bro be quiet how would you feel if your wife bumped into a ex and got all happy over it? You dont think there are alpha women out there? It is simply to say let us not be so quick to judge those whose past may involve a high number of sexual partners. So try again to express your desire to know the truth no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow. What if they have lived within your value system for most of their lives, but had a couple of years that they were super wild for whatever reason? With that being said, this was really good! I am referencing a paper directly concerned with the subject, Premarital Sex, Premarital Cohabitation, and the Risk of Subsequent Marital Dissolution Among Women., If perhaps you had read my posts below from last year, where I referenced this study, you wouldnt have made the invalid assumption that I believe something is true because I say it is.. Many women (not all) but many women have gone through there Hoe Stroll (not trying to offend, just making a point). a man after sex, and not valuing her as the woman she is inside. So in applying it to what you just said. I get sick of people looking at women thinking they are wrong for what they do when men are praised. before getting to know me, my first thought would be Wow! Im selfish like that.LOL. I think you deserve to know the truth. Whether u regret it or not u did. Thoughtful. We have all sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. It is very refreshing to read something like this. Its more than you have. dont forget the emotional wear and tear, the baggage. Really man. So when a man does commit, he wanted to ensure that the woman he was investing his time and resources in was bearing his own children so that his genes were the ones being passed on and not other other mans child. It is much easier for a woman to sleep with a random man than vice versa. Dude, consider this: she's got the experience to know what she wants and what she doesn't want. And our son, how would he view women? And if he did, I would not be honest. He already feels guilty and deeply regrets disappointing you. Also women (and some men) get bored quickly these days. What a feminist wet dream Maybe it should not matter but it does. Would you still judge her as nothing more than a whore or was she simply a victim of a horrible act and didnt know or wasnt able to get the help to properly handle it. Probably not, but its still a shock every time I think about it. BUt i loved him so much i would have worked on the problem along with him, supported him if he was ready to move forward. But I see it that she has chosen me above her past. Men have conqiustadorian aditudes about many things including women. You could now be infected with some genetic disease that doesnt even run in your family. I just want men to explore a different perspective on this issue. If she is what you need her to be, but then you find out she had X amount of partners, well that shouldnt override who she currently is. When I was younger I was molested by two male cousins on serveral occasions until someone walked in. If i come up to you and say, hey wanna fuck ? ever since the sexual revolution the chances for marriage in Western society have declined and its exactly because of the easy availability of poontang( and the attitude of divorce court towards men).Should not matter ? Women should be honest, but we as individuals need to be more open minded and understanding. Now if the real reason you hold this against a woman is because you dont want to have to compete with the level of pleasure her past lovers provided, well you just need help then. One wished the best for me. Dont be fooled by the celebrity divorces which seem quick and fast. The gossip of slandering the girls name and calling her a hoe. The Virgin guy is one by choice. were. If alpha men dont want to get married, they certainly dont have to, as some believe it is an outdated institution, and with the number of slutty women running rampant these days, choose to take advantage of these short-term prospects. The fact remains that the women with the lowest divorce rate in our liberal Western culture (not an alien culture or religion) are those who are more educated, higher income earners and marry later. Im always a lady first and what I do behind close doors doesnt define who I am as a person. But until men realize that the more you all make advances towards us irregardless of what we declare we want, the more you promote promiscuity among your male circles, the more you all support the media that supports the sexual exploitation and objectification of women, then the more youll see women sleeping with a bunch of different men. She's independent, classy, carries herself well, acts like a lady, has standards for who she sleeps with, doesn't disclose unnecessary information about her sex life, and she certainly doesn't let men disrespect her, because she respects herself. However, he is a hard-working and rich man. What do her previous partners have to do with who she is today? So ask yourself: do previous sex partners have any real effect on a current relationship? Women did not have the choices they have now and had to abide with the double standard imposed on them. Instagram. I dont know. Also consider that all people who engage in a lot of casual sex have higher rates of depression and low self-esteem and lower rates of life satisfaction. And she is ten times prettier with larger breasts and better complected, better hair, better teeth, more intelligent, etc His wife would feel intimidated and feel she can not compete especially if the other woman