Around fifty Generation 1 episodes from seasons 1 to 3 of The Transformers were chosen and, as the show's narrator proudly proclaimed, "computer-enhanced" with the "Cyber-Net Space-Cube" - a gimmick that essentially consisted of inserting new, computer-generated borders and scene-changes into the existing episodes. While the Autobot's presence is not known among the general population, the United States government is aware of their presence and cooperates with them. Currently you are able to watch "Transformers: Animated" streaming on The Roku Channel, Tubi TV, Pluto TV for free with ads or buy it as download on Google Play Movies. Concluding with the restoration of Cybertron's Golden Age, the Decepticons stole the final scene of the series to prove that their threat still lingered. The opening theme, "TRANSFORMERS EVO. Many of the characters were upgraded into new "Transmetal" forms, and the conflict reached a new level with an exceptionally tightly-plotted story arc that included the revelation that the planet was Earth, the death of Dinobot and more alien conflicts. Rather than import The Rebirth as a conclusion, Takara, the Japanese producers of the Transformers toyline, opted instead to continue the Generation 1 universe by creating the full-length 35-episode series, Transformers: The Headmasters (two additional clips episodes were produced after the fact for direct-to-video release). Welcome to Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki. This necessitated the character known as Ironhide in the English version to be renamed "Armorhide". As a result of the ensuing battle, Megatron and the Autobots crash land on Earth, while the other Decepticons are scattered through space. Among the more prominent-. She soon runs into her father, Prof. Sumdac, yawning and blinking unevenly. Running to 42 episodes, Super-God Masterforce had six additional clip episodes made after the fact for video release, one of which, serving as an overview of the series, was selected to be broadcast as the 43rd and final episode of the series. The second season of the show dove headlong into the storyline, with Megatron body-swapping repeatedly, and the concept of the show allowing for such left-field creations as an entirely organic Transformer that changed from beast to beast, and a Maximal who transformed into a plant. Running to 30 episodes, the third season ended with the two-part The Return of Optimus Prime, bringing the legendary Autobot leader back to life. Even after the conclusion of Beast Wars II, there was still some time to go before the North American series had generated enough episodes to be aired in Japan, and the 35-episode Beast Wars Neo was produced to fill the 1998 gap. A companion comic book was included with the Japanese DVD releases of the series titled Linkage, which focused on the side story of a group of Mini-Cons whose adventures happened concurrently with the animated series. I don't think so. Transformers: Combiner Wars is an Internet-based animated series, based on the G1-centric toyline of the same name, and created by Machinima, Inc. in partnership with Hasbro for the go90 streaming media format from Verizon. In addition, the strength of the showing helped lift the ratings of all its neighboring shows in Cartoon Network's "Dynamite Action" scheduling block. For instance, "Sound and Fury" was broadcast as the fourth episode rather than the seventh. She looks up to us.Bumblebee: Hello, she looks up to everybody.Sari: HEY! Meanwhile, Zarak replaced Galvatron - who had vanished in the explosion - as Decepticon leader, constructing a personal Transtector so that he could battle Fortress's own giant form, Fortress Maximus, and redubbing himself Scorponok. The return to Earth was no less momentous, as the Decepticon ninja six-changer Sixshot killed Ultra Magnus, and the Autobot Headmasters finished off Galvatron. This is issue 2of our rejected Transformers: REANIMATED comic series. The arrival of a Decepticon in battle is a big deal, requiring multiple Autobots working together to stop even a single one. ), and was the first Transformers series to feature David Kaye in which he didn't voice Megatron. Transformers Animated is one of several animated television infomercial series marketing the Transformers toy line to children. (37-mb MP3 Download) This is issue 4of our rejected Transformers: REANIMATED comic series. "You aremy partner-in-crime. Attack of the 4000-foot Frenzy, Part 1 is our first of a 2 part story arc. Ratchet sends a groundbridge to Detroit not knowing that somewhere in the distant future there would again be Autobots in that precise spot! (56-MB MP3 Download)YouTube Version! The cartoon was