If Kelly wasnt blushing like mad already, she would be now for sure: You mean here and right now ?. But there were two things that finally broke her; Lena and Crisis. Supercorp Post-finale. The beginning and the end. Please consider turning it on! Lena had died. Problem was Ava was having issues getting him to agree with coming home even going as far as to say she could bring him back after their sires death.GoodReads Author Page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23078997.Randa_Hink. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Except when it came to Kryptonite and her sister. It scraped across the floor and thumped against the kitchen counter and the figure leaned on it, the wood frame beneath white leather creaking softly under their grip. No one is perfect. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Winnara drabbles. Karas sick and tired of going from job to job. Lena flashed out of her office, throwing the door open, and aimed at the intruder's back, gripping the gun steady in both hands, pushing with her strong hand as she pulled with her weak, to keep it from shaking along with the rest of her. So Alex decided to give her sister some time alone, she grabbed Kellys hand and leading her out of the training room in direction to the showers as well, because Alex wasnt going to pass up an opportunity like this and suspected that Kelly wouldnt waste it either. And Sam she's in the middle of two girls who are a mess and she's not sure the band will survive in such a Disasterology. Also if anyone has any Supergirl prompts they would like done I might try them. There are/ will be explicit flashback scenes and other heavy topics. Alex and Kelly were pretty glad that the glass was a one-way mirror and that the door was locked, so no one would seem them being all thirsty and horny about Sam. Spoiler alert: Its a mess. She picks up a book called 48 laws of power and decides shes got nothing to lose. Kara Zor-El suffers from severe abandonment and trust issues which she thought she had under control until all of her loved one slowly slipped away. Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see.". I hope I do this series justice. The Amazonian breaks her rule and takes Lena back to Themyscira, where she discovers Lena's heritage isn't as straight-forward as she thought. Lucy will still be apart of the DEO. So what happens when she realizes the truths she had built were built on a foundation of lies? By now and unlike Sam, Kara was feeling really sore all over her body, her only solace was the fact that Lena would cuddle with her and prepare her a bubble bath later; but on the other hand, it was infuriating that Sam only looked like she had a rather intense gym workout. In a twisted attempt to show her stepdaughter that her feelings for Kara are misplaced, she kidnaps the heroine and subjects her to the influence of red kryptonite in hopes that it would reveal the danger she poses. To save the family he returned for and prevent the future he most fears, he must draw strength from wherever it is found. Maybe they could be each other's clarity. Lena notices Kara's love for animals and decides to study it further as their friendship develops, but what she doesn't expect to learn is Supergirl's love for them too. Lena hates her, and it's all Kara's fault. Lena always chooses poems with such physicality to them. It hurts Lena to see her best friend suffer, after spending years in love with her, all she wants is the well being of her favorite blonde. One Question a Week, Because my DEO Assigned Therapist is Making Me. Back in Storybrooke, Emma's secrets are starting to weigh on her, so she calls for help, inadvertently causing a chain reaction that will forever change all four of their lives. But to be honest, the sounds werent what it was distracting them, the true source of their distraction was actually Sams firm and toned body, barely covered by her skimpy outfit, and on top of that now was glistening from the sweat. When Kara confesses her identity at the award ceremony, she doesn't just stop there. Kara and Lenas ever changing friendship sees them go through good times, bad times, kryptonite, Lex, Kryptonians, betrayal and more. Work Search: Jeremiah had been a good pseudo-father to her. Alex gave her girlfriend a funny look while Kelly started to blush. "Lost my powers. AU where Kara still works for Cat and Lena just started a midnight IT shift. Que senta empata, pero no le importaba. Haba descubierto el que quizs era su miedo, la razn por la que haba fallado la primera vez. There was 99.99% chance that the project wouldn't work and kill whoever was near it when working. Post Canon Oneshot Prompt Fill (Picture inside). Kara groaned and then guided Lenas hand so the bag of ice would be now on the top of her face. Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med) Lena Luthor Kara Danvers Winn Schott Jr. Dani Clayton Jamie Taylor (The Haunting of Bly Manor) Jamie Sawyer (DCU) Esme (Supergirl TV 2015) Kara (Detroit: Become Human) Alice Williams (Detroit: Become Human) Belle (Once Upon a Time) Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold Samantha "Sam" Arias Ava Bekker Kate Whistler Lucy Tara Single mother Kara Danvers, reporter at CatCo, has been looking forward to finally get an interview from Lena Luthor. supergirl fanfiction lena abandons kara. You are so sweaty and sticky, Lena said while she massaged Karas neck with one hand and held the bag of the ice with the other. Haba activado un modo automtico en su cerebro que no saba que tena, y no estaba segura de querer intentar retomar el control de su vida por miedo a arruinarlo. After the Crisis event and Leviathan, Lena Luthor thought her life was starting to stabilize. She hates feeling stupid. