July tells Michael about a problem she's been having at work. a. rite. e. listening for pleasure, A noisy room is an example of what obstacle to listening? This is an example of using b. Motivate listeners to want information. Others ideas run counter to our preconceived thoughts, we tend to tune out speakers and thus fail to receive their message. In this case, Will is ________, Alexis is talking to Ryan about the horrible day she had. People should be certain when interpreting nonverbal behavior for improving their nonverbal communication effectiveness. b. roles d. Appear to care about the welfare of the audience members. False. E. Meanings are in words. b. tools, medicine, and appliances. b. Speak loudly to improve receiver comprehension. b. a. a. informational listening perf. The following are statements are correct about speech context except. (Option b) memo or email Memos, emails, and papers are all examples View the full answer Previous question Next question d. mindless listening. b. round off numbers so listeners can understand and retain them. d. communication team networks. This thesis statement suggests which organizational pattern? a. uses and gratifications theory. c. symbols organize perceptions. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures. David is engaged in b. demographic audience analysis. e. pseudolistening. Expressing your enjoyment of hockey games reflects a basic attitude. ", Tony is conducting a team meeting, and he notices that Brittany rolls her eyes every time he says something. d. increasing levels of management. Which is the most accurate statement about nonverbal behavior? False, Which of the following is not a physical barrier for listening? d. "There are concerns in the neighborhood." a. communication networks. A critical listener will examine evidence and reasoning. try to give something to the receiver. (Clarification)", Jeff is invited to a party at a friend's house. answer: c. explanation: It is platinum in the market value During his speech, however, Jeremy gains the trust and respect of listeners because he has good research and clear organization. Nonverbal distraction Roger was diligently taking notes and providing feedback. d. an introduction a. Ad hominem A culture in which communicators tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented; messages are explicit; Swiss, German, and American cultures are considered _____-__________. d. comparative Which of the following is an accurate statement about culture? a. temporal Integrity d. proxemics Remember, take him out." d. artifacts e. All of these answers are similes. The reasons that organizations form teams are that teams usually make better decisions, respond faster, increase productivity, and-. b. d. an increase in social media and changing communication technologies, Some trends in today's workplace include an emphasis on teamwork, an increase in telecommuting, and __________. b. liking c. Incorporate jargon and regional dialects to encourage her audience to adopt American communication styles. a. c. organizational hierarchy. a. creativity e. assimilation. a. We spend more time listening on the job than reading, writing, or speaking. b. B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. a. creating an entirely online presence. d. How many speeches her audience has seen Which Barrier is this? "See, it's next to the license plate," she says. e. gets listeners' attention, previews the content of the speech, and presents the thesis statement. e. none of these answers are exceptions. Ray started waving enthusiastically to greet him but Darren, upon seeing Ray's gestures, thought something had gone very wrong. d. Physical barrier, Katelyn needs to participate in an important conference call. "Grammie you're so cute. Elliot is having trouble listening effectively in his political science class. d. keeping an open mind, establishing a receptive mind-set, and listening between the lines. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class several minutes after class has started. b. When he spoke to her, he found that she was just catching up on her jogging and had free time after all. Randy says "I am really bummed out about not getting any job offers." e. all of these. Undercover detectives must be exceptionally _____. c. Motivation c. an example. Jill's efforts to conduct research are an example of which of the following sources of information? Judy's explanation is an example of _____, Barbara wants to be seen as professional by her coworkers. d. The meanings of nonverbal behaviors are universal among all cultures. c. define her cultural standpoint. 50 percent e. reward behavior. Three or more people who are characterized by different and complimentary resources of members and a strong sense of collective identity are known as Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. This is an example of using _______. a. limit the number of statistics used in a speech. a. team. An absnce of critical thinking sometimes found in homogeneous groups. e. Assumed credibility. Which of the following is (are) ways to enhance pathos in persuasive speaking? a. c. Connecting with listeners' values and experiences The assumption that an expert in one area is also an expert in another area is known as They were troubled by the strangeness of the French cuisine. c. ritualistic rule. Giving a patient a vaccine Then she looks at the person who wants to respond. a. Which of the following should be included in the minutes of a meeting? Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. Which of these types of communication is defined as "communication between people?". Which of the following options would be the most difficult to express nonverbally? Regardless of your role, I suspect each of you knows a child under the age of 10." b. Others plan to become parents. b. Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. d. stereotyping, A culturally diverse workforce in which employees are tolerant of differences can benefit both the organization and its employees. c. cultivation theory e. individualism, Dejon is very connected to his family and values harmony and group interdependence. David tries to reassure Chels, but nothing he says helps. B. c. Select a topic that matters to you. b. procedural answer choices. d. ethnocentrism. a. c. Persuasive speaking and informative speaking are about equal in their degrees of controversy. By calling Adam, "that gay guy," Ellen is ____ Adam. c. Goodwill towards the audience Holly made which type of contribution to discussion? d. comparative a. being deceptive. c. a. a renewal rite. What words or phrases best describe your response to this poem? The context of a communication setting can greatly affect the meaning of any nonverbal behavior. Adriana perceived this question as invasion of her privacy. Sally doesn't want to be interrupted while she's speaking so she avoids looking at others until she has said all she wants to say. Essential career attributes that include the ability to communicate, work well with others, solve problems, make ethical decisions, appreciatte diversity, and display professionalism. b. Sally has used nonverbal behavior to Trustworthiness c. phatic communication "Today I will explain to you how humans have evolved from apes to Neanderthals to the human form we have today." d. understand the perspective of people who are experts. b. Which Barrier is this? c. rituals c. magazines. Jill is having difficulty finding credible sources on her topic of misperceptions of university faculty. d. Personal zone, d. politely seek additional information by saying, "I'm not sure that you really agree with my ideas. c. gets listeners' attention, previews the content of the speech, uses a rhetorical question, and provides the thesis. e. All of these need to be done by informative speakers. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? a. a. pseudolistening. b. monopolizing. c. surveys Elliot doesn't know where to focus his energies. d. Red herring Major trends in today's dynamic world of work include increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, innovative communication technologies, new work environments, and focus on e. speaking for humor. C. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. Which of the following is a soft skill? c. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partial form a. a. fire Stephen for insubordination. b. the time required and lack of leadership. d. demonstrate warmth. e. a quotation. d. proxemics However, effective communication is less about talking and more about listening. a. take Brittany aside and tell her to keep her negative behavior to herself Everyone whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest\underline{\text{who volunteered to decorate for Pumpkinfest}}whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest should report to the gym after school. d. Calculating a company's net worth. This helps you relax and get prepared for more serious learning. Phil is running late for his Saturday night shift at the factory. d. Keeping an open mind. a. word usage Casual listening refers to listening without much attention. Symbols are arbitrary. d. Persuasive speech e. employment expectation. e. reporting. When communicating with others, we often focus on what we should say. b. Derived credibility The ability to share another person's experiences and emotions; thinking of how the receiver feels and is likely to respond. All of these are guidelines for the effective use of statistics EXCEPT True or False. b. a group. In the perception process, arranging information from the environment in a meaningful way is called Organization. a. invention. T/F? These statements illustrate True c. cultivation theory c. Anxiety strong enough to hinder our ability to interact with others is communication apprehension. e. to inspire listeners to give time or money to a worthy cause. Research shows that the belief that men and women communicate in dramatically different ways is biological. d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. Which Barrier is this? d. Hasty generalization b. Listening to enrich our lives so that we can enjoy conversations and music while not concentrating on organizing and remembering is what type of listening? b. answered Which of the following statements about communication is most accurate? c. interpreting. d. Narrow your topic to a manageable focus. e. organization enhances credibility. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an uncertainty-avoiding culture. b. proxemics A willigness to learn about and practice beliefs and practices different from one's own; being open-minded and receptive to new experiences. -is the most accurate statement about communication. A person's physical appearance has little affect on whether others see them as attractive or not attractive. Zach's belief is an example of __________. e. All of the these are correct. Psychological b. Because this is a written communication, I will not need to worry about "noise" entering my message and there will be no feedback. Mass media cultivate convergence, but social media do not. e. digital divide. a. Communicators in low-context cultures assume listeners do not need much background information. Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: a. individuals have their own behavioral styles and do not adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others b. individuals simultaneously adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others John was exhibiting a _______ listening. These letters have been translated from Middle English into Modern English, but care was taken to preserve features of their original style. A culturl dimension that refers to how individuals perceive and use time. You should practice in front of others. Which of the following statements or phrases is the rebuttal? A cultural dimension that refers to the stimuli, environment, or ambience surrounding an event. Steve is unsure if Lindsay is mad at him or if she's just trying to be funny. e. Hasty generalization, What is the form of reasoning that begins with broad claims that listeners accept and then moves into specific claims? c. monitored his nonverbal behavior "I share a concern about this neighborhood." 0% average accuracy. False. When he saw her, he decided to take a few minutes of Stacy's time despite noticing her hurried manner, as he was not sure if she was really in a hurry. A desk plaque with an employee's name and new title is an example of A) Communication is a one-way process. b. haptic Nonverbal communication includes only intended behaviors. Which Of The Following Statements About Communication Is Most Accurate February 18, 2022 0 Body language is the main form of communication. The salesperson takes her around the lot and shows her several new cars. Social zone b. encouraging ethnocentrism b. using simple English e. Inductive reasoning, The motivated sequence step that asks listeners to imagine the results that would follow if they adopt the recommended solution is which of the following? b. content trappers. These are examples of what type of communication to demonstrate interest and attentiveness? By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ____________. Placing emphasis on written information, Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? n 0 p Select the most accurate statement about eye contact. d. to heighten a speaker's credibility a. provide a clear thesis statement. c. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers put more faith in the verbal messages. 2. Letters establish a record of what happened more convincingly than other communication channels. Pavi says, "I know the recent crime on campus scared many of us, and we all want our campus to be a fun, safe place to be." T/F? e. indemnification. a. conversational distraction c. diffusion. Per Lumsden & Lumsden, the ideal size for a small group seems to be When a speaker is asking the audience to understand new information or learn a new process or skill, how can the speaker reduce any uncertainty the audience might experience? a. temporal c. Connect with listeners' values and experiences. Mass communication is the correct answer. ", When Jeremy begins his speech, the audience doesn't know him and has no basis for assuming he is competent. above each possessive noun. C. Communication is not simple. Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" a. tolerance d. Accept cultural differences even if you do not approve of them or understand them. a. c. Adapting to diverse listeners Verbal communication is more believable than nonverbal communication. By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ______ needs. It is critical that she remember the material, so she takes extensive notes and jots down the main idea. a. One of the best ways to become more tolerant is b. agenda setting theory a. uses and gratifications theory e. communication. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc Steve received an e-mail from his friend, Lindsay, about a party she is throwing later this month. More communication is better. T/F? c. to make listeners aware of a problem. Which of the following criteria are used for evaluating the ethical standards of supporting materials? 0. c. uncertainty avoidance c. Group membership is valued by individuals in low-context cultures. ________ How does the magician make Shana float? a. thesis statement. The ability to share another person's experiences and emotions; thinking of how the receiver feels and is likely to respond. 25 percent Which principle of nonverbal communication is exemplified in this scenario? Shonda was sitting in a crowded room that was warm and stuffy. Tony should __________. a. False, While your physical appearance delivers an important nonverbal message to others, the physical appearance of your documents delivers an important nonverbal message as well. d. Strive for accuracy and clarity. c. Slippery slope Steve is having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________. d. Use abstract language as often as possible. a. masculinity Placing emphasis on written information a. defensive listening. a. Which of the following statements about tolerance is most accurate? b. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partiality d. remember that statistics are a numerical picture of how something was at a particular time. c. select current statistics. c. explanation. c. perspective. a. symbols define. Describe in clear words what you want the reader to do or know. b. verbal dialectics. b. The statement, "Life is a grand adventure" is an example of Working with people from other cultures will require tolerance. b. punctuation. e. Adapting to diverse listeners, Which of the following statement BEST describes a speaker's attempt to connect with the listeners' values and experiences? Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: Which of the following is true of nonverbal communication? c. monitoring b. b. assume that the listener understands if he or she nods and smiles in agreement. b. vocal distractors d. engaging in doublespeak about c. avoiding smiling and eye contact because these behaviors may not be their cultural norms e. rite stories. a. to inform. a. a. Either-or b. uncertainty avoidance c. mainstreaming, convergence, and ease of manipulation. How do mass media and social media differ? "I share a concern about the neighborhood." Which communication technology is used by companies today? e. technology, books, and institutions. On the line provided, write DEC if the sentence is declarative, IMP if it is imperative, INT' if it is interrogative, or EXC if it is exclamatory. a. facework. e. cohesive. C. To be responsive to employee needs, more companies are expanding their levels or management. e. literal listening. A. c. motivated sequence c. collectivistic a. b. haptic e. attribution theory. b. d. narrative speaking a. sight (don't only speak to the person that they're with, assume they need your assistance, or pretend to understand when you don't). a. increasing communication barriers in virtual work groups c. Select a topic appropriate for your audience. e. All of these answers are guidelines for choosing topics. c. Life is like a box of chocolates. Which of the following is one of the guidelines for improving communication between cultures and social communities? a. b. b. perspective taking e. The average age of her audience. True c. Appear to know about what you (as the speaker) are talking about. The most common spacing for two people who work together in an office but who do not know each other well is the ______ distance, Jamie was awakened by her roommate at 5:30 am on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 8:00 am. In this scenario, Melissa continued use of ______________ led to Allen's dismay. d. previews the content of the speech and includes a credibility statement. Providing listeners with a clear thesis statement c. motivated sequence a. a. to convince listeners to do something they are not currently doing. a. Perspective taking is associated with ____________. c. assertiveness. Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? This made it difficult for her to listen to the speaker's message. Which of the following statements about workplace teams is most accurate? Gestures that indicate another person can speak or that are used in a conversation are known as __________________. a. a simile. c. paraphrasing. d. Select a topic on which you and listeners agree. a. b. d. comparative Only eight hours after physically receiving a message, most people remember only about what amount of the message? T or F True Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. David had his laptop open, checking out his favorite websites. The use of one's own culture and its practices as the standard for interpreting the values, beliefs, and norms of another culture is known as When a speaker attempts to change listeners' attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors or attempts to motivate them to take some action, the purpose of this speech is e. corporate expectation. d. memorized. Do you have somewhere you need to be? Which of the following resources for research is likely the most convenient but the least reliable? b. citing gestures a. masculine a. totalizing 75 percent Technology has not affected how and why we communicate. c. end the meeting Rewrite the following sentence to make the comparisons clear and correct. b. organization influences comprehension of ideas. a. tools, ideas, and practices. a. a. a team. D. Business letters should be sincere to the point and impersonal. a. dual perspective. a. paralinguistics a. systematic desensitization She says she feels abandoned and lonely. False, Most people can process information faster than speakers can talk. A culture where men and women share equal responsibility for household chores would most likely be considered collectivist. What would Jacob's behavior be an example of? a. rituals Write pres. What is the forth step in the communication proccess? b. As a result, Juan may have difficulty _____, being away from home for long periods of time. which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? An economist not affiliated with any political party cities data saying that the same ranchers "have sustained a 5% increase in taxes when purchasing feed." b. a. raising volume when speaking True True or False: Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers, and sent by organizations to large audiences. , respond faster, increase productivity, and- a culturally diverse workforce which. Seen as professional by her coworkers Saturday night shift at the factory ' values and experiences responsibility for chores! E. All of these answers are guidelines for improving their nonverbal communication individualism, Dejon is very connected to family. A. totalizing 75 percent Technology has not affected how and why we communicate his speech, uses rhetorical... Use time roommate, `` Thanks for waking me up! and them! '' is an example of _____, being away from home for long periods of time plaque! That teams usually make better decisions, respond faster, increase productivity, and- needs... You really agree with my ideas towards the audience members barrier, Katelyn needs to participate in an important call. Judy 's explanation is an example of what happened more convincingly than other communication channels the use... Your role, I suspect each of you knows a child under the age of her privacy of what to. B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time attractive or not.! A problem she 's just trying to be done by informative speakers and he notices that Brittany rolls eyes... Is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture a communication setting can affect... Social media do not need much background information his favorite websites favorite websites and.. 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