. I know of individuals who actually talk openly about having a church!!! And lets talk about finance. I have a suspicion that much of the health and wealth teaching which is plaguing much of the church in Africa, Asia and South America is primarily an export from the US, with perhaps a little help from Europe, (all in the name of spreading the gospel). The incident referred to was a very serious matter and Christian publications in th USA documented the churchs mishandling of it, which was why I had urged caution. John MacArthur and the folks from Grace to You (GTY) have done the body of Christ a great service by continually warning Christianity against the growing dangers within the Charismatic movement. If your love is put off by answers you dont like, then like the BeeJees I need to ask how deep is your love?! Opinion Mark Wingfield. John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated radio program Grace to You. Again as an author who is tempted to mention or quote from my couple of books in every sermon, I sympathise. Its always good to get correction! In fact it was so bad most people assumed it was just mockers cutting and pasting to make it look ridiculous yet it turns out that this was Elevation Churches own video and it was liked by Furtick! I am happy though if you wish to withdraw your initial comments. "In a recent sermon given by Steven Furtick of Elevation Church around Christmas 2016, Furtick continues to demonstrate that John Macarthur is right in his assessment that Furtick is indeed 'unqualified to be a pastor by not . The Bad Sadly, whilst every church has the bad, because we are all sinners and therefore infect any structure or organization we are part of, there are sometimes churches that go much further and wander away to the extent that one can hardly call them a church at all. I d not think there is any man alive especially a young man who could cope with this degree of adulation and not have his head explode with pride. As so often in the church, sex, money and power are the real problems for many because they are the idols of our hearts. Hardly the same as Furticks message! Why do you think that that was disgraceful etc but G Whites bracketing of Furtick with Chandler was not? 2) Its also not advisable as someone who professes to be a Christian and follow Christ to swear. This was sourced through interviews with ex-Grace Community Church Elder Hohn Cho. 4) Your last post just uses ad hom and tries to dodge justifying your original statement about Chandler by attacking me and what I have said, whilst giving not one concrete example. So it wasnt all bad. L ast week, John MacArthur celebrated 50 years in the pastorate at a conference at his congregation Grace Community Church. Im afraid I have had more than enough of this kind of depressing legalism and self-righteousness pride(and before you jump in yes I admit I can all too easily be the same).. At the risk of over-blogging (I dont want to be a bore), have you seen this just the introduction. It is wonderful stuff Matt and Tim Keller are two mega church US pastors who I listen to every week! This is another attempt to pick a fight with another straw man. Elevation Church were accused of getting volunteers to come forward during the spontaneous baptism services, in order to encourage others to get up out of their seats. As he walked across the stage July 26 to the large, wooden pulpit, the auditorium that seats 3,500 people was filled with non-masked, non-socially distanced conservative . Its a nasty wee trick to try and shut someone up by complaining that they always try and have the last word if they reply then of course you are proved right and can feel self-justified. I find this very revealing. So Mike Riccardi is going to be answering the call," a Grace Community Church elder announced on Sunday, according to Christian website Protestia. 2. God is everywhereeven in the news. The screenshot below is from page 4 of Elevation Church's helpful Spontaneous Baptism How To Guide. Uh, John MacArthur Is Urging His Church to Stop Supporting Religious Freedom . It is about the honour and glory of our triune God. It has that effect on people to go from 14 to 20,000 so go sit underneath the ministry until you can see what he sees. John Fea | February 10, 2023 1 Comment. However, I was somewhat alarmed by the endorsement of Matt Chandler as a good example of how the gospel should be preached and lived. I didnt even mention Chandler in my comment, let alone call him a false teacher (and have never done so). To this end he cites the biblical passage of 1 Timothy 2:11-12. Your other remarks continue to be provocative, misleading and snide and I wont grace them with a reply, other than to say that I have no need to retract any of my remarks, for the reasons already explained to you. [4], The grandson of Canadian Anglican minister Harry MacArthur (died 1950) and son of Baptist radio preacher Jack MacArthur (born in Calgary, Canada)[5] and Irene Dockendorf, MacArthur was born in Los Angeles. You are aware of them as you demonstrated when writing about Mr Furtick. I think about it this way would I rather sell a million copies of my books with little fruit, or sell a few hundred of each and yet have those few hundred profoundly affect and change the lives of many? what evidence do you have for that?). From 1964 to 1966, MacArthur was hired by his father as associate pastor at the Harry MacArthur Memorial Bible Church (now Calvary Bible Church in Burbank, California), which his father Jack had planted and named after his own father. It is the Bible watered down by a mixture of Waltonesque homespun wisdom, pop psychology, stand up comedy and an unhealthy doze of how to missiology. It just looks weird. I think putting Chandler in the same category as Furtick is disgraceful and totally unwarranted and thus simply ask G White to justify that. I made no comment on how Matt Chandler lives as a Christian. The elders had publicly disciplined a woman for refusing . Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Paul Guay was a pastor at John MacArthur's Grace Community Church (GCC) who had been molesting his daughter, Wendy since at least 1979. What talent, what ability, what fantastic communication skills, what self-belief, what a tragedy! More here: https://mrayton.wordpress.com/tag/john-macarthur/, Thanks very helpfulalthough I think that the money and the me focus are a key part of the false teaching. [10], While at Bob Jones University in South Carolina, MacArthurs father recruited him to the Voice of Calvary singing quartet, often broadcast on Christian radio in Southern California. I've carried one of these of an NAS with the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs with me for years and years, so that's why I wanted this to be the first one. That is grotesque manipulation and a parody of the Gospel. ", MacArthur is married to his wife, Patricia. (function(d){var f = d.