Cond encourages Francis to take his offer, to save his son the humiliation and resentment he would have to suffer as his bastard son. King Henry's death marked the 55th death of Season One. She had not named her successor but many believe the rightful heir to the English throne should be Queen Mary Stuart. On his way, he encounters the tree from Nostradamus' prediction, and not long after, he finds Mary after hearing her scream. Francis tells Mary that Colin is indeed dead, and she now has no proof against the English, even if they were responsible for Colin attacking Mary. She was going to explain about Nostradamus, but news Francis didn't care anyway. He believes that France is truly unstable right now and that if things don't go well with the Cardinal, Rome will withdraw their support, thus leaving his country to look weak before the world. Lest you forget: The last time we were at French Court, the Prince of Spain was wandering around the castle with a piece of sex horse in his head, while Mary and Catherine were brainstorming ways not to be implicated in the inevitable scandal. After Mary's rape, Francis tried everything he could to redeem himself to her and his people, and in doing so, he became a better person. Francis believes that he was fated to die and rejects Mary's idea to have Delphine resurrect him. Such doubts start wars. I want to say a massive thank you to you, the fans, who make it so worthwhile. Bash wonders how the Cardinal would explain the brand if a loyal Catholic were branded. But Francis doesn't believe him and has him taken to the dungeon, all to get the Cardinall to surrender and recant his theory. Francis was thorough in his research. She believes Mary has cost them all dearly. Lady Madeleine is arriving by ship. Get the daily inside scoop right in your inbox. He offers them shelter and protection at his camp, and they accept his offer. Lola believes it was Catherine who planted the rodent in her bath, and if she could threaten Lola while in jail, whos to say she couldnt also commit regicide? However, she also wanted Francis to promise to keep his brother safe. Still have a tickle in your throat after Fridays Reign? House of Stuart (Marriage) Also, there was no sexy Nostradamus whispering in his mother's ear that Francis would perish. She begs him to stay in the castle until the threat has passed, but Francis refuses and instead whisks Mary away on a romantic trip to Paris to celebrate his health and their life together. He slips away just as Delphine, Charles, and Bash arrive. "I am starting to feel a little better. After being promised land of his choosing, Narcisse gives in. King Charles (Brother) Princess Claude (Sister) Cedric the Secretary is the one loose end in Narcisses rat cover up, so, naturally, the poor kid had to go. Episode Guide, Official Pictures from each episode, and an additional 50 pictures gallery is available, Lola was revealed to have a mother, father, and three brothers. All of Mary's ladies laugh, leaving her to have an awkward conversation with her former fianc. After reminiscing of their childhood, Mary announces her pregnancy to Francis in The Lamb and the Slaughter. He found Sebastian first and happily told him, Mary and he were going to wed. Edward disagreed, and said that they loved each other. Before Francis could say anything, the Duke stepped forwards and gave all the glory to King Henry. But Francis has a plan to secure Mary's future and France's, in that Mary will marry Prince Charles. Mary is ready to leave, but Francis tries to detain her by warning her of the danger she will be in if she goes. A man comes out of his tent and calls for the people outside to quiet down so that he can hear the spirits speak to him. In heaven with Francis (Toby Regbo), Mary . While Mary decides to leave to Scotland immediately after being pressured by her brother, Francis is busy torturing the footman in the dungeon and attempting to bribe him to give up information regarding who he's working for. Bash informs Francis that their father is displeased at his absense, but his mother is in fine form. Only a couple hours later the Scottish queen made her decision. Bash thinks it's rather convenient that she's coming forward after sleeping with him, while Francis struggles to see how Cond would be dangerous. She is visibly distressed and not easily swayed by Francis' promise to hunt her attackers to the end of the earth. Taking his counsel, Francis goes to Mary and tells her that he's willing to go to Scotland with her, as long as she'll wait until they resolve the issue with the cardinal. But he doesn't, so Bash is worried the Cardinal may not truly care for Randall after all. Francis is in some sort of a coma as he battles with his ear infection, thus leaving Mary in charge of the Kingdom of France. Narcisse wants to send in a military unit but Mary wants to explore diplomatic options. I know Mary is busy but, like, open your eyes, dude. Mary begs Delphine to save Francis, so she works her magic and he returns, but the price is the life of another. by Sarah Wasilak Francis understands Mary's decision, but not sure how he feels about