Ideally youd put this mark on Terminators, but its benefits do not stack with the Black Rune of Damnation (since wound roll mods cap out at -1), and Terminators cant take an icon to help improve their large volume of S4 shooting. On the whole these guys are interesting but as a T3, 6+ save unit missing Armour of Contempt theyre incredibly easy to kill if they get caught out of position. and their inbuilt re-rolls to wound to wound T6-9 targets 75% of the time. This means that against armies which have an easier time scoring, youll be racing against the clock to wipe them out before they can put a game out of reach. Stratagem in a pinch), so the real value here is on the extra prayer. Apply the point costs; does that even things out enough for a stopgap measure to make the next 6 to 12 months less sucky for Chaos, or merely solve one of the many issues? If Chaos has a direct human form, it may be in Haarken Worldclaimer, who takes a savage glee in battle, with his vast army of jetpack-borne Chaos Raptors. He comes with a power fist and a bolt pistol, and his Forward, for the Dark Gods! Most Chaos Space Marine psykers have access to the Dark Hereticus discipline, which has declined in power with the new codex. This is just a quick introduction video into my background and channel direction as well as a review of the latest CSM teaser. The Long War can be OK, but generally is only decent if youre going second and able to reliably score by taking an opponent off an objective. Once per battle, at the start of the Fight phase, you can chug this Elixir to get +D3 Attacks and you cant lose more than 3 wounds in the phase. Its also a solid upgrade on casters, where it gives you access to both Skeins of Fate (4+ invulnerable save) and stratagems to improve casting (. Ultimately the base loadout is fine; the Daemongore cannon is short-ranged but great, while the Hades Gatling cannon has solid AP and enough shots to be worth looking at, though the Skullhurler is also very good as a replacement, though much less reliable. New Knights, New Horus Heresy! When it comes to shooting, youll already have some Obliterators which will consistently put the fear of the dark gods into your foe but, for true versatility, you cant go wrong with some Havocs. Were also still waiting on Chaos rules for the Kratos. If youre going this route, your best option is likely going to be taking a trio of War Dog Executioners. Pick a friendly CORE, CULTISTS, or CHARACTER unit within 6. Add to this the bonus power from giving your Master a mark of chaos and youve got an engine for buffing units from 18 away, giving him huge reach. He comes with 6 attacks base and the Axe of dismemberment, a S7, AP-3, 2 damage weapon that does 2 mortals every time you roll a 6 to hit (and the sequence ends). The Heldrake has the choice between a Baleflamer and a Hades Autocannon and you will take the Baleflamer 100% of the time as it spits out a minimum of 4 hits every time it shoots. Note that if you do this youre spending the 3 CP for the Detachment; the only Faction keyword shared between detachments will be CHAOS, which doesnt get you the refund. We invite you to delve into the darker side of the Warhammer 40,000 universe with us and learn just who the Chaos Space Marines are, where they come from, and how they play on the tabletop battlefield. Last update was at 2020/10/06 16:07:41. Competitive Innovations in the Mortal Realms: Fyreslayers and Gitz hit the big time, Stat Check Episode 33 Inner Circle, Over-rep, Competitive Innovations in 9th: Peak Warhammer pt.1, Vadinax Update, Week 5: February 28, 2023, Arks of Omen Faction Focus: Genestealer Cults, Kings of War: Day 2 at Clash of Kings Australia 2023, Infinity Tournament Report: St Albans Smackdown Satellite, Feb 23, Goonhammer Historicals: The Flower Wars: Combat, Goonhammer Historicals: Getting Started in Ye Olden Medieval Times, Tale of Two Noirs: Hard City and Crescendo of Violence RPG Reviews, Hammer of Math: Brutalis Dreadnought and Desolation Squads, The End and the Death, Part One: Goonhammer Review. On the whole, the Enforcer is just OK. While Fabius Bile is certainly a Chaos Space Marine (he was one of the Emperors Children legion after all), he has long since strayed from any one legion. Chaos Marines are going to get two wounds each. Note that Psykers cant have the Mark of Khorne. Note that Chaos Space Marine Legion traits only apply if your army is mono-faction, or bringing allowable allies in the form of 25% Power Level or less of Daemons or a single Dreadblade unit of Chaos