It is in another tree stump found at the location marked on our map. Go inside it to get this item. Again, this is one of five books that can be given to Jack in Chapter 2 for an item request. Quite a few things missing like the epsilon pendent, fatality statues, Breithweight gold plaque & broach, ornate vampire dagger. Anyone found a use for the emerald you get from (minor spoilers? are transferred from chapter 6 to the game epilogue. It is fake actually its worty $50 though still. I was very very wrong.dont make the same mistake as me. That brings up another question - does the same apply to the other valuables - rings, buckles, watches, jewelry etc. Now look up and on the wall in front of you is this unique collectible. Red Dead Redemption 2 Unique Collectible Items can only be found in specific locations. Consequently, you can also obtain it from the Squears in the Go Rustling(Uncle) event. ). Consequently, you can also head to your trusty Gunsmith in order to purchase the Bow along with a bunch of Arrows given you can afford the price. This is the same basement in which you can find the Civil War Hat. While its original purpose was to harvest sugarcanes, nothing beats swinging it to your hearts content at the incoming enemies in RDR2. keeping you from free roaming until X amount of story stuff is a bad game design. From $1.35. The mask is in the eastern part of New Hanover, south of Elysian Pool. Hosea will request this book at some point in Chapter 2, 3, or 4 if he sees you pick up a book near him. Billy Midnights coveted Mauser Pistol is the closest thing RDR2 has to the Golden Gun and its one of the few rewards that can be grabbed during The Noblest Of Man, And A Woman quest. Go inside the cabin and turn to your left to find a shelf. You will be able to find a small cave opening in the rocks. This is an accurate and fast-firing revolver that is gold-plated and has some engravings as well. Osman Grove, on a nightstand in the shack. The hat is in an old fort, inside one of the cabins' basements. Has anyone put together a list of which items you won't need for anything at all and can just sell freely? In Lemoyne, in a collapsed shack in Lakay. Check the location on our map and you should find the bear in an area surrounded by partially damaged trees. Will it respawn? Reach the island in a boat or canoe. Nothing screams redemption like chucking a rusty hatchet so grab this from a lone tree stump in Marthas Swain, in between Elysian Pool and OCreaghs Run. Red Dead Redemption II: All Stagecoach Robberies Locations Guide, Red Dead Redemption II: All Gang Hideouts and Gang Locations Guide, Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Alligator Guide: Location, Skin, Kill, Red Dead Redemption II: Gold Earring Location. Just read the description of the item. Also, if it says the item can be used for crafting or be sold. It is in a tree stump by the campfire just in front of the cabin destroyed by a falling tree. Let us know in the comments below which one, and dont forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. You should also see a red building at the location we have marked for you. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America),, unfortunately i already sold most of the ones i could get. Travel to Osman Grove marked on our map and find a solitary cabin. Below is a list of all special and unique collectibles you can find in the game, along with their location. Make sure to check the fences, trappers, and campfire. There is a road that wraps around the northwestern corner of the lake, and the cobalt petrified wood is located near the center of it. Its also a melee weapon and a trusty hunting accomplice (for smaller game) that can be thrown and found in a tree stump south of Window Rock in the Grizzlies. Perfect for intimidating your enemies or for summoning evil spirits. What items can I Sell without worrying?, Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. You cannot collect this until after Chapter 3. Is there any benefit to keeping the unique items? You can then confront him at the top of the train. Therefore, you best keep it safe unless youre roaring for a rerun. If you feel a need to keep something there's probably a good reason. If you go inside the shack and look to your left you will find the book on a small side table right in front of the beds. As the name suggests, this weapon is a double burst shotgun that has the capability of firing two quick shells in succession. Go inside it to get this item. Join our discussion forums. Required for an item request in camp. Consequently, you can get it for free by looting enemies. I was surprised it wasn't a. By AlZair in Weapon. Valuables in Red Dead Redemption 2 are precious items, often looted or stolen, that can be used in crafting or sold to a Fence for profit. I made the mistake of selling some earrings and braclets needed for crafting thinking that the fence would store them for later use like the trapper. Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide by According to Take Two Interactive, it's earned the record for having the "biggest opening weekend in retail sell-through across all entertainment releases" at more than $725 million. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Emerald is a unique item awarded for completing He's British, of Course. I just found a pair of silver earrings after I sold a pair. Trending pages. Rockstar has created an awe-striking open world for RDR2. Another one of the five of the books you can give Jack to fulfill his item request in Chapter 2. CrispyBaconWiz 4 years ago #4. Vetter's Echo Cabin, a shack in norther West Elizabeth. Enter the cabin. Items in Redemption 2 Category page. I think there are a couple more available later. So my White Arabian from Isabella Lake just died. It can either be swung or thrown at a target to deliver a considerable amount of damage to it. You can take this rifle from the Valentine Gunsmith in The Sheep and the Goats without having to pay a single penny. So my White Arabian from Isabella Lake just died. Will it respawn? These two unique items are found in Beryls Dream Mine. This is found in the boathouse, which is the building on the water on the northwest corner of the area. Below is a list of all special and unique collectibles you can find in the game, along with their location. The Hunter Hatchet is a rare hatchet that has a long bearded axe that allows for greater control when planing or shaving. However, you can also try to obtain it from the dead NPCs. This item is near Lakay, north of Saint Denis. You get this revolver once you start Epilogue 1. 13. It has a gold finish and engraving on it. Just getting lost in this game, man. This book can be found in Pleasant, at the location we have marked on our Red Dead Redemption 2 map above. In the middle of the room inside is a table, and the book is on top of the table. The Meteorite is north of Annesburg, near Roanoke Valley. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. Cant really answer without spoiling, just hold on to them. Some of the above fall in the category. Nothing too saucy, mind you, but saucy enough that apparently he had to hide it in a cave. The Machete is a sharp broad blade that can be used for incapacitating enemies as cleanly as possible. Go to the south west corner of the basement and this hat can be found next to a cabinet. After he invites you to his house, go and visit for a brief cutscene. The Ornate Dagger is a rare decorative knife that's only lootable after killing the vampire that's located in Saint Denis. Next, row towards the largest island on Flat Iron Lake, and check the shipwreck marked on our map. But, hey, it's nice to look at and you can probably throw it on the next time you need to intimidate someone. The knife is stuck in that corpse. Climb down the ladder to get into the basement. It isn't clear on why this random guy in the forest had it, but you can take it back to him for an Item Request mission in camp. Unlike other weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2, they cant be bought from stores; but you still need to find them if you are a completionist. The book named True Tales of Frank Heck is located inside another shack, south of Lake Don Julio. This can be found to the southeast of Emerald Station and is close to being directly south of the left edge of the "V" on the New Hanover text on your map. However, any paid players tend to obtain the pistol for free whenever they want automatically. You need the start the stranger mission called The Noblest of Men, and a Woman in Valentine. It is a yellow house with a red roof, and you can enter through the front door on the porch. You can purchase this Shotgun from any Gunsmith, given that youve already completed the Visiting Hours mission. Item Wheel. No missables related to the gold bars as far as I know. It is generally obtained from the fences after youve completed the The First Shall Be The Last mission. This hat is inside of a shipwreck. This rifle is generally obtained during the Preaching Forgiveness as He Went mission. What can you do with it? It will be present in the master bedroom at the top of the ladder. Go inside the cabin. View source History Talk (0) Items are objects that can be found and picked up in Red Dead Redemption 2. Ignore the dead woman (sorry dead woman) and open up the nightstand drawer as the pen can be found inside. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. This is another unique revolver that you can get in the game. Kill the hermits dogs if they attack you, then check the white nightstand by the bed. Hosea and his crown Sticker. Waiting to be corrected. There is also a Gold Nugget next to the victims right hand. I've been playing video games since 1994, and I like to keep up with the latest video game releases. The Litchfield Repeater is a weapon that excels at medium to close-range combat. While its generally meant to be used for close quarters, you can also flex it for the lower-mid range. You want to approach from the south as what you're looking for is under an overhang with an entrance on the south end. Talk to Billy at the bar cart. The story mode in Red Dead Redemption 2 has an unusual structure, because the epilogue of the campaign contains dozens of new missions, which take several hours to complete. This is done by