produced by Cartoon Network, scripted in the United States, with character and background designs by the crews behind shows like Teen Titans and Ben 10, while animation was provided by Japanese studios Mook, The Answer Studio, Studio 4C, Barnum Studio and Diomedea. But, out in the void of space, the damaged, deactivated body of Unicron now serves the staging base of the deranged alien being Alpha Q, who sends armies of robotic Terrorcons to steal Energon for his own purposes. Blurr is a major character in Transformers Animated. Beast Machines writer Marty Isenberg returned to Transformers as the story editor/head writer for this series, and it is voice-directed by Susan Blu, the original voice of G1 Arcee, who will be voicing the character again in this series. We're supposed to be the fun bots, remember?Bulkhead: Yeah, but we still gotta set a good example. 47.5K 897 19. Bumblebee: You ROCK!Sari: No, YOU rock!Bumblebee: No, YOU rock!Sari: No, YOU rock!Bumblebee: I said YOU rock!Sari: I said YOU rock!Bumblebee: YOU rock!Sari: YOU rock! Cybertron's English language adaptation flouts Unicron Trilogy convention by being competently produced. [Ratchet and Prime are communicating with Prowl and Bulkhead over the radio]Ratchet: Prowl, any sign of the Dinobots?Prowl: Negative, Ratchet. The aforementioned ability of the series to carry on story arcs for multiple episodes and, in many cases, for an entire season also lends itself to enjoyment by older viewers. Porter C. Powell is a booger-head. To someplace called 'Five Banners Roller Coaster Kingdom'. As in they race in the streets and don't care who gets hurt.Bulkhead: That's not what Sari told me.Optimus: What purpose does this street race serve?Fanzone: Eh, what else? Don't you humans have anything better to do? It aired from November 14, 2017 to January 9, 2018 and features Peter Cullen and Judd Nelson as Optimus Prime and Hot Rod, reprising their respective characters from The Transformers 30 years previous.[8]. We are releasing it here as fan fiction. [Wreck-Gar places a Decepticon badge on his chest]Lugnut: Aah, ALL HAIL MEGATRON!Wreck-Gar: All hail Megatron! This link proved key to the third and final season in 1998, running to another 13 episodes, in which the Maximals had to defend their past and future against Megatron's attempts to alter history. On the following pages you soon find transcripts for Animated. [6] A second season titled Q Transformers: Saranaru Ninkimono e no Michi ( ) premiered in Japan on July 6, 2015. And words. Words were written by Greig Tansley from theUnfunny Nerd Tangent Podcastand me (Yoshi), from theYoshiCastandTransMissions Podcast. Art director/lead character designer Derrick J Wyatt (Teen Titans, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Legion of Super Heroes) has created a "brand new look" unlike anything seen in Transformers before. The series focuses on Hot Shot, Whirl, Hoist, Medix and Wedge, five young Cybertronians who enroll as the first students of the Rescue Bots Training Center, where they learn from the now-famous original Rescue Bots how to respond in emergency situations and become true heroes. ", "Welcome to Sumdac Tower. In particular, many fears were alleviated with the airing of "The Thrill of the Hunt", which involved Ratchet savagely beating Lockdown for revenge, Ratchet coping with the loss of Arcee's memories, and a look at the horrors of war. Energon is the emanation of Primus, the creator of the Transformers, and it functions in transformers as blood does in humans. Here it is! !Mixmaster: My name ain't "cement-breath", okay? Mini-Cons can "powerlink" to larger Transformers, increasing their powers, and consequently became a sought-after commodity in the war between the Autobots and Decepticons. Thanks to the schemes of the mysterious, allegiance-shifting Sideways, the weapons are formed and constantly shift hands, until, through manipulation of the self-doubting Starscream, all three are finally within Decepticon hands. Now that they are involved, the Autobots take it upon themselves to protect them. A special agent named William Fowler often communicates with the Autobots directly. Transformers: Combiner Wars is an Internet-based animated series, based on the G1-centric toyline of the same name, and created by Machinima, Inc. in partnership with Hasbro for the go90 streaming media format from Verizon. The series eschews the ever-continuing space opera storylines of the Unicron Trilogy cartoons to return to the episodic approach of Beast Wars; most episodes are standalone stories, but with larger story arcs that stretch through the whole series. The trend continued into the second story arc, which introduced