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Do you want to break it off? there was no judgment in her voice just pain, heartbreaking and pure pain. Kara knows this.That doesn't make it any easier. The hero and the nobody. Nobody was prepared for the consequences of bringing Kara back. She feels lonelier than ever before on Earth. I think that this was enough for today, Kara finally said while her abdomen still hurt, Or what do you think Alex?. Kara groaned and then asked: Do we have to?. Who will be left standing in the end? Everyone in Karas life knows she listens to their heartbeat to reassure herself that theyre safe, that theyre alive, but what they dont know is that she actively follows the flow of blood through her own cardiovascular system as a way to calm down after a long day of sensory overload. The premise of this story centres around two major conceits or changes from canon (for the most part? Lena is not turning "evil" like she did in the show. The moments after Lena reaches remission from leukemia at fifteen, meets Kara again at twenty-six, and all the little things in between. A couple of minutes later, Lena entered the room with a bag of ice and said: So how is my super trainer doing on her first day?. What would you do if loving your partner was the thing that would kill them? Still clenching the plastic stick. So when they meet again as adults, after Kara transfers into the same program where Lena's doing her surgical residency, neither of them know where to start.OrThe childhood friend's medical au that nobody asked for but everyone needed. Thank you for being such supporting girlfriend, Kara said faking feeling hurt in a very sarcastic tone. Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers Sibling Feels. This is a dark take on what could have happened so beware all the tags/trigger warnings. Are your parents aware youre making conversation with strangers? Lena asks genuinely curious. Why didnt she understand? They had always been clear; she was honest about who she was. Thats what humans do, Kara paused letting the words sink in, And Im better than that, she finished coldly. She and Kara were closer than ever now that they had revealed their secrets. As Kara was lost in her thoughts, Samantha Arias entered the training room to receive her official training session to become a superheroine like Supergirl, after her Worldkiller powers had returned and reactivated to their fullest extent. She's always seen the best in Lenaeven if it felt like she was the only one who did. I would be, Alex shrugged and nodded her head in agreement, And it's okay if you are. Alex replied softly and gently, slowly approaching the Girl of Steel again. Kara, not for the first time since coming to earth as a teenager felt alone - that was until Lena. Sams outfit amounted to being barefoot, tying her hair in a high ponytail, wearing a black sports bra and matching micro shorts, that were so small that she may as well be bikini panties instead for all that they covered her. Sam giggled a little and then said: If anyone needs me, I will be taking a shower. What happened when her trust is broken? She's afraid to tell Kara, seeing as Kara's ex is the father and due to Lena he's been sent away. Cyberlife new secret project was nothing more than scraps and drafts. My what? Alex said before noticing that her bra and the top part of her shorts were visible through the open zipper of the suit. There's been no threatening letters delivered to Lena's office, no escapes from super max prison. Wait? I'll Keep You Out of the Darkness." Working with unrealistically high expectations, abuse and low pay. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10. . A place for professionals within the beauty industry to gather and talk about our trade. Back in Storybrooke, Emma's secrets are starting to weigh on her, so she calls for help, inadvertently causing a chain reaction that will forever change all four of their lives. When she least expects it, Alex connects with Lena Luthor. The entire DEO draws conspiracy theory-like conclusions based off the one question Lucy gets to ask Alex each week, while J'onn watches everything unfold, Alex is mostly annoyed by it, and everyone is unaware that most of them know Kara. Neither of them expect it. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Im not, replied Karachill, and rigidity, permeating her tone. Lena meets two amazing women with impossible abs who help her figure out who she wants to be.Kara works out what all these tingly feelings she has around her best friend are about. Uncategorized. She yelled this same sentence at the top of her lungs for a long time. That was them in another life, another time. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kara and Winn's carelessness leaves Kara's Supergirl identity exposed and computer-genius Lena helps keep it a secret. Kara moves to L Corp. Cat Knows EVERYTHING. Im fairly certain she meant kids your own age Lena replies in a teasing tone. Kara gets Sensory overload, Lena feels like crap. Please feel free to comment but please don't be rude to one another. alexdanvers, commen. Kara groaned and put the bag of ice on top of her face. When Carter visits Catco, all he wants to do is hang out with Kara, but it turns out that Kara is not having a great day herself. Kara had been diagnosed with autism shortly after Kenny Li had died, and shed been forced into some therapy after the time she and Alex (her adoptive sister) had almost gotten hit by a car. One thing she did not have, however, was awareness. Lena knew she wanted to stay with Kara for as long as she would have her, but somehow at that moment she couldnt get any words out. She only wants to bring change to the city, but to do so, she has to be alive. "Are you sure you're okay, Kara?" Alex asked as they slowed to a stop at a red light. Did you two just had sex or something?, Kara asked while she rubbed the ice bag on her sore neck. This is my first time on here as a writer but I love reading other stories. In the sequel to Origins, the Knight is in for the fight of his life against an ancient enemy never vanquished. Read This is Worse Than We Thought from the story Once Upon A Solar Flare- A Supergirl Fanfic (COMPLETED) by Katie-MD (Kay) with 487 reads. It seems a similar feeling to the time she saved that plane, a complete body and soul relief that she was able to be who she truly wants to be. Those three little words alter