The book has little in the way of a conventional plot, but it still forms a cohesive whole. After her stroke, Soon-ja increasingly starts to feel like a burden to her daughters already struggling family and desperately tries to be as self-reliant and helpful as she can. They study film and television and are interesting in directing. SPOILERS AHEAD. Both individually and collectively, they find friends as well, most prominent of whom is the town eccentric Paul (Will Patton), who is the very embodiment of the profound faith that resonates in that part of the country. Promise. $60. On the church bus, kids joke about Paul not having water. Also, he has faith, another quality Jacob's family needs. Its a surreal moment of contradictory emotions for Jacob. So we have to push back on the idea that it is a universal immigrant story about the American dream. The family home changes completely with the arrival of their sly, foul-mouthed, but incredibly loving grandmother. As the constant bouts of the spousal arguments reveal, the Yis dont have much to show for their decade-long hard work, doing a job that they dont necessarily like. And again, the event in the plotline spurs trouble within the family as Soonja disappears, a crisis the family has to deal with. Even if it doesnt represent the multiplicity of who we are? Despite these tragedies, the family comes out of it stronger than ever. In the meantime, I am sharing some of the best and most heartwarming quotes from the film. The movie taps into common family dynamics that most students will connect with,while complicating those dynamics through a story of migration and cultural displacement. How do priorities seem to shift during the fire? (27:40-31:25), Clip #6: Grandma (Soonja) makes David a special tea, and he complains about a "Korea" smell in his room. But when the fire turns into a raging inferno, they must decide what is most important to them and leave the rest. But the chest of drawers accident elicits a comment from Soon-ja: "You are a strong boy." Jacob faces many challenges and setbacks as he tries to make the farm work, only to lose the crop in the fire. When the Yi family arrives, Jacob rushes to the barn to try to stop it, then he tries to save some of his produce. You can also use these in conjunction with the longer lesson plan below. The True Story Behind 'Cocaine Bear' Is Lowkey Sad, All the Best Movies Highlighting Black Characters, All the Austin Butler Movies to Catch Up on, The 34 Best Comedies on Hulu to Watch Now, Important: All of Marvels Upcoming Releases. Jacob explains that the male chicks are discarded, so it's important to be useful. A FOOW (Fish-Out-Of-Water) dynamic. Specifically how our choices are influenced by our character traits, values, and virtues. Its a commentary on the future that the Yis might experience. Create something that gives this person a proper shout out. Instead, she plays cards and swears. Minari first and foremost is a Korean immigrant story, so Korean Americans and Korean immigrants will connect and understand this story in a way that other Americans cannot, but at the heart of this story is a very American story, a story of wanting to better oneself and family. Why or why not? (49:44-55:13), Clip #10: After Jacob learns a deal fell through with a Korean business owner, there's a shot of the smoke stack for "discarded" useless male chicks. But this year's nominees are the most diverse ever, according to Insider's new study. Minh Ngo (he/they) is a filmmaker, photographer, writer, and student at New York University. (1:38:26-end). He further explained in an interview on NPRs Reset how minari really was something that his grandmother grew, and some of his memories with her tie back to them. For Part 5, to read the Dialogue discussion go here. Once the movie is over, you can use all of the questions and activities or pick and choose, depending on how much time you have. This is a story that many can connect to because its the story of the American dream. What scene, and why does it stick out in your mind? You might also want to discuss some of the learning objectives or the concept of active viewing. Be the first to contribute! We also see Jacob possibly understanding Monica better when she also tries to save the produce. This movie is set in the '80s. The movie taps into common family dynamics that most students will connect with,while complicating those dynamics through a story of migration and cultural displacement. Judging from the script, I'd say David is the Protagonist as the story is told through his perspective. 0. * The fire: A major reversal, indeed, the destruction of what Jacob had worked so hard to build, the barn a symbol of what the farm *could* be. -- can shift one's priorities? The movie's final scene is of Jacob and David at the creek picking minari, the only thriving plant. Is she what David expected? Apr 22, 2021, 7:22 AM. Overall, this is very simple plot. To access over 90 analyses of previous movie scripts we have read and discussed at Go Into The Story, go here. Why do you think so? Monica wants a sense of community. At one point in Minari, Soonja says to David and Anne, do you even know what Minari is, you stupid Americans? a cheeky nod to many viewers that are clueless about minari. The family home changes completely with the arrival of their sly, foul-mouthed, but incredibly loving grandmother. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. They eventually give up and Monica breaks down as they watch the barn burn. Identify a time in your life when you had to work hard and overcome challenges but didn't give up. that made it especially memorable? Absolutely critical to learn the craft of screenwriting. A new film called "Minari" is an immigrant tale rarely portrayed. Older Post Minari is a semi-autobiographical drama film about a Korean-American family growing up in rural Arkansas during the nineteen-eighties. Is she what David expected? Minari also symbolizes the Yis story. The discussion guide and lesson below will help students consider how and why characters in Minari act the way they do. Minari Screenplay Book. Chung wanted to make a particular story, not a universal story. If you've seen the film, please rate it at this poll, If you haven't seen the film but would like to see the result of the poll click here, Click here to see the rankings of 2021 films, Click here to see the rankings for every poll done. July 20, 2022 By Berkeley Food Institute. Not all Koreans have experienced immigration, but Minari will be able to resonate with all of us because it reminds us of our own childhood memories and families. We also see Monica and Paul (Will Patton) with Jacob as he pays to find a new water well, something he was against in the beginning. Why? Minari Endoh 4.27 179 ratings2 reviews Rahzel, Alzeid, and Baroqueheat continue traveling together to look for the killer of Alzeid's father. The first week of class, we discussed Crazy Rich Asians, and the conversation around the movie got at this idea. You can use these additional prompts (which don't appear on the student handout) to guide students in a writing project or a more comprehensive discussion about the movie's major themes. This lesson is designed to align with the CASEL 5 competencies for social and emotional learning as well as various Thinking Routines from the Harvard Graduate School of Education's Project Zero. Can you think of a situation where you make your voice heard even though you can't really change what's happening? Show a few specific clips along with discussion questions. It's accessible to 9th graders but can also sparkmore nuanced conversations for 12 graders. Director Lee Isaac Chung Writer Lee Isaac Chung Stars Steven Yeun Yeri Han Alan Kim See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video rent/buy from $3.99 A sweet, tender, and authentic look into a Korean family moving into the United States and vying for that elusive American Dream. Not everything that happens in Minari is a reflection of reality, but the film is the semi-autobiographical story of writer/director Lee Isaac Chung. "water celery") is a 2020 American drama film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung. Seeing as the movie is about the struggles of trying to get a farm up and running, it's not surprise that three big events -- well, two really big ones, another which is not as dramatic visually, but just as impactful -- are tied to weather and the land: * The tornado: Not only a danger in and of itself, but a metaphor for the "storm" within the family. Is Soonja what you expected? So anyone can pick and eat it. I'm not sure what to make of David's relationship with his mother and father. David leads dad down to the creek. Then, of course, the line from Soon-ja to David, as noted previously: "Strong boy." When they find the creek, and after she plants minari seeds, David is there with her to witness the entire process as the plants grow to maturity. In Minari, writer-director Lee Isaac Chung (Munyurangabo) documents a South Korean immigrant familys pursuit of happiness in rural Arkansas. It is hard not to crave the diversity of Asian American life. It's the characters which drive the narrative and create strong moments of emotional resonance which make this story special. Do you think this is a positive or negative thing? .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}Everything We Know About 'Girls Trip 2' So Far. News & Media Literacy And it ultimately improves things for David, whom his parents have always kept under constant supervision because of his heart condition. For Part 4, to read the Themes discussion go here. This was early December, and we were supposed to talk about Yeun's latest starring role, in "Minari," a film written and directed by Lee Isaac Chung about a Korean immigrant family that takes up. (1:02:06-1:03:57), Clip #11: After David gets hurt, Grandma emphasizes how strong he is. A discussion guide is a set of questions/tasks/topics that you, the researcher, wish to walk a research participant through in order to reach your learning objectives. (1:23:41-1:24:58), Clip #14: Jacob takes his box of produce to the appointment with the doctor, which upsets Monica. But isnt it possible to also particularize Asian American stories beyond the problematic idea that we can all achieve the American dream, especially since that dream can be a nightmare for BIPOC communities? (49:44-55:13), Clip #10: After Jacob learns a deal fell through with a Korean business owner, there's a shot of the smoke stack for "discarded" useless male chicks. Its a decision that didnt garner consensus easily. Uh, You Havent Seen Austin Butlers Elvis Yet?! It feels so authentic and deeply personal, but also universal in a way that many can see themselves and their family in one or all of these characters. -- can shift one's priorities? This guide offers two different approaches to teaching Minari: Feel free to use either approach, or even combine the two into one lesson (or an entire unit) based around the movie. It describes a romanticized idea of living self-sustaining, tending the garden, caring for farm animals as well as baking and handcrafts. This event has passed. What are Monica's? Students can write down responses individuallyand then discuss in pairs, small