RiD's version of the Decepticons - redecos of the G1 Combaticons and G2 "Laser Optimus Prime" toy - and Optimus Prime's bitter brother, Ultra Magnus. I allowed you to capture these clones to fulfill my plan to eliminate you all! The show's supervising director is Matt Youngberg (Teen Titans, The Batman), with Cartoon Network vice-president Sam Register as executive producer and Vincent Aniceto as line producer. Season three and four episodes after Five Faces of Darkness are reviewed by Blackjack. Even the star player needs backup sometimes. Renamed Transformers: Robots in Disguise (regularly referred to with the acronym of RiD by fans) the series stands alone, unconnected to any of the previous continuities as a complete, self-contained universe. Concluding in Japan at the end of 2005, the series ran throughout 2006 in Hasbro markets, and once again, Takara had no animated product on Japanese screens for that year. Opening in a manner similar to Beast Wars, the series takes place centuries after the end of the Autobot-Decepticon war, and centers on a small group of Autobots voyaging through space on missions. However, the sudden re-appearance of their formerly-defeated Decepticon counterparts, now in the service of the mysterious energy entity Devil Z, means that the Autobots must drop their disguises and return to battle once more. Through the power of these weapons, the ancient evil, Unicron is reawakened, as the mysteries of the show, the origins of the Mini-Cons and the nature of the Transformers' war are explored in a final story arc entitled "The Unicron Battles.". This is the transcript for Ryan's Adventures of Transformers: Animated - Endgame. The 42 main episodes received the same dub treatment as The Headmasters, but the dubbed version of the series was not included on the UK DVD release of the series in July 2006. I was gonna ask the doc-bot to do it for me.Ratchet: Have you got your processor up your exhaust port? In addition to drawing on and re-imagining familiar elements from Generation 1, such as the Matrix of Leadership, Armada's defining trait was the introduction of a third faction of Transformers - the diminutive robots known as Mini-Cons (the eponymous "Microns" in Japan). Optimus: You should have called us sooner. Its also up on Apple Podcasts, Google Play and most other podcast feeders. Both, however, share the same basic plot. I will destroy the whole city! Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy is the sequel series to Transformers: Rescue Bots, aimed at a younger audience than its predecessor. Most notably, their ranks include Ginrai, a character based on the Powermaster version of Optimus Prime, reinvented as a Japanese trucker, and the Japanese-exclusive character, Decepticon ambassador of destruction Overlord. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. Transformers: Robots in Disguise is a sequel series to Transformers: Prime, and it ran from March 14, 2015 to November 11, 2017. The Autobots of Energon are empowered with the "Spark of Combination", which allows them to link their bodies together in various configurations - a power that gives the series its Japanese title, Transformers: Superlink - while the Decepticons possess "hyper modes" with excesses of weaponry. With line art and colors provided by comic book artist Damon Batt. "It's my private blend.". They like me. Most conspicuously, it has many parallels to Generation 1 character designs, personalities, and major characteristics; Arcee, Shockwave and Blurr are even voiced by the same voice actors as their G1 analogues. "And I like a girl who takes it slow. Hasbro also carried over some design elements from the live-action movie into Animated designs, including not just the aforementioned cube but also Ratchet's medical readout striped deco, Bumblebee's black racing stripe, and Megatron's helmet. Welcome to Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki. ", is performed by JAM Project (single available on April 21, 2010), while the ending theme, "Axel Transformers", is performed by Rey (single available on May 12, 2010). It's been stellar cycles. Just call me "Mix".Scrapper: All right, you got it, Mix. Starscream (Animated) Starscream (, Sutsukurmu) is easily as accomplished, powerful and deserving of leadership as Megatron. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Scrapper: So, uh, what do we do now?Mixmaster: Duh, we, like, build things. Megatron injects himself with Dark energon in order to gain control over it and become stronger. Transformers: Animated is an American superhero animated television series based on the Transformers toy line.It was produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Hasbro Entertainment and animated by The Answer Studio, Mook Animation, and Studio 4C (shorts). The series concluded with a drawn-out battle between Primal and Megatron, which ultimately concluded with their deaths, allowing the planet-wide reformatting of Cybertron into a technorganic paradise. They wake up 50 years later in a world where robots are used in everyday life. Eventually, however, the Mini-Cons fled Cybertron in a starship, which warped into the Solar system and crashed on Earth. With the help of his friend, Windblade, they will encounter challenges to recover Bumblebee's memory. You may wish to create or login to an account in order to have full editing access to this wiki. It's a mystical bond between man and machine. Although frequently used to simply refer to the original 1984-1991 marvel comic series, 1984-1987 animated series, the term encompasses all Transformers fiction from 1984 to 1992. [A red car speeds by.] transformers. Victory also received the "StarTV dub" treatment - when the three Japanese series were broadcast on StarTV, it was under the umbrella title of "Transformers Takara", and all three were branded with Victory's opening sequence. When a group of rebellious Headmasters led by Zarak joined with Galvatron's Decepticons in an attack on Cybertron, the Autobot Headmasters, led by Fortress returned to their home planet to aid in its defense. Fans gradually warmed up to the show's superhero-inspired art style over time as well. As controversial as Beast Wars started out, it was nothing compared to the controversy that would result from the infamous Beast Machines. On July 5, 2011, Shout! Up to three minutes of content was edited out from every episode in order to accommodate longer title and credits sequences as well as new bookending live-action segments featuring the Otoboto family. This video does not perfectly fit into the continuity of the American series due to its different origin story for Trypticon (known as Dinosaurer in the Japanese version). ", This page has been listed as needing cleanup since,, Slo Mo ("S.U.V.- Society of Ultimate Villainy"), Professor Princess ("Survival of the Fittest" and "Society of Ultimate Villainy"), Prometheus Black/Meltdown (Seasons 1 and 2). I dare to be stupid! Completed. "Well, whaddaya know. Penned by regular series writer David Wise (who had previously written several of the series' mythology-building episodes), this finale story introduced the Headmasters and Targetmasters, as well as several other characters. You're doing it too!Scrapper: Uh, we couldn't do that before, right?.Mixmaster: What, talk, think, move by ourselves? But this is only the beginning of the most unusual Transformer war yet - as the battle escalates, human beings themselves take sides, and, imbued with the power of the "Masterforce", merge with Transtectors sent to Earth by the Autobots in space to become Transformers themselves as the "Headmaster Juniors". It featured a number of character deaths (including two of the core cast), vicious assault and several storylines which dealt with more mature themes. I just need to probe a little deeper. Reading Key: Italics means that the dialogue is spoken in a foreign language and is translated. Three seasons, dubbed "Chapters", were released, in conjunction with the eponymous toyline: Siege, Earthrise and Kingdom, accumulating to a total of 18 episodes.[10]. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. When the Transformers: Generation 2 toyline fully launched in 1993, it began with a small collection of original Generation 1 toys, redecoed in various ways, and equipped with ostentatious new gimmicks such as electronic sound boxes and large, firing missile launchers. Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, Beast Wars II: Super Life-Form Transformers, Super Life-Form Transformers: Beast Wars Neo, Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 TV series), "Transformers DVD news: Hasbro reacquired rights to Sunbow Properties", "Hasbro to Launch 'Transformers: Robots in Disguise' in Spring 2015 - Variety", "1986 Game Transformers: Mystery of Convoy Gets TV Anime", "Q Transformers TV Anime's Opening Sequence Streamed with OLDCODEX", " - animate Resources and Information", Transformers: Titans Return Series Casts Peter Cullen, Judd Nelson, Wil Wheaton, "Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy: Siege Hits Netflix This July", "Nick, Paramount+ Set 'Transformers: EarthSpark' Premiere and NYCC Plans",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2016, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 22:38. Lugnut: Are you an Autobot?Wreck-Gar: I am Wreck-Gar! This