21. endstream endobj startxref (b) First-degree misdemeanor Asks Department (DBPR) to File a FORMAL COMPLAINT.Licensee receives Formal Complaint- has 20 days to answer: May have an informal or formal hearing. Unlicensed real estate activity, and falsifying an application are third degree felonies and may be punished with: a fine of not more than $5,000 and/or up to 5 years in jail. \quad\text { Accounts receivable } & 11,560 & 10,136 \\ al blades lawn care florida. What happens if a respondent fails to answer an administrative complaint? An informal hearing is held at a meeting of the FREC, usually at its regular meeting time. 10 years 8. Violation of rental listing, information and contracts Fine up to $1k, imprisonment for up to one year. (d) $10,000 fine and imprisonment for up to 10 years. The complaint procedure is a seven step process: two FREC members. If the injured party is unable to be paid on their judgment, the fund will pay up to $50,000 of the uncollected portion per judgment, with a maximum payment of $150,000 if the injured party has multiple judgments against the same licensee. What does the Election of Rights form explain? DBPR adds its recommendation and forwards to the FREC Probable Cause Panel. 90 days In cases such as when a licensees license is revoked because the licensee filed for renewal without completing his continuing education or post-licensure course by the expiration date; or if he filed an application which contained fraudulent or false information. What Commission members are present at the informal hearing? Video instructions and help with filling out and completing what is the most serious violation heard by frec, Related Content - most serious violation heard by frec, Keywords relevant to frec most serious violation form, Related Features Menu Close 27. ONLY file their report. Final Examination 15A 1. (c) Failure to account All of findings must be Objective. Is the Probable Cause Panel hearing open to the public? The first three of these four steps are not required by law, but should be taken because the law requires them. There area also many other methods to edit PDF online for free, you can. Even celebrities couldn't resist coming here and checking what the fuss is all about. What is the maximum fine FREC can impose against a licensee who was found guilty of two violations of F.S. The courts can also order the broker to pay damages if appropriate. Give your reasons. Use a check mark to point the answer wherever expected. Jan, 19, 2023; diocese of joliet priest directory What reasons may be the basis for denial of a license? Added to licensing fee, 9. The firm e-mails the paralegals electronic files of the recordings, which they transcribe and send back to Orlando. That way you can load up your purchases on the spot, with assistance from the vendor. If the broker obeys an _________ that later results in litigation and a payment being made from the real estate recovery fund, then FREC will take no action against the broker and will reimburse the broker for all cost and attorneys fees. It also expects this program to avoid lost profits from the following: Lostprofitsduetodisappointedcustomers$290,000Lostproductiontimeduetorework278,000\begin{array}{lrr} 2 members This is an example of which fraudulent activity? How long does the Department have to override the decision of the panel and file its own charges? Loiselle expects this quality program to save costs as follows: Reducewarrantyrepaircosts$275,000Avoidinspectionofrawmaterials580,000Avoidreworkbecauseoffewerdefectiveunits825,000\begin{array}{lrr} (b) Submit the matter to mediation Specific instructions to take a class or grant an audit which must be completed in a 90 day period unless the licensee asks and is granted an extension of time. They can NOT subpoena, recommend or offer their opinion. The licensee has the right to be present, to have an attorney and to make final arguments. 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'">. Example from the Hansard archive. ROUTINE USE S None. a. (d) The investigator would issue a Notice of Noncompliance or citation. Now you'll be able to print, download, or share the document. Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, Ordinary least squares regression methods fail for this type of data because of, Mistreating prisoners of war is an even more, It is, after all, very dangerous to condone any, If an official has been responsible for a, This is an appalling and disgusting practice and is a, Condemning these practices is, in fact, not enough to eradicate this extremely, Meanwhile, people can also cut the connection completely with someone who is not important by deleting friends when. If the licensee's response indicates that all parties agree on the facts, then the licensee can ask for an _______________ to be heard directly by the FREC. Save time and increase employee productivity by giving them access to the largest library of the most widely used HR forms. I would like to see that we can add 2 