(opens in new tab) Best Budget Eyeliner Pencil: Maybelline TattooStudio Gel Pencil. Here are some things to note when using the sharpeners: all pencils will not sharpen using the ultrasharpener; only certain brands of eyeliner can be sharpened with the ultrasharpener; and finally, the ultrasharpener works best if there is no residue left on the tip of the sharpener. Best Overall Eyeliner Pencil: Pat McGrath Labs PermaGel Ultra Glide Eye Liner Pencil. In addition, its inexpensive and convenient. Using a pencil sharpener that has been used for sharpening pencils does potentially add bacteria or small pieces of pencil shavings into your eyeliners. 3. It does everything from sharpening your pencils to minimizing the amount of waste. Then open the scissors about a half-inch and place the eyeliner pencil between the blades. Manage Settings Here are a few tips that might help you sharpen your eyeliners better. They may be sharpened with any cosmetic pencil sharpener. Subscribe Now:http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowbeautyWatch More:http://www.youtube.com/ehowbeautyCleaning a plastic eye pencil sharpen. S Score. It sharpens just like a wooden pencil. Is tea tree and witch hazel good for the skin? If you're going to be using a sharpener regularly, we suggest wiping it down with rubbing alcohol once every week to keep it in tip top . For years I experimented using eyebrow pencil sharpeners from all the big beauty brands. After all, you are going to apply the products to the skin after sharpening. Never sharpen eyeliner with scissors without first sanitizing your scissors! The seven tips listed below will assist you in sharpening the eyeliner pencil. Eyeliner pencils work like a magic wand to make your eyes look beautiful and appealing. Lord & Berry JUMBO Makeup Pencil Sharpener Brand: Lord & Berry. A clean, waterproof, gel-like eyeliner that effortlessly deposits intense color with 18 hr+ staying power. Navigating the world of beauty techniques and trends has its highs and lows, to say the least. . However, proper cosmetic sanitation is arguably one of the most vital steps for a hygienic makeup application. If the pencil is thicker, flatter and more rounded the lines will be thicker and you can more easily create cat eye or a thick black line if thats the look you want to experiment with. On the other hand, you can effortlessly draw lines on your eyelid with the right sharpening eyeliner. View on Amazon. Then, take your eyeliner out of the freezer, and youll notice that its much more complex. Hold gently. 4. We're going to assume nobody is jonesing for pink eye, and throw a few tips your way to keep pencils in top form and totally safe to use near your eyes. Using scissors is also an option for sharpening plastic eyeliner pencils. The most advisable method for sharpening eyeliners is using the correct size eyeliner sharpener designed for your brand or pencil size. Again, turning the sharpener slowly and checking every three turns will generally work out well. All you have to do is carefully hold the scissors in your dominant hand. A less sharp blade usually leads to a snapped tip, loss of more product or the product squashing. Be sure to turn the sharpener rather than the pencil, and use a delicate touch. In a pinch, yes, says Restrepo, but theyre simply not designed for cosmetics. And never sharpen your cosmetic pencils with a used graphite sharpener.. Make sure that your eyes are clean and remove any makeup residues from the night before. But what happens when things go wrong? 6. Always make sure the pencil is dry before getting it anywhere near your eyes.3. Louis Vuitton Patterns | LV Canvas | Leather patterns & prints, BH Cosmetics Brushes Review ( Best BH Cosmetics Review ). You can soak it in soap and water bowl and then use a q tip to take off any makeup then rubbing alcohol to take off any residue. Furthermore, if you are satisfied with the tip of the pencil, you must cease sharpening. Kevyn Aucoins The Precision Pencil Sharpener, pictured here,has a little secret that renders the cotton swab part of this article irrelevant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Very gently, close the tips of the scissors to just above the eyeliner's tip and slowly and lightly glide the scissors down to the end of the tip. Keep the tip of your sharpener by using only a sharpener specially designed for sharpening makeup. A Phenomenal Fantasy Adventure Film Series! COVERGIRL Makeup Masters 3-in-1 Pencil Sharpener, 1 Count (packaging may vary) Check Price Amazon. (opens in new tab) Best . The classic one is pencil eyeliner. Since it's spring cleaning season, we asked Rebecca Restrepo, the global makeup artist for Elizabeth Arden, to give us the low-down on sharpener upkeep. 4.4. These are useful if you don't have any other tools available to sharpen your own pencils. Plastic eyeliner pencils are relatively hard to sharpen. Get tips related to the beauty products that you use and love on a daily basis with help from a licensed esthetician, makeup artist and brow artist in this free video series. Automatic eyeliner is an eye pencil that does not require sharpening. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Are you planning on renting a U-haul and need another driver? Free Gift with Purchase. But dont worry, here are some tips that are going to help you out! . It's long lasting, doesn't crack or flake, and it goes on smooth and thick without making me look like a panda eye. Point the eyeliner pencil downward, against a flat surface if you need to, and run the knife against the pencil in a downward motion. For a beginner, this is the product to use. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How do you dispute a Doordash rating and get out of that terrible negative feedback loop? The proper technique for sharpening eyeliner pencils is to use an eyeliner sharpener. The blades are good quality and shouldnt break your eyeliner, but it wont sharpen quite as cleanly as the Beautique. Required fields are marked *. After this, try making a line at the back of your hand once again to check. Amazon. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'seekpretty_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_8',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-seekpretty_com-medrectangle-3-0');For years I experimented using eyebrow pencil sharpeners from all the big beauty brands, Maybelline, Loreal, Milani Duo and Revlon Universal points to name just a few. Ulta Beauty Collection's Gel Eyeliner Pencil is a super creamy, pigmented gel eyeliner pencil. We've compiled extensive information that conveys the importance of how to properly sharpen eyeliners with step-by-step instructions in the following paragraphs. You can sharpen both wood and the soft plastic eyeliners using this tool. Sharpening a plastic-cased eyeliner is the same as sharpening a wooden one. Usually people wait for the liners tip to become flat and start to disappear behind the thin plastic layer at the side of the pencil. Though she has just started her career in writing, she wishes to get deep into it. Moisten a tissue with the rubbing alcohol and completely wipe the surface of your pencil, or gel eyeliner brush. Pick your look with matte, shimmery metallics or sparkling glitter finishes. Also, the product buildup from previous uses will clog the sharpener if not cleaned after each use, so cleanliness is important. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. However, if you want to sharpen used pencils too, here's how: first, remove the cap from the end of the pencil. This works well because usually people apply pressure on the eyeliner and grind it into the device which make it more likely that the tip will break off or the soft formula will squash. The better your rating, the more orders youll get and its all about that sweet, sweet feedback loop. Eye pencil sharpeners are designed to sharpen makeup, so they shouldn't cause damage to your products; the same can't be said for those made for a writing implement. Then, once youve achieved the desired shape, please remove it. Where Was Welcome To Valentine Filmed? It will prevent the eyeliner from crumbling. Posted by Create endless eye looks with this set of Mally tools. The real test of any beauty product is whether it works consistently over time, lets take a close look and then talk about when its time to sharpen, how sharp your eyeliner pencil should be and look at a few popular alternatives. Turns out, its a cinch! Plastic can be sharpened like any other tool: by using a sharpening stone or file. Fortunately, there is a way to bypass the speed limiter and get your U-Haul truck up to its Read more, There are plenty of ways to treat yourself and your friends this holiday season. Its incredibly easy to get started all you have to do is add some funds onto your Amazon Pay balance, then the next time you place an order through the Zomato app, simply Read more, Doordash ratings are probably the most important part of being a Doordash driver. Here is a list of my method for cleaning the Beautique sharpener. This will evenly blunt the surface, great for semi-smudged looks. A pencil sharpener is a must-have for any makeup kit. Use these steps to sharpen your eyeliner: Let's explore the multitude of options for sharpening eyeliners with well-researched facts that keep hygienic practices and quality makeup applications in mind. 2. Can you sharpen plastic eyeliner pencils? ago. We recommend taking a cotton earbud, dipping it in an alcohol-based . Use a cotton stick to wipe any dirt from the blade by placing the cotton in some alcohol and wiping the cotton in the hard to reach parts of the blade to sterilise it. Keep in mind that sharpening eyeliner pencils is important to create a sharp look for your eyes. On the contrary, it needs to be handled with utmost care so that the tip of the pencil doesnt break. boxes. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Shraddha is an English literature student who is passionate about playing with words. We ship using Landmark Global (9-12 business days from order shipment date). Your email address will not be published. Free shipping on all orders over $50 USD in Portugal! [2] Part 2. . Step 1: Start with a clean slate. So lets look at some tips for making the process go more smoothly. In addition, plastic eyeliner wont work with a wooden eyeliner sharpener. Also, using tools not made for cosmetic use is not a wise choice for your overall health and wellbeing. The only difference is that the blade on the eyeliner sharpener isnt as sharp because the tip of an eyeliner pencil is soft. This sharpener will keep your pencil pointed with no breakage in sight, says many of its happy users. A regular sharpener isnt always enough to get a tidy, sharp edge regarding plastic eyeliners. When Restrepo is working on clients, she thoroughly sanitizes her sharpener after every use. However, you can sharpen your plastic eyeliner pencil more flawlessly by following a few tips . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this blog post, well take you through the process of adding a driver to your U-Haul rental so that you can rest assured knowing that you have all the information you need Read more, Travel plans can change at any moment, and sometimes a cancelled flight is unavoidable. You can sharpen any eye pencil that says that it is meant to be sharpened, even if the pencil doesn't appear to be wood. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Sharpening an eye pencil is simple, but there are a few things you need to think about before you put the pencil inside and start twisting it against the blades. 5. Check the type of eyeliner pencil you have before sharpening it- its obvious that you can only sharpen wooden or plastic eyeliner pencils. The best method to prevent breakage is to firmly hold the sharpener in your dominant hand and hold the pencil in the opposite hand. Free shipping. If you're using a gel pot or liquid eyeliner, a spritz of alcohol from a spray bottle and a little air-drying time will sanitize your makeup all the way into bacteria-free heaven. Finally, you can buy pre-sharpened pencils that are ready to use. Gently tap the tip on a clean tissue. This water-resistant eyeliner with built-in sharpener won't run, smear, or rub off. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Following beauty gurus and influencers could add inspiration to your beauty routine. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-viebly_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Description. Click image to view the Revlon Universal Points Sharpener on Amazon. Check for the desired point; if the tip is too round, repeat the first step. All of the mentioned tips contribute to the blades' dullness and debris that will lessen the sharpening capabilities of your sharpener. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. U can rub it on a piece of paper to get a finer point after if needed. 7. 3. Gently swab. In case your eyeliner pencil is thick, prefer leaving it for some more time in the freezer. #garden. Additionally, it's helpful for it to have a cap that collects shavings, unless you only plan on sharpening over the trashcan. Your email address will not be published. Despite the fact that the eyeliner seems to be plastic-coated, it may be sharpened using a cosmetic sharpener. One reviewer has had hers for years and reports that it works just as well as it did the first day she got it. 4.6 out of 5 stars ; 569 reviews (569) $16.10 - $23.00 . $7.98. To make your decision easy, forget all those cheap plastic pretty looking sharpeners that break your eyeliner tip, the best eye pencil sharpener is the Beautique round metal pencil sharpener. Reviewers all agree: This sharpener is effective, compact, and works great with other Lancome products. It doesn't twist up simply sharpen it with the ulta sharpener! MESS FREE & EASY TO CLEAN: It's so easy to clean and empty. If you have a brand new pencil sharpener that has not been used for pencils, it could work for the task. From your fridge to your makeup bag, choosing the correct products and tools will increase your self-care standards and beauty regimen. FREE 7-PIECE GIFT: Up to a $163 value. Not only will this extend the life of your sharpener, but it'll keep your products (and, of course, your eyes) protected against rust particles. Gently tap the tip on a clean tissue. Using a pencil sharpener usually won't work for the thicker solids because a pencil sharpener opening is too small. I hesitantly tried using it to sharpen my liner pencil and it worked, the top was round and sharp, even though the liner I used was a little soft. For softer pencilssuch as kohl or gelthat are the type that need sharpening (and are not twist-up or self-sharpening), you'll want to be extra gentle when using a sharpener. . Before we talk about how to sharpen plastic eyeliner pencils, lets talk about what is eyeliner sharpener. Overall, I would say that this is a good quality eyeliner at a reasonable price that keeps its shape well and doesn't smear too much. Check the tip of the eyeliner every two turns or so. Test the new point on your hand before applying it to your eye area. Consider putting your eye pencil in the fridge for a little while before sharpening it, especially if the tip is very soft, often breaks and doesnt sharpen smoothly and accurately. Doing so is going to prevent your eyeliner pencil from crumbling while sharpening it. Warming up the tip on your hand like this can also help the product inside to soften and become a little easier to apply above your eyes. This section can be removed but be careful it tends to stick and can be difficult to remove without making a mess. Pencil eyelineris simple to use and will give you a neat look on your eyelid. Doing so not only contaminates your makeup, it also damages its texture and shape. The product is very soft, and it builds up residue and that cakes onto the interior of the sharpener. Black Onyx Matte. You must remove your eyeliner pencil from the sharpener after sharpening. Apply along the top and bottom lash line beginning in the inner corner of the eye and working outward. The Quick And Easy Way Out! The little red stick attached is actually removable, and designed for the very purpose of de-gunking shavings. The pencil sharpeners and scissors are harder to clean, and the blades are not replaceable. 