dumped him and he had been in love with her. I think that sex is not the big factor of life, as a matter of fact I know sex is not the big factor of life. It wasnt until recently I started putting together clues that she had been with more. Now if she has actually slept with 80% of her male friends and she still associates with them, then I can see where that may be to tough of a pill to swallow. Start this quiz to find your result. Every man has to question how many men she slept with and isolate her and own her so she wont sleep around. If she does, thats okay! Men still have choices, and for men with self-esteem and standards, marrying a slut is not an option. All of these judgmental gender-based views and name-calling is the height of examples of sexism. Another point, women/guys who sleep around a lot seem to keep their partners as friends. So, until an individual gets over their own insecurities they wont be able to accept others for who they are and where theyve been. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news in your domain of interest. That to me just doesnt seem like it is the best way to go about things, but that is my opinion and I will respect yours. To give you all an example I will use myself because I honestly couldnt care less what you think about me. I'm not sure if she has cheated in the past and while I want to ask that could come off in a really bad way which I want to avoid. So Stephan following your argument, if you would find a woman who 5-10 years ago had a gangbang and half of the town where you live had sex with her but now she is a very nice woman and has changed her values, you will embrace her and take her as your partner without having any problem or concern? Be willing to compromise on some things, and she should be willing to compromise on some things as well. I just wanted to share so that some man one day can know hes not alone. Ive already had my experiences with other lovers and hes better than all of those other men put together!! Like legitimately, tell me why it matters. I will say though, that a persons past is their past and a more salient question is how many people have you slept with in the last year? or what is your attitude to sex right now?. Do you think that I can take her seriously? Some women do grow up but some still have the need to still sleep around even if they are married so over looking there past sexual habits and number of partners could lead down the road of heartach and waisted time along with a bad divorce and if kids are involved then a life time of drama and kids being neglected physically and finacially and Im speaking from experiance cause we talked about her past and I truly though she would make a good wife but it truly wasnt out of her system. Sleeping with a lot of people says something about ones character. I have heard from women sex is just sex then what is to keep her from having sex with anyone if it means nothing to her to have sex with just anyone. I was always very in tuned with myself, much more than any other woman I knew. Fortunately for me he had an affair Some women can have a very low number and be as emotionally damages (if not more) then other women with a much higher number. She's also in an art related major and I've always been drawn to girls who are artistic or creative even if I'm not entirely like that. honestly your vagina doesnt really strech out till you have a baby. So I went out into the world thinking that everyone just wanted to enjoy themselves and be happy but I was so wrong. Altamera what is an acceptable amount of men for a woman to sleep with before marriage to you? A womans body is different. And I prefer to date her for a while before I sleep with her. His Grace is so much greater than all of our sin! Should I apply for accomodation now or later? So this woman never lied about anything. and dont forget life is a stinky bitch, you call your friend in your house and he happened to be one of your wifes exes. I wouldnt want you to spoil any future postings and have you divulge any top secret information on my behalf. Tell me, what's the ideal number of people for your partner to have slept with before you? And she is the perfect wife! For example, if your first sexual experience is a violent one, pain could cause you to become numb sexually and emotionally. HOLD ON TO THE SPIRIT OF JESUS CHRIST. The raw numbers are there for anyone to see, and as anyone can see, there is a strong and direct correlation between number of partners for the woman and likelihood of marriage failure. Agrees. To bring YOU back to reality, every PERSON has both sides of the coin, not just men. One should not strive to be perfect. The funny part is research shows it has always been about the same, it was just that Women were able to hide it better. Im not judging her at all I believe there is no discrimination between guys and girls, and I agree that everyone has the right to do as they please. How is she wrong for engaging in adult like activity with another consenting adult? Maybe you think yes, but I say no, and I say that the actual number should not be the true focus in evaluating a potential partner. your mobile device and email, or tell them your whereabouts if their worried. I agree that people who have engaged in very promiscuous behavior have exposed themselves to the possibility of having one or more of the 5 issues you laid out. You assume that not being old fashioned means being a slut. think of the consequences of her actions. Shes going to be somebodys wife or girlfriend, because he values her more than his immature philosophy. womens promiscuity does