tracks, one voice and another music to the presentation. The Department may refer the case to the FREC and the FREC may obtain its own independent counsel and continue the investigation. What are the next steps if the panel believes there is probable cause? LostprofitsduetodisappointedcustomersLostproductiontimeduetorework$290,000278,000. is not the form you're looking for? If either the licensee or the DBPR disagrees with the content of the Recommended Order, then the objection (also known as an "exception") must be filed within _________ days. What happens if the Probable Cause Panel does not meet within the 30 day time frame? In order to make some extra, he plans to share some commission for his real estate work with one of his clients. A notice by certified mail must be sent by the injured party to the FREC of the intent to file a claim against the Recovery Fund. How can a licensee respond to a complaint? (b) The hearing officer recommends one most serious violation by frec. 475 is classified as a first degree misdemeanor. best of luck. If it does not meet within this time, the Department may make the decision. (c) A sales associate charges a fee to write a lease for a prospective tenant. d. cochlea. (b) Appear Post author: Post published: January 24, 2023 Post category: kentucky divorce financial disclosure Post comments: sul ross state university football roster sul ross state university football roster (a) Property tax dollars This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. A buyer has agreed to purchase the seller's home. Below you can get an idea about how to edit and complete a Most Serious Frec Violation step by step. 28. A search of the assets must be done to offset or satisfy the judgment. Broker Jackson plans to open his first real estate office. The FREC has the right under law to fine anyone found guilty of a violation of Chapters. Civil courts can and do seek recovery. Certain categories of individuals are not eligible to receive payment from the Real Estate Recovery Fund, including: a licensee that participated in the subject transaction as an agent, anyone that bases their claim against a licensee that was unlicensed at the time of the transaction, a spouse of the judgment debtor or the spouse's personal representative, or anyone that did not get a judgment against an actual person, Any violation of __________ is a second degree misdemeanor. (c) Submitting false information in an application It's a changing-of-the-guard moment for an organization that hasn't seen its . apartments for rent centre, al; Services. The only exception to the licensee being suspended for a claim on the Recovery Fund is when the broker: followed an Escrow Disbursement Order* of the Commission and the order was overturned by the courts. What happens if the panel does not believe probable cause exists? The maximum the fund can have is $1 million dollars and when it reaches that level, surcharges on licenses are suspended until the fund drops to $500,000 when the charge will again be levied. Two members of the FREC. You can accessIt simply by opening any web brower. The suit goes to the civil courts of any competent civil jurisdiction in the state. The most you can be punished for a violation is 15 days in jail. 2) DBPR determines if it is legally sufficient. A Summary Suspension is ordered if the public good is endangered. It is placed on record by the Division. What must an injured party do before filing a claim against the Recovery Fund? G0=CJ[KE^)xU}7NG47oA[#LG6osW-;{7E=quQN\zi`R]][`:1 $ OGF0_f6 u{tt/~&jo-w8=Jv()"w#O'kUN|^!Z Jb,jq,g^usE^q6,ePf " It is the broker's responsibility to maintain the escrow account 0704-0188 request for nomenclature the public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data M.s. (c) Send the witness a valid notice of appearance. The Department and the FREC do not issue criminal prison sentences. c. Broker Jackson should have made a list of all the listing fees (including broker fees for the home) that were charged to the public by any other real estate agent. Suppose Loiselle is considering spending the following amounts on a new quality program: Additional20minutestestingforeachspeaker$625,000Negotiatingandtrainingsupplierstoobtainhigher-qualitymaterialsandon-timedelivery430,000Redesigningthespeakerstomakethemeasiertomanufacture1,250,000\begin{array}{lrr} Probable Cause Panel 4. Pick a tool you desire from the toolbar that appears in the dashboard. Classify each of these costs into one of the four categories of quality costs (prevention, appraisal, internal failure, or external failure). The sales associate neglected to collect the deposit on time. It shall be unlawful for any person to have, it is kept private between Craig and Brenda* c* Brenda is a party to the transaction and all parties have been informed* d. Brenda is a family member. advantages of alternate form reliability; most serious violation by frec What is the maximum penalty that may be imposed upon an individual who is found guilty of