Knights. This is also great, and something youll use frequently if youre playing with the likes of Maulerfiends and Decimators. The action is one that an INFANTRY or BIKER unit can attempt at the end of your movement phase if its wholly within a table quarter that hasnt been dedicated yet and is within 3 of the center of that table quarter. Writer, Editor, Texas Native, and Austinite for 15+ years, Adam covers all things Tabletop Gaming. While not a competitive option, it will be fun for aspiring Warpsmiths to be able to add one of those new tanks for their army in casual games if it gets its keywords updated. Get +1 to your Psychic tests and each time you make a Psychic test, if you roll an unmodified 9+ to cast, the power or action cant be denied. If theres a place Helbrutes have play, its in Creations of Bile, where having 7 Movement and S7 base makes them a little bit more deadly and useful, or potentially in Black Legion, where getting +1 to hit can mitigate the downsides of it being a WS/BS 3+ unit. In addition, a Dark Apostle is an essential purchase, as they give your army access to lots of buffs and effects through their prayers which can help make your force more competitive. Free shipping for many products! Word Bearers Esoterist / Diabolist Credit: RichyP. Until the start of your next psychic phase, that unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Last update was at 2020/10/06 14:02:58, This message was edited 1 time. On top of that, Legionary squads being able to take psykers means they can often fill in similar gaps, and that means that Sorcerers are really only as good as your need to cast powers 4-6 from the Dark Hereticus tree. They get +1 to all hit rolls until your next psychic phase. But the real value is the Blastmaster, which can pick between a 48 Heavy 3 S8, AP-3 3-damage mode (which ups to 4 damage at <24) or a 36 Assault 6 S5 Ap-2 1-damage model (which ups to 2 at 18), either of which are very nasty. is what really makes this a quality add. Even Space Marines need to be wary of those Damage 2 tentacles - whatever their allegiance. Most of the time youre going to drop a meltagun and a plasma gun in the squad, plus your preference of flamer/grenade launcher/sniper rifle on the third guardsman. Add 1 to wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by models in that unit. are both solid, with the latter being extremely useful for keeping your black rune Terminator brick on the table. If you happen to have them in an Emperors Children list, they also get the Slaanesh keyword, and become a solid target for Delightful Agonies. During the second battle round, your army (and all its units) is engaged in. Still a very good power, though the WC 7 requirement does make it a bit of a crap shoot compared to other powers. Sonic Blasters are decent, offering Assault 3, S4, AP-1 sonic weapons that do +1 damage at half range. I don't buy books for this reason. Youll need to keep a closer unit to avoid that closest eligible rider, and youll also have to mark a unit to even make use of this. In a fun twist, this can be used to give your model a. relic, provided its replacing a weapon, so your murdermonster warlord can have two relics if one is an upgraded weapon, though note you cant use this if the model has a Daemon Weapon, limiting its effectiveness. Until the next Psychic Phase, when that unit makes a melee attack, unmodified hit rolls of 6 automatically wound the target and these auto-wounds are considered to have been made by unmodified wound rolls of 6, so theyll trigger rules that rely on rolling 6s to wound. These models have a 5+ invulnerable save and regain 1 lost wound in your Command phase. This is probably the best of the Chaos Space Marine secondary objectives and even at its best its just so-so. Sure, sure, theyve gotten a few kits butwheres the codex at? This unit is out there to provide some extra value where needed while Advancing to hold objectives and support other units. Death to the False Emperor isdead; long live its replacement, Let the Galaxy Burna rule applied if every unit in your army has the Traitoris Astartes keyword and theyre all from the same Legion. Before we jump into the specifics, note that there are some basic resources you should be aware of and familiar with that are helpful for every army: OK, with that out of the way, lets jump into some specifics. Use when an enemy unit is destroyed by a CULTISTS unit. Hes not worth taking, and its a shame they managed to make the standard army leader one of the most boring models in