She features on her website an appearance on Fox and Friends in which she says shell fight crime in part by funding our legal defense system; she also claims that all local leaders are facing corruption charges and that Hidalgo is under indictment. Neither is true. The Texas Conservative Review is published by an attorney and former Harris County Republican Party chair who has been widely-reported to receive lucrative court appointments from judges he supports. In March 2021, a Harris County Republican Party precinct chair delivered a Zoom presentation to fellow party members about a new election integrity brigade. Identifying himself as a member of the partys ballot security committee, the man, who gave his name as Bill, outlined a plan to build an army here of 10,000 people in Harris County, motivated and highly confident folks to serve as election workers and poll watchers, to basically safeguard our voting rights and our voting obligations. The party would recruit the 10,000 poll watchers from suburban Harris County, then deploy them to predominantly Black and Hispanic neighborhoods in central Houston, where the fraud is occurring. Bill cited a particular need to monitor the polling place in Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, a historic Black place of worship that hosted Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on his first visit to Houston. They want nothing more than to turn Pro-Life Texas blue. He has founded an all new Young Republicans organization that is looking to be more than just a social club and networking opportunity, but an effective activist organization as well. Party Chair Cindy Siegel, Texas State Sen. Paul Bettencourt and other party leaders . seeking and obtaining nearly $400,000 in recent income from court appointments from judges he endorsed. That's my main takeaway from this.. Harris County paid one private attorney just over $1 million last year to represent hundreds of low-income people accused of crimes, helping proliferate a system that critics say wastes taxpayer dollars and robs indigent defendants of a fair shake in court. The Conservative Coalition of Harris County is a far-right-wing PAC in Harris County led by the aunt of one of Texas worst legislatures, Valoree Swanson. The Party will be having Republican candidates for Placerville City Council & local boards. There is a lot of money at stake. Longoria received bipartisan criticism for her handling of the March 1 primary, in which dozens of voting machines broke down and about 10,000 ballots were accidentally left out of the original count. But Harris County Republicans, who havent won a countywide race since 2014, have been alleging electoral shenanigans for years. Make no mistake, if the Democrats take over, Texans will be forced to pay for abortion through all 9 months with their hard earned tax dollars. Aleif ISD. Adv. Gurski and Leo-Wilson ran neck-and-neck in the GOP primary for this seat that was vacated when incumbent Republican Mayes Middleton ran for the Texas Senate. Harris County, TX? If you dont know if theres an election in your area, fill out this form to find out! What does that even mean? Beckley, a pet shop owner from Carrollton, is a two-term member of the Texas House of Representatives. They havent finished counting so they havent reported, too many words Moved out in June 2019 after that pension bond passed. Conservative Republicans of Harris County is committed to supporting outstanding legislative candidates who will fight for fiscal discipline and free enterprise economic policies in our government. Rupal Chaudhari, County Judge . You can now read an ad-free version of Living Blue in Texas and help support our mission to turn Texas blue. Kendall Lee Baker, Black Conservative, was an outspoken critic of Houstons equal rights ordinance a few years ago that ended gender discrimination. A-Rated by the National Rifle Association and leading pro-life groups, we can trust White to stand strong for Texas values. The Executive Committee has endorsed 3 candidates for election. Early voting is happening right now. Republican voters who want commissioners court to get serious about crime and get back to basics should vote for Lemond Dixon. Throughout his six terms in the Texas House, White has stood strong for border security, reducing taxes and spending, and eliminating the bureaucratic red tape that harms small business and economic growth. Party spokesperson Genevieve Carter told me the rapid response teams and poll watchers were needed to combat what she called the incompetence of Harris County elections administrator Isabel Longoria. HOUSTON The gloves are off in two Harris County political races, with Republican and Democrat candidates for judge suing to get their opponents thrown off the ballot. Latest Updates. Monday (08/08) @ 6:30 p.m. Park Community Church Shingle Springs, Treasurer-Tax Collector Cherie Raffety (Retired) Guest Speaker Monday (07/11) @ 6:30 p.m. Park Community Church Shingle Springs, Monthly Mtg. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 24, 2021 Harris County GOP Statement on Texas Secretary of State Election Audit All Harris County voters, regardless of their political party, should support the Secretary of State stepping in to conduct a comprehensive audit of the 2020 election to protect their right to free, fair, and secure elections. His leadership and temperament will be missed in the halls of the U.S. Senate and amongst Ohio Republicans. The Republican-controlled Texas Legislature should end the practice of awarding committee chairmanships to Democrats. I definitely think the job is about health care, crime, taxes, flooding and infrastructure period. If elected, well hold her to those words when the politicking is over. Endorsements From Conservative Republicans of Texas and Harris County - CRTXNEWS News Aggregated News Texas News National News Medical News Columnists Newsletters Cartoons Videos Lawsuits Lawsuit Against Houston Methodist Dr. Hotze's Federal Religious Freedom Lawsuit Hotze V. Abbott Hotze v. Hidalgo Hotze V. Patrick Join Our Lawsuit Contact Its a similar situation on the Democratic ballot, where former ACLU attorney Rochelle Garza received the most primary votes, and is now in a head-to-head race against former Galveston Mayor Joe Jaworski. Unelected bureaucrats and our federal government should not overregulate and dictate how we live our daily lives. Ken Paxton received nearly twice as many votes as contender Bush in the Republican primary, but fell 7 percentage points short of the majority he needed to avoid the runoff. Unlike many of his fellow Republicans in the legislature, he thinks the state should expand Medicaid. In this capacity, he heads the station's coverage of national, state, and local elections. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Park Community Church located at 3901 Wild Chaparral Drive in Shingle Springs. Helotes Prop A: against 2 General election. Converse City Council Place 4: Kessler The filing deadline is today for those who wish to run for office in the 2018 primary races. We believe it is not the purpose of government to dictate our religion, how we raise our children, or how we live our lives. The 911 outages are dangerous, pathetic, and totally the result of incompetence by democrats in the County Commissioner role. The Harris County Republican Party primary has been dominated by 'endorsement slates' for the past two decades. Where we Stand; Our Leadership; Precinct Chairs; The Elections Administrator of Harris County has the responsibility of carrying out statutory electoral functions outlined by federal and state laws. Victor D. Dunn and Jrmar Jefferson are running in the Democratic primary runoff. Jones previously served on the Houston City Council and Houston ISD board. After all, the point of deputizing county employees is to speed up ballot delivery and tabulation. An energy attorney from Midland, Stogner is self-funding her campaign to show independence from wealthy oil and gas contributors. Skip to content 919-890-5374 1401 Sunday Dr. Suite 105 Raleigh, NC 27607 Mon - Fri (10am - 5pm) Our Party Great job to all of the candidates, campaign staffers, and volunteers. We will have real Republican leadership in Lorain County for the first time in over 100 years! Heres what you need to know. Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States (2021-present), . Our goal at is to inform and educate the public on the pressing issues of today and assist other conservative groups around the country in doing the same. Harris County Republican Party November 2021 Election Endorsements . Each of these endorsement slates take money from candidates to increase their reach. Despite the national election result still being determined, Lorain County helped deliver a BIG win for President Trump in Ohio! Susan Haynes, County Clerk Recommended Reading: How Many Seats Do Republicans Hold In The House. Harris County Republican Party | 8588 Katy Freeway, Suite 445 Houston, TX 77024 | (713) 838-7900 And were concerned about seeing that on a larger scale in November. Join others and make your gift to Houston Public Media today. In the general election, the winner will face off against an upstart Democrat who is framing the race as a referendum on last year's deadly blackouts and the commissioners' close ties to oil and gas donors. Avalon ISD: Palacios, McEwen, Gill, Bruner A Houston insurance agent who was the GOP nominee for the 29th Congressional District in 2016, but lost in the general election. But while Latinos make up a majority of Democrats in the statehouse, a training ground for higher office, there are no major Latino candidates on the partys statewide slate. Klussmann says he will make uniting the country a priority. advance the Platform, which is grounded in conservative principle, and to keep Texas prosperous and free.~. But following a national outcry from voting-rights activists, the Harris County GOP appeared to have put the election integrity brigade on ice. Monday (09/12) @ 6:30 p.m. Park Community Church Shingle Springs, EDC GOP Monthly Mtg. Mimi Swartz is a staff writer based in Houston. The Lorain/Sheffield Area Club is meeting at GOP HQ in Lorain tomorrow night and will be changing their regular meeting date and place moving forward. Childs and Fontenot compete in a runoff after they led a field of five Democrats in the primary for this safely blue seat that includes much of Houston. Harris' remarks to a room of at least 100 supporters and student leaders from Benedict College, an HBCU in Columbia, came as Democrats' national attention hones in on South Carolina, where a . Republican Party Organization in Harris County. Help get President Trump re-elected and Take Back Harris County. Klein ISD Position 7: Jack Velasquez Well written. Clark County, NV? Theyre not a big PAC, but they hold a lot of self-importance. Cary Erickson, Candidate County Commissioner Pct2 He ran as a Republican in 2010 for a state House seat in El Paso. Exchange During a radio interview that aired on Tuesday, Fox's Brian Kilmeade noted how DeSantis did not say anything negative about Trump whose crucial endorsement helped DeSantis win . Her only experience raising money as a candidate was collecting $200,000 for a congressional race she suspended. Gurski is a trial lawyer who previously served as chief of staff to former Houston state representative Dwayne Bohac and as a prosecutor in the Galveston County District Attorney's Office. This is a carousel. Myers is married to Dr. . If you'd like to sign up now, fill out the form below and we will add you as soon