unlicensed real estate activity? The licensee is given the opportunity to be heard, to bring witnesses to support his case. What may a real estate sales associate or broker who does not pay attention to detail and causes harm to another be charged with? It enables you to edit documents in multiple ways. The formal hearing is before an administrative law judge; the informal hearing will be held if there are no disputed facts in the case, before the FREC, usually during a regular meeting. In most cases, the agency reduced or rescinded the fines, bringing the . The FREC authorizes the funds to be disbursed by the State Treasurer. The order is based on findings of fact and rulings of law. He should know that of all the violations Review page 17 that are heard by the FREC the one considered most serious is a. signage. 2. Did not file an application in the proper form or pay the correct fee,Did not correct an error or omission on an application,Did not take the examination within two years from date of application,Did not pass the state exam or cheated on the exam,Did not prove qualifications for licensure,Has a reputation for bad business dealings or incompetence,Is being investigated by another state for an act that would be a violation of Florida law,Has committed an act in the previous year that could have resulted in discipline had the applicant been licensed at the time. In cases such as when a licensees license is revoked because the licensee filed for renewal without completing his continuing education or post-licensure course by the expiration date; or if he filed an application which contained fraudulent or false information. If something is groundbreaking, it is very new and a big change from other things of its type. Inicio; Servicios. Find the right form for you and fill it out: wi dept of revenue homestead filing - e No results. What is the maximum amount of money that can be paid from the Real Estate Recovery Fund to three persons who suffered monetary loss as the result of a fraudulent act committed by a real estate licensee and have been awarded a single judgment? (b) This promotional program is permissible since no purchase was required. What does the order explain? Luckily CocoDoc has come to your rescue. & \text { Apple Inc. } & \text { Dell, Inc. } \\ The panel tells the Department to file a formal complaint against the licensee. 22-46. What if a buyer, seller, or tenant feels they have been victimized and seeks legal action against a broker? To determine action and a remedy for a complaint under Florida law, 8 basic steps must be taken: Who can file a complaint with the Department against a licensee and where must it be filed? Acting as a broker or sales associate with no valid license, false information on license, or stealing exam. These fines are criminal, not administrative. Appendix 2 sample contracts & forms the following legal instruments are published as examples. Which statement is correct regarding this situation? Install the signNow application on your iOS device. What happens if an injured party is awarded a judgement in a civil suit? (d) Have his or her lawyer issue a writ of mandamus. B,*.10,: Qpe9fd``; 7T@ >$ Once a payment has been made from the Real Estate Recovery Fund, the licensees license is: automatically suspended until full repayment to the fund has been made. (d) The developer must escrow the value of the most expensive model prior to offering the contest to the public. Informal Hearing: FREC -all commissioners except Probable Cause. what happened to nestea instant tea. If an investigator from the DBPR found a minor infraction of F.S. if no address is shown please enter your correct details your reference tax reference year to: 5 april how to fill in this form Form approved omb no. If the licensee does not respond within those days, more serious discipline may occur. These agreements will still be set before the FREC so that they may be recorded. 15 day for additional information b. - most serious frec violation, If you believe that this page should be taken down, please follow our DMCA take down process, This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. Select the area where you want to insert your signature and then draw it in the popup window. If the court awards damages against the broker and the broker paid the damages, the broker can request reimbursement from the Real Estate Recovery Fund and is entitled to repayment up to: Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. %PDF-1.4 % The notice must include: The date, time and place of the hearing;The jurisdiction and legal authority under which the hearing is to be held;A list of the rules purported to be broken;A short summary of the case. Compress your PDF file while preserving the quality. Formal Complaint 5. The DOAH (Division of Administrative Hearings). Seek any records, documents or witnesses pertinent to the investigation. improper b. mishandling of escrow funds. )L`t N%?JS35lv mT@lgV _~bzv>.r=cRV \\\hline (a) Minor offense requiring reprimand Are you seeking to edit forms online? 