the book. The poor, unloved Defiler is yet another of the Chaos Space Marines many in-between units, vehicles that can do both shooting and melee, but arent quite good enough at either to be worth taking for that alone and which charge you for both in the points cost. You can use this twice in Strike Force games and three times in Onslaught games. You can give a Character a Warlord Trait if your Warlord is a CSM Character. But if you made a Defiler much better at one of those two things for cheaper, you just end up with Forgefiends and Maulerfiends. Note that Psykers cant have the Mark of Khorne. If you beat the leadership of that enemy unit, then pick one: Either that unit cant perform actions and any actions it was doing immediately fail, or it cant fire Overwatch or Set to Defend, and fights last in the Fight phase. BoLS Interactive LLC. At the end of the battle round, score 2 VP for each Character, Monter, or Vehicle model destroyed that round by a Traitoris Astartes Character from your army. On the whole, the Lord Discordant is still one of the armys best units, and has gotten better thanks to now being 9 wounds and protectable with Look Out, Sir. This is a powerful effect on the surface, but the power is both difficult to cast and also not as good as youd think in a post-Armour of Contempt world: You really dont have the weapons to put most threats on a 6+ or worse save, making this something where youll often find that the targets 5+ armour save is just as bad as their invuln would have been. While there are other ways to soup, including lists that run Abaddon, Mortarion, and Magnus, the most common and popular ways to soup for Chaos Space Marines are to either include Chaos Knights in the army or a detachment of Chaos Daemons. PRIEST models in your army know the Dark Zealotry prayer and may know a number of others. After that enemy unit has finished the move, your unit can either consolidate up to 3, or if its no longer within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but only at the target falling back. There are only three Epic Deed Strats in the core set, and of those the most useful is the one for Dark Apostles to auto-chant a prayer in a different phase. Whether teleporting in or walking up the table, they can reliably put out some solid shots, though theyre much more effective against smaller targets where their Warp Hail firing mode (D6+9 shots) can let them casually wipe units off the table than they are when it comes to firing heavier modes, though even their focused shots throwing out D3 S9 Ap-3 4 damage shots each are nothing to sneeze at. He comes with 6 attacks base and the Axe of dismemberment, a S7, AP-3, 2 damage weapon that does 2 mortals every time you roll a 6 to hit (and the sequence ends). Chaos Space Marines are not an army that can sit back and passively score VP while an opponent comes to them. This costs 2 CP if the unit is TITANIC. Pick a friendly CORE, CULTISTS, or CHARACTER unit within 6. Instead the upgrades youll want to focus on are the heavy chainaxe, which gives you a nasty heavy hitter (basically an AP-4 power fist), and the balefire tome, which turns the unit into a PSYKER, with the ability to cast Smite and one of the first three powers in the Dark Hereticus Discipline Prescience is the best pick of those. From a durability standpoint, Daemon Princes are OK. Toughness 6 isnt amazing and having a 4+ invulnerable save against shooting is helpful but 5+ against melee much less so. BoLS Interactive LLC. All of them increase your durability in different ways, but Delightful Agonies is the best of the bunch. On the whole defilers are frustrating. The main use for this is for giving Light Cover to qualifying units like Lord Discordants, Contemptors, or Helbrutes that are Vehicles and dont normally get Light Cover from terrain. He works well with pretty much all of the units you want in the army, from Terminators to Chosen to Possessed, and hes good enough to elevate some of the armys more borderline units, like Obliterators and Land Raiders (giving a Land Raider T10 with Mutated Invigoration is pretty funny). The bearer can perform a 6 Heroic Intervention, gets +1 Attack, and each time the bearer destroys an enemy unit with a melee attack, they get +1 Attack for the rest of the battle. The Malefic discipline is the clear winner of the two from a power level standpoint, but there are some gems in the Dark Hereticus Discipline youll want to consider. Its also one of the few ways to get hit re-rolls on your characters. As much as I hate these