Somehow, he was aware that Cap was going to live in the past, and its probably more than just intuition. Nick Fury tells him in "Captain America: The First Avenger" that he's been out for about 70 years. Hes supposed to return to 2023 after his mission is done, but he remains in the past to live his life with Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell). According to McFeely Yeah I think it's clear from Sebastian's performance here that he's been clued into Steve's decision. It was all Evans, created through a mix of prosthetics on his face and digital touchups to thin it all down. Now normally, a hypothetical fight between Captain America and Batman would have very differing opinions. And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! Okay, folks, this sort of thing is something that happens all the time, so if you have any suggestions for future "The Book of Knowledge" features, drop me a line at! Cookie Notice He kept his head down over the decades and let everything play out while he had his family, then grew into the moment. During the conversation, she mentions that her only regret is that Steve didn't get to live his life. The truth is, there are deliberate mysteries built into that sequence, which directors Joe and Anthony Russo suggested are setting up future stories. Does Rogers mean this as in, it is yours now, or is he telling the literal truth? RELATED: Captain America: All Steve Rogers MCU Movie Appearances, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes Score. But no matter the result, it would be pretty close. He knows. So in the past, Steve, wanting to keep hidden starts using the surname Wilson. Yes, it couldn't have been easy and he wanted to protect Bucky. In the end, Steve decides to give the mantle of Captain America to his good buddy Sam Wilson. The best Peggy could've done is maybegive him some advice about not pursuing a relationship with a nurse down the hall, just so nothinghappened between him and his great-niece. In the end, Steve Rogers goes on a solo trip to restore the Infinity Stones from the other time dimensions to the moment they were taken, thereby bringing them back into alignment with the main timeline. That Steve dated Sharon Carter. For more information, please see our It's a funny moment but it doesn't correspond with what is known about the hammer - a person is either worthy of lifting it or the hammer doesn't move at all. In 1986, Marvel debuted Marvel Saga, an ambitious re-telling of the Marvel Age of Comics by historian Peter Sanderson, using actual Marvel Comics to tell the story of the Marvel Universe in chronological order. Hercules: The Titans headed the wrong direction because they assumed Zeus was on Mt. It seems the answer is yes. In Winter Soldier, Steve visits the exhibit dedicated to him at the Smithsonian Institution.He watches a video recording of Peggy from 1953, where she explained how, during the war, Captain . Astheend to Captain America's story, the reunion with Peggy is a perfect conclusion - but it did start a debate over how he then returned to the present day to pass his mantle to Sam Wilson aka Falcon. The Russo brothers explained that Steve lived out this life with Peggy in an alternate reality, butAvengers: Endgame's writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely said otherwise. It also seems pretty clear that the . Avengers: Endgame brings the story of one Captain America to a close, in a way thats both surprising and logical. Sam has no powers without his suit, which can't be said about Bucky who's almost as strong and fast as Steve used to be. Maybe not. In Marvel Saga #12, we learn the story of how Captain America joined the Avengers and Sanderson shows Namor finding Cap in the ice and Sanderson specifically adds in the bit that Namor's then-recently restored memory was hazy enough that Namor no longer remembered Captain America After a tangent where Sanderson went back to give us the background of Captain America's World War II adventures, the writer shows us Captain America and Namor fighting and Sanderson uses the aforementioned memory problems to explain why Captain America and Namor could not recognize each other For the most part, Marvel Saga just followed the established stories of the Marvel Universe, but every so often, Sanderson would come up with something new to make it all seem more coherent and this was an example of that impulse. 7 [deleted] 3 yr. ago Explains why sam got the shield. Avengers: Endgame is now available in Digital HD and comes to Blu-ray (opens in new tab) August 13. It was later revealed that the Captain America in that story was actually a different patriotic superhero known as the Spirit of '76. Maybe well get our own answered in the streaming series called Falcon and Winter Soldier which is in the works for the Disney+ service. The Sentinel of Liberty has been through a lot across his films from The First Avenger to Winter Soldier to Civil War and each Avengers team-up so it only makes sense that his story come full circle. Press J to jump to the feed. Rather, you would simply create an alternate timeline in which things are different at least thats what is suggested by the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton) when she tells Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) that an Infinity Stone leaving would cause an alternate timeline. The first hint came in Tales of Suspense #75 (by Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Dick Ayers and John Tartaglione), where we meet Sharon Carter for the first time, who reminds Captain America of his World War II sweetheart, Peggy Carter. Everything youre seeing is exactly his performance, just with his face aged. Especially when he says goodbye, Joe explained. Since Cap didn't tell Sam who his wife was, we technically don't know for sure. Why Didn't Captain America Mention Meeting Black Panther's Grandfather? It appears Peggy Carter was lying to Steve Rogers inCaptain America: The Winter Soldierand knew about his future. His writing has been featured at, the Los Angeles Times,, the Huffington Post and Gizmodo. There was a problem. But he eventually returned to pass . Bucky already has the answer to the questions Sam is going to ask. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. They were reunited after Steve was unfrozen, but only for a short while before Peggy passed of old age. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. CBR Senior Writer Brian Cronin has been writing professionally about comic books for over fifteen years now at CBR (primarily with his Comics Should Be Good series of columns, including Comic Book Legends Revealed). In Captain America: Civil War, Sharon and Steve walk back to a hotel after the funeral and before Sam Wilson rushes to tell him about the terrorist attack, Steve asks Sharon if Peggy knew. In Ant-Man (2015), we see a 1989 flashback in which Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) confronts SHIELD heads Howard Stark (John Slattery), Mitchell Carson (Martin Donovan) and Peggy about attempting to replicate the Pym Particles. Falcon and the Winter Soldier is a new series on the way to the Disney+ streaming service that will follow these two unlikely friends through new adventures. She tells Steve she has lived a long and fulfilling life before going through an episode where she thinks Steve has come back to her. Now, the directors and writers have confirmed that there was one other person who knew about the plan. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. However, the implication that Peggy lied to Steve inCaptain America: The Winter Soldieris only true if Markus and McFeely's ideas about the ending ofAvengers: Endgameare accurate. But if this is true, then that means Peggy is lying to Steve inThe Winter Soldier. Because he also paid Sam's mom a visit. Luckily for Johnny, this actually worked and Namor's memory was restored. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. We learn that Steve stayed in the past and lived . newsletter, Destiny 2 power level guide, all caps and Powerful and Pinnacle gear sources explained, The best way to increase your Power level in Destiny 2s new Lightfall expansion, Marvel still doesnt know what to do with its most popular hero, Spider-Man, Spider-Man endures, almost in spite of many Spider-Man stories, The official BTS Lego set is now available, I have never found myself so inexplicably attracted to a set of Lego Minifigs, Where to buy the Pokmon Go Plus Plus device, The new Pokmon Go sleep-tracking multitool will start shipping July 14, Sign up for the He appears to know what's about to happen. But if that was his own family all along, then this ending allowed him to keep his integrity intact while marrying his soulmate and fulfilling his future. The romance between Steve and Peggy was tragically cut short at the end of The First Avenger, and their eventual reunion was even more tragic when Steve later reunited with her as an old woman suffering from dementia. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Peggy Carter lied to Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier based on the writers of Avengers: Endgame interpretation of Cap's ending. Epcot Stan. His writing has been featured at, the Los Angeles Times,, the Huffington Post and Gizmodo. [Ed. Johnny Storm had recently quit the Fantastic Four in a fit of pique and when he came across Namor, he recognized the Golden Age hero and used his flames to burn Namor's beard off. She even mentioned that"even after he died, Steve was still changing my life." Today, learn why Captain America didn't tell T'Challa about how he met T'Challa's grandfather (also known as Black Panther) when Cap met T'Challa for the first time. Marvel Studios has already broken new. That doesnt negate their relationship. You cannot affect the future by going to the past. Initially it sounds like it was a random soldier that Cap saved, but could she have been referring to Captain America himself since technically he saves himself as well? "In Marvel's continuity" is important because Cap and Namor were part of the same team of . And, with some teasing that we could see Captain America again one day down the road in this new life, maybe only then the true answer will come. Inthe sequel, Steve visits an aged and sick Peggy, whonow appears to have liedto Steve as she knew of his ultimate future. If nothing else, it means that Bucky is ok with not being given the shield, so we don't have to feel to bad for him. See what EW thinks of the 'Avengers: Endgame,' starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Mark Ruffalo, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson, and more. Something went wrong. For example, if he truly lived out his life in an alternate reality, how was he able to return back to his own reality as an old man to hand his shield to Sam? Yes, Cap was injected with the super serum, but he didn't age because he was put on ice and frozen in 1945. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. However, amusingly enough, there actually WAS an explanation for why Captain America wouldn't recall Black Panther's grandfather (or being in Wakanda before). marvel marvel-cinematic-universe captain-america-civil-war Share Improve this question Follow People keep suggesting that Steve and Peggy were together in an alternate time line, but it doesn't have to be. Could the Avengers go back in time to kill baby Thanos? When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Directors Joe and Anthony Russo dont clear this up through the filmmaking after Cap jumps, the camera glides over to find Old Cap, who, if Hulk and Tony Stark are right, has been living under cover this entire time, a happily married man. This story was a revised version of the first meeting between Captain America and T'Chaka, T'Challa's FATHER in Black Panther #30 (by Christopher Priest and Norm Breyfogle). Dont you dare be late, Peggy told him as the aircraft plummeted into the ice. Wouldn't you tell your friends about stuff like that? Peggy Carter lied to Steve Rogers in Captain America: The Winter Soldier based on the writers of Avengers: Endgame interpretation of Cap's ending. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. This may have thrown some people off because in the comics Captain America doesn't usually age because of the super serum. We didnt change anything about it.. It's clear that he already understood what had happened, but now we know it's because Steve told him. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. It was established inCaptain America: Winter Soldier (2014) that Peggy ended up marrying after Steves apparent death and having children. With everyone thinking that Captain America is definitively gone, no one would suspect that future Steve is actually him. When Cap fails to materialize at the appointed time after returning the Infinity Stones, everybody seems shocked. Similarly, Cap and Namor teamed up with Human Torch 1953's Young Men #26 (by Don Rico and John Romita), but that, too, was determined to have been ANOTHER replacement Captain America named William Burnside. While many suspected that Steve Rogers would be hanging up the shield following Avengers: Endgame, the question of who would take it up was open. We know that future Steve went back in time to be with Peggy, as shown in the last scene of Endgame where they finally had the dance that they owed each other. bitches aint shit, but hoes and tricks. You will receive a verification email shortly. REVIEW: The Human Target #12 is a Thrilling Conclusion, REVIEW: Image Comics' Saga #62 Trades Sci-Fi Action to Study Grief, First 10 Villains To Become Heroes In Marvel Comics, 10 Marvel Couples That Will Never Get Back Together. But its likely that the Super Soldier Serum that granted him his powers also slowed his aging process. This also helps to, at least somewhat, answer another question that fans had. - Reddit; 3 3.'Avengers: Endgame' - Captain America Ending Isn't What It Seems; 4 4.Did Captain America and Peggy Carter Get Pruned After Avengers; 5 5.Marvel Won't Tell TFATWS Creator What Happened to Steve Rogers Remember after her funeral in Civil War, Cap mentioned that when he came out of the ice he thought everyone he'd known was gone. Hiding from soldiers looking for him, Steve sneaks into an office and sees an old photo of him on the desk. RELATED: Did Marvel's MCU Guardian of the Galaxy Ever Reconcile With Her Celestial Messiah? Another question some moviegoers have about this final scene is was that really Chris Evans as Old Man Cap, or a lookalike who was actually elderly? In the same movie, Steve visits a 93-year-old Peggy in the nursing home where we learn she has Alzheimers. Steve Rogers is a good man who would not have ruined a marriage and broken up a family, or even caused such a family to cease existing. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. Time with her is what hes always wanted, and its only natural he jumps at the chance to get it at the end of the film. That is also why the photos on Peggys nightstand were of only her and their children. Today, we look into the long-coming explanation for why Captain America and Namor did not recognize each other when they met in Avengers #4. Therefore, for a number of years, Cap and Namor's first meeting in Marvel continuity was in Avengers #4 (by Jack Kirby, Stan Lee and George Roussos), when Namor came across a group of people in the Arctic worshiping a man encased in a block of ice. Could that even mean that the MCU now exists on an alternate timeline? Could Steve Rogers have found a way to make the timelines realign? However, Marvel later revealed that Captain America was put into suspended animation before the end of the war, so he couldn't possibly have been part of the very much POST World War II story in All-Winners Comics #19. Of course, there's still a lot more to be seen from these two. These are all valid questions, according to the Russos, but we dont have answers to them yet. Still, maybe we will. When he wakes up in the 21st century and feels isolated and separated from everyone he once knew and loved if the deleted scene from Avengers (2012) is anything to go by. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. Does 'Avengers: Endgame' Have a Subtle Post-Credits Message? Steve could've married and been with Peggy in secret. Steve rejoins Peggy in 1949 to live out the rest of their lives, the happy ending they missed the first time through. Why doesnt he interfere in all the major tragedies and conflicts that we know about? The explanation for the two heroes not recognizing each other (and Namor not recognizing the concept of Captain America in general) are tied into other stories from the Silver Age, one before Avengers #4 and one after. Steve still carried a torch for her, even after her death in 2016, always remembering the promised dance they never had. Since she has a background in writing genre fiction and screenplays, Kath enjoys fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero films and shows above all - however, she likes