as we finish the transition. I learned last year about Harris County Republicans that they often think that they are much more important than they are. Harris County preparing for Tuesday's 2022 Primary Election More than 750 elections judges working polling locations across Harris County were seen picking up equipment, like ballot papers and voting booths over the weekend. In 2021, Texas politics took a sharp right turn, Ike Dike' funding bill nears approval in Texas Legislature, Meet the candidates for Texas House District 85, Barineau, DeAyala in runoff in marquee West Houston statehouse race, Jolanda Jones, Danielle Bess headed for runoff, Hidalgo defends aides indicted in vaccine contract probe, saying she wont cave to bullying, Robert Eckhart @rweckhart, Taylor Goldenstein @taygoldenstein, Edward McKinley @byedmckinley, Jeremy Blackman @jblackmanchron, Cayla Harris @caylajharris, Jasper Scherer @jaspscherer, Jeremy Wallace @jeremyswallace, Benjamin Wermund @benjaminew, Alexandra Kanik @act_rational, Rebecca Hennes @beccaghennes, Jasmine Goldband @fotojaz, Danielle Rindler @danrindl, Evan Wagstaff @EvanWagstaff, Brittany Schell @BrittLynnS. His running mate, Kamala Harris, ran for Take the Pro-Life Voter Guide with you to the polls in the 2020 November General Election! down-ballot candidates have a difficult time building the name identification and raising the funds needed to run and win a race, and voters too often lack interest in those specific races; the person or organization behind the mailer has amassed a larger mailing list than any of these candidates usually can obtain on their own; the cost of advertising in the mailer is cheaper for these candidates than creating and mailing their own mailer; and. Harris County Financial Transparency Financial information including debt information, annual utility usage and expenses, financial reports, budgets, and other Accounts Payable information Harris County Justice of the Peace Precinct Map A pastor and rancher, Teague is making his second run for Congress after losing to Rep. Al Green in 2020. In a statement to the Washington Post, local party chair Cindy Siegel, who declined an interview request from Texas Monthly, acknowledged the authenticity of the presentation. Justice of the Peace Precinct 4: Ponder Who We Are. Last week, in an effort to speed up the vote countHarris County is usually the last large county in Texas to report resultsLongoria announced that for Tuesdays runoffs she would deputize county employees, including law enforcement officials, to help pick up ballots and voting machines from polling stations and deliver them to the central count location at NRG Parka method the administrator had used in the May 7 special election. Not unique at all. We also oppose teachers and administration that impose their personal beliefs on our children and promote racism and division through policies like critical race theory. The last day to early vote is October 29 and election day is November 2. It remains unclear how many rapid responders and poll watchers the party was able to recruit, and what exactly they will be doing on Election Day. The Democratic redistricting likely will have a great effect on the race for Precinct 4 commissioner, to the detriment of incumbent Republican Jack Cagle. Harris County Republican Party| 8588 Katy Freeway, Suite 445 Austin ISD Props A, B, C: No Log in, After raising our kids in Meyerland (District C) we moved into District J in 2007. HOUSTON - The Harris County Republican Party is asking a judge to appoint an independent elections administrator to oversee the next two elections in May. Unfortunately, it was the ordinance that led to the Texas Legislatures embarrassing bathroom bill shibacle. Also Check: How Many Republicans Voted For Obamacare In The Senate. Republican Party Organization in Harris County. Buena Vista-Bethel Utility District General Election: Manning, Anz, Mayor Nick Long (unopposed) Editorial: We recommend Martina Lemond Dixon for Harris County judge in the GOP primary. Leo-Wilson, a retired educator and former member of the State Board of Education, says she would "fight back against critical race theory and liberal indoctrination in the classroom." Latinos make up 39% of the states population, only slightly behind white Texans, who make up 40%, according to the U.S. Census. Now Shes Auctioning Off Her Archive. Only 13 call it legitimate. Both have garnered significant support: Martinez has led in fundraising and is backed by influential Republican clubs. City of Ennis Prop A: No the appearance on a slate makes it easier for the voters to reference when voting, and makes it more likely that they will vote in the down-ballot races. Here's your Texas 2022 March primary ballot. Judson ISD Props A, B: against Baker had a 20-year career with the City of Houston. Texas Lege Watch: A House Republican Fights for Chicken Freedom, American Dream Deferred: Two GOP Bills Would Block Some Legal Immigrants from Buying Texas Property, How Florence ButtNot Her SonLaunched the H-E-B Empire. Republican Candidates for Congressional District 1 Legislatures embarrassing bathroom bill shibacle who havent won a countywide race since 2014, have been alleging shenanigans. And obtaining nearly $ 400,000 in recent income from court appointments from judges he endorsed and support. Party will be missed in the County Commissioner Pct2 he ran as a Candidate was collecting $ for. If elected, well hold her to those words when the politicking over! Republican voters who want commissioners court to get serious about crime and back... Member of the U.S. Senate and amongst Ohio Republicans well written who want court. Out this form to find out principle, and local elections area, fill out this form find! 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