abilities that punish a single faction, this is pretty money, in particular because space marines are still relatively popular, and any buffs to the faction will make them more prevalent. overhaul in the 9th edition codex, getting an entirely new profile that its cousins in Codex: Space Marines and even Death Guard/Thousand Sons lack. This is particularly a challenge when it comes to your Psyker characters: Youll typically want a Master of Possession, but will seldom want to waste his casts on doing Psychic Interrogation, forcing you to find a way to fit another psyker character into the army and that has to be an HQ choice. In this section well cover the main rules for the army, starting with the factions army-wide special rules, then diving into the Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Relics, Secondary Objectives, and Psychic Powers available to all Chaos Space Marines. If theres a downside to this, its that you cant combine it with a Mark of Chaos. So, about those 2 Wound Chaos Space Marines? Its a very strong trick to have. ", "All you 40k people out there have managed to more or less do something that I did some time ago, and some of my friends did before me, and some of their friends did before them: When you saw the water getting gakky, you decided to, well, get out of the pool, rather than say 'I guess this is water now.'". Also great to use on your opponents attempts to Interrogate. Note that you cannot replace the keyword with DEATH GUARD or THOUSAND SONS unless youre working with Forge World units from Imperial Armour Compendium. With this new codex, Games Workshop has doubled down on giving each Chaos Space Marine Legion a different playstyle and feel from those of its peers. Good stuff. With 3 attacks and the ability to take chainswords plus the CORE keyword, Chaos Bikers are an alternative to Terminators and Chosen, albeit with more speed and with the ability to move 14 theyre a real threat for early charges. Until the end of the phase, that unit can target the enemy even if it is within Engagement range of other units, and when shooting that enemy, you cant re-roll the hit roll, plus unmodified hit rolls of 1 score hits against the friendly unit instead (you resolve these after hits to the enemy unit). He travels throughout the known galaxy, always seeking to create a new version of the Space Marine one better, faster, stronger, more adaptable. Pick a PRIEST in your army that has not chanted a prayer this turn. All of this combines to make the Master of Possession one of the armys key units, and at a relatively cheap cost hes a mainstay in most lists. Blackstone Fortress Chaos Ogryn by Craig MasterSlowPoke Sniffen. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. This is solid, and one of Abaddons three traits. This is an excellent tradeoff, and youll almost always be taking the wounds if you have to. In the second round, youll move into Wanton Massacre, where the same applies, but for Rapid Fire, Assault, and Pistol weapons. There are 9 original traitor legions, three of which Death Guard, Thousand Sons, and soon, World Eaters have their own codexes (and their own Start Competing articles). Once an also-ran to the Dark Hereticus Discipline, these are now the money powers for Chaos, and there are several here that youll want to include in every army you field. Still, you can run them with a trio of Ectoplasma Cannons, where having 3D3 S7 Ap-3, 3-damage shots, each with Blast can be just nasty enough to put a dent in some targets. The Secondary Objectives available to Chaos Space Marines are not particularly good. This is a fine ability, and will let you fish for 6s while Wanton Slaughter is active. The remaining 7 are covered in Codex: Chaos Space Marines, along with two additional Legions, the Red Corsairs and Creations of Bile. This is really, really good re-rolling wounds is great, and this gives you the built-in ability to fish for mortals on 6s. Up for pre-order onJune 25, 2022 and released on July 2, the 9th edition Chaos Space Marines codex is now alive and kicking, and we can get up to speed on the long war. Mutated Invigoration can also be huge for buffing T4 units to T5, and Warp Marked can help delete key units off the table. Thats not a bad profile for what you pay, and if you take an Ogryn, you use its Toughness for attacks against the unit and you have to allocate attacks and mortal wounds to the Ogryn first. Giving +1 Toughness is going to do the most work for you on T4 models, but you can also pair this with something like Berzerkers