groups, or as a whole class. Jacob and Monica mark the place with a stone, implying that the farm will be their home from now on. Why? Again, demonstrating his growing strength. "Minari" 's style is a disheartening example of the gravitational pull that such conventions exert on the cinema at large. Jacob and Monica fight as the kids make paper airplanes with the message "Don't fight!" Complex characters. Reflect on their own role in promoting personal, family, and community well-being. It's interesting to track both of them, how they compare and contrast. Just a few hours before, she'd been making him feel safe. Jacob refuses to hire a water dowser (people who seemingly find underground water through divination using a forked twig). Minari Isnt a Story About the American Dream, Everything We Know About 'Girls Trip 2' So Far, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. The creek water provides the family with water when Jacob has used it all up for his crops. That doesn't make it 'foreign.' Viet Thanh Nguyen, Dec 24, 2020. Why? Minari is a unique and textured narrative, and that is what makes the film beautiful. Show a few specific clips along with discussion questions. Dowsing is a very old practice considered to be pseudoscience by some and legitimate folk wisdom by others. (42:44-49:43), Clip #9: David dumps out his tea and urinates in the cup. What do you think Jacob is feeling as he talks to David about the farm? When Monica asks Jacob which family the move was really for, what does she mean? So, after the family, except for Soon-ja, travels to Oklahoma City to meet a specialist there for Davids condition, Monica gives her husband an ultimatum to choose between his family and the farm. Simple plot. Minari is wonderful, wonderful!". He adamantly thinks that Soon-ja is not a real grandmother because she doesnt cook or bake cookies. On the church bus, kids joke about Paul not having water. Have students complete the After You Watch Activities. Since the diagnosis, the distraught parents have consciously provided David with a sheltered existence. Having spent a considerable portion of their early youths in California as chicken sexers, Jacob (Steven Yeun) and Monica Yi (Han Ye-ri) move their family of four to Arkansas green pastures. In Lee Isaac Chung 's lovely new film, it flourishes in an Arkansas creek bed . When we hear judgement about who we are or our circumstances that, until that moment, we've just accepted, how does it shape our sense of self? Though it wasn't hugely popular among teens, it's possible that some of your students have seen it, so it's helpful to make a strict "If you know it, don't blow it" rule to prevent spoilers. Written by: Lee Isaac Chung. I get why people want to assert the Americanness of stories about immigrants of color when their stories are perpetually excluded from the narrative of who gets to be an American. Naweezy 2 yr. ago. Step 3: Write instructions for any user activities. When they're by the creek, Soonja says, "It's better to see [the snake] than have it hide. As you say, it *does* feel like a "conventional narrative movie," and one thing it suggests at the script stage (I have yet to see the movie) is it has powerful emotions running through: A man with a dream. Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. But as the film progresses, a poignant bond develops between the two. While exploring their property with his grandmother and planting minari seeds, David gets to be a child for the first time in his life. They fight. My students and I wanted to be seen by others and to see ourselvesthe hope that the diversity of who we are would finally be reflected, but theres only so much room for Asian American representation in Hollywood. That. Who's right? Step 1: List out and order the main topics of your interview. Many people who watch Minari will be blown away by this quiet family epic about the American dream and all the struggles and triumphs that come with it. But underlying all of that, its less the immigration but the heart and sentiments, the relationships of the people doing that. and our The Oscars have a long history of diversity issues, including that they were dominated by white men. #1: Define goals, research questions and hypotheses with stakeholders. 18. Minari, directed by Lee Isaac Chung, is a semi-autobiographical story about the Yi family. When Monica asks Jacob which family the move was really for, what does she mean? What do you think about the tension between Jacob's approach and the dowser's approach? Do you think this scene would look different today? Minari won the 2021 Academy Award for best Actress in Supporting Role. They frame the overall domain of insights you hope to uncover. Set in the 1980s, the film primarily revolves around the patriarch, Jacob Yi (Steven Yeun)'s dream to build a farm while his family, especially his wife, Monica (Han Ye-ri), struggles to adjust to their new life in . Identify diverse social norms, including unjust ones. The new movie Minari (PG-13) tells the story of Jacob, Monica and their family as they chase a better future in the 1980s rural South. They have refused to give up and together will continue to make the farm venture work. It feels like one of those stories where character archetypes may be of some value in analyzing the story, but not of central importance. It could be a sculpture or diorama, a drawing, a poem that describes it, or a virtual one (using Minecraft, etc.). (4/5 stars) Directed by: Lee Isaac Chung. Special contents include Lee Isaac Chung's never-before-published alternate ending, a foreword by Steven Yeun, an original essay by Ocean Vuong, a poem by