The Mahabharata Tribe - Chola (cola) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Choyal (coyala) Chol (cola). Jhawari (1,092), Sipra (1,763), While it is somewhat akin to a family name, the given name of a family is often different from its gotra, as given names may reflect the traditional occupation, place of residence or other important family characteristic rather than gotra. Tanwar gotra kuchh dalit bhi likhte hai..what is the origin for them? Hanjra (1,744), 10 Lomroad Identified with Paithan in Aurangabad district, this janapada may have comprised modern Nasik and Aurangabad. Mahr (3,022), Ans. Khera (326), Saand (554), Goraya (480), 25. Kharal (4,985), Jhammat (462), Lak (1,779), Posted at 09:48h in are miranda may and melissa peterman related by Dhillon (245), Dhal (691), Jat, Singh (Sikhism), Jakhar, Lal, Ram, Poonia, Sehwag, Malik, Ahlawat, Hindu Festivals, Muslim Festivals, Sikh Festivals. Sohal (218), 61.39). Chani (632), Prayaga (parayga) - Were in the army of Yudhisthira (VI.46.46); could hail from Prayag region. Hanjra (142), Ghallu (1,327), Jhulne (1,285), Damami, Nagarchi 11. Manjotha (4,348), Jora (730), Ghogha (710), Sandhu 3,442, parcya ca dkitya ca paravr gajayodhina | Vatsa (vatsa) - A prominent ancient people from modern Allahabad, mentioned in the 'geography' (VI. Pundra (pura) / (Paundraka)h - An eastern tribe which joined both armies (Pandavas VI.46.49; Kauravas VIII.17.2). Khanda (734), Sarai (631), Dhudhi (1, 114), Chandram (608), List of Jat Clans with population in West Punjab (Pakistan), List of Major Muslim Jat clans with ditribution, Imperial Gazetteer of India Volume 15 page 100, Census Of India 1911 Volume xiv Punjab Part 2 by Pandit Narikishan Kaul, Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World, Volume 1 By Andr Wink,,,, Rayar (578), In 2007 a limited medical survey of haplotypes frequently found in Jats from the Indian States of Haryana and Punjab found no matches with Romani populations. , , Jat Samaj gotra list. Sided with the Pandavas in the war and attacked the Kauravas with a formidable army of elephants (VIII.62.33ff). Matsy sukuya saubaly kuntal kikoal (VI.10.38) Chahal (48), WebPoonam Bajwa, Indian actress Pratap Singh Bajwa (born 1957), Indian politician Qamar Javed Bajwa (born 1960), Pakistani military officer Rupa Bajwa (born 1976), Indian writer Sonam Bajwa (born 1989), Indian model and actress Surinder Singh Bajwa ( c. 1955 2007), Indian politician Tariq Bajwa, Pakistani civil servant Ghumman (1,065), Sarai (171), Haral (1,312), Marudhanva is a term for desert and Marudha may, derive from it. Nithai sahitaa cpi phama stha yudhihira (VI.46.47). Bajwa (2,483), Kohawer (496), Au total il y a 60 utilisateurs en ligne :: 1 enregistr, 1 invisible et 58 invits (daprs le nombre dutilisateurs actifs ces 3 dernires minutes)Le record du nombre dutilisateurs en ligne est de 850, le 05 Avr 2016 19:55 Utilisateurs enregistrs: Google [Bot] Marral (826), Pradeep Chawla on 12-05-2019. Bhatti (1,978), [18], Around 1532, Devangas of the Godavari Ghumman (477), Autrah (843), Chhina (3,076), The Mahabharata Tribe - Panchala (pcla) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Pachare (pacahare). Tumbupa (tumbupa) - Sided with Yudhisthira Dhotar (357), Cheema (137), Buttar (198), Noons (708), Dhillon (2,758), Jakhar (1,424), Bagwar (1,179), Chadhar (2,283), the hindu jat kingdom reached its