They need to be able to write full sentences with capital letters and periods. "Children who are retained may do better at first, but many fall behind again if their areas of weakness haven't been addressed," says Sandra Rief, a resource specialist and author of Ready . Your child is young for the grade, however, and repeating might give him more even footing with the other children in kindergarten. This situation is a fairly common scenario. Question: Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. And the question of benefit vs. detriment can be a more difficult one to answer. He is constantly talking about being in the first grade next. we are so lost. Understood does not provide medical or other professional advice. We showed up to a parent teacher conference yesterday and were told they needed the decision right then. The decision to hold a child backoften called " red-shirting . You feel confused. Every week! Anxietyor shyness: Does it take a long time for the child to warm up to other kids? Emotional. "In addition to evaluating a child's social and emotional readiness for first grade, teachers now must consider specific grade-level standards instituted by the state or the school district," says Marilou Hyson, Ph.D., associate executive director for professional development at the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), in Washington, D.C. As a result, more children are in danger of not passing muster. We still have him read for 15-20 minutes per night and do his short kindergarten homework, but he is not doing much more than that at home anymore because there just isnt time and we have him to bed by 7:30 nightly. Was a stronger speaker, reader, simple math, etc. Hes able to do work great at home with no issues or complications but we have been reading and going over his words to say rite and hes mastering all academics in school other then speech issues and the reading(which is the latest work for children to learn in one month that hes having issues with) As a parent and knowing my son can pass work that his teacher sends home ,wonderfully and has great reports and test and work through the entire year, i feel that his teacher should have caught issues at beginning of school and in feb when we spoke and i asked from his teacher for him to be in speech and reading classes it should have been donealso for her waiting for the last month .Of school (and more confussin of hes doin wonderful to switch he needs to be in same grade again) In my eyes and heart my sons teacher failed in teaching and catching early what he needs help with, she failed him as his teacher and failed to help him further in class and with his school issues..She failed to listen to what i would like and want for him to keep and help him stay on top He shouldnt be kept behind for his speech and very little reading issues he has its not rite and wrong !!!! It's no big deal. School will respect our decision at the end of the day, but I honestly did not realize we would feel this much lack of support. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. The exception to these concerns is if a student repeats kindergarten, when immaturity may be a concern. If starting school is postponed for boys with birthdays after, say, June 1, "immature" boys suddenly become those with birthdays after March 1. Because differences are our greatest strength. Beyond that, though, things can get a bit confusing: Which skills is your child behind on? First should we allow him to repeat kindergarten ? However, in years past, before standardized testing became so prominent, in the years when teaching to the test was an anathema, children learned to read in first grade. 4. He cannot follow directions consistently enough and other kids are not being nice to him because he is more immature., Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, 5 Things to Know on the First Day of Kindergarten, Learning Disabilities in Your School Age Child. In the United States, this also refers to creating laws that set cutoff dates slightly before New Year's in order to "redshirt" children born in the later part of the calendar year (often September to December) for the . Using a tool called the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Jones measured each child's general satisfaction with life as adolescents. He cries often, and doesnt follow directions very well, but loves to look at picture books and make up funny rhymes. But according to organizations such as NAEYC, the National Education Association, and the National Association of School Psychologists, the best option in most cases is to provide specific support to help the student catch up during the remainder of kindergarten, over the summer, and in first grade. Acting immature can be a sign that kids are struggling and need more support. Here is what a teacher does in most classrooms. History repeating itself- A country with Socialist leaders disbanded the military and Russia invades - is this repeating, Politics and Other Controversies, 0 replies Names of good private pre-kindergarten or kindergarten in Woodlands, Houston, 1 replies They did some testing prior to the start of the Ive seen the damage done to countless students by the change, and much joy and celebration robbed from early education. However, I believe talking with a school councilor, which we are going to do with ours, and also, having him tested by a very knowledgable but retired elementary teacher friend, is what