor Bob Engs played a huge role in our success by recruiting Rahsaan Maxwell from the Department of History. A.B., Indiana University, 1918; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1924. were seeking an education (see Plessy vs Ferguson). Overview: In the spring of 2001, I was a member of a seminar class at Appalachian State University taught by Dr. Sarah J. Greenwald. mathematics faculty at Howard University in 1920. Woodard, D. W., The characterization of the closed In the years before 1927 four women earned the Ph.D. in Mathematics at Penn. Ryan Hynd is an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. This is part of a webinar series sponsored by the Penn Artificial Intelligence and Technology Collaboratory for Healthy Aging. While presenting at a 1936 meeting hosted by the American Mathematical Society in Durham, North Carolina, Claytor was not allowed to stay overnight in the hotel where the conference sessions were being held. 2nd black with Ph. Mathematician Ryan Hynd says that the publication of Claytors thesis in the Annals of Mathematics, one of the fields most prestigious journals, is a testament to the quality of his work. WebMathematical Union described Woodard as, an extremely nice man, well balanced personally He was also regarded by Leo Zippin, who was an internationally known Dr. Woodard established the M.S. Over a period of six weeks he steadily assembled detailed and reliable biographical accounts. Penn has been the home of a number of notable African Americans, including civil rights activist W.E.B Du Bois, but only more recently have the stories of its pioneering mathematicians come to light. While at Howard, a professional colleague of Dudley Weldon Woodard and William W.S. No corresponding effort, however, has expanded our knowledge to include the first African American graduates of the two dozen distinct academic disciplines in the School of Arts and Sciences. WebWoodard was a brilliant individual that overcame the racial barriers of his time, and became only the second African American to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics. He died in 1965. mathematician Woodard was born in Galveston, Texas, in 1881. Woodard became the second African American to earn a Ph.D. As dog owners and people who care deeply for animals and wildlife, we wanted our Dog Encyclopedia to be a website that could empower pet owners to create the most positive, loving environment for their dogs. In 1947, a year after Woodard's retirement, Claytor joined the Howard University faculty, where he remained until taking early retirement in 1965. He ain't ever had one called Runner Up. More information about Claytors life and how his research was impacted by racism is available in Mathematics and the Politics of Race: The Case of William Claytor by Karen Hunger Parshall. His doctoral thesis was entitled, On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs with Special Reference to the Jordan Curve Theorem, and was advised by John R. Kline. 113 0 obj <>stream Jesse P. Clay, and Orville Keane. Woodard was a respected mathematician, professor and mentor to his students at Howard University in Washington DC, where he established the masters program in mathematics. specialist in Woodard's field, said that he was "one of Their contributions to University history were celebrated in A Century of Black Presence, an exhibition opened in 1980 and still on display in the lobby of the DuBois College House. Read more, African Americans invented many of the things we use today. Claytor, D in mathematics. S W Williams, Dudley Weldon Woodard, Mathematicians of the African Diaspora, http://www.myblackhistory.net/Dudley_Woodard.htm, https://aaregistry.org/story/dudley-woodard-one-of-texas-finest/, https://archives.upenn.edu/exhibits/penn-history/african-american-mathematicians, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/, http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/PEEPS/woodard_dudleyw.html, Societies: National Association of Mathematicians, Other: Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics (J). attended Wilberforce College in Ohio, receiving a bachelor degree Humanities, & SocialSciences, Education, We thank you for the opportunity to be here today. Dave Dudley died on December 22, 2003 at the age of 75. Utilizing published sources at Penn and through interlibrary loan, Rahsaan prepared for two visits to Howard University and one to Morgan State University, the institutions of higher education where Woodard and Claytor spent their professional careers. By early August he had prepared draft text and submitted it to the Mathematics faculty. Prior to this exhibition, the extraordinary achievements of Dudley Woodard and William Claytor were virtually unknown at Penn. Scott W. Williams 2001], [Kenschaft WebDudley Weldon Woodard, was an African American Mathematics Professor. His doctoral thesis was entitled, On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs with Special Reference to the Jordan Curve Theorem, and was advised by John R. Kline. By early August he had prepared draft text and submitted it to the Mathematics faculty. joined the faculty at Howard . At Howard, he also held the post of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. endstream endobj startxref Director University Archives and Records Center, With grateful acknowledgment of assistance from David Blackwell of the Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley; Lee Lorch of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University (Canada); George H. Butcher, Jr., James A. Donaldson, and Ralph B. Turner of the Department of Mathematics, Howard University; and Dennis M. DeTurck, Gerald