According to Manning the so-called Codex Hermopolis is a collection of texts, or rather a manual, which provides guidance for legal solutions in unusual or difficult cases.62 The guidelines contained in this document were used by the priest-judges to resolve disputes and served as a guide to the writing of certain legal instruments. Do not photograph officials without their consent. That might sound like an unremarkable statement, but it has considerable importance in appreciating how central, even essential, legal texts are to the Egyptian concept of law and the rule of law. While Egypt is probably best known for its ancient history, there are plenty of interesting weird facts about Egypt: You cant name your child after a member of the royal family. Dont laws and regulations sound drastic and serious? (93). What may be acceptable in the tourist resort areas may not be in other areas. But nothing remains of these documents, or indeed of the legal texts of other eras. I have three strange Egyptian laws: You can be imprisoned for not voting - all families with only one son don't have to send him to the army, but if they have two or more sons they should b These laws are the guidelines that all citizens must follow in order to maintain good order. The vizier was the king's delegate and the High-priest of maat as well as head of the courts of justice.29, Sometimes the king had to delegate his authority and it is believed that the legal official then wore a golden maat pendant.30 The goddess Maat was important to judges and their sense of duty; they were regarded as "priests of Maat", wearing a small figure of the goddess as a pendant around their necks, thus symbolising their judicial office.31 Surviving statues of high officials from the Late Period are shown wearing such pendants on a chain, and cases which these high officials examined would be reported to the king who would then be responsible for punishment in more serious cases.32. The appreciation and respect for the past influenced the development of law in at least two ways: In the first instance, judges kept records of their legal decisions in the archives of the vizier in order to consult them later as precedent; and, secondly, because of the admiration for tradition, Egyptian law was very slow to evolve.102 The obvious consequence of vigorously following precedent meant that laws remained in force for very long periods of time without modification. Under the Ptolemies in the second century BCE, judgment was given in a matter regarding conflicting interests in a succession, with the procedure, although adapted, still retaining several elements of the old tradition. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If a body cannot be buried within 24 hours, then it will be kept in refrigeration until burial can occur within that time frame. 59 Ibid. It is something that wont be a problem today, and Argentina went to the extra step for ensuring this. They were closely related to Middle Eastern peoples. Despite the very long post at the top claiming otherwise. There are fundamental errors in that No public displays of affection should be shown in Egypt. In Japan women must wear bras in air-conditioned rooms. 28 C/Helck & Otto 1980: 1115. There are sensitivities about taking photographs of Embassies, government buildings, churches and religious buildings, as well as infrastructure. 109 Ibid. It is illegal to name your child after a member of the royal family. Allam argues that judging from the ancient texts, it appears that the ancient Egyptians had no concept of jurisprudence as a discipline since there is no attestation for theoretical deliberations as the basis of substantive law.70 I am, however, of the opinion that it is possible to attempt to identify key elements of jurisprudence in ancient Egyptian law. Scribes employed in the legal system supplied procedural information; the parties were not represented by legal advocates. 68 See Pollard 1995: 435. How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions? 64 Idem 321. 76 Idem 17-18. Those who adhere to the common law tradition prefer to retain the human element in interpreting and applying legal texts on a case by case basis in varying factual circumstances in order to minimize the potential for injustices and irrationality that could otherwise sometimes result from an overly wooden approach. WebMany of them were implemented to raise additional revenue while the purpose of others was to promote social change. 49 Ibid. Be cautious about sharing content or having discussions of a sexual nature on social media, especially about sexual acts that are considered illegal. Prince: A common name in Egypt, but also the male equivalent of Princess. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When the Romans took control of Egypt, the Roman legal system that existed throughout the Roman Empire was applied in Egypt. Prostitution is legal, but they must pay taxes., 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 586 New York, NY 10017 Law was a living entity and therefore did not remain unchanged over the centuries; it changed because human aspirations, conditioned by new circumstances, necessitated change. The legal process itself is in essence an attempt to reach a result which both parties involved in a dispute are willing to accept, and to function fairly, a legal process should allow adversaries to explain their respective points of view.93 Because of the ancient Egyptians' keen interest in - and love for - rhetorical speech, this could facilitate a robust legal process, enhancing the capacity for the Egyptian courts to reach just verdicts. In practice, the two systems actually have much more in common than is often supposed. 100 See Grimal 2000: 17. While riding a bicycle, make sure you urgently put your feet on the pedal literally at all times. These may not be brought into the country without permission from the Ministry of Health. At the end of the Old Kingdom / transition to the First Intermediate Period, about 2100 BCE [+/-]. The OK was the Golden Age of pyramid building, a This region was also referred to as The Two Lands. It was divided into Upper Egypt (located south of Memphis) and Lower Egypt (north). 61 See Westbrook 2003a: 11. The law states that all men between the ages of 18 and 40 must register for military service. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. The most fundamental elements of ancient Egyptian jurisprudence were the importance of justice (which includes associated elements of balance, harmony, fairness, and impartiality) and tradition (which includes associated elements of custom and precedent). 111 Idem 14-15. In Australia, disturbing a wedding or a funeral is a big deal. Yes, it is very much against the law. While these are unlikely to affect visitors, it is a good idea to understand the culture and act and dress appropriately to avoid problems. One of our favourites on the list of strange laws in Ireland is the Tippling Act of 1735. If you were to ask most Egyptian judges, they would say that Egypt's legal system today is patterned after that of France, which is rooted in the Continental European civil law tradition (using the word "civil" in the sense of distinguishing that type of legal system from Anglo-American common law legal systems). Although sources of law in the Old Kingdom are rare, Jasnow states that there are indirect references to law in the form of titles as well as to legal institutions.51The corpus of royal decrees of a legal nature in the Old Kingdom and the First Intermediate Period may be divided into seven categories, namely: endowment decrees for immovable property, stipulations for the benefit of private individuals, The main sources of law in the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period derive from royal inscriptions, administrative papyri, private documents, private inscriptions and literature.52 Although no law codes have been found for the Middle Kingdom and the Second Intermediate Period, some texts imply the existence of - if not an extensive code -, then at least limited systematic collections of "laws" (hpw). Travelers who need to extend their Egypt visa should do so as soon as possible. Religion was present in every aspect of the Egyptians' life; it was embedded in society, rather than being a separate category.3 Every aspect of the world was seen as being governed by a divine power which established and maintained order.4 Their beliefs and practices assisted the ancient Egyptians to understand and respond to events in their lives.5 It was religion, and the cult actions deriving from those beliefs, that held ancient Egyptian society together and allowed it to flourish for more than three thousand years.6 Addendum A (at the end of this article) gives a summary of ancient Egypt's timeline. Being a little thick around the waist could land you in legal trouble in the country that gave us sumo wrestling. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Law regulated the entire day-to-day business of existence in the Nile valley. Whether that reflected the SCAFs view of what constitutes law, it did reflect the prevailing norms and constructs of Egyptian legal culture. Japan. See Travelling during Ramadan. 98 Ibid. The recto contains texts dealing with an unusual subject, namely theoretical legal discussions divided into approximately 200 articles grouped into four sections and according to Allam the first of these sections deals with tenant farming arrangements and disputes between the tenant and the owner/lessor.78 The texts include contract formulae, which served as templates, and the arrangements to be made, for instance, by the purchaser of a house to protect his interest against an unfair seller.79 Included are also rental agreements for various types of buildings and an exposition of litigation arising from non-payments of rent. Your email address will not be published. When visiting the land of the Pharaohs, it is important to respect the customs and laws in Egypt. 32 Shaw & Nicholson 2008: 178-179. Those who adhere to the civil law tradition seek to remove as much of the human element as possible from interpreting and applying legal texts in order to minimize the potential for injustices from an inconsistent application of the law from case to case as a result of human bias and consideration of such subjective factors as sympathy. However, not everyone follows the established laws, and if they do not, the legal system that has been established will tell what punishment will be imposed on offenders. Can I Travel to Egypt with a Criminal Record? It is illegal to drink alcohol in the street or any location apart from these established venues. The judgment included recommendations for preserving the written record of the trialpossibly the main reason why many of these documents are extant. 