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0], p = d.createElement('SCRIPT');p.type = 'text/javascript';p.async = true;p.src = '//widgets.wp.com/platform.js';f.parentNode.insertBefore(p,f);}(document)); on Elevation Church The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. PS. L.A. County has reportedly spent nearly $1 million in attorneys fees and other costs since the legal battle with Grace Community Church began. Your lack of apology (at very least regarding your amazon remarks) has only served to highlight the arrogance and childishness that you displayed in your replies. . To reject its claims is to call Him a liar. They do things right. Chandler only eventually took action as the wheels were about to fall off the Mars Hill bus and, sadly, only when great damage had already been done to the body of Christ. I know of Alistair Begg from his Hamilton Baptist days but not much else. Find a Church . He argued at the time that such mandates violated constitutionally protected religious liberties. There is nothing more basic than these. And what is your position, from Scripture, on the subject? 2023 The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., A nonprofit 501 (c)(3) Charitable Organization. It is quite shocking. PPS. I love the gospel, and I love the Lords people from whatever background, and I want to see Christ glorified throughout the world. On top of that, MacArthur also took a salary from Grace Community Church that was "well within the upper-medium range" for California church employees, according to Johnson's 2014 statement. MacArthur told her she needed to model for her children how to "suffer for Jesus" by enduring David's abuse. It is indeed a blessto have a fellowship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and indeed the Lord reigns. "[44], In 2020 and 2021, during the COVID-19 global crisis, MacArthur contravened orders from Los Angeles County public health officials regarding services at Grace Community Church, and insisted that no one from the church had become seriously ill, despite reports to the contrary. But in this instance let me assure you I am not mocking. See what mine own hands have wrought. 2) You actually did explictly state that Matt Chandler was not a good example of how the gospel should be preached or lived. Pastor / Teacher. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. John MacArthur is wrong about so much more than keeping women in abusive marriages. If you are going to reply that something is pathetic can I suggest you avoid capitalising everything. Purpose doesnt have a parking spot is no substitute for many are the plans in a mans heart but it is the Lords purpose that prevails. Name calling really doesnt constitute argument does it? What if Joh MacArthur preached at Steven Furtick's church?Christian Music is Destroying Millions?great worship and sound doctrine.What's wrong with Elevation. Eventually, all lawsuits were settled out of court with the County of Los Angeles and the State of California paying $400,000 each to Grace Community Church. In 2012, at the annual Shepherd's Conference, MacArthur was participating in a word association questionnaire when the moderator gave the name "Steven Furtick." [41] MacArthur compared the assertion that sexual orientation is a born trait to a hypothetical bank robber's protestation, "I keep robbing banks, but I'm a robber. Elevation Church were accused of getting 'volunteers' to come forward during the 'spontaneous' baptism services, in order to encourage others to get up out of their seats. The one I mentioned is a paperback and cost 3.50. In case theology and ecclesiology sounds almost too technical and dulljust remember we are talking about who is God, and what is his church? And not only do they become idlers, but also busybodies who talk nonsense, saying things they ought not to. Why shouldnt he? as there are with me. There are doubtless many things wrong with Chandler (hes a Baptist for a start!) If the cap fits.on the other hand if it doesnt then I accept your apology! Its also a nasty wee trick to complain of someone remarks as being provocative, misleading and snide. And there are some well-liked denominations and networks of churches on Facebook pages too: john macarthur on elevation church. There is no legalism or self-righteous pride in anything I said. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, 3) You respond by providing no evidence and say that you are not against mega churches. From 20052015, MacArthur made about $3.4 million in compensation from GTY and TMUS, for an average of about $320,000/year. MacArthur told church members ahead of his sermon that many people contracted COVID and it probably went through our church in maybe December or January. The pastor said he and his wife, Patricia, enjoyed our own bout with COVID for about a week and a half.. I made no comment on how Matt Chandler lives as a Christian.you didyou declared I was somewhat alarmed by the endorsement of Matt Chandler as a good example of how the gospel should be preached and lived.. MacArthur has written three books on the subject. I found helpful most of what he said and disagreed with a few things. In John MacArthur's book, "The Truth War" he writes that " Churches today are filled with people like that. Thanks again, Your email address will not be published. Jenna . In 2019, at the Truth Matters Conference, during another word association questionnaire, MacArthur was given the prompt "Beth Moore". John Fullerton MacArthur Jr. (born June 19, 1939) is an American Protestant pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio and television program Grace to You. The point you made about Matt Chandler was that he does not live as a Christian (how can you know that? However, Chandler did choose to turn a blind eye to the unbiblical teaching and behaviour of Mark Driscoll, as did Piper and Keller. David, you use your blog to write some really encouraging and courageous articles for which Im very grateful. The prominence of the pastor on the website, the Stephen Furtick ministries page, the common self-referrals and endless self-promotion of books/resources etc. Ive only just seen the comments you wrote yesterday, Sunday, and again today. 3) Its not Furtick who will save the world from hate, crime, drugs etc. You then accused me of muddying the waters by dropping in a bit of juicy gossip. Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Do they not see the danger of this? G White had stated that Matt Chandler was not a good example of teaching or living and then went on to pass on gossip about a particular discipline case in the Village Church. lq mk John MacArthur, the pastor of California's Grace Community Church, delivers a sermon to his congregation, January 2021. 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