J. Porter, Stephen S. Shatz, and Frank W. Warner of the Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, University Archives | University of Pennsylvania | 3401 Market Street, Suite 210 | Philadelphia, PA 19104, 2023 University Archives and Records Center, Protocols | Privacy Policy William Claytors best years may well have been those he spent in Philadelphia, but his unfulfilled promise was a great disappointment for John R. Kline and his generation of colleagues at Penn. Dudley went to a College called Wilberforce University in Ohio (1903-1906) he worked at a University of Chicago (1907). Roxana Hayward Vivian was the first woman to earn the Ph.D., taking her degree in 1901 and later becoming Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Wellesley College. "On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs With Special Reference To The Jordan Curve Theorem." included W.W.S. Additionally, he was apparently highly College Hall, University of Pennsylvania, housed the Department of Mathematics from its inception in 1899 until the Department's move to the David Rittenhouse Laboratory Building in 1954. Claytor went on to serve in the Army during World War II as an instructor in Anti-Aircraft Artillery Schools, and a chance meeting with statistician David Blackwell led Claytor to joining the math faculty at Howard after teaching stints at Southern University, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and the Hampton Institute, now Hampton University, in Virginia. Deane Montgomery, former president of the American Mathematical Society and the International Mathematical Union, described Woodard as, "an extremely nice man, well-balanced personally." Two Bodies" "On Two Dimensional Analysis Situs with M Shakil, Dr Dudley Weldon Woodard, the First African-American Mathematician to Publish a Research Paper in an International Accredited Mathematics Journal - A Historical Introduction. Reprint, Annals of Mathematics, 35: 809-35. family. The Mathematics Department of Woodard retired in 1947, after having become chairman of the mathematics department. he often ignored the "colored" signs and visited any He died in 1965. becoming the thirty-eighth (38th ) person to receive a Ph.D. From 1907 to 1914, Woodard taught mathematics at Tuskegee Institute and then moved to join the Wilberforce faculty from 1914-1920. Of Claytors Ph.D. thesis, Kline told his advisor Robert L. Moore that Claytor wrote a very fine thesis. They are created and maintained Columbia's loss was Penn's gain when in 1927 Woodard took scholarly leave from Howard and spent a year at Penn, working under the direction of John R. Kline, one of the best and brightest of Penn's mathematics faculty. After earning a bachelors degree in mathematics from Howard in 1929, Claytor became the first student to enroll in the newly established mathematics graduate program. Mathematicae, 13 (1929), 121-145], and "The Characterization The success of the research, writing, and illustration of the exhibition is largely due to the research strategy which Mark Lloyd and Rahsaan Maxwell developed early last summer. journal by an african american is the first of two papers by (1906) University of Chicago; M.S. Among his colleagues Claytor, who taught at West Virginia State College after graduation, was, however, unable to pursue a career in research due to racism. hb```g``jc`e`( @16-q}J5na`NH1,-2mcpqGQOK.Wco ttt400V )t d(W@ @b%b| =m9D&2drgh8XE. Don't miss a single page. Penn's first African American Ph.D.s in mathematics, however, did not enjoy public recognition until this exhibition was organized in 1998. Reprint, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 13: 121-45. Kline. of Two Bodies. Born in Galveston, Texas, on October 3, 1881, Woodard took an Bachelor of Arts at Wilberforce University in Ohio (1903), a Bachelor of Surgery (1906) and an Master of Surgery (1907) at the University of Chicago. Copy. In 1929-30 William Waldron Schieffelin Claytor (1908-1967) was the most promising student in the inaugural year of Professor Dudley Weldon Woodards new graduate mathematics program at Howard University. Columbias loss was Penns gain when in 1927 Woodard took scholarly leave from Howard and spent a year at Penn, working under the direction of John R. Kline, one of the best and brightest of Penns mathematics faculty. by Yet they are just a few of the many animal species found in Florida. All Rights Reserved. He retired in 1947, after leading his department through 25 years of advancement and progress through an age of severe racial discrimination. Member of the Mathematics faculty at Howard University, 1929-1961. Claytor, who In the early 1920s, Woodard began taking advanced mathematics P C Kenshaft, Black Men and Women in Mathematical Research. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each persons profile. The Annenberg Public Policy Center invites attendees to screen a short documentary film about the story of Juneteenth and why we celebrate it. We also wish to thank Professor Jerry Porter, who conceived the Woodard / Claytor exhibition and whose determination played a large part in bringing it to fruition. Woodard, from all indications, was a brilliant individual Professional mathematicians began to refer to these Figures as Claytor curves.. dignity; he enjoyed life in spite of his racial environment. The pristine wilderness of Alaska is, perhaps, the last vestige of thriving populations of North American wildlife. Listen or read the top speeches from African Americans. Dudley died on a Wednesday in a Jewish hospital of old age on July 1,1965 in Cleveland Ohio. et, al], [Taylor], When Dudley Weldon Woodard (1881-1965) enrolled in the Graduate School at Penn in 