to watch films of all genres. But there are still a few things about Captain America that don't quite make sense. Perhaps no character faced more theorizing about his fate than Captain America (Chris Evans), whom many believed would die in part because Evans had been open about retiring from the role. He watches a video recording of Peggy from 1953, where she explained how, during the war, Captain America saved a bunch of men, including a man who would become her husband. We did a lot of practical effects, so it was a very elaborate makeup job that was then augmented with CG, because theres certain things that you cant do with makeup in order to make Cap credibly that age., For example, he added: You cant shrink Chris Evans neck on set, you know what I mean? At the end of the film, Steve volunteers to drop off the Infinity Stones back to the respective movies they were taken from. The movie made sure not to show any picture of Peggy with her husband. And Other Comic Book Legends Revealed and Why Does Batman Carry Shark Repellent? When Cap was preparing to for the trip, which is only supposed to last a few seconds in the main timeline, his old friend from Brooklyn gives him a surprisingly heavy farewell. For instance, the whole where did Cap go? question could very well be answered in the animated What If series that Marvel is developing for Disney+, based on something its been doing in comics for a while. At the end of Avengers: Endgame, a 1940s-style car passed through the scene, confirming the era. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Theres one other piece of evidence that supports this theory. Some might have missed it, but even after Steve fails to reappear, Bucky doesn't look worried, he looks content. He then realizes the office belongs to Peggy and sees her through the window. Did Cap jump back in time before or after he rescued the father of her children? RELATED: Can Wonder Woman's Sword Cut Through Captain America's Shield? During this time, Peggy would be almost 50 years old. Wouldnt she recognize Uncle Steve as Captain America? But maybe it's just because he felt his home was gone and coming back to modern-day Brooklyn would be too painful for him, it's difficult to say. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. We always say this about Chris hes so technically sophisticated as an actor and you can see it in that scene when he plays an old man, Anthony added. Hes still got that yoke neck., Yeah, so [CG helps] things that you cant achieve, like the way the face drops, Anthony said. In Endgame, Bruce explained to the team some of the laws of time travel. Now we don't know the extent to which what Steve told him, but clearly, he told him something. We already know not everyone involved with the movie feels the same way, but neither explanation has been explicitly made canon so far. Of course, there are many reasons why Sam works too, but the movie just didn't devote a lot of time to fleshing out the process. Its because bucky is older and thus if he did bucky's mum, the timeline would be ruined 3 jotyma5 3 yr. ago Does anyone think Steve and Peggy had kids? Follow Cooper on Twitter @MovieCooper. The ending to the Marvel Studios epic has left fans with some questions, Credit: Zade Rosenthal/ Marvel Studios 2018. At the end of Endgame, Steve Rogers volunteers to go back in time to return the Infinity Stones to where the Avengers stole them from earlier in the film. Explains why sam got the shield. Did Marvel's MCU Guardian of the Galaxy Ever Reconcile With Her Celestial Messiah? In the latest Comic Book Questions Answered, learn why Captain America didn't tell Black Panther about meeting his grandfather when they first met. In that story, Namor is a homeless man with a long beard living in the bowery where the other bums mess with him, as they know that he is effectively impervious from harm. The information shared above about the question, TOP 8 why didnt captain america tell sam about peggy BEST and NEWEST, TOP 8 why didnt capitol police use guns BEST and NEWEST, TOP 9 why didnt canada join the us BEST and NEWEST, TOP 8 why didnt britain make peace with germany BEST and NEWEST, TOP 6 why didnt bereal happen today BEST and NEWEST, TOP 7 why didnt bella hadid go to the met gala BEST and NEWEST, TOP 7 why didnt bam do jackass forever BEST and NEWEST, TOP 8 why didnt ariana grande go to the met gala BEST and NEWEST. Bucky and Sam Wilson are waiting for Captain America to return, but instead, they find an old version of Steve Rogers sitting on a bench nearby. Captain America Vs. Thanos: Who Would Win? Because there's more to this story than meets the eye. KEEP READING: Did Marvel's MCU Guardian of the Galaxy Ever Reconcile With Her Celestial Messiah? If so, that would allow him to live in the shadows as Peggys secret husband who has been acknowledged but gone unidentified so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Past and lived out the rest of their lives, the Huffington Post and.! Past, and its probably more than just intuition about the plan he told him as Spirit! Or after he rescued the father of her children 's memory was restored Rogers inCaptain America: Winter.! Hottest Movie and TV topics that fans had, she mentions that her only regret is that Steve stayed the. To thin it all down did Marvel 's MCU Guardian of the Galaxy Ever Reconcile with her Messiah... Confirming the era now available in digital HD and comes to Blu-ray ( opens in new tab ) 13! With everyone thinking that Captain America to a close, in a way thats both surprising and.. America 's shield Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, Credit: Rosenthal/. 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