Bash. Lord Narcisse alleges that Nostradamus falsely diagnosed his son Eduard and condemned him to death. He agreed and they kissed again. Queen Mary: To stay is an acceptance of death. Francis is annoyed that his wife handled yet another political affair. When they have an heir, there cannot be the slightest doubt about their child's paternity. Mary and her ladies-in-waiting soon arrive. Mary pledges to fix it. She warns him that if he does not claim him, there will be a distance between father and son for all their lives. We live in a world that undervalues women. Francis mentions that he's also negotiating with Lord Ducasse to get grain behind Narcisse's back. Leith asks for repayment of stripping his lands by letting Castleroy go. Francis finds Narcisse and attacks him. This was a first of its kind alliance between a Christian and a Muslim empire. He believes the power should be shifted from the nobles to the King, back to where it belongs. When the footman refuses to talk, Francis calls in the torturer. All Rights Reserved. While the guards are disposing of the decaying bodies, Francis is trying to mend his relationship with Mary. 5 hours ago, by Alexis Jones The Poison Was Really Planted by the Mystery Kind of Ghost Girl: 7 Or: "Who cares except that this is immensely convoluted." Mary Calls Off the Wedding to Francis: 10, if you're Team Francis, 1 . Francis and Sebastian Later, Cond steps in on a conversation between Francis and Narcisse, encouraging Francis to trust no one but himself. Born Franois of Angoulme in 1494, the man who came to be Francis I was never supposed to see the throne of France. Francis had always had his country's interests at heart, but when Queen Mary arrived, he struggled to balance his duties with his desires. Luckily for Francis, he draws a King and wins. Cond empties the basket's content to find a chicken and some bread, likely just to feed his family, and certainly not something he deserved to die for. He tells Francis that he knows he killed him. He is about to send another fleet, but Mary comes up with another way to save her mother, in that she plants a false cypher and when Nicholas steals it, he causes Elizabeth to send her forces in another direction, allowing the Scottish regent to regain control of the supply route. He knows the Cardinal cares more about Randall's suffering than his own, and that is what love is. He is scared of what is going to happen and didn't want to be at French Court when Mary and Sebastian were married. They were to collect tax-payers money and set their homes on fire to anyone that could not, thus creating hatred for the royal couple among their own citizens. Francis is also caught off-guard when he notices his brother Sebastian looking at Mary. She feels alone, but Francis reassures her that she isn't. However, Francis disagrees as he cannot curse his mother as one of his last acts as King. Mary then recounts how Cond told her that he was approached by Elizabeth's envoy some weeks ago, though he swore that he would reject her proposal. While having a scribe dictate a letter to her mother, Lola questions him about his calligraphy and whether he might have written the note. He knows the offense cannot be erased, but he will make every one of them pay with their lives. He denies it but tells her they are all trained in the same penmanship. Mary goes forward to introduce herself to the young girl and explain who she is. Thats when Narcisse reveals just how low hes willing to go in order to keep his power. House of Valois Reign's Series Finale Brings Francis Back for Mary's Happily Ever After. Mary claims that she has found a letter with Voland's confession in it. Your father and brothers are being taken hostages. Bash vows to protect John Philip and Charles laments that he didn't study harder, but he never thought he would be King. He claims that he needs to prove to the nobles that he is a capable and legimimate ruler, which he can't do if his wife is doing it for him. Hoda Kotb's Today Absence Due to 'Family Health Matter', La Brea Boss Unpacks the Season 2 Finale's Back to the Future-y Twist and That Dino-Mite Reveal, Young Sheldon's Mary Is Onto George and Brenda But Does She Have a Leg to Stand On? And then Henry died. Queen Catherine: Oh, you just pray that's exactly what happens to him. Mary becomes frustrated with his threats and tries to leave. When he is taken into custody, the Cardinal goes to Sebastian and Francis and defends Randall's honour and loyalty. At the castle, Francis is escorted by his guards into Mary's chamber, where they start kissing until they end up in bed. But Francis reminds Mary of what Cond has done to her - taking advantage of her when she was at her lowest - and how he doesn't know what he is capable of. They all returned to the castle and waited for Mary to make her choice. Before Mary can come up with a new plan for proving Catherines innocence, shes saddled with yet another dire problem: Theres a barley shortage in Scotland and people are starving and English troops stole some barley and some Scots tried to take back the barley and those Scots are being held hostage. Later, Herr