Emma Forbes performing a monologue from Reasons to Be Pretty by Neil La Bute in Act 2, specific scene number not found. And remember GREG Got it.KENT keep this shit to yourself. (Beat.) As in the other parts of the trilogy, an insignificant event has a big ripple effect built up through a series of brief scenes. / That's not true.CARLY Who? Beauty is deeper than sex (or lust). He over and over calls Greg a pussy. / And roses STEPH No! I've made this over the last however long I dunno, since I left, and it covers all your shit. A simple desire to have sex can motivate some people to cheat. They have more children, they get better jobs and they make more money than plain . Not a word, OK?GREG I won't. Efter att ha verdrivit sin ex-vn lmnar Greg Kent, som raser av ilska. Although they do not rekindle the relationship, the characters in Reasons to Be Pretty represent a rather optimistic view on relationships and young, middle class Americans. Auditions are coming up on April 20 for our production of Neil LaButes Reasons To Be Pretty. and that was about it. Reasons to Be Pretty is a hard-edged comedy written by Neil LaBute. Federal law makes it illegal for most employers to fire an employee because of the employee's race, gender, national origin, disability, religion, genetic information, or age (if the person is at least 40 years old). Yawns.KENT Third sucks.GREG Yep. Subsequent to attempting to compliment him, Carly then needs to ask him a significant inquiry about Kent. Steph har blivit chef p hennes frisrsalong. De Steph ass op engem Datum, an de friere Koppel schwtzt e klengen Diskussiounen, versicht et agreabel z'erreechen. its a play about societys obsession with physical appearance and its effect on the lives of the four people who are the characters in this play. You want me to meet you or No, fine. 64 views, 2 likes, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Reels from JeGaysus: You know EXACTLY the type of Christians I'm talking about. An adult having an "adult" version of a temper tantrum (i.e. They haven't brought one a those home since I started working herelast one was in, like, eighty-six or something. He accentuates that she has a pretty face, improving her vibe. Somehow, they cool down and wish each other well on their lives without one another. (Looks at Carly.) Though life is not what he thought it would be, he reads a lot of classic American literature in an effort to better himself. In jumpsuits. (Beat.) But theres compassion and even tenderness running through this play that make it one of his best..", "Playwright/provocateur Neil LaBute has explored our obsession with physical appearance and the way it wreaks havoc on relationships in such works as "Fat Pig" and "The Shape of Things." / (She crumples up the page and drops it.) It is the third and final installment of a trilogy ( The Shape of Things, Fat Pig, and Reasons to Be Pretty ). I mean, I can take a lot, pretty much, anyway, but I'm, like, my face?That's shit. / Whatever.CARLY Yep. 3. If she shows before I get back tell her I'm in the can GREG I'll probably flower it up a bit, but OK. Fine.KENT nods and gathers up his trash, heading for the door. How gay is that?GREG Very. Already back at it (Beat.) It rocks. Scene Two Carly visits Greg (who is once more perusing some great writing). / Want it on the down low.GREG Kent, take it easy, all right? Your tongue is like this little poker and you move it too fast and well, you get the idea. Before the question, Carly reveals that she is three months pregnant. In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. (Dead calm.) Si freet ob Greg sech mat Kent a Meeder erausknnt, awer de Greg lit an seet datt et just Leit vu Aarbecht waren. Greg apologizes and is very understanding. The trio of plays (which also include The Shape of Things and Fat Pig) are connected not by characters or plot but by the recurring theme of body image within American society. Throw the fish in the toilet again, it's not like I'm gonna be surprisedI'm not about to hang out here and get abused like this. That, and I need your keys.GREG Great.STEPH What?GREG Nothing.STEPH No, what? Jesus Don't be such a dick about it KENT 'S a beautiful thing.GREG I'm sure Too bad her attitude sucks.KENT Ha! Honey. Rich's got his eye on me latelyfinally took it off you for a second, don't think I missed thatnow he's watching me, so I'm, you know CARLY Doesn't matter.KENT Yeah, it does. In contrast with the hero in Fat Pig, Greg displays both boldness and benevolence before the finish of the play. Trio drama tidak terhubung oleh karakter atau plot tetapi oleh tema citra tubuh yang berulang dalam masyarakat Amerika. You need some "alone time" or KENT No, no, she's gone up front. The play opens with the conflict already at boiling point as enraged Steph (Alison Pill) confronts Greg, her partner of four years, about a perceived slight. Scene Four Carly and Greg are hanging out in the lounge. Two people in their bedroom, already deep in the middle of it. Svengalis is stage manager. Dude, you seem anxious; I can get outta here if Carly's coming back. Kent zitt him d'Rumeuren, rifft hien op de Buedem, a rifft dann seng Ex-Frndin "ierlech". "The complicated, often explosive relationships between men and women are a source of eternal, often contrary fascination for Neil LaBute, and they have been superbly realized in "Reasons to Be Pretty," his most compassionate, appealing work to date. / Really?CARLY Yep. Exit, Pursued by a Bear. She chats about her pregnancy. It just is (Beat.) Nothing very new.GREG I guess / Yep. View Essay - Reasons to Be Pretty from THEATRE 10 at Chaffey College. She visits about her pregnancy. So?GREG What? Motivations to Be Pretty debuted on Broadway in 2008. Your toes are, they're like, almost like fingers and you bite your own toenailsI know you do, I've seen youand that goes down as the most disgusting fact I know. she feels. / Cannot.GREG Why, Steph? Sleep his seat on thy eyelid. / I