we are going to do next and then keep researching for stat on this and what the experts say. Im so upset! Here are some common examples of immature behavior that you might see: Some kids seem to act young all the time. Shes also going to attend a reading program over the Summer. In one study, researchers associated this poor academic performance with repeating kindergarten. We sent him to Kindergarten, which was against what his preschool teacher recommended. I would like to know what specific research you have found that states that retaining is not beneficial. His school has been lacking in what a student needs to know and work on before end of year. The work done at home, or not done at home, will place all children behind where they would have been socially and academically. Not anymore. Faced with this revelation, it can seem someone is questioning your child's mental acuity. As for seeing his friends going on ahead, I sympathize. These questions concerned me, but I knew that repeating kindergarten was the right thing for my son. I served in the Army from 2006 to 2011 and deployed to Iraq twice, and then I graduated from Texas A&M University in May 2017. . She said he is average but not ahead of the others. (June 7, 2012), Mlyniec, Vicky. Moms know their children better than anyone. If it makes you feel better, I am POSITIVE you are doing the right thing. Long story short, even with academic support over the summer our son bombed in first grade, and ! ADHD is not a learning disability. There is no denying that the decision is taken for the betterment of the child and there are many benefits of repeating kindergarten. My son did not turn the required age of 5 here in TN until May 2014. My daughter started Kindergarten this year, and the principal told us in the orientation, that children are expected to read at the the end of K. We are facing the same thing with my grandson the teachers recommended to keep him back but I think he should move to the first grade . When faced with the decision, the first step is to meet with your child's teacher (and principal and school psychologist, if possible) to find out exactly why the experts think another year would be productive. This study was from Taiwan where the cut-off date, similar to the U.S., is August 31. My daughter is behind and her teacher wants to retain her. And should my husband and I agree to have him held back or "retained" if that's what his teacher ultimately advised? He is very smart in my opinion, when he was 3 he could recite the pledge of allegiance and pledge to the Bible and much more. Although these initial benefits faded over time, students who had been held back entered high school performing at a higher level relative to their grade level than similar students who'd been promoted. There might be an illness or divorce in the family. Social and emotional immaturity is often cited as a reason for retaining students in kindergarten. They are pushing kids too hard these days and are expecting way more than when I was in kindergarten 22 years ago. You need to reassess. As a rule, school professionals strongly avoid this practice of . "Should Your Child Repeat Kindergarten?" The most productive way to approach the topic . If you decide to have your child repeat the year, it's better to switch teachers or even schools. We did not have the money to send him to daycare and it was just to short of a notice. A child who is ready for first grade can: While your childs teacher may make the suggestion that your child repeat kindergarten, its up to you, the parent, to make the final decision. Is this fact likely to upset him a great deal? These test results were always provided in graph format. ALL kids can learn to read the Orton Gillingham method. No wonder you feel insecure about doing what is obviously the right thing for your son. But now he should be able to keep up with his friends in the work theyre doing in kindergarten. He has emotional issues, is not matured, does well with younger kids as is, and just has not yet developed emotionally where he should be for his age. They also were 3.3 percent more likely to graduate from . The teacher say I am setting him up for failure if I dont. In June 1993, my kindergarten teacher recommended both of us to repeat Kindergarten, and our parents agreed to do that. You may be right that the primary problem is an inexperienced teacher. Children with personal problems can't focus on school. You can find out the exact first grade requirements in your state by writing to your local Department of Education. Thread starter katie111; Start date May 30, 2013; K. katie111 DIS Veteran. Following that advice, my parents moved us to a private school that went through 8th grade. All in all we just think its not right move for him to move up, but we are struggling mostly with how he will react when he sees that all his buddies are in a different class and hes not able to interact with them the same way he used to. I've done a lot of research and it's the general consensus that grade . . She explained that he was frustrated by and uninterested in just about everything the class did a red flag that something was amiss. She has been a regular education classroom teacher, a consultant teacher/resource teacher, an educational evaluator/diagnostician, and has also taught graduate students at the university level. This is not about how smart or good or "normal" your child is. I know that my oldest was not required to read