not fit nicely into the fabricated utopia we I dont need booty call lovers hanging around, nor do I need or want others with a sexual desire lingering to get fired up later for whatever reason. Women are thought of being prudent and conservative. Who she was it not always who she is now. Intriguing debate between you & Altamera74, and as you state it is his opinion that he is entitled to. Africa, over 60,000 years ago and migrate to all parts of our planet, women had They are also more secure with the idea that if one relationship ends they can easily find another. You can go on and on about how oh men are sluts!! Yeah but we need to respect our bodies as men too. It is the best indicator of who someone actually isyou knowhow theyve actually led their life. So the numbers are irrelevant. The more you can talk rationally and openly to her, the better the relationship will be. I think a long period of live-in followed by a late marriage (girl around 32) would be effective insurance against separation in the future. I appreciated the honesty and had no problem with it. Not Females, you shall not fornicate. Its not a mutually exclusive proposition Paola. In addition, these so called beta men you speak of are men who actually are much more prone to have a family, take an active part in their childrens lives, and love their wives. Why must women be held to an higher standard than men? But one thing is for sure, I definitely wont each my daughter to be like me! I agree women would get jealous as well and prefer that men dont have much of a past that they have to compete with. I believe it is completely dependent on the person and what they are looking for. That is why at the very beginning I say I think it is best for people to wait with sex. Will you feel it is worth walking away from this amazing woman because a couple of years ago she was once promiscuous. It's four times the number of people that would be acceptable in order for you to expect virginity from anyone else. ok I understand where you are coming from especially with having to constantly worry about bumping into her sex partners. How can we embrace each other if we continue to hold over a persons head what they once did, and even allow it to overshadow what they do now. You are the very reason Stefan was inspired to write this article. You make a very good arguement and I like how you articulated it. Accross nations, the average man gets married 2 years after women get married. Having sex with your man . None of those reasons are truly about self respect and strength, or even being an alpha male. But if you only had one burger, that one burger would be your set standard. You don't have to carry that baggage. How many is to many partners for both men and women? Im dont want the mother of my children, the single person out of all of humanity that I choose to share the rest of my life with to have been used and ridden like the town bike. I have actually come . Ill be damned if I am going to kiss, have intercourse with this woman knowing or not knowing that the previous partners still lingers in there. People shouldnt be so quick to judge others. She is 30. However, a guy can be just as much of a slut as a gal. choosing to be selective in whom they sleep with. Then she hit me with the old.Those men were before I met you, they should not matter, it is all in the past. I still deal with the pain but I am far from the promiscuous young girl. Its refreshing. I wouldn't stress it so much had I not have something to compare her to. However, the more partners a woman has had, the more likely her marriage is to fail. I could care less but its true. I continued to live. So, I think it is a bad idea to encourage women to be promiscuous and to encourage men to date these women. That little double-standard pointing finger that got as part of your hand needs to do a serious u-turn back to the purity? Encourage people to better themselves? 1) difference between studs and hoes. I just still strongly believe that this idea of letting that number dictate where the relationship can or will not go is not the best approach in life. Ugh. I still disagree with your overall position on the matter. Don't you think maybe someone with a little more experience could help you? The fact remains, the more partners a woman has had, the less likely her marriage(s) are to last. Makes not a whit of difference to me. Also many people dont realize there are tips for men who are not well endowed to still be able to bring a lot of pleasure to their wives. A couple of reasons for promiscuity, and a couple of examples. The summary in red pill logic is a girl who has slept around a lot will have a lot of emotional issues and will end up cheating on you. I dont know if i should open up anymore or not. Im also pretty sure she wants to be with me and nobody else at this pointon top of the fact that shes cried in front of me and feels super ashamed. Sex partners have to do a serious u-turn back to the purity s are... Being a slut his Grace is so much had I not have the choices they have now and had abide. Couple of examples getting to know me, what 's the ideal of... Away from this amazing woman because a couple of reasons for promiscuity, and as you it... Altamera74, and she should be honest like how you articulated it wasnt until recently started... Feels guilty and deeply regrets disappointing you numb sexually and emotionally good arguement and I like how you it! The woman she is now daughter to be more open minded and understanding sex right now.... 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would you marry a girl who slept around