Schuler approaches Mary and asks her to have Francis release German prisoners in return for German grain. She goes to sleep and Francis joins her, with the baby in between them. Princess Henriette (Sister) Remember Rat Bath-gate? Queen Catherine: I have endured many trials, but nothing as painful as being forced to look upon the decaying corpse of my firstborn son. Francis tells his father that the English cant try to attack Mary at French Court, and he says there is no proof until a body is found. Bash later reports that their mission was unsuccessful. No one knows of Francis' whereabouts, only that he left French court after being stripped of his heritage. Just take him back to your country and water him. Lord Narcisse continues his rant about the noblemen providing everything for the kingdom and Francis orders Nostradamus to be taken away for questioning. He tells her Mary has released him to be free with whomever he wishes. After things die down, Madeleine presents herself as a perfect lady, but the shy Charles stands back. The Cardinal informs the King and his Deputy that a noble lady named Cond as a traitor who bore The Devil's Mark. . Catherine outs Narcisse as the real rat culprit in front of Mary, but Narcisse continues to deny it. Those babies were so incredulous they almost went vertical. The Cardinal congratulates Francis on using the noblest emotion to manipulate and destroy someone. He married Queen Mary of Scotland, to whom he had been betrothed to since they were children. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? Francis and Lady Lola retire to his room where they play cards for the rest of the night and Lola complains about her screw-up brother. Franciss mind is preoccupied on whether or not his mother is alive or dead. Unfortunately for Mary, Francis forbids her union with Cond. As King Henry is trying on a suit for his daughter Elisabeth's wedding, Queen Catherine protests against Mary's return to court. PMC Entertainment. Catherine insists Mary still accept his proposal. Back at the castle, Bash and Francis talk about how Mary swooped in and saved Cond from the Vatican. Francis then introduces Mary to Louis of Cond as the man who saved his life. It could mean the end of the their reign. Their envoy, Simon Westbrook, had been sent to French Court to explain. Read the Book Spoilers Now, Rachel Weisz Stars as Twin Doctors in Reimagination of David Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers", Sarah Shahi Jokes She Was "Notorious" at Her Kids' Elementary School After "Sex/Life" Premiered, Joshua Jackson Gets Into a Dangerous Affair With Lizzy Caplan in "Fatal Attraction" Series Teaser, Meet the 2 Other Actors That Help Pedro Pascal Bring the Mandalorian to Life, they felt they needed to uphold some elements of truth, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Francis excuses Claude and Bash and tells Charles of his plan to have him marry Mary in the event of his death. Francis was forced to sign an edict against the. If that's the case, then they may be forced to execute an innocent man. In Pilot, Mary Stuart 's taster is poisoned with an unidentified type, meant for Mary. He is almost overcome by the assassins but manages to rally his strength and fight back, killing another. He asks her to wait and see how things go for France, but Mary reminds him that they need to take her own country into account. , Awesome, Youre All Set! Queen Catherine: We were here. Lord Narcisse: Please, God. He was a sickly child with stunted growth. Francis has said to have no problem with someone who shares their bed with someone of the same sex. The next day, Francis confronts his mother, warning her not to bring any harm to Mary, promising that him being with Mary doesn't mean she will lose him, and then walks off. As Francis was kissing Mary he noticed her looking at someone. Three Queens - (Mentioned) It is revealed that Elizabeth sent imposters to France to impersonate the King and Queen of France. Mary brings this offer up to Francis during a dance, but he is against it as it wouldn't please the Catholic nobles. He orders Bash to hang them all. King Henry II stated a new condition of Scotland and France's marriage alliance is that Mary Stuart delivers England to France. Well, I guess you just werent on the naughty list. Francis has been looking for Mary. Princess Margaret (Sister) He acceded to the throne in 1559, aged only 14, after the accidental death of his father Henri II from a jousting accident. Mary was about to tell him the conversation she'd had with his mother, but he cut her off. Was seen carpeting a boat, something he has not done in years. However, a Scottish Queen on the English throne, a daughter born of one of Henry's wives, dismissed would cause uprisings and wars. When in private, Mary divulges what she did to Francis and then Catherine storms in, wise to Mary poisoning her with Nostradamus' help. says the actress. Mary and Catherine flee the cellar following their incident with Don Carlos. He then orders the guards to draw their weapons and the archers to take aim. Carissa Pavlica at February 6, 2014 11:46 pm. Andy Swift / Francis and Mary retire to their chambers and have sex. He and Mary agree never to speak the truth of Don Carlos' death to King Philip so that Mary can stay removed from the scandal. He wants Greer brought to him believing her ladies to be the sources of corruption. He apologizes for how he treated her earlier, but they soon argue again. The Duke of Alba also admits that hes known about The Beards sexual proclivities for a long time, and will continue to lie about it to King Philip, now that Don Carlos is at least alive. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Narcisse is swinging his weight around as both regent and husband here, and immediately wants to send in the Scots Guard, a Scottish military unit in service of France. Mary goes to Francis and tries to convince him that Cond would never do something so heinous. Bash meets Catherine on the road where she learns that Francis' embalming was done hastily. Narcisse walks up on them and blames the lack of harvest on people's laziness, even though they are likely just dealing with the devastating consequences of the plague. Read the actors full statement below, thendrop a comment with your thoughts on his characters passing. Frances asked if she was cold, and she told him she wished she could go back in time, to when they were first married in Paris. He just wants to save his mother and then leave again. My greatest fear is that Elizabeth will make examples of them. As they dance, feathers fall from the ceiling, bringing memories back to both Francis and Mary, who used to have pillow fights when they were younger. Queen Catherine: Don Carlos is going to survive. He had always been a sickly child, and respiratory failure stunted his growth at a young age. Sebastian begins chanting something in a heretic tongue and orders Francis to keep cutting as the make their escape. He made fun of French people with her! They hear noises and both stop. She was taken to a convent far away for her safety, where she remained until her return at the age of sixteen. Catherine swiftly denies his request, insulting Bash and Henry in the process. Before she can get into too much trouble, Bash, who, at Marys request, has been helping Catherine investigate (of course) the accusations, arrives with some news. Mary uses that as even more of a reason that Catherine should be charged with treason, but they decide to allow Charles to meet with his mother, after they've had a chance to speak to her first. She has no idea, but he never gave it a chance. Queen Mary, Francis and Sebastian are all wondering why King Antoine is back at French Court. Mary admits that she saw him the day she returned, sleeping with Lola and the baby. Mary Realizes She Must Marry for the Good of Scotland Before his marriage, Francis had a son, John Philip, with Lady Lola out of wedlock. He believes she has been avoiding him. She would like that. Royal Blood Princess Emone (Sister) Cond lies about what Francis is doing there, because, as he explains to Francis, Narcisse is not to be trusted. Its a win-win-win. How The Mandalorian Wrote Out Gina Carano Is Cara Dune Still Alive? Randall is branded by a masked Bash on the Crown's behalf. Catherine de Medici: key dates and facts. After paying a visit to Francis embalmer, Bash realizes the guy was paid off and fled so quickly, he never actually embalmed Francis. He also let them knew, that he already knew King Henry was unstable. Pilot Francis and Lola Lord Narcisse informs Mary and Francis that some of their previously loyal supporters have been turned against them and they risk losing Scotland. Spain will approve because The Beards going to be a hard sell, and Don Carlos will be safer with Mary than King Philip, who will probably just stash him away somewhere. This gave him the right to the throne of Scotland and assured the Scots . As soon as they got back to Court, Mary was immediately surrounded by her ladies. He tells her that he needs to think about it. Catherine, out from under the weight of regicide, has fire in her eyes again and shes coming for Narcisse. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Telling him, and his people, that none of this could've been done without the vision of the King. 1 day ago. Francis orders the guards to find the missing girl. Henry laughs and thinks Mary going is a fine idea and sends them all on their way. His beard was top-notch! (Former King of France (1559 - 1560)) Francis II of France was the eldest son of King Henry II and Catherine de' Medici. Was seen carpeting a boat, something he has not done in years mind is preoccupied on whether or his! She had not named her successor but many believe the rightful heir to castle., queen Catherine: Don Carlos is going to happen and did n't want to be at French Court Mary. His absense, but he never thought he would be King been a sickly child, and failure... At his camp, and Bash and tells Charles of his choosing, Narcisse gives in orders the are... There will be a distance between father and son for all their.... His daughter Elisabeth 's wedding, queen Catherine: Oh, you just that! 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