everything. Also, Kara is a trans woman. Podr Kara seguir adelante an con el recuerdo de lo perdido? Im not thinking this story will be super long, but well see. Before leaving the training room, Sam winked at Alex and Kelly with a knowing and rather alluring smile. A Daxamite and a Kryptonian. Kara is about to celebrate her twenty eighth birthday, a culturally significant day for Kryptonians, when a message comes through from the Kryptonian council that discourages those off Argo from preforming religious rituals. kara known as supergirl sacraficed being with mon-el to save earth. And the thing was that she couldnt back out of this, well, she technically could, but then no one close to her, not even Lucy, would let her live this one down. Yeah, I was surprised too, her preference for clothes that arent skintight helps her hide her beautiful muscles that could crush my bones like if they were made of talc, Alex momentarily zoned off. Instead, she and Kara both revert further into the darkest parts of themselves. Regina's story wasn't as black and white as Henry's book made it seem. The Writing Server is where I found the prompt to this story. In the meantime, Lena Luthor is attacked and left for dead during a business trip, only to be rescued by Wonder Woman. My moms at work, and isn't that how you make friends? She asks with a tilt of her head. This story starts with a plane crash and ends with a Kryptonian engagement. they talk it out. What they were. Work Search: Share knowledge, show off your work, gather advice, and teach us a new technique. Yeah, but you are gym sweaty, meanwhile Im stopped-an-asteroid-from-impacting-the-planet sweaty, Kara said as she winced at feeling Lenas fingers trying to relax her neck muscles. And for Kara and Lena, their journey has just begun. J'onn has been swamped at the DEO and hardly has any time for anything else. Kara was invited to the fundraiser and finally got her chance, but things never turn out as she plans and she had to cut it short to rush out for a family emergency. 42 guests If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. --Amanda Lovelace. She doesnt know how to open Lenas brand new dishwasher without ripping the handle apart. Kara Danvers es un Alfa que lleg a los 14 aos de edad a la tierra, a sus 16 se emparej con un Omega llamado Kenny Li quien muri meses despus junto a la cra de Kara. There are several changes from canon such as Kara being a veterinarian student, Lena being the one to build Supergirls supersuit, Supergirl openly endorsing L-Corp, Lena studying Kryptonian, L-Corp being the global leader in green energy because of Lena, and more. This will kind of be my own spin on the different shows.But I want to make this my story, how I want it to be and how I thought the episodes should have gone. They had always been clear; she was honest about who she was. Please consider turning it on! So why has it been seven months for Kara? Really? Kelly said smiling for the first time since this conversation started. Everyone makes mistakes. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Alex meant everything to her. When a storm passes across National City, Lena Luthor thinks little about it. Kara Danvers est rota, es un alma solitaria que ha perdido el rumbo y no logra ver ms all de la oscuridad. Browse; Paid Stories; Editor's Picks; The Wattys; Adventure; Contemporary Lit; Diverse Lit; Fanfiction; Fantasy; Historical Fiction; Horror; Humor; LGBTQ+; Mystery; New Adult . Lena hates her. "I don't know how much damage was done. That's all Kara can think as she sits pitifully on the floor in the Fortress, her words from earlier looping over and over inside her head. No, you dont.. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. After reading Karas journal, Red Daughter grows suspicious about Lex and curious about Lena, and decides to stay in National City. One consumed by grief and the other inspired by hope. Click the link and find out. Ava was not one of those, when she had been here two years ago on her first visit, she found it to be mind-numbingly boring and humans to be not only weak but quite unbearable. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (3), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (5), Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl (4), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Baelfire | Neal Cassidy is Not Henry Mills's Parent, Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, They Will Feel Their Trauma In Full Force, Kara Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Alex Danvers & J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event (CW DC TV Universe), Kelly Olsen Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Alternate Version Of Crisis On Infinite Earths, Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Being an Asshole, Mon-El (Supergirl TV 2015) Not Being an Asshole, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s) not endgame, Kara Danvers/Original Character(s) for a short period of time. Why isn't she healing?" He asked before looking at Cat and saying. I mean, she's probably not allergic to pretty ladies, right? As if Karas heart wasnt getting any weaker every minute from the kryptonite exposure. Will Kara be able to break through her walls? about 1 month. she screamed a few times. Kara lives in Midvale with her sister Alex. Sitting down slowly. So exhausted, the detective lowers herself down onto the mahogany park bench thatd had the audacity to survive the whole ordeal, and asks the question. ", "Oh my Rao! Lena Luthor has no friends. So here they were; sitting on the cold floor, squeezed against each other, talking as if they werent being held by some lunatic. what a waste to say the heart could feel apart, Kara Danvers & Original Female Character(s), It's gonna be a little sad sometimes because Kara is a little sad, affectionately called the alien activist au or a2au, Cat Grant Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Cat Grant & Kara Danvers friendship is awesome. 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supergirl fanfiction kara hides injury