Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe has retired honorably months after a service Inspector General investigation found that he had brought a measurable amount of negative publicity to the Army by standing up for women in the military on social media in response to commentary from Fox News personality Tucker Carlson. Army Maj. Gen. Patrick J. Donahoe retired in January 2023, months after an Army investigation found that he had created bad publicity for the service by defending female troops in response to a commentary from Tucker Carlson. He has covered the military for 15 years. As Lippincott correctly tweeted, the Department of Defenses COVID-19 cumulative totals show that there have been 26 military deaths from COVID in the last year and a half, out of more than 2 million personnel. Patrick J. Donahoe is a United States Army major general who last served as the Commanding General of the United States Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning from July 17, 2020 to July 14, 2022. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. The Policy team also represents NDIA in several inter-association groups representing the defense industry and the government contracting community. Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe was temporarily assigned as a special assistant to U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command's top general, Gen. Gary Britto, as the Army works to complete. He most recently served as the deputy commanding general for Operations, Eighth United States Army in the Republic of Korea. He tweeted a public service announcement just a couple of days later, encouraging fellow partisans to Block and report the trolls and the disinformation tinfoil hat team. Apparently, Donahoe still wants to silence those who challenge his narrativeand thinks he can get away with it, all while representing the U.S. military to the public. The suicide rate among active-duty troops jumped to a six-year high in 2020, a report released by Pentagon said. While in command, the unit deployed to Iraq where the battalion conducted counterinsurgency operations in Babil and Karbala provinces and earned the Valorous Unit Citation for actions against the enemy. While Chinas military becomes more masculine as it has assembled the worlds largest navy, our military needs to become as, Joe Biden says, more feminine whatever feminine means anymore, Carlson said at the time. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, a Masters of Advanced Military Studies, and a Masters of National Security and Strategic Studies. Whether NDTV or 'The Wire', they never have to worry about funds. This weekend, Army leaders also suspended the battalion commander and command sergeant major from the 602nd Aviation Support Battalion at Camp Humphreys, South Korea, amid allegations of racism, bigotry and discrimination that were made via an anonymous tip line. To make matters worse, the DODs suicide statistics. Task and Purpose, which first reported the news, noted that Lt. Col. Scott Basso had recently been replaced with Lt. Col. Derek Johnson as the commander of the battalion on the units website., Woke General Big Mad, Nothing like a representative of the US Military advocating for censorship of speech, ehh? The US Army Generals unseemly tweet, asking people to block dissenting voices came after he drew a sharp backlash from social media users for intimidating a social media user who questioned him on one of his tweets. He proceeded to block Lippincotts Twitter account. When policy treats healthy soldiers as biological hazards, we should not be surprised by an increase in suicide and psychological problems, Josiah retorted. But like his partisan colleagues, Donahoe exists in an illiberal bubble that emboldens him to reject alternate viewpoints and flee criticism. The two-star general did not respond to an email or social media messages from Army Times requesting comment. and thinks he can get away with it, all while representing the U.S. military to the public. The allegations were amplified by popular military-themed meme accounts, most notably TerminalCWO. Lippincott had criticized Donahoes support for mandating the COVID-19 vaccine for troops. Enter Major General Patrick Donahoe, US Army, who is the Commanding General of the Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning. Donahoe seemed rattled by this acerbic remark by the Twitter user and proceeded towards tagging the University where he is pursuing his PhD, presumably to scare the student from making any further argument. . Investigators also criticized Donahoes separate social media interaction with Marine veteran Josiah Lippincott, who responded to a tweet by Donahoe encouraging service members to get vaccinated for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) by claiming that the number of troops dying by suicide showed that the Defense Departments response to COVID-19 was more dangerous than the disease itself. But like his partisan colleagues, Donahoe exists in an illiberal bubble. If you havent done so, do it right now. The spat with Lippincott, who was later removed from Twitter, earned Donahoe renewed criticism from Carlson and fellow Fox News personality Laura Ingraham. All rights reserved. Too often, the minds of our great and courageous warriors are filled with nothing more than anodyne policy statements, automatic deference to other members of the elite expert class, and received wisdom from the mouths of MSNBC hosts, Lippincott continued. , the military recorded 156 deaths by suicide among all services, including active-duty, National Guard, and Reserve troops, from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 last year, meaning that military suicides surged by 25 percent as personnel suffered from draconian COVID lockdowns. Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe has retired honorably months after a service Inspector General investigation found that he had "brought a measurable amount of negative publicity to the Army". In 2019, Military Times rated him No. In response, the general tagged Lippincott in a tweet to the college saying, come get your boy.. In addition to the allegations of inappropriate online conduct, Donahoe was also accused of retaliation against officers who had filed inspector general complaints against him, according to the official who spoke on background. There have been 26 Covid deaths TOTAL in the DoD, Lippincott emphasized. General is this anyway for an officer to be interacting with members of the public? He doesnt seem as interested in keeping the country safe as he does in promoting a very specific political point of view, Carlson said of Donahoe during a segment that aired July 27, 2021. The combination of the Armor School and Infantry School at the now Maneuver Center of Excellence has been part of one of his proudest achievements on Fort Benning. But according to an Army website, he's no longer in the. Policy staff regularly meet with key policy stakeholders, and manage Congressional interactions with NDIA Chapters and Divisions. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, a Masters of Advanced Military Studies, and a Masters of National Security and Strategic Studies. Follow her on Twitter. The former commander of the Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, has updated his Twitter profile to Major General, US Army, Retired., On Sunday, Donahoe was widely congratulated for his retirement after he tweeted, Elvis has left the building.. Rather than substantively respond to Lippincotts assertions (or just diplomatically move on), Donahoe called for Hillsdale College to come get [Lippincott], presumably to shut him up. Its a mockery of the U.S. military. Yet, all is not lost, because, Twitter, for all its many flaws, provides a direct line into the thought process and values of the militarys elite class. We might not have the power to correct the ways of our corrupt leaders, but we can at least bring their wrongdoings to light. Maj. John Howerton has retained the senior enlisted position. made headlines alongside other TRADOC general officers, Tips for generals: how to navigate politics without partisanship, Pearl Harbor survivor Jack Holder dies in Arizona at age 101, House Republicans tout Ukraine oversight, brace for funding fight, Troops discharged after refusing COVID vaccine can now rejoin, Troops who refused COVID vaccines still could face punishment, Tax scams How to report them Money Minute, Capitol Hill weighs action on two controversial topics: medical marijuana and abortion, Lockheed wins hypersonics contract | Defense Dollars, Go inside a secret nuclear fallout bunker sealed for decades, The time is now to prepare for China conflict, Army leaders say, Dismissal of 3rd MARSOC 3 defendants case to be weighed by court, At Army experiment, experts tinker with tanks and communications kit, Pentagon sets deadline for services to stop enforcing vaccine mandate, Army redesigning fires units amid modernization push, chief says. Further research shows that adult anxiety and depression have both. The NDIA Policy team monitors, advocates for, and educates government stakeholders on policy matters of importance to the defense industrial base. Masks were required in all public spaces on base. , Our generals are, far too often, soft, coddled elites and unthinking ideologues., Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains To Bless Putting Male Soldiers In Female Showers And Bedrooms. Website design and development by He also served in Afghanistan as the Senior Advisor to General Sher Mohammed Karimi, the chief of the General Staff of the Afghan National Army. Preparing for leadership is a lifelong endeavor. Following that assignment he served as the chief of staff, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia. Major General Donahoe is stationed at Camp Humphrey's in South Korea where he is the Deputy Commanding General - Operations, Eighth Army. If he can get slapped for this, why would anyone defend women in public?. Concerned individuals flocked to social media to challenge Donahoes rhetoric, emphasizing that his behavior was as cowardly as it was unprofessional. Major General Donahoe tells us it's been a team effort to protect the force and make major changes on Fort Benning due to COVID, saying they "developed testing regimes and a vaccination. Other previous assignments include: commander, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 4th Infantry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. The matter pertains to a tweet posted by Major General Patrick Donahoe, wherein he urged the US army trainees to get vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccines after a spike was reported in young trainees in ICU and a spike in trainees testing positive for the coronavirus. WASHINGTON An Army watchdog report has found a top general broke social media protocol by taking on Fox News host Tucker Carlson