3. Home - Tampa, Florida. What are the two requirements by the Administrative Law Judges? (b) The investigator would notify the Chairperson of the FREC. The current assets and current liabilities for Apple Inc. and Dell, Inc., are shown as follows at the end of a recent fiscal period: AppleInc.Dell,Inc.(inmillions)(inmillions)Currentassets:Cashandcashequivalents$11,261$13,913Short-terminvestment14,359452Accountsreceivable11,56010,136Inventories1,0511,301Othercurrentassets*3,4473,219Totalcurrentassets$41,678$29,021Currentliabilities:Accountspayable$17,738$15,474Accruedandothercurrentliabilities2,9844,009Totalcurrentliabilities$20,722$19,483\begin{array}{lrr} What amount will the former customers be able to recover from the Real Estate Recovery Fund? Formal Hearing: Administrative Law Judge. A court of law would then decide if further criminal penalty is warranted. To obtain a stay of a Final Order while an appeal is pending, a writ of ________ must be entered. Additional20minutestestingforeachspeakerNegotiatingandtrainingsupplierstoobtainhigher-qualitymaterialsandon-timedeliveryRedesigningthespeakerstomakethemeasiertomanufacture$625,000430,0001,250,000. most serious violation by frec. 6. Which activity would be classified as a first-degree misdemeanor under F.S. The broker or sales associate was acting solely in the capacity of a real estate licensee in the transaction. (a) Ask the Administrative Law Judge to subpoena the witness to testify. The surcharges are $3.50 per year for both the new and renewing license for brokers and $1.50 for the new and renewing sales associates license. Licensee may appeal to District Court of Appeal for relief- 30 days to file an appeal.No! (c) $5,000 fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years. Menu Total Investment, Total Interest. 1) Complaint given to DBPR -or- DBPR initiates complaint (has 5 years to file complaint). Violations. (c) File exceptions When would the DBPR appoint an investigator? 1)Must be an attorney that is member of the Fl Bar \text{Avoid rework because of fewer defective units}&\text{825,000}\\ Generally citations are monetary punishments. 3)administrative penalties. These words are often used together. 475. 455 or 475 are frequently given in connection with another punishment such as: The money from the fines collected for offenses of Ch. If the key opens the door to a model, the individual wins the home. The FREC or the courts may issue: A writ of supersedeas (stop the suspension or revocation) if the situation warrants or if the public is not endangered. There are two violations of Chapter 475 that are first degree misdemeanors: 1. %%EOF CocoDoc is ready to help you.. Which of the following statements is correct? LEGAL INNOVATION | Tu Agente Digitalizador; LEGAL3 | Gestin Definitiva de Despachos; LEGAL GOV | Gestin Avanzada Sector Pblico 12. Misdemeanors. A copy of the complaint is sent to the licensee or the licensees attorney and the licensee will have an opportunity to answer the complaint against him. Use our detailed instructions to fill out and eSign your documents online. (c) File an appeal In some cases for a minor violation the Department may issue a ___________. 145 0 obj <>stream (b) The investigator will make a recommendation as to the penalty that should be imposed against a licensee. 30 days for recommended dismissal of case or complaint after received report. is ivan cleary related to michael cleary. ojo labs st lucia most serious violation by frec. A complaint must be legally sufficient to be investigated. most serious violation by frectrino create table properties. (c) Upon conclusion of the investigation, the investigator files an investigative report. 129 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<97546C3213084BCF963A6657CFE1FA4E><03C8D13DAB5ABB4AA25679F2DF890229>]/Index[110 36]/Info 109 0 R/Length 90/Prev 39424/Root 111 0 R/Size 146/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Generally the penalty for an illegal act which was less serious in its violation than a revocation of license would demand. This is referred to as: When the active brokers license is revoked, all sales associates and broker associates licenses are placed in: When the active brokers license is revoked, if it is a partnership or corporation, the partnership or corporation must: When the active brokers license is revoked, if it is a partnership or corporation, the partnership or corporation must re-qualify with a new partner. (c) Second-degree misdemeanor 4) FREC creates a Probable Cause Panel- works as a Grand Jury! Thinking about how to edit PDF documents with your Mac? 6) Denial -. Here you would be brought into a splashboard that allows you to make edits on the document. Only one of the FREC can be a lay member (one of the non-licensed members of the Commission) of the two and it may include the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson. Examples of misdemeanors are prostitution and making graffiti. A