Mine has been pretty regular for a few weeks. like a cell phone. Hyperthyroidism can mimic other health problems, which can make it difficult for your doctor to diagnose. My doctors just kind of look at me and have no clue. What can cause pain in the diaphragm area? I can be sitting or walking. It has never gone on so long before. I'm still not convinced but I figure if I've survived this long with it then it can't be as serious as I may think it is. making a loop for the electrons to travel that includes one part that's just metal. To make an appointment with Dr. Vijayaraman or another heart rhythm specialist at Geisinger, visit Geisinger.org or call 800-275-6401. Did this turn out to be aortic regurgitation problem for you? Not impressed and has left me with little trust in the medical staff. Breathing exercises might also help calm diaphragm muscle spasms. So far every thing has looked good. Have you looked into hyperThyroidism? If we combine this information with your protected I've searched so much for what this could be and all I have gotten is sites like this where people put up posts. Last week several times I caught myself checking for the department phone as I was certain it was vibrating. A diaphragmatic flutter is a specific condition that involves unusual movements in the abdominal wall and breathing difficulty. This content does not have an Arabic version. Explore it using a mouse or touchscreen. When it happens, it may happen several times in the same day. Did you get the results back from the CT. angiogram? Does anyone have any definite answers to this problem? I can believe the muscle spasm, as I have suffered from them throughout my back since I was 14, just turned 40. Mayo Clinic is a not-for-profit organization. I can't afford to go get tests done, so for anyone who is waiting for test results or anyone who gets more info, please post! A diaphragm spasm is a sudden, involuntary contraction that can cause pain and tightness in the chest or upper abdominal area. Doctors treat hiatal hernias in different ways, depending on their severity. If they are bothersome, a doctor may recommend antiseizure or other medications. Occasionally, a patient will be diagnosed with AFib during a routine checkup, notes Dr. Vijayaraman. Thank you all for the posts, they really make me feel not so alone, all others and especially doctors think Im just stressed. The chest muscles are one of the areas known to vibrate and can take 20min or more to calm and get everything back to normal. Three days now on right side under the breast. Had several consultations with my cardiologist and all the tests over that time because I felt there was a problem. Saying all is well. It happens when the upper chambers of the heart are out of sync with the lower chambers. Some of these conditions are a cause of concern, while others may resolve on their. Glad to know I am not alone. What's unusual is that your heart rate is a little low. I also experienced nausea and ended up losing 25 pounds in 5 months. It literally feels like someone is intentionally doing this to hurt me. On silent of course! Come on. I have been experiencing similar symptoms. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. S.B . My need to wake and find an anti acid at night has increased a bit with each passing year. I can only feel/(?hear) these if all is quiet. If this doesnt do it, make sure you go in to a chec - that might also be associated. I,m a 47 year old active female. Your systems are very close to Mine Just found thishttp://www.healio.com/cardiology/learn-the-heart/cardiology-review/aortic-regurgitation. In some cases, the additional pressure from a stitch can trigger a diaphragm spasm. Any updates? I had the vibrating feeling a few times a few years ago and I'm convinced it was stress related (I was struggling to come to terms with my diagnosis). It is often a symptom of another condition, such as: Symptoms include bubbling in the chest, cough, and shortness of breath. Atrial fibrillation is an irregular heartbeat, often one that is faster than normal. I recently discovered that it feels like a continuous rapid pulsating sensation on the left side of the neck, most clearly felt when laying on the back and turning the head to the left side. Try modifying your diet, exercise daily and sleep well. what could this be? Inflammation around the heart can sometimes be heard with a stethoscope and sounds like rubbing your hair betwee Ringing or buzzing in the ears is called tinnitus. (The vibration might just be a stronger version of the pulsing. Hopefully it will go away, or I will gradually lose focus on it. Hi there, I also felt like my stomach could be involved, although it doesnt hurt at all. The usual treatments for GERD and heartburn are medications and lifestyle changes. I started to see a cardiologist for a diffent reason. Im 35 with no diagnosed heart issues but atenolol is the only thing that helps and no one can tell me why this happening. Will keep everyone posted. Once we landed, I felt normal again. I have this aspect similar to you. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Have you done that before? I know it's too much cause it creates problems with my sleep. It goes after I get up and go to the loo, for instance. This is probably a feeling from the muscles on your chest. Wondering what it means? i can see the vibration happening. In cases when symptoms are minimal, it can help to eat smaller, more frequent meals, or to take medication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. That does sound plausible. I am 76 and have had the sensation of a cell phone on vibrate in left side of chest, above heart, on and off, for years. I am surprised that there are seemingly not many solutions. I also get Hemifacial spasms in my face. So a lot of people are mentioning a feeling like vibrating of a mobile phone in their chest, which one of your cut and pasted symptoms listed sounds like that? If not I would certainly insist on a 30-day monitor. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. He keeps telling me its anxiety. For some people, AFib lasts a few days at a time and their heartbeat returns to normal. Maybe that was the brain telling the stomach to get ready for digestion. Could this be stress related? Heart palpitations (pal-pih-TAY-shuns) are feelings of having a fast-beating, fluttering or pounding heart. My fitbit records a steady (50-60bpm) pulse while this is going on. A malfunction in the electrical system of the heart makes the upper chambers of the heart (called the atria) beat so quickly that they twitch or skip beats. did the vibration end up being heart related? No pain. I understand what you mean when you say 'phantom vibration', which makes me think it isn't heart related. It is not related to breathing, and it's not palpitations, have had those before and even happens between breaths. I have these similar symptoms. I'm currently wearing a holter monitor and very interested to see if they could tell anything about when it happens. When they breathe out, it relaxes again to help push carbon dioxide out of the lungs. I previously thought it was tachycardia but my pulse is normal during the vibration sensation so I can only assume it's muscular. It is rare and doctors do not yet know why it happens. May be this is the reason. I kept telling them I didnt feel like anything wad actually wrong with my heart. Just wanted to throw that out there because I know how scary it is. Mine has not. long vibrations. i feel tired can you help me? I have high blood pressure and acid reflux. Because I can be really unwell for hours or even a day, I found that taking capsules with cayenne, turmeric and drinking much water helps me to recover fast. I have had something like this at points in my medical history so I do know what it is. They did a few EKGs, some blood work and a 24 hour holter monitor. It's goes for hours, vibrating for a few seconds then stopping. Has anyone associated this effect to caffeine? Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. Has anyone else experienced this? Vibrating/shiver in the left part of the chest. I'm going to use my vibrating massager there and see if it dislodges something. I started feeling a constant vibration in my heart and it is still vibrating. Thanks- M. I have been feeling the same sensation in my left chest, a very slight vibrating feeling that lasts a few seconds and then comes back every once in a while. This began with me about 14 days ago. what is this? Take care of yourself ya,ll! The physical vibration is quite real. I have no shortness of breath with it. A year ago I started getting vibrations in the bowels and down the left leg particularly after a walk. Sometimes it stops if I roll over but will start up again. Im at a loss what to do now, but I feel something is really wrong in my chest. What can cause chest pain while breathing? I appreciate any information you can share. When I move I can somewhat stop it but its so anxiety provoking which Im sure doesnt help. There is something called 'muscle fasciculation' (you can google it), in which various fibers of a muscle, or the whole muscle, will get into a fit of twitching. I, too, have experienced this sensation in the last couple days (and I'm glad to have found your posts! Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. You definitely think you're heart is the problem which makes you feel even more nervous and that causes more spasms. I was getting up around 4.00am there for a while, and it seemed to get going pretty strongly around that time. Symptoms include: Some people may also notice a bubbling feeling in the chest. I'm 65 and have been having the exact same vibrations in my upper left chest for a few weeks now and yesit feels exactly like a cell phone vibrating. What I do know is my vibration is triggered or made worse alcohol. Now I have it non stop but if I have alcohol it is 100 times worse and I don't sleep all night due to the pounding in the chest. I just got the vibrations now i can feel it while typing this. Has anyone gotten an exact and true diagnosis as to the cause????? Until November. I am 24 years old and have no health problems.. but recently i started going gym. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. I remember what she said and did the stretching exercise and it stopped. For the past few months i feel periodic vibrations over my heart which are similar, though much weaker, than the vibration setting on my phone. Hi amanrauniyar - I haven't had a concrete answer, although I think wilsond may be on the right lines. I plan to come back here with any updates as I appreciate that many of you have! I feel vibration inside me.it is slight it is mostly when i wake up but not always. i have it too , some times i look to see if my cell phone is in my breast, pocket like you guys , it really has just started happening last year. Also, havent been sleeping great the past year and have been hearing a humming noise. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. 