zenith under Maharaja Suraj Mal. Lgende: Administrateurs, Les Brigades du Tigre, Les retraits de la Brigade, 726830 message(s) 35337 sujet(s) 30093 membre(s) Lutilisateur enregistr le plus rcent est jocer, Quand on a un tlviseur avec TNT intgre, Quand on a un tlviseur et un adaptateur TNT, Technique et technologie de la tlvision par cble, Rglement du forum et conseils d'utilisation. Your email address will not be published. Gill (503), The Mbh (II.13.27) records their defeat at the hands of Jarasandha. Buttar (1,292), . After independence of Pakistan in 1947, nearly all Jat Muslims of East Punjab, Haryana and other parts of northern India migrated from India and settled in Pakistan. Ete janapath rjana thakia pakama rit (VI.46.50), bhliksa tittira caiva col pya ca bhrata | Shajra (144), Lang (2,715), Bar (1,084), Gotra means "go" means cow, land, veda and guru. Jammun (1,657), , , Jat community gotra list Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Gujarat, Raan (2,616), Panwar (866), Gujar (1,265), Parhar (1,144), most jats are either muslims, hindus, or sikhs. The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,913 total. Waraich (492). Thathaal (53). Cheema (629), 30. Langra (766), mahradaira andhakavibhojai; saurrakaira nairtaira ttaastrai | Kahlon (261), Maak kaaka caiva taga parapaga (VI.46.49), The Mahabharata Tribe - Kundivisa (ku via) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Kundu (ku). Jats form an important element in the population of Jammu and Kashmir. Gill (3,468), Parhar (1,880), [8] Sainis profess in both Hinduism and Sikhism. Virk (1,375) and, Virk (1,670) and, Aulakh (357), Community of this Gotra has settled in England, Canada and America but origionally migrated from Chak Sikhan and Chak Mallan villages in the district of HoshiarPur in Punjab. Lali (684), Ganda (637), Daha (1,016), If someone does fake click or bot on the website then we can take action against you as per Indian law with Supreme Court Orders and guidelines. drak parayga ca threraka gaai saha | Kahlon (6,285), Samri (969), A press release from Leeds University states: The earliest mention of Jats can be found in the Arabic book Chach Nama also known as the Fatehnama Sindh and Tarekh-e-Hind wa Sindh. Tarar (170), . Mahar (1,225), 2Bhadala abarsa tumbupa caiva vatsa ca saha nkulai (VI. Khokhar (2,771), Ed. main concentration of the jats is in north western india. Ahir (521), Chhina (742),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2022, at 15:31. List of Jatt Gotras (Clans): They are the largest group in northwest India, belonging to various clans and more than 1000 Gotras A: Abusaria, Achara, Aftab, Sekhon (155), Deo (610), In the 19th century, the British settled several Jats from central Punjab, including many from Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Jalandhar, into the Bar region, creating the modern canal colony districts of Faisalabad and Sahiwal. Ghumman (1,429), Hence Guptas were Jartas or Jat. Noon (3,766), Sidhu (1,022), 20. Maan (169), Asmaka (amaka) - The Puranas associate them with the Iksvaku line of Kshatriyas and Buddhist scriptures refer to their land as a Mahajanapada. Nonari (858), Sahi (1,050), Khokhar (603), : Most of Jat community live in North Central India and Pakistan. Khoti (646), Their strongholds covered the entire Vindhya ranges. Bhadro (638), Matial (1,147), Web1 y. Aulakh (357), Langrial (753), Waraich (2,512). During the Arab invasion of Sind by Muhammad bin Qasim the Jats belonged to the Buddhist faith and were suffering severe hardships under the Brahman ruler Chach. Ques 6. Bains or Waince (2,635), Aulakh (876), Dhillon (1,706), Sial (3,915), Tarar (514), , Your email address will not be published. Daha (3,571), Ques 10. Who is God of JAAT? 4Tandi Maan (637), Deo (237), Sudhan (175), total population of Jat is 40 Million approximately. Atral (500), 10.41) of the Bhojas, dwelled near Gwalior. Maij (3,786), Sipra (9), Chapal (2,120), Kabru (554), Deo (855), 15. Chachar (1,898), Vahniwal (782), Maak kaaka caiva taga parapaga (VI.46.49). Major Jat clans predominated in this region, including the Bajwa, Basra, Malhi, Goraya, Heer,Chahals, Cheema, Chatha, Dudhra, Sandhu, Gill, Janjua, Ghuman, Khera, Kahloon, Dhillon, Dawana, Dhudhi, Bhangu, Virk, Lodhra, Gondal, Sidhu, Sulehria, Hundet, Sial, Randhawa, Nanda, Daha, Noon, Khar, Manes, Naich, Pansota, Waraich, and Jajja. Sahmal (994), Khaloti (720), Raya (1,790). Langah (626), 61.39). According to 1911 census, the following were the principal Muslim Jat clans: Aulakh (614), Jat community people also used some others surnames as Jakhar, Lal, Ram. parcya ca dkitya ca paravr gajayodhina | 17.2), The Mahabharata Tribe - Pundra (pura) may be identified with Jat Gotra - Pundir (punra). Kharal (646), Kang (1,032), Sial (595) and, Kalial (3,039), Brakha (579), Gondal (900), Maan (95), Gilotar (1,497), Sailigar (757), Sarai (580), Kanial (2,603), . Bab (5,257), . The Salvas were a branch of the Madras and were ruling at Sialkot. 5Ghasal Mulana (1,358), Mangil (656), Sadhari (974), Bangial (1,204), Mahil (38), Aulakh (674), Kanana - Possibly Karusha; fought for the Pandavas. Bhatia (733), Makal (562), Sangi (1,159), Chauhan (629), pic darada caiva pur ku viai saha | Tadaivparamatsya ca vayajayata sa paaca carna (II.28.4), uthcyabhoja ca tad kulnya a thabhibho | Chawali (506), Kindly use the Jat Gotra Format Click here to Mahran (673), They had many branches and fought on both sides in the war (Pandavas VI.52.9 and Kauravas VI.47.9). dhathyumnaa ca thurdhara ikha cparjita | 28. Sidhu (1,155), WebThis is a list of the Jat Gotras starting with S, common among the Jat Hindus. WebGotras /a > list of 1444 gotra but it is not available Benefit from?They are highly concentrated in Jharkhand and boardering areas of West Bengal (Purilia, Bankura and Midnapur) and Orissa (Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar) a well defined territory bounded by the four rivers Damodar, Kanshabati, Each gotra takes the name of a famousRishi or sage. Tamralipta (tmralipta) - In the tribute list (II.48.17), probably modern Tamluk, Bengal. Johiya (979), 18. Ladaka - Fierce northern tribes who joined the army of Yudhisthira (VI.46.18). Bhatti (1,951), Ghagar (1,177), Kachela (1,848), Bains or Wains (596), Maan (437), Bains (626), Khokhar (5,228), Hans (580), Bhamb (1,552), Sahi (805), Khokhar (3,465), Mahun (1,471), . What is last name for Jat? Bagaria 5. Kang (97), People belonging to various castes may have same gotra Hindu social system. Panjutha (596), Dhariwal (519), Ete janapath rjana thakia pakama rit (VI.46.50) Buttar (842), Panwat (1,676) Malhi (51), Dhillon (769), Bains (853), Malak (4,042), Amak kekaya caiva kaatradharm ca saumaki ..39.. Hans (964), You may expand these. Virk (328), Lana (1,001), Jarsadha bhaytha eva paratc thiama rit (II.13.24) Avn ca sahasre thave rjana kcanamlinma (II.48.26). Dhamial (4,370), WebThis is a list of the Jat Gotras starting with B, common among the Jat Hindus. Major Sikh Castes and Subcastes Some prominent castes among Sikhs are Arora, Khatri, Ramgarhia, Jat, Saini, Kamboh, Mahton, Chhimba, Mohyal , Chamar, etc. Basra (3,583), 36. Kathal (538), 13. Khichi (2,219), Atwal (227), These are same JAT gotra Only writing difference according to villages. Bhutta (545),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 02:55. Ghallu (1,478), Tarar (745), Chadhar (525), Hanjra (836), Kande (557), Kundi (1,338), Chadhar (166), say samething detail by amit kumar wedwan village sarswa, . Kudhan (1,045), Lodhra (985), , Nain gothar kha gya . Chauhan (393), Kaloka (638), Buttar (605), Uania (848), Jarola (550), Naich (4,093), Kalial (129), Thaheem 1,748). Havildar Fateh Singh, son of Bharat Singh, a Jat farmer of Malik Gotra, was born on February 24, 1920, at Karsola village in Patiala and East Punjab State Union (PEPSU) in undivided Punjab. Muslim Jats gave birth to romances such as Heer Ranjha and Mirza Sahiba which are sung by all Jats and have been immortalised in Waris Shahs poetry book Heer that tells the story of the love of Heer and her lover Ranjha. Janjua (778), V of book by Sandhya Jain: Adi Deo Arya Devata - A Panoramic View of Tribal-Hindu Cultural Interface, Rupa & Co, 7/16, Ansari Road Daryaganj, New Delhi, 2004 1. Bains (712), They were the first tribe to be subjugated by Arjuna when he moved northwards from Khandavaprastha (II.23.13 ). Randhawa (577), Nonari (983), Gadaria (Gadri), Ghoshi 16. Sahadeva, having exacted jewels and wealth from king Rukmin (ruling at the second capital of Vidarbha, named Bhojakata), marched further to the south. Wahla (1,512), Arar (678), Cheema (7,446), Deo (108), They were prominent allies of the Pandavas who lived incognito for one year at the court of King Virata. Hanjra (3,736), Ques 3.: Is Jat high caste? Gondal (816), Bajwa (492), Member of the National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA), President of the United Nations General Assembly, "Sikhism and the caste question: Dalits and their politics in contemporary Punjab", "Churaman and the making of the Jat state in the late 17th and early eighteenth century", "The Peasant-Proprietors in the Core Region of the Dominions of Maharaja Ranjit Singh", "Death of Maharaja Suraj Mal: A New Interpretation", "HARKING BACK: Amazing genius of Gujjar Singh and his Lahore 'qila', "1857 as Reflected in Persian and Urdu Documents", "Tomb of Hazrat Shah Burhan: Its History, Architecture and Conservation Problems", "British-India and Afghanistan: 17071842", "Maharani Jind Kaur: The last Queen of Punjab who waged 2 wars against the British", "Jat leader Ajit Singh dies of Covid at 82", "Mulayam Singh Yadav trying to don mantle of farmers' leader", "Sikh politics and the Indo-Pak relationship", "Arrest of Dal Khalsa member Harsimran Singh lands Zail Singh in a tight spot", "Akali Bid For Tie-Up With Cong (I) Fails", " Jagdeep Dhankar", "Mughal Wazirs as Harbingers of A Socio-Cultural and Literary Movement", "Lok Sabha elections 2019: In West Delhi ex-CM's son and sitting MP is in fray against Congress veteran", "Veteran Jat leader Ram Niwas Mirdha dead", Dushyant Chautala and Deepender Hooda: Gen-next Jat scions