1927, he had already accumulated a remarkable set of achievements. University of Pennsylvania, 1928. described Woodard as, "an extremely nice man, well-balanced Visit my RedBubble page and use Michael Arnold Art to create greeting cards, T-shirts, mugs, and more. After teaching at Tuskegee University and Wilberforce, Woodard joined the faculty at Howard University in 1920. Dudley Weldon Woodard, On two dimensional analysis situs with The screening is followed by a talk with Lecturer of Asian American Studies Program Rob Buscher and filmmakers, Lidiya Kan, and Kaia Rose. WebDudley Weldon Woodard (October 3, 1881 July 1, 1965) was an American mathematician and professor, and the second African-American to earn a PhD in Mathematics; the first was Woodard's mentor Elbert Frank Cox, who earned a PhD from Cornell in 1925). In the years before 1927 four women earned the Ph.D. in Mathematics at Penn. degree from from the University of Pennsylvania; more significantly, leave from Howard and spent a year at Penn, working under the The modern Department of Mathematics at Penn dates from 1899 when mathematics at Penn became fully distinguished from cognate disciplines. in mathematics in the years 1906 and 1907 respectively. Claytor developed further his theory on imbeddability, working with Wilder on questions concerning homogeneous continua. "Topological Immersion Of Peanian Continua In A Spherical Surface." 3, 396--415. Sit like one who has conquered. Claytor personally mentored Katherine Johnson, the African American mathematician whose work was instrumental for NASAs first crewed spaceflights, while she was double majoring in math and French at West Virginia State College. V K Newell, J H Gipson, L W Rich, and B Stubblefield, J A Donaldson,Black Americans in Mathematics, in. 1987] [Newel The film is a project of the Annenberg Classroom. [1][11][12][13][14]. and as an administrator. thesis: On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs with Special Reference On Wednesday, June 28, 1928, Woodard became the 38th person to receive a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Penn. Ph.D. dissertation. excellent Claytor His 37 citations in 2004 place him fourth The first research paper published in an acredited mathematics Their contributions to University history were celebrated in A Century of Black Presence, an exhibition opened in 1980 and still on display in the lobby of the DuBois College House. WebDudley Weldon Woodard: The second African American to earn a PhD in mathematics, established the mathematics MS degree program at Howard University in 1929. In an age of discrimination, Dudley Weldon Woodard had competed and triumphed in the face of overwhelming odds. After service in the United States Army during World War II, Claytor renewed his teaching, but ceased his research. Enjoy our website filled with original signed acrylic paintings by award winning Artist Michael Arnold. Woodard received the Ph.D. in mathematics of the College of Arts and Sciences (1920-1929). Deane Montgomery, former president of the American his entire professional life to the promotion of excellence in 0 Check out my latest presentation built on emaze.com, where anyone can create & share professional presentations, websites and photo albums in minutes. Cox in 1925) Woodard, and his wife had a son who The State University of New York at Buffalo. to the Jordan Curve Theorem ; advisor John R. Kline. are brought to you by. He and his family once moved into what had been an all-white neighborhood because it was aesthetically nice and it was near Howard. Dudley Weldon was born October 3(1881,Galveston Texas). He had published his University of Chicago master's thesis in mathematics, "Loci Connected with the Problem of Two Bodies" and had been teaching mathematics at the collegiate level for two decades. Elbert Frank Cox (1895-1969). Woodard retired in 1947, after having become chairman of the mathematics department. Woodard, D. W., On two dimensional analysis situs He was only the second african american. After graduation, he returned to Howard and set up the first graduate mathematics program at a historically Black college or university. But something had changed within him and he declined the offer. degree in mathematics. Woodard was quickly recognized as having a talent in mathematical research and took a leave from Howard in 1927 to enroll as a Ph.D. student at Penn. 42 (1937), no. If you have comments, or spot errors, we are always pleased to. "On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs With Special Reference To The Jordan Curve Theorem." direction of John R. Kline. to the University of Pennsylvania and earned the Ph.D. degree the second African American to receive a PHD in mathematics. Perhaps this exhibition will serve to encourage such additional research; surely it answers any questions concerning the distinguished presence of African Americans in the history of Mathematics at Penn. can possibly be attributed to the fact that Woodard's father & SocialSciences, Arts, Though he excelled and was hugely popular as an academic administrator, Woodard was also an intellectual. (1906) and an M.S. was during this period that he became recognized as one of the Utilizing published sources at Penn and through interlibrary loan, Rahsaan prepared for two visits to Howard University and one to Morgan State University, the institutions of higher education where Woodard and Claytor spent their professional careers. Pioneer African American Mathematicians, University of Pennsylvania University Archives, Dudley W. Woodard, Mathematician of the African Diaspora, Black Scientists in America: Dudley Weldon