manually going through the catalog file and removing the restrictions put on the items that are locked, by adding them all to a custom menu at the Trapper. You can pick up the weapon when it falls from his body. This is a hunting knife that belonged to John Marston. You can get this weapon by looting a sniper in the Magicians For Sport mission in chapter 3. Everyone inside the house is dead so they won't miss it. While everything about the weapon is moderate, it is still good enough to act as your main pistol for most of the game. Below in the comments I'll post a google document version so you can print it out. Found in a wrecked boat. The Tricorn Hat is back there amongst the rubble. Is there any way to get these items if you lost them in the epilogue? Having said that, it can also be obtained from fences after the Fleeting Joy mission has been cleared. However, its considered more of a collectors item than an actual weapon due to the antique engravings and the iconic pearl grip. The Ancient Tomahawk is near Calumet Ravine. At some point in the second, third, or fourth chapter, Bill asks a surprised Arthur to get him some hair pomade. There are 2 bodies that were hit by the falling meteorite. The Hunter Hatchet is an RDR2 unique weapon located at Dodds Bluff. Learn tips on how to improve . Now you can loot the box on the table to get the Schofield Revolver. It is a yellow house with a red roof, and you can enter through the front door on the porch. While standing on the wooden bridge marked on our map, looking down the river; move right from one ledge to another, until you find the path leading to the area behind the waterfall. Once completed, the weapon will be available from every gunsmith in the vicinity. Ill just hold on to it for now but I think its purely cosmetic so I might eventually just bag it for the $50. The item is on the table on the right. The rifles impact and accuracy are not to be underestimated no matter the situation. You will find Flaco Hernandez in his shack in the camp. I find it helpful to print these out and keep track so I can see what i'm missing, Damn I missed the rare rolling block MOTHERFUCKER. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The rest are cosmetic and work towards your 100% game completion once you get it. Shoot the skulls, and behind them on the ledge will be the Ancient Viking Comb. This is a fairly interesting trinket, but it doesn't serve much of a purpose in the game. So here are a few more of. A meteorite. No spoilers here, but it can only be obtained as a reward for collecting all 30 Dinosaur Bones for amateur paleontologist Deborah MacGuiness. Loot the person in the middle of the floor. Ornate Dagger. Want to wear a Pig Mask while robbing a train? I just restarted my game a few nights ago so I could get as close to 100%ing by playing through slowly. Instead of fulfilling certain conditions to unlock them, you can now walk into any of the general shops scattered throughout the world . Watch out for Alligators and look for it on a small island near a dead tree. Next article Soulcalibur VI Is Adding 2B From Nier: Automata To The Roster. ). Go throught the list of talismens and trinkets at the fence, figure out what you need to craft them. Lets find the strangest items in Red Dead Redemption 2. Get it here! Another book. That brings up another question. In a tree stump in Annesburg. The Tricorn Hat is inside the boat behind a wooden wall and some crates. The Meteorite House is on a hill while the unique item is located inside the hole in the ground. From $1.35. Don't you just hate how slow the Scofield is? From there, scroll through the inventory of items with the LT/RT or L2/R2 triggers until reaching the option to select a pocket watch.Releasing M1 or L1 will then select the chosen pocket watch, and entering first-person mode will provide an up-close view of the time. Very spooky mask you can wear afterwards. I'm not sure. I'm in chapter two and, as far as valuables - jewelry bags, rings, buckles watches etc, i know you should hold onto some of those things for crafting and possibly other things. Crafting the satchels before I get too far in. Go inside the house and you will be greeted by a woman. You will lose those three type of items, and other unique items also, like: viking comb, native american ring, female statue, money, Buell, unique feathers, etc. While some items may respawn despite being "unique", others cannot be retrieved back nor acquired again once sold or donated without recurring to cheats and exploits. Use the plunger at the entrance to clear the path ahead, then check the room on the right side. If you give it to him he'll give you some predator bait. Reading is FUNdamental, everyone. Enter the sunken cabin. How to unlock the Self Sufficient achievement. Far East of New Hanover. After completing chapter 6 of the game you will start Epilogue 1. I donated mine to the camp fund. This page contains information on where to find every single of these items. I donated mine to the camp fund. On this page of the RDR2 guide we explain what things (progress, items of equipment, etc.) This book is in the southern part of New Hanover, west of Kamassa River. The Stone Hatchet is a unique weapon in Red Dead Redemption 2 available only to those who have completed a related bounty hunter mission in GTA V Online. How do I complete the Mission "Honor, Amongst Thieves". Related: RDR2 Poker Game Guide: How To Play & Win Improving the Van der Linde gang 's camp isn't cheap, either. Another book. Then you need to go to Del Lobos camp in the Grizzlies. Enter, then crouch and go through the next door. The closer you are, the more effective the shots will be. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Alternatively, you can acquire it at the Six Point Cabin before clearing the Paying a Social Call mission. Enter the house through the main door and look for the Abalone Shell Fragment on the table to your right as you enter. Check the walls in the areas covered by stones and you should see it near some skulls. Nevada Hat is a unique Red Dead Redemption 2 hat that is by far one of the coolest, and also one of the hardest to find. Red Dead Redemption 2 has a ton of clothes for you to wear. This is a classic revolver with a silver finish and a wooden grip. Its lodged into a skull and is in the same location as the Viking Helmet which may or may not be too small for Arthurs head. Broken Pirate Sword is on the island south of Saint Denis. The Ornate Dagger is a rare decorative knife thats only lootable after killing the vampire thats located in Saint Denis. The Jawbone Knife is one of the cooler looking melee weapons as its crafted from a large piece of flint and the jawbone of a coyote. The writing is on the wall as to where you can find the creature of the night and rest assured, its Bayou Nwa accent is as True Blood as True Blood gets. Available only if you have completed the related bounty missions in GTA Online. If you go east of Flatneck Station, you will find a small cabin. Below in the comments I'll post a google document version so you can print it out. The rancher who lives here won't be too happy to see you barge in his house, so be prepared for a fight. Can someone give me the reason for that without spoiling anything? While carrying around a piece of cobalt petrified wood is what all the cool kids do, this actually has a purpose. Fountain pens are rarer than gold bars in this world. Tricorn Hat is a unique hat found on the island west of Rhodes. By Justin-Gregory. In a side table drawer in Manito Glade cabin. When you reach Clawsons Rest marked on our map, enter the wooden cabin and check the nightstand on the left side, behind the door. This revolver is given out as a reward for completing Duchesses and other Animals. While it doesnt have the fastest firing rate, youd be still left shell-shocked due to its bullet velocity. You'd assume there would be plenty of fountain pens in the game, but you'd be wrong. This item is in New Hanover, near Heartland Overflow. You can find the Viking Helmet in Red Dead Redemption 2 by visiting the location marked on our map and looking for a tomb. This mask can be found at the Pagan Ritual point of interest, adorning the corpse in the middle of it all. Valve Corporation. The hatchet is stuck in a tree stump. Approach it and take out the weapon. Its location is the northern part of Ratskeller Fork, as you can see on our map. Found in northeastern New Hanover, near the Roanoke Valley area. What a fine trophy for your collection! This list contains all the unique weapons released in the third chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2: This custom rifle was once used by a bounty hunter. When you reach the location marked on our map, enter the largest building and look behind the crates on the right side. This unique treasure can be found by assembling the two torn treasures listed above. Not neccessary true. Open the chest on the wagon to find this item. Steal it so the owner will be confused when they get home. More importantly, it is an important ingredient in crafting. Otis Miller's hidden pornography stash in the middle of the desert. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in Americas unforgiving heartland. The mask is at the back of it. Stone Hatchet. The knife is in a cave. This is a purely aesthetic collectable. Similar in nature to the Double Barrel Shotgun, the Pump-Action Shotgun excels at dealing with a limited number of enemies in a constricted area. Fairly easy to find, this unique item is the second part of the Otis Millers Treasure Map. Once found, a Red Dead Redemption 2 unique weapon, for example, will be added to your compendium, Arthur, thus you will be able to access it later. Go into the shack, and you will find a nightstand next to a dead woman in a chair. In southeastern New Hanover, inside Fort Brennand's basement. Give rdr2 unique items sell or keep to fulfill his item request in chapter 3 try to obtain it from the Dead NPCs all! In Manito Glade cabin also try to obtain it from the Dead woman in a cave part... Then crouch and go through the front door on the table to get him some hair.... Is a bad game design you are, the more effective the shots will be confused when they get.... 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rdr2 unique items sell or keep