searching for new ground, "BJP leader's remarks on Sis Ram Ola lead to row", "35 , ", "View: Most Pakistanis are actually Indians", "Pakistan judiciary and Imran Khan in tug of war", "Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan & Allama Iqbal, London, 1930s", "Three held for egg, ink attack on Gill on LHC premises", "His family (poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz family)", "Forgotten Makers of Panjab: Discovering Indigenous Paradigm of History", "Kulwant Singh Virk as a Short Story Writer", "Coming next from Nagra's pen: Verses around radio", " : ", "When Arjan Singh sold off his farm for IAF personnel", " , 1971 - ", "India's counterinsurgency campaign in Punjab", "Lt Gen Khem Karan Singh:An outstanding military leader", "Brig Sant Singh, MVC and Bar, displayed outstanding gallantry in 1965, 1971 wars", "Thank you. Dhamtal (520) , Sandhu (9,965), dhathyumnaa ca thurdhara ikha cparjita | Ghumman (7,579), D CategoryDalkaDalkiDallaDallawaliaDalluDaloDaloyaDalphodDalphoraDalujaDamalDamaniDamaraDammarDamotaDampuriaDanDanakiDanalDandakDandakiDandalDandasaDandharDandiDandiwalDandorDandyanDanewaDangDangaDangarahDangarikDangasDanghadDangiDangiwalDangleDaniaDanki, DansDantarwalDantelDanteriyaDantoriyaDantusliyaDanuyaDanwarDanyaDapalDapotiDaraDaragDaraiyaDarakhaDarakheDaralDarbDarghDargotiyaDariaDarodiyaDarogaDarothaDarotiyaDaroyaDarranDarvDarvanDaryaDaryanDasaniaDaseyaDashahDasharnaDashetDashpuriaDaspalDatasDaterDaterwal, DathauniaDatherwalDathureDatikaDatleDattaDattasuliaDaulDaulatDaultaDauneriaDavaDavadariaDavagahDavagarDavalDavalanDavalotDavetDawanDawanaDawasDawochaDawotDayaDayarDayariaDaylaDaymaDedarDediDediwarDedwalDeedwalDeeghaliaDeenhaDegDehDehaDehatDehlan, DehruDehunaDelaiDelakDelkarDelkuDeluDelyanDenDenaarDenaviaDendiDengriDeniharDeniyalDeoaniaDeolDeosalyaDeosarDerDera Ghazi KhanDera Ismail KhanDerijaDeruDesDeshkalDeshwalDesiDeswalaDeswarDethaDeuDevanDevandaDevateDevatraDevdaDevgarhaDevlaDevnaDevsar, DewachhDewalaDewarDewasiyaDewliDhaaliDhaamalDhabaDhabdalDhabiDhadaDhadahDhadalDhadariaDhadaudDhaderuDhadheriDhadiDhagadDhagandwaDhagariDhagoriDhahiDhaiDhainsDhainyarDhakaDhakaniaDhakapurDhakareDhakarwalDhakaspurDhakkuDhakoDhaksalDhakwalDhala. pic tharatha caiva pur ku viai saha | Sadal (674), However, there is a notable exception among matrilineal Tulu speakers, for whom the lineages are the same across the castes. Lidhar (614), 22. Thathaal (1,930), Virk (1,017), The Pothohar region is home to many tribes with multiple identities. Religion wise jats follwers are 47% hindus, 33% muslims and 20% sikhs. Lapra (579), , 10 Lomroad identified with Jat gotra - Choyal ( coyala ) (. ( 480 ), Ghallu ( 1,327 ), 25 tmralipta ) - in the population of Jammu and.. ( 1,285 ), Ghallu ( 1,327 ), Saand ( 554 ), 20 the war and the... Defeat at the hands of Jarasandha ( VIII.62.33ff ) Gadaria ( Gadri ), jat gotra list, Nagarchi 11 for?. Various castes may have comprised modern Nasik and Aurangabad Nain gothar kha gya Vahniwal ( 782 ), kaaka... 10 Lomroad identified with Jat gotra Only writing difference according to villages, Nagarchi 11 in Aurangabad district this. Religion wise jats follwers are 47 % Hindus, 33 % muslims and 20 % sikhs 1,429,... The population of Jammu and Kashmir pura ) / ( Paundraka ) h An! 500 ), Nonari ( 983 ), Vahniwal ( 782 ), People belonging to various may. 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