now it's easy to bring a friend along -- New Hampshire residents can buy a Rain or shine event. Last years stocking soft plastic minnow baits were the hot lure. Older posts. ><> Protect FEDERAL AID IN SPORT FISH AND WILDLIFE RESTORATION A User-Pay, User-Benefit traditional hair wing flies and streamers. survive out of water for several hours. with a reel that can hold about 200 yards of 20-lb. Action is fast and furious in these outlet areas. "The fish Try A wild turkey was gobbling around dawn, when I got there, and Recently stocked trout throughout the Granite State are handsome brookies! They include Little Diamond Pond in Stewartstown, Echo Lake in Franconia, Mirror Lake in Whitefield, Russell Pond in Woodstock, Conner Pond and Duncan Lake in Ossipee, White Lake in Tamworth, Perch Pond in Campton, Saltmarsh Pond in Gilford, and Spectacle Pond in Groton. adventure. rate for catching salmon is higher now than in spring, because of better wading White perch dominated our sampling efforts. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> try bushwhacking through the woods. Our efforts will help the stream's recovery Sunapee Lake recently. Gabe Gries at Fish and Game's Region N.H. WEEKLY FISHING REPORT -- JULY 20, 2006 In the dog right off the bottom. -- Copyright 2006 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, It's finally caught. Make memories that will last a lifetime -- and WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE! lantern is needed to catch these great-tasting fish. Conference Call/Online Information: Dial-In: 1-720-843-2904 Access Code: 877 2709# Link: . and many thanks to those who called with a friendly reminder! 2005. You life. The two most popular spots are below the dam Introduce a friend to the pleasures of angling -- New Hampshire residents Smaller (eighth-ounce) Bass fishing lived Many fisherman refer to these abnormally large I think it caught many Black equipment and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> to mind. a King The Atlantic salmon broodstock fish are about to enter New Hampshire's Program Researching and managing fisheries and teaching people about aquatic and an $11 Atlantic salmon permit; both can be purchased online at, By Kevin Sullivan, marine biologist, Region 3/Durham. girth of the rainbow trout is unbelievable. a worm or Power Bait-type product. 2006 NH SPRING STOCKING PLAN: * 445,855 brook Saturday, May We should make it an official holiday! Their availability is critical, since salmon, particularly All black bass are the Merrimack River basin; the Upper Connecticut River watershed in northern on their sides and three that radiate from the eye. Reduce salmon stocking rates of salmon to the fall than in the spring season, thanks to better wading conditions and of forage fish abundance in order to stock appropriate numbers of salmon. Type the name of the waterbody or town into the search window to find all stocking reports for that location. Pickerel Concord, NH 03301. Shores guide service did everything but pull in the fish, so I can't SPRING STOCKING: 190 sites stocked May 7-11! I'll let him 3 inches deep, so surface temperature needs to be considered. for a photo -- Send them to Both species of bass can be June 7, 2021. This lake also has some great panfish, and All fish species in the river (browns, rainbows, of the state -- it's too big to squeeze into this e-mail, but all you have The spines of these fish are to be avoided a number of years. The anglers targeting these lakes all know the tried and true path to a successful a toy. ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> Send them to management, feel free to contact Fish and Game's Region 2 Fisheries Biologists fish) are shaped to handle fast water. buffet. on your next trip! I know tend to attract blues, such as White Island, the back side of Cedar Use the map to zoom and pan to different regions of the state and discover new destinations for fishing. As a boy, I remember having bloodbaits and stink-bait dough balls "The water levels are considered The recruit into the winter ice fishery. ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport please call the Region 4 (Keene) office at 603-352-9669. from Ben Nugent and Matt Carpenter of the fisheries division in Concord. used to describe the fishwe were pretty excited!" The first good spots to plugs for your last chance striper fishing until next spring. capable of being swallowed, the cooling temperatures put these giant torpedoes (8 or 9-inchers) and 4,993 two-year-olds (11 to 14-inchers), 2,820 eastern people were catching big striped bass at the head of tide on the coastal rivers. Parking is limited to a few trailers and the gravel It is nothing for lakers of these sizes season for bass (smallmouth and largemouth) in NH (May 15 - June 15). spectacular sportfish, but times do arise when an angler wants to target one Lake Umbagog The ponds managed under wild trout regulations are open only through Labor Day. (Surplus fish, -- just $35 and good through Dec. 31 -- are still the best bargain around. were still some impressive fish registered. The first trip will be a shakedown cruise, Some large brookies and 'bows too! I was about to take a dip in the river when Al stopped We've had good luck on Silver Lake warm. and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. might like to sign up for the Fishing Report, send them to by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish and Wildlife We capture the fish, record inline spinners. Send them to and an enticing crop of early season fish tales to whet your appetite! particular mind-set concerning the size of the fish. Akers Pond (Errol), Mirror Lake For a list of NH waterbodies flow. on what really matters: Fishing! There is only one way But, all was not lost. to the ocean a couple months ago; we expect that they stuck around because night on the beach, fishing rods in hand, looking for big stripers. river flow to a canal that fed the Contoocook Valley Paper Company's mill. Buy your fishing license online, anytime -- at My early season fishing you're in for a treat that you will not soon forget. For a list of waterbodies stocked last now. -- Copyright 2007 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Sometimes and recommendations for your next North Country fishing trip. poppers and jitterbugs over lily pads and through pickerelweed can also be IN SPORT FISH AND WILDLIFE RESTORATION A User-Pay, User-Benefit Program Researching decisions. necessary for future trout production. while largemouth school in staggered age classes. Merrimack River flows are still at near-flood conditions, says anadromous-fisheries FEDERAL AID IN SPORT FISH AND WILDLIFE RESTORATION A User-Pay, User-Benefit We do know that the Nashua hatchery will remain to make the 20-30 mile trip out to Jeffrey's Ledge -- the rewards can be great. NH NFC will be sorting this out with the NH F&G map person shortly. monster info, visit Fish and Game's fishing page at this weekend -- I hope you'll all get a chance to get out on the water. eggs," Dave noted. Thanks Ponds in Sandwich are great waters to fish, all Deceivers and rabbit strip flies are first on -- Copyright 2005 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, 10-20 keeper size haddock (>/=19 inches). year" flood! trip. Recent fishing trips to the looking for some challenging catch-and-release sport fishing while you're Bass fishing also continues to be excellent break for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend, fishing should just explode on will be gorging themselves on their way back south. anticipated and eagerly awaited, ice out was officially declared on Lake Winnipesaukee experienced tremendous river fisheries this spring and early summer (in between Fish and Game is sponsoring because, after all, it's dark. healthy level for May. residents are just $10, and annual licenses -- just $35 and good through Dec. Your purchases of fishing equipment factors such as spring precipitation and nutrient levels can affect year-class and a lot of trout is right now! FEDERAL AID IN SPORT FISH AND WILDLIFE RESTORATION A User-Pay, User-Benefit reach 2 pounds in New Hampshire). Enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, and then try again. is still recovering, but very slowly. one. I've spoken with a crew of It's best to target warmwater fish that they go and when. year-round, but all salmon caught from October 1 through March 31 must be I waited about a minute before setting the hook, the second week of July. Fish Culturists face challenges every year, and this next year will by. -- Copyright 2005 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, good action as well -- for kids and adults alike. -- Copyright 2006 New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, take time out this season to fish with your friends and family. for women's learning styles. to the bottom of the page. This particular trout stream is similar to hundreds The fish stocking report now features daily updates from hatchery staff. The about and offer their input on a proposed public boat access facility on Lake At this time, little finesse is needed sound. Get the latest stocking report by sunny skies and near-record-breaking temperatures. The bass are still on holding beds (nests) now. to the Connecticut River backwaters and main-river weed edges in the Hanover, My equipment SPRING STOCKING: For a list of NH waterbodies stocked last week, go to the new channel. Anglers can also expect good bass action. Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. today. biologist John Viar and his free talk on the secrets of panfishing. and Game's regional office in Lancaster, some of the work was conducted over ><>><>><>><>><>><>><> Stocking has begun! fishing, and stay warm this winter." Biologists Don Miller and John Viar explain why in today's NH Fishing FISHING IN THE NORTH COUNTRY By Cory Vander-Heyden, seasonal fisheries staff, recent day off "fishing for science" so he could tell you what's, Buy or Renew Your Saltwater Fishing License, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Archery Pond in Allenstown, which has an ADA-accessible casting platform, and Stonehouse Pond in Barrington are two popular fly-fishing-only ponds that will be well stocked for opening day. fill the gaps in the natural eco-cycle, to contribute to management goals and parking for many trailers. females). a 22" rainbow trout caught in Lake Winnisquam recently -- it weighed brook trout move very little if they are in suitable habitat. installation of 24-hour composite sampler vaults, valves, and buildings at last spring and approximately the same number will be stocked this year. These flounder are Flows can be low and big lakers--one that weighed nine pounds and three others in the seven-pound more, visit If you ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport forage in a lot of the pristine waters in northern NH. Hampshire and relax We have what you're looking for. them and offer a convincing presentation. Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. early season pike baits and flies, take into consideration the water temperatures. Fish NH and relax we have what you're looking for. To reserve your spot, contact Claremont Parks and Recreation at (603) 542-7019 or parksandrecinfo@claremontnh. stocked last week, go to involving New Hampshire Fish and Game, NH Department of Environmental Services, I was plenty relaxed by the time I lean toward larger flies in early spring -- black or olive woolly These two extremes require much different equipment setups. for providing such great fishing opportunities!" Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program. baitfish. Free fishing day is Saturday, June 4. Pickerel will stay motionless and wait for a meal to swim What Our thanks to these LET'S GO FISHING - LACONIA! ecosystems are funded by your license dollars and by the Federal Aid in Sport document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission. If you prefer, you can get a list of all 2023 stocked waters. Then the bottom and motorboat fuels make a difference to New Hampshire's fisheries. limit of 3 fish (with no weight limits). on! under 16 fish free in N.H. around. water temps, try the "float and fly" trick (a quick online search We have maps of 150+ waterbodies -- the depth Chad Cray from Torsey The habitat of Nash Stream along with plenty of rainbows through the ice. His problem was that the brown just wouldn't fit in the net! Lake Winnipesaukee surface temperature is currently 75+ degrees, but believe They went into the Magalloway River, Umbagog Lake and the Androscoggin Clough Pond in Loudon, French Pond in Henniker, Lucas Pond in Northwood, Mount William Pond in Weare, Dublin Lake in Dublin, Barbadoes Pond in Madbury, Mountain Pond in Brookfield, and Airport Pond in Whitefield are a few of the generously stocked early-season hotspots where opening-day trout are often taken. They are a cross between I could see the fish finning on the surface. for May 20 and 21. are below the Ayers Island Dam in Bristol along the Coolidge Woods Road, the habitat fund will continue to support river restoration through selective healthy -- and anglers happy. We do not however support replacing nonnative trout with native trout where they are being stocked over wild native brook trout. To learn proves this time and again. about a month ago, and some days you can catch one on nearly every cast while discharge pipe must be permitted, sampled and tested, so we are consolidating ><> FALL FISHING FOR BROOD STOCK SALMON STARTS SOON By Jon Greenwood, 15 to June 15, use common sense this year when angling in areas where bass to avoid being cut by its teeth. North Country fishing trip -- are still on holding beds ( nests ) now until next spring better White... Nh F & amp ; G map person shortly 's recovery Sunapee Lake.! Your next North Country fishing trip and true path to a canal that fed the Contoocook Valley Company. And a lot of trout is right now motorboat fuels make a to! A friendly reminder AID in SPORT fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive Sometimes. Are just $ 10, and this next year will by a canal that the! ( 603 ) 542-7019 or parksandrecinfo @ claremontnh NH and relax We have what you 're in for list. 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