2. I have a confession to make. Recently I was introduced to this rounded metal Beautique sharpener. There are lots of alternative materials used in makeup, especially with the rise in eco-conscious beauty, so check the packaging and the pencil for instructions as to whether it's a twist-up or needs sharpening. We would anticipate this eyeliner to be readily sharpened with a cosmetic pencil sharpener because it lacks a twisting mechanism. Place a clean tissue or napkin beneath your eyeliner to prevent contamination. How To Message Someone On Poshmark? This is a tool thats been designed to perform the task at hand as smoothly and reliably as possible and the Beautique does that very well. The only thing you need to remember is that you should never put anything other than water on an empty stomach. You have entered an incorrect email address! Why Does My Eye Shape Change Everyday? These wipes are designed and formulated to eradicate potentially harmful bacteria, including e.coli and staphylococcus. Avoid turning the pencil, and only turn the sharpener. / 5, Average Rating 5.0 out of 5 1) Start with a sharpener that is specifically designed for use with gel eyeliners. Makeup artist Lindsey Williams of @crazypretty, swears by this selection from Japonesque. Can I use a regular sharpener for my lip liner? For the best application and the smoothest result, enlist the help of this handy cube to keep your pencils in the best shape. Viral TikToker Brings Grandmas Vintage Wardrobe to Life: The Inspiring Story of Gabi Jones, Cupuau: The Key To Hailey Biebers Successful Product, From Plump Cheeks to Chiseled Features: The Risks and Rewards of Buccal Fat Removal, Do People Treat You Differently Based On Your Hair Color? Pushing down on the pencil will make sharpening more difficult, and you will waste product. Some would become clogged up with shavings and product and others werent sharp enough and snapped the eye pencils tip. Not only does it keep your eye pencils in their sharpest state, but it also shaves off any old product, essentially refreshing the pencil every time you sharpen it. Lastly, we wonderedcould a clean graphite sharpener get the job done? Doesn't accommodate different-sized pencils. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Read more, Did you know that you can now save time and money when ordering food online with Amazon Pay balance and Zomato? Users rave that this well-designed sharpener has a sharp blade for a perfect cut every time. Seekpretty.com is a fun and friendly place where you can find the latest information and all my thoughts and suggestions about fashion, beauty, travel and shopping. Next, insert the blunt end of the pencil into the stone or file and rotate it in a cutting motion. The wideness of the pencil sharpener will shave the eye pencil quicker and with less precision. For all other orders, we offer $10 USD flat rate shipping. Another way to prevent breakage is to clean the inside of the sharpener after each use. Jump to Review. Eye pencil sharpeners are cheap & there are so many to choose from it can be difficult to find a sharpener that creates that perfectly fine and rounded point on your eye makeup pencils. DRMTLGY vs. SkinCeuticals: Which brand is better for your skin? 4. Fits all Este Lauder lip and eye pencils. Try not to go beyond 4 times because more strokes will make the pencil look dirty. Welcome to seek pretty, the home of Beauty, Fashion and skincare advice and reviews. It will work similarly to an eyeliner sharpener. This way your body will receive the right amount of nutrients and your eyes will stay healthy all day long. If you use a soft eyeliner pencil tip on your eyes, it wont work seamlessly. This article will give you a few tips and products to solve such a problem. Suppose you are someone who uses makeup daily or is fascinated by it. Reducing the pressure on the tip makes sharpening thicker and softer eyeliners easier. Using scissors is also an option for sharpening plastic eyeliner pencils. Additionally, the length between the wood sides and the upper portion of the eyeliner with a clean edge is much shorter when the blade is relatively short and at a greater angle on an eyeliner sharpener. SCORE. Wash regularly with water. Scissors: You can also use scissors to sharpen an eyeliner pencil, just be careful not to cut yourself. Beauty and Pretty is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. The Milani Duo sharpener doesnt offer a blade quality or heavy weight like the Beautique offers but if you are looking for a product that looks more like a beauty tool with a little bit of branding and colour this is a good choice for you with a blade that does work well. If you havent got the right tip, sharpen the pencil once again so that the tip can get the desired look. Explore our roundup of the best eye pencil sharpeners in the biz. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'seekpretty_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-seekpretty_com-banner-1-0');Currently Im using the Rimmel Scandaleyes eyeliner pencil which is a wooden pencil with a very thin plastic coating that sharpens just as well as a completely wooden pencil eyeliner stick. Often there is a safety feature inside makeup pencil or eye pencil sharpeners that doesnt allow the pencil to sharpen too much. Try to avoid using a standard sharpener for your plastic eyeliner pencil. The Best Eyeliners for Every Eye Color, According to the Pros. We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Kindly follow these steps: If you dont have a sharpener, you can use an X-acto knife or a pen knife. We tried to give you every possible information regarding the plastic eyeliner sharpener. Adjusting the blade affects how thin and pointy the tip becomes. And lastly, if you want a sharpener that will also work for eyeshadow sticks, opt for a duo with large and small sharpeners in one. If its kept clean, it should be fine, even if its accumulated a lot of shavings, she says. Usually wo n't work for the task after this, try making a line at the of. Best eyeliners for every eye color, According to the Pros order shipment date ) must cease sharpening difficult remove! Sharp edge regarding plastic eyeliners using this tool we recommend taking a cotton earbud dipping! 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