78 Idem 268. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The vast majority of Egypts dead were buried in simple pits in the desert. You can submit your application without our professional services through the government website. From a legal standpoint, this text-based view of what constitutes law was clearly evident during the period of undeclared martial law immediately after the January 2011 revolution, a period during which the lawincluding the constitutionwas essentially whatever the military said it was. In our journey on fourth, we are sure to chink together like two wine glasses in a heartfelt toast. In France, its illegal to name a pig Napoleon. 70 Allam 2007: 268. The topography of the Nile valley protected them from invasion while the consistent annual inundation of the Nile assured them of the orderliness of life which probably dictated recurring rituals, farming practices and legal proceedings, like the redrawing of property boundaries.101. 43 Ibid. According to Allam42 an ultimate development in Egyptian history was the emergence of law as a notion separate from religion. Even the gods themselves had to appear before a court in order to resolve their disputes. While witnesses were sometimes summoned, the judge usually decided on the basis of documentary evidence and the testimony of each party. One example is Tramadol. The term for crime is It is compulsory to vote or else you are charged with a fine in Egypt. Sorry, bad singers, North Carolina will not allow you to sing off-note.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'twinavocados_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_2',610,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-twinavocados_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Canadians are not so much of noise-lovers. In Iowa, its illegal for a man with a mustache to kiss a woman in public. 65 Ibid. [T]he social, agricultural and industrial world of the Nile dwellers under the Empire was therefore not at the mercy of an arbitrary whim, on the part of either the king or court, but was governed by a large body of long respected law, embodying principles of justice and humanity. Indeed, I never took a bribe from anyone.88, In Rekhmire's instructions it is laid down that justice is to be rendered in public and in such a way that every person shall at all times be able to secure his rights.89 In this regard, an appeal is made to a sense of equity and by implication to jurisprudence, as it is pointed out that the records of all judgments are kept in the archives of the vizier to be consulted. 20 David 2002: 288. The legal drinking age is 18 in Mexico, and while passengers of the requisite age arent prohibited from drinking inside a vehicle, its illegal to drink in the street, and visitors can be fined or jailed for public inebriation. The only reason Egyptians serve in the military is that they have to. He argues that the secularisation of law did not necessarily imply a blasphemous profaning of legal usages, for in many instances the emergence of truly legal concepts derived from religion. 93 See Versteeg 2002: 26. not voting - all families with only one son don't have to send him 1 See Westbrook 2003a: 1. The law of the ancient Near East demonstrates a remarkable continuity in fundamental juridical concepts. Men who do not register will be subject to imprisonment or fines if convicted by a court-martial after a trial period has elapsed without them registering themselves with their local draft board office (mukhabarat). Law emerged as a mechanism to maintain maat on earth with the king playing an important part by "making" law.15 The king, as a king god, was the supreme judge and law giver.16 The king (with laws) was in a position to transform the vertical belief in maat (between man and the gods) to horizontal reality (maat between people on earth). 81 Idem 268-269. 16 Helck & Otto 1980: 1110. Khat is illegal in Egypt. Property transfers and contractual agreements were conducted as if they were the same type of legal transaction. Next to the pharaoh, the most powerful individual was the vizier, who directed all administrative branches of the government. 14 Ibid. To obtain a license, it is necessary to complete a lengthy application with in-depth details on the individuals family. Women are advised to wear clothes that cover their shoulders, knees, and cleavage. You cant really make a loud noise in Canada and whistling is banned too. Maat became the focal point of the legal system (hpw) and if the laws (hpw) were obeyed, one would be following the principles of maat. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. King Hammurabi introduced the Code of Hammurabi, which introduced sanctions for certain unacceptable behaviors. It is against the rule. 71 Kruchten 2001: 277. Public displays of affection are frowned upon. Allam, S (2007) "Law" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 263-274[Links], Allen, JP (2004) Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Cultures of the Hieroglyphs (Cambridge)[Links], Bedell, ED (1985) Criminal Law in the Egyptian Ramesside Period (unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan)[Links], Bleeker, CJ (1967) Egyptian Festivals: Enactments of Religious Renewal (Leiden)[Links], Breasted, JH (1909) A History of Egypt: From the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (London)[Links], David, R (2002) Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt (London)[Links], Gahlin, L (2007) "Private Religion" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 325-339[Links], Goebs, K (2007) "Kingship" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 275-295[Links], Grimal, N (2000) A History of Ancient Egypt (trl by Ian Shaw) (Oxford)[Links], Harris JR (ed) (1987) The Legacy of Egypt (Oxford)[Links], Helck, W & Otto, E (1980) Lexicon der gyptologie vol 3 (Wiesbaden)[Links], James, TGH (1984) Pharaoh S People (London)[Links], Jasnow, R (2003a) "Egypt: Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period" Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 93-140[Links], Jasnow, R (2003b) "Egypt: Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 255-288[Links], Jasnow, R (2003c) "Egypt: New Kingdom" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden): 289-360[Links], Kruchten, J (2001) "Law" in Redford, DB (ed) Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt vol 2 (Oxford): 277-282[Links], Lesko, LH (1994) Pharaoh's Workers: The Villagers of Deir el-Medina (Ithaca, New York)[Links], Lorton, D (2000) "Legal and Social Institutions of Pharaonic Egypt" in Sasson, JM (ed) 1995 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (New York): 345-362[Links], Maasdorp, AFS (1878) The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius (Cape Town)[Links], Manning, J (2003) "Egypt: Demotic Law" in Westbrook, R (ed) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden): 819-862[Links], McDowell, AG (1999) Village Life in Ancient Egypt (Oxford)[Links], Muhs, B (2016) The Ancient Egyptian Economy: 3000-30 BCE (Cambridge)[Links], Pestman, PW (1983) "L'origine et l'extension d'un manuel de droit gyptien" Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 26 (1): 14-21[Links], Pollard, E (ed) (1995) The Oxford Large Print Dictionary 2nd ed (Oxford)[Links], Redford, DB (ed) (2001) Oxford Encyclopaedia of Ancient Egypt vol 2 (Oxford)[Links], Sasson, JM (ed) (1995) Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (New York)[Links], Shaw, I & Nicholson, P (2008) The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (London)[Links], Shupak, N (1992) "A new source for the study of judiciary and law of ancient Egypt: The tale of the eloquent peasant" Journal of Near Eastern Studies 51 (1): 1-18[Links], Sweeney, D (2002) "'Gender and conversational tactics' in the contendings of Horus and Seth" Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88 (1): 141-162[Links], Teeter, E (1997) The Presentation of Maat, Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt (Michigan)[Links], Teeter, E (2011) Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt (Cambridge)[Links], Theodorides, A (1971) "The Concept of Law in Ancient Egypt" in Harris JR (ed) The Legacy of Egypt (Oxford): 291-322[Links], Tobin, V (1987) "Maat and Dike: Some comparative considerations of Egyptian and Greek thought" Journal of American Research Center in Egypt 24: 113-121[Links], Van Blerk, NJ (2006) The Concept of Law and Justice in Ancient Egypt with Specific Reference to the Tale of the Eloquent Peasant (unpublished MA dissertation, University of South Africa)[Links], Van Blerk, NJ (2010) "The manifestation of justice in ancient Egyptian law, with specific reference to the tale of the eloquent peasant" Journal of Semitic Studies 19 (2): 584-598[Links], Versteeg, R (2002) Law in Ancient Egypt (Durham)[Links], Westbrook, R (2003a) "Introduction: The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 1-92[Links], Westbrook, R (ed) (2003b) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden)[Links], Westbrook, R (ed) (2003c) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden)[Links], Wilkinson, T (ed) (2007) The Egyptian World (London)[Links], Wilkinson, T (2016) Writings from Ancient Egypt (London)[Links]. Good one UK. Travelers who are arrested in Egypt should ask the police or prison officers to immediately notify their countrys embassy. Religion played a fundamental role in the ancient Egyptians' understanding and development of law. That is just which is in accordance with right.69. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. There are several other names that have been used to describe Egypt through its long history. The pharaoh Bocchoris, for example, promoted individual rights, suppressed imprisonment for debt, and reformed laws relating to the transferral of property. The flying of a rainbow flag at a concert in September 2017 led to the arrest of at least 66 individuals on debauchery charges. Egyptian law, the law that originated with the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under King Menes (c. 2925 bc) and grew and developed until the Roman occupation of Egypt (30 bc). Taking pictures of (or near) military installations, including the Suez Canal, is strictly forbidden. International visitors should be aware of certain Egyptian laws and the legality of things that are often taken for granted in other countries, such as alcohol. 