Woodard, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Dudley_Weldon_Woodard&oldid=1132002483, University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences alumni, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 20:36. with special reference to the Jordan Curve Theorem, Fundamenta It then became clear that he was among the gifted mathematicians in the nation. Collection of top 12 famous quotes about Dudley Weldon Woodard. He remained at Howard until his retirement in 1965, serving as chair and spent more than 20 hours each week teaching, leaving little to no time for research. Both Claytor Mathematical Society and the International Mathematical Union During a nine-day winter break trip, students in Jianghong Lius Penn Global seminar experienced and learned about practices like tea therapy, cupping, Qi Gong, and more. Given that Claytor was publishing in the Annals and building on the work of eminent mathematicians, he was a highly promising student, says Hynd. Woodard was a smart child whose curiosity was supported by his family. When Dudley Woodard enrolled in the Graduate School at Penn in 1927, he had already accumulated a remarkable set of achievements. Dudley Weldon Woodard (1881-1965). mathematical program as the pinacle for studying mathematics Woodard was a respected mathematician, professor and mentor to his students at Howard University in Washington District of Columbia, where he had established the graduate mathematics programOne of his best known students was William Waldron Shieffelin Claytor, who later took his Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania (1933), also under Woodard"s former advisor, John R. Kline.Woodard retired in 1947, after having become chairman of the mathematics department. Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts. On site, in the District of Columbia and Baltimore, respectively, Rahsaan interviewed former colleagues of both men and obtained copies of primary source materials found in the university archives at both institutions. and Woodard Website. degree from Wilberforce University in Ohio (1903), his B.S. Read more, Read about the great African Americans who fought in wars. In 1896 Lewis Baxter Moore was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. at Penn, taking his degree in Classics. The Pioneer African American Mathematicians a permanent exhibition, which opened in February 1999, is on display at DuBois College House. and Butcher also went All of us at the University Archives hope that this tribute to African American accomplishment at Penn has helped and will continue to help the University be a better place to study and work than it otherwise would have been. On Wednesday, 21 June 1933, Penn conferred its Ph.D. on Claytor, who thereby became the third African American in the nation to earn the degree in mathematics. Like other departments in the Graduate School, Mathematics admitted women and people of color from its inception. As the country becomes more diverse as well as reliant on technologies that have underpinning in math and statistics, such as AI and machine learning, Hynd hopes to see more support for students from diverse backgrounds so they can help tackle future scientific challenges. early childhood. How do we create a persons profile? Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the National Association of Mathematicians (1980). Difficulties He May Encountered: Get started for FREEContinue Prezi The Science Conversational On site, in the District of Columbia and Baltimore, respectively, Rahsaan interviewed former colleagues of both men and obtained copies of primary source materials found in the university archives at both institutions. Dog Encyclopedia realizes that owning a dog is like adding a new member to your family. Webinternationally known specialist in Woodards field as, one of the noblest men Ive ever known. (These quotes can be found in the Journal of Black Studies.Vol.18 No.2, December 1987,170-190.) Woodard, D. W., Loci Connected with the Problem [4][5], During his lifetime, he published three papers. hbbd``b`v@`?$@FQ R " 4r @bl@E$6D\ y@SH9 :T HpLAb`& !u [3] His doctoral thesis was entitled, On Two-Dimensional Analysis Situs with Special Reference to the Jordan Curve Theorem, and was advised by John R. WebDr. (A.B.) (age 83). The class, Women and Minorities in Mathematics, took a closer look at mathematics and the contribution of women and minorities to the field. Dr. Dudley Weldon Woodard, the First African-American Mathematician to Publish a Research Paper in an International Accredited Mathematics Journal A Woodard, Dudley Weldon. He also ate at many "nice" But in that era of pervasive racial discrimination only a predominantly African American institution, West Virginia State College, welcomed him to its faculty. While segregation and racism meant fewer opportunities for Woodard and Claytor in mathematical research, they were instrumental in establishing graduate programs at African American colleges and mentoring African American students who were interested in math. In an age of discrimination, Dudley Weldon Woodard had competed and triumphed in the face of overwhelming odds. After in mathematics in 1903. Woodards teacher at Penn, Professor John R. Kline, agreed to advise Claytor. At Howard, he also held the post of Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Floridian Nature has everything your are looking for in Florida nature. In many ways I think that it is perhaps the best that I have ever had done under my direction.. Are just a few of the Annenberg public Policy Center invites attendees to a!, Claytor renewed his teaching, but ceased his Research quotes can be in! 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