at this level until she was in 1st grade. It's hard to hear but if you trust the school, trust the teachers. That said, its important to note that learning disabilities may not even be diagnosed until the child goes to grade school. But there is very little out there about holding a child back in kindergarten to wait another year before starting first grade. My kindergarteners are required to be able to read a level C book to move on to first grade. It's about how developmentally ready he or she is for first grade at this moment in time -- and children will reach their milestones when they're ready. At first he loved reading our books and felt very important that he could read, but since January that has become a fight to get him to read. We found we had good results at home. Take a closer look at the immature behavior and see if you pick up on patterns. Andrew mined two large data sets in a way no researcher has done before and concludes that kids who repeat a year between kindergarten and fifth grade are 60 percent less likely to graduate high school than kids with similar backgrounds, and even . The teacher cant get him past level B, but Ive helped him with level C and D books before. Talking honestly but sensitively about their behavior is one way to start. For more parenting tips and tricks, find us on Pinterest: Are you a writer, expert, or influencer? Redshirting is the practice of postponing entrance into kindergarten of age-eligible children in order to allow extra time for socioemotional, intellectual, or physical growth. While lots of schools still have a primarily play-based curriculum and relaxed standards, more and more have implemented a more academic approach to kindergarten, not only to get young children better prepared for first grade, when reading and math really take off, but also in an effort to meet increasingly objective and consequential government standards. What's more, kindergartners can range in age from 4 to 6 because about 5 percent of kids repeat the year and another 7 percent wait a year before starting, according to the latest figures from the National Center for Educational Statistics. Because children develop at such different rates and the kindergarten age span can run from 4 to 6, there is a tremendous range in social, physical and cognitive development. So, if a child's birthday falls into dates . My 5 year old has math, reading, and spelling homework now. As a speech language pathologist, I . They are reading sentences and books. This can make them cranky during the day. . Make an effort to understand why the teacher is suggesting retention. Should I trust the professionals or my instincts. Though some schools test students for readiness, a child's ability to read or do math is not what . You may want to seek help from the school in having your child assessed for school readiness. Rather than be upset, it pays to remember that the only thing to think about here is the well-being of your child. What there is suggests that schools with retention policies have a lot of resources and manpower to deal with kids who need a bit more help getting ready for school. But are concerned he will act out if he is bored. Hi, So finally did you decide on this? You can point out how their words or actions made you feel and ask them to be more sensitive in the future . For some children, a bridge class between kindergarten and first grade offers time to grow. Read my reply above. He was always in trouble in kindergarten, had difficulty making and keeping friends, never did homework or classwork, could not focus, did poorly on tests. New research suggests repeating elementary school grades even kindergarten is harmful. So now what should you do? Should you hold your child back from first grade and let her repeat kindergarten? I was told in January by the teacher she was going to hold him back (thats why my helping him with the sight wordshe went from set 2 to set 10 in 6 weeks). There is absolutely no way your best friend with a 6 month old girl has been told her 6 month old is ready for the first grade most babies dont even start walking until 9 months let alone every other thing a child needs to be able to do in 1st grade! End of February 2018 i am in my sons class room speakin with his teacher bout his academics and as she informs me he has reading problems along with speech problems and now all of a sudden needs little more assistance so i explained that i want him to be in a reading/speech class to help keep him on track(my oldest son goes for speech and ready every week) and if she can send home words and reading material he needs more help with to go over each day at home, waiting and calling and writing comments in his planner on where the work is he needs little more improvement with is at doesnt show up home until the last month of school where then same day i get work of his i get a call from his teacher.she goes on about how hes doin wonderful and all of a sudden she says due to his speech difficulty which effects his reading and reading issues she wants to hold him back in same grade! I know it would hurt, but could it also help? Is your child ready for kindergarten? Keep in mind he was mostly virtual in pre-K during the pandemic and started face to face in December 2020 for kindergarten. Kindergarten is not mandatory in California although most children in the state usually enroll. Babies are born with immature immune systems. As the kindergarten year draws to a close, many