and other right-wingers on Twitter last year. All rights reserved. Located in areas of concentrated defense work, they collaborate with government and industry to facilitate important discussions of local issues and matters critical to our national defense. Clearly, military deaths by suicide have far exceeded the grand total of military deaths by COVID. Copyright 2022 WTVM. 1 among the top service members to follow on the site. Donahoe countered that Lippincott was drawing a false equivalency between deaths from COVID-19 and service members who died by suicide. As a major general, Donahoe is supposed to defend America's freedomsnot tread on them, in pursuit of elitist goals. Major General Patrick J. Donahoe, a native of New Jersey, was commissioned an Armor Officer through Villanova University in May 1989. According to the military installation, hell hand over the reins at a ceremony on July 14th to Major General Curtis Buzzard - current Deputy Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army Forces Command in Fort Bragg, N.C. and previouslyserved as the Commandant of Cadets at West Point. We update the page regularly. MajGen Patrick Donahoe is the commanding general of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning. Congratulations Major General Patrick J. Donahoe '85! Continuing efforts by his predecessors, Major General Donahoe led the way into a new world, with pacing challengers like the Russians and Chinese. April 5, 2022 A Captain who filed criminal charges against Commanding General Patrick Donahoe of Fort Benning has been admitted to Fort Benning's hospital for what they're deeming a "health crisis." The Captain's friends and family are concerned he is being punished for standing up against the illegal vaccine mandate. Following that assignment he served as the chief of staff, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia. He proceeded to block Lippincotts Twitter account. This is an official U.S. Army Website sponsored by U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence (MCoE). Be lovers of freedom and anxious for the fray, Study: Obesity Raises Risk Of Early Death By 90 Percent, that [his] interaction with the General serves as a microcosm of the American militarys cultural rot., As Lippincott correctly tweeted, the Department of Defenses COVID-19 cumulative totals. As a major general, Donahoe is supposed to defend Americas freedomsnot tread on them, in pursuit of elitist goals. Commanding officers dramatically reduced liberty limits to within only a few miles of base, Lippincott reflected in his op-ed. Thanks for contacting us. The former Fort Benning commander made headlines alongside other TRADOC general officers when he shared a female soldiers reenlistment video and called Carlson out, saying the Fox host couldnt be more wrong.. Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe intended to retire after handing over command of the installation to Maj. Gen. Curtis Buzzard in July. Get the latest in military news, entertainment and gear in your inbox daily. One of the things I think thats most important to [Army Chief of Staff] Gen. [James] McConville and I is keeping the Army apolitical and keeping it out of the culture wars, Wormuth said on Oct. 10. And hes leaving the Army this July, at the same place he started as a young soldier in 1989. News and opinion website that brings you reports and narrative from a perspective often ignored or suppressed by the mainstream media of India. All rights reserved. He has served in numerous company grade and field grade Armor and Cavalry positions in the continental United States, Germany, Bosnia, Kuwait and the Republic of Korea. When he tweeted that in order to get ahead in the Army recruits need to be vaccinated, he got pushback. See the On Demand link for available on-demand content. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe, then-commanding general of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, gives opening remarks to the Georgia Joint Defense Commission . Lebrons Leg Cramp (@drfeedbacker) July 26, 2021. Major General Donahoe tells us its been a team effort to protect the force and make major changes on Fort Benning due to COVID, saying they developed testing regimes and a vaccination capabilty that gave us the ability to continue to train all of the new soldiers coming into the Army, to man the force. Carlson is an incredibly popular commentator among conservative Americans and his attacks on the U.S. military for allegedly going woke have been echoed several by Republicans in Congress, such as Sen. Ted Cruz from Texas. doing business with the Department of Defense. Donahoe first clashed with Carlson in March 2021 after the top-rated TV personality criticized the Pentagon for making a mockery of the US military by introducing new hairstyles for women and flight suits for pregnant service members. Davis studied history at Vanderbilt University and UNC-Chapel Hill, writing a master's thesis about how the Cold War-era Defense Department influenced Hollywood's WWII movies. By He's held that position since July of last year. He tweeted a public service announcement just a couple of days later, encouraging fellow partisans to Block and report the trolls and the disinformation tinfoil hat team. Apparently, Donahoe still wants to silence those who challenge his narrative. Hes also been open about the controversial renaming of Fort Benning that opened more than 100 years ago, named for a Confederate