was just making conversation GREG Great. geffen playhouse study guide reasons to be pretty. MEDDLING SPIRITS JUST IN TIME FOR HALLOWEEN. Sorry that I'm looking at the clock, it's got absolutely no bearing on whether I wanted to see you or notbecause I dobut I'm also trying to be a useful employee which can only be of benefit to our lifestyle and that, I'm seeing now, places me in a bit of a bind. Instead of working your way up in a 9-5 or an entry-level, low-paying job like in fast food, the . / You you did that to hurt me.STEPH No shit.GREG You don't really feel all that stuff.STEPH No?GREG You couldn't STEPH Really?GREG No. (Beat.) More in sorrow than in anger, and more in annoyance than rancor, it must be said that the talented . No. / 'Preciate it.GREG No prob. [8], Title treatment for the Broadway production, Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play, Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play, "Neil LaBute's 'Reasons to Be Happy', Starring Jenna Fischer and Josh Hamilton, Ends Off-Broadway Run", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Reasons_to_Be_Pretty&oldid=1026090620, This page was last edited on 31 May 2021, at 09:29. / 'Cause it gets dark at night, so.GREG Oh. / That's what she does to me.GREG 'S great. Detta lindrar Carly fr tillfllet. You meant it.GREG But I didn't even / Stephanie STEPH And that is why. At first, Greg contends that he does not believe that Kent is unfaithful. Suddenly, she is there, right in front of him. You win.KENT Wasn't trying to win anything. (Beat. He thinks Gregs reading is time wasted. Enough said. Lyceum Theatre; 149 W. 45th St., New York, NY; And I like your face, I do I've always thought you were gonna sound stupid now, but you know I have. [7], LaBute wrote a sequel to the play, Reasons to be Happy, which premiered in June 2013 at the Lucille Lortel Theatre in an MCC Theatre production. He claims that Greg would never tell because he is afraid of people disliking him. Well, guess what?STEPH gathers herself and heads to the door. / No.GREG Come on it's lunchtime, isn't it? Han kallar Greg upprepade gnger fr en "fitta". David Gallos versatile set, backed by a container cage of warehouse goods, and Sarah J. Holdens unfussy costumes help cement that grounding among real people. Like fucking death.GREG Ya know, you swear a lot when you're mad.STEPH Fuck. Seriously. Trophies, in sports and beautiful women, are his focus. So you got that, there's that fear to contend with, and then her own feelings about her lookswhich are usually plenty, trust me on that oneand the whole thing is enough to drive you crazy, it totally is! (Sits forward.) Yep. P ngot stt svalnar de och nskar varandra gott om livet utan varandra. All Rights Reserved. / SAY IT!GREG It's not / I didn't say How did this happen, why are you such a freak? Richest of all is Greg, an all-around decent under-achiever whose coming-of-age journey is reason to be prettys heart and soul, and under director Scott Hornbachers assured guidance, the movie-star handsome Novogratz, a mere twenty but with a maturity and emotional weight that allows him to pass for a few years more, gives a star-making performance in a role that has himnot only virtually neverleaving the Lounge stagebut capturing our attention and compassion every step of the way. Don't try to act like it didn't happen and I'm just having a "girl thing" here because that's not the story, bud. And, see, the thing of it is, you enjoy her, you're knocked out by her as this lady that you feel the need to possess or have as your own, but in the end, I mean, from that day ononce you do get heryou start to worry about keeping her because of all these other guys who're having the same damn fantasy about 'er that you did! (Beat.) Fat Pig afforded a glimpse into the bruised soul of a man whose stupidity cost him a chance at happiness. And what you said, all that you said about meeven though it's just the one thingit's completely and for all-time's sake true. Huh? I actually meant the first CARLY So, yeah, she rang me up and we chatted, like friends do. Greg and Kent are best friends who are very different people. More Playbill Covers. ". 7. . She follows his advice. (to the others) OK, show's over now, go back to your chop suey shit that you're eating and leave us be STEPH watches the crowd disperse; turns to GREG again.GREG This shouldn't be happening STEPH But it is.GREG I care about you, Stephanie. I'm serious. Anyway she's just lashing out for no reasonwell, not "no" reason but barely.GREG Women, huh?KENT Yep. Is that it?STEPH You mean the Bionic Woman, not Wonder Womanwho had various powers but hearing wasn't one of 'emI mean, of course she could hear, she wasn't deaf, but not in any special way. We see Greg, Steph, Carly and Kent deal with the pressures of what it means to be 'pretty', and observe how the four friends manage the infidelity, betrayal and deceit . Steph seet, datt hatt sech net u sech iwwer Greg denken kann, awer glichziteg glaubt, datt si mat hirem bid Egenner Mann glcklech wert sinn. "Reasons to Be Pretty," showing this weekend at The Playhouse in San Antonio, Now what am I?KENT You know what you are GREG No, I don't, I don't know what the hell you're talking about hereacting all goofy since I walked in tonight.KENT Dude, you've got a big mouth, if you must know the fucking details so bad GREG What? In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph.But that's just the beginning. It's gross. Drove off. Knowing that he's sitting there at dinner across from me but he's always reaching for something, the salt or whatever, or looking around the room, and why? Better?CARLY A little.She smiles and nudges him. Frying pan. Greg tries to get the upper hand, hinting that he might tell Carly the truth, but Kent believes that he is bluffing. Instead of working your way up in a 9-5 or an entry-level, low-paying like. 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reasons to be pretty act 2