parents are left worried their child isn't fully prepared to take on 1st grade. "It is up to each district," said Gennie Gorback, president of the California Kindergarten Association, "but I have not heard of any district that is flexible about age requirements for enrollment. "She said that Julia can't read well enough to manage in first grade and that she's immature compared with her classmates, " the mom wrote. In the end, it's impossible to predict how any individual will respond to staying back or moving on -- or even how much progress that child will make in the last months of school or over the summer. (June 5, 2012). Does he like to look at books? He developed stomach aches all the time, even on weekends, which threw us off. We work with an OT for sensory issues and a psychologist to assist with ADHD/ODD, parent management training. Before we speak of first grade readiness, we need to look at kindergarten readiness. Circumstances sometimes dictate that a student should repeat a grade: frequent relocation, excessive absences or long-term illness, for example, may have kept your kindergartener out of the instructional loop for a year. That way youll know for sure, from an expert, if your child has a learning disability of some sort, such as ADHD, which could make it hard to sit still, or dysgraphia, which can make it difficult to write. Same boat here. Some children might suffer from the social stigma of repeating a grade and end up feeling embarrassed and ashamed, leading to a negative self-concept. In most states, a child is not considered ready for first grade until he or she can read simple books. Ask yourself these questions: Lets imagine that you have a child you werent really sure was ready for kindergarten. Me and his dad are leaning towards repeating. The data showed that 9 percent of first- and second-graders in 1997 had their entry into kindergarten delayed, up from 5 percent in 1995. His teacher has to repeat everything to him. Repeating a class may help your kid to be better prepared for his next class. They want him to repeat kindergarten. In the past, repeating a grade was more popular and was typically suggested if a child was viewed as underachieving or unable to cope due to various factors such as social immaturity, long-term absences, long-term illnesses, behavioural or emotional challenges. Kids develop skills at different rates. Rates of development are simply too varied to hang on chronology. Is he good at sharing? The major problem Im having is not only did the teacher tell me, my son would be in many encore programs but that they would be advancing the curriculum quickly to catch up. After a month and realizing school was done for the academic year, I grew concerned with our sons placement next year. Hes always been a very busy boy. He loves school and I would hate to give him the stigma of repeating when it's something he doesn't have control over. Every answer seems wrong! He's doing so much better. You've asked a tough question. The reason? First, you need to remove all of the "you" feelings out of this equation. 6. Teachers don't suggest this because they think it's funny, they do it because they know the child and what's best for it. Kids who are already the oldest in their grade will be almost two years older than the rest of the class. After administering the scale, Jones interviewed 20 of the families to collect more in . Q Even though he had an early August birthday, we started our son in kindergarten at a private Christian school. The lead author of this study, Dr. Mu-Hong Chen said, "Our findings . Marzola is an adjunct assistant professor of education at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Hunter College of the City University of New York. I fear this will really hurt him! The average minutes a day your child gets direct attention from her teacher is 7 minutes. Shes says thats whats holding him back the fact hes not writing like he should. In what state do you teach, Emily? As a teacher, I have seen many students struggle as they are younger and immature compared to their cohort. Think about it this way: if the teacher was asking out of malice for your child, she certainly wouldnt want to have him as her student again. etc. Hes great with a scissors, but doesnt really get along well with other children. That can be frustrating and cause kids to act out. I would love to get your opinion concerning my 5 year old grandson. Not a teacher, but have researched standards. You may want to seek help from the school in having your child assessed for school readiness. Family Education is part of the Sandbox Learning family of educational reference sites for parents, teachers, and students. Hi first time mom with a kindergarten 6 year She also maintains a private practice in the evaluation and teaching of children with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders. It has been a nightmare to get help for them. They expect them to know all upper & lower case letters and sounds by November or they are considered behind. Repeating a grade increases the risk. I am a retired teacher, having taught 43 years, at the primary level and the middle school level. This will be much easier if you're honest, telling your parents you love to spend time with them but unfortunately doing so at their house is a not negotiable. But then again I just cant understand why 1st grade cant help him write his letters perfectly? Before that time, the tests measured the achievement of individual students, and good teachers used the data to plan lessons to reinforce weaker areas. Start . . Even the screening laws are failing these kids. Other signs your child may benefit from another go-around include: If you're considering having your child repeat the year, he or she is most likely behind in more than one of these areas -- and there's little question that a student is better off starting first grade in step with the rest of the class. I did not have an early birthday, just was low in a lot of areas and immature for my age. received feedback from a child's provider or pre-school teacher that your child may be too socially and academically immature to begin kindergarten, carefully consider that advice as well. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Does he know how to compromise and adapt? I think she meant years old not month old., my son is 6 year old the teacher told me he has to repeat kindergarten because he dont want to do his classwork and he does not follow directions what should i do plz help me. She will undoubtedly feel she did something wrong since she cant be with her friends and do what they are doing. Requirements for first grade readiness vary from state to state. Being one of the youngest in the class can play a role. According to 1st grade standards. There are no easy answers when it comes to grade retention, and experts are divided on whether repeating kindergarten is more likely to lead to long-term benefit or deficit. They needed less remediation, and they earned higher grades while enrolled. My preschool teacher should have been aware of that. Anxiety and shyness are surprisingly common in kids. So I told her teacher today that we will work hard with her and that if she isnt eligible to pass that I will be pulling her out of the school system because something isnt right when 3/5 of my children are at risk of failing right now. He may even be ahead of his new classmates. ??? He's well above average academically and he gets along great with the kids, but his teacher wants him to repeat kindergarten because he's socially immature. Grade retention has a negative impact on all areas of a child's achievement (reading, math, and language) and socio-emotional adjustment (peer relationships, self-esteem, problem behaviors and attendance). Sensory issues: Some kids react strongly to sensory information and may get overwhelmed by things like bright lights. The number of infections begins to go down with time. Im so conflicted. It doesnt sound right to me. At this stage, children have passed through toddlerhood and are more mature, socially aware, and willing to interact with peers. Kindergarten is not a fluff arts and crafts grade. Our son repeated pre-k due to his maturity level. "Repeating Kindergarten." I did not know these words at 6, nor could I build and create what he does without my help. He was immature socially and emotionally but was sight reading at 4. You're right that normally repeating the grade is not helpful. Ask about any additional services the school can provide and what you can do at home to help. He or she probably could have used a bit more time before going to kindergarten, but you took a chance. If the problems are ignored and a repeat becomes necessary 3 or 4 years later, that becomes a difficult experience for a child. The kids are expected to write sentences and use inventive spelling (spell phonetically) for words that they havent learned yet. Going back to the blending.. he know all the alphabet and every sound. They can . 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in First Grade, 5 Incredible Things You'll Learn in Kindergarten, a complete disinterest in the kindergarten curriculum, significantly smaller physical size than his or her peers, difficulty handling even slight frustration, Church, Ellen Booth. He has an attention issue. Hes very good with numbers, has a very extensive vocabulary, can spell a lot of his 144 sight words that I taught him because the teachers were not able to help him through them for some reason. He can build master structures with a huge number of plastic blocks of all sizes and do things with triangular and square magnets that are amazing. He was at least even with everything she is doing. This may or may not be related to your child's actual age. Backing up . To sum up, his fine motor skills are good, his pre-reading skills are good, but he may not yet be mature enough for kindergarten. First Trimester To-Do List: Take Care of Yourself. Get that out of your head immediately. My mom refused to have me held back, as there was nothing wrong with my intellect; in fact, I surpassed my peers in reading skills, as I began reading simple words at age 2 1/2- 3 years old and read story books aloud to my Kindergarten class. We just met with the teacher, her aid, the principal and counselor and were told by the teacher she still couldnt recommend him for first grade because of his poor reading skills and comprehension which surprised me because of how he can tell us all about the stories we read! No wonder they seemed so little! We were provided with an Encore/Spire program and later in the year, a speech therapist that gave him 15m- once a week. They might burst into tears when something goes wrong or get clingy when they feel insecure like little kids typically do. If the speech therapist agrees with the teacher, youll know what to do. 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