12 Van Blerk 2006: 26. Yes they did. They didn't have a lot of wood. Guess what they made them of? Papyrus. They tied the reeds together in a bundle. Thor Heyerdahl made WebGiven the fact that ancient Egyptian society lasted for about 3,000 years, it is very difficult to nail down the laws that governed that societythey undoubtedly changed over time. Respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times and be aware of your actions to ensure that they do not offend other cultures or religious beliefs. Harvesting occurs between May and June, which does not correspond with the calendar in use during the third century BCE when the text was transcribed.75 The harvest time mentioned in the papyrus corresponds rather to the calendar of the eighth century BCE, to the time when a fluctuating calendar was used., Tour Egypt - Law and the Legal System in Ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, crimes are acts against other persons or the state. Egyptians drive on the right-hand side of the road. This beautiful country has a very strict NO-NO for men wearing a skirt. Tel: 312.332.7210, 312.332.7214 , 312.332.7216, 312.332.7217 Justice is the moral virtue of doing what is just. Visitors who plan to use a drone to take photographs or shoot video footage must obtain permission beforehand. The mention of harvest time provides a clue to its date of origin. A plaintiff had to take legal action and, if the case was found to be valid, the defendant was summoned to appear in court. 82 See Allam 2007: 269. Of course, much of that authority has been delegated to others. Zoe Adams is professional blogger and freelance writer with five short story acceptances, with multiple companies. Source:, 3521 International Court NW Washington, D.C 20008 To You have accepted additional cookies. No language other than French is permitted to be shown outdoors. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. There are various laws concerning driving in Egypt that foreign nationals should bear in mind if they intend to hire a car: As a visitor to the country, taking photographs of the various monuments and UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Egypt is essential. Bless Italy for making a standing law against it.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'twinavocados_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',613,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-twinavocados_com-leader-3-0'); A pregnant woman is very much allowed to pee ANYWHERE, literally anywhere in the UK, even in a police mens helmet! The usual law of succession could be circumvented by a special enregistered document: a parent, for example, could favour a daughter by guaranteeing her rights over the family property. Since there were no lawyers, both sides presented their own arguments. You know some jokes could really hurt someone, especially the one where you tell a man that he has no balls. But, like Egypt itself, Egypt's laws and legal system are full of such layers of complexity as a result of their development over the course of layers of history. Women owned and bequeathed property, filed lawsuits, and bore witness in court proceedings without the authority of their father or husband. These rules arent much life-changing yet hold importance, at least in that particular country. 13 See Allam 2001: 264. WebWeirdest laws in history Ancient History They say the law is an ass, and thats definitely the case when it comes to some of the bizarre laws passed by monarchs and governments around the world over the centuries. 104 Idem: 22. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. There are a number of things that all visitors should avoid while in Egypt in order to prevent any incidents with the law, as well as things they should do. Religion then no longer determined the legal standing of a matter, but it was rather the juridical mechanism which became authoritative - even in the religious sphere.34 A well-known example of this is one of the central myths in ancient Egypt, namely "The Contendings of Horus and Seth", known from Papyrus Beaty dated to the mid-twelfth century BCE.35 It is a satirical account of the lawsuit between the god Horus, the rightful heir to the crown of Egypt, and his uncle, the god Seth, who usurped the crown by murdering Horus' father Osiris. Verify and edit content received from contributors that particular country for certain unacceptable behaviors 312.332.7210! These documents are extant officers to immediately notify their countrys embassy sure you put... Shown outdoors you in legal trouble in the Nile valley the state drone to photographs. Its long history permitted to be shown in Egypt received from contributors acceptances, with multiple companies you use,. 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