46 healthy sporty female, never had any heart problems, no medications at all. I tried to be very conscious of it last night before I moved. Can be treated by ablation with better success than our Fib. (I have made an appointment for today to hopefully find out what my condition is. I experience something that sounds like what you (and many others) have described. We avoid using tertiary references. So maybe a sleep study is in order. I thought I was being a hypochondriac! I did the same as you EKG, stress test, Holter for 48 hrs, ct scan, 2 different cardiologist and they find nothing but am still having the problem. I had a series of them on and off. I had one attack of atrial fibrillation before, And i know this vibration sensation, it is totally different, But it's related to anixity and stressful conditions. Goes away if I rollover. But it is baffling I also have no pain but it is a little scary because I did have a heart attack and the back of my heart is dead. Many times I have checked to see if I had the cell phone in my pocket or on me. Hi Pikaia, have you found out more about the vibrations since you submitted this post? I had headaches and lightheadedness for the last month, but the waking up with chest vibrating has just started within the last week. I've had the same thing and no Dr can find a thing wrong. These can include: These symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the underlying cause. Learn how we can help. When I GOOGLEd it, I found that some people with the same sensation have gotten a diagnosis of arteriovenous malformations (AVM) in the brain: a tangle of veins that can lead to a stroke. What the heck?? It typically presents in children, adolescents, and people in their early 20s. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? it did this four times in about a minute. Everything comes back normal, but the vibrations continue. ? It feels like a buzzing sometimes, or as you say, like a mobile on vibrate. When this pain comes and goes, a person may suspect a problem, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. This vibrations have just started in the past 3 to 4 weeks and it feels just like a cell phone vibrating, but within my chest or sometimes my abdomen. From reading and asking around the only thing I can figure out is that it's anxiety. So his laugh was not an educated one. It occurs on and off throughout the whole day. Definitely internal as no one can hear it even if they listened to my chest. No idea if this is the case, but it means I don't fret about it. I am chalking it up to anxiety partly, and have also been told by my doctor that my over awareness of ectopic heartbeat and is probably making. Time to dial down. Firstly two days prior to this I felt a tightening in my chest then the buzzing. I also have a low pulse like most of the other people who have responded. It is a very strange feeling but I agree, feels like a phone on vibrate. Exercising in the morning gives me no sign or only a week vibration. The cell phone Vibration started about a month ago and then I started having some headaches and checked my blood pressure and found that it was way too high, it typically is not so I have this second symptom in common with you. I've been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation but this feels different. I have these similar symptoms. When symptoms are present, they may include: A condition called pneumomediastinum may lead to the symptom of a bubbling sensation in the chest, although this is an uncommon cause. I was diagnosed with Afib last month and given Bisoprolol and anticoagulants, first Apixaban then swapped to Riverolaban to see if that stopped the tremmor/vibration but it didn't. The doctor ignored my concern about these vibrations. I think it's electrical. Anxiety chest tremors can feel like your chest area, ribcage, diaphragm, and heart area is trembling, shaking, vibrating, or has tremors. Today it started at about 8:30 a.m. pain in the upper right or center abdomen that may spread to the right shoulder or back, tenderness above the abdomen when touched, feeling like there is a lump in the throat, frequent use of over-the-counter painkillers, such as, sharp chest pain that gets worse when breathing, coughing, or sneezing, myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle, difficulty breathing, especially if it starts suddenly. Its also important to note that some people who have AFib dont experience heart flutters or other symptoms at all. Wonderful stuff these docs aye. It feels nothing at all like Afib, but I did have one really strong bout of the vibration last week and it triggered a brief Afib event, but that hasn't happened since. Apparently it is a sign of spiritual openness - in Buddhism and Hinduism they call an open heart the 'unstruck bell', because it is known to vibrate with joy when you have spiritual attainments. I often have this sensation at night, less so in the day. HI, I know this is an old thread and I hope it still turns up in someone's feed. The following causes will require different treatments: Most diaphragm spasms that result from exercise will also go away without treatment. Welcome to the AF Association West Yorkshire Patient & Careg Cardiff University School of Medicine are conducting a Study. Since about 3 months I'm experiencing similar symptoms: waking up to ongoing audible, rattling vibrations in chest which go away with movement, but come again after laying down and falling asleep again, sometimes resulting in hours of sleeplessness. The doctor told me that the bundle of nerve branches that stimulate the right side of the heart is blocked, i.e. There seems to be little knowledge about what this could be beyond AFib, if EKGs aren't showing anything. Btw, I definitely had at least medium level vibrations during wearing the monitor. Now awaiting further investigations. Finally she decided to have my esophagus inspected with a scope and that doctor told me the minute he started putting the scope down my throat he could see my esophagus was having constant spasms. Again to help push carbon dioxide out of the heart is the only thing I believe! Happens, it may happen vibrating feeling in chest near heart times I caught myself checking for the to., depending on their am surprised that there are seemingly not many solutions relaxes again to help push carbon out... Thing I can somewhat stop it but its so anxiety provoking which im sure doesnt help my.. 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