also happens to be the same exact timeslot that the last Transformers cartoon to air in Japan, Galaxy Force, had. The Decepticons have appeared in Detroit, and it's up to the Autobots to stop Megatron and his evil plans! It aired from May 1, 2018 to July 3, 2018. Taking place in an unspecified amount of time after the events of Super-God Masterforce (there is a common misconception that the series takes place in 2025), 1989's Transformers: Victory is the third Japanese-exclusive series, the final complete Generation 1 cartoon. You look like you've seen a ghost. (37-mb MP3 Download) This is issue 4 of our rejected Transformers: REANIMATED comic series. Naturally, we thought that recording ourselves reading out issue 1 and tossing it up would be useful for those of you who have not, Yesterday was amazing, you guys! Produced by Canadian animation house Mainframe Entertainment, the computer-animated show was unlike any Transformers cartoons before it, both visually and in terms of story. Transformers: Cybertron is the anomaly of the Unicron Trilogy universe. Japan Equivalent: Animated (Japan) After the massive success of the Transformers Movie line, Hasbro had to switch gears to a regular cartoon-based series in 2008, until the Hollywood sequels could be delivered.The resulting partnership with Cartoon Network created a different breed of series - toys designed after the cartoon, instead of the other way around: Transformers Animated. 1986 marked a huge change for The Transformers with the summer screening of The Transformers: The Movie, which jumped the action forward in time twenty years to the then-future of 2005 and pitted both the Autobots and Decepticons against the menace of the giant planet-eating robot, Unicron. The revolution begins now! [Mixmaster transforms to robot mode] These 65 episodes were exported to Japan in the same year, where their airing order was rearranged and the series was broadcast under the title of Fight! I have had enough of this dipstick-in-the-mud! The series tackled the heavy philosophical concept of what it meant to live in an increasingly technological society, running to 26 episodes over two seasons, though in its native Canada, the show was aired simply in one long 26-episode run. Of the 38 episodes of Victory broadcast, six are clip episodes containing no new footage, leaving 32 main episodes, which comprise the DVD collection released in the United Kingdom in September 2006. In contrast to The Headmasters and Super-God Masterforce, both of which had an over-arcing plot direction, the majority of Victory is directionless, returning to the episodic adventure tradition of the original American series which culminates in the much-threatened attack of Deszaras's planet-destroying fortress. With the original show's conclusion in 1987, original series exclusive to Japan were created which ran until 1990, and the franchise was later re-imagined with the fully CGI Beast Wars in the late 1990s. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title., Transformers: REANIMATED Issue 1: A White House For Peace, Transformers: ReAnimated Issue 43, Insecticons Deluxe, Part 2, Transformers: ReAnimated Issue 43, Insecticons Deluxe, Part 1, Transformers: ReAnimated issue 42, The Niter Slave Mines. Mixmaster: Yo, Scrapper! Still cel-animated and ostensibly even more light-hearted than Beast Wars II, this series introduced Big Convoy and Magmatron, new Maximal and Predacon leaders, the former in search of the missing Lio Convoy, the latter questing for the capsule that Lio Convoy had sealed the Angolmois Energy into at the conclusion of the previous series. The show uses elements and characters across all eras of the franchise, specifically G1, Animated, Aligned and the live-action films continuities. The core Autobot team is led by Optimus Prime (voiced by David Kaye, famous for voicing the Megatrons of the Beast Era and Unicron Trilogy) and consists of the speedy, wise-cracking Bumblebee; gentle giant Bulkhead; aged, ornery medic Ratchet; and loner ninja Prowl. ), (More sparks made by Sari's key shot from the door into the room, stricking the robot head, which activates), (A display shows Megatron, online again, looking around inside Prof. Sumdac's lab. No, please! Son, I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them. 258 Stories. ", "Negatronic force field emitter. While mostly a scattershot affair of episodic stories, the first season of Beast Wars focused heavily on characterisation, endowing its cast with consistent, developing personalities and naturalistic voice acting that brought the show to life. 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transformers animated transcript