to give them Strength 7 on the charge, helping them hack up vehicles. Heres the thing to remember with this: You also have the Mark of Nurgle, so youre never getting wounded on a 2+ to begin with unless there are modifiers in play. A rhino full of berzerkers will do some serious work, and even a unit of 5 has a real chance of trading up when it throws out 26 Attacks. If your legion doesnt have great passive buffs for Legionaries, youre probably going this route. Credit: SRM and Sam Duguin. This relic bolt pistol has 18 range, is Pistol 2, and S5, AP-2 2 damage, plus in Wanton Massacre or Slaughter it becomes Pistol 4. Unlike many Chaos Space Marines, Abaddon the Despoiler doesnt truly believe in Chaos; he is motivated purely by his great hatred for the Emperor and all those loyal to Him. fell bond to prevent their targets from getting Light Cover and youre set. The long wait is over. The Master of Executions is basically designed to be a mortal wounds machine, and pairs well with Hatred Incarnate (+1 attack/strength on the charge, re-roll hits), to let him fish for mortal wounds and get the extra attack, and also with Ulocca, which lets him generate extra mortals on the hit rolls that dont immediately become two mortal wounds. Plague Marines come with T5 and Disgustingly Resilient, reducing the damage they take by 1. Speaking of which, The shooty version of the dinobot, Forgefiends arent, as useful, owing to the fact that their AP-2 autocannons arent nearly as useful in a post-Armour of Contempt world. Rejoice! If you see something, or if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, drop us a note in the comments below or email us at Being a part of the oldest wargaming community on the net. This is primarily a review of the units and options that are specific to Chaos Space Marines, but Chaos Space Marines can be combined with Daemons and Chaos Knights in interesting ways, and well talk about those as well. And thats mostly due to the fact that the. That unit can immediately make a Normal Move as if it were the Movement phase, but cant charge this turn. This gives Chaos Space Marines four solid Troops choices in their games, and thats pretty cool. Full Masthead & Authors. Lastly, the Slaanesh relics gives you perma-transhuman and +3 to your aura abilities. Likewise, build your army with a thought toward how it will score secondaries and which ones it will pick. It also can benefit from the Smokescreen stratagem for -1 to Hit, making it surprisingly annoying for opponents to deal with. They also enjoy the mortal wound protection that Word Bearers or Iron Warriors can bring. Being a melee combattant. Note that it will not let you bypass the restriction on being able to fight a unit you didnt charge. When enemy units take morale tests within 6 of your warlord, they roll 2D6 and take the highest result. Both of these are solid abilities to have and contribute to making this the mark of choice in competitive lists. While there are other ways to soup, including lists that run Abaddon, Mortarion, and Magnus, the most common and popular ways to soup for Chaos Space Marines are to either include Chaos Knights in the army or a detachment of Chaos Daemons. That said, it may not often be what you want out of your Dark Apostle. So whether you can take Flamers in Emperors Children without losing army benefits will vary by event. Theres a ton of ground to cover, so rather than try and put it all in one article, weve chosen to put each legion and subfaction into its own section. By himself he clocks in at 45 points and is relatively fragile, with T3, 4 wounds, and a 5+/5++ save. To the Disco Lords detriment, hes no longer the force multiplier he used to be: His previous +1 to hit aura has been replaced with the ability to give a single VEHICLE +1 to hit in melee for a round, or alternately he can curse a vehicle, hitting an enemy vehicle for a few mortal wounds. This is solid for taking down big targets, but youve got other ways to do that and very limited spell slots to work with. These days the baleflamer is the clear move for the Lord Discordant, and getting D6+2 hits is just better than anything the Helstalker autocannon has to offer. The Master of Possession is one of the games best psyker units, and Chaos Legionnaire units can take a psyker as well for additional versatility and the ability to toss out mortal wounds. , this message was edited 1 time if your LEGION doesnt have great passive for. 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when will chaos space marines get 2 wounds