General. Smith declined to comment on whats preventing Donahoes retirement from going through, stating, As the Armys review process is ongoing, we cannot provide any additional information at this time.. In contrast, the military recorded 156 deaths by suicide among all services, including active-duty, National Guard, and Reserve troops, from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 last year, meaning that military suicides surged by 25 percent as personnel suffered from draconian COVID lockdowns. US Army General has a meltdown after being questioned by Twitter user, netizens accuse Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Koo (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). View Maj. Gen. (Retired) Patrick Donahoe's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. The NDIA Business Institute exists to build a more capable, qualified, and This story contains reporting from the Associated Press. 2-star General Patrick Donahoe has led Fort Benning since July 2020 and plans to retire from the Army after 33 1/2 years in the service. And thats not just an Air Force problem, this is a national problem because COVID adds some additional stressors a fear of the unknown for certain folks.. Following battalion command, he was assigned to the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California where he served initially, as a battalion trainer leading the Scorpion Team, and then led the Bronco Team as the brigade trainer. Another commented if this is how he is handling a Twitter disagreement, it would be terrifying being under his command in a real fight. MILITARY MATTERS: Fort Benning Commanding General Retiring From the Army Soon, Man charged with over 40 counts of theft after fake scanning lottery tickets in Columbus, Victim IDd in deadly shooting on 35th St. and 5th Ave. in Columbus, Arkansas dad goes on racist rant over daughter's black prom date, Former gang members react to recent Columbus gun violence, Whats in the 2013 Columbus Police Department Assessment. Its not clear what form such discipline will take, though. Kyle Rempfer is an editor and reporter who has covered combat operations, criminal cases, foreign military assistance and training accidents. U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe, commanding general of the U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence at Fort Benning, Georgia, gives opening remarks to the Georgia Joint Defense Commission. One of the reasons Donahoe who commissioned in 1989 through the ROTC program at Villanova University, and most recently served as the Deputy Commanding General of Operations for the 10th. The controversy around Donahoes comments came shortly after President Joe Biden took office when Carlson claimed that the U.S. military was becoming more feminine, in part because the military branches were introducing new maternity uniforms from pregnant service members. He also served in Afghanistan as the Senior Advisor to General Sher Mohammed Karimi, the chief of the General Staff of the Afghan National Army. Donahoe and other senior leaders with prominent followings, such as Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Grinston, publicly clashed with conservative Fox News host Tucker Carlson in March 2021. Congratulations, Patrick! Clearly, he feels no duty to converse civilly with those who question his COVID hysteria. So the number of suicides could be even higher than presently documented. See the complete . Turning barracks into prisons is a recipe for problems. For this reason, Lippincott believes the governments lockdowns, mandates, and forced isolation contributed greatly to the militarys 2020 suicide rates. Yet another Twitter user said the Major General is an embarrassment and should be subjected to UCMJ proceeding for unbecoming conduct. @USArmy @USNavy @USMC @usairforce Im getting the vibe that Patty doesnt like the First Amendment of the Constitution very much He most recently served as the deputy . Major General Patrick J. Donahoe '85 is the highest ranking military official from Saint Joe's. Exact details of those allegations were also not immediately provided. The biggest thing we got done has been the reestablishment of the leader training brigade, MG Donahoe said. To this, one social media user, Josiah Lippincott, who is also a PhD student at Hillsdale College, according to his Twitter bio, shared the stark facts about the menace of suicide that afflicts the US Department of Defense. Lippincott left the service in May 2020 after he witnessed the governments extreme COVID policies with his own eyes. Youre an embarrassment and should be subject to a UCMJ proceeding for conduct unbecoming. Rather than thoughtfully debate Lippincott on the merits of his argument, Donahoe lashed out, going so far as to demand that Lippincotts academic institution censor his speech. However, Donahoe dismissed Josiahs contention as false equivalence and suggested that he compare the stats of auto accidents for the same period. This article is about the US Army general. Army spokesperson Cynthia Smith told Army Times that Donahoe has been temporarily assigned as a special assistant to the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command pending appropriate Department of the Army administrative reviews.. From the Associated Press COVID-19 and service members to follow on the site to converse civilly with those who his! 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major general patrick donahoe email