licensee who is on probation may not conduct any real estate business during that time. john melendez tonight show salary ABC Law Firm most likely engages in which of the following? Final Examination 15A 1. How long does each party in a formal hearing have to file exceptions to the hearing officers order? (c) Intentional deception (d) File an appeal with the District Court of Appeal. improper b. mishandling of escrow funds. All information obtained in a complaint is confidential until when? In this catalog, we arranged 150 000 most popular fillable documents into 20 categories. \text{Avoid inspection of raw materials}&\text{580,000}\\ (a) $500 fine and imprisonment for up to 90 days c) $5,000 fine and imprisonment for up to 5 years. &e83pGL5YPPey 14 examples: There would also be a serious violation of personal autonomy if the clones were it does not result in economic or physical harm to a person or adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or create a significant threat of such harm. For illness or unavailability of a required course. The broker does not have to cease operations with a Notice, but: 15; an issuance of a citation or regular discipline; must comply with it immediately. Drag or drop your PDF in the dashboard and conduct edits on it with the toolbar listed above. The Mark Emmert era is officially over, as new NCAA president Charlie Baker's tenure begins Wednesday. Fines for offenses of Ch. INPUT END OUTPUT END TOTAL 200 400 600 CONVEYOR SPEED (FPM): to form the spotting and no amount of drying agent will prevent this. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. A _______________ can be denied because of errors and omission in the application or because the applicant lacks the necessary good character. \end{array} What is the purpose of the FREC disciplinary guidelines? maintaining balance and body posture? A legal process of ordering a witness to appear and testify before a court of law or formal administrative hearing Subpoena Emergency or immediate suspension of a license Summary Suspension The complaint procedure is a seven step process: 1. Third degree Felonies. The sale falls through and the seller is claiming the uncollected deposit as liquidated damages. What does the administrative judge do in a formal hearing? 455 or 475 is not to exceed: $5,000 for each violation of Florida Statutes Chapter 475 and $5,000 for each offense under FS Chapter 455. If the applicant has not completed their post-license or continuing education requirement or if the applicant is unable to demonstrate good character, then their ________ application can be denied. In a formal or informal hearing, the licensee is entitled to: Present his case and he may have legal counsel present. (punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 and/or up to one year in jail). (c) By using a lottery to promote sales, the developer is guilty of fraud. 212 0 obj <> endobj A guilty verdict for a. Chapter 22 SOLID WASTE AND WEEDS ARTICLE III. Drag or drop a document you want to edit by clicking Choose File or simply dragging or dropping. 16. \hspace{10pt}\text{materials and on-time delivery}&\text{430,000}\\ 2. Who reports findings of fact to the Commission at the conclusion of an administrative hearing? Broker Jackson should take the following steps immediately : a. 20. \text { Current liabilities: }\\ What Is The Most Serious Violation Considered By Frec Review Examination 15B 1. and Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) Occasionally FREC may receive a complaint from a member of the public that is not considered a "legally sufficient" complaint. What are the next steps if the Probable Cause Panel finds the complaint to be criminal? 230 0 obj <>/Encrypt 213 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<52258445908C7A4480242ADDF3583067>]/Index[212 44]/Info 211 0 R/Length 93/Prev 143600/Root 214 0 R/Size 256/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream For convenient searching and filing of the issue-related forms, select the category and have all relevant documents in one place. (d) Place the licensee on probation, b) Issue a summary suspension A limitation of 5 years in which to file the complaint. (a) Nothing. It wouldnt be unheard of to hear something sold for $20,000, 30,000 or even $40,000 on a given day.. When you find a needed form, you can download or export it right from your browser! This is otherwise referred to as: In cases such as when a licensees license is revoked because the licensee filed for renewal without completing his continuing education or post-licensure course by the expiration date; or if he filed an application which contained fraudulent or false information. (b) After winning a court judgment, the Miami licensee may file a claim against the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund since he/she was acting as a buyer, not as a licensee when the damage was incurred. most serious violation by frec This is a single blog caption. +91 999 014 4433 sales@sarvtravels.com. What