Claude . Christine is also a writer, primarily of fiction and essays, and loves to read all manner of books. For me, writing an effective discussion guide is all about following 5 simple steps. However, water is also used in a positive way in Minari, but only the creek water. Exhibit self-discipline and self-motivation. This guide offers two different approaches to teaching Minari: Feel free to use either approach, or even combine the two into one lesson (or an entire unit) based around the movie. Though she's not avery dynamiccharacter, she plays a huge role in holding everything together. But the moment that should be celebrated becomes traumatic because of Jacobs own obsession for success. Newer Post . "Minari" Discussion Group Friday July 16. But I kept thinking about how Minari is being marketed and wondered, Is this really a story about the American dream? It's a wonderful image after the barn fire: The family hunkered together, sleeping on the floor of their mobile home. A grandmother and her medical issues. Table of Contents Simulating Student Interest Focusing on Empathic Reactions Characterization Plot Themes, Messages & Ideas Other Literary Elements Theatrical Devices and Effects The disconnect which all of them start to feel in their ramshackle trailer in the middle of nowhere continues to fester within Monica throughout the film. What are our options when our priorities are fundamentally different from a loved one's? (35:37-37:58), Clip #8: The family goes to church, and people there react in various ways to them being Korean. When we hear judgement about who we are or our circumstances that, until that moment, we've just accepted, how does it shape our sense of self? Integrate their personal and social identities. This affects his productivity at the local hatchery, where both he and Monica work. Identify their personal, cultural, and linguistic assets. Grandma drinks it, he's punished, and Grandma defends him. The film also has many instances where water causes destruction for the Yi family. Read. Students will rank certain character traits in order of how important they are to personal growth. When the kids on the bus make fun of Paul because he doesn't have water at his house, David realizes that's true about his family, too. But just as Crazy Rich Asians did in 2018, Minari carries the weight of representation, of helping us as Asian Americans validate ourselves through the hope that we will see our stories onscreen and the hope that people will see us. Why? Monica explains that her mom has no other family because her father died in the war. Reading scripts. This year also saw the highest number of nominations that went to women across the top . But Jacob had his own share of disappointments with their lives in the Golden State. The Yi family moves from California to Arkansas because the father, Jacob (Steven Yeun), hopes to grow Korean vegetables on a small plot of land to sell to Korean grocers in Dallas. David expects his grandmother to be able to bake cookies. Spent most of my life in various parts of Illinois, including attending college in Evanston. Students will also reflect on howtheir ownsense of identity has developed within their family and community-- including the impacts of culture and ancestry. Life in Arkansas is far from what Jacob and his wife Monica (Yeri Han) hoped. published 21 March 2021 Minari, directed by Lee Isaac Chung, is a semi-autobiographical story about the Yi family. The plot changes gears following the introduction of Monicas mother Soon-ja and her limitless optimism. For Part 3, to read the Character discussion, go here. Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for Minari.. Minari is a tender drama that follows the Korean-American Yi family as they try to pursue a slice of the American Dream. And if you're looking to check it out, find out how to watch Minari streaming. A boy and *his* medical issues. David wakes up thinking he's wet the bed, but it was Soonja this time because she's had a stroke. This is *exactly* the kind of movie I like. Jacob sees the minari and says, It's growing well on its own." To show you how a discussion guide is constructed, i've broken down a two hour interview into a simple guide. When it comes to representation, its hard not to feel the lack of differences and experiences onscreen. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The one thing that surprised me was how little of the story touched on racism. PSA: Everything Everywhere Has 11 Oscar Noms! He also explained that minari has a purifying effect and clears poor soil and water. (25:49-27:39), Clip #5: Grandma (Soonja) arrives, and David is unsure about her. Discussion Guide 5.12.2016 Pie Digital | Fast Insight 1 Page 2 of 4 Task 1: General exploration, Dashboard Imagine that you recently installed an app on your phone that was going to help you with your home network. You may download the screenplay here. That is, their Attractor function doesn't change overall, rather they don a mentor, nemesis, or trickster mask from time to time to fit where they are emotionally and support their goal at that time. Instead, he finds water by figuring out the low grounds. David wakes up thinking he's wet the bed, but it was Soonja this time because she's had a stroke. But we see, at the end, he is going to try again. I hear the American dream thrown around a lot [about Minari], and that could mean all kinds of things that I was intentionally not getting into with the movie.. Nuanced conversations for 12 graders of it stronger than ever and if you 're looking to check it,! 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minari discussion guide