must an unlicensed individual do when ordered to appear before the DBPR? Use these headings: Years. If the licensee does not comply with the Notice in the time allowed, it will result in _____________. The DBPR is charged with the responsibility of investigation. See more ideas about rose bowl flea market, flea market, rose bowl. (c) $85,000 When asked about the size of a home, the sales associate quoted the home as containing 5,300 square feet of living area. hb```V$~1.7J`a;? It's to find a default application able to make edits to a PDF document. Once investigated, what does the investigator do? When the injured party is awarded a judgment, what is done first? What action may be taken if either the Florida Real Estate Commission or the licensee disagrees with a recommended order submitted by the administrative law judge? The Commission has flexibility to determine what punishment it will give, from the least penalty to the most, based on the Discipline Guidelines. most serious violation by frec 19 Feb. most serious violation by frec. In reality the home was only 4,300 square feet. A licensee from Miami decided to purchase a home in Orlando. Now you are able to edit documents. minor violations of the law when public welfare is not threatened. (b) $50,000 for single judgement and multiple is up to $150k. By using this site you agree to our use of cookies as described in our, Something went wrong! hbbd```b``z"o` >"d:&l0&A5 x8P 300 bb The licensee is notified in writing and has 20 days to file an answer. A Notice of Noncompliance, delivered be certified or registered mail, can only be issued for an initial offense. sq/>8tj+ew+! If an individual does not meet qualification standards of honesty and integrity. (d) The Real Estate Recovery Fund only protects individuals that are not licensed. (d) A formal complaint has been received by the Department, (a) When no substantial threat to the public health, safety and welfare exists, 10. Broker Smith plans to open his office. \text{Lost profits due to disappointed customers}&\text{\$\hspace{5pt}290,000}\\ The sales associate forgets to collect the deposit. In the Judicial Review, when the courts hear the case, the appeal will be based on: Disputed issues of procedure, findings of fact and rulings of law. The Orlando broker neglected his duties, resulting in a financial loss to the Miami licensee. The Articles that are most frequently alleged in ethics complaints, and also have the most violations are: Article 1 Article 3 Article 9 Article 12 Article 16 Article 1 2. 2)member of Bar for 5 years. Since 2013, state and federal records show that the city has accumulated $982,160 in initial fines for workplace violations. Is charged with the responsibility of investigating real estate complaints. W~Zr :RQ-)S#O;!^^4L,#!5PMw@Y=jkaV@sYPyP -Mrx~m&w W(%g%*9/R.$,L9Fy$c0 {!kYX(=r_S;WJdgZV%( kd3 |l@GpP4}[E2 _d_s:V-_2$Y[GM'^Tjb&S U(~>~1J}1 $X:B. How would an individual obtain the funds from the Real Estate Recovery Fund? Two items are purchased: 100 packs of felt pens at $4.00 each and 60 packs of felt pens at$3.80 each. The contract calls for a deposit of $10,000, to be placed in the broker's escrow account. Not allowed any expression of personal feelings. In which of the following circumstances may a citation be issued to a licensee? Get the What is the most serious violation heard by frec accomplished. (a) Placing false or misleading advertising A sales contract specifies that the buyer will pay a secondary deposit by March 15th. In which decade did migration cause the least change in population? (b) Conspiracy Please check your spelling or try another term. You can also download it, export it or print it out. Sample Memorandum of Understanding File Format: Adobe PDF Size. An emergency suspension is issued by the Secretary of the DBPR when the public is in immediate danger from the actions of the licensee. (b) Misrepresentation Working on documents with our extensive and intuitive PDF editor is easy. Failed to maintain the required office entrance sign. The DBPR may stop the investigation or may pursue it and the Commission will take appropriate action. (a) $1,000 An _________ is appointed if the DBPR feels that the complaint is legally sufficient; or that after preliminary inquiry, feels that alleged violations are true; or, if the alleged violations are significant. After editing, double check and press the button Download. 24 hour alcohol delivery montreal; ticket of coke weight; how to pre chart in epic. The fine for each offense of Ch. The actual rules are the same for every agent, and the only difference is how they are enforced. The Final Order signed by the the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or Director of the Division of Real Estate is called: The Final Order or certificate in a complaint is: The final directive of the FREC and can be used as prima facie evidence in civil suits. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. 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